10 fJSjoamaM For the 48th An To-morrow and For Eight Da The Anniversary Sale that begins to-morrow is the annual celebration of a large business establishment, just as an individual takes pleasure in celebrating his or her anniversary. Our treat for this annual event, the most important of the various sales throughout the year, are re markable price reductions in almost every department that merit your earnest consideration and immediate inspection. For months we have planned to make this sale even greater than the pre ceding Bowman's successful anniversary sales. : Prudent Buyers Will Find Here Assortments That W Admiration, Service That Will Win Your Appret White Ivory Mirrors 6 Handkerchiefs, 48c Larze size, with beveled glass. This mir- Made of fine white lawn with woven stripe We reserve the priv- ror originally sold for considerably more than border; of blue, tan, pink and lavender; per ilege to limit quantity the price now quoted. $ 48 feet cut. full size, - Royal Society Art Pieces nor will telephone or- ed styles and with dainty frills. Square and AC •l A • T-k ders be taken for some. round necks. Also all clean, fresh blouses. At opecial Anniversary PriCGs Please carry as many 48111 Anniversary Sale, special at .. .$1.48 L _ packages as possible. The Art Department is displaying the most interesting exhibit of pretty hand embroidery ————— l Royal Society articles need no introduction -I rot TV t\t i A A J TA C-.Ji.L'.ir i cr vk Cotton combination mattress. Good ticking. —materials never vary in quality. All these l.OCrl rieces iMCCKWCSr IVLaclraS Door VJUITHIIL BflCk StrHp Purses One or two parts, full size or single size. One have been purchased for our Anniversary — . _______________ only to a customer. Sale, and will sell much below the original Tn TTir*>p Tnti Lot of figured and plain madras One lot of purses in black only; real 48th Anniversary sale price, special, $6.48 price. in lliree special door curtains, in the popular shades, with leather; four numbers varying in size and BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor. A comprehensive showing consisting of valance. . style; some the single purse and some double , doilies, aprons, shirtwaists, pin cushions, hand- These lots consists of Fifth Avenue styles 48th Ann^^|f^ n^0 s P ec,al with two snaps. Bamboo TabouretteS bags, towels, infants' dresses, laundry bags that will go out at very special prices, because * 48th Anniversary Sale 48* baby caps, pillows and many other articles. fac tu rer r u ndeir' nfost DreSS GinghamS One lot top strap purses, 7j4x4/ 2 -in These Large size bamboo tabourettes Matting cov- 5 ?I ' 4B ' 52 ' 48 ' 54 ' 48 ' g glances 2 are made of saffian leather in black and colors. ered top, 24 inches high; natural finished. ™ ' s s? m&ss T" ** Ann =- ecial ' • ' 4B< 1 ""SA 1 -XnSi,!r°sfo-■'saiV.'toVNo 2 3, r IT K1 M Mission Foot Rests Women's Ribbed Vests ■ °l' consists "of ~ GrSSS RugS Mission finished footrest. Imitation leath- An exceptional lot of women's vests for this ereoe de chine collars sets and vWtees & 38 inches wide; will wash easily. er covered top; size 9 inches by 14 inches; salc ' A fine cotton ribbed vest; V neck and 48th Anniversary- 'sale each soecial 48* 48111 Anniversary Sale, special, 4 yds. 48* Made in Japan in green, red, tan and blue stands 9]/ 2 inches high; suitable for cottage, sleeveless. These are unusual values. 2? ™• „ de " ° r r-. , - • 48,h Ann mS:;j^' 2 f ° r 4S * - georgette collars, sets and vestees. Rlpqpliprl Anniversary Sale $8.48 48th Anniversary Sale Price 48* 48th Anniversary Sale, each, 30*, 2 for 48* Pieacnea jneeiS BOWMAirs-Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor. sets. This lot is very special. collars and j rfoncrfbt gr.de. ahecing | New Process Linoleum | Dress Shields I . men's Black Hose 48th Anniversary Sale, each, 15*, 4 for 48* 48th Anniversary Sale, special, each, $1.48 _ > Women's full fashioned hosiery is scarce BOWMAN's —Main Floor. BOWMAN'S- second Floor. In wide range of colors and patterns in tile Good weight, excellent quality; sizes 2, 3 and we jj ave one f or t^e rst day 0 j our ' __ | and mosaic effects. Two yards wide, cut from and 4; regular shape. niversary Sale that is an exceptional stockin"" 1,400 Yards Georgette Crepe Bleached Cheese Cloth • c, J 48th Anniversary Sale Price, 3 pairs 48* In black only; boot silk light weight, lisle foot! ' Vv inrhfvc mHe eV ,„j Elegant for dusting cloths. 36 inches wide. BO wwAirs—Fourth Floor. • top< All sizes. duding plenty white and navy. Launder," 48 " 1 *"* H-11l md Sflir Cunrt' Girls' Gingham DreSSeS th Anniversary Sale; special, pair, 48* beautifully. lid Li 311(1 uiair Gaipcls _________ BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale, 2 yards $2.48 AprOll Gingham * 6 to 14 years; large and small plaid ging- BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. " P .2 velvet and tapestry; 27 inches wide. hams; assortment of colors; trimmed with Ptiilrlr-dapi'c r.,r t in urht a nH HnrW nnt- 48111 Anniversary Sale, yard $1.48 white, poplin, pique and plain colors. Children S btOCklllgS 755 Yards Venise Bands .err," P B P S,ie P good value. *1.48 ~ ——————————________ 48th Anniversary Sale, special, 2 yds. 48* • i-p BOWMAN s— second Floor. A child s cotton ribbed stocking in black and White and cream, 6to 9 inches wide; every BOWMAirs-second Floor. AxmUlSter RugS white only. A broken lot; all size Sl piece imported; used for camisoles and com- r* -pi I . BOVS BlOllSeS Anniversary Sale, special, 3 pr. 48* bmations. Will make a beautiful trimming for L*linp OianKClS In floral, all oyer and medallion patterns; i BOWMAN s— Main Floor. the new voiles and organdies. ~ ~ . . , . , extra heavy quality, 9x12 ft. Light stripe percales and plain blue cham thAn^S^Z7^T l ' 7d -' Jn gray; size 68x80. Good weight and dur- 48th BOWMANS Main Fjoor. 4g th Anniversary Sale, special, each, $6.48 48111 Ann,v ®" ar s r Sale ' at thc P rice of Heavy Cretonnes BowMAir-soooaa Floor. 720 Pairs Silk Gloves This is a fine lot of children's vests; a light 1 2,000 Yards Pajama Check T "——— Children's Dresses gSdT", T s£l Special lot heavy upholstery and drapery Two-clasp, double finger tips, perfect fitting 8 to 16 tretonnes in dark and medium colors. Full yard wide. 48th Anniversary Sale, self and contrast bade in Fans point and 5-row fi . an( i plain chambrav mnF- aa*u A.,;,.. ci •i• / ac^. Afitk Ann!,,.™,™ .1 A an exreotionallv Food soecial vd at Ift* embroidered backs in white, black, tan, brown, oiue.pinK ana green, piain cnamoray png 48th Anniversary Sale, special, 2 for 48* ' yd -- an at... .19* BOWMAfrs Fourth Floor. withbUck. Sohie have slight imperfections. tnmmed in white with hand blanket stitch - . _ Corsets 48th Anniversary Sale, pair 48* ed K e collar ' P oo^lß and cuffs - _ c. Lurtain specials BOWMAITS— MaIa Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale, to go at $1.48 Men 8 Ollk HOSe • Excellent quality; flesh colored batiste ' BOWMAN'S Second Floor. , ■ 10 yds. white figured curtain Swiss in a wide corsets for summer wear. Medium bust, long Talcum Powder - _ , . , A fine lot of men's silk hose, seconds yet the fenge of patterns. free hip neatly tnmmed at top with lace. WOmen 8 Oxfords, $5.95 equal of some firsts. Black, white, cot-dovan 48th Anniversary Sale, very special, $2.48 1! le X 1 i 8 Rose, violet, lilac, Corylopais, Lily of the and navy. Very good quality filet net curtains with r , , Vr- ' ,•' ; V.. Valley. A very fine borated powder in both Taken from our regular stock. No seconds 48th Anniversary Sale. Very special, 48* SwSSrfSS .a for hmrqU,Srt,t;MraqM " t7wh,,e " d All Wool Serge Skirts Anniversary Sale, special, yd.,. .48* brSsiere in flesh; front or back cloLg, elastic CorßO Hose Supporters deal higher only yesterday. 10 yds. fine 36-inch marquisette m white or across back. 48th Anmversary Sale, very special, $5.95 Mannish tailored pockets and wide belts; " era. Enough for two windows. Corset and Brassiere. Kleinert's white hose supporters, 9-inch. Women's black kidskin oxfords, hand turn- * l2<s 25 to 32 band. 48tb Anniversary Sale, very-special, $3.48 48th Anniversary Sale, special, at....51.48 48th Sale Price, 3 pair* 48* ed soles and Louis XV. heels. Special, 85.95 48th Anniversary Sale. Very special, $4.4$ BOWMAN'S Fonrtb Floot. I WWA Ml>i AWBMII fth ft.l f J POWIUMMkWISMi I •THURSDAY EVENING, gaunt—***** IWBtmßOiajg JUNS, 1919#
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