14 jfTf Yon Can Accommodate a Desirable Roomer a classified 5 W1J ind iii j Sheaths t)KT\VKII,IdR David B. DetweiUr, husband of Kofu. \l. Detweiler tnco Karrow), and father of Mrs. Hazel liable. May L' 9. Services Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the parlors of G. J. J 'mil & Sons, 1331 North Thirteenth *trcet. Interment private at \N est Laurel Hill Cemetery. I>m GIIKKTY —James Dougherty, aged 7X years, died at his home, 19 South Third street, Steel ton, May 29, 1919. Requiem High Mass at St. James Church. Steelton, Monday, at 9 A. M. Burial, private, in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. riOTI-IIM Died, Friday evening. May 30, 1919, Thomas S. Peters, in HarrisLurg Hospital. Funeral will be held Monday after noon, at 4 o'clock, at the tuner*l parlors of F. C. Neely, 908 North See f>nd street. Burial in Harrisburg Cemetery, with Masonic services try Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464, r. and A. M. THOMAS Died, Thursday, May 29. i 919, Ida May Thomas, wife of u. Wallet Thomas, aged 42 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, front h?r late residence, J>3B South Sixteent i street. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. Hodv may viewed Sunday aftel :i P.' M — i LOST AND FOUND LOST A (taupe fox) fur. about two weeks ago. Party will C< J", er ,' t favor by addressing Mr ®- Bishop. 63 West Main street Mechan icsourg. Pa. LOST Watch. Thursday evcnipg, between Woolworth's Five andlen and P R I! Station, initials V. B. <>• Reward If returned to Telegraph Office. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg "hcrthnnd. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arthme tie, etc. DAV AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. P ECK I.EY'S BU SI NE SS COLLEG E. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Becklcy HELP WANTED —MALE CARPENTERS, TINNERS AND ALL-! AROUND MACHINISTS. Steady work and high rales. Bonus I paid on second and third shifts. No j labor trouble. Physical examination i equlred. Apply in person or communicate with Factory Employment Oftioe. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. ? ■ *• V TAILOR WANTED To buy Tailoring establish ment, centrally located, doing m big business. Terms reason able. Write BOX 168, Lancaster, Pa. j WANTED IMMEDIATELY—By U. S. I Government. Hundreds clerks, 18 or over, at Washington, L>. C. Harrisburg examinations July 19th. $l,lOO year. Pleasant clerical work. Short hours. Common education sufficient Try ilicsc July 19th examination. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 414 It, Rochester, N. Y'. WANTED Man to work in scrup iron yard, who also understands the use o! shears. Apply Reliable Rag & Metal Co., Seventh and Curtin streets. MEN WANTED For Detective Work. J. Uanor, Former U. S. Gov ernment Detective, Danville, Ills. MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience unnecessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency. 429, St. Louis. 1 APEKHANGEKS Five good men. Yearly employment. Operation work. 11. A. Bodmer, 826 North Third street. A HARRISBURG BANK desires Dm services of a young man. 17 to 21 years of age. Must be good at figures, a fair penman and have an lionest desire to learn hanking. Ad dress Pox L, 4297, care of Telegraph. WANTED One or more young men, with small amount of capital and plenty of energy, to take a part in well- established, profitable busi ness, whicli it is desired to inc-i --pcrate. Address American Chemical Co., Lebanon, Pa. , CENSUS CLERKS 4,000 needed. $92 month. Aged, 18 upward. Ex perience unnecessary. I'or tree par ticulars of examinations, write Ray mond Terry (former Government Ex aminer). DIS Continental bldg., Wash ington. WANTED Porter. Good wages. Apply* at Alva Restaurnnt. WANTED —District manager to rep resent manufacturer; prefer man with experience, handling lady solicitois. i'i 000 a year possible; SIOO required for stock. B. &G. Mfg. Co.. 618 Penn avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CContinued in Next Column) r "> HILL HOLMES Poll SALE No. 1531 Berryhill St.—3-story brick house; 9 rooms, bath and pantry; all improvements; very good condition; lot 14.6x103.4 ft. Possession soon. No. 701. cor. Benton and Ellerslie Sts. —2)4-story brick, one of a pair; 7 rooms, reception hail anj bath; all improvements; lot 18. Ix 90 ft. Possession July 1. No. 109 S. 14th St. —3-story brick and frame; all Improvements. Pos session 30 days. No. 1353 Vernon St.—3-story brick house; 9 rooms und bath; front and back porch; all Improve ments; lot 16.3x97.3 ft. Possession 60 dayp. No. 623 N. 17th St.—3-story brick house; 7 rooms, bath and pantry; steam heat; electric light; lot 19 xIOO ft. Possession 60 days. Miller Brothers & Co. Dealers In Krai Estate In.uruuce Surely Bonds Locust & Court Sts. Member* Hbg. Real Estate Hoard * m SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make u application at once. Full 1 course. SSC. Call, or write. 2 23 N. CAMERON STREET. I. Or i TRAINING QUARTERS, t 260 South Front Street. Steelton. Pa. " BARBER WANTED Must oe JI first-class. $20.00 and commission, i i Apply F Hoover. Third und Muench | streets. .! YVANTED Machine and hand shoe ■' cutters. Piecework and bonus paiil. Steady work. A. S. Kreider Co.. -'Lebanon. Pa. Welt Factory. i| HELP WANTED—FEMALE 1 ! WANTED AT ONCE J I EXPERIENCED and ,j INEXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS M I Regular work and good wages. In -1 j experienced operators are paid by the 1 j day while learning. A bonus is paid ! to all operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., i j Keily und i ulton £is I ' | WANTED ' YVeavcrs and Warpers; also i some learners. Apply SILK MILL, Cor. North and Second Sts. . WANTED i Experienced operators on power sewing . ; machines, special and single needles i Steady work. :>u per cent, bonus. JENNINGS MFG. CO- North Fourth Street. WANTED Girl for general house , work. No washing. No children. ( Good home. Inquire 2214 North Seo ! ond street. WANTED Dishwasher, at once. Apply Herman's Restaurant, 1254 I Market street. j WRITE PHOTOPLAYS s2s-$330 I paid anyone for suitable ideas. Expeii lence unnecessary; complete outline Free. Write Producers' League, 248, St. Louis. i PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us on Auto Knitters Experience unnecct ; .wry. Full particulars, 3c stamp, i Department 146, Auto Knitter Co., 62l i Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y. I WANTED 5 bright, capable wom en to travel, demonstrate and soil dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. (Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 8 11, Omaha, INebr. j WANTED Cook, white. Apply to Steward Laudei-mtlch, Dauphin Coun ty Almshouse. WITMER, BAIR & WITMER need one first-class litter of recent experi ence on Suits, Coats and Dresses, now unemployed. Permanent position. ! GIRL WANTED For general i housework. Good wages. Small fam lily. Must have references. Call at (2128 North Third street or Bell phone | 1903. _____ YV ANTED Girl, or middle-aged woman, to do general housework. Will pay $7 per week with room and board. Twenty minutes' ride from Lancaster. Address E. J. Pieper. R. D., No. S, Lancaster, Pa. WANTED lmmediately, women for dish washing. Apply Stoufter's Restaurant, 4 North Court street. I IIKLP WANTED —MuIe and l-'emalo j MEN-WOMEN raise Belgian Harqs I for us We pay you $7 pair and ex pressage. Free illustrated booklet and contract. United Food & bur As sociation, 389 West Forty-eighth street, Dept. C, New York. MAN AND WOMAN WANTED—To help on fruit farm, and small farm operation. Nice place. YVages. Ref t eronce. Address Box F, 6722, care of Telegraph. HUNDREDS GOVERNMENT JOBS open fo men-women, sl,ooo-$1,600 year. Pleasant work. Paid vacation. ' Common education sufficient. IWrlte immediately for free list positions ' now open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 414-P. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED SIOO A MONTH As minimum for our Sales- I men. Exclusive territory open i on liberal commission for highest grade Pennsylvania Crude Motor Oils. All or part , I time. Address | DEPARTMENT H-T, PAVANIA OH. COMPANY, , Warren. Pa. SALESMEN Financially able to . handle Ford accessory which inter * ests every dealer and owner upon live I minutes' demonstration and sells l readily; opportunity of a lifetime to . make money selling guaranteed prod . net. No eompetition, our own inven- I tion. Motor Products Company, In dianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN—Kind the best way to ; surely earn $lO every day Is to sell . Copper shares by our new method. _ For particulars uddress Copper. Suite 1011—1 476 Broadway, New Y'ork. WANTED Salesman. Splendid „ opportunity to earn $3,000 to $5,000 I per year, representing large educa ' I tional corporation. First-class refer _ ences required. Exclusive territory . open to right man. E. S. Smith, Penn , Harris Hotel, Thursday. i SALESMEN New Carburetor for . Ford Cars, simple, not a moving part, installed in 30 minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. , 15-day FREE trial. Our St. Louis . roan sold 1,400 in 6 months. Salt Lake City man made $1,200.00 in one week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., 605 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. HIGH-CLASS SAMPLES FREE to salesmen interested in a side line. Variety of New Top Notch Metal Spec ialties. All wonderful Trade Stimu lators and Business Producers. Manu facturers. Wholesalers, Banks, Re tailers, etc., eager for them. Every line everywhere buy in large quan tities all year around. No seasons. Side line salesmen make $50.00 a w-eek. $l5O to S2OO for whole time. (Write quick for outfit. C. 13. Krlck | son Company. Inc., 542 Erickson Bldg., Des Moines, lowa. OUR protected article, exclusively owned and controlled by us, clears upward of $30.00 per day for sales men. Most essential. Government created demand. If you cannot sell this specialty you will fail selling life 'preservers on a sinking ship. lairge territory to salesmen able to handle crews. Jeronie I.aadt, President. S South Dearborn street, Chicago. 111. SALESMEN WANTED For new and renewed Tungsten and Carbon lamps, flashlights and auto Lamps, electric irons, Htoves. plugs, special ties, etc. Quickest selling new lines. Repeat commission basis. Side line or whole time. T. C. Smith & Co., 1533 Cherry street, Philadelphia, Pa. j (Continued In Next ColuiiioJ I SALESMEN WANTED MONEY MADE by thousands. Bedt oil proposition ever offered. Highest commissions paid. Acreage proven, Burkburnett, Texas. Stock fast seller. ] Supplies free. Big Southern Invest ! nient Co., Fort Worth, Texas, j AGENTS WANTED . ' AGENTS—For manufacturer; e.x u' elusive territory; selling washing tablets; non-grit hand soap; other '(articles, crew managers first-class j men only: elegant proposition. Eu- I reka, 322 Norfolk street, Newark, N. J. AGENTS Big Pay and Free Auto , mobile introducing wonderful new 'gasoline savei, punctureproof, tive year spark plugs and other jeeonomi !cal auto necessities. Outfit free. L. | Bnllwey. 632, Station F, Louisville, I— | STARTLING new masterpieces of great War that touch the heart strings. Many new subjects sell like wildfire 560.06 week easy j samples tree. Also portrait and frame I catalog. Consolidated Portrait Co., j 1034 YV. Adams street, Chicago. SSOO PER MONTH selling a now, Patented Fuel Vaporizer, guaranteed ie save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford i car. Sold on money-back guarantee I Due sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. Dak. AGENTS Wonderful seller. 96c profit c \ ery dollar sales. No license required, no stock to carry. Sample Free. Mission Bead Co., 1394 Irola, Los Angeles, Calif. $20.00 A DAY' selling Authentic His tory of Colored American in World War. Thrilling tales of heroism and I suffering. 100 striking photograpns of Colored troops in action. Complete books now ready. Big Profits, lix -jpress paid. SI.OO Outfit Free. Send 25c mailing expense. Hertel Co., 9 s'outh Clinton street, Chicago, 111., AGENTS We pay you $3.00 an hour to sell made-to-measure Liberty Storm Coats, the best combination top coat and raincoat in the country. Can be worn in fair as well as stormy weather. Liberal commissions In ad vance. No deliveries or collecting. Sample Coat and outfit free. Write ; to-day. The Liberty Raincoat Co., ' I Dayton. Ohio. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representatives to sell shirts, under ' ' wear, hosiery, drosses, waists, skirts, 'direct to homes. Write for free • | samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad | way. New York City. j YVANTED Agents for Dauphin 1 j and surrounding cuunties agents with $25 to SSO to invest. YVeekly ■ | commissions $25.00 and more, Sonie- I thing every office must use. Address | P. O. Box 1229, Harrisburg, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE • i WANTED Boy 15 years, wants i I work of any kind. L., 6513, care of Ti lograph. 'I WANTED —Chauffeur desires work ' I driving touring cur or truck; five j years' experience; can furnish refer *|ence. Address Box C, 6814, care of ' I Telegraph. J POSITION By shoe repairman, i capable of taking charge of shop. '| Good habits. Two years repairing shoes in Army. Best references. AJ ; dress Bex B, 6721, care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED By man with experi ence. farm to work on shares. Have ( three boys able to assist. Address ' Box 3211. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man. 18 years of age. with two years' experience in ' Technical High School, desires work . I of any kind: best of references fur ! nished. Address Box A, 6719, care of i j Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe -I BOOKKEEPER Wants position i with reliable firm. Had seven years' ■ experience. Reference furnished, t Address M. V., care of Telegraph. i WANTED Respectable colored girl, light complexion, wishes posi r tion as parlor-hall maid, or chamber > maid in hotel; will take other public i work. Address Box G, 6720, care of - Telegraph. r * ROOMS FOR RENT i • FURNISHED front, room in private j family; all conveniences. Call Bell (I 4901. . i FOR RENT Furnished room on i second floor; constant hot water. Call ■ | Bell 466-R. ! 114 CHESTNUT ST. Two rooms, -1 furnished complete for light house keeping. Both facing street. Bath i adjoining, and other privileges. j THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR | RENT For light housekeeping: afi conveniences; also one single room. | Apply at 261 Cumberland. i VERY DESIRABLE furnished front rooms: all conveniences: also room with private bath. Dial 5775. Apply j 9 North Front street. > I FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms, centrally located; all conveni ' I ences; near Capitol. Inquire 328 1 j North street. ' 1 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, "ion second floor; all conveniences. BeU phone 3671 W. or 1511 North Sitjth ' street. ? | FOR RENT Furnished room, suit- I • able fir two gentlemen looking fcr • | permanent home. Apply 234 State ' j street II FOR RENT Two furnished rooms ~ , lor light housekeeping, second floor front; all conveniences. Inquire 526 " I Camp street, or Bell phone 1245 J. ' j FOR RENT Two furnished rooms " on third floor, for light housekeeping; i use of phone and bath; no children. "U Apply at 1606 North Third street. :• j FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nished rooms in a new house: one on u (second tloor front, immediate posses -5 sion; third floor front possession June .-4 1; all conveniences: use of phone. Beli e 457RJ or 1173 Market street. ■> FURNISHED ROOM On third floor; all conveniences; no objections " to light housekeeping. 814 North Sixth. FURNISHED ROOM For gentle man, with use of bath. Rent, $3.00 " weekly. Apply to Mrs. Owens, Fourth " Floor. Potts Apartments, Third and . Herr streets. 1' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS —.Large, . I airy and communicating. with " l-.itchcnette. Stoveß furnished fre4. Bath, phone and laundry privilege. ■' All outside, and independent and prl - vatc. Also suites, dlningroom, bed v room and kitchen, bay window fronts, s Apply 429 Broad street. t FOR RENT Nicely furnished sac- II end floor front room, gentlemen e only. Call at 1720V4 North Third e street. S FOR RENT Very pleasant rooms, furnished, all conveniences, to gentle - man or man and wife. Reasonable v rates, weekly. 1549 State street, cor n ner Sixteenth street. Bell 5249 W. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms, '• third floor, electric light, hot and cold r water; use of bath; very close to car 3 line; gentleman preferred. 22 North Eighteenth street. (Continued In Next Colonial r . • >-. j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH || ALMOST ANY HELP WANTED |v| AD is important enough to be pub- y^j | lished in the best classified medium in pi the city. If it's not important enough RP]| yy for that, then the need of help is surely ky not very urgent. If you want to find I® an office helper, for instance, you want m a man or woman who is a regular read |v| er of newspapers —and, when looking for a new business connection, a regu t bM lar reader of the classified. (Jet your ; ||y message on the way. _ _ „ i BOOMS FOB RENT [ FOR RENT Two large rooms, on second floor; all conveniences. Bell • 593 M, 01 call at 600 North street. " FOR RENT Furnished rooms " for light housekeeping: all con- J venlences; steam heat; use of bath 1 and phone. Apply at Side Entrance 4 at 1814 Green street. FOR RENT Two or three fur -1 nished rooms for light housekeeping: ) all conveniences. Call, after 6 P. M.. at 1609 Derry street. , FOR RENT Earge, unfurnished , livingroom, first floor front, suitable , for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co.. 913 . North Third street. Dial 4990. NICEEY-FURNISH ED BEDROOM— ! For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 913 ' North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms $2.6u per week and up; warm roomsi running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. 143 South Third. APARTMENTS FOR RKNT FOR RENT Apartment, 1123 North Third street, four rooms and bath; possession immediately, Meyers Mfg. Co., Second Floor, Third and Cumberland streets. Above Shoe Store. AT 100 South Thirteenth stret; first floor. 7 rooms and laundry, ele • gantly furnished, equipped with hard -1 wood floors, gas and electricity; pri -1 vate porch and entrance. Apply at 100 Sooth Thirteenth street. t FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath, 5 completely furnished, in Harrisburg. - Will rent to November 1 to reliable f party without children. Rent. $45. In quire R. D., 2, Duncannon, Pa. BOARD WANTED - - | WANTED Board in country . j wanted by a gentleman, convenient -I distance from Harrisburg on trolley -[line. Address H., 4298. care of Tele ? graph. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ) c "IF IT S REAR ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." C ' MOVE AT ONCE. Pay for your home same as rent. No money down; S3O per month. Three-story brick, 8 rooms, i all improvements, 620 Mahan tor.go St., or 2542 Agate St., 2-story brick, all improve ments. Both of the above are J vacant. HARRIS ST., 630—3-story brick and frame. 9 rooms, all i improvements;; S3OO down; S3O per month. BERRYHILL ST., 1609 3- story brick, 9 rooms, all im provements; right up-to-the " minute; SSOO down; $45 per I month. DERRY ST.. 2703 New; will , be finished in a week or two; 2-story stucco, 7 rooms, hard wood floors, cement cellar; - gas and electricity; A 1 in every respect; SSOO down; SSO per month. 1 THIRTY-FIRST ST., PAX ., TANG Bungalow; brand t new, 7 rooms, hardwood floors, I fireplace, breakfast alcove, combination gas and coal ! range, gas and electricity; . j m ust be seen to be appreciated. I I ' : D. ASA SANDEREIN, 1 ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., . I 36 NORTH THIRD ST., I ill BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. j I 8 ~ FOR SALE I" Building Lots on Sixth. Fifth, Fourth, i Third. Green, Second and Front h streets. Prices from $15.00 per foot Iront and up. Will sell separate or in plot as large as one acre. ~ Plot on North Sixth street, in the " I£oo block, 40x165 ft. Splendid site „ for an apartment. e D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate & Insurance, "* 303 Lewis Street. S . f r $2,650 WILL BUY an eight-room ® brick house, with all modern improve ments; porch, side entrance and paved ~ s \reet. J- E. Gipple, 1251 Market ? street. $1,300 WILL PURCHASE an eight room frame house on Linden street, near State. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market n street. " yoR SALE —An excellent invest i mont property, 513 Hamilton street. Finely located. Highest point in the - city Price, $1,800.00. Never vacant, ill Write H. L. Stroh, Bureau Engraving s an d Printing, Washington. D. C. I $2 200 WILL PURCHASE No. 809 ■ James street, 3-story brick s rooms. - improvements, cemented cellar. Terms 0 cash. Apply C. E. Miller. 213 Cbest- I, nut street. FOR SALE ln Hignspire, Pa., 2% -story, single, frame house, with 7 Improvements, located on Market j street, one of the best locations in town. I will sell for less than it is really worth. Only have six days to sell same. Reason for selling. oth'-r business. W. J. Reeves. 224 Market street, Higl'splre. Dial 9801. FOR SALE On easy terms. 2012 ~ to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. • p, Doranz. 1325 North Sixth. II FOR SALE Market St.. 1712 Large, 10-room. steam-heated house ~ f or sale; lot. 25x100 feet to public al • j e y; will sell at a low cash price or " will exchange for good tenant house. 9 J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 1612 WALNUT STREET. <1 Lot, 16 ft. 3 In. by 90 ft. £ COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM -222 Market Street (Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE I Ult SALE FOlt SALE Garage, locat ed at Camp Hill, 2-story brick building 40x40, one-story con crete building, 50x50, storage room large enough to accom modate 2u cars, equipped with water, electric light, heat and sewerage. Lot, 50x50. . Price, $5,000.00. FOR SALE—IB 26 Penn street, 3-story brick, containing 8 rooms, hath, all modern im provements, newly painted and papered, excellent repair. Price, $2,800.00. FOR SALE—2%-story dwell ing, first floor limestone, second floor frame, located Cumberland street. Camp Hill, 8 rooms, bath, steam heal, all modern improvements. Lot, 80x150. Price, $5,500.00. FOR SALE—I 329 North street, 2 V4 -story frame, 8 rooms, bath, modern improvements. Price, $2,000.00, BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents, Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE North Eighteenth street. No. 28. modern 9-room corner brick house with steam heat and electric light. Must ho sold. No reasonable offer re fused before June 1. Immedi-, ate possession. J. B. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. WEST SHORE LOTS ' 4 lots together along river front. Fine site for Bunga low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. FOR SALE 823 South Front street, frame dwell ing. 1614 North Fifth street, three-story frame dwelling with improvements, ten rooms and bath. West Fairview property. Cor. Fair view avenue and Enola Road, two and-one-half-story frame dwelling. West Fairview property, located on Third street, two-and-one-half-story frame dwelling. Inquire of HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, 16 S. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 2216 North Third street; 3- story brick detached dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, gas elec tricity, hot water heat, slate root. Four garages in rear. Lot. 40x160. This beautiful West End residence is offered at an at tractive price. Fine home and investment. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., 331 Market Street. VACANT I.OT Located at the cur lier of Seventh and Briggs streets, op i.osfle Swift's packing house, size lot'x 140 feet, desirous of leasing this plot of ground on a ground value rental b-is for a term of years to some one who will construct a garage or ware house and will buy or arrange for sale of building at the expiration of lease For further information ap ply to Levin Cohn. 1001 North Sixth street. i FOR SALE —At a bargain, four Ismail houses, rented. Prices ranging ikn s r ,so si,oon. All paying good rents. Apply Store, 1117 North Third I street FMFRALD STREET Modern homes* built in pairs, with large lim-ch fronts, six rooms and bath, steam heat, electric light and g J3 range A most inviting location. v--lcc ' for quick sale, much below nresent cost. Inquire 809 North Sec ond street, or Bell phone 48SJ. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental Davment plan. Small cash or liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part "of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Poranz. 1225 North Slxih street. LOTS FOR SALE ln Camp Hill, Highspire and Edgemont. Durand A Ferber. 107 Chestnut. PAXTANG RESIDENCE FOR SALE All most modern conveniences and price reasonable. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. DESIRABLE DERRY STREET PROPERTY' FOR SALE Brick house 7 rooms hath gas electric light steam heat No. 2012 Derry. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build-ins- FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street brick house 9 rooms bath other improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO 612 MUBNCH STREET FOR SALE 9 rooms and liuth other Improvements. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. I VERY DESIRABLE VACANT , HOUSE FOR SAEE All most mod • modern improvements. Price reduced SIOO. Be|l Realty Co.. Bergner Build -97 DISBROW STREET 2-story brick vacant corner'proprty garage for two cars sJ,boo. 15. linden street vacant 3-stor.v t' me SSO down, balance as rent. 108 Cherry street 52,000. 919 Ash .., ree t—s2,ooo. C. Sylvester Jackson. 21 North Fifteenth street. Bell phone 293511. POSSESSION SOON 2429 N. Sixth St.. brick $5,700 400 Muencli St.. brick 2,HOu 414 Muench St., brick 2,000 412 Hummel St.. brick 2.900 D. A. CALEY, 707 Kunkel Bldg.. Bell 589. j (Continued In Next Column) j SS&S-3&fi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE What have you to ofter? I have I arms and city property, --story bricks. 6 rooms, all improvements, porch, newly papered all through, built 5 years, possession at once (va cant), on Hill. Terms. Vacant, possession nt once, ! 2V6-story brick, all Improve- j. ments; front porch, side en trance, drive alley, large yard, i 7 rooms, on the Hill (terms). Vacant 2V6-story frame, porch front, side entrance, nice yard, house in good re- j pair, 6 rooms (attic)). Small amount down, pay as rent. Vacant -%-story brick on Hill, all improvements, largo yard, drive alley, side en trance. front and side porches, 7 rooms, slate roof. SIOO down, balance as rent. 2-story brick, all improve ments, drive alley, porch, bay window, on Hill. Possession soon. 3-story frame, all improvements, porch, drive alley, 8 rooms. | Terms. 3-story brick, with store room, on Market street. Hill, 8 rooms. • ' 3-story frame, near Hill Market, all improvements. Very cheap. Vacant, 2 small brick Louses, 6 rooms, all im provements, on Hill, practic ally new, papered nicely all through, front porch. 3-story brick, on Green street, steam heat, porches, side entrance. 3-story brick, uptown, cor ner, room for garage, porches. Corner small 2-story brick, on Hill, 6 rooms, all improve ments, front porch, fine loca tion. Small amount down, Pay as rent. Newly papered. Built 5 years. Will take Auto in exchange on most any of the above | houses. Terms easy. C. H. CORDER, | 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560 J. Rents Collected, j REAL ESTATE BUREAU j CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1008 North Second Street. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; tine yard; room for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at the premises after 5 o'clock, or Address S.. 7582. Care of Telegraph. 1 HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. M> large clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may tg-to^tter. 1225. North Sixth St. Bell 271 J. P'a 3943. FOlt SALE 639 Hamilton street. Will be vacant after June 1. All im provements. Can be bought on terms. Krvin Johnson, 2111 Swatara street. . Bell 1857 J. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban j HUMMELSTOWN 8-rcom house, lot. 65x110, I good location. $2,600. r One large double house In Bressler; barn and workshop; all kinds of fruit; lot, 150x152. 1 Price. $5,000. Also many other city and suburban properties. Call DURAND & FERBER, 107 CHESTNUT STREET. 1 ~ FOR SALE lO-room suburban i'home located at Paxtang, In excellent '; condition, large lawn, garden, garage, greenhouse and chicken house. ln- I quire of Bell phono 1849 R. FOR SALE Bungalow, on Bow ■ man avenue. Camp Hill. HardwoaU I I tloors, steam heat. Inquire 1721 North [ | Second. I FOR SALE Very desirable cot ' nee close to street car ami river; all ;j improvements. J- K. Kipp. Bell 1615 K. i HEAIJ ESTATE —For Sale or Rent -I FOR SALE OR RENT —Furnished ! I for season, 7-room cottage, planted garden in Harrisburg pike, near Lan ' disville Campmeettng woods; trolley I tive minutes to Lancaster. Apply . | Paul Richter. Route 8, Lancaster, Pa. •. 1 FOR SALE OR KENT 209 South "I Front street, eleven rooms and two • baths, inquire of Harrisburg Trust I Company, 16 South Second street. , j Harrisburg, Pa. - REAL ESTATE EOR RENT FOR RENT second story of Kel " ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and ' Kelker streets, suitable for manufac r luring purposes cr general storage. I—Room1 —Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2—Office rooms. C I—Hall. 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. 1 Apply Harrisburg Auto Co., Fourth - and Kelker streets. FURNISHED COTTAGE at Wil f liams Grove, with electricity and Dial - phone. 3 large rooms and screened-in I perch. Apply 1208 Chestnut street. r Bell Phone 624. i FOR RENT No. 1622 Market street, 9-room brick house, completely j' furnished. Rent. SSO. J. E. Gipplc, 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE WANTED I READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY i WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER 7 BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. (Continued In Next Column) MAY 31 1919. RKAL KSTATF, WANTKU _ WE HAVE READY CASH BUYERS for improved real estate. Let us know what you have N to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street. i unices and Storerooms I''or Kent FOR RENT Third floor I Cluster's Jewelry Store. 302 Market i street. Suitable for photograph gal-! ; lery. Has been used by Kellberg's j „ Studio for the past ten years. Apply - : at piemises. * ' FOR RENT Desk room and office. |f i Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney. 31 j North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. _ AUCTIONEERS EVENTUALLY. c WHY NOT NOW? 1 AUCTIONEER HlTE—Bell 1875 J. - FOR S.IfIi—MISCELLANEOUS I MOTORS FOR SALE ! s WE have the following motors we |' I are offering for sale. We guarantee j | these motors to bo in first-class eon- j_ I dition and can make immediate de livery. , i, One H H. P. 220 V. 450 It. P. M. I One V* H. P. 220' V. 380 R. P. M. ! One tt H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One ',4 H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. ] One >/i H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 It. I*. M. One '/ 11. P. 120 V. 400 It. P. M. THE TELEORAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Rinding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stumping Plate Printing Marrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Ruby carriage; large, reversible, nartural reed; good condi tion; sl3. Apply 117 Evergreen street. WATERTIGHT ROOFING. . AUCTIONEER HlTE—Bell IS7SJ. FOR SALE IB flat trombone, | brass, $8.00; 1 violin, with case, $6.00. | Inquire 2026 Green street. | FOR SALE Fine office furnish lings llarry M. Bret/. Bankrupt Estate. I See Thomas C. McCarrell, Jr., Trustee, 222 Market street. I FOR SALE Channels, beams, i angle, pipe all denominations, and I rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & ! Freednian, Tenth below Mulberry street, or Sixth above Division street. FOR SALE —75 Sectional bookcases. $2.50 per section. 310 Telegraph Building. FOR SALE One double Enter prise coffee mill, granulator and pul verizer, one 200 account MoCask'-y | register. Both big bargains. Also four small tablet. Inquire Josephs 1 Frantz, 1701 North Third street. ! EVERYTHING IN ROOFING. AUCTIONEER RITE —Bell IS7SJ. FOR SALE One motorboat en gine 4-liorso-powcr, 2-cylinder. ready to install with all necessary equip ! ment. Address John lvoontz, Camp Hill, Pa., next door to drug store. BARGAINS Rag Carpet, 35c; Best Ingrain, 90c; Brussels, $1.10; Velvet $2; "Antique" Mahogany Pianos, $10: Organs. sls; Furniture, 1 Linoleum, Minoicas, Leghorns. Silver I Wyandotts. Yingst, Front-Cumber | land. | j BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 j ' new old. rare, in stock. Aurand's. j 925 North Third. Circulars free. I NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Four drawers, finest condition. Five separate total counters, detail sales strip and Check issuing feature. A I beauty and like new. See it and you | w ui buy it. Russeli Sales Company, I Lancaster, Fa. 1 MORRIS SAYS save money buying l new and second-hand furniture here. | 1 High prices paid tor furniture. Morris ! -; Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4085R I i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR i CASH ALL MAKES RENTED I I EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS - WANTED ■| A girl's second-hand bicycle. I Must be in good condition. Address BOX S., 4429, Care of Telegraph. ' HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for | -econd-band Furniture. Prompt at- I rentlon Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad I street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705 R. ; | WANTED, TO BUY, Mule Boston Terrier. State price. Address i j BOX G. 2371, Care of Telegraph. I ' WANTED Will buy lor 5 Floor j 'show Cases 6 or 8 feci long. Must be |in good condition. Apply 206 Market j ptreet ■j WANTED, TO BUY Coal dredg-' I 1 lug outfit, steamboat, pumps und flat. '; Address P. O. Box 890, llarrlsburg. ' WANTED Boarding home tor ! fifteen-year-old boy. Address Box 1 | 405, llurrisburg. Pa. ■ ' WANTED Boarding home in tile . : country for two boys, ages 7 uml o. 'I Address Box 105, Harrlsburg, Pa. I ! WE PAY 3c a lb. for rags. 30c a I i 100 tor papers, 60c for old books. >Ve I buy all kinds of junk and pay the ! highest cash prices. L. Cohan 42 Co. ' I Bell 4974. BELL PHONE 3370-J ; S. RIFKIN, , CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. I BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. ' 4Q7 BROAD ST.. HARKISBURG, PA. " 1 WANTED An upright boiler. S or 10-horse-power. Must be In good condition. No Junk. Address B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton street, or 236] I South Second street. ) MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max Smoltz 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. FARMS 160-ACRE FARM Near Halifax; stock, tools and feed included; possession at once. Inquire C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. 22 ACRES Very good buildings, with crops and stock. Including 2 horses, 2 cows. 2 hogs, 60 chickens, wheat, oats and corn In ground, all implements, $3,000. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut street. (.Continued in Next Column) ■fir H I i FARMS FOR SALE 2—30-acre farms both well situat ed. No. 1 Limestone garden soil 2 good wells water—large garden 7-room house. No. 2 Slate soil, fine state of culti vation, plenty of fruit—water from elevation. , F. S. MUMMA 42 SON, Mechanlcsburg, Fa. 8-ACRE poultry farm, $850.00. 38 acres, 8 acres woodland, $1,701.-4 S7OO down. 48 .acres, 5 acres wood and pasturei land, $2,200. 260 acres, near Harrisburg, $14,500. 433 acres. Perry county, $16,000.00. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnq.El FARMS WANTED WANTED To hear from owner* of good farm for sale. C. C. Shepara.. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Working order or not. Send full par ticulars. Will buy anywhere. Russell. Sales Company, Lancaster. Fa. MACHINERY AND TOOLS FORTY-HORSE-POWER steam en gine und boiler for sale, in A 1 condi tion. Cheap to quick buyer. James W. Farrow, Route 3, Shippcnsburg. Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE A local truck distributing firm, distributors for a promi nent and nationally advertised truck—one of the best on the market—desires to sell the en tire or part interest of their business, which includes agency for truck, large garage, sales room and service station. .Pres ent owner's health keeps him from pushing business. Large number of trucks sold in this city since January I—prospects for 50 more for this year. Lurga territory. Big advertising cam paign now running. A splendid business opportunity for a live wire. Will stand close investi gation. For further particulars address BOX D, 7567. Care of Telegraph. DON'T BE MISGUIDED BY THE OIL BOOM While this wonderful industry has and is producing riches for thousands lof people, the principle of "Safely j First" should be carefully observed. I The Oil press issued from the oil capi j tal of the World, Tulsa, contains re markable stories that have been founded on the petroleum industry. Also complete analysis of different oil companies offering stock to the pub lic. Recent issues contain reports on Une.le Sam Oil, Sinclair, Cosden, Big Pear, Consumers Oil and Shale, Pcrj nolt. Queen Oil, Okmulgee Producing und Refining, and hundreds of I others. It is brimful of valuable in- I formation and datty regarding tlia (Mid-Continent and Texas oil fields. You cannot afford to miss it. It is a I warning against fakes and frauds, it I may protect you from loss. It may give you a chance to become rich. D-j not do any speculating in oil stocks whatsoever until you obtain an ac curate report regarding the company considered. Write for free samplu copies Oil Press, 602 Republic Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. THE NEXT GREAT INDUSTRY By acting promptly you may acquire for only two hundred dollars per county, and a royalty of live dollars per machine, a license to manufac ture, or assemble and sell under ny (exclusive patents an improvement that replaces ice, colder and cleaner, fully automatic and self-regulating. .Parts can be purchased in any quan tity and can be readily put together anywhere with little labor and no machinery. Quick turnover tre mendous profits. Every home, farm and store a prospect. This is tho coming business and now is the time to get into it. No ice this year. Ter ) ritory is being closed by wire. Don't wait, if you can qualify. Fred W. Wolf, 527 N. Wells street, Chicago, ill. j ILLUSTRATED pamphlet mailed Free. Containing facts about NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS OIL FIELDS. Write | to-day before supply is exhausted. C. E. Cooper 42 Co., Flatiron Bldg., Ft. i Worth. Texas. . I FOR SALE A fine opportunity. A very successful general fruit, cigar land 'confectionery store, Market street. Owner leaving country. Pos- I session immediately. Address A. 8., j care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE latrge Planing Mill I with all improved machinery, lumber i shedding, office and stable. Well io ' t-a ted along R. R. and Trolley. Good ! business. Terms easy, price reason able Special reason for selling. Ap ! plv to W. M. Leinbach 42 Son, No. 621 i Washington street. Reading, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND FINISHED. OLD FLOORS CLEANED. Consult the man who knows bow. G. M. SLOUGH. Fell Phone 37 83J. MADE TO MEASURE WINDOW—DOOR AND PORCH SCREENS. AUCTIONEER HITE—Bell 1875 J. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA lf you or at.y friend afflicted wishes to learn of'a successful treatment, address 44 South Gratiot. Mount Clemens, Mich. RURAL SERVICE CO., NEW CUMBERLAND. PA. Water. Electric Light and Heating Flants for farms and rural buildings. Silos erected, stave, tile or concrete. Rnclc and stumps removed, sub-soil j ing, ditching and tree-planting, with, 'dynamite. , , Prompt and careful attention. J C BOYD, Engineer, 1005 Bridge Street. Bell Phono 3440 J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. J A. Bishop. 17 3C Logan street. " PAPERPIANGING First-class work. J. E. Chilcoat, 1622 North Fourth street. CANVAS ROOFING AUCTIONEER HITE—Bell 1875 J. MACHINE SHOP Small machine worl; on Steam Engines, Pumps, Mill Machinery. Experimenting and Model Making. 1704 Fulton street. iIA7.GR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 26c do*.; double edge. JSo iloz;: razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store, Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page . -j ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers