" When a Girl " By AW LI 91.14 A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CCXXVI (Copyright, 1919. King Features Syndicate, Inc.) Valerie Ccsby gilded noiselessly dfwn tho corridor and stopped at last at a door which she opened si lently. Then she turned with her finger on her lips, "Thle Is my room," Bhe whis pered. "I came up to rest—l was feeling—a little done up. I thought I'd get a breath of air, so I stepped out on this balcony. Come with me," and, seizing my arm, she drew me out after her. "And I found that it wasn't a mere balcony from my window, but a long gallery that runs around the house." With her hand on my wrist, Val pulled me down the gallery after her. At the end there was a sum mer house of two decks, built right into the gallery, with stairs lead ing down from the upper to the lower floor. "Hush!" whispered Val. "I brought you here to see the tttcks that little Mason is playing with your young brother. I thought you ought to know," she added, virtu ously, but in the moonlight I could see her eyes flash as they had when she turned from Mrs. Stoughton to Evvy an hour before. "My brother?" I questioned vaguely. "Why, I thought he's gone—" Then I stopped. There was no earthly reason why Val should know of Neal's packed sulicase nor yet of my hope that he had gone back to Phoebe. "He was hurrying down the path when I came out. X 6aw Evvy Ma son run down from the upper bal cony here and drag him into the summer house down below. They're probably there now." At that I started toward the lad der-like stairway leading from one floor of the summer house to the other. What I intended to. do if I found Evvy and Neal together I didn't know. Nor was there any reason why they shouldn't be to TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS FOR CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE Freidberg's ~V^RnVcTORs Bell 224- ' coiul £ Cherry Sts. Dial 3519 Prompt Deliveries Both Phones DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Fully Accredited Troup Building IS S. Market Square Bell 485 Dial 4393 (Clip this and send It a* once for fall Information) Gcntlemeni—Plenae send me complete Information about the ■objects I have checked. Typewriting .... Shorthand .... Stenotypy .... Bookkeeping .... Secretarial .... Civil Service.... Name Addreaa I—i Garments of Quality —HMW Ladies' Bazaar X Special Sale Of Fashionable Dresses For Friday and Saturday Beaded Georgette rr\ Georgette Crepe Crpnp Drpwp*: - ' - Dresses KJI CfJ o i coo CO Three r.ew models; one with two Ftier over skirt with fringes on bot t-i • • i j i i (Rf • torn; another with full tunic aeror- This is a very late model; just deon pleatlnff and bead 7 rl^ c e ° d r ; received; trimmed with black and ' J px~\ another with six rows of tucks in white beads; long overskirt; full/ -j R C p^ , ,i a r le t9- < nn yo f c< i and ® atin be,t , • j n u i t~) i / Wj iij y£| Regular $25.00 values. Special for white and flesh only. Regular fr/ -ifl Friday and Saturday. $40.00 value. Special for Friday / I C QT and Saturday, 'lp 10 .t/D / We still have several Gingham (th r n r\ r t\ > /a Dresses, that represent big values \/A CJ A\ Afh that are selling special for \M White Wash \ mMS Crepe de Chine Skirts v % WGte and Georgette Gabardine, tricot i ne, llPvl Waists washable satin and linen, $4 iR/TaJ) to $7 values. Special Fri- TiTJjf Many New Models day and Saturday, While they last, $2.95 to $5.95 \ -y $ *kT* Bazaar ""X ' Wisely. 8-lO -12 S. FOURTH ST. For Less. V- >. • v- . .** . ' ' ' •' 1 >' ■, - I ... , . X,- T ' .i, . ... jaJi4iia.4.J THURSDAY EVENING, gether. But I felt that Xeal need ed me—and I knew that Phoebe had never needed me more. I was going to fight for her happiness, even if I made an abject fool of my seit in doing it. Valerie caught my shoulder in her puffy white hands. "Hush! They'll hear you," she warned spitefully. "Hear me?" I echoed impatiently. "They'ie welcome. I'm no spy."* At that a voice called: "Who's up on the balcony?" "It's Anne, Evvy," 1 replied to her in breathless, husky syllables. "Mrs. Cosby and I came up to our rooms —to freshen up a bit. And here we are taking the air." "Come down—both of you—and hear the news," commanded Evvy with much sweetness. My heart contracted and my hands got cold. But I started down the steps. As I went I caught Val's mocking eyes. They said as planly as words: "We've muffed it! We're too late." • In a moment I reached the ground floor of the little summer house. 1 noticed the faint, musty smell of old wood even before 1 saw Evvy standing close to Xeal with her head on his heart and his arms awkward ly around her. She ran from him to me and caught my hands in hers. "Oh, Anne!" she cried. "Anne — you tell her, Xeal." Xeal looked up and beyond me to the stairs, where I perceived Val standing, a tall white figure in the ny>onlight. And then he spoke in a stilted voice that didn't sound at all like his boyish, slangy self: "Evvy has just done me the honor to say she'll—marry me." I tightened my hands over Evvy's, but I couldn't make a single word come from my dry throat. Xeal hadn't wanted this—l knew he hadn't. Wasn't his suitcase packed? Hadn't he been all ready to run away—to Phoebe? I started to shake Evvy's clinging hands off and to demand an explanation of how she had dragged him to the summer house and forced a proposal from him. Even with Valerie Cosby there to witness the humiliation and cheapness of it all. I was ready to make a scene. But Evvy forestalled ' me. "He was running away, the dar- ! Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service ® • By McManus j "WHY DON'T -TOO . you MAKE. ME ' VISH WE jt-p & < IN BATHIN<- OO YE IKKI'M4 O 7IL VfOZ <,OIM ,$f H o* V ling boy!" she cried, looking up in wide-eyed simplicity at Val. "Packed and ready to go. I saw him tip toe into my room with a note and then climb down here to get out the side entrance. And I followed him. You know it was my fault the ca noe upset to-day, but he risked his life to save me. Then, like the modest dear he is, he didn't want me to think I owed it to him to marry him after he'd saved me. I'm older than Xeal—and richer—in experi ence and—having this place: but no one —XO OXE —can ever call Xeal a fortune hunter, because I'm the lucky one. He was running away and I made him stay." For a moment I was so astounded I couldn't breathe to speak. "You're very wonderful," com mented Val dryly. "I congratulate you both. And I'm sure. Miss Ma son, that no one will ever dream of calling Mr. Hyland a fortune hunter." As she spoke a look flashed be tween them. I knew Evvy wasn't done with Val. "Thank you for explaining to us, I Evvy," I said, pulling myself to j gether. "Your defense of Neal Is — I kind. But you won't have to make lit again. Every one knows he'd I only marry for the noblest motive, j I love Neal very dearly, Evvy, and | I want him and the girl he is going ! to marry to be happy—wonderfully | happy." Then I kissed her on the lips she turned up to me, and I caught Neal ; in my arms, murmuring over him 1 with lips that longed to protest. "I'm going in to tell them all ' now," cried Evvy after a moment or I two. "I want them all to know j how happy we are. We are happy, j aren't we, dearest?" Neal stooped and drew Evvy to- I ward him. Then he looked almost defiantly at Val and me. "Very happy," he said. "And to think I had to stop my proud darling almost by force from running away from me," laughed Evvy huskily. Neal's eyes caught mine and held them for a second. He was giving me a command —of that I felt sure. But for the first time in my life I didn't understand Neal. I couldn't get the message he was frying to send me. "(To Be Continued) Cham ion Jess Willard's "Own Story*' u printed every day in j "The Philadelphia Press." RAJRRXSBURG fiTuKW TELFGRXPEC THE LOVE GAMBLER By Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTER XIX (Copyright, 1919, Star Company) Mrs. Dufficld foimea the fourth member of the party at the supper table at the Leightons' on buuday night. Miss Bristol, always loquacious, talked a great deal aooul the old friend at whose house she had fiist met Desiree. "I miss dear Miss DeLaine sadly," she remarked. "My dear, I wonder if you have any idea now much she loved you?" "She was very good to me," De siree admitted, "and I was l'ond of her." "She had so few people to love," Miss Bristol continued. "Her brother David—the father of the nephew she was so devoted to —died years ago, you know. There was another brother—but he was a queer person, and she did not hear from him for a good while before her death." "I did not know she had another brother," Desiree said. "No? Well she s.eldom mentioned him. It seems that when her father died he left a handsome fortune to his three children. The younger brother, David, spent his lavishly, made foolish investments, and died poor, leaving nothing for his only child —young David. "The other brother, Francis, went out West with his money and be came interested in some mining en terprise and grew very rich. At least he was wealthy when Miss Jeanne last heard of him. But he was a recluse, and, I fancy, a miser. I do not even know if he is alive now. Miss Jeanne invested her for tune wisely. I suppose David is her heir, and, strange to say, I met the lad at church here In New York this morning." "Indeed!" Desiree ejaculated. "We heard he was in France." "He is—l mean," with a laugh, "he sails to-morrow. He has been over here, perhaps on business con nected with his aunt's property." Mr. Leighton smiled, raising his brows skeptically. I "He claims —does he?—that the ' government would allow him to re : turn to this country on private j business," he remarked, sareastic | ally. "If he told you that he was dVawing a long bow." "Oh, no, he did not tell me just that," Miss Bristol hastened to ex plain. "I only inferred it. He sure ly said he was sailing at once for France, and I took it for granted that he had come here on business. Perhaps he may not even have been across the ocean yeg But I have an idea that his aunt told me he had gone." "She may have been mistaken," Mrs. Duffleld ventured. Desiree remembered that Miss Bristol's memory was not the best In the world, and that Miss DeLaine had remarked with affectionate amusement on "Mary Bristol's abil ity for getting things mixed up." So the girl smiled indulgently now at her guest's statements. "What branch of the service is young DeLaine in?" Mr. Leighton inquired. "I do not know. I declare I never even noticed what kind of a uni form he had on this morning when I met him. lam most unobservent. But I think his clothes were of some dark blue material." "Then he is In the navy," Mr. Leighton hazarded. "But I am sure it was not one of those regular sailor-suits that he wore. There was no white braid about it—or I would have noticed that. And I think his things fitted tightly." "Probably he has his commission by now and wears an officer's uni form." the host suggested. "That would account for his being in New York —I mean his being in the navy would account for it. He may be on a transport which is in New York, and he may have a few days on shore. He sails to-morrow, you say?" ••Yes—l think that is what he said. Y'ou never met him, my dear, did you?" Miss Bristol questioned, turrning to Desiree. "No, I never did." "So he said," the spinster in formed her. Desiree flushed. "How did he happen to mention that fact to you?" she demanded. "Oh, in the course of our conver sation I remarked that I was com ing here to-night and reminded hin. that you had been a favorite of his aunt's. He said he had never* called on you when you were in Balti more." "No —nor when he h;is been here," Desiree supplemented stiffly. "I am not parttcuftirly anxious to meet him —certainly not anxious enough ever to suggest his coming to my house." Here Mrs. Duffleld hastily intro duced another topic of conversa tion. She feared that Desiree might make some remark that was derogatory to a young man whom Miss Bristol evidently liked. After supper, when her guests had gone Into the drawing room, Deklree slipped out into the hall for a word alone with her father. "Dad," she said, "you really should give Smith a few points in manners. I was surprised at the way he behaved this evening. I saw him myself get into the car and sit there while Norah opened the door and helped Miss Bristol out and then brought her up the front steps into the house." "That's strange!" Mr. Leighton commented. "I always thought Smith's manners were exceptionally good." "So did I. But they were bad to night. He came here, rang the bell for Norah—then caught her by the arm and ran down the steps with her." "He may have wanted a chance for a chat with your pretty maid," Leighton opined. "Most chauffeurs flirt with the maids, I suppose." Desiree frowned. "I will not al low it!" she declared. Her father looked surprised. "Don't get excited over a trifle, my dear. I will explain to Smith what hfe duties are—or you can do so." "One of us must,* the girl in sisted. "He behaved abominably to night." Then she rejoined her guests in the drawing room, without suspect ing that Norah, concealed by the diningroom portieres, had over heard the entire conversation. (To Be Continued) New Post Organized by Veterans of Foreign Wars Buffalo Post No. 148 Beterans of Foreign Wars of the United States was organized Tuesday evening, at temporary meeting rooms 604 Forster street, by National Aide-de-Camp Howard D. Myers. • The following offi cers installed: Commander, George F. Hooper; senior vice commander. Na than R. Reed; Junior vice commander, Chauncey S. Flowers; adjutant, Thom as N. Potter; quartermaster, Daniel; X. Cooper; surgeon, Forrept S. Mar shall ; sergeant major, Frank Payne; quartermaster sergeant, Walter B. Thompson ; color bearer, John R. Baker, color guards, Jacksen Brown and Emanuel Brown : officer of the day, J. Louis Grant; trumpiter, Steve Bailey. Many members of Capt. Howard L. Calder Post were In attendance. Har risburg now has two posts of this or ganization composed ot honorably dis charged soldiers, sailors and marines who have sen active service with Scott in Mexico in the days of 1847, the Spanish-American War in Cuba, Porto Rico and Philippine Islands in 1898 ; the Philippine Insurrection, 1899 to 2902; the Boxer Rebellion in China, 1900; the Mexican campaign. 1916 and in Belgium, France, Italy and Siberia. Fire Threatens Row of Frame Dwellings Fire of an unknown origin early to-day destroyed the rear of the frame building at 1001 North Sev enth street, in which is located the Dixie Quick Lunch restaurant. For a half-hour, adjoining buildings were threatened. An investigation is be ing made to-day by Fire Chief Klnd | ler. Gus Manellas, one of the proprie tors of the restaurant, narrowly es caped the flames. Peter Pappas, the other proprietor, was sleeping in the room in which the fire started, and when awakened by smoke, hast ; ened out and turned in the fire alarm. . t t CHARGED WITH THEFT Charged with the theft of a quantity of tools from the Bolls Brothers Manu facturing Company about six weeks ago. Lloyd Bohner, 1011 Market street, has been arrested. Hot Days and Cool Root Beer A Wholesome Cooling Drink —But lc a Glass What could be more refreshing and cooling on a warm day than a spar kling, delicious glass of cool home made root beer, made from Hires Household Extract! The tendency in hot weather es pecially of the children is always to want some thing cool and thirst quenching. But at the same tjme, beverages containing artificial flavor ings must be avoided. Homemade root beer, made from Hires House hold Extract, however. contains neither substitutes nor artificial flavorings. Hires Household Extract is made from the Juices of pure bark, ber ries, herbs, and roots, including gin ger, spikenard wintergreen. and birchbark. This means that It is pure. You can drink as much as you want of the root beer you make from Hires Household Extract! And It's surprisingly easy to make. All you need is a bottle of Hires Household Extract, sugar, and a yeast cake. That 26c bottle of Hires Household Extract makes forty pints or eighty glasses costing less than lc,a glass! Collect all those old bottles which have been accumulating down the cellar short-necked, long-necked, quart and pint. . You can use them all! If you need corks for them, you can -• get some Hires specially pre pared air-tight bottle stoppers from the grocer when you buy your bottle of Hires Household Extract. But you will enjoy your homemade root heer! Thirteen Sons Killed in Battle Against the Han Paris, June 19.—Thirteen sons killed on the field of battle, three discharged with grave injuries one wounded four different times, the father and one daughter sum marily shot by the Germans for going to Lille to celebrate the centennial anniversary of a rela tive, and another daughter killed by a German shell at Dunkirk, is the record of the family of M. Vanhee, a French farmer of Reminghe, near Ypres. M. Vanhee had 36 children, 22 sons and 14 daughters all of whom were living when the war broke out. One of his sons was valet to Pope Pius X, he returned to France to fight and was wounded in each of four different engage ments. One of the sons lost both legs, another returned from the front blind and deaf, and another underwent the trepanning oper ation. , CONSIDER TRAINING. SCHOOL. Definite action on the question of whether the teachers' training school will be continued next year may he taken to-morrow afternoon at the reg ular meeting of the city school board. A commitee composed of Dr. F. E. Downes, Professor Severance, of the Central High School, and Miss Anne U. Wert, principal of the training school, will likely submit a report with recom mendations to the school board. 1 When You Are Warm j 3 and Irritable— j S Drink a Cold Bottle of • jßlMll [HI I I -1 GINGER ALE jj It ft I "It Doesn't Bite" M I ately and feel completely invigorated if you A DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL CS I will merely step into the nearest soda foun- 1 M tain, drug store, or any place where good Q9 I 111 I drinks are sold and drink a cold bottle of W A fl refreshing CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE. . ■ * BOTTLE\ CONTENTS! M y STERILIZED ie FLOZ.J IBS H out of CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE jmhjL 11 jtlT | dale Mineral Water and Genuine Jamaica , M I Gmger (not red pepper). Hundreds of „ „B ■ I |Q| M thousands of people from the Great Lakes iSS ill ■ to Florida drink it because it is a "good mnau *> CLOVERDALE MINERAL WATER y health" drink. &j H ■ ——— * kANT • ssitiNoa. NXWVHA*.**) |BH M MAIN OFFICE Order a CaseSentHome—Serve Cold "'II'-T""' |[FJ| The way to get the utmost benefit out of this I II superior, really beneficial beverage is to drink a I 111 H B ||Hj M . soon pay big dividends in better health. I HI II H Ml] I Drink a Bottle of \Vholeiale Dl*4rlbatora for |ll| ■ Hurrlnburi* PPJI E Cloverdale Every Day wSS-T. c £. If N. Freldbcrg. HI „ CjpjTljitjl, 13ir b 7 Clbrsr li'a aprir* Oj. 'w.'k'jonn Co. i W JUNE 19, 1919. GYPSY WOMEN HELD Charged with the theft of $7 from the store of W. F. Paul, 11 North Fourth street, two gypsy women were arrested by the Harrisburg police yes terday. They were released on the re turn of the money and the payment of a $lO fine. Four others, taken Into custody for disorderly conduct, are still in jail. The camp is located near Worm ley sbu rg. TO GET MEDICAL DEGREE Among those who will receive the degree of doctor of medicine at the John Hopkins University commence j! TH ° R Pi jjjjjjj i 1 Washing Machine (TlHUlm I Special Prices JTjjfpi There is no Electric ' Joint S." MUSSCM - , 'PRES.^ ment exercises next Tuesday will bo William Minster Ivunkel. son of Judge and rMs. George ICunkei. The exercises wil take place at the Academy of Mu sic in Baltimore. SORENESS J In joints or mus cles, give a brisk /W$V massage with— Jjffvml VICKS YAPORUSIR r YOUR BODYGUARD" -30*. 60*7T2Ci j, 7
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