Amnion Peach Gaverwnejat BSH Sign Treaty a f Peact HARRISBURG (££o639> TELEGRAPH ®jt 35tor- independent., LXXXVIII— NO. 143 24 PAGES Dall i a u x 6 c r ep a t t WSit o&\ r °2t*S^L°bu^ laM HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 20, 1919. OM *L£ES!S£ ZPSZ&SSvn?" HOME EDITION SCHEIDEMANN MINISTRY FALLS AS CABINET REFUSES TO SIGN ALLIED TERMS OF PEACE BELIEF STRONG IN PARIS THAT HUNS WILL SIGN TERMS 'Work of Organizing Cabinet Favorable to Pact Now Is Reported in Progress ORLANDO RESIGNS BUT WILL LIKELY REMAIN IN COUNCIL s By Associated Press PARIS, June 20.—A1l reports concerning changes in the German cabinet are premature, says an offi cial German wireless message sent from Nauen at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The message adds that the National Assembly failed to get a majority of its members to favor signing the peace terms. The text of the message reads: "The National Assem bly at Weimar tried to constitute a majority in favor of signing the Peace Treaty. That was im possible because of the division among the parties. All news regarding changes in the cabinet is pre mature." tM. ■ A Growing belief that Germany would sign the peace treaty was strengthened to-day by news of the fall of the Scheidemann ministry in that country. The prem ier had been one of the most outspoken of German officials in his opposition to the treaty. Paris advices indicates the expectation there that the cabinet formed by his successor will be one that ■will accept the Allied terms. It is reported that Gustav Noske, the minister of defense, will head the new ministry. Majority Favors Signing From the current German dispatches it would appear that the Majority Socialists, the Independent Socialists and the Centrists are in favor of signing the treaty, with the German national and and democratic parties opposed to accepting the terms. As the first three organizations form an overwhelming majority in the national assembly, it appears the new cabinet will in effect, re ceive a mandate to meet the demands of the Entente. Orlando Wants to Quit A situation has arisen in Italy that threatens to complicate the work of the Peace Conference. Premier Or lando last night submitted the resig nation of his cabinet, following an adverse vote in the Chamber of Dep uties ore a motion by the premier for a secret session at which the foreign policy of the kingdom would be dis cussed. The resignation has not yet been accepted by King Victor Em manuel, however, and Signor Orlan do may remain ire office to carry on work of the Peace Conference, in which he has been one of the most prominent figures. Should Premier Orlando quit office, there would apparently he a consid erable delay in the settlement of the Adriatic problem. In his address be fore the chamber, prior to the vote the premier said that the situation at Weimar, June 20.—Via Amsterdam to London. —The German cabinet headed by Philipp Scheidemann has resigned. The cabinet is to continue temporarily until President Ebert has been able to form a new one. Paris. June 20.—The Scheide mann government in Germany has fallen, it was learned here to-day. News of the event, reported during the morning, was confirmed later by military advices through Coblenz from both Weimar and Berlin. The downfall of the Scheidemann government was made known to the American delegation to the Peace Conference. It is believed to assure the signing of the Peace Treaty by Germany as Philipp Scheidemann, the premier, was understood to be the chief opponent to acceptance of the revised peace terms. The early reports stated that Gus tav Noske. the minister of defense, was forming a cabinet to succeed the outgoing government. Previous advices had indicated that four members of the Scheide mann cabinet were insisting upon the signing of the treaty, and it is presumed here that this caused the fall of the ministry. Up to noon there was no official confirmation of the report that Herr Noske was forming a government. It is understood here that the fall of the Scheidemann government en tails the fall also of President THE WEATHER Hnrrlsburg and Vicinity. Portly cloudy, probably tiiunitrr- Klinncra to-night and Saturday. - P Xot much change in tempera ture. Eastern Pennsylvania. Portly cloudy to-night and Saturday, probably local thunderNhowern. J.lttle change in temperature. Gentle to moderate aouthweat winds. River: The Snsquehaaaa river and all It* branches will fall alovtly or remain nearly sta tionary, except local risings may occur In some streams as a result of heavy local show ers. A stage of about 4.0 feet Is Indicated for Harrlsburg Saturday morning. ] preseret was grave and that Italy was ; facing "the most acute phase of the , immense crisis arsing from the I war." Allied Forces Heady to Invade Meanwhile, despite the signs that I Germany will accept the Peace Treaty, the Allied forces are pre | pared for her refusal of it. Marshal ! Foch, it is reported will be in cora | mand on a front extending from the ; fthiree to the Danube should a for ward movement be necc *sary. Swiss j advices say Italian forces have begun I to occupy Vorarlberg, in the extreme 1 western part of Austria, in anticipa tion of a refusal on the part of i either Germany or Austria to meet the Allies" terms. Switzerland, in the meantime, is prepared to maintaire ; her neutrality, having called out | troopsyto guard her northern fron- I tier. ■ W Ebert. The National Assembly will probably take measures to select a successor to Herr Ebert. Rumors Current in Paris Vary Widely as to Treaty By Associated Press. Paris, June 20. Widely con flicting rumors come from Weimar concerning the German government. A Copenhagen dispatch to the Ex change Telegraph says the signing of the treaty is as certain as if the signatures had already been put to the document. Another report is that the cabinet has resigned, but will continue temporarily in office until President Ebert has been able to form a new one. Still another re port is that the Germans have asked for a further extension of the time limit within which to act on the treaty, it is reported byway of Ixtndon that a poll of the various parties in the Weimar assembly seems to show that the peace terms cannot fail to be accepted. The ma jority Socialists, it is added, gave a considerable majority in favor of signing. Senators Wait on Pact Decision Before Voting By Associated Press. Washington, June 20.—There were growing indications to-day that opponents of the League of Na tions might abandon all efforts to force a test vote on the subject in the Senate before the Germans act on the Peace Treaty at Versailles Monday. Hope of bringing a rollcall on the Knox resolution virtually had been abandoned. 27 Bodies Recovered From Ruins of Movie Theater San .Juan. P. R„ June 20.—One hundred and fifty persons, including many children, are reported killed or injured in the destruction by fire last night of a motion picture the ater at Mayaguez. The bodies of twenty-seven unidentified persons were recovered from the ruins to day. Scene at Paxtang When Troop 18 Wins Great Relay Race ■P5i I hP fBßy fl § Hsii •: ' 'V ' ;/■■ ' ~. •' ' -j • ■ ; > , . ■ : \ EIGHT ACRES ARE CONVEYED FOR POLICE BARRACKS New Unit of State Constabu lary to Be Housed in Herr Street Trustees of the State Insane Hos pital in this city have conveyed to the State for erection of the barracks for Troops K, the new unit of the State Police, eight and a third acres of the farm attached to the institution. The plan is to ask for bids for the building of the barracks as soon as possible and meanwhile enlistment of the men for the new troop will be started and it will probably be organized at a temporary location to be leased near this city. The land conveyed lies along Herr street between 19tli and 21st and has been farmed. It adjoins the State Arsenal property and the new bar racks will be a short distance from the military storehouses. The city parkway will go beside the barracks following the line of the run and making a very pretty location. The plan of the State Police de partment now is to enlist only men of overseas service in the troops and the new troop will be of men who have served in actual warfare. ' Mrs. May Heck Denies She Annoys Neighbors When Called in Court When Mrs. May Heck, on parole after conviction on a charge of be ing a common scold, was called be fore President Judge George Kun kel to-day to report, a neighbor ap peared, who declared that the wo man was still annoying her. These charges were made before Mrs. Heck, who denied them em phatically. "Judge, you don't think I would come in here and not tell the truth, do you?" she asked the court. "There are a good many thoughts I don't express," was Judge Kun kel's answer. He then told Mrs. Heck that while under suspended sentence she had no right to dis turb a neighbor in any manner, re gardless of what the neighbors might say to her. "You are in a different position than those who complain about you," he told her. "You have been convicted and are on probation and must conduct yourself accordingly. We understand this case thorough ly and we are. tired of having it brought up again and again." Mrs. Heck was ordered to pay the costs of the prosecution and re port again in September. About eight other defendants who had been on probation for a year or more were discharged finally. Aviator Smashes Plane in Perry County Field New Bloomfield, Pa., June 20. — Pilot Damborn, of Bellefonte, driver of U. S. Mail plane No. 79, was slightly injured and his plane con siderably damaged reear New Bloom field to-day when he attempted to land in a wheat field. Lam horn is said to have mistaken the wheat field for a grass plot until too late, and when he landed, the wheels caught In the grain and the plane overturned. The propellor was broken ared the plane badly damaged. Lamborn, a carrier on the route be tween New York City and Cleveland, was on his way from the latter city to Bellefonte, when he lost his way. GROWTH OF CITY IS TOLD BY OLD FRIEND Col. George Nox McCain Writes of Time When Fire Horses Were Pastured and Market Square Was Market Center Colonel George NOT McCain, one of the best-known newspaper men of Pennsylvania, has recently returned to Harrisburg after an absence of several years to cover the closing sessions of the Legislature for the Even ing Ledger of Philadelphia. Colonc I McCain lias been greatly impressed by the marvelous transformation tchi eh has taken place in Harrisburg since he first came here almost a gcncrati on ago to record the doings of the Legislature. Through the courtesy of the Evening Ledger the Telegraph is permitted this evening to print so me observations of Colonel "MeCuin upon the new Harrisburg simultaneously with their appearance to-day in the Evening Ledger, which illustrates the story with some fine views of the city made especially for this article. [Staff Correspondent of the Even-< ing Public Ledger] i (r M O A BIENNIAL visitor, often 1 for months at a time during a period covering a third of a century, the changes that have been wrought in Harrisburg within I tho last two decades are striking and beautiful. It is transformation rath er than change. "My recollection of the city dates from the Fourth of July, 1873, when as a lad I made an excursion trip between midnights to and from the state capital. The name loomed large in my boyish fancy. My mem ory recalls it now as a three-story brick-country town. The only really nice homes were along the water front; and some of them were noth ing to be proud of even in the arch itecture or cleanliness of their fa cades. "The sidewalks were of brick worn into unsightly holes in frequent places. The Susquehanna river side was a precipitous and clayey bank, with a fringe of driftwood along the edge of the placid water that was in [Continued on I"a go 23.] Kipona, City's Huge Water Carnival, to Be Held on Labor Day This Year After being postponed for two years, Harrisburg's annual Kipona, the city's huge water carnival, will be staged on Day, the execu tive committee of the Greater Har risburg River Navy, decided at a meeting, last evening in the offices of the Harrisburg Park Department. Preliminary arrangements pro vide for the presentation of such events as were included on past programs. Definite costs will be learned within the next several days and plans for a financial campaign will be laid at the next meeting of the executive committee. The next meeting will be held on steamboats and flatboats, anchored near George Reese's bonthouse, as the guests of Ray Steward. The scholastic war ranoe race will be presented again this year and authorization for the securing of such canoes, was issued last night. Tech. Central, Harrisburg and Steel ton, will be invited. Hot Coffee in Roaster Set Fire to Shop When coffee, being heated in a roaster at the Enterprise Coffee Company, South Cameron street, and Mather alley, became over heated this morning about 8.30, it caught fire and an alarm was turned in from Box 13 4, at Cameron and Market streets. Several fire companies responded to the call and managed, by the use of the chemical apparatus, to pre vent the spread of the fire beyond the roaster. Damage resulted to cof fee to the extent of $4O. PRIESTS STRIKE AT SHRINE By Associated Press• Rome, Thursday, June 19. —A strike of priests, which is with out precedent, has just occurred at Loreto, a celebrated resort of pilgrims, whither, according to legend, the house of the Virgin at Nazareth was miraculously transported by angels in the year 1294. The priests asked for an amelioration of their financial condition, owing to the high cost of living, and when j their c'aims were not granted J they stopped c-eelbrating masses j and performing other religious i duties. Monsignor Andreoli, Bishop of i Recanati, in whose diocese Lo | reto is located, is intervening ! personally in persu n ding the priests to resume their duties, j promising to do everything pos sible to satisfy their desires. Private Nace Discharged After Telling Thrilling Story of His Capture By Associated Press. Aycr, Mass., June 20. Private Paul Lester Nace. whose answer to a charge of desertion was that he had been kidnaped and held pris oner on board a German submarine, was given his full freedom to-day after the finding of the court-mar tial acquitting him was approved Iby Major General H. P. McCain, i commander of Camp Devens. Nace has announced that he will ask for early discharge from the Army and go to the home of a sister at Car lisle, Pa. He disappeared fiom Camp Dev ens in May, 'l9lB, and on October 16 reported to the military authori ties at Fort Story, Va. In the in terim, he said, he was held by the Germans, who sought to obtain air plane secrets from him. He was finally freed about two miles off Cape Henry, Va., and swam ashore from the submarine, according to his testimony. Valley Railways Plans Improvements, Is Report A rumor was in circulation in bus iness circles to-day to the effect that extensive improvements in the way of terminal facilities both on this and the other side of the Susque hanna river, are being planned by the Valley Railway Company. "I know absolutely nothing about it," said C. H. Bishop, general man ager. , THOUSANDS MAKE MERRY AT GREAT SCHOOL OUTING Youngsters Enter Many Ath letic Contests With a Will BIG SPELLING BEE IS ON Theater Opened to Happy, Carefree. Boys and Girls of the City Whoopee! The big Telegraph picnic at Pax tang Park was off at 11 o'clock this morning when valiant regiments of Boy Scouts, those lively youngsters who are making good citizenship for Uncle Sam, set forth from the Tele graph building to relay race all the way to the big playground of the day. It was a gay and gallant sight to see these youngsters, with the red blood Jumping through their veins, throbbing to get away and win the valuable prize. Each lad, on finishing his sprint, tossed a spe cial edition of the Telegraph to the relief runner; many parents and friends of the rugged lads were on hand to pick each man up as he got to the end of his run. and the race went along in six-cylinder style, under warm sunny skies and a fresh breeze. The Boy Scouts are becoming so important a feature in American life that it is only right to mention the names of the contestants to-day, and they were; Boys in bine Troop 2-—Scouts Bernard Cohn, Kranzdorf, Ben Levi, A. Rosen. Ce cil Newmark, Israel Furman, Morris Marcus, M. Klawansky, E. Begelfer, Louis Cohn, S. Isaacman, Israel Wolfson, Isaac Cown, Hyman Levin, and Sylvan Garonzik. Troop— 4—Scouts Hosmer, Selig, Eyler, Wallower, Dickinson. Hop kins, Jones, Graeff, Grimes. Schofield, Biles and Hope. Troop B—Burchfleld,8 —Burchfleld, Walters, E. Wallis, Zarker, Shoop, Strickler, Sowers, Brooke, Gilbert, Unger, Duncan, Bowman, Nieman, Harr, R. Wallis. Troop 18 — U KUer, Harvey Klaer, Paul, Pries, Cornwallls Pries, Buyer, Patterson, Hoffman", Gross, Zeigler, DeHart, McCahn, Chester Buyer, Ford. Troop 20—Scouts Baer, Bals baugh, Byrnes, Conrad, Robinson, Rowan. Swope, Tyson, Wagner, N. Winn, Rankin and Moffatt. Troop 13—Huber, Kennedy, R. Keller, Robert Keller, L. Krause, R. I Huber, C. Krause, W. Grunden, W. I Maglaughlin, T. Webster, J. Thomp son, J. Hagar. C. Carl, R. Hertzler sub., J. Hertzler, sub. Troops 17, 26 and 28 were also en ' tered but the names of their en trants had not been announced, but will be in to-morrow's account. The Harrisburg Railways Com pany was on the job early, and be fore nine o'clock thousands of school children were on the way, their vari ous banners flaunting, their care-free I boices awakening echoes far and i wide. The invasion of parents and i whole families began by noon, for it i was an occasion for hundreds of ' special picnics, a great many indi j vidual parties taking advantage of ■ tho beautiful spot and the even to j spend a day outdoors. The teachers were real generals, marshaling their troops with i teriy hand and the teachers hau to stand for quite a bit of chaffing, too, for many were entered in the sewing competition, and each brought her pet thimble as a mascot. V. Grant Forrer, of the Park De- I partment, traction company officials, jand "Doc" Miller, of the Y. M. C. A., were waiting out at the field for the ramping, ambitious athletes, the en tries being far greater than expect ed. Traction company men had roped off the contest spots and the games promised to be hot, especially for the Telegraph cup, which goes to a three-time winner. One of the funniest stunts of the day was an egg race for girls: the eggs had not been ordered, but the restaurant of the park came across quickly, and in time to add the necessary excitement to this novelty. Other of the freak stunts were high ly diverting, such as the shoe race for small boys and the obstacle race. Two professors certainly had their job cut out, Messrs E. G. Rose in charge of the music, and J. J. Brehm, master of the spelling bee. Before the latter began and it called out a perfect mob of pupils, longball games took place twixt girl teams, and community singing, with a fine band leading made the welkin ring. At 2 o'clock the hig theater opened its door for a free show and it need ed rto "barkers" to bring in the crowd. The announcement that an aviator from Middletown would do stunts between 5 and 6 held num bers out in the park, and many plan ned to spend the evening there. A most popular feature of the af ternoon was the arrival of Lieutenant Governor Edward E. Beidleman, who was recognized by every pupil and teacher for he has long been the strong public man 'for betterment of school conditions. E. J. Stackpole, after a brief introduction stated that Mr. Beidleman would distribute the various prizes of the day which made quite an imposing heap. At the very last moment of entry, Woodward School announced its contestants in the spelling bee as George Sharp?, 175 | North 15th street: Robest Lenig, 1110 ! £ Continued on Page 18.] YOUNGSTERS TO SEE AVIATOR An added spectacular attraction to the Telegraph picnic for Harris burg school children to-day at Pax tang Park will be the stunts of an expert flyer from the Middletown Aviation plant, who, through the courtesy of Col. Kirtland. will be instructed to stop at Paxtang on his way to the Chamber of Com merce flying demonstration at-the Colonial Club. It is expected that this cloud-buster will start from the Aviation field about 5 P. M. and in a few minutes he will be over the park where he contemplates doing some Jazz stunts for the di version of the school folks. MOTOR CLUB IS READY TO ASSIST IN LESS NOISES Gives Endorsement to Cam paign Started by the Rotary Club Prompt endorsement of the anti noise campaign Inaugurated by the Rotary Club this week is voiced in a letter sent by J. Clyde Myton, sec retary of the Motor Club of Harris burg, to W. M. Robison, secretary [Continued on Page 5.] NAVY TO GET FUND Washington. June 20.—With few dissenting votes the Senate naval committee to-day decided to recom mend an increase in the naval avi ation fund for 1020 from $15,000,000 to $35,000,000 as requested by Secre tary Daniels. | 4"$ w t w s , 4 > 4*4*4 t 4' 4* 4*4' 4* 4*4* 4*4 , 4*4*4*4 r 4"4*4*4 , @ J Z GERMANY TO REMAIN DISARMED T 4 Paris—The new article in the Peace Treaty whir X 4 X 4 replaces the original provision for the disarmament of 4 Germany, Number 165, providing for reduction to a J \ . rade Jt § 4 English version; "Up to th etime at which Germany is 4 4* *l* 4 T 4 4 4* .4 4* $ T n c \:r of <* *:• atipamertts '• <ed try the-table ,4 4 X $ i? 4 T ' v 4 x 4 jjS idbnt Wilson and his party arrived here T X • - , to ~r '*§ 4 scls a the war rone in Belgium- There was no formal ®- 7 reception. Mr. Wilson drove imm,edia?cly to the Paris 4 X ZALLIFD FORCES READY FOR REFUSAL OF PACT 4 T Hi 1 j.. ,T 4* 4 4 4 4 4 4* f T .T* 4 -•* ion 4 T ,Y 4 4 X it> prepared to maintain her neutrality, having called out 4 tt i i ■ ft nt . 4 T >ll TREATY LONGER THAN OLU 4 4 ris—The alterations and amendments incorporat ££ X e • '• Council >f F"Ut in the re used treaty make > 4 4 t longer document than the draft originally iT 4j uu! the Ger ••am- nd published in the Unit' 4 |d State ' X if MARRIAGE LICENSES | eS Charl 'tf x " v,n Ker and Mary E. Paul, lpi -r Pox ton townahlpi L -4 X " 1 "" I-eHher, Pnlmyrn, and Cora E. Rabuck, Harrlnbura. T ™ "• "• 4| John A. Srhaffrr, Hnrrlahiirar. and Rather G. Wrtwr, L<- <P eia nioynri Grorßre W. l ooker and Jeannette H. ( hronlatrr, HarrlahqrKi X Harry E. Alliaon and Clara V. Dlrhl, York. EMINENT MUSIC MASTER CHOSEN BY METHODISTS Bernard R. Mausert Comes to Grace Church as Organist and Choirmaster TAKES HOLD IN THE FALL New Director Brother of Mrs. Robert B. Reeves, Con tralto SoSloist In conjunction with the new Aus tin organ being installed in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, and which is to be one of the very best in the entire country, a new organ ist and choirmaster, Bernard R. Mausert, of Schnectady, N. Y„ has been engaged. Mr. Mausert, a musician of wide and successful experience, has stud ied in New York, London and Ber lin under instructors of very first rank and has built a following in Schenectady, which is a tribute to untiring, conscientious work to heighten musical taste in that city. Studies at Royal Academy In Berlin he studied at the Royal Academy under Prank Schulz, lead i ing Bach exponent and organist of national reputation; piano* under ! Reinecke; harmony and theory un | der Schratten-holz, leader of the Ber | lin Symphony Society and chorus work under the director of the Ber lin Opera. In London- he studied at I the Royal Academy, and privately - with Dr. Hugh Blair, organist of Holy Trinity Church. I He was one of the founders, and i has for several years been presi [Continued on Page 23.]
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