6 INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WILL CELEBRATE GLORIOUS FOURTH National Holiday Parties at Country Clubs Will Attract Members and Friends The Colonial Country Club promises a flag tournament as a special feature of the Fourth of July celebration there on Friday, with tennis, bowling, cards and dancing on the wide veranda to the music of the Vpdegrove or chestra of seven pieces. The steward will serve luncheon from l to 2 o'clock, and a chicken and roast beef dinner from 5:30 to 7 o'clock to all those who order it in time. At the Country Club of Harrisburg there will be informal open-liouse luncheon at noon and table d'hote din ner from 6 to 8 o'clock with informal dancing following. Afternoon tea will also be a pleasant feature of this club s celebration. PLEASURE AT BEAUFORT FARM Rhrman B. Mitchell and Miss Mary Mitchell entertained the employes of Beaufort Farm and their families last evening at dinner at Beaufort laidge. May Hawkins, of Findley. Ohio, tests were enjoyed all through the even ing. Mrs. Russell Miller, of Kdgewater. West Shore, is enjoying a brief visit at Pen Mar. J. WeddingFlowersj Plant Decorations [ If It lias to do with i Flowers or anything the f "grows," consult us— } THE BERRYHILL j Locust Street at Second j [Come On In the Water] Is Fine I Shower and a Swim in the Pool i I For the Summer Months, 50c I I WOMEN'S DAY—Mondays, I | 10 A. M. to OP. M. r Open All Night For Men j | PENN-HARRIS TURKISH BATHS | J Russ Building I q1 Your Special / 6 Representative ? 0 in New York City • I ! "Oh, here's Miss Sachs," remarked a New • 0 York manufacturer recently when I walk- 0 a ed into his show room, "the lady from a V Harrisburg who selects each model with • 0 a certain customer in view. Your clientele 0 1 certainly ought to appreciate that kind of a service, Miss Sachs." " 0 0 • Of course he exaggerated/ I don't select I j U each model with a certain customer in " A view, but Ido buy a great many that way. ' Q . Time and again I catch myself exclaim- • j 0 ing: ' 0 no y "Oh, that's exactly suited to Mrs. Brown's Z i Q coloring." Or "Wouldn't Miss White look 0 • stunning in that color?" And that's how Q y the speaker gained the idea that I bought ! A everything for certain specific individuals. j • But one thing is sure, after you've dealt A 0 here awhile you'll be surprised to discover • a items in my stock which seem to have 0 • been made just for you. And the fact is A 0 it will have been bought for you. There • a is of course no obligation to take it. But 0 • probably it will appeal to you so strongly A 0 that you will, just the same. • a 0 i '' ID This store will be open all day tomorrow (Thursday). ji a 1 Closed all day Friday, July 4th, and Saturday, July sth. IU —j So he will know what a 1 jljl ""' '""^™ \ heartbreaking job his wife has tt— to g Q through once DOES THIS SHOW EVERY WEEK HERE IS Al? IDEAL WASHDAYS? M E ON Use a Voss Free Next Week A CL HDAY APPEAR ' OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE—THE LARGEST IN THE CITY NEIDIG BROS., Ltd. South Second Street WEDNESDAY EVENING, Members of S. A. E. Society Esjoy Dauphin Houseparty Members of the S. A. E. Society, of ' Central High S9IIOOI, class of 1919, have returned to their homes in this ' city after a week's houseparty at their j Dauphin cottage. Mrs. Charles Al i bright and Mrs. Annie Monroe were ! chaperons for the parly, including j Ethyl Mummert, Annie Siemons, Ueor j gianna I'arthemore, Dorothy Shefffley. I Frances Todd, Mildred Wells, Kathleen j Martin, LeXore Fulton, of Duncannon. Eyler. Ida Frock, Helen Stoner. Blanche i The following guests spent Thursday | evening at the cottage : Sterling Har : ris. Behind Diehele. Charles Hennofaus, ' Ray Dong, of Dauphin ; Walter Hauck, lof Enhaut; Paul Huntsberger, Anothony j Wilsbach. John Keller. Carroll Walden, l Jerry Frock and Charles Albright. Mrs. William Meinel who is visit j ing her mother, Mrs. John Groff at ! Mt. Gretna, sails in August for j China to visit her relatives, Mr. and j Mrs. A. L. Groflf, formerly of Old i Orchard. I Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Munce ! and Thomas E. Munce, Jr., of 1034 South 18th street, are home after a motor trip through New England. Miss Lucy Munce, a student of Smith College, accompanied them on the return trip. Miss Mary Enright, Miss Helen Enright and Miss Nancy Kesack are enjoying a ten days' motor trip through the Blue mountain range. Kenneth. B. Clyde went home to j Pittsburgh this morning after a week's stay among old friends in the I vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hcbert F. Wise, of Pittsburgh are visiting their rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Hut ter, of North Third street for a few days. Miss Estelle Ramsey went home to Portland, Oregon, a few days ago after spending several months in the East, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edward G. Young in this city enroute. Miss Grace Bender, of Buffalo, N. Y., is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Caldwell of Market street. Miss Helen Zimmerman, a mem ber of the faculty of Pnn-Hall, Chambersburg, is home after a trip to New York, and will visit in the West during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, of Camden, N. J., are visiting Mrs. Mrs. Jones' parents. Mr. and Mrs. I Park Shearer, 1822 Bellevue Road. Roger Irving and Paul M. Irving, |of Rochester, N. Y„ are visiting ! their sister. Mrs. Richard B. Fellows I of North Third street. ! Miss Elizabeth Lealtway, a stu i dent nurse of the Presbyterian Hos ; pital, Philadelphia, who visited her j grandmother, Mrs. J. J. Nalen at 423 i Herr street, left to-day for Bangor, I to be a guest of Mrs. J. D. Grant. Ralph Fordney, of Natchez, Miss j issippi, is in the city for a month's i stay among friends of his"boyhood. THE ROWERS-SIPE HOME WEDDING i Ceremony Performed Yester day by the Rev. V. T. Rue, at New Cumberland There was a pretty home wed ding in New Cumberland yesterday when Miss Jeanette Mae Sipe, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sipo, ol Bridge street, was united in mar riage with Harry L. Bowers, by the Rev. V. T. Rue, pastor of the Baugh man Memorial church, who used the ring ceremony. The bride was attired in a frock of pink Georgette crepe with pic ture hat to mutch and carried an arm bunch of pink and white roses. Miss Esther Bowers, the bride groom's sister, wore a dainty white frock and hat, and carried garden flowers. Raymond Westhafer, ol New Cumber'and, was best man. A wedding supper followed the service, served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Sipe, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bowers. Mr. and Mrs Maurice Dunkle, Miss Esther Bow ers, Miss Flory Bowers, Miss Evelyn Garber, Clarence Bowers, Raymond Westhafer. The bride, a gifted musician, is a graduate of the New Cumberland High school and the Central High of this city. Mr. Bowers, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Bowers, ol New Cumberland, recently returned from France, where he served with Company K, 112 th United States In fantry. After an Eastern wedding trip, the newlyweds will reside at the bride's home. * Miss Julia Graydon and Miss Alice A. Graydon, of 1709 North Second street, are leaving the last of the week for Buckhill Falls in the Po eonos, to remain for the summer. Miss Esther Wilson, of Kennctt Square, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harris B. Wilson, at 934 North Sec ond street. Mrs. Charles J. Wood. Jr., and Miss Evelvn Wood, of 2218 North Third street, left to-day for Atlantic City, where they will spend two weeks with New York friends at their cottage. Mrs. Sharon Stephens has gone home to Sunbury after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Fairchild Bushnell at 812 North Second street. Miss Dorothv Whittaker, of Sec ond and Hamilton streets, is at tending the summer assembly in the Poconos, with a party of school Sij's- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Myers, of 1(00 State street, spent the past several davs in New York city. Mrs Myers is home while Mr. Myers is making a business trip to Scranton and vicin- Miss Frances Burtnett. of North Sixth street, is home after an ex tended western trip of six weeks, going as far as Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Thomp son went home to Memphis, Tenn., this morning after a short visit among relatives in the West End. Joseph Wright and Miss Elsie Wright, of Brooklyn, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer B. Grant, of Penn street. Walter Marvin and Miss Kathleen Marvin are stopping for a while with their aunt, Mrs. Percy Houser, of Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Fortenbaugh, of 1713 North Second street, came home from Schenectady, N. Y., a day or two ago, where they were visiting at the home of their son, Samuel Byrod Fortenbaugh. Top Segeant George Sutton, who has been stationed at Camp Stew art, Newport News, Va„ for several months is at his home, 1440 Market street, for a ten days' furlough. Miss Edna Sprenkle, of North Sec ond street, has gone to New York city to attend the summer school of Columbia University. Miss May Penman, of .Mount Cnr mel has taken the position of ofliee secretary at the Y. W. C. A.. Fourth and Walnut streets. Miss I-.au ra Garni an, Mrs. Edna Mann and Miss Sylvia Zerbe. teach ers of the city schools, are attend ing the summer courses at State Col lege. > READ THIS UNSOLICITED ENDORSEMENT Hershey, Pa. 6-21-19. Rubin & Rubin: Enclosed lint" payment in full for my glasses, which I .received O. K. and which give me splendid benefit. I feel very grateful to you Mr. Rubin for the greut relief they give me, as 1 have had no head ache since I wear them. I certainly cannot praise your work enough. Thanking you again, I am, Mrs. Chas. W. Kocher, 54 Derry Road, Hershey, Pa. We can do the same for you. There will be no charge for examination neither will we use drops. RUBIN & RUBIN 320 MARKET ST. Over The Hub; Hell I'lione 42-j Open Wed. nnd Sat. Kvea. KMtnhllfthed 15 Year* ' :. / - - HABKISBURa (tO#® TELEGRAPH Miss Clark Entertains Members of C.A.o.Club Miss Sabra Clark entertuined ! members of the C. A. O. Club of I Centrul High school last evening at | her home at Dauphin. Hammocks, | benches and cushions were attrac | tively arranged on the lawn where the girls enjoyed an informal good I time. Dancing and music afforded : part of the evening's entertainment. Tiny hugs were given as favors and i refreshments were -served to these guests: Miss Helen Wall, Miss Margaret Landls, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Miss [ Katherine Kelley, Miss Lillian i SpeaHman, Miss Helen Leady, Miss i Ethel Fornev. Miss Helen Wallis. | Miss Ruth Richards, Miss Martha 1 ! Cress well, Miss Helen Miller, Miss i Anne Miller, Miss Agnes Hess, Miss j Mary Alma Allen. Miss Evelyn Speakman, Miss Ruth Beatty and ! Miss Katherine Braekenridge. Triangle Club Dance Tonight at Willa-Villa I I The Triangle Club will hold the sec j ond of its series of summer dances this ! evening at Willa-Villa. Hall s Super- Jazz Orchestra, of Wtlkes-Barre, will j be on hand to furnish spirited music I for the dancing, which wfll begin at i 8:30 o'clock and last until 1 o'clock, i when a special car will leave for the I city. A great number of acceptances have been received by the committee in charge of arrangements and if pres ent indications hold good the event will be the best of the season. ENTERTAINS CANADIAN GUEST Miss Jeannette Bachus, of Canada, will arrive here to-morrow to be the guest of Miss Marian Strouse, 1632 North Second street. On Saturday. Miss .Strouse will entertain at luncheon at the Penn-Harris in compliment to Miss Bachus. Both Miss Strouse and j Miss Bachus are students of the Mrs. | Scoville's School, Fifth Avenue, New ! York. .MOTOR I RO.M BOSTON Dr. and Mrs. John Oenslager and Miss Betty Oenslager. of the Riverside i Apartments, North Front street, are | home after an automobile trip to New | England. At Exeter they attended the | commencement of Phillips Academy. : where Donald Oenslager was a member | of this year's graduating class and at I Harvard Cniversity Dr. Oenslager at j tended a reunion of his class. (.BESTS AT OWL COTTAGE ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Martin, I Miss Co relit Martin, Miss Irmadelle | and Miss Churleen Martin, j 1212 North Fifteenth street, and William H. Jones, of France, have , returned to this city after spend ing some time as the guest of George W. Mumma, Sr., at the "Owl Cot | tage," Alt. Gretna. PRIVATE ZETTLER HOME j Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Zettler, 931 South Nineteenth street, has return ed to his home in this city after serving overseas for eleven months with Battery B, Tenth Field Artil lery, Third Division. He saw active service at St. Mihiel, Verdun, Ar gonne-Meuse and was also with the Army of Occupation. GUESTS OF MISS REIDLEMAX I Miss Mary Maxwell, Miss Eliza- I beth Woods, William Heinltsh, Rob ert Brown and Joseph Brenneman, [ all of Lancaster, will be the guests of Miss Katharine Beidleman over the weekend at the Beidleman coun : try home, "The Elms," near Dau phin. TO STUDY IN BOSTON 1 Miss Annabelle Swartz, of the [Central High school faculty, leaves Saturday for Boston, Afass,, to at- I tend the summer sessions of the | Emerson College of Oratory. j Mr. and Airs. Edward Willis, 2032 I North Fifth street, have returned ] after spending the weekend at the j "Goldenrod Cottage," Alt. Gretna. I Mr. and Mrs, Howard Shelley and Miss Rebecca Lydla Shelly, 221 Boas street, are visiting friends and rela tives in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hunter, 303 Woodbine street, are spending a few days at Alt. Gretna as the guests of Mrs. Alartln Golden. Leland Baum and his daughter, Miss Clare Baum started to-day for a western journey, stopping at Chi cago and St. Louis on the way to Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Charters went home to Portsmouth to-day after a week's stay with Mr. and Mrs. Simon V. Jackson of Green street. Miss Florence Abson has gone to Newark, N. J., after visiting Aliss Sara Carpenter of Cottage Ridge. Charles Hassler started for a southern jaunt this morning, ex pecting to stop at Old Point Comfort and pleasure resorts in that vicinity for a week or two. Air. and Airs. Rupert Newton, of Toronto, Canada are guests of Air. and Mrs. Ramsey T. Willetts of Penn street. Mrs. Frank J. Consylman. 224 North Third street, left the city to spend the remainder of the summe rat Pen Mar. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Doutrich, of Mid dletown, have gone to Mount Gretna for their summer vacation. Mrs. Charles Holsberg. 610 North Second street, and Mrs. Paul E. Dout rich. of the Shope Apartments, are among the local people, who aVe spend ing their vacation at Mount Gretna. Miss Caroline Hahn, Cottage Ridge, is spending two weeks in Chambersburg. Mrs. Helen B. Buffingt.on, 1009 North Third street, is visiting friends in Buffalo, New York and Erie. CRIPPLED SOLDIERS GOES TO HOSPITAL FOR OPERATION Columbia, Pa., July 2. Private Paul R. Smith, who lost a foot i n battle, in France, and who was taken to a hospital at Rahway N J for a second operation, is just re covering from an attack of inter mittent fever which followed close on the operation. He has been in i the hospital practically all the time since his return from overseas, and has shown remarkable courage in battling disease as he did 4n facing ; the fire of German machine guns ! He is one of the youngest men in i Lancaster county in the service dur ing the war. Demoralizing The junior partner was harried. "I shall have to get another typ ist." he lamented. "Miss Talke is continually interrupting my dicta ; tlons to ask how to spell a word." | "Dear, dear!" said the senior part. : ner. "That seems a great waste of I time." | "It's not that I mind." responded the other, "but It's so bad for dis cipline to keep on saying, -T j„ n .[ know'!"-Tit-Bits. ENJOYS BIRTHDAY AT 'BREEZY HILLS' Mrs. inna Madcr Receives Gifts '{in<l Congratulations From Host of Friends Mrs. .Vnna Muder celebrated her sixty-first birthday anniversary at "Breezy Hill," the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mader. Many friends gathered in honor of the occasion, bringing with them a shower u f beautiful gifts. The house was decorated with roses, daisies, larkspur, and ferns. Games, music and dancing were features of l "e evening. Dinner was served to these guests: Mr. and Mr* Norman Monahan, and daughter Helen, Mr. and M''. John Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. William Doblin and son Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Sansom and son, Rich ard Fox.' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoopes, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Madcr and children. Frank and Richard. Mr. and Mrs. William Mader and [children Samuel, Charles. Alice and [Lloyd George, Mr. and Mr 3. FranK | Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mc- Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Hat- Held. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Brestie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Stemler. sr.. Miss Carrie Stemler, Miss Anna Kroh. Mrs. David Sherman, Miss Mi i nerva Sherman, Miss Margaret Lau ver, Mrs Harvey Mottor. Mrs. Eliza beth Stuart, Mrs. William Hamaker, Miss Bertha Stemler, Miss Hazel Benner. of Newport; Miss Jean Saul, Miss Ruth Smiley, Mrs. Adelaide Martin and son George, of Altoona. Miss Hettvo Stemler, Mrs. Elizabeth Snell, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Otto Fox, Mrs Millie Holohan. Harvey Kroh, William Waltz and Stiles Ma der. AX NOI'NCE MARRI ACT Mr. and Mrs. Leo. F. Kriner, 2424 North Fifth street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen V Kriner, to Benjamin 1'• Brandt, of Steelton. The ceremony was performed in the Little Church Around the Corner, New A ork ( it/. •Monday, dune 26. Mr. and Mrs. Brandt will he at home to their friends Jnlv 10, after a honeymoon sent in Atlantic City and New York. ""^fecsgSTOßK ml£t XTaccon^pan'ed bynam J* to ain accuracy.] Air. and Mrs. James Walker, of Edgomont. l'cnhrook announce the birth of a son, James Henderson Walker. Jr.. Tuesday, Jul/ E • Mrs. Walker was lda May Hawkins .of 1- indley. Ohio. Mr and Mrs. Ellis B. Greene, of Cortland N Y.. former llarrishurgers, Announce .he birth of a daughter. Sara Marie Greene. Monday. June 30. 1919. Mrs. Greene is remembered hep. as Miss Esther Bradley. \ Pail Missing "Rantinpion Roarer, the eminent tragedian, will not be able to pla> , 'Richard 111' tonight. j "What's the trouble? Isn t he up | In his lines?" . . ~ "Letter-perfect, but the stupid property man has mislaid the royal hump."—Birmingham Age-Herald. Lots Georgie Io It "How does Lazenby play golf?" "By proxy. He sends the caddie over the course, while he sits on the club-house veranda." —Boston Trans script. Quite Amicable "Why did you quit your job? Did you have a disagreement with the boss.'" I "Oh, no, not at all. I told him I had to have more money or 1 would quit, and he said that was mutually satisfactory."—Boston Transcript. Antique "This furniture is antique." "Yes." "Did you inherit it?" "In a way. My grandfather bought i it from a man on the installment ; plan, and I took over the payments." j —St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Having recently returned from the j Army, 1 will resume practice at | 321 Market Street, over Kennedy's j Medicine Store, about July 1. H. C. SPRAGG, | Dentist. j Dr. R.L .Perkins llos Reopened His Offices nt 2001 N. Second St. } Consultation Hours: 2 to 4 P. M. (1 to 8 P. M. COFFEE PEANUTS j 213 CHESTNUT ST. t SENATE HOTEL ; Under personal supervision of I Fred B. Aldlnger. furnishes a I most excellent Table d'Hote Luncheon j Daily IL3O to 2.30 —At 75 Cents — Also a la Carle bill of everything in the market dellctously prepared Chicken and Waffle Dinner Every Thursday Get Your Upholster ing Done H the IJJ jffi : " Man Who Does the Work You can save a great deal A GOOD SELECTION OF TAPESTRY, LEATHER & OTHER COVERINGS W'e do Renerai . umiturc repairing In all branches. PROMPT ATTENTION We also buy and sell second-hand furniture. Newmark & Cown 308 BROAD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. Hell 4,05-lt Dial 4820 I C jxestown Heroes Are Honor Guests at Dinner 'he returned soldiers end sailors ®T the Coxestown Methodist, Episco- R Church were the honor guests at ! eception and dinner given in the "kj rch hail. The speakers for the j e '< it were the Rev. John G. Davis, I J V. Miller, a veteran of the Civil | Spunish-American Wars, C. F. ! Gt< enawalt, Miss Edna Mae Buck-| w '*ller and the Rev. G. M. Klepfer, the Riverside Methodist Church. | '""leant George Hepford, who saw j ac l4e service and was injured by a jfiijhine gun bullet, thanked the honie folks in behalf of the returned boyt for the support given them. 'wo of the lads. Charles F. lvrebs ond George Strohm, who were sent °"t from the community, paid the i s "l>reme sacrifice and the others j who saw service were: 1-eo Gruber, George Hepford, "Wil- I liani Hepford, Harry Clouser, Harry Behm. Andrew J. Heck, Otto M. Garnian, Clarence H. Shutto. John Shtntz, Charles Fitting, John I. My or -\ Samuel Myers, Abner Leonard, Miles A. Moyer, Johh E. Meas, Wil liam Krebs, John Strohm, Arthur O. Henry, John Morgan, Charles Stauf fer and John Stoner. HOSAX-KING BRIDAL Miss Ivy Alay King and Charles William Hosan were united in mar riage last evening at the parsonage °f the Augsburg Lutheran Church, the Rev. Amos Stamets officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Hosan will reside at North Sixth street. IRIS TROOP MEETS Iris Troop. No. 8. Girl Scouts, of Messiah Lutheran Church, will hold Its weekly meeting on Thursday even ing. at T o'clock, at the church, instead of Friday. if ~ \ Dinner Wednesday Eve., July 2 Stouffer's Restaurant •• J*. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50c Chicken \oodlc Soup Creamed Chicken Pork (°hon M I Plaint llanitiurg Stcnk, toinatoed ltoant Beef Unshed or An ({rutin Potatoes I.iinn ilenns Egg Plant Salad lee Cream, Pie or Padding Coffee, Ten or Coeon I * -ft if ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ * * J Music for the Glorious % Surely you will want music for your Fourth of July celebration, and of musical instruments nowhere in the city will you find a display ' equal to that shown here. J Pianos and Players * Of recognized leading make to meet every price requirement and many rebujlt instruments priced away below their real worth. Pianos as low as $165; Players as low as $390. Any of which may be paid for on very easy terms. * j July Records and Music Rolls S jt of new, popular, patriotic) dance 111 I and classic selections ready NOW J I COME IN AND HEAR THEM PLAYED j * J. H. Troup Music House y Troup Bldg. (Est. 1881) 15 S. Market Sq. J * #■* J*** * * * * * * * * * * ** * JULY 2, 1919. Honor Charles Blessing Home For a Furlough There was a delightful gathering at the home of George P. Satchell, 905 North Second street, Monday, in honor of Charles K. Blessing, home for a ten days' furlough from the U. S. S. Texas. Dancing, games and refreshments ■ I were enjoyed by the following | people: the Misses May Shoop, Mil ■ drcd Snyder, Alice File, Mildred lteel, Edith Hockley, Helen Heel, Louise Yuengling, Wesley Booth, Frank Iteisch, Jay Motter, George W. Satchell, Charles E. Blessing, I Earl Bolton, Joseph Fox, Newton | Swails, Thomas Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blessing, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Satchell. i llth Annual Summer Session | Harrisburg Academy! July 7-Aug. 15 Open to Boys and Girls j For students planning to enter High School or j College in September who need additional ! courses. 'i Individual Instruction No Big Classes > In charge of Masters with years of experience. Call Harrisburg Academy Bell 1371-J. or Bell 2325-W. HOWARD R. OMWAKE t • ATTENDING CONVENTION Miss Edith L. Hoover, 100 Ever- I green street, left yesterday afternoon for Chicago to attend the national convention of the Alpha Chi Om<"rfa Sorority of which she is a memDer. Miss Hoover expects to visit for about a month in Indiana and Mt. Oarniel. ADOJNO MACMIML^S The natural ten-key-board mmmmmmJSrm—— 0 % f|oo ' Toucli^^j^^^^UP^rWriting | System ! You can just see how easy it would be to figure on this ■cientifically arranged key-board. Only ten keys arranged in natural one-two-three order. Makes the touch system of writing a reality. 1 See the Sundstrand perfetm en yeur figure jub. Ytu 'will tee figure nvorb ynu never theught ptniblt en a mere machine. Geo, P. Tillotson 205 Locust St. (Opp. Orpheum Thenter) H AltlllSftlßfi, PA. Iloth I'honcM , SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHtNE CO. I General Office and Factory. Rockford, Illinois <
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers