Musical Foundation Created by Juilliard May Have $20,000,000 I New York June 28.—Friends of A. : D. Juilliard. the merchant, whose will bequeaths the residue of his vast es ! tate to further the art of music in America, said to-day that the Juil liard Musical Foundation created by ■ the terms of the will may have at it ■ disposal as much as 820.000,000 —the largest gift ever left for music ir, this country. The purpose of the foundation to i be created according to the terms of his will is to help worthy students of music, educate them either here or abroad, give entertainments for the DUPLEX TRUCKS ,CostLcs s ;Per Ton-mile, Duplex Lowers Hauling Costs Owners' records show that the Duplex-4-Wheel Drive Truck lowers hauling costs from 20 to 60 per cent. The records were compiled on Duplex performance in Comparison with horses and mules and other trucks. Everywhere the Duplex proves that it lowers ton-mile costs. And the Duplex goes through loaded where a two wheel-drive truck would stall empty. The Duplex drives with all four wheels and the self locking differential makes certain that it will pull itself so long as one wheel has traction. " The double reduction gear drive enormously increases the power when called on in an emergency. We ask businessmen to allow us to demonstrate the Duplex and to look over owners' records. HARRISBURG AUTO CO. Fourth and Kelker Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. DUPLEX TRUCK COMPANY, LANSING, MICH. It Is Economy to Drive This Quality Car You get better service, greater satisfaction and enjoy exclusive advantages in addition to having a sound investment of lasting value * rPHIS perfected Touring Car repre- items ordinarily listed as extras, even -l sents the most advanced motor car on the most expensive cars, achievements, new-style design, up-to- _ date improvements, proven mechanism, . * arge act °" es ' devoted exclu together with exclusive features that sively to automobile parts, are affiliated make it efficient, comfortable, and of with and contribute to this car. There long-lived service— * ore i reaier value is possible for less money. All at a moderate cost. Our exclusive Moore Multiple Ex- It is made for five passengers, but haust System prevents dead' gas. from there are two folding auxiliary seats in choking the engine, the tonneau. The front seats are v • individual, with an aisleway between. ° Ur " , nger °P erate the emergency brake. " hen not ' One hundred separate parts have lCrz v e:u opcsuspcndedneady r dim r ttd , in ,? it non-rattle and solid. This Minute Man Six includes many Come and see for yourself. C. E. DENNIS, Distributor Sales and Service: 121 South Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Sub-Agencies Open In Counties Adjoining Dauphin Count,. Investigate Lexington Motor Company Connorsville, Ind." U. S. A* SATURDAY EVENING, ! Five O'clock to See Big Exhibition Game at West End Today yU Fourth and Scnooa Streets this afternoon at 6 o'clock West End and Engineers and Firemen hook up in a battle for a show which does not count In club -nnndlng. Beth teams are on edge to put up a star battle Just as bough fighting for title. education and diversion of the pub lic and to assist the Metropolitan Opera Company in the production of operas. Y.IU.C. A. ENTERTAINS WOUNDED SOLDIERS- 1 C_ ~*!8BBipY aR- WmMmUs&mmamM;! IP i 6L. &<& * •* . .BB -'a -• •. \ BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL, LEAGUE Yesterday's He-suits Cincinnati, B; Pittsburgh. 2. Chicago, 3; St. Louis, 2. Brooklyn at Philadelphia (rain) Boston at New York (rain.) Standing of the Clubs SI sr , W. L. Pet New York 34 18 .654 Cincinnati 34 21 .618 Chicago 31 2 6 .543 Pittsburgh 30 26 .543 Brooklyn 26 29 .452 6t. Louis 25 31 .446 Fhila 18 32 .360 Boston >... 18 34 .346 Schedule For To-day New York at Boston. Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. Chicago at St. Louis. AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Detroit 6; Cleveland 1. St. Louis, 4; Chicago, 1. Philadelphia at Washington (rain). New York at Boston (rain). Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. New York 32 16 .666 Cleveland 33 16 .623 Chicago 33 22 .600 Detroit 27 26 .509 St. Louis 26 26 .600 Boston 22 28 .440 Washington 21 32 .396 Athletics 13 36 .265 Schedule For To-day Cleveland at Detroit. Chicago at St. Louis. Washington at Philadelphia. Boston at New York. SCOUT COUNCIL WILL MEET TUESDAY EVENING A meeting of the Boy Scout Coun cil will be held Tuesday evening at 8.15 in Trinity patfhsh house. Final steps for the charter will be taken at this meeting. All interested in the project are requested to at tend the meeting. RAKRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH SWATARA WINS; NEW TEAM JOINS Big Crowds Attend Junior League Games at Nine teenth and Greenwood Standing of the Teams W. L. Pet. East End 16 8 .666 Swatara 14 9 .608 St. Mary's 5 10 .333 Hygienic Jrs 4 11 .266 Monday evening, St. Mary's Jrs. vs. Swatara. Swatra again defeated East End lost evening by a 3 to 1 score at Nineteenth and Greenwood streets. Swatara pounded Hildebrand hard, v.-hile Shearer only allowed East End two scratch hits which netted only one run. East End tallied a run in the third when Esheiman reached first on an error. Avery failed, Layton flied out to Sharon and Cover's wallop sent Esheiman home. The Liberty A. C., which was go ing to enter the City Junior League in Naudain's place, will be unable to join the league, it was stated at the meeting held directly after the game last evening. Another team from Steelton has joined, the Hygienic Jrs. These boys arc defeating teams as fast as they come along and expebt to be a high bidder for pennant honors this sea son. Four of the strongest Junior teams in the county are now in the City Junior Lieague race and larger crowds are starting to gather at the grounds at Nineteenth and Green wood streets every evening. Yester day's score: EAST END JRS. AB. R. H. O. A. E. W. Dayton, ss .. 3 0 0 0 0 1 Cover, lb 3 0 1 5 0 0 Books, 2b .... 2 0 0 1 2 0 Reed, If 3 0 1 0 0 0 Snyder, 3b.... 3 0 0 1 1 0 Hiler, cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hildebrand, p. 300110 Eshelman, c .. 310010 Avery, rl 2 0 0 0 0 0 Stouier, cf.... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Total 24 1 2 18 6 1 SWATABA AB. K. H. O. A. E. Hocker, lb ... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Dayton, rf ..., 2 0 1 0 1 0 Snyder, c.,., 2 0 ill i 0 DeSandis, cf., 301000 Matter, 3b .... 3 1 2 2 1 1 Sharon, 2b .... 3 0 1 1 1 0 EUenberger, ss. 3 0 0 2 2 1 Nic Key, if 2 1 2 1 0 0 Shearer, p.... 3 1 1 0 1 0 Young, rl .... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Total r 26 3 9 21 7 2 East End 001000 o—l Swatara 002010 x—3 Sacrifice hit—Young. Struck out —By Shearer, 9; by Hildebrand, 8. Base on balls-—Off Shearer, 1; oft Hildebrand, 3. Deft on base—Swa tara, 4; East End, 2. Hit by pitch er—W. Dayton. Stolen bases —Day- ton, Snyder, DeSandis, Matter, Sharon, Niekey, Shearer, W. Dayton, Cover, Reed, Eshelman. Time—s7 minutes. Umpire—Moore. SWATARA AT PAI-MYRA TO-DAY The Swatara nine is booked to go to Palmyra to-day to meet the Pal myra High school. Swutara players on the following list are to report at the Reading station in order to catch the 1 o'clock train: Shearer, Kurtas, Matter, Ellenberger, l.ayton, Sharon, Nickey, 'Young, Motter, Kirby and Hocker. Contract Let by State For Building of Road in Upper Dauphin County State Highway Commissioner Dewis S. • Sadler to-day awarded three contracts for road improve ments in Dauphin. Dancaster and Blair counties. Bids for these projects were opened June 24 and bids for other projects are being held under further advisement. The contract for construction in Dauphin county was awarded to the Hugh Nawn Contracting Company, of Philadelphia, at their low bid price pf $186,862.80. This project calls for the building of 24,765 feet of reinforced concrete roadway on Route 199, extending from the end of an Improved roadway In Millers burg borough to the Upper Paxton- Washington township line. The width of the roadway Is to be eight een feet. Tho Dancaster county contract went' to the firm of Claiborne, Johnston Company, Inc., of Balti more, at their low bid of $162,- 092.94. This project consists of 21,566 feet of reinforced construc tion on State Highway Route 136, extending from a point near the vil lage of Rafton southward to the Providence township line and also from the end of an Improved road south of New Providence to the Quarryvtlle borough line. The width of this roadway is to be eight een feet. The contract for road construc tion In Blair county was awarded to the Standard Construction Com pany, of Altoona, at the low bid of $19,879.86. This work is located In Hollldaysburg borough, where ap proximately 1,269 feet of reinforced concrete roadway will be built. The width of this roadway Is to be thirty and one-half feet, Arrest Communists For Hamburg Uprising By Associated. Press. Berlin, June 28.—The Indcpend end Socialist and Communist mem bers of the executive council of the greater Berlin Soviet were arrested Thursday night by order of Minister of Defense Noske. They are charged with having been in collusion with the leaders of the uprising in Ham burg. w TURKU TRANSPORTS ARRIVE By Associated Press. New York, June 28.—Nearly 7,500 troops arrived here to-day from French ports. The Aeolus, from St. Nazaire, arrived in the harbor short ly after sunrise with 3,354 soldiers on board and she was followed by the Santa Paula, also from St. Nazaire with 2,003 and the Santa Rosa from Bordeaux with 1,961. Playgrounds Schedule For Boys' and Girls' Ball Games J. K. Staples, superintendent of city playgrounds, yesterday complet ed the schedule for the boys' play ground ball and the girls' long ball leagues. The schedule follows: Boys' Playground Ball July 2—Twelfth street at Maclay, Emerald at Boas. July 3—Reservoir at Sycamore. July 7—Boas at Reily, Emerald at Reservoir, Sycamore at Twelfth street. July TO—Twelfth street at Boas, Emerald at Maclay, Rlely at Syca more. July 14—Boas at Reservoir, Syca more at Tmerald, Maclay at Relly. July 17—Maclay at Reservoir, Sycamore at Boas, Keilly at Twelfth street. July 21—Reservoir at Reilly, Boas at Maclay, Twelfth street at Emerald. July 24—Sycamore at Maclay, Twelfth street at Reservoir, Emerald at Maclay. Girls' Dong Ball "A" July I—Penn at Boas. July 3—Maclay at Reily, Hamil ton at Emerald. July B—Boas8 —Boas at Hamilton, Reilly at Penn, Emerald at Maclay. July 10—Penn at Hamilton, at Reily. July 11—Maclay at Boas, Emerald July 15 —Relly at Boas, Hamilton at Maclay, Penn at Emerald. July 22 —Maclay at Penn, Boas at Emerald, lelly at Hamilton. Girls' Dong Ball "B" July 2—Paxtang at Sycamore, Res ervoir at Twelfth street. Process I Gillette Tires Now Guaranteed ' Fabric 6,000 miles. Cord 8,000 miles. Solid 10,000 miles. YOU'VE probably often thought -*■ that somebody some time would produce Tires and Tubes that would leave no complaint as to costs. You were right. That time haa arrived. The discovery of how to produce grester Tire and Tube resistance and sl.etigth has been made. It is theGilletteChilled Rubber Process —the perfected method. Toughens rubber as iron is toughened by changing to steel building up endur ance and bringing down coats to the lowest figures of economy. Absolutely the biggest worth—in service , —in mileage—ever offered Tire and July 9—Sycamore at Harris, Twelfth street at Paxtang. July 15—Harris at Reservoir, Twelfth street at Sycamore. July 18—Reservoir at Paxtang, J MILLER AUTO COMPANY^! I Mammoth Sale of | Used Cars and Trucks / I I Positively Must Be Sold Before July 1 j| 3| In order to ''clean house" at our service station, we are offering ' • wjj ||| our entire stock of used cars and trucks at exceptionally low prices. / ||| yy I his sale started a few days ago and there are still several cars left, J fffj including M Passenger Cars 3 Maxwell Touring Trucks j g fH I \\ c -? 11^°^ s t cr 1 24-ton Buick Truck M m 1 Willys-Knight Touring 1 Mitchell Roadster 1 2j4-t° n Bethlehem pg 2 Pullman Touring - A " -• HI 1 Overland Touring >4-ton Republic ffl These cars are all in good running condition. You must posi fo tively be satisfied if you buy or we will give you your money back. H feU If you do not have all the cash to pay down, convenient time pay- M 111 , ments can be arranged. |m Salesmen to Wait on You at All Times. Open Evenings • j|f | THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR A REAL BARGAIN | j MILLER AUTO COMPANY, INC 1 ij 50 to 68 S. Cameron St. iff Co ffi | HARRISBURG | 1 3EEBaaaaagaß 1 1 IHIPM Ijllß l Wl W H "ll IHHIHIHIIIWI' The New I* Ton WORM Drive SELDEN SPECIAL at $2185 Meets the; Hauling Needs of To-day To meet the present-day need for a moder- an extent that we can sell the SELDEN ate-priced I*4 ton truck of the same rugged SPECIAL at a price far below its value, construction, the same great powers of en durance, ofthe same design and built on the Wherever there exists a need for haulage of same sound engineering principles as the ljg tons capacity, the SELDEN SPECIAL other models in the Line of SELDEN wUI render hi S hl Y efficient and profitable TRUCKS, we offer the SELDEN SPECIAL service. Model at $2185. The specifications of this remarkable achieve- Manufacturing facilities, greatly enlarged ment in motor truck manufacture are proof during the war to meet the demands of the that only the highest quality units OD tain- United States and allied governments for able enter into its construction—which is Selden Trucks, enable our factory to stan- your assurance of long, uninterrupted ser dardize production of this model to such vice at low operating cost. Ask us for complete specifications of the Selden Special. SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS 1017-25 Market St. Harrisburg. We Have a Fully Equipped Machine Shop nnd Can Give Toil Immediate Service on All Repair Work. tJdIJCU Trades JUNE 28, 1919. Harris at Twelfth street. July 22—Paxtang at Harris, Syca more at Reservoir. The hour for starting all games has been set at 7 o'clock and the records of the games will be kept lrg order to determine a league standi lng. The players of the various teams must be under >lO years of agef on the opening day of the league. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers