12 SUDDEN DEATH OF AGED WOMAN ■"Well-Known Liverpool Resi dent Stricken in Conversa tion With Neighbor Liverpool. Pa., June 21.—While, engaged in conversation with "AunF Sallte" Holman, Mrs. Caroline Shu!-1 er, widow of Samuel Shuler, owner j of the large Shuler general store and drugstore, in Front street, foil, off her chair about 9 o'clock yes terday morning. Her daughter, Mrs. Annie Beigh, ran to her assistance, but she died almost instantly. Mrs. Shuler was 78 jears olu sr.il was one of Liverpool's life-long :esi-j •dents. Funeral services will be held on ' Monday by the Rev. Albert E. Fleck, | pastor of the Methodist Episcopal I church, of which Mrs. Shuler was a member, assisted by former pastors, j •One brother. William Miller, of Liv-I > erpool; a sisrter, Mrs. Sallie Diest. of 1 Newport; four sons. H. A. S. Shuler, cashier of Liverpool National bank:; IS. Maurice Shuler, game warden of j Perry county; Albert Shuler, man-1 I ager of Shuler's store, of Liverpool; John Shuler. of Millersburg; three ' daughters. Miss Mellie V. Shuler of Girard Colllege, Philadelphia: Mrs. T. J. Williamson and Mrs. Annie. Beigh. of Liverpool: seven grand- | i children and one great granddaugii- [ i ter survive. APPOINTED ON FACULTY Annville. Pa., June 21. —At the j commencement exercises at Lebanon j Valley College this week it was an- I nounced that Professor T. Bayard I Beatty, of Carnegie Technical Insti- j tute. has been appointed to the | chair of English in the college and that Lieutenant Paul Strickler. of , Lebanon, now with the American j Expeditionary Forces in France, has i been selected as physical director I and athletic coach. Both men are | graduates of the college and have j won special distinction in their chosen fields of educational work. I YOUNG MAN DROWNED Lewistown, Pa., June 21.—Robert : Smith, aged about 21 years, of . Lewistown. was drowned in the j Schuylkill river, at Philadelphia, on | Thursday. His body was found float- 1 ing on the stream. He was a son of I Mr. and Mrs. Harris Smith. Smith ! went to Philadelphia nhou ten days ago to take the State Dental Roard j examination. ELECTED TRUSTEE Annville. Pa., June 21.—Professor H. H. Sherji. custodian of the public | records at the State Library, was ; this week elected a member of the : board of trustees of Lebanon Val- j ley College. Professor Shenk was ' a member of the faculty of the col- i lege before his appointment to the State Library. FIGHT FOR CULM BANKS j Sunbury. Pa., June 21. —William , C. Moulton, a Scranton, Pa., capital- | ist. who recently won title to culm > banks at Trevorton. said to be worth j $2,000,000, will have to go into Fed eral Court and tight for the title again. Judge Thompson, of Phlla- J delphia, who tried the case, having awarded a new trial. jj The One Best Thing on My Car j || Esta Water Auxiliator jj fi2 Chardon Street. Boston, Mass. <j ! i The Esta Company, ]! Gentlemen:—l entered your office with the indif- J> 'I ference of a hardened autoist who had fallen for a j[ great many appliances to improve the performance ]' of this automobile, some good, many of them bad. !> J | I inquired into the principle of the ESTA and lis- j! tened attentively to the "back to Nature" discourse <[ |> of a genial gentleman, nevertheless I was convinced J| that '-'you would have to show me." j! In conclusion, I purchased and it is the one best ij thing on my car. which is a Reo four runabout with |! twenty-nine thousand miles of wonderful service to |i its credit. ][ ' The Esta does everything you say it will. Per !sonally, 1 get an average of two and one-half, miles !> increase per-gallon of gasoline; a very apparent im- jj provement in "pep" and positively no carbon. Wishing you every success, I remain, Ji Yours very truly, '[ WM. O. PARTRIDGE, JR. <j W. R. MOHNEY & SON EASTERN PEN V DISTRIRITORS 810 X. THIRD ST. H AHIIISRI RG !j j| We can Rive exclusive territory to live dealers* find nßfnta In l r nlon, J> i 1 Snyder, Juniata, NllfTlin, Perry, Cumberland, Adanm. Northumberland. ]' |i Dauphin. York. I.ebnnon. I.nncanter and other Kantern Pennsylvania ]| j! Countiei*. Write today for our proposition. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwMmmm ■MWMMMMHMWWI Recent Purchasers of the Dependable GIANT MOTOR TRUCKS Henry Hirsch Appleby Bros. & Whittaker C. E. Coppedge W. J. Morton N. C. Brandt and N. L. Kapp David F. Floyd, Lancaster Andrews Coal Co., Lancaster G. E. COOPER & SON, HARRISBURG DUMBER CO. The Giant has won a reputation, not through talk, but by merit. In competitive demonstrations the performance of the Giant has outclassed other trucks of the same rating. It operates on mixtures of gasoline and kerosene and reduces operating costs by 50 per cent. It is the most economical truck on the market today. Made in 1, 2 and sizes. J. E. DARE 209 Chestnut St. or 17th & Chestnut Sts. SATURDAY EVENING, WEST SHORE Miss Gladys Weiser Bride of Jack A. Schaeffer Washington Heights, June 21.—A wedding was solemnized at the St. Patrick's Cathedral recory, Harris burg. Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Friday at 8 o'clock p. m., when Miss Esther Gladys Weiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Weiser. of Le moyne, and Jack A. Schaeffer, of Peacedale. R. 1., were married by the Rev. Daniel Carey. The bride was attired in ta taupe Tyrol wool travel -1 ing suit, with picture hat. and wore a corsage, bouquet of white bride i roses. They were attended by Mr. 1 and Mrs. Earl Stone, cousins of the ; bride. Mr. Schaeffer has been sta | tinned at MJd'dletown for the past • two vears as a 'mechanician. After ! a wedding Journey, including east ' ern cities and a visit to the home of i the groom the young couple will live ' at 226 North Second street, Harris i burg. MARYSVII.LK CHURCH SERVICE Maryitvlllr, Pa., June 21.—Prcach | Ing services in the Trinity Reformed Church to-morrow morning will be ; in charge of the pastor, the Rev. : Ralph E. Hartman. He will speak j on "A Natural Body and a Spiritual Body." "Christianity and the Toll ers of India." will be the subject at the Christian Endeavor service in i the evening, with Mrs. Scott Ixtiby j as the leader. I Annual children's day services will be held in the Church of God to-mor row evening at 7.30 o'clock. An in teresting program has been prepared. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock the | pastor, the Rev. Wesley N. Wright, j will speak on "Jesus Living and ! Teaching the Gospel." The monthly union prayer meeting ! of the several churches of the bor ough will be held next week on Wed ■ nesday evening in the Zion s Luth j eran Church. THIEVES STEAL MARKETING New I'nßberland, Pa.. June 21. [ On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Posey, ' who occupies part of Mrs. Annie I Straub's house on Market street, at tended market at Harrisburg. On returning home she placed her mar keting in the cellar, and later, when she went to get some of the articles, j F he found everything she had pur chased gone. Some thief had carried It off. In the afternoon while the ; families occupying the house were n way. the dwelling was entered, drawers were ransacked and oarpets torn up. but nothing was disturbed in the second floor. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mnrysvllle, Pa., June 21—Announce ments have been'issued by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roberts, Dahlian street. ; of the wedding on Thursday evening 1 of next week of their daughter. Miss Emma Roberts to George W. Hain. [ The ceremony will be performed at the home of the bride's parents by her pastor, the Rev. Ralph E. Hart man, of Trinity Reformed Church. F. V. ROCKEY RESIGNS Frederick V. Rockey, principal of the Camp Hill public schools, has re signed his position. Mr. Rockey, af ter eight y,ears of public school teach ing has resigned to enter the busi ness field. His successor at Camp Hill has not as yet been elected. WAR DEPARTMENT IS GETTING READY FOR TROUBLE IN MEXICO Opponents of Carranza Show Greater Strength Than at First Supposed; Aguilar's Visit Thought to Have Been Mis sion For Securing Assistance in Revolution B'i Associated yress. i Washington, June 21.—Recent'de velopments along the southern bor der and within Mexico itself, it wus learned officially to-day, has brought a radical change in the attitude of this government towards Mexico. "Watchful waiting" has been dis arcded for "watchful prepardness." The War Department has per fected plans to throw a punitive ex pedition across the Rio Grande the moment official word is received ot reprisals by Villa for the Juarez in cident or in case of other contingen cies tending to bring the Mexican situation again to a stage approach- i ing the crisis of last Sunday. Orders for the advance of this j column, however, it was said, will bo accompanied by instructions for the military occupation of territoiy nec essary to insure the safety of the expedition and absolute protection of the border through the creation of a neutrnl zone south of the line. Further movement of the expedition would depend entirely on subsequent developments. Rebels at Capital Gates Although three federal generals now are operating against Villa in Northern Mexico, confidential reports to the War Department are not opti mistic regarding the success of the Carranzists campaign there while the withdrawal of badly needed troops from the south. It is expect'ed, will be followed by fresh incursions of the Felicistas—already at ihe very gates of the capital. The Carranza military establish ment, according to official reports tiled here, actually includes less than Bevel Plate Glass rear curtains adds to the dignity and beauty of any automobile. When once installed your expense is over. We make a special rear curtain at a special price for FORD CARS Any design of light carried in stock and put in on short notice. All kinds of Auto Tops, Curtains, Seat Covers, Cushions, etc., made and installed by REAL MECHANICS. C. A. FAIR Carriage and Auto Works EAST END MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE | c &fi£ Most Beautiful Car in/lmeriai j || The Great Outdoors . j VI In summer it is a splendid treat to leave the noisy, swelter' I 59 mg city far behind you and get out into the "Open □ Place" where the air is pure and nature looks at her T &Q best. It means healthy recreation for every member of n pi the family. It means better spirits, stronger lungs, Eu brighter faces and keener appetites. It means a new 4; conception of the joy of living. | Kr A Paige five-passenger "Linwood" will make such excur- 6 jrL sions possible with maximum comfort and minimum ET expense. That powerful six-cyhnder motor is unfailing □ ■I —the spring suspension turns every road into a Boule vard. All you need is a little gasoline, oil and water. n You can then depend upon your car to do the rest. | If New Series Linwood "Six-39"—five-passenger—slsss T Wj New Series Essex "Six-55"—seven-passenger—s2o6o 1 EY Prices f. o. b. Detroit M IT PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN VJ ! ri Fishman Motors Company 21 PI EDWARD FISHMAN, Mgr. TFL ■jf 110 South Fourth St., Cor. Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. J ■J, Liberal Dealer* Proportion for Mifflin, Perry, Junlntn anil Pnraberland Conntlea KO Bell 2750-R. la , <;240 Aj* HAMJMWCmG TELEGRIP3 [forty per cent, of its paper strength of 160,000 and its military value is decreased by the doubtful loyalty of some of the high officers and the fact that hundreds of recruits were forci bly conscripted. Of the rebel factions, of which there are said to be seven opposing Csrranza, Villa is reported to be the I strongest. Tho Villistas are conscrva | tively estimated to number 10,000 equipped with fairly modern arms Including cannon up to 105 mllli ! metres in caliber. j So serious is the condition faced { by President Carranza that lie is j said to be bending every effort to secure tho direct support of the United States in maintaining his power. This, according to officials here, accounts for tho ease with which the Juarez incident was closed. One of the principal purposes of the recent visit to Washington oi General Candido Aguilar, son-in-law of the president, and a member of his cabinet, it is declared, was to secure this support by the United States. General Aguilar was author ized. according to reports to settle the oil question and other matters that have caused friction between the two countries. HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT New Bloomlicld, Pa., June 21. — Mrs. Charles Shearer, of Carroll township, suffered a fractured right forearm when an automobile driven by her husband, upset in rounding a sharp curve in Center township. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanihaugh and 1 small son, who were riding with tho Shearers, were slightly bruised. Homer Hendricks Will Visit England and France Hummelstown, Pa., Juno 21. Homer Hendricks, of Bror.xville, N. Y., a former Hummelstown boy, will leave next month for England and France. He is employed by the New Jersey Zinc Company, one of tho largest and richest of its kind in : the United States. Mr. Hendricks expects to sail about I July 1, and goes as tho Zinc Com pany's special representative to look after its interests. He will be gone about a year. Mrs. Hendricks will ac company her husband. ENTERTAINED FOR OFFICER Hummelstown, Pa., Juno 21. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Helff, Sr., en "llMl——— 11 ■ IIMi IIMIj Auto Battery Service Incomparable When you have any Battery Troubles just call Bell 267 7 or Dial 4870. We are Battery Specialists with an efficient service, in stantly. helpfully at your com mand. Our charge for caring for your battery is nominal. Our expert advice is yours for the asking. We sell the GOTTT.O Storage Battery with the Dreadnaught Super-hard Plates. The Battery you should use. Ask about it. Electric Garp GERIIART & YOUNG Evergreen & Thompson Sts. Roth Phones. tertalned a few Invited gucots al their home. East Main Btroet, on Thursday evening in lio'ior of their son, lieutenant Norman llelff, Jr. The evening was spout in music, cards and dancing r nd refreshments were served. Ttie lollowi.i; attended: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoiff, Ji , Mr. and Rlrs. Joseph Kroebcrger, Jr., Miss Helen Fox, Miss Marjorie Nissley, Mis Marion Walter, Miss Sara Muth, Miss Katharine Shull, mm Iff IP The Perfected Six 11l ll M Jtt iji [ TN order to fully appreciate the *• Bit<\ m jjfi / fi Hi j |* 1 success Lexington has achieved in *■ [l 1 1 R| jfl l f I || II 1 1' 1 1 •* perfecting the dependable six cylinder •§ fl < n 1 1 !11 ! |l type of car, one must take the wheel *i'[ J ijJi I \ | |J* and observe — •* |]>! jsil T , !!! || li| ■* The smooth, silent starting; the |||j' ,< T j H iin j| : '|W ( V quick get-away; the rhythmic flow and *0 Ijnfrl ill jiii , M< 1 11 ! ' k • °* P° wer highly responsive to " 1' nfj I'iH 'I mi ! [ h 4i' •* Y° ur wish; the emergency brake that •®||! V; | j jfuffil Imll| |o' ' operates with one finger; the complete • H| L' illfl"'' i Uni?? Wul ■* confidence and restfulness one enjoys ••K'ltli ii? i(lui,' !U f 11 •• whether taking a hill on high or inching JW JrtV(W)\)■ f|! mm -—> mm Let us demonstrate this remarkably {VU'J Jsl ) ]?2* good car —it is a sound investment. k *liv : ' {Unify ! i nulb iSt #•' ' j (I) jiff'i l ■' f I m *• •••• •• • • • ■ •'! {( ij 11 P'i C. E. DENNIS, Distributor Sales and Service, 121 S. Third St., Harrisbnrg, Pa. SLB-AGKNCIES OPEN FOR ADJOINING COUNTIES OF DAUPHIN—INVESTIGATE DUPLEX TRUCKS jC osi t L eCs.s^Pe r'Ton-m i 1 ej Duplex Lowers Hauling Costs Owners' records show that The Duplex drives with all the Duplex 4- Wheel-Drive f OU r wheels and the self- Truck lowers hauling costs locking differential makes from 20 to 60 per cent. certain that ;t pu] , ; t . The records were compiled se lf S o long as one wheel on Duplex performance in hag tract i on . comparison with horses and mules and other The double reduction gear trucks. drive enormously increases Everywhere the Duplex the power when called on proves that it lowers ton- j n an emergency, mile costs. And the Duplex goes We ask business men to through loaded where a allow us to demonstrate two - wheel - drive truck the Duplex and to look would stall empty. over owners' records. HARRISBURG AUTO CO. 4th and Kelker Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. DUPLEX TRUCK COMPANY, LANSING, MICHIGAN JUNE 21, 19W. :Misses Ruth and Esta Kilmer, Elmer Erb, Howard Sassaniun, Russell Hummel, Ralph Gingrich, Russell Glelm, Charles Bri,io*i'\ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holff, Sr., Mrs. Joseph Kroebcrger, Sr., and Mrs. Harry Bell. YORK COUNTY BAR OUTING York Haven, Pa., Juno 21.—Prac tically every member of the York County Bar Association, assembled I'Yidny at J. E. Vandersloot's "Jndtui Stopa Cabin," along the Susquehan na river, for the annual outing of j the organization. Judges N. M. War ner and N. Sergeant Rose, were guests of the lawyers. The members of the association Journeyed to the cabin in automobiles. The piogram during tlio afternoon included' ad dresses by members of both the bench and bar, also games and ottier loutdoor sports.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers