CLEMENCEAU IN BITTER TERMS DENOUNCES THE GERMANS FOR THE WAR 'resident of Peace Conference Declares, They Committed Crime Unsurpassed in History; Few Changes Were Made in the Final Reply By Associated Press. Parts, June 17.—The final reply of the Allied and associated powers to the conditions of peace handed to the Germans at Versailles on May 7, was delivered to the German dele gation late yesterday and made pub lic shortly afterward. The Germans are allowed five days to accept or refuse the treaty as it stands. If they accept, peace will be signed at once: if they do not ac cept, the armistice will terminate on Saturday. (June 21). and the powers "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN feAVBcA "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores — larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylic acid. Capacity Loads Carried Economically The distinctive construction of the Autocar allows of a two ton load evenly distributed on all four wheels. The motor is under the seat the paying load is evenly distributed. This even load distribution cuts down tire costs, gasoline consumption and wear and tear on the truck itself it spells economical delivery. We are equipped to render complete Chassis to 2 tons) maintenance Autocar owners in $2050 —97 inch wheelbase this territory. $2150—120 inch wheelbase Eureka Wagon Works 616 North St. Harrisburg Autocar The Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa. Established 1897 11 ■ ■ WIMD I TT performs better because it is brake can be operated by the dKI rajjM IJv ma ° y improvementoj other decid(J advantage? // | \i Its hair-trigger motor is the only rant your immediate investigation j motor dead gas cannot choke. Our 3 perfected six. • > II I Moore Multiple Exhaust System Consider its moderate price for "it] pWk jj increases power and conserves fuel. a quality car, possible only because Willi I' II ||'|W lAn . . ten large factories, devoted to ' | \X<h are integral with our improved with and contribute to the Lex- U \h non-rattle frame. The emergency ington. Let us demonstrate. V r F nFNNK nictrikufnr • s n , ™< ■ Service. 121 Sooth Third St., Ilnrri.ihure, Pn. Soh- ' ► I l/linilliJ, UlMllUlllUl, AKenclfN open for udjoinlng; Countie* of Dauphin—lnveMttffute | ||| otor^°mpany Connersville U. S. \* th TUESDAY EVENING, ■ will take such steps as may be nec essary to enforce their terms. The principles of the original con ditions have been vigorously upheld, but certain modifications in detail and many explanations of the effect of execution are made. Changes in Reply The reply is in two parts—a gen eral covering letter and seriatum dis cussions of the general counter proposals. The changes include: A plebiscite for upper Silesia, with guarantees of coal from that territory. Frontier rectifications in West Prussia. Omission of the third zone in • the Schleswtg plebiscite. Temporary increase of the German army from 100,000 to 200,000 men. Declaraflon of the intention to submit, within a month of sig nature a list of those accused of violation of the laws cus toms of war. Offer to co-operate with a German commission on repara tion, and to receive suggestions for discharging the obligation. Certain detailed modifications in the finance, economic and ports and waterways clauses, including abolition of the pro posed Kiel canal commission. Assurance of membership in the League of Nations in the future, if Germany fulfills her obligations. CTemcnooau Bitter The covering letter is from M. Clemenceau, president of the Peace Conference, to Count Von Brock dorff-Rantzau, president of the Ger- man delegation. In this letter, M. Clemenceau says: "The Allied and associated powers have given the most earnest con sideration to the observation of the German delegates on the draft Treaty of Peace. The reply' protests against the peace on the ground thut It conflicts with the terms upon which the armistice of November 11, 1918, was signed and that it is a peace of violence, and not a peace of justice. The protest of the Ger man delegation shows that they fail to understand the position in which ! Germuny stands to-day. They seem to think that Germany has only to "make sacrifices in order to attain peace," as if this were but the end of some mere struggle for territory and power. The Allied and associat ed powers therefore feel it neces sary to begin their reply by a clear statement of the judgment of the world, which has been forged by practically the whole of civilized mankind. "In view of the Allied and asso ciated powers, the war which began on August 1, 1914, was the greatest crime against humanity and freedom of the people that any nation calling itself civilized has ever consciously [committed. For mnny years the rules of Germany, true to the Prus sian tradition, strove for a position of dominance in Europe. They were not s:®istied with that growing pros perity jnd influence to which Ger many was entitled, and which all other nations were willing to accord her, they required that they should be able to dictate and tyrannize over a subservient Europe, as they dictat ed and tyrannized over a subser vient Germany. Nought Hostility "In order to attain their ends they used every channel through which to educate their own subjects irv the doctrine that might was right in in ternational affairs. They never ceased to expand German armampnts by. land and sea and to propagate the falsehood that was necessary be cause Germany's neighbors were jealous of her prosperity and power. "She sought to sow hostility and suspicion, instead of friendship, be tween nations. The Germans de veloped a system of espionage and intrigue through which they were *' < ' HARRISBURG TELEGK3LPH i enabled to stir up international re bellion and even to make secret of fensive preparations within the ter ritory of their neighbors, whereby ithey might, when the pioment came, strike them down with greater cer tainty and ease. They kept Europe in a ferment by threats of violence, and when they found that their neighbors were resolved to resist their arrogant will, they determined to assert their predominance in Europe by force, j "As soon as their preparations I were complete they encouraged a • subservient ally to declare war 011 .Serbia on 48 hours' notice, a war in- I volving the control of the Balkans, j which they knew .could not be local ized and which was bound to un chain a general war. % Plotted World War In order to make doubly sure, . lpy refused evcrv attempt at con ciliation and conference, until it was too late and the world war was in ,?!# ' L r which they had platted fioll which alone among the na ,,,,3 8 ey were adequately equipped and prepared. rv ''® e . rman >''R responsibility, how nnH n * con fined to having plan rcsnonsihV c ed the war " She 18 no losa liunwn m the sava Ke and in ducted anne r in which it was con self the houg h Germany was her manv vi<dfj" ' of Ger cmn n ™ . tho rules after a soU ,y n of P r r ° respect the neutral ..1 th ' unoffending people. I HheWtely carried Uh ,hpy dP " wUh tte so? sh h ° ot,n8 a "d "burnings ,h v y w b*s • is .Ml" hut Folelv fn'r *>T 00 object, ing the me i f Purpose of reduc striking ut th<q their opponents by I "The, ™ women and children, campaign wi£ en ?? d thp "hmarine lenge to inti , ts P'ratlcal chal destrucdon ef natl ° nal law an,j Its inocont L Prcat "umbers of in ocent passengers and sailors in , mid-ocean far fmm s ,n ! merer of the wind SU s cor ' at tbc and the LI ®nds and the waves crews Thevd° re ruthless submarine ed people would have recoiled Seven Million Head „ T he conduct of Germany is al- Thc terrfh| amPled h,lman history, at her L responsibility which lies ?hat nnHo t?" be SPen by tha fact lie buHed in SPVen million dead th,„ t . Europe, while more than twenty million others rarrv upon them the evidence of wounds fit to B grat r |V n?, h beC , aUSe ° erma ny resort to war 1 f ° r tyranny by ~r , 'T hp Allied and associated power? believe that they will be false to lave 6 the °r ha a C :HVPn tbeir a " to thlf: freedom of the world if they consent to treat war on anv other basis than as a crime against humanity and right. a^a ' n st ! a ''J bta a ltude of the Allied .and fefi ? Powers was made per war h7 fh F i tP Germa ny during tho b> their principal statesmen. It was defined by President Wilson •in bis speech of April 6. 1918, and ex plicitly and categorically accepted by the German people as a principle covering the peace." Quotes George and Orlando M. Clemenceau in the letter also quotes from speeches delivered by- Premier Lloyd George, of Great Britain, himself as premier of France, and Premier Orlando, of Italy, in which it was specifically de clared that when victory was won, compromise as to peace terms was impossible and just punishment should be meted out. and continues: "Justice, therefore, is the onlv possible basis for the settlement of the accounts of this terrible war. Justice is what the German delega tion asks for and says that Germany has been promised. But it must be justice for all. There must be justice for the dead and wounded and for those who have been made orphans and bereaved that Europe might be free from Prussian despotism. There must be justice for the peoples who now stagger under war debts, which exceed thirty billion, that liberty might be saved. There must be jus tice for those millions whose homes and lands, ships and property, Ger man savagery has spoliated and de stroyed. "That is why the Allied and asso ciated powers have insisted as a cardinal feature of the treaty that] Germany must undertake to make reparation to the very uttermost of j her power, for reparation for wrongs inflicted Is of the essence of Justice. That is why they insist that those individuals who are mott clearly re sponsible for German aggression and for those acts of barbarism and in humanity which have disgraced the German conduct of the war must be handed over to justice, which has not been meted out to them at home. Ruined Her Neighbors "That, too, is why Germany must submit for a few years to certain special disabilities and arrangements. Germany has ruined the industries, the mines and the machinery of neighboring countries, not during battle, but with the deliberate and calculated purpose of enabling her own industries, to seize their mar kets before their industries could re cover from the devastation thus wantonly inflicted upon them. "Germany has despoiled her neigh bors of everything she could make use of or carry away. Germany has destroyed the shipping of all nations on the high seas, where there was no chance of rescue for their pas sengers and crews. "It is only Justice that restitution should be made and that those wronged peoples should be safe guarded for a time from the com petition of a nation—whose indus tries are intact and have even been fortified by machinery stolen from occupied territories. If these things are hardships, they are hardships which Germany has brought upon herself. Somebody must suffer for the consequences of the war. Is it to be Germany, or the peoples she has wronged ? "Not to do Justice to all concern ed would only leave the world open to fresh calamities. If the German people themselves, or any other na tion. are to he deterred from follow ing tho footsteps of Prussia; if man kind is to be lifted out of the belief that war for seliish ends is legitimate to any state; if the old era is to be left behind, and nations, as well as individuals, are to be brought be neath the reign of law, even if there is to be early reconciliation and ap peasement, it will be because those responsible for concluding the war have hud the courage to see that Jus tice is not deflected for the sake of a convenient peace. It is said that the German revolu- II" 1 ou^b * 1° niake a difference and that the German people are not re sponsible for the policy of the rule 13 whom they have thrown from power. The Allied and associated powers recognize and welcome the change. It represents a great hope for peace nd a new European order in the futu re. .r, Peo n'<* Supported War But it cannot affect the settle ment of the war itself. The German revolution was stayed until the Ger man armies had been defeated in the field and all hope of profiting by a war of conquest had vanished. Throughout the war, as before the war, the German peonle and their representatives supported the war, voted the credits, subscribed to the war loans, obeyed every order, how-! ev ® l ; savage, of their government. They shared the responsibility for the policy of the government, for at any moment, had they willed it. they could have reversed it. Had that policy succeeded, they would have acclaimed it with the same enthu siasm with which they welcomed the outbreak of the war. They cannot now pretend, having changed their, rulers after the war was lost, that it is justice that they should escape ?~ 1 ° nSequences of th eir deeds. The Allied and associated powers therefore believe that the peace they have proposed is fundamentally L^ e^ f 4 j ," s ! ice - The y are no >ew certain that it is a peace of right on the terms agreed. There can be no doubt as to the intentions of the Al lied and associated powers to base the settlement of Europe on the principle of freeing oppressed peoples and redrawing national boundaries - Ppwible, in accordance the W "1 of the peoples con cerned, while giving to each the facilities to live an independent na tional and economic life. "These intentions were made clear not only in President Wilson s ad *o Congress on January 8. 1918, but in 'the principles of set tlement enunciated in his subsequent addresses,' which was the agreed basis of the peace. A memorandum I on this point is attached to this let ter." "Accordingly, the Allied and asso ciated powers have provided for the reeonstitution of Poland as an inde pendent state. "Dan?ig has been constituted as a free city, so that the inhabitants will be autonomous, and do not come un der Polish rulo or form any part of the Polish state." \ Section missing. C lause \ I of the /Treaty says the Allied and associated powers have given careful consideration to the request of the German delegation l that Germany be admitted to the League of Nations as one of the con ditions of pea?e, but that the Allies are unable to accede to this request It is added that the Allied and as sociated powers believe if the Ger man people prove that they intend to fulfill the conditions of the peace, and that they have abandoned for ever those aggressive and estrang ing policies which caused the war, "and have now become a people with whom it is possible to live in neigh borly good fellowship," it will be pos sible at an early date to complete the League of Nations by the admission of Germany thereto. Clause VII refers to the denuncia tion by Germany of the blockade of the Allies. It declares that the block ade always has been a legal and recognized method of war. Clause VIII, rays: "In conclusion, the Allied and as sociated powers must make it clear that this letter and the memoran dum attached constitute their last word." i The clause adds that the Treaty creates the machinery for the peace ful adjustment of a'l international problems by discussion and consent and represents a sincere and delibe rate attempt to establish "that reign of law, based upon the consent of trie governed, and sustained by organiz ed opinion of mankind," which was the agreed basis of the peace. FOLLOW AMERICAN PLAN Toronto, Ont.—As a result of the success of the stock raising move ment among school children of the United States the Ontario Agiicul tural Department Is organizing many Boys' and Girls' Live Stock Clubs. These are expected to result in a large increase in the available supply of sheep, calves and pigs. A LITTLE* FISH STORY Vancouver, B. C.—Residents of Kit silano have complained to the Health Department afeainst the odor com ing from scores of cases of salmon eggs dumped into the harbor and sub sequently washed onto the beach. The eggs were consigned to Japan, tilt apparently became too "high" for shipment. THOUSANDS ILL FROM STARVATION Epidemic and Disorder Result from Bolshevism Riga New York, June 17. —Startling conditions of starvation, epidemic and the disorder resulting from Bol shevism at Riga, on the Baltic, as described by Captain Howell, head of the Baltic mission of the Amer ican Relief Administration, are re vealed in a cable from Mr. Hoover received yesterday by Edgar Rick ard, joint director of the American I Relief Administration. Captain Howell, In his report to ! the Paris office of the Administra tion, explained how American flour • provided practically tho only sub stantial food available at Riga and how the arrival of the American staff with supplies stimulated thc disheartened inhabitants to throw. ' off the Bolshevik rule, i The report of Captain Howell, glv ] en out in its entirety by Mr. Riekard, I follows: "One hundred and eighty-seven i thousand people here are receiving I one meal a day from eighty kitchens j established by local authorities un der direction of the American Relief Administration. America!} flour is baked into bread and distributed to citizens from ninety depots, but no fuel is available for private baking. Local committees are being organ ized to care for the sick and chil drn. It is estimated that between ten and fifteen thousand inhabitants are seriously ill from starvation, typhus and other causes and the majority of the people are greatly underfed . All are thin, pale-faced, listless. A great deal of dysentery is beginning to appear and causing anxiety, because an epidemic is feared with the coming of hot weather on account of the generally weakened condition of the populace. Medical experts of the American Re lief Administration are studying the situation and advising us what toods are most urgently needed. "Encouraged by the arrival of American food, the inhabitants are gradually reorganizing the city gov ernment, many volunteering for service with the anti-Bolshevists. Food and relief committees of citi zens are at present handling the s - uation. Most of the former civic leaders yvere murdered or executed by the Bolshevists. Before they abandoned the city, the Bolshevists opened the doors of one prison and drove the prisoners into the yard, where machine guns played upon them. The bodies of seven clergy men and a number of women were found when troops entered the city. At present Baltic troops arc hunting down Bolshevists with great cnci . manv executions occurring <lii>- There is a large radical e ement left in the population, and failure of the Authorities to provide food unW the citv can get on its feet again rtl lkM load them, with assistance of the Bolshevists still in hiding, tempt another uprising. "Under the Bolshevik reign, occu nants of handsome residences were moved into slums and hordes of ruf fians invaded richly-furnished apart ments Houses of the wealthy were ransacked and furniture, clothing and iewelry packed and shipped into the interior. To be well dressed in Riga to-day is dangerous. A grim local jest says, 'if a man is well dressed he is a Bolshevik, if in rags he Is harmless." Many to Hear Heck Tell of Turkey Considerable interest is being shown- in Harrisburg in the lecture on Wednesday of Lewis Heck, of Heckton, American Commissioner to Turkey, at the membership luncheon of the Harrishurg Chamber of Com merce in the Penn-Harris Hotel. Mr. Heck will discuss the condi tions in the Turkish Empire, in which he saw several years' of dip lomatic service. He served as Tr.-rk ish secretary under Ambassadors El kus and Morgenthau and during (he war, was commissioner of Amer ican affairs in Constantinople. His knowledge of conditions there makes him capable of speaking with au thority on conditions in the Otto man Empire ,on the characteristics of the Turks arrd of the underlying causes of their participation in the war. Mr. Heck's service was of such a heroic nature that he won repeated commendation from li-is superiors. Soldiers Now Study Business Management ' I Washington. June 17.—One of the courses given by the Federal Board for Vocational Education to soldiers disabled in the war. that opens up a promising future, is that of busi ness management. The nature o this work is such as to rettuire not only very special training, but the possession of certain personal Quali fications This necessitates a very careful survey of the applicants for this course, in order to insure their making good. Sound judgment needed in adjusting the relationships of the workers to the work, and a practical knowledge of the work it self are essential to success. The board is supervising the truining of men in this course Physical handi caps are not necessarily hindrances to success in the business manager's job. A high grade of intelligence is the chief requisite. Suffrage Reaches the State Senate The official resolution ratifying the suffrage amendment, which will Best Light Food For nffjU Sum mer/M^? POST TOASTIES | Best of corn flakes •. ' • I * ■ ' , \ tt t JUNE 17, 1919. receive the support of the Repub lican organization in the State Leg islature, was introduced in the Sen ate last evening by Senator T. I*ar ry Eyre, Chester. There are already two resolutions in the hands of Senate committees. Senator Gray, Philadelphia, and Senator Phtpps, Venango, being the End your foot misery / )' jd Relief is Fbsiflvely I ¥ | Instantaneous for . I Burning Puffing I Sweating or I Special Plasters in Each Package I /&-"S(ubbom"Corns 1 Summer Needs I I At Sale Prices | I Wednesday I || InKaufman's Bargain Basement 1 § Plain White Duck Awnings I|j jsjj IJlffji' This is an opportunity to buy your 19 N jinijllllliA j Awnings at a very low price. This is H| ||y fill 111 /11 ifH 1I a E oo * l Quality, strong, firm; and in |IU lII' this sale we have widths from 30 to EB j | | Special Each on Wednesday ® Garden Hose 15c ft. Wednesday I b gj We have about 500 feet 'Of moulded | fJjl In rubber garden hose in lengths of 10 to EgSsspfef B 30 feet and we will place the entire lot B .on sale Wednesday at 15c a foot. W W Lawn Mowers Special Prices i S I 12-inch AQJ- 14-inch C QC | S ij size, dJTWtJ size, tpJ.jJ Eg jij j $6.50 || js Summer Home Needs Special I |jj Ironing Boards One-Burner Oil | O'Cedar Mop, I SjijJ hi with stand. Stoves, CO- B SU | $1.48 $2.39 | S nil ... Chair Seats, QC- Ba I'M Hj| Nursery Chairs, I/OC Ira - k! C 1 AO. Wash Tub BR fit) jiy D 1 • I xO Telephone Stand, RE] liliJl 153 Clothes Pin Stands, <?Q„ ffi jfl each - $2.69 .. ffl fu iy _ Aluminum |EB 12* 15c Clothes Ham- Roaster, B kT| fU Cannlster Sets, r " "a. Q— $1.39 M liU (slightly damag- $1.33 Aluminum Bo fil In e "L Clothes Tree, Windsor Kettle, i[M S 95c 95c $1.69 1 § m Shelf Paper, - Westinghouse Copper Tea Hj tig! j gNj *°'' m Electric Iron, Kettles, H| k|) m 5c $2.95 $1.95 H W 1 loor Mops, Potato Masher, Flour Sifters, 1 98C 25C 25C P1 l Flaxons, 29c Yd. Da Flaxons—White stripes and from. Yard HOC 25* Si checked Klaxons; beautiful |I|J ffy quality. Special, 29c Voiles, 48c Yd. ■ S Plain Colored Voiles—4o- [jM 111 miAetin? 49c Yd. inch wide - Bood ranße Us OHCCUIIJ}, * colors. Special, AQ _ llj fill Brown Sheeting—Bl inches yard, HOC |jsa IM wide. Sale price, , " tfl yard , Messahne, [JM J Long Cloth, $2.39 $1.75 Yd. Long Clotli —10-yard piece, Mcssalinc Silk —36 -<inch jSjJ 111 36-inch wide, extra good qual- wide, all colors, very good *£* lty for underwear. d0 OQ Quality. tf> 1 T|- ISg hj Special, piece Yard 01./3 S| bji Suiting, 48c Yd. Georgette Crepe, bi ljU Colored Suiting—Bungalow $1.69 lM |yl Suiting. 36-inch wide, oil SN colors. Special. AfKr Georgette Crepe—4o-inch |i| •S yard, tul " wide Georgette Crepe, all col- IjJ* hi Just/ received a special lot ors and extra good d| CQ si P of new Figured Voiles in the quality. Special, yd., ||J!| [ISSiSBIESSsi 5 sponsors. Neither, however, had the official backing of the IJepublican State organization. There will He prompt action. SAND For contracting pur poses. We will de liver good River Sand to any point in Har risburg and suburbs. Builders' requirements promptly supplied. Phone our main office. United Ice & Coal Co. Forster & Cowdcn Sts. _____
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