OPEN ALL DAY —j-if j- -j y- B , _*f ' STORE CLOSES THURSDAY, JULY 3RD SATURDAYS.AT SIX BELL 101 2356 BMTED HAURISBURU. TUESDAY, JULY 1. 1019 FOUNDED 1871 I A Millinery Event Of Importance 1 Are a s Cool a s They The Month of Opportunity | j 0 Qne Hundred Women I Are Handsome Every year, thrifty people plan to do a lot of pgj shopping in July, because it is the great clean- if 1 f\r\ up month, when stocks are sold out to get ready jjj J_ (J(J (Jf (Jilt* F lflCSt \ H quite ornate; but all are susceptible to every breeze, for the new season. /gSgSSßfigs A p| anc * as co °l as they are cool-looking. But this year there is a far greater reason why (jj ' T ] * T) J A r T s ' 18 *"= July is a wonderful month for economical shop- Pi \ IvCQUCCG lO f As the cost of all sorts of labor goes up, the S $7.95 11 \MC jS Labor is the largest factor of cost, in raw pro- jj| Hats of finest imported hair braid in such |jj| " ducts as well as in manufactured products, and £pj shades as orchid, sand, rose and purple. A m Avv .tIl/f^A/~pzj ATX. wherever the hand of man _pr woman touches a tej variety of the new large shapes. Transpar- N . a \ commodity in the process of its manufacture^ it en t hats in dressy and semi-dressy models. / ' V/ - fo L e * , _-. . / jSfeattte \ Nay y blue silk hats with embroidered brims. / \ rfj White galatea smock with blue trimming and pat bo you will have to pay more next Fall, for u : / h Hats of georgette in light and dark colors. 51 ent leather belt, smock trimming; also a linen crash almost everything you buy. . UJ 1 Also a number of fine black straws with wing I **|T w\ * ffi smock with dainty smocking, smart pockets and But todav and all this month, our store is uy 4, ,5,/ trimmings. a WTfiy \vf m belts* SI 98 FILLED WITH WANTED GOODS, selling JJ \ \ M w 'P r r', ,• f < at the PRESENT LOW BASIS OF COST, and 83 \ This collection presents many varying \ W l/ Pi „ Wonderful me of crepe de chine and georgette 1 .i , j , • , A i L \ a WmiW , , ,7. . 5 . 1 , "J vdiyuig \ e m crepe blouse, braid trimming, embroidery and lace every item, whether at a special July styles of definite charm and beconungness. ffl with a variety of collar effects ; $5.00. price or not, ofiers a LARGE PRICE SA\INC, yy The opportunity of securing one of these new m , , c c •, , , r at . when compared with what you will need to pay §3 summer hats at this price is indeed remark- nfa i 16 ° U v .? : , blouses J ol ' tbe bot summer for the same goods in the Fall. ffi \ able when you note the original price tickets R da / s ; ™ lth cool co larless round and square necks, Thrifty folks — who read the signs of the times ® Av on each hat is at least once again as much as / 1 * ace an * rimniln g> s• • will BUY EVERYTHING POSSIBLE NOW, $ / \ the sale price, $7.95. / \ ffi Another lot of fine fresh trench voile blouses with and lay it away for Fall. gj I \ f sA lace, embroidery and dainty frills; $2.49. Then, while every price in the store is low, we i - .llfef. \ A hnt/f C/) TT, 11 rnt C OC *1 Cl* B Fresh crisp voile blouses with embroidery dainty make special July Prices on scores of things, pj f j SI I'(J 111 D'' 11 Clio (It tucks, square neck and round neck; $1.98. and no foresighted man or woman will miss the \ TX\ , , ~ , . , , ~ , \ ffi Dainty colored blouses in solid colors and stripes, opportunities presented -except at their large M \ V\\ M-% > These hats are all very desirable tailored \ h/jjg&J ffi tailored cuffs and collars, self trimming and also loss when they buy later on. M VVA //// "°dels 'hat have been selling at a very much jggg&jM&l ft ; trimmi in daint ros b , fks g and , • g y higher price. Very special, $3.95. P $2 25 to $2.98 BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. - BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. Women's Summer Union o""'Z, TMay, Suits, 69c 7 A special lot of women's light weight union Medium Weight Silk Plllll t"lg —The BoSt FoOt 1 suits of fine cotton. Made sleeveless with band For*W3.rd 111 Pumt3S top and tight knee. An attractive value at the j • -• ty • ' price of 69c. Regular and extra sizes. vpl •L*7 13.1T AflH OvfofHs BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. ~~~ A. fine lot of women s full fashioned thread silk The walking of fine raMnmieffinMi —— stockings. Seconds but extraordinary good ones. summer days calls not j||S^jjj^!j£ L OCll OUIIIIIIcr lisle feet and tops. An opportunity to make good looking shoes. Just Tsitnp" iinTlOnS good savings in silk stockings in black and such you will find our new Futurist Underwear %Vhlte ' sl ' 29Pa Bo TO .- s -M.,n<r. : fuTrerUonUmupwnd no danger, no matches, no powder; $1.2! the comfortable French ° v °' I heels. Bangsite for loading; 15c. Spark plugs; 10c. ror W omen H I3r2TS Practical pumps and ox- What boy is there who doesn't look with longing o fords which have been jFjl* eyes toward, one of these cannon when he sees them BFor The Jolly Fourth J very important requisite. j Cannon; Bowman's have them." | heel^ 24x36-in. on sticks, 35c. 30x48-in. on sticks, 60c t-> TIT" L J • Printed all over flags with canvas headings— IFIC W CjOOCIS Tdm/pI T*' p 2j/sx4 feet, 50c* 3x5 feet, 75c 4x6 feet, $l.OO With this season's difficulties in obtaining good Sewed stripe with printed union, heavy canvas deliveries of merchandise, just at the wanted mo- Now is the time to take headings: 3x5 ft., $1.00; 4x6 ft., $1.50. ment, we are justly proud of having the newest an inventory of towels and Bull Dog flags: 3x5 ft., $3.00; 4x6 ft, $L00; sxB fabrics come to us daily. In this manner causing no stock up if your supply is /^N ft., $6.00; 6x9 ft., $7.00; Bxl2 ft., $11.25; 9x15 ft., and content ~ running low, so that your // Utmidpd^ Wool iLntmg 3xs $5^25^ 4x6 SwiS * organdies; a " newest In^he'y&r ft.. $3,00. Q Hemmed Ripplette bedspreads; light and dur- 30-inch Costume Crepe, plain ground with Dolly Brown Turkish bowels, especially adapted fo A new lot of Futurist Undergarments in pink and able for summer use \ arden ligutes, 45c }d. _ use by mechanics and railroad men, 60c each, white batiste. Bodice top with ribbon strap or arm- Size 62x90, $2.25 each ; size 72x90, $2.50 each ; 36-inch Silk Mixed Foundation Silks; full line of Cotton Huck Towels, bleached and hemme< hole. One style made in a very fine checked mar- size 80x90, $2.75 each colors ; 59c, 69c and 79c yd 12K.C, 15c and 17c each. tuisette Hemmed crochet bedspread; very desirable Union Linen Huck Towels, subject to slight mi for bungalow and summer cottage; $1.75 and ai i rZZZ ~ stains, 35c each. • O ailQ bowman's—second Floor. THURSDAY, JULY 3RD Part Linen Crash for kitchen towels, 19c yd. BOWMAN'S— Second Floor. —— ——— _____—————————————__J BOWMAN'S— Second Floor, _ ~ , - 1 197016 .. 4 TUESDAY EVENING, HAJtRISBTTRG TELEGJOPS JULY 1, 3
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