2 INTERESTING NEWS OF TOWNS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SAND AND COAL CLOSECHANNEL Millersburg Ferrymen Com pelled to Make Detour in Crossing River FLOODS CAUSE TROUBLE J. W. Dreibelbis, Millersburg Businessman, Convalescing in Johns Hopkins Hospital Millersburg, Pa., June 21. —Shift- ing sand and coal dirt ar.c again causing trouble for the Millersburg ferry men. On the Perry county side a long stretch, more than one hundred yards wide, closes the river to navigation directly opposite the landing and the ferry men must make a detour of an eighth of a mile in order to reach the home port. The body of Mrs. Anna Wet zel was brought to Millersburg from South Bend, ind., where she died and was taken to tho home of her sis ter, Mrs. G. W. Ettinger, Gearhart street, from whose house the fu neral was held Wednesday. The Rev. Mr. Burger officiated. —J. W. Drei belbis, a prominent Millersburg busi nessman, underwent a serious op eration at the Johns Hopkins Hos pital, Baltimore, early in the week and he is said to be rapidly im proving.—Communion services will be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday morning at 10.30. —] The Rev. and Mrs. Earl Bowman, of Philipsburg, came back to their old home town on their annual vaca tion this week and later, accom panied by Mr. Bowman's mother, Mrs. J. E. Bowman, and Mrs. Bow man's mother, Mrs. Joseph Allemasi, went to Atlantic City for an outing. —Mrs. John Herd, of Omaha, Neb., is visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ober holtzer. Center street.—Millersburg soldiers, who have recently return ed to the home town from over eeas are Lieutenant Brown Braden baugli, Carl Franker, Harry Oau sert and Willard Kerstetter. Mrs. Clark Cooper and children, former residents of Millersburg, now of Philadelphia, are spending a vaca tion at the Koppenhaver home, north of Millersburg. Mrs. Percival Hill Gives Party in Honor of Niece Hnllfnx. Pa.. June 21. —Mrs. Perci val D. Hill, on Monday evening at her home on Market street, gave a din ner to a number of out-of-town folks in honor of her niece. Miss Rhuey belle Alter. Those present were: Miss Dorothy Copelin. Miss Helen Hoagland, Miss Virginia Enwee, Miss Katherine Beidleman, Miss Rhueybelle Alter. James Thomas Al ter, Christian Jennings. John R. Hart, Robert B. Shreiner and Mr. and Mrs. Percival S. Hill. —Pierce Holtz man visited friends at Tamauqua this week.—Russell Biever J. Halifax has been given a regular position as right fielder or. the Millersburg Dauphin-Perry league baseball team. —Mr. and Mrs. George Sehreiner and sons, Stanton and Kermit Sehreiner, are. spending vacation at Elizabeth ville, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sehreiner. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Arendt, of San Jose, Calif., ate guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bowman.—E. A. A. Koons and family visited friends at Linglestown over Sunday Mrs. Mary Lebo, of Waynesville, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Abram hoff.—Allen Bowman and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dempsey at Waynes ville.—Harry Sheetz and family, of Enola, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Cornelius Enders. —Chester Lebo, of Warren. Ohio, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lebo. —Charles Miller and family and Les ter Romberger and family spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Savan nah Shott at Lebanon.—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haritz, of North Second street, announce the birth of a son, on Sat urday, June 14. The Rev. J. George Smith is paying a visit to his old home at Nesquehoning. Mrs. Smith and son, Pierce Smith, have been at Nesquehoning for several weeks, as sisting in caring for her mother, who Is ill—Miss Helen Helt, a student at Irving College, Mechanicsburg, spent Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. Ray mond Endries.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dillman spent Sunday at Millersburg assisting in welcoming home their nephew. Arthur Miller, who Just re turned from France. Party at Kniiey Home to Honor Duncannon Guest Wlconlsoo, Pa., June 21. —A party was held Monday evening at the home' of J. C. Kniiey in honor of their guest, Miss Louisa Parson, of Duncannon. The guests enjoyed interesting games and contests and many prizes were given. A buffet luncheon was served to Anna Stecker, i Ellen West. Lizzie kniiey, Mildred Koppenhaver, Agnes Matter and Amelia Seip, Warren Keiter, Albert Foster. Harvey Botdorf, Paul Kniiey, Floyd Matter, Frank Blaning and Robert Koppenhaver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster and Leßoy Kaufman and family, of lowa City. Misses Mabel White and Margaret Hoffman have returned to their studies at the Lankenan Hospital, Philadelphia. Captain Albert Roberts, of the Base Hospital at Baltimore, Mr., visited his; wife and family here last week. —! Mrs. Richard Lobb has returned to Trevorlon. after spending several days with Mrs. Emma Beadle.—Alice Sludholme is spending some time at Philadelphia and West Chester. Kahhryn Jones is visiting Dr. H. P. Prout and family at Mauch Chunk. —John J. Long, and daughter, Ella, arc visiting relatives at Philadelphia. —Mrs. J. C. Smith, of Allentown, and Blancho Seip. of Mont Alto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Seip. —Guy R. Smetz, of Manheini, spent tho weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smeltz.—Louisa Par non returned to Duncannon Tuesday, after spending several days at the home of Charles Foster.—Mrs. G. L. Haverkamp is home after spending several weeks nursing at Mount Alto. —Tho Young People's branch of the W. C. T. CJ. will hold a special meet ing Monday evening at the Methodist Episcopal Church. —Miss Ada Wise has returned to her home at Allen town, after spending several days with Pauline Kissinger. Florence Buckley and Florence Batdorf are spending several weeks at Philadel phia.—Dr. I. A. Kiter and son. War ren. motored to Harrlsburg on Tuesday. SATURDAY EVENING, MAIL PLANE IS FORCED TO LAND Machine Flying From New York to Bellefonte Smashed on Tyrone Ball Field WRECKS BIG PAVILION Five Hundred Persons Swim in Tyrone Pool at One Time on Sunday Tyrone, Pa., June 21. —One of the large Government airplanes came to grief at Tyrone during the past week. Originally starting from New York for Bellefonte, it got oft the course and landed at Hollidaysburg, from thence it proceeded to fly to Bellefonte. Over Tyrone, the stear ing gear became loose and being forced to descend, the Athletic Field was spotted as an excellent place In which to alight. Tho avia tor being unable to control the ma chine on account of the rudder be ing out of commission, he landed fair enough, but in the run across the ball diamond, he crashed into the pavilion of the Civic Society, used as a lunc-h room. The ma chine was completely demolished, and the pavilion will need to be re built. The two men in the ma chine were not Injured, although the operator in the front seat was Jam med into a very small space. The engine, a Liberty motor, was not damaged to any great extent, but the wings were badly torn up. Two large Army trucks arrived from Bellefonte, and carted the machine to its original destination overland. This is the first air machine to land at Tyrone, and naturally it was an object of curiosity.—The continued summer weather has made the swimming pool at the Athletic Park the mccca for all the Tyrone resi rents, as many as 500 being in the pool at one time. The temperature of the water has been from 70 to 75 degrees, making it an ideal spot for the hot spell.—Mr. and Mrs. George D. Blair, of New Castle, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hen derson.—Miss Ruby Pierce is at Washington, D. O. —Mrs. Ida Patlon Smith is on an extended vacation visiting with relatives at Harrisburg and in Juniata county.—Mrs. Rufus McCarthy, of Bethlehem, is the guest of Mrs. M. Hamor.—Mrs. Mor ton S. Ray, of Bellefonte, visited with friends here this week. —Mrs. W. L. Pascoe has departed for Wild wood Crest, N. J., where she will spend tho summer.—Miss Dorothy Coplin, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Helen Hoagland, of Los Angeles, Cal., are house guests of Mr. and ! Mrs. G. W. Walk.—Edward Strutt is a visitor with his aunt, Mrs. T. Riley. Mr. Strutt served in the British Army during the war and has just returned to America. —Mrs. F. H. Darragh and son. of New Brighton, are guests of Mrs. H. M. Gray.—George B. MeCullough was a visitor in Norfolk, Va., this week, where he greeted his son Chester, when he arrived on a transport from France.—Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Haiston and family are visiting in the Cumberland Valley.—The Rev. E. G. Sawyer is spending this week in Portage, where he is taking a prominent part in a church con- vention.—Mrs. Charles A. Cham berlain and two children are at At lantic City, where they will spend the summer vacation.—Alvin J. Coulter has returned from a visit at Philadelphia. Visitors Spending Pleasant June Days at Dauphin Dauphin, Pa., June 21. Miss Cora Cofrode left for New York city on Thursday, for a two weeks' visit. —Captain and Mrs. Albert Poffen berger, and daughter, Helen, who have been visiting Miss Mary Um berger and Miss Elizabeth Poffen berger left, on Wednesday, for New York city, where Captain Poffen berger will resume hie teaching in Columbia University, from which he has been absent during the war. —Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Singer, and daughter, Dorothy, of Blooms burg, motored here, on Sunday, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallis. Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Bell, Mrs. Hattie Bell, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Martha Bell, of Philadelphia, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winn.— Miss Ruth Zimmerman, of Milton, is the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mre. Charles Shaffer. Mrs. Mary S. Kline has returned from a week end trip to Baltimore and Wash- i ington. Miss Minna Lyter is! spending the summer at Hummels town. The Rev. and Mrs. Leo P. Zook, William P. Klinger, Mr. McKnight, and Mr. Bateman, all of Tower City, were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Zweizig, on Friday. —Frederick Shoop, a member of tho 80th Division, and just returned from France, is the guest of his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. J. M. j Shoop. Miss Julyann Weirman, ! of Harrisburg, was a recent guest of her aunt. Mies Julia Kinter. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mitchell, and daughter, of Newport, motored here, on Sunday, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Derrickson. Mrs. Mary Umberger, of Harrisburg is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jane Sellers. ,T. Lick Feaeer, of Phila delphia. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Feaser. Miss Viola McKissick is the guest of her uncle, Jack McKissick, at Spring city. Miss Ellen Shanabrough, of Harrisburg. was a recent guest of Miss Helen Thompson. Miss Emma Shimp, of Harrisburg was a recent guest of Mrs. William Irvin. —Mrs. Herbert Foster, of Cam bridge, Mass., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaf fer. George Garman has returned home from overseas and is visiting his uncle, William A. Garman. William T. Sowers and granddaugh ters. Katharine and Alberta, of Luclcnow. were recent guests of Aaron Shaffner. CLASS ENTERTAINED lUninc, Pa., June 21.—The Fifty- Two Point class of the Zion Reform ed Sunday school, of which Mrs. Julie H. Bistline, is teacher, was en tertained last evening at the home of Misses Olive and Madeline Martin, on North Main street. The amusements of the evening consisted of games and music. Refreshments were served. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Blnlne, Pa., June 21.—The marri age of Miss Ella Mae Gutshall. of Harrisburg, daughter of Mrs. Annie Gutshall. of Mount Pleasant, to Rob ert Haven, of Pittsburgh, occurred on Wednesday at Williamsport. The bride has been a trained nurse and has many friends here. CHILDREN'S DAY AT MANCHESTER Program of Songs and Recita tions Pleases Large Audi ence at U. B. Church SPECIAL MUSIC FEATURE Welcome Home Dinner Given in Honor of Soldier on . Return From France Manchester, Pa., June 21.—Chil dren's Day exercises were held in the United Brothern Church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The following program was rendered: Song, choir; recitation, "A Welcome," Thelma Everhart; recitation, "Welcome," Beatrice Bare; recitation, "Only One Way," Clarence Strickler; recitation, "Suffer Little Children," Cornelia Frysinger; exercise, "A Secret"; song "Don't," children; recitation, | "Early to Bed," Penrose Miller; recl | tation, "They Say I Am Little," | James Naylor; song, choir; recita ! tion, "Little Boys," Carl Hamberger; ■ recitation, "Some One Said," Esther ] Naylor; "My Piece," Miriam Plow j man; vocal solo, "Little Workers," Thelma Everhart; exercise, "When I Get Big," recitation, "I'm Going to Speak," Glenn Snyder; song, choir; recitation, "If," Luella Strickler; ex ercise, "Crosses and Crowns"; reci tation, "Luring the Tables," Clair Brenner; recitation, "A Problem Solved," Ell wood Fink; exercise, " 'Tts Coming Soon"; offering, recita tion, "Too Small," Jamee Good; reci tation, "A Sunbeam." Clara Upde graff; exercise, "Columbia's Help ers"; song, choir; recitation, "Two Rosebuds." Mary Miller; recitation, "Sunny June," Sara McDonald; exer cise, "Getting Out to Sunday School"; recitation,, "A Member," Helen Sny der; song, choir; recitation, "Good Night"; exercise, "Children's Day In May Lands."—Miss Edna Gross. of York, is spending some time at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Melhorn.—A welcome home dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Frantz on Sunday in honor of their son Ray, who recently returned from France. Those present wefe the Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Schmitt, York Haven; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lease and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frantz and daughter, Grace, North York; Miss Gerhart, Reading.—Mrs. George Smith has re turned home after spending some time with relatives at Dover.—Miss Margie Markley, of Stony Brook, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Dletz.—Mrs. William Melhorn and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Anna Kauffman, Mrs. George Bell, Mls Anna Kauffman, Mrs. George Wogan, Miss Margaret Wogan and Miss Lottie Gross spent Wednesday at Y'ork.—Miss Lottie Gross, a teacher at the Loysville Orphans Home school. Is spending her summer vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gross.— Mrs. John Winand, who was con fined to her home by sickness, is con valescing.—Mrs. Carrie Jacoby, of York, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bare, Sunday.—George Beck, who was confined to his home by scarlet fever, is convalescing.—The Otterbein Guild of the United Breth ern Church spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reachard, at Dallastown. Those present were: Misses Florence Weigle, Florence King, Anna Ma thias, Esther Schroll, Anna Brenner, Carrie Frantz, Marshella Brenneman. Thelma Everhart, Miss Charles Schroll, Mrs. George Mathias, Mrs. David King, Mrs. Daniel Everhart, Glen Mathias and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doll. Mr. and Mrs. William Gross North on Wedding Trip Mount Wolf, Pa., June 21. Mr. and Mrs. William Gross, of Greens boro, N. C., who had been spend ing the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gross, have left for the south, where the former is superintendent of a furniture plant. Mr. and Mrs. Gross, who were married June 10, came north on their wedding trip. —Mrs. Joseph Arnold made a recent trip to Lutherville, Md., where she visited her nephew, Thomas Robin son, who is critically ill. —Miss Ellen Miller has returned from a visit among relatives at Glen Rock and Hanover Junction. William Diehl, who was called home on account of the injuries sustained by his brother Jesse Diehl. in an automobile accf dent, three weeks ago, was recalled by the United States navy, this week. He reported at New York.— Mrs. W. C. Bailey and Corporal Rus sell Baily visited relatives at North York. Mrs. Calvin Baltzley and children returned to Artanna, Adams county, after spending some time with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Daniel Diehl. Corporal H. B. Eisenhower, of Dover, was a guest this week of Postmaster and Mrs. C. M. Hummer.—Aaron Gross, of Newark, N. J., returned home on Thursday evening, after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! William W. Gross. Florence, the eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sipe, is critically ill.- —-■ A daughter was born this week to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kunkel. Mrs. J. B. Eeshoro returned to Bel air, Md.. after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Annie S. Gross. Entertains Girl Friends in Honor of Bride-to-Be Mount Union, Pa., June 21.—Misses Helen. Ruth and Jane Taylor enter tained a number of their girl friends on Tuesday eVening In honor of Miss Evelyn Heltman, who was to be mar ried Thursday.—The Lettermen of the High School held a moonlight picnic at Silver Ford on Monday eve ning.—J. E. Bahner, editor of the Mount Union News, is spending three days at Baltimore, Md.—Charles Suders, of the High School class of 1919, won the Rensselaer Polytechnic years' work in mathematics and science.—R. M. Longacre and family, the Rev. J. Max Loutz and family and Charles Suders are spending sev eral days with a fishing party at Licking Creek. The Open Road Camp Fire Girls, chaperoned by Miss Ruth Hinton, teacher of physical education, are spending ten days at a cottage at Mexico.—Boy Scouts hiked to Licking Creek Friday night and camped Out, returning on Sat urday.—Sammie Rosenberg and Rob ert Ingivers, two HigTi School boys, left for a trip to Adams county, where they will visit L. K. Gilbert, a teach er In the local high school.—John Miller, a High School graduate, left on Wednesday for Akron, Ohio.—H. N. Slothower left Friday for his home at Lemoyne. Mr. Slothower taught science In the High school. U 11 m - I - BARRffiBURG TELEGKiPH CENTRAL PA. PERSONALS Millers town. —Edward Debray, of Clay Center, Kansas, a resident of Millerstown about forty-three years ago, visited friends here Sunday.— Mrs. Maggie Heckard and niece, of Harrisburg, visited her brother, David Miller and family, on Sun day.—Martin Rowe and son, Eurl, of Newport, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. JosUU liowe. —Mrs. James Moreland and little son, Robert, of Harrisburg, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shenk. She was accom panied home by her mother, Mrs. Shenk.—Mrs. John Newman and son, John, of Lewistown, spent the week-end at their home.—Mr. and Mrs. William Pooley, of Osceola, Mills, are visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Pooley.—Mr. John Slotterback, of Lewistown, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Banks Page.—Miss Rebecca Weimer, of Newport, Bpent the week-end with Mm. Prank Wag ner.—Mrs. Hulda Knight, of Dun cannon, spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Banks Page.—Mrs. Vernon Tabb and son, Vernon, Jr., spent several days with her parents at Union Furnace. —Casper Swartz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner at Losh Run. —James Uounsley was a visitor at Harris burg on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wood are visiting at Phila delphia and other cities for several months.—Mrs. Laura Carter and son, Harold, were Harrisburg visi tors Tuesday.—Mrs. Hall Slotter back and baby, of Lewistown, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Rowe. —D. Gilbert Rickabaugh made a trip to Mount Holly Springs on Monday.—lrvin Hopple, of Pittsburgh, was the guest of his brother, Harry Hopple and ' family on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Page. Mrs. Laura Carter and Mrs. Carl Lauver were Newport visitors Monday. Ard Alexander, of Bellovue, 111., was a recent guest of Mrs. S. C. Alexander. —Miss Graceila Alfon loft Saturday for Gary, Indiana, where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. Ralph, for sev eral weeks. She was accompanied to Altoona by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Allen. —Mr. and Mrs. Burton Allen were Harrisburg visi tors on Monday.—Mrs. Edith Sny der and daughter, Evelyn, spent the week-end at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder and daughter, Helen, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with W. D. Bollinger and family. They were accompanied home by their Aiother, Mrs. D. A. Snyder and Sir. and Mrs. Charles Pike, of Washington, D. 0., who had been visiting the Bollinger family. New liloomflcld—Miss Harriet E. Motter is home from Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., for the summer.—Miss Evelyn Thompson, of Sulphur Springs, is the guest of Miss Harriet McKee, of this place.—Misses Rosilie and Anna Jane Barnett are home from Wilson College, Chambersburg, for the summer vacation. Miss Rosilie was among the graduates.—Mrs. J. A. Boyer, of Corrol township, and her granddaughter, Pauline Lebo, of Carlisle, were visitors in town on Tuesday.—The Rev. A. N. Billman. of Columbia University, New York, was home last week. He was a chaplain in the United States service and is now pastor of a Reformed charge at New York city.—Mrs. Lydia A. Kist ler, Jacob A. Kistler, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barnes and daughter. Miss Helen, spent the weekend with Sher iff and Mrs. David L. Kistler.—Mr. and ' Mrs. Charles Record and Miss Mary Reckord. of Harrisburg, spent Sunday visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Kurtz, of Miffltnburg. spent the weekend with Mrs. Kurtz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. H. Gar ber—Mrs. C. B. Smith, of Philadel phia. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kell.—Dr. Henry Gra ham, of Hazleton, 111., was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. E. E. Moore, this week. Blain.—Prof, and Mrs. C. E. Gates, of Blairstown, N. J., are visiting Mrs. Gates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wentzel.—Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith and Miss Elsie M. Bist lii\e attended commencement exer cises at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, where the former's daughter, Miss Lee Smith, gradu ated.—Miss Myrtle Wentz and Prof. W. C. Koons are ill with typhoid fever.—Miss Ella Gutshall, of Har risburg, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Annie Gutsehall. She was visited over Sunday by her sons, Lieuten ant F. L. Gutshall and Roy Gut shall. of Hellertown. —Mrs. Clarence Hartman and baby, of Lemoyne, visited D. S. Hartman over Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shields and Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Fllckinger visit ed friends in Lancaster county.— Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith and Miss Elsie M. Bistline were at Cumber land Valley Normal School, Ship pensburg, on Sunday.—R. B. Kell and H. B. Kell made a trip Sunday to Chambersburg. accompanied by friends from Plainfield. Returning they brought their sister, Mrs. E. P. Miller and two children, of Plain field, to Blain on a visit.—Miss Ethel Wilt, of Mt. Joy, is visiting her parents. —Lawrence Brltcher, of West Chester, spent Sunday here. Mcrccrsburg.—Miss Laura Grove is attending the commencement at Dickinson College this week Hayes Walker, who has been at tending Prtnceton University, has secured a position at Asbury Park, N. J., for the summer.—W. D. Eoyd, Miss Jennie Boyd and Miss Mildred Boyd are spending a ten day vaca tion at Atlantic City.—David Earl P'aust, who recently graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, has returned to his home here. Mr. Faust has accepted a position at the Mercersburg Academy as an in structor. —Miss Hasel Aarland, who has been a teacher in the public school of Centerville, Md., has re turned to the home of her parents here for the summer. —Miss W. Meredith and Miss Jean Mosser ,of Sisterville, W. Va., are visiting Miss Carrie Grove.—Miss Rebecca Smith has returned to her home here af ter completing a successful term In the school for deaf and dumb at Romney, W. Va.—Truman Miller and family, with several friends motored te State College, where they attended Farmers' Week. Bcrryslmrg.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stranhccker and little daughter, of Harrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Foster. —Mr. Lloyd, of Sham okln, spent Saturday here.—Ray mond Lebo, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his parents here.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartman, of Har risburg', spent several days here.— Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Daniel and Mrs. John Stover and son, Orion, motor od to Harrisburg on Wednesday. j Lykcns —Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Broecher of Philadelphia, are visit ing the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Witmer. Mrs. Mabel Romberger and mother, Mrs. Frank Stuppy, left to-day for New Jersey, where the former will makt her home. G. F. Kinsey spent yestsrday at Harrisburg. Mrs. Schreffler and daughter Verna and Mr. Kennedy of Reading, autoed to Lykens to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. —Mre. Ely who has been ill the past five months is able to be up again. —Sergeant Earl Lehr, George Pell, and Tyrus Bateman are back from service. Ambrose Cyckowski, brother Joseph and Charles Dressel arc again enjoying the parental home, having been discharged from service. Miss Ruth Bender of Wlsconlsco, left for Dillsburg to spend her vacation. Dennis Kav anaugh of Wisconisco, Is entertain ing Richard Kavanaugh of Ardmore. —Mrs. Ray Good has returned from a trip to Philadelphia. Miss Ber tha Horley of Spruce street, and Miss Mabel Trout of North street, have returned after a two weeks' visit to New York. Enders —Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ul rich and family of near Ltngles town, and Mr. und Mrs. Fred End ers of Penbrook were visitors here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, of Halifax, and Isaac Shaffer and John Shoop and family of Dau phin, were entertained at the home of Samuel V. Enders on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Honhs, of Linglestown, are guests of Byron Shoop and family. Edward A. Enders is spending several days at Harrisburg and Manada Hill.—Mrs. Emaline Lentz of Enhaut is the guest of her son, Harry Lentz and family. John H. Lyter and Harry M. Sweigard, spent Tuesday at Har risburg. Miss Helen Helt is home from Irving College, for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. spent the week-end at Wormleysburg and Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rettinger and C. R. Endgrs, of Ly kens, were the guests 9f Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Enders on Sunday. C. A. Miller and Edward Sheetz motored to Linglestown on Sunday. —Mrs. Jacob Enders returned home on Sunday, after spending several weeks with her son, M. F. Enders at Hamburg. • Thompaontown—Miss Nellie Keis ter, of New Cumberland, is a guest of Miss Pearl ttaldeman.—Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Haines, Dr. and Mrs. S. F. Metz and Mrs Edward Shlppen Thompson attended the Banksely wedding at Mifflintown on Wednes day evening—Samuel Spicher, of the SOth Division, has been mustered out of service and is at his home. —Mrs. Israel Tennis has returned after vis iting Mrs. Joshua Gross at "The Aqueduct.'—Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Brant hoffer, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Milnor Hostetler motored to State College on Wednesday—Miss Marlon Pimm left Friday to visit friends in Philadelphia and Balar.— Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson and children attended a family reunion at Donlgal, Lawrence county, on Thursday—Mrs. William Sunderland and niece, of Altoona, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sellers. Ymtrtonn—Mlsa Bessie Bassor, a former teacher in the High School, visited Miss Mabel Bottormy and Mrs. Harris Tolasher. Charles Johnston visited ills sisters. Miss Elnor Johnston and Mrs. Warren Rhodes.—Mrs. Homer Walter and children visited her parents at Belle fonte.—Miss Elsie Noble, of Miffln and Miss Mary Kinzer, of Lancaster, vis ited at the Samuel Franks home.— The Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Newman attended the commencement exercises at York College institution, where they have daughters who are grad uates—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcll vain and daughters, Alma and Ella, of Union county, came here for the High School commencement at which her brother, Harris, graduated.—Miss Ruth Aiken visited at State College recently. Large Number of Guests at George Greiner Dinner Union Deposit, Pa., June 21. Mrs. George Greiner and daughter Miss Sadie Greiner entertained as guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. Lizzie Baker, Miss es ther Smith, Miss Edna Gallagher, Miss Inez Baker, George Baker and Russel Smith of Grantham and Charles Gasewint of Dillsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Almond Kreider of Palmyra, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Harry J. Keiffer on Sunday.— Miss Ruth Pelffer is spending some time at Bedington, W. Va. - Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Peiffer of Har risburg were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. George Miller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufman of Milton Grove visited the former's brother Elias Kaufman on Monday. —Mrs. Henry A. Miller and son, Harry, spent a day at Palmyra visit ing her brother Edward G. Spang ler and fa,mily. Mr. and Mrs. John Swope of Shoemakersville, vifcted Mrs. Swope's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos M. Kuhns on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peif fer of Steelton, spent several days with the former's brothers and sis ters. Miss Edna Kaufman is spending some time at Palmyra with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shepler. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gingrich of Pal myra visited Mrs. Henry Boyer on Sunday. Norman Bell, an over seas veteran of near Hanoverdale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kaufman, spent Wednesday at Camp'belltown attending the funeral services of the former's sister Mrs. Kathryn Moyer. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling H. Peiffer of Lemoyne, vis ited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Peiffer on Sunday.— Mr. and Mrs. James W. Brunner and daughter, Arlene. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William D Long and children, Gladys and Harold, spent Sunday at Millersburg visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fausnacht. INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Gettysburg, Pa., June 21.—Lieuten ant W. E. Glessner, of Friedens, Somerset county, was painfully in jured in an automobile accident yes terday on the Lincoln Highway about four miles west of Gettysburg. The Lieutenant and his brother, A. R. Friedens. were on their way home from Lancaster, where they had at tended the commencement exercises, and had with them two friends whom they were taking to Somerset county with them. The car skidded and went off the left side of the road and the car hung on the fence at the side. The rim of the steering wheel was broken off 200 GUESTS AT SON'S RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Oaks Entertain in Honor of Sol dier Hoinc From France PAN PIPERS ARE PRESENT Miss Agnes May Brubaker Be comes Bride of Harry Brant, of Greencastle, Last Week Greencastle, Pa., June 21. Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Oaks enter tained at - a large reception on Thursday evening in honor of their eon, who recently returned from overseas. At least two hundred guests were present, including the Pan Piper's Glee Club. Miss Anna May Brewbaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brewbaker, South Carlisle street, and Harry Brant of , West Franklin street, were married Saturday evening at the Otterbein U. B. parsonage by the Rev. W. R. Brewbaker. Mr. and Mrs. Brant will make their home in Greencastle. — Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shoemaker have returned to Albany N. Y., after a visit In the home of John O. Craig. Miss Sue Craig and her guest Miss Marion Clark, of Jacksonville, Fla., accompanied them home. Miss Ella Simmers Addison avenue is spending two weeks in Atlantic City. —The Mission Guild of Grace Re formed Sunday school held its an nual picnic at Pen Mar on Tuesday. Members of the guild were all pres ent, including a number of guests.— Mre. Harold Drew and son of An sonla, Conn., and Mrs. Owen Os borne. of Philadelphia, have re turned home after a month's visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Z. Shook. - Miss Edyth Potter, of Hagerstown, Misses Grace and Maude Gilbert, of Waynesboro, and Miss Ada Horten and Mary Snively of the Shlppensburg Normal school were week-end guests in the home of Ed." D. Snively. Charles Lear of Harrisburg, spent the week at his home on North Carlisle street. Children's Day Program at Linglestown Church Llngletown, Pa., June 21. On Sunday evening a Children's Day program will be rendered in Wen rich's church at 7.30 o'clock. Church services will be held in the United Brethren Church on Sunday morning, the Rev. Chubb giving the address and in the evening in the Church of God by the Rev. James Wagner. The Rev. L. D.-Gottschall spent sev eral days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gottschall, at Philadelphia. Mrs. James Keller, of Harrisburg, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. William Koons.—Mrs. John Grove, of Progress, spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson George.—Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Balsbaugh, of Harris burg; Miss Annie Feeser and Miss Mabel Feeser, of this place, and Charles Peckworth, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday at the home of Peter LeVan at Charlton. Miss Vesta Koons was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ditlow at Harrisburg on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and daughter, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buck, son Russel and daughter Mabel, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mrs. Annie Buck on Sunday.—Mrs. Charles Reiment and daughter, Katherine, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ret ment's mother, Mrs. John Hain. at Hainton.—Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Good and children, of Penbroek, and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Vaughn, of Harris burg, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Good. —Mrs. Norman Koons and daughter were the guests of Mrs. Koons' father, MeClellan Reidel, at Progress on Wednesday.—Miss Jennie Leese, of Bellgrove, Lebanon county, was a re cent visitor at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Leese.— ■ Dr. William Baker, of Philadelphia, spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mr 3. Ilebecca Baker.— Miss Ruth Johnson, of Penbrook, spent Tuesday at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Farling. Mr. and Mrs. Fleck Mixell left on a trip to Baltimore, Md., where they will spend a short time with Mr. Mixell's sister, Mrs. Harry Mixell.— Mrs. John Nagle, daughter Ruth and son Ralph are spending several days with Mrs. Nagle's sister, Mrs. Foster Fulkroad, at Milicrsburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolfensberger and Mrs. Libby Bolton visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stoudt recently.—Mrs. David Felty and daughter, Ruth, visited Mrs. Felty's sister, Mrs. Stephen Shutt, at Paxtonia, Tuesday. Miss Claudia Hetreck was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Harvey, near Piketown. —Mrs. Wilson Felty made a trfp to Harrisburg on Wednesday. —Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snyder and daughter, Mary Christine, of Harris burg, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Annie Smith. Miss Jane Care left on Tuesday to spend several days with friends in New York City.—Miss Helen Hocker and Miss Carrie Hocker spent Thursday at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Mitchell, Mrs. Helen Jeffries, Miss Marion Jeffries and Clarence Jeffries, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber, of Erie, motored to Mifflin recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Iticker and children, of Hummcls town, motored to the home of Mrs. Ricker'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clay, on Sunday.—Miss Mary Moyer, a student at the Peabody Institute. Baltimore, Md., was the guest of Miss Grace Smith t>n Tuesday. Rohler's Lutheran Church to Be Reopened Tomorrow WcllsvUlc, Pa., June 21. Re modeling and painting of Rohler's Lutheran church, has been com pleted, and the edifice will be re opened to-morrow with special ser vices, conducted by the Rev. C. M. Coffert. The edifice presents a de cided improvement in appearance.— Mrs. T. M. Katzmiller and daugh ters. Gladys and may, of Shippens burg, and Misses Gladys and Cath arine Barnes, of York, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Brougher.— Rohler's union Sunday school will hold its annual picnic in William Arnold's grove on Saturday, July 19, afternoon and evening. Ruth H., the eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reamer near here has developed typhoid fever. The Reamer home has been quarantined and placarded. A welcome home reception was tendered Oliver Sow ers, a member of the Seventy-ninth Division, National Army, who re turned recently from overseas, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sowers. Upward of 100 friends and relatives assembled for the func tion < JUNE 21, 1919. LUNCHEON FOR CONVALESCENTS Picnic Arranged by Mr. and Mrs. M. Grant Mohler at Carlisle Hospital IN "ARGONNE FOREST" First Planned to Be Held At "Sunnyside," Mohler Home, at Mechanicsburg Mrchanlctibarg, Pa.. June 21. lf the weather is favorable to-morrow a picnic luncheon which had been ar ranged by Mr. and Mrs. M. Grant Mohler of "Sunnyside," In the east ern section of town for convalescent soldiers at the United States General Army Hospital, No. 31, Carlisle, will be given in the "Argonne Forest," a bit of wood, through which a small stream runs, a short distance from the hospital. A number of people from this place, Camp Hill and Har risburg will Join the party and each will contribute a share of the lunch eon.—On Thursday, June 26, the an nual union picnic of the Methodist Episcopal Church of God. Presby terian and Trinity Lutheran Sunday schools will be held at Boiling Springs Park. A program of Inter est for the kiddies and grownups has been arranged by the committee in charge.—Mrs. John Donovan and daughter, Marian, of Chicago, 111., are spending some time at the home of the former's grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Ritner, South Market street.—-Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hippie and three children, Grace, Stebbins and Percy, of Ambler, returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Lillian Sheeder, East Main street.—Clair Rarnlsh, of East Main street, has been elected principal of the pub lic schools at Palmyra, at a recent ejection of the school board.—Miss Ruth was the guest of Miss Emily Singer In Carlisle on Wednes day.—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Myers were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Myers. South Market street, this week. Mr. Myers recently returned from service In France.—Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sieber returned to their home in East Main street after a motor I trip to Huntingdon.—The Rev. James Runkle, wife and daughters, the Misses Sara and Mary, of Jean nette, were guests at the home of the .Misses Shriver, West Locust street. —Miss Kate Heffiefinger, of Sha mokin, was the guest this week of her aunt, Miss Julia Heffiefinger, East Main street.—Walter Gronbeck has returned to the home of his parents, after service overseas.—Miss Belle Heck, of Shiremanstown, was the guest of Mrs. Robert Foust, at the home of John Ringwalt, South Mar ket street, on Monday.—ln the work of removing the steeple of the Church of God in East Main street, preparatory to remodeling and im proving the edifice, people in that vi cinity witnessed a thrilling sight on Wednesday morning, when & work man perched on the topmost pinnacle and commenced the perilous work of prying loose the top of the spire. A lot of interested people gathered and watched him as he worked with fel low laborers clinging to a scaffold a few feet farther down.—While at tending the one hundredth anniver sary of Center College, Danville, Ky., the Rev. George Fulton, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, had the degree of Doctor of Divinity .conferred upon him. He Is a graduate of the institution. State Highway Dept. to Fix Elizabethtown Streets Ellxabethtawn, Pa., June 21, E. A, Fackler, chairman of the public works committee of Borough Coun cil, has received from District Super intendent M. E. Brenner and District Engineer of the State Highway De partment C. W. Eisman, word that operations upon the Improvements of the streets of the borough by the State Highway Department would be gin shortly.—Albert Gabbach, the lo cal fisherman, was lucky enough to land two catfish that weighed IV4 pounds each.—Marcus Relchert had the foundation made for a handsome new dwelling house on Hanover street which he will occupy when completed.—The borough has again gone over the top in its quota in raising funds for building improve ments at St. Joseph's Hospital at Lancaster. The solicitors in their house-to-house canvass for cash sub scriptions worked hard and was suc cessful.—The Crescent Club will hold an outing and banquet at Wild Cat on Tuesday evening, June 24. All members Intending going will be at the clubroom in the square not later than 6.45, as the auto truck will leave at that time. The committee on ar rangements consists of Harry Beck, Myrle Binkley and Ambrose Plum mer.—Harry Cohen, a young son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen, while climbing over a fence, fell and broke his left arm near the wrist. Delegate to Convention Makes Report of Sessions Kewvtlle, Pa., June 21. —The Young Ladies' Missionary Society of the Church of God met at the home of Mrs. E. L. Dltzler on Tuesday. Miss Bess Landis, who was elected a dele gate to the missionary convention at Shiremanstown, gave an interesting report. The July meeting will be held at the home of the Misses Edna and Elizabeth Martin. At a recent meeting of the school board, the en tire corps of former teachers was re-elected. Owing to inclement weather, the closing meeting of the year of the Civic Club, which was to have been held on the lawn at the home of the president. Mrs. Belle Swope, was held in the municipal building. The room was tastefully decorated with baskets of roses and peonies. A social hour was spent nnd refreshments were served, after which the business meeting was held. A committee was appointed to form plans for a picnic to be held In July. Mrs. S. B. Hewlett and three chil dren are visiting relatives at Patton. Russell Swlgert, of Baltimore, Md., spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Swigert. Dr. John Krall and family, of Lansdowne, visited Mrs Krall's mother, Mrs. Laura Lindsey, this week. Miss Ellen Brlcker, of Brookville, is visit ing at the home of her brother, W. C. Bricker. Mrs. Charles Weicht vis ited relatives at Chamberaburg for several days. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Open All Year. Enter Any Time. Individ nal Promotion. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 MARKET ST. Bell 135 (Opp. Senate) Dial 4015 OLDEST COLLEGE GRADUATE LIVING Trustees of Gettysburg Insti tution Congratulate S Lucent of Eighty Years Ago NINETY-NINE YEARS OLD Adams County Food Produc ers Asked to Supply Big Hotel at Washington Gettysburg, Pa_, June 21. Bo cause It was the eightieth anni versary of the graduation of Dr. ■William F. Eyster, of Crete, Nebras ka, from Gettysburg College, the board of trustees of the college at their recent meeting sent a letter of congratulation >to the aged alum nus who is now in his ninety-ninth year. Dr. Eyster is the oldest liv ing graduate of any college in the United States. Adams county's producers of articles used for food have been asked to help supply the demand for such articles at the big Government Hotel in the city of Washington. It is said that present conditions in the Capital City make it absolutely necessary that coun try produce be secured for this big hotel that is the home for thou sand women employes in the Fed eral service. Accordingly Charles S. Myers, who helped establish the motor mail service and community postoffice in Two Taverns, has been sent home to aid in procuring live chickens, eggs, butter, cream, rad ishes, lettuce and in fact any article that can be sent by motor mail serv ice ito supply the great need of these clerks. Mr. Myers asks the Adams county producers to assist in supplying this need by shipping their surplus stock.—The Order of Independent Americans has pre sented an American flag to the Kurtz playground association, to be swung to the breeze from the flag staff on the grounds.—Some of Get tysburg's young men are going to Kansas to work on farms there dur ing the harvest season.—John M. Weikert, of McKnightstown, left for West Point to enter the military academy there for a four-year course, having successfully passed the examinations for entrance in March.—Chief of Police Smiley has been asked by a soldier returned from France, Harry McFarland, of Marysville. to assist in the finding of a young woman small in stature, with bright auburn hair, who was employed in Gettysburg as a stenog rapher in the service during the camp here in 1917. His search for the girl is to fulfill a promise made to a dying comrade while on the field of battle in France. The dead hero is ben Stahman who was here with the Fourth United States In fantry Regiment, and during his stay in Gettysburg became acquaint ed with the girl in question, and when he fell on the battlefield he asked his comrade to And this girl and give her the message he then uttered. During the stormy days that followed McFarland has for gotten the girl's name and address, but with it all is trying to keep the promise made to his friend. —Caused by a slight bruise suffered while at work on the new residence being erected for John Mcllhenny, Irvin Leech has a severe case of blood poisoning in his arm. His entire arm is affected and is swollen to three times its natural size.—The windstorm which passed over the county the early part of the week blew the thirty-two by twenty foot chicken house on the farm of Eu gene Athoff clear oft its founda tion. Guests Entertained at Home of John Laird Lewisberry, Pa., June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wentz and eon. Ray, pf Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nesbit and Mr. and Mrs. Quay Nesbit, of Dillsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rupp and s6n, Melvin, of Yocumtown; Dewey Nesbit and Miss Beda Graybill, of York; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Strominger, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, Corporal Chester Troup Strominger and Miss Esther Bishop, of Mechanicsburg, were en tertained Sunday at the home of John R. Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fetrow, of Kansas, who spent about three months with Mrs. Cath arine Fetrow, left Tuesday for their home in the west. Miss Julia A. Sutton returned from a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Ottmyer at York. Fred erick, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rudisill of York, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Strayer. Mrs. W. A. Park, York, is spending the week in the borough.—Mrs. Clinton Reiff, son Private Walter M. Reiff and daughter. Miss Mary Reiff, spent Tuesday at York. Mrs. Matilda Parks is spending several days with her grand-daughter, Mrs. Miller Hoover at Lisburn. Private Oliver Scott Erney, left Monday for Balti more after visiting his brother Har vey Erney. He will spend the week with relatives and then go back to his former work at New land.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Strayer and daughter, Ethel, spent Sunday with the latter'o parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walkdi, of Mt. Airy. Lincoln Zeiders and Lloyd S. Fetrow were Sunday guests of Harry Snyder and family, of Ftsh ing Creek Valley. John C. Har lacher, of New Cumberland, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Millard. Robert Hoover, of Lisburn, is visiting his grand-par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks.— Mr. and Mrs. William Hollinger and daughter, Grace, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Snavely of Ptnetown. —Mrs. Vf. B. Weigle, who is taking treatment at Harrisburg. was home on Sunday. Mrs. Sophia Erney, of New Cumberland, who spent two weeks with her son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney, will return to her home on Saturday. —• Charles Bell, Steelton is the guest of his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stonesifer. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllium Fetrow and children. Wil liam and Catharine of Goldsboro, were guests of the former's mother, I Mrs. Catharine Fetrow.
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