DAUPHIN MEN AREREFUSED Board of Pardons Grants Re lease For Helen Boyle; Re fuses Clemency to Many James White, of Dauphin county, ■who killed a policeman here three years ago, was refused a pardon after serving less than three years by the State Board of Pardons last night. The hearing of his application was marked by some sharp com ments by Lieutenant-Governor Beid leman, who did not see why he should be set at liberty. Robert A- Johnston, also of this county, asked pardon after serving a part of a sentence for rape and bastardy, but was also refused. The Board approved the applica tion of the inspectors of the Western Penitentiary for release on parole of Helen Boyle, who figured in the Whitla kidnaping and has served ten years. She was eligible two years ago. The Loomis first degree murder case was postponed, and the Brone slaw Bednotciki case from Beaver, was refused. Decisions were announced as fol lows: PLAYGROUND OPEN City playgrounds were opened to day for the summer. Instructors heid a brief meeting this morning in the city council chamber to re ceive information from J. K. Staples, playground supervisor, about organizing their work and making reports each week, after which they went to the various play plots to begin their duties. Supplies for the grounds were distributed during tho morning. EAT With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder Kmdi them firm. Prevent# tore fumi, White. Flavored. Antiseptic. If your dental plate is loose and drops, get instant relief, use Dr. Wernet's Powder for false teeth. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, & SI.OO. At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse all others. This is the original powder. STRENGTHENS KIDNEYS PURIFIES BLOOD You can't expect weak kidneys to alter the acids and poisons out of your e.vUem unless they are given a little "help DoSt allow them to become diseased wbii a little attention now will pre vent it. Don't try to cheat nature. As soon as you commence to have backaches, feel nervous and tired. GET BUSY. These are usually warnings that your kidneys are not working properly. Do not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you may find yourself in the grip of an incurable dis ease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil cap sules will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles. GOLD MED AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem, Hol land. Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box. Three sizes, sealed packages Money refunded if they do not quickly Eel" 1 you. Teamster's Life Saved WRITES LETTER THAT IS WORTH READING VERY CAREFULLY Peterson Ointment Co., Inc:, Buffa lo, N. Y.: I was afflicted with a very severe sore on my leg for years. I am a teamster. I tried all medicines and salves, but without success. I tried doctors, but they failed to cure me. I couldn't sleep for many nights from pain. Doctors said I could not live for more than two years. Finally Pe terson's Ointment was recommended to me and by Its use the sore was entirely healed. Thankfully yours, William Haase, West Park, Ohio, March 22, 1915, care P. G. Keitz, Box 199. Peterson says: "I am proud of the above letter and have hundreds of others that tell of wonderful cures of Eczema, Piles and Skin Diseases." Peterson's Ointment is 35 cents at. all druggists, and there isn't a broad minded druggists in America that won't praise it. | For Itching Torture There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. • Any druggist can supply you with * zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, Dim ples, rashes, blackheads in most cases give way to zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid," clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, SI.OO. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe <or tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. * Restore natural color to gray hair. Take the aim pie, easy, safe way to change your gray, faded and lifeless looking hair to ita natural dark* lustrous shade, perfectly natural in appearance. Be young looking. Thousands are renewing their youthful looka in just this way. It's not • dye. Harmless and ready to nee. Your dealer will refund the purchase price if not satisfactory. Always ask for and get MMh THURSDAY EVENING, RECORD BROKEN ON ROAD WORK State Highway Department to Get One Hundred and Six Miles at Once Bids have just been asked by the State Highway Department for con struction of the largest amount of road ever presented at one time in the United States, if anywhere else in opinion of officials of the State Highway Department. The bills will be opened on July 8 for 106.96 miles. The department has let contracts for over 300 miles and has bids either under consideration or pending for close to 100 more with prospects that by the end of July half a thou sand miles will be under contract, all on State main highway routes. In addition thousands of additional feet are being built by counties. In the twenty-two projects to be let are important parte of the Wil liam Penn highway, the Lackawan na trail and western roads. The longest strip of highway for which construction is planned and for which bids will be opened July 8, is that section of the Lackawan na trail which lies in Clark's Sum mit, Glenbumi, Daltgn and LaPlume boroughs and Abington, Clinton and Nickolson townships, in Wyoming and Lackawanna counties. The to tal length of this construction is 71,- 063 feet. This is approximately 13% miles and is a record breaker for Pennsylvania, insofar as continuous construction is concerned. The T.ackawana trail 'is an important northeastern Pennsylvania thor oughfare leading from Scranton to Binghamton, N. Y. Another important piece of con struction is that in Dcrry township, Westmoreland county, on the Wil liam Penn highway, where 32,047 feet of reinforced concrete and hill side brick are planned to connect Blalrsville and New Alexandria. There are twenty-two projects In the letting of July 8. In Bradford county almost nine miles of road are planned from Towanda north to ward Waverly. In Bucks county a concrete road is to be put down north and south of Plumsteadville on the Easton-Doylestown-Philadel phia road. A very important thor oughfare is that between Slippery Rock and Butler, on the road north from Pittsburgh, where the program calls for about eight miles of con crete. There are two projects in Clearfield county—one connecting Clearfield and Curwensville and the other extending from Dußois to- j ward Reynoldsville. Construction is planned from Osceola, Clearfield county, south over two miles into Centre county. In Delaware county over four. miles of road are to be built north from Chester. In Fay ette county about six miles of con crete are planned from a point north of Smithfield to the West Virginia line, on the main road south from Uniontown. Another six-mile strip is that from Slating lon south toward Allentown, in Le high county. A second Lehigh coun ty job is that calling for three miles of concrete from Allentown south toward Emaus. Four miles of con crete are planned for Luzerne coun- i ty in the vicinity of Harvey's Lake. I There are three Somerset county projects. One is from Salisbury Ao the Maryland line another means seven miles of concrete between Ber lin and Garrett the third calls for six miles of concrete from Jenner town north toward Johnstown. In York county it is proposed to con struct six miles of concrete from York to a point south of Dallas town, on the road to Baltimore. June Joy Jaunt to Take Businessmen to Colonial Country Club Tomorrow George G. McFarland, chairman of the transportation committee of the June Joy Jaunt of the Chamber of Commerce, has made the follow ing arrangements for the trip to the Colonial Country Club to-morrow afternoon, beginning at 4 o'clock. Automobiles will turn into Mar ket street, going east, from Market Square and stop for a moment In front of the Market street entrance of the Dauphin Building to take on passengers. Enough automobiles have been promised to assure trans portation for everybody. Those without automobiles should meet at the entrance to the Dauphin Build ing at 4 o'clock and Mr. McFarland or some other member of his com mittee will direct them into auto mobiles. All who have notified the Cham ber offices that they have auto mohilcs should stop at the Chamber offices before going to the Country Club and take on their quota of passengers. Mr. McFarland has hiade arrangements for the parking at the club. There will he some one there to direct the machines to the proper places. Those without automobiles are directed to make their own arrange ments for the return trip, if possible with the person who takes them out. Those with automobiles should announce their intention to return when they are ready to leave the club and take back passengers. Street cars will be running regular ly to and from the club. Motor Club Declares Washday OH and Plans For Big Monday Outing "Hey, Jiggs, tell Maggie washday is declared off for next Mon-day, June 23," says an announcement of the Harrishurg Motor Club, in speak ing of its big basket picnic, planned for next Monday at Boiling Springs Park, in- tse style of McManus, ori ginator of the cartoons printed daily in the Telegraph. Everything at the park will be free, officials have announced. The entire parlS, has been chartered by the Motor Club, including the merry go-round, boats, and other afnuse mer.-ts. Band concerts and dancing on the pavilion will be held during the afternoon and evening. "Bring the whole family, the wife, the kids an' everythiilg," members are told. Games and contests have been arranged for the "grown-ups and kiddies, and a bunch of prizes for the winners." All have been told to get the old picnic basket and pack It to the brim with good things to eat. An automobile run of members in a secret time from the city to the park, will be staged. A secret time will be selected and the cars that make the run- In the time closest to the secret time, will be awarded prizes. Cars will check out at Front and State streets any time between noon and- 2 o'clock and check in at the park. SPAIN'S KING IN ILL Madrid, June 19.—King Alfonso is slightly Indisposed. He is remain ing in his room by the order of his shysician. I suits hats' 1 TA At Wonderful %#GOLDEN RULE DEPT. STORE AT & PRICE £ 9 Reductions 428-30 MARKET STREET AND LESS pj mr ———— 0 Great Values at Real Money-Saving Prices Feature the S 1 Second Week of Our Big June Cut-Price Sale 1 gP' a v . zm J DON'T MISS THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE 0 £ _ MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S • June Cut-Price Sale of Voile, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Wi I Pit Z SUITS DRESSES f| g ® fill 522 s s= s 6 Jjflß i | r 1 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Best Quality Voile and Taffeta R|| 3 WI 2 SUITS DRESSES If 1 jjjjj jf I si4- 85 $ 17' 83 s9^si2= $ 14= -(ft § yjjj Men's $5.00, $6.00 and Men's $3.00 and $4.00 Men's $1.50 Men's $2.50 and $3.00 $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Cool Cloth and Si Ti Dress Pants Work Pants Work Shirts Dress Shirts Straw Hats Pal wf ach 0 $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 $1.95, $2.48 98c $1.39, $1.89 $1.45 and $1.95 sizes _..<.85 K MEN'S 29c LADIES' 25c 35c VOILES, 92.75 OW WHITE MEN'S 31.75 MEN'S MESH i rj fig HOSE CUMFY CUT Fancy patterns . ... OTH GENUINE B. V. I). UNION SUITS, House Dresses ™ fH 35c BATES' \ESTS oo LONG LOT U, UNION SUITS S' os 31 to 44 nouse Presses, NB 'Rj SEERSUCKER 19c 14c 10 yard piece $1.29 Q4r I gingham and per " I m B 971/00 I ABIES' 89r T\BLE 7 I)WASK $2.20 BOYS' 89c Cale > ML 27 /2C MEN'S 25c pvtrl sivl- TABLE DAMASK ATHLETIC UNION A Q Wi Wk ::OSE T'vrnv 59 C - SUITS A Lot of Men'£ HrSP WA rj UNION SUITS , OJ7C EXTRA FINE a Q DRESS SHIRTS, **" ** IRr 58 r SILK CAMISOLES. CORSET COVERS, tUC Value —to $1.75 ————————l j^B C Values up to 31.00 50c value GIRLS' 49c KNIT ftQr Ml ~i§sSsßf r 59c 38c ra 2 9 r Lo. f d s , s ° Wjd Assorted -colors BR-SSIERES 39c SADIES' jjOSE, Stylish Hats, WA m 19c Sc 38c <tl 40 g MENS 75c 90- *. i*rO at _____ 35C FANCY SUSPENDERS 5 5S *"'°°TROUSERS OR,V Children's, Pair 59 C Alftb w. \ 0c MEN'S sl-25 and $1.50 WA Ti 7,ST . § fl ONE SPECIAL LOT OF 1 JSSWK. / -JESS* ffi K MEN'S 25c All colors; all sizes, / — * 1 —'—3oc BOYS' Black or white Wi SOFT CObbARS, / wffa Jv RIBBED STOCKINGS 9Q_ WA Ti TgT 29c 32c A lH MEN'S BLACK & /I 11 GINGHAMS Kl N BOYS' 59c. WHITE FOOT HOSE / M . MEN'S $4.50 25c KIMONO 16 /2C Z Bb. BLOUSES j BATHING SUITS, CREPE, - VJ Ws 33c y 12V2C L X $2.93 I an<> pattern. LIGHT PEIKIALES jJL fW BOYS' 91.00 MEN'S EVER WEAR f ' loc 22V2C II in BLOUSES SILK LISLE HOSE /" I t MEN'S 50c o 7 „ Ml IS r All shades ' >V W%\ 22c CURTAIN TABLE DAMASK 98c C / / mif MEN S 50C SCRIM. 59c Y jAk&\ A / J **'j HOSE Plain or fancy Wk UnYC' $1.48 SNOW WHITE J{ * > .'// I6V2C SKIRTS ZA Ti BOYS 35c RrrArwrn Lot of Washable 4 ;S CI Tinrc beds, limited PP Y, A J*. 80c BLEACHED Skirts, Gabardine and LH U1 JL 1J oq _ r'Jcki. SHEETING I.inene. Values up to U Reduced for the ® sJslMk. LADIES' 39c EXTRA 59c 1 $2.9°. SZ June Cut Price onalltv SIZE VESTS, QQp * WA Wk Boys' SIO.OO Suite, PILLOW CASES MEN'S 31 75 30C and 35c Tll TV fm (trW QC • MENS $1.75 o-* PLAID DRFSS Stylish Silk Pop m 0/ eOO 23c DARK GRAY / \ 2oc GINGHAMS lin Skirts; all 0 Wk 54.85 (11-POMKRS $1.19 MEN'S BLUE S2 98 SI TA Iink and White, $1.25 BUNGALOW ( H AVfTtR VV tPfclu7o M* fm Boys' $2.75 Wash APRONS wr : K One lot of Silk 0g M Suits, 4.q r yy?'-T . J WO UK SHIRTS - Poplin and Shepherd |kl iS CT QC 89c 59c I Check and Serge I M >MK. 01 tt/D Ladles' All Wool ' A U Wi K Boys' $1.75 Wash Shp-tßer SMKAILItS. MLBRIGGAXSIORTS jMfeh Vi ..tilts, £ DRAWERS, ifallTrllM SUITS . , . , „ _ , 7r2 VA A T to CO nuHnSKm 7.J. A lot of all Wool •***- fi M/ A pZ.017 CQ r Wfi N. •" 67c • Foplln Skirts; latest iM $l3B MEN'S OJ7t liC styles will go on sale kl Boys' 08c Rompers, FOROSKNIT UNION $2.75 MEN'S A li,t of Si MS SUITS, BATHING SUITS iiliiiMa 1 MEN'S EXTOA FINE " P X J 'r* - Wi q 49c *"£g c si.9B |^r\ 1 DR fi.i9 ,TS | JUNE CUT PRICE SALE SHOES l|Mg| WAISTS ISI HH For the Whole Family Reduced for the June Cot Price Sale 0 Men's Shoes and Oxfords Lot of Ladies* d* O 1 Q Ladies' $1.50 New Voile Waists. /Y O W Ti ■■ Special lot, plain and fancy 9oC A l| priced, vas Button d-| Ar\ deigns . . *** V • H H do CA U P Shoes. iiHto2, q) 1 .*xt/ JwiflWBWW HHH ' Soisette Waists, all the A A ■ ' PJ> JU Lot of Children's White newest styles and I J Wi Wk Men's Working Shoes made Canvas Oxfords with rubber nHjmA shades ™ . jA !■ Bro^rsth J So n Q C Q h°e" s sl.lO nOP. A lot of Georgette Crepe Waists; A 3 A ■J Kromelk soles Lot of Children's White § values up to $5.50, all JN \A _. Boys' Tan English Dress Buck Shoes with wedge • SMffifc shades ■ WA Shoes; sizes zy z yQ heels, sizes 3K d* 1 QQ Lot of Crepe de Chine and Geor- a ak* [fi t° 5j4 ....... f*7t° 8 ........ v I.Ot/ gette Crepe Waists; value up /%/ SN Lm Ladies Black Kid Pumps Lot of Misses and Chil- / $c nn Cai • § Bi U with military (f* OQA dren's Russia Calf Play Ox- ai. V o *ii ;• • |j mr heels fords, A lot of Silk and Crepe de Chine WA g a, adcs $2.19 $ 1.65 ' $ 1.98 . value . up : 01.09 A HAKH3HMUJ lUtIAiKiLW JUNEJ9,T9ra.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers