Nation's Highest Court Sustains Increased Railroad and Telephone Rates in Unanimous Decree LXXXVIII— NO. 128 16 PAGES Matter 'at the Post Office at*Harrisburg HARRISBURG, PA. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, 1919. "SWBHBK ZWSSSJ&P' aSSiliS&i HOME EDITION RENNER COMPLAINS OF DELAY PACT IS GIVEN AUSTRIA Allies of Germany Gather to Learn Terms of Peace CLEMENCEAU IN LEADING ROLE Wilson Is Delayed on Way When Tire Is Punctured St. Germain, June 2. — Austria was to-day given; fifteen days to reply to the terms of peace presented by the Allied nations. The entire treaty was not pre sented to the Austrians to-day and the fifteen days' stipulation with regard to their reply, there fore, refers only to the portion of the terms handed them at to day's session. M. Clemenceau, president of the Peace Conference, was the first prominent figure to arrive at the meeting at which the | terms of peace were presented. Lansing and White Arrive Secretary of State Lansing and Henry White were the first Ameri can representatives to arrive for the function. They were followed by Arthur J. Balfour, Premier Orlando, of Italy, and Premier Paderewski, of Poland. At 12:10 o'clock President Wilson had not arrived and the ceremony of presentation was delayed somewhat. The President, however, reached St. Germain at 12:14 o'clock. A punct ure in the tire of his automobile had held him up on the way. Army Car Commandeered President Wilson's automobile mis hap occurred at St. Cloud. While the punctured tire was being mended an army car passed. It was com mandeered by the President's party and the President and Rear Admiral Grayson drove at high speed on to St. Germain. The Austrian representatives ar rived at 12:32 o'clock, entering the chamber by a rear entrance. The delegates were attired in conven tional morning dress. The Austrians were escorted in by an Italian offi cer. "Tiger's" Address Is Brief Immediately upon their arrival, at 12:22 o'clock, the session was formally opened by announcement of the head usher. Premier Clemen ceau, president of the Peace Con ference, immediately began his ad dress. M. Clemenceau spoke for only three minutes. Paul Dutasta, general secretary of the Peace Conference, presented the terms to the Austrians at 12:37 o'clook. Dr. Karl Renner, the Austrian chancelor and head of the delega tion, then began an address in French. Dr. Renner opened with a complaint at the delay in the pre sentation of the peace terms. The chancelor declared the Austrian re public was entirely free from the Hapsburg dynasty. It would never have declared war itself, he asserted. The chancelor concluded his nl dress at 12:50. After Dr. Renner's address Premier Clemenceau asked i f any one else desired to speak. There was no response and he do clared the ceremony ended. Chiefs Ride by Motor to St. Germain For President Wilson, Premier Lloyd George, Premier Clemenceau and the other Allied statesmen, at tendance upon the ceremony in volved an automobile ride of "about twenty miles by a roundabout route, through the Bois du Bou logne, and Rocquencourt, which had been chosen instead of the direct thoroughfare from Paris to St. Ger main. which is scarcely better adapted to rapid traffic than the roads over which the court of France once drove in its travels from Paris to the summer residence of St. Germain. For miles before reaching there the plenipotentiaries could see the high towers of the ancient stronghold, first built in the twelfth century to guard the pas sages of the Seine, burned by the Black Prince in 1346, and rebuilt and enlarged by various monarchs in the centuries folowing the En glish expulsion from France, and now serving as an anthropological museum. Roads Steep and Curving Steep, curving roads lead from the valley of the Seine to the square be [Contlnued on Page B.] I THE WEATHER For Hnrrlaburg and vicinity! Flr nnd ■lightly warmer to-night, with lowest temperature about 70 degrees; Tuesday partly elondy, probably showers and cooler. For Eastern Pennsylvania! Fair to-night, slightly wanner In west portion; Tuesday partly elondyi gentle, shifting winds. River Tlie Susquehanna river and prob ably nil Ita branches will con tinue to fall slowly. A stage of about K.O feet la Indicated for Hnrrlsburg Tuesday HARRISBURG (0S&S& TELEGRAPH Sfar-ln&cpcn&rnl. RANTZAU CURED, AWAITS ANSWER By Associated Press. London, June 2. —Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau, asked by a representative of the European Press Bureau whether he believed the German counterproposals would lead to negotiations, ac cording to a Berlin dispatch to the Wireless Press,' said he had cured himself of the habit of be lieving in such things. The chair man of the German delegation added: "1 will do what I think right and await results. The French press began the game of asking 'will they sign?' We on our part should reply to-day with another question, 'will they negotiate?' "According to an article in the Temps on Wednesday, our oppo nents seem to assume that the German counterproposals go be yond the limits within which they want to grant us a discussion. If this article interprets the view of the enemy leaders, I hardly see any prospect of an understand ing." AUSTRIAN TERMS NOT UNLIKE HUN PEACEDEMANDS Pact Given Gorman Allies at St. Germain Follows Nearly Similar Outline By Associated Press. St. Germain, June 2.—Following is a summary of the conditions of peace as presented to the Austrian plenipotentiaries at St. Germain-en- Laye, to-day: The conditions of peace of the Allied and associated powers, with the exception of military, repara tions, financial and certain boundary clauses, were handed to the Aus trian plenipotentiaries at St. Ger main to-day. Those clauses which arc not yet ready for presentation will be delivered as soon as possible, the Austrians in the meantime hav ing the opportunity to begin work on the greater part of the treaty in an effort to facilitate a final de cision. The Austrian treaty follows ex actly the same outline as the Ger man and in many places is identical with it except for the change in name. Certain specific clauses which applied only to Germany are of course omitted and certain new clauses included, especially as re gards the new states created out of the former Austro-Hungarian em pire, and the protection of the rights of the racial, religious and linguistic minorities in Austria, Tchecho Slovakia, Rumania and Serb, Croat, Slovene state. Must Recognize Neighbors Austria is left by the treaty a state of from six million or seven million people inhabiting a terri tory of between five thousand and six thousand square miles. She is required to recognize the complete independence of Hungary, Tchecho Slovakia and the Serbo Slovene state, and to cede other territories which previously in union with her com posed the empire of Austria-Hun [Contlnued on Page 15.] Harry Behm Is Cited For Bravery Under Fire For gallantry in action and merit orious service while acting as a mo torcycle courier between the 79th Division headquarters and headquar ters of the infantry brigades and regiments, Wagoner Harry Behm, of this city, won a citation from army officials in France. Wagoner Behm, a former Pennsyl vania railroad brakeman, is a mem ber of the West End Athletic Asso ciation. His citation, which was made with that of another courier, follows: "Near Montfaucon, between the 26th and 30th of September, 1918, both of these men acted as motor cycle couriers between Division Headquarters and headquarters of the infantry brigades and of the reg iments. Over congested roads by day and night, and through continuous hostile shell fire, these men continu ously exhibited the utmost coolness and indifference to their personal danger in delivering messages. Both of these men at all times executed their duties in an exceptionally thorough and efficient manner, and with the most conspicuous cheerful ness and willingness." Legislature Will Close on June 26 Steps to bring the legislative ses sion of 1919 to a close on June 26, will be taken to-night at a confer ence of legislative leaders and it U probable that the House resolution fixing June 19 as the date for ad journment will be amended this week in the Senate committee to provide that the session shall end on June 26. Meetings will also be held by leg islative leaders in the next few days to determine upon a revenue policy and it is intimated that no additional taxes will be levied. The appropria tion committees are planning to re port out some of their bills next week. Governor Sproul, who will be here late to-day, is insistent on the pas sage of the administration aaa#*n .nation amendment bill. Think It Over, Fritz BEEF PRICES TO GO DOWN DURING NEXT SIX MONTHS Gradual Reduction in Meats Is Forecast by the Head of Swift Plant Here A gradual decline in the price of beef during the next six months is seen by C. A. Hibler, general man ager of Swift & Company's plant, at North and Seventh streets. The consumer, however, will not get the benefit of price reductions for some little time, due to the fact that the dealers are now stocked up on high er priced meats which must be sold before the lower prices begin to reach the public. "Pork prices, wholesale, are one to two cents lower a pound than they were at the peak of the war market," said Mr. Hibler to-day, in response to a query as to how the promise of lower meat prices held out by Washington would affect the retail markets. This is so small as scarcely to be felt in the retail trade. But there is a better prospect for lower prices in beef. This is largely due to the fact that unusu ally largo numbers of grass-fed cat tle are reaching the markets to take the places of the more expensive grain-fed steers. Then, too, there is a general tendency downward in the price of beef on the hoof, due to other conditions of the market. This turn from grain-fed to grass-fed cattle is an annual occurrence, and no great reductions are to be antici pated immediately, but I believe the next six months will see a gradual and material reduction in the price of all grades of beef. Most of the dealers are stocked up on high priced meats and it will be some time before the benefit of lower prices reaches the consumer." Good Will Firemen of York Guests of Local Company Members of the Good Will Fire Company of York were to-day the guests of the Good Will F"ire Com pany of this city. The visitors arrived arrived here at 11 o'clock and were met by a delegation of Good Will members. The York firemen were escorted to the Capitol where they were photographed. Later a dinner was served at the Eagle's hall, Sixth and Cumberland Btreets, and then a trip over the city was made. The York visitors are on a week's trip to cities in Eastern Pennsylva nia. including Conshohocken and Wilmington. They have with them a band and seventy members. KROCF.RS TO MEET The Harrlsburg Retail Grocers' As sociation will meet to-morrow eve ning at i o'clock to fix the date for the annual picnic to be held in .August, BOLSHEVISTS PUT THULES TO DEATH By Associated Press. Munich, June 2.—The execu tion of hostages at Munich at the close of the communist regime assumes new significance, it is declared, with the discovery that seven of the ten put to death be longed to an organization known Romin® Thule Society, an anti bemitic association devoted to race improvement and cultural ideals. Their selsure is attrib uted here to denunciation by Bol shevik leaders of the government. SOLDIERS THANK HER FOR LETTERS OF HOME CHEER % Miss Lila Hamill's Work Dis tributed Among Hundreds of Fighting Men As a result of her clever letter writing to soldiers during the war Miss Lila Harnil, 2104 North Third street, has received the than-ks of hundreds of men who have reach ed home from France. Miss Harnil wrote a dozen letters which friends had copied off and in this way hun dreds of men from Central Penn sylvania who had no close relatives received letters. Soldiers from several big demobili zation camps have written to the Telegraph asking that copies of the letters be printed. Because of the reception given the letters a number of them were prepared and distribut ed much the same as were maga zines. There were letters purporting to be from mothers, fathers, brothers, [Continued on Page B.] Buries Wife Saturday; Weds Again on Sunday Scranton, Pa., June 2. —Appearing as chief mourner at the funeral of his wife, Saturday, William Witunr kas, 59, of North Scranton, less than twenty-four hours later, was one of the principals at a wedding ceremony here yesterday at which he became the husband of Mrs. William Wasil, 40, a widow. The marriage ceremony was sol emnized by the Rev. John R. Kuras, pastor of St. Joseph's Lithuanian church, who was the officiating clergyman at the funeral of Wltun kas" first wife. Friends of the couple refused to act as witnesses at the ceremony be cause they were so shocked, and it was necesrary to hire a man and woman from the central city to act as attendants. The new Mrs. Witunkas is the mother of twelve children. {3,000 RED MEN TO PARADE WHEN TRIBESGATHER Scnutor Smith to Be Marshal of the Pageant on June 11 More than three thousand Red Men representing at least forty tribes of that order in Pennsylvania will parade in this city Wednesday of next week, all of them specially costumed for the event, which will be part of the program of the an nual sessions of the lodge which are to be held at the Penn-Harris Ho- I tel. Senator Frank A. Smith will be chief marshal of the parade and ' Deputy Attorney General William M. 1, Hargest, chief of staff. At least 30 bands will be in line, coming to this city from points as far distan-t as . Philadelphia and Altoona. The parade will begin at 2 o'clock, and will be over the following route: Front and Market, to Fourth, to Walnut, to Third, to North, to Sixth, to Maclay, to Third, to Verbeke, to Second, to State, to Front, to Market r street and countermarch. r The local committees are having 1 difficulty already in securing hotel f accommodations for the big crowds - which will be in the city. Lebanon ' will have 600 men in line for the pa -3 rade, and other cities are sending big " delegations. Residents of the city and proprie -3 tors of businesshouses have been* urged by those in charge to have ■ their places decorated during the 3 convention and parade. Special 3 trains will bring some of the dele -3 gations to the city next week. r The Great Council will open its " seventieth anr.mal session on Mon " day evening with the registration of delegates at the Penn-Harris where 3 all sessions are to be held. The busi • ness sessions will open on Tuesday. ■ This is the third time the sessions are to be held in Harrisburg, the Great Cour.-cil meeting here in 1904 and 1909. r Feast of the Weeks ? to Be Observed in [ Temples and Synagogues f An Important Jewish holiday will be y celebrated by the congregations of that a faith beginning to-morrow evening, , when the historical Shabuoth or Feast of the Weeks will be used in with spe . cial services In the temples and syna i, gogues. 8 The holiday originally had an agrl < cultural meaning, which now Is over - shadowed by historical interest. Be cause It also serves to commemorate j the handing down of the ten command . I ments special confirmation services will t be held Wednesday morning In Ohev 1 Sholem temple when a class of four t will be taken Into the church. In the class will be the Misses Annette E. e Friedman, Evelyn D. Kapner, Pauline E. Salkln and Marener R. Slmms. RAIL RATES AND WIRE BOOST ARE DECLARED LEGAL Nation's Highest Court in Rul ing Upholds Railroad Di rector and Burleson REVERSES STATE JUDGES Power of Government Found 'Supreme and Conclusive,' in Unanimous Opinion FEDERAL DECREES VOID Injunctions Restraining Post master General Dissolved by the Justices By Associated Press. Washington. June 2. Railroad freight an<l passenger rate increases by the Railroad Administration last June were to-day upheld by the Unit ed States Supreme Court, as were the increased telephone and telegraph rates put into effect last January 21 by Postmaster General Burleson. North Dakota Supreme Court de crees enjoining the Northern Taclfic railroad and Director General Hines from enforcing an order of the rail road administration increasing rates in that State, were reversed. Decrees Set Aside The court also set aside lower court decrees which held that under Section 15 of the Railroad Control Act, pre-existing intrastate rates re mained in effect as lawful police reg ulations. The court held that the authority conferred by the resolution and the act were war powers conferred on the President and that the power of the Federal Government was "su preme and conclusive." The opinion was unanimous. The court held that under the joint resolution by which the wire systems of the nation were taken over by the Government, there was authority for interfering with intra state resolution. The court set aside South Dakota Supreme Court' decrees enjoining the Dakota Central and three other tel ephone companies from increasing intrastate tool rates in compliance with the Postmaster General's order. Federal decrees permanently re straining the Tostmaster General from charging increase telegraph rate in Illinois were dissolved by the court. The opinion in all of the wire cases was unanimous. Massachusetts decrees dimissing the State Public Service injunction were affirmed and original proceedings brought by Kan sas were dismissed. City Is Gripped by . Severe Epidemic of Measles; Disease Spreads During May physicians in the city reported 724 cases of measles, ac cording to records at the city health bureau, indicating an epidemic of the disease almost as serious as the one a few years ago. Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, city health officer, declar ed the situation is improving now but said that the rapid spread of the disease was largely caused by thoughtless parents who did not call a physician, have the illness of their children diagnoses and remain under quarantine. "Failure to do this caused much of the trouble last month," he said. "Parents know when a child is sick. It is their duty not only to the child, but to the hundreds of other boys and girls in the district in which they live* to call a physician and keep the child at home until it is determined whether a case of measles is developing. The epidemic is about at its height now and should j abate with shorter school sessions land more co-operation on the part of the parents. It is not fair for one I mother or father to ignore the com- I plaints of a child and endanger the I health of a whole community." j During April 314 cases of measles were reported; in March 47; Feb ruary 5 and January 2, a total of 1,092 since the first of the year. In the epidemic a few years ago about 2,500 cases were reported in approxi mately two months. Two Boys Missing From Home Safely Return Missing from his home since Mem orial Day, Edward H. Thompson, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, 536 North street, re turned home this morning after spending the intervening time with a boy friend at Progress. The lad i went to Paxtang Park on Memorial Day with Richard Davis. The Davis lad returned home saying he had left the Thompson boy at the Park because he had spent all of his money and could not return home. Milton Potts, a Central High senior, son of Dr. George C. Potts, 1513 North Third street, who disap peared from his home on Memorial Day, returned to this city on Satur day after having been reported miss ing earlier in the day. He had rid den to York on a bicycle and was too weary to return home on the same day. MAGEE ADMITTED TO DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR Upon motion of John Fox Weiss, William A. Magec, ex-Mayor of Pittsburgh, and formerly a member of the Public Service Commission, was admitted as a member of the Dauphin county bar this morning. Mr. Magee will locate in this city, having h's law offices with Mr.Weiss in the Bergncr building. Elmer E. Erh, ex-Deputy Pro thonotary, and formerly associated In law practice with the late George R, Helsey, attorney, has secured of fice* also in the Bergner building _with Mr. Magee and. Mr, t liVf>iaa, SPOON IN PARKS? ONLY IN LIGHT. ANSWERS MAYOR . Mr. Kcistcr Learns He Is to Censor Future Dances AND THAT'S SUFFICIENT Reading's Lovelorn Only to Re Aided in Moon Observations Daniel 1,. Keister, Lord High Mayor of Harrisburg, put in a very uncomfortable half hour mayorlng this morning. Mr. Keister has just been inform ed, albeit unofficially, that under a recent act of the Legislature he would officially be censor for all the city's public dance halls. ''And the shimmy's just coming in," His Honor was told. The Mayor has no plans to serve in such a capacity, absolutely, he declared. He wants to read that act, he added. It appears that the Leg islature in its wisdom, said all public, dance halls must pay a license fee each year. And if everything is not O. K. then it's up to the Mayor to revoke the license. The Mayor has not shaken a foot in many years and he admits he doesn't know what's what in that line. Added to his troubles the Mayor had notice served on him that the Mayor of Reading has agreed that he, for one, is not too old to recog nize that in the spring time a young man's thoughts turn to love. No siree! So Reading's lovelorn are to have a special section of the city's parks darkened for their observation of the moon. Hand-holding will be permitted and the police will see that rowdies are kept off. "Will you permit spooning in our parks?" the Mayor was asked. "Not exactly," parried the harassed Ex ecutive. "That is to say we won't darken any of our parks for that purpose." "Say, who is the Mayor of Read ing?" queried the inquiring one. "His name is Filbert," was the answer. * • T* T "' ' ? 4 e i J WEST VIRGINIA STOPPED IN GAS MOVE -J* , , a | * * 4* • < f € * v * 4* * * jj ty of the V € * 4 < 1 #4* <* X j * < ■s# < 7 4 an emperor until late in the evening. Zimmerm * X ompani ' * IxJ • th the visitor* this morning. 4 J life NO4 EXCITES BRITISH ADMIRATION J J I X ■—With the NC-4 re * % !T * * I x * * */ * quest of t f •] ' | plane's atrival a? Plymouth and the reception of her crew ,j A l t Londo well as pictures of the machine and the jl S i „ ~ , ■ < | J || lican, New Jersey, to acts of Mr. Palmer while alien * \ < * ' ;nvr "pO "* 4 | ! I RECOGNIZE ANTI-TINOCO REBELS j I Jjj San Salvador—The governments of Guatemala, Hon- 4 i * * duras arid Nicaragua have recognized the belligerency of * J < i the anti-Tinoco revolutionistß in, Costa Rica, according < * to a "dispatch received here from Nicaragua. The revolu- 4 j X tkmlsts, the a vices state, have received appreciable re- ' \ 4* icl JR i - ), t, _|i t MARRIAGE LICENSES '• 1 X Wtllfr Adamock, Drlmonlr, and Miymr A. Wllllnrd, l.ykrnat 7 * Albert O. Hrlnmnann, Ann Arbor, Mich., nnd Annn C. Haro, Hnr- *Jr T* rlnburai Joarph SpUalrrl, Provldrnrr. H. 1., and Thrrraa MnKnollt, 4> 4| Stoeltont Joarph C. Wlillamx, Rrnovo, nnd Hlldn K. Ditty, Northura- L, X brrlandt IV r Tin R. Srltirr, Camden, nnd Sir Ylnicat, llummrlatown. T VILLA'S ARMIES ATTACK MEXICAN! CITY IN REVOLT Communication Is Cut Off Be tween Juarez and South ern Town Today FIGHTING IN PROGRESS Wire Facilities Between Chi huahua and Terrazas Interrupted ANGELES IN SADDLE, TOO Federal Authorities Receive Word of New Drive in Southern Country By Associated Press* Juarez, Mexico, June 2.—Reports from reliable sources to-day are that Chihuahua City was attacked in force yesterday by General Villa and General Angeles. All communica tion is cut off between Juarez and the southern city. Mexican federal authorities at this end of the line are making no at tempt to restore them. Reports from Mexican sources are that the fight jat Chihuahua City is still in prog ress. Telegraphic communication be tween Chihuahua City and Terrazas, a station on the Mexican Central Railroad about thirty miles north of the former city, was cut yesterday shortly after Mexican federal au thorities here had received a mes sage to the effect that Generals Villa and Angeles had attacked. RHENISH PROVINCES ESTABLISH REPUBLIC) By Associated Press. Paris, June 2.—Coblenz will be the capital of the new Rhine republic, which was proclaimed yesterday in several Rhine cities. The new gov ernment and national assembly will meet there, but the provisional gov., eminent will sit at Wiesbaden.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers