20 Telegraph Carrier Boys Have Tennis Team Which Asks For Games The Muench Street Station carriers of the Harrisburg Telegraph have formed a champion tennis team. Singles and doubles will be played with other teams. Any other Tele graph Station or any team under 17 years of ago desiring matches should get in touch with A. Albert Taylor. 2307 North Fifth street. Bell phone, 3539W, or the Munech Street Station, Fourth and Muench streets. New Home Treatment for Banishing Hairs r (Beauty Topics) With the aid of a delatone paste, j it is an easy matter for any woman to remove every trace of hair or fuzz from face, neck and arms, i Enough of the . owdcred delatone j and water is mixed into a thick paste and spread on tho hairy sur face for about 2 minutes, then rub bed off and the skin washed. This completely removes the hair, but to avoid disappointment, get the dela- i tone in an original package. T| Get j On Health^^^^ NUXATED IRON Master Strength-Builder Of The Blood Helps M*ke| 1 -—' Strong, Sturdy Men and Healthy, Beautiful Woman 3,000,000 People Uee It Annually RESORTS i AT ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. | noted rOR IT'S TA.BL.E j M|UERSR™?£'"°ANNEX 1 9™ISN.GEORGIA AVE.ATLCITY. N. \ j Scrupulously clean, electric lighted ; throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $2.00 up daily. 11l Up weekly. Estab. 40 years. Emerson Crouthan.el, Mgr. ~ THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean view. Capacity 350. Private baths, running water in rooms, elevator, etc. Amer. plan, special weekly rates. Booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. CHESTER HOUSE, 15 fk 17 S. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. Two sqs. from Reading Sta. 11.50 to i 2 dly; 19 to 10 wky. Mrs. T. Dickerson | tZ.SO up Daily. 14.00 nn Wkly. Am. Plan ELBERONJ & Fireproof A unex. Tennessee Av. nr. Reach. Cap. 400. Central; open surroundings: opp.Catho- ] lie and Protestant Churches. Private Baths RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS AMERICAN PLAN (with meals) $3.00 up Daily, $15.00 up Weekly lleat Located Popular Price Hotel NETHERLANDS New York Ave. 50 Yds. from B'dwalk Overlooking lawn and ocean. Cap. 400 Elevator; private ballis; hot and cold running water in rooms: table and service a feature SPECIAL FREE FEATURES BATHING PRIVILEGE FROM HOTEL LAWN TENNIS COURT, DANCE FL'll Booklet with Points of Interest mulled I AUGUST UUHWADEL, Proprietor HOTEL ALDER 0 S. Mt. Vernon Ave, Centrally located. American & Euro pean Plans. Fine rms. Excel, table. Mod. rates. Bathing from hotel O. 11. ALDER THE MAYNARD 10 So. Michigan Ave. Convenient to piers. Excellent table. Pleas, surroundings. Terms mod. MRS. T. PORTER. MOST AMIABLE HOSTESS IN TOWN j THE HAVER HILL 17 S. Illinois Avenue Near beach. $3 daily; 318 up weekly Mrs. Letitia Mathews THE SAN JOSE 132 St. James Place. Filth house from ; teach. European Flan. Terms attrac- ' live. 16th season. McNamara & I Hughes Owners. HOTEL CLEARVIEW 3217 Pacific Ave. 16th season. Ameri- ! tan Plan. Bathing from hotel. MRS. S. MEGAW. i HOTEL BISCAYNE Kentucky Ave.. Fourth hotel from Beach. Amer. plan 12.50 up daily; sl4 | up wkly. HARRISON HII'PLE, Prop, j HOTEL BREVOORT 18 South Carolina Ave. Near Beach and Penna. R. R. Large airy rooms. Mner. Plan 12.50 up daily. 115.00 up weekly Luder new management. I COURTESY, RUALITV, SERVICE. HOTEL KENTLCKV, KENTUCKY AV\. NEAR BEACH. j Euro. Plan—Rates, |1 to 13.50 dally. American Plan—l 3 to 15 daily; 316 ' t , (25 weekly. Elev,; eiec. lights; tel. every room; I run. water in rooina, private baths. I l'hone 3105. N. B. KENNADY. AT ASHLIIY PARK, N. J. THE HOTEL THAT MADE SHORE DINNERS FAMOUS Plaza Hotel and Grill On Ocean Front Asbury Park, New Jersey Headquarters For Auto Tourists European Plan Garage in Connection HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER PUT IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Hedge Clipper*—Grass Shears—Sides ard Edge Tools Sharpened All Kindt of Machinery Repaired FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Streets ' . " ' '"'• i •■ * FRIDAY EVENING. hikrisbdro tMhfel TmxmrAra JULY 11, 1919. Storms in France End With Big Guns Silent New York, July 11.—Lieuten j ant Ethan Armstrong, who ar rived here from France on tho 1 transport Manttou, said a notice- I ahle change of weather had come to France since the signing of | the armistice. "Meteorologists now attribute I the storm which continued dur ' ing the war to the heavy ex positions over the battlefront," | he ;usorted. ! ... Rear Admiral Dives Into Hudson and Saves a Seaman By Associated Prcus. New York, July 11. —When Rear j Admiral Harry McLaren Pinckrrey j lluse, commander of the rain force of tho Atlantic fleet, dived into the Hudson river last week to save a plain "gob," he did "Just what any officer in the Navy would have done," 1 the admiral declared when news of [ the rescue leaked out. t The seaman rescued was William |J. Buckley, of Chicago, bows man- of a barge which was about to take the i admiral and his wife ashore from the flagship Columbia. Rockefeller Is Growing Reckless With Nickels j Greenfield, Mass., July 11.—John D. Rockefeller grew reckless yester day with his nickels when he took a whole handful of them ami distribut ed them to the boys of the town as he was leaving his hotel on his way to Seal Harbor, Me., where he will spend the summer. Gnly one nickel was given for each ; hoy. It was accompanied by his good wishes. Mr. Rockefeller and John D., Jr., 1 and a party of sixteen arrived here i from Lenox by automobile. I ~ I Alkali in Soap Bad For the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair look- I ing Its best. Most soaps and prepar- I ed shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is Just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and Is better than the most expensive, soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough ly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, i which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust. dirt, dandruff ; and excessive oil. The hair dries ! quickly and evenly, and it leaves the I scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. I You can get mulsified cocoanut oil I at any pharmacy. It's very cheap, and | a few ounces will supply every mem j iter of the family for months. j To Overcome Redness, Tan, Freckles, Blotches i !lf your skin is unduly reddened, tanned or freckled, just dab a little | pure mercolized wax on the face j and allow It to remain over night. When you wash oft the wax in the morning, fine, flaky, almost invisible particles of cuticle come with it. Re peating this daily, the entire outer skin is absorbed, but so gradually and gently, there's not the slightest hurt or inconvenience. Even the stubbornest freckles are affected. The underlying skin which forms the new complexion is so clear, fresh and youthful-looking, you'll marvel at the transformation. It's the only thing known to actually discard an aged, faded, muddy or blotchy com plexion. One ounce of mercolized wax. procurable at any drugstore, is sufficient In most cases. IROMAN] 1 I BUY, SELL and I I ! EXCHANGE | I USED CARS) # Of the Better Kind f ( ROADSTERS I TOURINGS I ENCLOSED CARS ! C Trade In Your far for a later ' ' I >lo<lel or a Different Car I A Small First Payment and I 1 W You can Have the Use of Any Car Wc Have. I j Roman Auto Co. | I 203 N. BROAD ST., £ 1 PHILADELPHIA J % Catalogue Sent Upon Request. Y JOIN THE ANTLERS LEADS ALL OTHERS— None Better Kiiibodle.i all tliut is desirable in Frr. Timl Organizations Get Acquainted Willi its Objects Headquarters, llarrlsliurg Range nil I'D North Nixtl St. Hell Phone 121311 W. S. DICKERSON, SR., National Organizer JACOB BIXLER, City Organizer i^spoßnneh-news* YORK COPS BEAT BIG JOHN HESS I Chicken Waffle Dinner Help ed to Defeat Local Blue coats on Island Although encouraged by many hundreds of capable rooters, the Har risburg Police yesterday feel hard for the York squad, led by Mayor Hugentogler, chief of police. John F. i Buttorff, a number of the York mu i nlcipal magnates and a bunch of j fans from the York county metropo | lis. Big John Hess was selected for i the tiring line, and while there was ! no money wagered on his effort it was reckoned that he would put the vacuum cleaner on York so tight that it could not breathe. Alas, Big John turned out to be in company with Jess Willard and when the of ficial scorer was finished York had the big end, 8-6. Harrisburg made a gallant start, unscrambling two runs in the very first inning, but that tinished them until the seventh. Pat Hylan made a brave effort to put the game on ice but his blow ' was skyward and a | York fielder did the rest. Murphy then singled to center and was brought home when Williams tripled to left. Cunningham grounded to short who fumbled the ball and the runner was safe and Conners flied out to the pitcher. Hollands then singled to center, scoring Williams and Harrlsburg's left fielders and Cunningham were brought home on Fetrow's double. In their half of the second, the York cops came back strong and scored six runs on' as many hits. Stitler opened up with a single to center. Grove was hit by a pitched ball and Swartz singled, filling the bases. Wilt then doubled, scoring Stitler and Grove" and W. Stevens walked. Swartz and. Wilt were brought home when Kane hit to left for a base. Kane and W. Stevens both scored when A. Stevens and Reily singled in close succession. Conners then relieved Hess and the side was retired without further trouble. York scored another run in the fourth on a base on balls and two singles, and added another in the fifth on a base on balls and a single. The score: HARRISBURG R. H. O. A. 13. Hollands, l.f 2 1 0 0 0 Fetrow, c 1 1 10 2 0 Romich, 3b 0 0 2 0 0 Hess, p 0 1 9 1 0 Hylan, 2b 0 0 b 4 0 I Murphy, s.s 1 1 1 2 0 j Dye, lb 0 0 2 0 0 Fry, c.f 0 0 0 0 0 I Williams, c.f 1 1 1 0 0 | Uowery, r.f 0 0 0 0 0 Cunningham, r.f 1 0 0 0 0 I Conners, p 0 2 1 5 0 Totals 6 7 27 15 0 YORK R. H. O. A. E. Wilt, lb 1 1 11 0 1 W. Stevens, s.s 1 0 2 2 1 Bamblitz, c 1 2 6 2 1 Kane, 3b 1 1 3 4 0 Reily, r.f 0 3 0 0 0 A. Stevens, c.f 0 1 1 0 0 Stitzler, p 1 3 1 4 1 Grove, 2b 2 2 3 4 0 Swartz, l.f 1 1 0 0 0 Totals 8 14 27 16 4 York 06011000 o—B Harrisburg .... 2000'0 040 o—6 Two-base hits, Wilt, Fetrow: 3- base hit, Williams; struckout, by Hess, 2; by Conners, 6; by Stiteler, 2; base on balls, off Hess, 2; off Conners, 1; oft Stiteler, 1; hit by pitcher, Fe trow; stolen bases, W. Stevens, Stite ler. 3; A Stevens, Bamblitz, Hylan, Grove, Murphy, Cunningham and Hollands. Umpires, Hlnton and Shickley. Upper End Ready to Welcome Home Veterans Lykcns, Pa., July 11.—Everything Is booming for the big celebration to the homeomcing soldiers which is to take up three duys beginning July 20, Sunday after rrext. All the committees are working overtime and daily bulletins, putting forth all the nfiws are apearing daily from the pen of H. E. Bufflngton, who is publicity manager and general "pep" producer to the other committees. The big event irv the celebration of the four valleys is the military day, which is to be as closely as possible a replica in detail of canton ment and overseas life. Lleuts. lloff and Zigncr are organizing that end of it, and expect to put on the most exciting and realistic trench scene that has ever been attempted in this country: In fact, it Is warranted to make the natives of Lykens and Wiconisco feel that they are back be fore the 11th of last November. Everyone In the vicinity is pushing as hard as he can to make the cele bration the best in the State, and from present indications they are going to have Just that kind of a party. Several hund-ed discharged soldiers are assisting In the prepara tion- of the program. BELIEVE MAN I.OST I.IEE IN FIRE Investigation of the ruins of the barn of Walter Muggins, near New Buffalo, which burned yesterday, re sulted in the discovery of human bones. It Ih said that they may be the remains of an old-knife grinder, who "was frequently seen in tho neighborhood, and the discovery of u tin box containing emory dust, would seem to make this possible.' Efforts are now heln-g made to sub stantiate this theory. COUNCIL RECEIVES GENERALS Purls, Thoursduy, July 10. The ' Allied Supreme Council received to- I day General Naulln, of France; Gen eral Dirohllant. of Italy; Major Gen eral Sir 11. E. Watts, of England, and Major General Charles p, Hum. | literal), of the United States, form ing the commlslson to investigate re cent Incidents at Flume. The com mission will leave Paris to-morrow for the Adriatic. TITTONI NEEDS SUPPORT Home, Thursday, July 10. pre inler Nlttt and Foreign Minister Tit. tonl held u most important meetnig at the foreign office with leaders of the various political parties to-day. The uttttude of the foreign mlnlater at the Peace Conforenee relative to Italian usplrations was the matter under discussion. It Is the feeling here that Hignor Tlttonl will need the support of ull parties to muster the sltuutloii, FOUR BURNED IN MINE III,AST W likes-But re, Pu., July ||,- p our men were severely burned I* a gas explosion In the No 15 mine of the l.ehixli gnd Wllkes-Barre Coal Com - puny at Plymouth yesterday, I . New Rabbi and Cantor to Take Charge of Services Interesting services are promised to-night at the Chtsuk Ernuna syn agogue, Sixth and Forster streets. There will be a new cantor. Rabbi Yore, of Buffalo, New York; also Rabbi Kapltn, of New York, who was recently culled by this congre gation. The services to-night will start at 8 o'clock. A special musical program is in preparation by the new carrtor. There will be services to-morrow and Sunday. To-morrow tho pro gram will start at 8 o'clock in the morning And continue until noon. On Sunday the services will be held at the usual hour. Rabbi Kaplltr will 1 preach at the services to-monow and I Sunday. Sims Made Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor Washington, July 11. —Rear Ad- I miral William S. Sims, who com- I manded American Naval forces in i European waters during the war. ! was decorated with the rank and Cross of a Grand Officer of the Le | gion of Honor yesterday at the Navy , Department. Only two other Ameri can naval officers, Admirals Henry I T. Mayo and William B. Wilson, hold j this rank in the legion of Honor. Lieutenant Commander James G. Ware, who commanded the Ameri can destroyer Truxton, which en gaged in a battle with the German submarine U-56, near Brest, was | made a Chevalier of the LegloA of Honor. New Steamship Line Between Denmark and Mexico Is Proposed Mexico City, July 11.— N. F. Tron coso, Mexican charge d'affairs In Norway and Sweden, has informed the government here that he has arranged with a syndicate of Dan ish capitalist to establish a steam ship line between Denmark and | Mextco. Naval Clemency Board Reviews Courts-Martial Washington, July 11.—A clemency board, consisting of Secretary Dan iels. Read Admiral George R. Clark, Judge Advocate General, and Com mander Frank B. Freyer, Assistant Judge Advocate General, now is en gaged in reviewing court-martial sentences imposed during tho war. Many punishments, involving prison terms or fines, are being mitigated or set aside by the reviewing board. The hoard found In many cases that punishment, while well deserved In time of war, might be regarded as too severe now that hostilities have ceased. Secretary Daniels announced to day that not a man was executed as the result of naval courts-martial during the war. In several cases, he said, courts-martial recommended the death penalty, but in each the reviewing board commuted the sen tence to imprisonment. WIND DOES DAMAGE The most serious results of the high wind which accompanied the storm last evening were tho un roofin-g of the house of John Ferber and the Fackler barn in the vicinity of Ltnglcstown. Very little harm was done to the crops by the violent downpour and this was more than offset by the beneficial results of the rain, which came after several weeks' of drought. TO WELCOME VETERANS •The Rockvilte United Brethren Church and the Heckton M. E. Church will hold a Welcome Home reception this evening to all return ed soldiers of the two communities. The reception Is to be at the Rock vllle school, where there will be mu sic and ice cream and cake on sale. FALL FROM HAY RACK FATAL Lancaster, July 11. —Falling back ward from a haywagon while load ing, George Schaeffer, aged 57, a farmer of Neffsville, had his neck broken and died instantly. The horses started forward unexpectedly and Schaeffer lost his balance. RETURNING FROM PALESTINE Solomon FonnrofT. a nephew of Mrs. J. Arch. Kunkel and Cowden streets, has written his aunt that he will soon return to Harrisburg from Tel-Aviv, Jaffa, Palestine. He will take up an engineering course at State College. NEW RECRUITING OFFICER Walter E. Hayes is now In charge of the local Navy recruiting station, relieving J. J. Royle, who has been ordered to sea duty. Mr. Boyle has been here for several years. The new officer announce.4 that to-morrow morning the enlistments for the U. S ,S. Nevada will close. Looks Like Old Prices Women's Shoes. SI.OB a pair, 214 to 4%, We have hundreds of pairs. See window. Come at once. HAINES, The Shoe Wizard, -102 Broad St. "BEST MEDICINE FOB WOMEN" What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Ohio.—"l suffered from Irregularities, pains in my Hill iirniliiliiiii.il al(le Rnd Via ho weak at times 1 could hardly get around to do my work, and J| as 1 had four I Sail ,n my family ItuSSu an d three U'lfEflPqU boarder* u nmde It very J hurd for me. f /. ' Lydla E. Pink ham's veg e- table Co in - pound was re commended to me. I took It and It has restored my health. It Is cer tainly the best medicine lor woman's ailments I ever saw."—Mrs. Sara 81IAW, H. No, 1. Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this medicine and wrote this letter in order that other suffering women tuay find"relief as she did, Women who ure suffering as eh* was should not drag along from day to day without giving thla famous root and herb remedy. Lydla E. Ptnkhem'e Vegetable Com pound, a trial. Fur special ad vie* in regard to eueh ailments write to Lydlu hi. Pink hum Medicine Co.. iLynn. Muss. The result of it* forty feara esperieim* la at juur eerviua. j MANY BAILORS CALLED I Great lakes. 111.,. July 11. Prep arations were begun to-day ut the i naval training station here to dls ' patch four thousand sailors to Bea . within the next few days. Tho or der of the Bureau of Navigation was received yesterday and the first con ( tingent will be started for the Atlan , tic coast to-ffight. It was said that demobilization of reserves had i thinned the ranks of the warships $ 16.75 \ Sale of High Grade Suits L for Men and Young Men AT Wm. Strouse's Store s) Saturday Morning READ THE BIG "AD" ON PAGE 11 * well, you smoke some Camels as 18 cents a package quickly as you can! Camels' expert blend makes all this ally aaalad package* of 30 cigarettaa; or delightful OUality DOSSible. YOUT D6r ten paekagaa (300 cigarettaa) in a glaaa- , ti . . ine-paper-covered carton. Wa atrongly SOlial test Will prOVO that Camel Ciga recommend thia carton for the home or , , , ofdce .uppiy. or whan you trarai. rettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet "• j ' "w™""",™"" 0 ca your taste! Compare Camels for quality and , u i m satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price 1 * _ i . -i.. of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets and that the order was made "rush" to meet tho urgent need for manpower. TO CONTINUE THRIFT STAMPS Walilngton, July 11.—Sale of thrift stamps, which ut 25 cents apiece pro vided $966,023,121 toward financing the war, will be contin-ued perman ently by the treasury, Secretary Glass announced. K NB*L J?®**® VJFTYN TIES YET ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. ALL SHADES. 1 Ushtl B K H Bf JFF M 1 1 ACARANCET ASK YOU* FAVORITE DEALER POR 1 k t'• & ktf[J "OARLING" HOULTICMT ROUGE, 351 A BOX J I ROU™*™ PH K^ R YORK J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers