12 " The Live store " " This Is The Store En I A J OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mink th I See The $10,000.0 | $24.50 li v S The Most Wonderful Disph MM*M |Wvwmwwwwrmw(t ' !%*%%*%••>%>%%%% %1 3 July C lothing Reductions-DOl ;. . ... . > , ... •■ y • ;v ■* '' * * k % *"' yy* The start of this "Big Sale" was a success from the very 1 . j minute we opened our doors last Saturday morning And we have been exceed- a ij\ ingly busy ever since There hasn't been an idle moment This wciek has gone spinning by so * §* * rapidly that the days almost seem like hours Like a steady stream the customers have been flow- if j, mll P|i ing into Doutrichs. This sale has been gathering momentum daily, each day far exceeds the pre- 7i# " if Ml 41' l I I H vious day's business and the marvelous increased business we are enjoying through this successful' sale will go down in the history of the store as one of our greatest achievements. iL ; / >i"ll i If' 4 N 1 t 1 I There are many kinds of sales, real and imaginary throughout the N f country, but the reason we get such a great volume of business is because we " never " fool the people. When a customer comes here we have what we advertise—plenty of it ■ — In the past few days we have had at Itl 1•] least a dozen customers who came here to buy merchandise after they had been disappointed elsewhere We believe ■' // Ifj || i in "backing up" all we agree to do We never back down with a lot of excuses Doutrichs have the confidence of J fll | the people through square dealing, honest representation and greater values and truthful advertising. Talk about jr ..^ clothing at low prices! You and your friends will be surprised as well as agreeably pleased when you come and see the f . 1 extraordinary clothes we are selling at July Reductions The most gratifying thing about our reduction is this We reserve nothing. How very many times do you go for an advertised article then when you get there after hurrying down town, the salesperson smiles pleasantly (it takes a very artful smile to allay the feelings of a provoked customer) twmm and says, lam very sorry but we just sold the last one, we have something else that is just as good Now, at - l^a^MpF^Tj Doutrichs we believe in selling the customer just what they want —So come here expecting to find the very suit you expected to buy for it's here and included in these reductions are all (C'' WUI * Hart Schaffner & Marx, iPjjj '^iST Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes WfflyMll i ' \ Every day the manufacturers are sending out letters and 1 Iffiffill li! telegrams advising the clothiers of advance prices —So don't fool yourself, in a few I \' 11| m<: Jif ■|f ill f 1 months from now you may be paying higher prices for clothes than you expetted to —Here's your , |/|||| 7|i MwR iii'tP'tj ||| 1 protection, prepare for emergencies while you have the opportunity to buy at "Genuine Reduc- £. '|'ii iSr t TfflF |lll( 't I \ * itions." You say—Why do we sell at such low prices in face of all these market conditions Well, !i%ll ®llilniti all | P? our policy is to clean house by disposing of everything within the season in which it was bought. >|f If || t $ Wh jyßpH J j U So, regardless of conditions or what it will cost to replace them, they must go. 11 J i < Every Suit in Our Entire Stock Reduced j AM $25.00 Suits .s2l .SO AH $40.00 Suits ■ $32.50 All $30.00 Suits $24.50 All $45.00 Suits $37 50 A 11 AA ,ss.ssssssssssssM ft aisisa...ss4>A.4AA4****A****A*Mi*.isi.ssi |nillinininuiuuuul^ All $35.00 Suits gp All $50.00 Suits $41.50 ! AM $38.00 Suits S3KO All $60.00 Suits *49*50 ! All Boys' Suits a All Hof c Rprliirorl i! We are going to equip hundreds of B< VJ bAU. W AAd LIJ iVvU UV/C VA 11 tainty that we have the kind of clothes boys like —Aj I well and who needs to guess where most men buy? Why, Douti . : risburg Here are the prices for good clothes 304 Market I IftbllliUMiMI 1 *• 1!! StrMt ff "LIaI M P >- All $13.50 Boy.' Suit. sl l sO FRIDAY EVENING, - &AHRISBTJRG TEXEQKXPa JULY 11, 1919.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers