16 rif ftu Can Offer legitimate Biptoyient Te|_Abeai lin a Clas AS M J deaths ! I'ICTEIt* —Reba Lorraine Vetera, w.fe; ot Harry K. Vetera, died Monday morning. June 2, 191!'. at her resi dence. IT Hast Woodland avenue. Baltimore. Funeral from the residence or Mrs. Charles Forney, Paxtang, It ednes da.v afternoon. June 4, 1919, at > o'clock. CARD OF THAN Kb UK. (.!. \V. THOMAS desires to thank his friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during the sickness and death of his wife. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. MRS. AI.ICK F. FIiTROW, Progress, wishes tc extend her thanks to her ielatives and many friends for the kindness which she received during tin ilirn/Pt- and death of her husband, Harry G. Fetrow, Sr.. who died May 26. last. LOST AMI FOUND $1" RKWARD for return of two dress suit eases, lost on road between i l'auphir. and speeeec ille subway, if returned to Williams Motor Company, 231 North Second street. l.oST—Pocketbook. containing $26. on Saturday night. Reward if ed to 1331 James street or call boil 20081!. . LOST leather Card Case, with the initials K. W. G. burned, thero-m. . containing I'. R. R- annual y> = , lodge end club membership cards. He ward if returned to 2126 North Htth street. | INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg , Shorthand. Typewriting. English, Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic etc Li A V ANO NIGHT St HOOK OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time.. Bell 195. Dial 4016. , rra _ > BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 12i Market St. Chas. R Becklfl- HKLP WANTED —MALE CARPENTERS. TINNERS AND ALL- | AROUND MACHINISTS. I Steady work and high rates. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. No labor trouble. Physical examination required. Apply in person or communicate with Factory Employment oftUe. j THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, 85c, Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING y CARTERS. 260 South Front Street, Steelton, Pa. TAILOR WANTED To buy Tailoring establish ment, centrally located, uotng nig ousineos. Terms reason able Write BOX 168, Pa. LOCAL MAN WANTED with $50.63, to hu.iulu high-grade specialty. Fae-1 lory KepresenlaLive will be at Penn- ' Harris ilotei Thursday during nay auu etening. Ask for Mr. L'tt. WANTED Four neat, sober and energetic salesmen to woik in terri tory in Daupiiin county. 1 want high giadc men oniy, tu whom 1 will pay a liberal salary and commission. 1 will el range lor an interview in a lew nays. .Make application by letter to Box 275, Millersbuig. Pa. ONE repairman for Ford Cars; aiso i boy ovel 16 years to learn \ulcamz- : nig, one who can drive Ford Car pre- i icred. Steady work. Apply A. H.t Shaffer. Ss South Cameron street. j WANTED Ambitious young man, I 'with knowledge of bookkeeping, in] Ol'tlue of large wholesale concern. One] '•ho is willing to work. Address, giv-j ing age. experience and references, • * L., 6817. care of Telegraph. WANTED A first-class, all-I around baker to take charge of shop, i Apply L. J. Novinger, Miliersburg, Pa. j WANTED Tailor and presser. j Good pay and steady work. Apply H. Goodman. 13U6 54 North Sixth. FIRST-CLASS slate roofers wanted. 75c per hour. Apply to Lawrence' 1 übb'us, 135 West Franklin street.; Baltimore, Md. j WANTED Map to work in scrap ! iron yard who also understands inc j use of shears. Apply Reliable ltag A Metal Co.. Seventh and Curtin streets. ! f APERHANGERS Five good! men. Yearly employment. Operat'on i work. H A. Bodmer. 826 North Third; street. I CENSUS CLERKS 4,000 needed, j *92 month. Aged, IS upward. Ex-j perlcnce unnecessary. For free par- , titulars of examinations, write Ray-] mond Terry (former Government Ex-; amlner). 518 Continental bldg., Wash ington. ____________ (Continued fn Next Column) e HILL HOUSES FOR SALE No. 1531 Berryhill St.—3-story brick house; 9 rooms, bath and pantry; all improvements; very good condition; lot 14.5x103.4 ft. Possession soon. No. 701, cor. Benton and Ellerslte Sts. —2'/4-story brick, one uf a pair; 7 rooms, reception hall and bath; all Improvements; lot 18. tx 90 tt. Possession July 1. No. 109 S. 14th St.—3-storv brick ! and frame; all improvements. Pos session 30 days. No. 1353 Vernon St.—3-story brick house; 9 rooms and bath; L j gront and back porch; ull improve ments; lot 16.3x97.3 ft. Possession 60 days. No 623 N. 17th St.—3-story brick house; 7 rooms, bath and pantry; steam heat; electric light; lot 19 x 100 ft. Possession 60 days. Miller Brothers & Co. Urulcra in Itml fentute .imuruMce &uret> Bond* Locust & Court Sts. • Hun. Ileal Kulatc Duard v. I^l a ; I ' " * TUESDAY EVENING, | HKLI* WANTED—MALE | LABORERS WANTED To work in quarry. Apply PENNA. SALES CO., Second Floor, Hershey Bldg., Front and Market Streets. I ' WANTED Four young men, 16 : years old or over, lor distributing j 'samples. Apply Wednesday, 7:30 to j 'j S A. M., at Lochiel Hotel. Ask fori ; ] Mr. Lane. ' WANTED Laborers, white, for ' clearing land at I'erdix. Must do own; , cooking. Do not apply unless accus- ' toincd to outdoor work. Wages, 25c] ! per hour. Pay every evening. Apply jto A. C. Young. 34 North Second; street, of Mr. l'ulton. at Land Of lice, ] ! Peidix. j 'I A BOY WANTED—Over 16. Apply j Modern Textile Co., 1823 Penn atrjt. ILLXP WANTED —FEMALE I A LIMITED NUMBER OF YOUNG WOMEN ' wanted to start training at once to till additional vacan ; ties in our operating force. "AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR YOUNG WOMEN." Apply to Miss Kline, Operators' Employment Department. 20S Walnut Street. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA. ' - I ; WANTED AT ONCE I EXPERIENCED and INEXPERIENCED i SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 5 i Regular work and good wages. In- , experienced operators are paid by me day while learning. A bonus i= paiu ] to all Operators every pay du>. PLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. ; Reily and !• ulluu i* I WANTED Weavers and Warpers; also i some learners. Apply SILK MILL, Cor. North and Second Sta. WANTED Cook; also second maid. Must be willing to go to the country. Apply 2025 North Front, or call Bell 615. WANTED Neat colored girl to help with li ht housework in apart!- ment and take care of baby two years. References required. Call No. 250] Hummel street. ! WANTED lady, of pleasing ap- , pearance. well educated, for steno- i grapher and counter clerk. State sal- ' ary expected, references, experience. \ etc. Address Box K. 6820. care of] I Telegraph. ! \ WANTED Girl for general house- I : work. No washing. No children. | Good home. Inquire 2214 North Sec ond street. | WANTED A woman for general 1 ! housework in apartment; small fain- ; ily. Call Bell phone 672 M. j LADIES Add 812 to $lB weekly | to your income. Splendid home busi ness making Bozart Bead portieres. ] Learn in hour. Write to-day for par- 1 ticularsl Artcraft, Box SOO-Gii,' Brooklyn. N. Y. I PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us on I Auto Knitters Experience unneces- | i sary. Full particulars. 3c stamp.] Department 146. Auto Knitter Co., 821 i Jenerson street. Buffalo. N. Y. I WANTED Girl for general office | j work, salary, slo per week. Appiy | ir. own handwriting. Box C, 6819, care, ] of Telegraph. I *j I WANTED Woman to take charge , jof homi for small, private family.! I References required. Call between 7] land 8 A. M. at 1420 North Second; street j j WANTED Cook, for family of j jfour; also young girl to take caie of I two small children. Apply 1919 Mar ! ket street. Phone Bell 3351 M. ! WANTED Girl to do plain sew - i ] ir.g lit tailor shop. Inquire 1015 Mar-j ikct street. , j ' WANTED Two experienced wait- j | resses. Appiy at Crystal Restaurant,; I 418 Market street. | i WANTED Cook, white. Apply to j 'steward Laudermilch, Dauphin Coun- ( ] ty Almshouse. I j WITMER, BAIR & WITMER need] one tirst-class titter of recent exped ience on Suits. Coats and Dresses, now | unemployed. Permanent position. UKLI* WANTED — .Male and Female WANTED Experienced and inex- j pertenced Sewing Machine operators. | Regular work and good wages, inex- i pcrienced operators are paid 85.00 a! week v hile learning. A bonus of 25 per cent is paid to all operators. Ap-; ply at Mechanicsburg Shirt Co., 19 ! East Simpson street. AGENTS WANTED $••0 00 A DAY selling Authentic His tory of Colored American in World War. Thrilling tales of heroism and I suffering. 100 striking photogra.ms ] of Colored troops in action. Complete, books now ready. Rig Profits. Ex-, I less paid. SI.OO Outht 1-ree. Send [ 25c mailing expense. Hertel Co.. 9 | South Clinton street, Chicago, 111. WANTED Agents for Dauphin and surrounding counties. Weekly commissions $25.u0 and mure. Some thing every office must use. Address P. O. Box 1229, llarrisburg. Pa. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE I WANTED Tech boy wishes Job I for summer; can drive any make car. ] 801 l phene 4254 J. I WANTED Young, married man i desires position as truck driver; well , acquainted with city. Address P. o. ] Box 43. Wormleysburg, Pa. WANTKD Boy 15 years, wants i work of any kind. L, 6813, care of Telegraph. . d' ... 'Mk 1 SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe , ■ WANTED A colored girl, going jon 15, wants position as child's nurse. Write, or call. 352 South Cam- | jeron street. City. t WANTED Woman wants house work, either in or out of city. Apply i at 4 North Ninth street. ] WANTED Woman wishes a posi- , tion as chambermaid or dishwasher and any kind of day's work. Address 1423 Wyeth avenue. ' WANTKD Colored woman wishes j day's work. Apply 1407 Currant at enue. WANTED Girl wants general housework; no laundry work. Apply. I 804 Capital street. WANTED - Widow desires house- ! work in small family; not out of the city. Call 338 Chestnut street, or I I Bell phone 4665 R. ] BOOKKEEPER Wants position jwith reliable firm. Had seven years experience. Reference furnished. Address M. V., care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Large, commodious ] rooms, furnished, all conveniences. I steam heat, desirably located. Inquire ] 266 Briggs street. | FOlt RENT Two unfurnished, communicating rooms for rent. A special price of $lO per month will be given to a desirable tenant. Dial phone 5754. FOR RENT Furnished room on ! Third street, facing Capitol Park.] Call Bell phone 758 W. ; FOR RENT Large, furnished, j ] front room, facing river, all conveni ences, at 609 North Front. Call after | 4 o'clock. i ROOMS FOR RENT —At 1238'Wal jnut street. | FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms 'on second floor, for light housekeep ing' all conveniences; centrally locat jed. Inquire 1213 Green street. FURNISHED front room in private \ family; all conveniences. Call Belli 4904. j FOR RENT Furnished room on - second floor; constant hot water. Call ! ] Bell 466-R. | | 114 CHESTNUT ST. Two rooms,] : furnished complete for light house-1 I keeping. Both facing street. Bath ; adjoining, and other privileges. | THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR] I RENT For light housekeeping; a'l j conveniences; also one single room, i \pp!y at 261 Cumberland. VERY DESIRABLE furnished front] j rooms; all conveniences; also room ' ■with private bath. Dial 5775. Apply! 19 North Front street. ; FOR RENT Desirable furnished] ; rooms, centrally located; all convent-1 jenees; near Capitol. Inquire 328 j i North street. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms.] on second floor; all conveniences. Bed phone 3671W, or 1511 North Sixth; i street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms 1 for light housekeeping, second floor front; all conveniences. Inquire 526 j Camp street, or Bell phone 1245 J. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on third floor, for light housekeeping; use of phone and bath; no children. Apply at 1606 North Third street. ! FURNISHED ROOM On third ! door; all conveniences; no objections to light housekeeping. 814 North j Sixth. j FURNISHED ROOM For gentle- ] man. with use of bath. Rent, $3.90 ' weekly. Apply to Mrs. Owens, Fourth | Floor, Potts Apartments. Third and j Herr streets. ] I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Large. | I airy and communicating, with! kitchenette. Stoves furnished fre*. I Bath, phone and laundry privilege.; ' All outside, and independent and pri- j I vate. Also suites, diningroom. b-d-1 ! room and kitchen, bay window fronts.] 1 Apply 429 Broad street. FOR RENT Two large rooms, on ] second floor; all conveniences. Bell j 593 M, Ol call at 6uo North street. | FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec i end floor front room, gentlemen ' [only. Call at 172054 North Third] ! street. j j FOR RENT —Two furnished roon-.s, ' third floor, electric light, hot and cold I water; use of bath; very close to car | line; gentleman prelerred. 22 North | Eighteenth street. ! FOR RENT Two or three fur nished rooms for light housekeeping,] I all conveniences. Call, after 6 P. M.. [at 1609 Perry street. ) FOR KENT Large, unfurnished I ! llvingroom, first floor front, suitable] 1 for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 i I North Third street. Dial 4990. ] NICELY-FURNLSHED BEDROOM— i For gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or 912 ] North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, • $2 oo per week and up; warm rooms; ! running hot and cold water; light i housekeeping and private batn. Wil son Apartments. 143 South Third. APARTMENTS FOR KENT ! APARTMENT FOR KENT, FRONT 1 STREET —Furnislied, June 20 to l)c- j jtober J. See Janitor, 9UI North Front | I street, oi call Crane, Bell 633, 204 Lo-; icust street. i i APARTMENT Second floor, com- I 'pletely lurnished for light housekeep ing. Large porch and locker. Box it, 6818, care of Telegraph. i TWO bright, front room apart- I ments. lurnished complete for light i housekeeping. 424 South Seventeenth j street. Bell 2985 R. i FOR RENT Furnished apart ment at 1435 North Second street., i after June 14. for three months. ! FOR RENT Apartment, 1123 'North Third street, lour rooms and bath; pessession immediately. Apply Meyers Mfg. Co., Second Floor, Third and Cumberland streets. Above Shoe Store., AT 100 South Thirteenth street; first floor. 7 rooms and laundry, ele- Igantly furnished, equipped with hard- I wood floors, gas and electricity; pri vate porch and entrance. Apply at j 100 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath, completely furnished. In Harrisburg. Will rent to November 1 to reliable Dirty without children. Rent, $45. In quire Box 84. R. D-. 2. Duncannon. Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. M> large clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind of Real !• state you may have to offer. > A p DORANJS, 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 271 J. P'l 3948. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan, small cash or Liberty Bond 8t Pay" ent required balance a . rent. We have houses to even* uart of the city and suburbs. Apply A V. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. (Continued In Next Colautgj HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH II F YOU SHOULD SEND A TEL EGRAM TO THE' WRONG AD- |f| DRESS ydu would hardly expect it to gibe accomplish its purpose. The business men who are in need of efficient help Q|| mav be safelv addressed THROUGH yyl THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF iff' THIS NEWSPAPER. Messages thus V M; sent REACH THE RIGHT PEO- jM, PLE - ii B D in si ; h ... ! ~~mcj 4 'agim 9, -- - r -'■—M^Mh^ RiiAL ESTATK FOR SALE FOR SALIi OR EXCHANGE t What have you to offer? I have farms and city property. 2-story bricks. 6 rooms, all improvements, porch, newly pajerfcd all through, built 5 years, possession at once (va cant). on Hill. Terms. Vacant, possession at once, brick, all improve ments; front porch, side en trance, drive alley, large yard, 7 rooms, on the Hill (terms). Vacant 2 V4-story frame, porch front, side entrance, nice yard, house in good re pair. 6 rooms (attic)). Small amount down, pay as rent. Vacant 2 V&-story brick on Hill, all improvements, large yard, drive alley, side en trance, front and side porches. 7 rooms, slate roof. SIOO down, balance as rent. 2-story brick, all improve ments, drive alley, porch, bay window, on Hill. Possession soon. 3-story frame, all improvements, porch, drive alley, 8 rooms. | Terms. 3-story brick, with room, on Market street. Hill. ' 8 rooms. 3-story frame, near Hill Market, aii improvements. Very cheap. Vacant. 2 small brick I houses, 6 rooms, all im provements, on Hill, practic ally new, papered nicely all i through, front porch. 3-story brick, on Green street, steam heat, porches, I side entrance. 3-story brick, uptown, cor i ner, room for garage, porches. Corner small 2-story brick, on Hill, 6 rooms, all improve ments, front porch, tine loca tion. Small amount down. Pay as rent. Newly papered. Built 5 years. Will take Auto in exchange on most any of the above houses. Terms easy. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. I Bell Phone 560 J. Rents Collected. I "IF IT S REAR ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." I MOVE AT ONCE. Pay for your home same as rent. No money down; S3O per month. Three-story brick. 8 rooms, all improvements, 820 Mahap i tor,go St., or 2542 Agate St., 2-story brick, all improve ments. Both of the above are j vacant. HARRIS ST.. 630—3-story brick and frame, a rooms, all improvements;; S3OO down; S3O per month. BERRYHILL ST.. 1609 3- story brick, 9 rooms, all im provements: right up-to-the minute; SSOO down; sls per month. DERRY ST., 2703 New. will be finished in a week or two; "-story stucco, 7 rooms, hard- • wood floors, cement cellar; cas and electricity; A 1 in ! every respect; SSOO down; SSO per month. THIRTY-FIRST ST., PAX TANG Bungalow; brand new 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast alcove, combination gas and coal range gas and electricity; must be seen to be appreciated. D ASA SANDERRIN, ROOM 1 SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST IBELE 1390. DIAL 3D73. FOR SALE u,-storv frame dwelling, con taining ' 8 rooms, bath, ce . merited cellar, steam heat water and electric lights, front and rear porches, range. lot, 60x120. located al'ng trolley line at Oyster Point Avenue. Camp FOR SALE Five-room frame cottage, lo cated along the river above W esl FalrvleW p rtce , 500 00 FOR SALE ts"6 Penn St., 8 rooms, all modern improvement^goo.oo. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents. Second and Walnut. Streets. TZ tvTcBROW STREET 2-story I vacant corner property br ' C „ k "fo? ?wo cars 53,650. 152 ?? 25n street vacant 3-story f"Pme SSO down, balance as rent. 108 Cherry street 52,000. 919 Ash *?reet—s2,ooo. C. Sylvester Jackson. "1 North Fifteenth street. Bell phone 2935 R. FOR SALE 639 Hamilton street, will be vacant after June 1. All im provements. Can be bought on terms. Ernin Johnson. 2111 Swatara street. E<> ll 1867 J. (Continued in Next Colnma) iKEAL INSTATE FOll SALE . FOR SALE N. Third, No. 2216—Beautiful do-' tached West End residence. Plot,; 40x160; garage for lour cars in l rear. I N. Sixth, No. 1613—Nice- 3-story brick with rear drive street, Quick j sale price, $2,700. N Sixth, No. 1945 A 12-roomed corner property, with large store room. Corner of Peffer street. N. Sixth, No. 3358 Nice suburban frame dwelling. Low price. N. Fifteenth. No. 309. Another at tractive detached home. Plot, six 110. N. Seventeenth. No. 602 The Hill's refined residential section. Atlas St.. No. 2248—Nice 2-story brick with front porch, $2,000. Boyd St., No. 631—We offer this 3- story brick THIS WEEK at low figure. Crescent St.. Nos. 347-47 Threii pressed bricks. Emerald St., No. 620 3-story brick | (corner) dwelling, with 16x100 va cant plot alongside. Side driveway. Forrest St., No. 569 Another niee brick (corner) property with side j driveway. Kensington St.. Nos. (014-16 —What Is your offer for thesa two? Maclay St., No. 531 Nice 3-story! frame on a 20x150 plot. Double, garage in rear. Mueneh St., No. 630—What is your quick offer? Nectarine St., Nos. 344-46-48. N'.ce $1,650 homes. S. Ninth St. We have several small homes in the 1000 block, which must go around the S9OO murk, reffer St. No. 341 Well built 3-; story brick, a little over $3,000. Whitehall St., No. 1851 Fine home at intersection of Regina. We have also several attractive resi dences in Camp Hill, Highspire and White Hill which are appealing to the conservative homeseeker. HACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., 331 Market Street. 1902 LENOX STREET Corner, | steam heat, electric, front porch. 1923 Dc-try St. 3-story frame, side; and front porches, electric. Sylvan Terrace 3-story brick, lot, 25d(3C, electric, front porch. The finest sight-seeing location in city and close to business section. State St. A fine corner property in the good residential section. 1439 Market S. 3-story brick house, side entrance, with pair of houses -11 Zurker street. 639 Harris St. 3-story brick, side entrance, electric, hot air furnace. 600 Woodbine St. 3-story brick, front porch, steam heat, garage. Open side towards Camp Curtin Me morial Site. 1148 Perry St. 3-story front porch house, improvements. Close to business section. 214 N. Fourteenth St. 3-story front porch. Property in first-class condi tion. Rear drive alley. New houses on Hill ready for occu pancy July 1. 3-storv front porch house along Jonestown Road, near Pen brook. Nice grass plot and hedge fe:,ee: high location. HOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Both Phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. Free fly swatters at our office. POSSESSION AT ONCE For sale, corner and double house, in good condition. Fruit trees, well water; lot, 150x152 feet. Inquire j PUR AND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut. LOTS FOR SALE ln Camp Hill, 1 Higlispire and Edgemont. Durand & Ferbec. 107 Chestnut. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE On easy terms brick construction all improvements. Price. $2,700. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VERY DESIRABLE VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE All most mod modern improvements. Price reduced SIOO. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build-; ing. | FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street! brick house 9 rooms bath other improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE An excellent invest ment property. 513 Hamilton street. Finely located. Highest point in the city. Price, $1,800.00. Never vacant. Write H. L. Stroh, Bureau Engraving and Printing, Washington. D. C. FOR SALE ln Hignspire, Pa., ii-story, single, frame house, with, improvements, located on Market, street, one of the best locations in ! town 1 will sell tor less than it is really worth; Only have six days to sell same. Reason for selling. oth"r business. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market street! Highspire. Dial 9801. JVST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL FOR SALE on easy terms, 2012 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. p° porant. 1325 North Sixth. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE. No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 ft. TRUST COM -222 Market Street FOR SALE At a bargain, four email houses, rented. Prices ranging $450. $550, SI,OOO. All paying KO od rents. Apply Store,' 1117 North Third street. POSSESSION SOON "429 N. Sixth St.. brick $5,700 1631 Swatara St.. brick 2,500 414 Mueneh St.. brick 2,0001 412 St.. Z.Sooj 707 Kunkel Rld'g.. Bell 689. (Continued In Next Column) is* - | REAL ESTATE FOR SiVLE j ' RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY IPOS North Second Street. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley: 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; room for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at the premises .after 5 o'clock, or Address S.. 7582. i n Care of Telegraph. 1 WEST SHORE LOTS 4 lots together along river ! I front. Fine site for Bunga- ' low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. FOR SALE | 823 South Front street, frame dwell- j ing. 1614 North Fifth street, three-story 'frame dwelling with improvements, Iten rooms and bath. West Falrvlew property. Cor. Fair- ' view avenue and Enola Road, two-1 and-one-halt'-story frame dwelling. | West Falrvlew property, located on ; ! Third street, two-and-one-half-story j frame dwelling. Inquire of HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, I 16 S. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Real Estutc For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE lO-room suburban I home, located at Paxtang, in excellent | condition, large lawn, garden, garage I greenhouse and chicken house. t n - ' I quire of Bell phone ISI9R. I ' I FOR SALE Bungalow, on Bow-! I man avenue. Camp Hill. Hardwood ! 1 Hours, steam heat. Inquire 1721 North 1 i second. i FOR SALE Very desirable cot- 1 I tnge, close to street car and river; all ! improvements. J. K. Kipp. Bell 1645 R. ' ! REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent! ; i ! FOR SALE OR RENT 209 South ! | Front street, eleven rooms and two ! j baths. Inquire of Harrisburg Trust, j Company, 16 South Second street, I tlurrisl tug. Pa. REAL KSTATF FOR RENT I HARRISBURGS REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY I CO. 331 MARKET STREET. ' i FOR KENT Second story of Kel- j ! ker street Markethouse, Fourth and | lvelker streets, suitable for manufau- j ' luring purposes or general storage. ! I—Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2—Office rooms. I—Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. ! Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth j and Kelker streets. | ! FOR RENT Furnished two-story [cottage, at Juniata Bridge. Everything! i complete. Ideal for camping party. | ! Immediate possession. Apply at 429 j 1 Maclay street for particulars. 1 FOR RENT Very desirable fur- ! ' tiished house, near Reservoir Pa>'k, j 'for the summer; bath, gas, electricity, II and porches. Apply 1925 Park street.! f FURNISHED COTTAGE at Wil ' Harris Grove, with electricity and Dial I phone. 3 large rooms and screened-in | porch. Apply 1308 Chestnut street. Bell phone 624. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE READY CASH BUYERS for Improved real estate. Let us know what you nave to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 Seventh Street. - - | READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES, CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. ; COTTAGE Wanted, to rent, with | privilege of buying, within-10 miles of Harrisburg. Address Cottage, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE a "Studio Model" Autopiano player piano, and IfU'O worth of latest rolls for a GOOD ; five-passenger touring car. Piano; ■ nearly new. Excellent tone. Beauti- j | ful mahogany case. Valued at s7s<>. Will demonstrate player. Apply 418 1 Hqmmei street. City. | Offices ami Storerooms For Rent j __ , LARGE OFFICE FOR RENT Size 25x19, 331 Market street. I BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. | i FOR RENT Basement, corner ! Fourth and Market streets. Inquire H. | Marks & Son. 401 Market street, or Bell phone 2531 J. FOR RENT Desk room and office. Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 31 North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. FOR SALE —MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE WE have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make Immediate de livery. One *4 H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One A H. P. 220 V. 380 It. P. M. One V* H. P. 220 V. 800 it. P. M. One 'A H. P. 115 V. 80U R. P. Al. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One U H. P. 120 V. 275 K. P. 41. One Vt H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. 41. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Champagne color, round teed baby carriage, reversible. In good condition, 518. Cost, 540. In quire 1712 North street. | FOR SALE New Pittson cabinet! range, piano, bench, music cabinet, parlor table and other household fur niture. Inquire 2419 Stale street,! Pt-n'orook, Pa. (Continued la Aiest Column! JUNE 3, 1919. l FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BARGAIN Solid oak bedroom suite. Bed. I Dresser. i Chiffonier. i Dressing table. Spring. Mattress. Chair, rocker. Valued at $ 1 .">O. Sale Price, $95. JOS. PORN WALT. 1321 X. Sixth St. FOR SARD New Wincroft three- j burner gas range, with oven, price. . $lO. Inquire K. D. Heck, Rutherford | I Heights. I j FOR SALE Fine office furnish- j lings Harry M. Bretz Bankrupt Estate.) ; See Thomas C. McOarrell. Jr., Trustee, 1'322 Market street. ' ! FOR SALE Channels, beams. ! angle pipe all denominations, and rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & i Freedman, Tenth below Mulberry ; street, or Sixth above Division street, j BOOKS ijougnt and sold; 20,000: new old, rare. In stock. Aurand's 925 North Third. Circulars free. NATIONAL* CASH REGISTER I Four drawers, finest condition. Five i separate total counters, detail sales I strip and Check issuing feature. A ' beauty and like new. See it and you ; j will buy it. Russell Sales Company, | Lancaster. Fa. | i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ! | CASH ALL MAKES RENTED ! EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, i 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. I FOR SALE Laby carriage; large, I I reversible, natural reed; good condi-1 | tion' sls. Apply 117 Evergreen street. I MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-hand furniture here. I High prices paid for furniture. Morris i Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4085R | WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED j A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address BOX S., 4429, Care of Telegraph. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID tor . Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newntark & Cown, 308 Broad 1 street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705 R. j ' WANTED. TO BUY\ Mulo Boston Terrier. State price. Address BOX G, 2371. Care of Telegraph. WANTED An upright Ooiler, 3 or 10-hurae-power. Must be in good j condition. No Junk. Address B. J.I ! Campbell. 100U Paxton street, or 23b j j Second street. j WANTED, TO BUY Coal dredg- j ing outfit, steamboat, pumps and Hat. | Address P. O. Box 890, Harrisburg. I | WE PAY 3c a lb. for rags, 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. We buy all kinds of junk and pay the | highest cash prices. L. Cohen & Co. | Bell 4974. WANTED 25 Electric Fans want ed for cash, in any condition. Call | Dial phone 5754. 1 WANTED Boarding home tor ; tlfteen-year-old boy. Address Box j j 105. Harrisburg, Pa. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. | BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. | 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. j I WANTED Will buy 1 or 5 Floor | Show Cases 6 or 8 feet long. Must be, in good condition. Apply 206 Mark it j j street i MAX SMELTZ | Second-hand furniture bought and : sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call! ! Bell lU7IH, or drop a postal to Max, : Smoltz 1016 Market street. Will call,: \ city or country. j FARMS i 8-ACRE poultry farm, $850.00. | 3s acres, 8 acres woodland. $1,700. [ | S7OO down. 43 acres, 5 acres wood and pasture j land, $2,200. I "60 acres, near Harrisburg, $14,500. | 433 acres. Perry county, $16,000.00. juURAND & FEHBEH, 107 Chestnut. j * I 22 ACRES Very good buildings. ! wi'th crops and stock, Including 2 I horses, 3 cows, 2 hogs. 60 chickens, I wheat, oats and corn in ground, all i implements, $3,000. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut street. 160-ACRE FARM Near Halifax; stock, tools and feed included; possession at once. Inquire C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. FOR SALE 2 —30-acre far.ms both well situat- I ed. i No- 1 Limestone garden soil 2l good wells water—targe garden j 7-room house. I No. 2 Slate soil, tine state of culti-I vatlcn, plenty of fruit —water from 1 elevation. F. S. MUM MA & SON, Ij Meehanicsburg. Fa. WANTED TO BUY i NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS | Working order or not. Send full par-i jticulars. Will buy anywhere. Russell! Sales Company, Lancaster, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ! FOR SALE A local truck distributing firm, distributors for a promi nent and nationally advertised truck—one of the best on the murket—desires to sell the en tire or part Interest of their business, wblch includes agency for truck, largu garage, sales room and service station. Pres ent owner's health keeps him from pushing business. Large number of trucks sold In this city since January I—prospects for 5a more for this year. Largs territory. Big advertising cam paign how running. A splendid business opportunity for a live wire. Will stand close investi gation. For further particulars address BOX D, 7667, Care of Telegraph. I DRUG STORE FOR 'SALE ln Pennsylvania town. Owner In bad! I health, must retire. Address Rexall,: 'cure of Harrisburg Telegraph. 4 Continued U> Neat Culuius) i l_ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Suw mill, 4 saws--. ! wo inches, two 16 inches—shaft lor ribbing, gusoline engine. All in good condition. Address E. M. Fore man, 417 Hummel street. FOR SALE Large Planing Mill with all improved machinery, lumber! shedding, office and stable. Well 10-; cated along R. R. and Trolley. Goodl business. Terms easy, price reason able Special reason lor selling. Ap-! ■ ply to W. M. Leinbach & Son, No. 624 I Washington street. Reading. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS THE NECESSITY .FOR SCREENED ■ windows and doors is admitted ! by everyone. GOOD JUDGMENT IS DISPLAYF.t> ONLY IN SELECTING THE RIGHT KIND. LIKE OTHER NECESSITIES of life the BEST is usually ; the cheapest in the end. I ASK YOUR KIND AND CAREFBij !STUDYOFTHESTANDARD SCREENS ! I am sure that upon comparison my SCREENS will be found BEST to meet the requirements of DURABILITY. NEAT APPEARANCE., CONVENIENCE OF OPERATION and PRICE. Let Me Screen YOUR HOUSE. AUCTIONEER HlTE—Bell 1875 J. j „ LAWN MOWERS Resharpened; and Repaired. Good Mowers for salo| j $2.00 each ancf upwards. Mowers j called for and delivered. All work, guaranteed. Sprenkle's Repair Shop, | 1321 North Sixth street. Dial phone | FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. [ J A. Bishop. 17 3G Logan street. 1 RURAL SERVICE CO., NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. Water. Electric Light and Heating Plants for farms and rural buildings, j Silos erected, stave, tile or concrete. Rock and stumps removed, sub-soil ing, ditching and tree-planting, with, dynamite. Prompt and careful attention. J. C. BOYD, Engineer. 1005 Bridge Street. Bell Phone 3440 J. . fi I I PAPEBHANCIING First-class 1 work. J. E. Chilcoat. 1622 North | Fourth street. i MACHINE SHOP Small machine i work on Steam Engines, Pumps. Mill ! Machinery, Experimenting and I Model Making. 1704 Fulton street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ; 'finale edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 350 i iloz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. t DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. i CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture t bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Mai ket street. Bell 4730-J. OXY-ACETYLICNE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran ' teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. I Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan ! street, Llell 4396 J. ! QUININE —Look out for that grippe . ! feeling, likely to catch you this ! 'changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE j I piIOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off! If taken In time. Gross Drug Stoiu. j ! 11l Market street. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought. Sold. Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst, Linglestown, Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE PERSONALS Address and information wanted of | Sarah A. Meier, wife of John Meier, j of Newark, N. J., also address of her 1 I brothers, Richard and Charles Jones, I | formerly of Dauphin Avenue, Ur.rris- i burg. Isaac Fleisehman, Counsellor at-Law, 15 Clinton street, Newark,! N. J. j ' I PAINTING i JOSEPH A. GILL, 1913 Rhoads ave- J ! nue. Practical Painter. Estimates J ; cheerfully given. Bell phone 386. FINANCIAL _ STOCKS AND BOND& LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR, 130 Walnut St* Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 618 J. MONEY To LOAN MONEY I If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als lr need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience. Positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY FOR NECESSITIES If employed and housekeeping, our legal rate money service on loans from sls to 1300, payable In week.y lor monthly Instalments is worth io- I vestigatingt If you are in need .< turds and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE I LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, 204 Chestnut St. HAULING AND MOVING j AUTO HAULING Local or long ' distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 i Capital street. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance | hauling and storage. 424 Belly. Both I phones. l AUTO HAULING Local and long j distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser- I vice. Call Bell 638-J. > HAULING—LocaI or Long-distance. Pianos and sales a specialty. Beck Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell phone 2811 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAU LINO Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calde." street. Both phones. Bell 1636-J. Dial 3688. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a cpeclalty. General hauling. 248 Hamilton street. Dial 4166, Bell 1144 W. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers