t ?yuec£al4 niversary Sale ys-to and Including June 14th Bpfflß/ To help us in this, the manufacturers with whom we have done business for years, and the ■ vast purchasing organization with which we are associated, have for months kept us advised of e\ ery opportunity for special concessions that would enable us to offer you extraordinary values j ' during these eight days. In many instances the selling prices are as low, and, in some cases yj n M/ lower than to-day's wholesale market values. Some quantities are sufficient to last all eight days, X CciFS OI m!iF 'ipi but where stocks are limited new specials will appear from day to day. Therefore, you BS|S|T / U Win Your Approval, Qualities That Will Win Your Store Service ation and Values That Will Win Your Thanks IMGiir Summer Dresses $16.50 6 Cakes Olivoil Soap, 48e j! FOTTVDBO 187? j) 1 hese dresses are extraordinary specials, very fine toi'et and bath soap, made of T - iii!,,.,,-,,-,!-, n-,,-. stylishly developed in georgette crepes, crepe finc oli ;, e oil . i ather< . frec i v V de chine crepe meteors figured foulards taf- 48th Anniversary Sale, 6 cakes for 48? We reserve the priv- k tetas. satins, indestructible voiles and La Jerz. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor j t j. " fV castor, beige, tan, light gray, steel, taupe, Georgette Blouses, $4.48 | on any of the Anniver- I "*V \ Belgian blue, Pekin, navy and black. An as- Unsurpassed values in georgette blouses; ing to the extreme low- I f (tf&t sortment of dresses unsurpassed for values at j white, flesh and the beautiful colors and deli- * , ■ ' •„ MTsB . f/1 price. eate shades for summer. With colored em- ; ness of price, many witt A,/ £ 48th Anniversary Sale, special, at. .$16.50 broidery, dainty lace trimming, round and not sent !! OjgjjM' }lw WJ — 1 1 BOWMAN*— Ttuni Floor. j square neck; also collarless. Plain tailored nor will telephone or- J£f Sauce Pans cuff and puff cuff. All sizes. ders be taken for some. Aluminum Lipped Sauce pans, 2-qt. capa- Another lot of georgette blouses, in all sizes packages as possible. city, with long handle. and dainty shades and solid colors, in French 48th Anniversary Sale 48? \ blue, bisque, red. sunset and in combination ?■■■ BOWMAN* Basement. colors. Also stylish models in tailored blouses. Bath StOOls 481,1 Anniversary Sale, special at 93.48 . _ , BOWMA.VS-TMM n,,. Hair Goods Specials Bedspreads Towels and Towelin<r White enameled bath stools with 12-inch Silk Soecials T ~ XOWeiS anQ IQWeling round top; 16 inches high, braced legs, rubber il 1 These reductions are considerably below the Hemmed crochet bedspreads for single and D tipped. 40-inch Creoe de chine a sunerior aualitv• tag prices on every hair piece in our huge three quarter beds. Brown Turkish bath towels; large size; 48th Sale .... *l.lß metcor bnish P 30 most bea utiful and' up-t'o-' st ? ck - . Tbis is our Annual Sale and here are 48 th Anniversary Sale, special, each, *1.48 A^nivers^ 7 ?T bIC u BOWMAN* Baiement. date shades to a few of its special features. Hemmed satin bedspreads; double bed size i 8 * A ° nive ™ r y Sa,e > special, each, 48? Tea Kettles 48th Anniversary Sale, vard 91.48 Wavy hair switches. All shades but gray. j n several attractive Marseilles designs. These iurkish towels, bleached and hemmed; good i >U a Sl ? e ' 5-qt. capacitv, made of good weight alum- White grounds with multi-colored plaids with vcr J special at ... v>> .. s 4 ' 4B impairs their durability, they have only to be nniversary Sale, special, 2 for 48? inum • highly polished. most harmonious effects. Extra lengths; 48th Anniversary Sale, seen to be appreciated. Turkish towels, bleached and hemmed. 48th Anniversarv Sale 92.4.8 481,1 Anniversary Sale, yard 91*48 ve, T special at ................. .9°*®® 48th Anniversary Sale, special at...92.48 481,1 Anniversary Sale, special, 4 for 48? BOWMAN* —Basement. 36-inch Foulard silks in the season's most Gray wavy hair switches. Medttim lengths; BOWMAN's —second Floor. Huck towels, bleached and hemmed; good -j-x. c approved styles and colorings. Many of the 48th Anniversary Sale, extra special, $2.28 size. DlMlCr ods designs are confined to Bowman's for Harris- Extra lengths; 48th Anniversary Sale, FanPV WJlitf l Vrtllpft 481,1 Anniversary Sale, special, 4 for 48? • 50-pieces. Service for 6 persons; 2 decora- such favorites for dress this season. Wavy hair transformation* All shades but ' good quality. rions to choose from; shght factory imperfec- 48th Anniversary Sale, vard SI.BB < 48th Anniversary Sa e special, $3.78 Wrsarv SakPri f . P ' "'d JSe 48th Anniversary Sale, special, 2 for 48? tions; just the set for bungalow use or to save BOWMAN's —Main Floor. Gray transformations; 48th Anniversary vs<uy caie rnce, per yci, Union'linen huck towels, hemmed and heni vour good set. W7 - u Sale, extra special at .$4.88 , . stitched. 48th Anniversary Sale $4.48 W neelDarrOWS Watch table as you enter store for special Flaill White Voile 48th Anniversary Sale, special each 48? Anniversary surprise ..........9L48 Bleached twilled toweling; good quality. tvt 1 Well constructed garden wheelbarrow, BOWMAN'B —Third Floor. 40 inches wide with tape selvedge. I 48th Anniversary Sale, special, 4 yds. 48? wasnmg ITJ-aCllllieS painted red. | 48th Anniversary Sale Price, per yd., . .35? BOWMAN'S— Second Floor. ~— 48th Armirersarr Sale 93.48 TitlPTl SflTTTnlp^ Michigan high speed washer; needs no in- BowiuN's-Ba.em.nt V UrUlfflnCTb Allien DdmpiCfe wr„l. n. i o -i trodnction, especiaDv at this price. ayr* i I Z r 7 * NullllOn WaSIl IrOOaS specials 48th Anniversary "Sale $15.48 MIITOrS In years gone past we have from time to L BOWMAN*— Basement. ! time secured Drummers samples to offer our T36 inches wide. A perfect white fabric for 40-inch printed voiles; an almost endless as -0 n Plate glass. Bxlo inches with .white enameled patrons, but during the past two years the re- coats, suits and dresses. sortment of latest designs on light, medium oCTGCn Doors frami; IJ4-in. wide. t l". es J. or e^ en suggestion to the importers for 4g tb Anniversary Sale Price, per yd.,..48? and dark grounds. All carefully selected - H lines, no cast offs-but our very best stocks. Frame 3 inches wide; walnut stained covered BOWMAN'S Basement. tempt to humor. However, through persist- WLU 48th Anniversary Sale. Special, yd., 48? with best quality wirt Bring exact measure- fljie Tnhintr Cnt e u ffort lve have ultimately achieved what Willie rNaiIISOOK 44 . inch lain co \ QTed voi] £. h - J { ments as we do not exchange screens or screen WdS 1 UDlllg may have been regarded as the impossible and .. _ ; .. , . best colors. An exceotionallv fine finished doors- the sizes are- secured a full line of Drummers linen samples V ery fine quality, boxed in 10 yd. pieces. crmHe which is 2ft6m. x 6 ft. 6a. . i comprising table cloths, napkins, lunch cloths 48th Anniversary Sale Price, piece, $2.48 48th Anniversary Sale. Special, yd., ..48? N2 ft. 8 in. X6ftlo m. ■ i n rrrrim?rtion ' gt b a .ai p c and towels. 32-inch gingham zephyrs in a multitude of 2ft.Binx6ft.Bia. . c.i These will be put on sale to-morrow ati)rac- White DimitV beautiful colorings and styles 2 ft. 10in.x 6fL 10in. * !' cal,y to T day '® VN ; holes l a,e P ricea ' Considering 7. 48th Anniversary Sale, special, yd, ..48? 2 ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. " the scarcity of this, the most coveted of all Strioes and checks BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Nnrsery Refrigerators | tSRSZIZ Dress Goods Specials . 48th Amriversary Sale $1.48 Japanned Oak galvanized lined; fitted with I of this opportunity to come as early as possi- . BOWMAN*— Baismrat mineral wool' 11J4 inches high 11V* inches ble and avoid disappointment. 4W-IHCJI Da la tea DlOth 40-inch Silk and Wool crepes. A most de : 17-Ot THeh Pavic wide and 16>4 inches long with separate ice BOWMAN'S second Floor. sirable fabric for dress. Serves purpose of a compartment and nickel plated faucet ; indis- Hrv*acL- In hght and 9tn P ed patterns. silk dress and also a woolen dress. 10 best col , f L _ . pensable for the sick room or light housekeeo- AdWC 48t h Anniversary Sale, iy 2 yds., at. .48? ors,_alao white or black. l hcaT 7 gauge Dn, 17-qt. capacity. r, BOWMAFS- second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 91.48 48th Anrnversarrv Sale 48? a • c-i- ac P ure Irish linen damask ;70 inches wide. 54-inch Plaid check anH strine Jc. BOWMAN* Basement. - Tm,^ WM y N '.^_ Bi^— - * 3 ' 4B This is not the thin grade of damask which you Plain White Voiles all full lines - but altogether a good selection. Porcelain Plates o rn r 1 Witt find on the market for the only reason that 48th Anniversary Sale, yard $2.48 L n ® n * s°°' , med, . um 45-inches wide. NOTE the widths. 2 yds. 54-inch Wool Jersey suitings; all the sea -3 clofheb poles, well made. 8 ft. long with 4h 'X VM to , ~ k " "'• Eil "' W Afade of the Awtfaliaa ........ 5 for 4S* 'Anniversarv S,!r 48* ' 4Bth A 48,11 ♦ 2 ' 4B BOWMAN'S—Basement. cloth. Fish Globes Trunks 48th * I4S Heavy Cotton Crash Cotton Crepe Kimonos "xund fish globe, 2-gaL ca- Trunks made of 3-ply V eneer; substantially TTnimr ThfTmrw 18 inches wide with red border. This- In plain colors, shirred waist line, cuffs and I 48th Annifwr.ji v - built. Brass locks, catches and corners; 34 toweling is highly commended for hard use. collars, ribbon trimmed or of white organdy; 1 Bcwjuorw—BmnMtit. inch size. R , . ' , • , After being used for a short time this crash pink, rose, Copen and navy. 36 to 46. Y Y- . , -r* i i 48fh .Anniversary Sale 918*48 a 3 . 1 pleasing col- becomes very absorbent and wears like linen. 48th Anniversary Sale. Very special, $1.48 1 Jardinieres and Pedestals BOWM^'& - B '"™nt. c£cks ifbSe >nd S 3 481,1 Anniversary Sale, special, 3 yds, 48? Cotton crepe kimonos, plain and figured de- 1 Toilet Paoer • of white daue and self Serial Part linen unbleached crash. signs. Collars and cuffs trimed with pleated Janfimene and pcilestal, various shapes and " dresses are ?erv neatlv made \\\ siies coloTbWE. g. Rons of fine Tissue - %***<* VCry madC ' AU S,2CS ' 36 t0 Union linen crash with red border; good models caught at waistline, satin ribbon sash, "STAS 7:.*aa THUHSMT EVEtmro, - >|W> 11
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