SUN ONLY NEEDED To MAKE SKYLARK A GREAT SUCCESS ST Huge Fund Certain to Be Raised For Benefit of the City's ' Pure Milk Fund Hundreds of Harriaburg men and women—and all the Harrleburg babies who are going to require pure milk during the coming summer months —are rooting to-day for fair weather to-morrow. Only that Is nec essary to make the Skylark at Wllla- Villa (Lemoyne), a complete success. "Why must It rain so much?" mourned one of the members of the executive committee this morning, gazing sadly at the drizzling skies. "1 never dreamed it could rain so much.' It seemed several times to-day, however, that the eun would succeed in breaking through the clouds, and the indications for to-morrow" are apparently favorable, so far as the - weather is concerned. They are cer tainly favorable so far as the Skylark itself is concerned. Supper reservations closed to-day at noon, and Caterer Rutherford will have plenty to do to-morrow evening. The Skylark Is to be "in formal." Expenses Are Guaranteed It has been announced that the expenses of the Skylark have been guaranteed by friends of the Harris burg babies so that all money receiv ed from the sale of the $3 tickets will go direct to the fund for certi fied milk, ice and the services of a nurse. "The sale of tickets continues tre mendous." declared Treasurer George Whitney this morning. "I'll predict that the Skylarking crowd Thursday afternoon and evening, will be a record-breaker." Members of the executive commit tee this morning were at Wllla-Vllla in large numbers, superintending the work of decorating the large pavil ion. The floor has been reflnlshed and. is in perfect condition. Artisans are placing the huge, flower-covered, re- Safe Pills have been the ideal Family Laxative for 40 years—a guar-": antee of - reliability. Gentle in action, they are. entirely, free, frojn . injurious, drugs, and-ace. intended, especially constipation, ■ biliousness, • indi gestion, torpid liv er or inactivity of the bowels!. Yoiudruggist sells them. Yazaer's S! lea4lt> C., locktiOr. N. T. How to Bathe Face to Remove Wrinkles Since Its remarkable astringent j and tonic properties became known. \ clever women all over the country i have been using the saxolite face | bath to "tone up" their faces, re- , move wrinkles and draw flabby cheeks and neck back to normal. After us ing the solution, the face immedi ately feels much firmer. The skin tightens evenly all over the face, thus reducing lines and sagginess. The formula is: Powdered saxolite, one ounce, dissolved in witch hazel, one-half pint. These ingredients are of course perfectly harmless and there is no difficulty In obtaining them at any drug store. Cause of Stomach Sickness Hew to Relieve Stomach Distress In a Few Minutes. Money Back If Treatment Does Not Overcome Any Form of Indigestion If you feel as though there was a lump of lead at the pit of the stom ach, take a couple o£ Ml-o-na stom ach tablets and In five minutes you should see that all stomach distress bat vanished. If you belch gas. have heartburn or sour stomach, you need Mi-o-na. f If your stomach feels upset the morn ing after the night before, take two j Mi-o-na tablets and see how quickly j you get relief. If you have shortness of breath, | rain In the stomacn, waterbrash or oul breath, you need Mi-o-na and ) the sooner you get It, the sooner your stomach should perform its duties properly. If you use a box of Ml-o-na tablets gnd feel that it has not overcome your Indigestion or stomach t-ouble, I take the empty box to your dealer and he will refund your money. For aale by H. C. Kennedy and all lead ing druggists. The Luncheon That Proved a Success "Mary," exclaimed Mrs. Gordon to her new maid, in dismay, "what in the world are we going to do! Mrs. Redfern has come for lunch. You might be sure she'd hit upon the very day we had planned on Just a pick up lunch. We might manage, but there isn't a thing we can have for dessert at this short notice." "I can manage, Mrs. Gordon," re plied Mary, confidently. "Just you leave it to me." Luncheon time arrived, and Mary brought in a delicious, smooth mould of rich chocolate blanc mange. She had saved the day! "How in the world did you do it!" •aid Mrs. Gordon. "Your dessert was , delicious." "Why," replied her maid, "I made It with Puddine." / "Puddine?" questioned Mrs. Gor don. "Do tell me about It." "It's a dessert that always turns out right and isn't a bit of trouble to make. All you have to do is to add milk, either fresh or condensed, and sugar, and boil for three min utes, and then when it is cool, you have a rich, creamy mould of des sert." "Does it come in more than one flavor?" asked Mrs. Gordon. "Oh, yes, indeed—chocolate, rose, vanilla, orange, lemon and in several flavors. And it only costs 15c for a box which will serve 15 people." "Well," said Mrs. Gordon, "it cer tainly Is delicious." "I use it for cake and pie fillings too." said Mary, "and it makes ice cream.smooth and rich." "Well," exclaimed Mrs. Gordon emphatically, "there is one thing ■nre. In the future, we will never £e without puddine!" For sale at all ffrocers. WEDNESDAY EVENING. volvlng drums between the steel gir ders. One section of the sidewall has been removed, and a 20-foot stair case has been built to the lawn. This will be hung In blue and white, the Skylark colors, and carpeted in red. The carpenters are finishing their work on the willow pagoda, wherein the mystic from New York Will read the future. Thousands of morning , glories are being hung and scores of 1 dozens of gold and blue Iris are being ' placed. The stage is a mass of color. | There are to be tents with canopies for dressing rooms. Absolutely noth ing is being overlooked. Reservations for supper have been closed, it was announced to-day, but tickets may be purchased at Rose's, Harry's hat store, and the Penn- Harris hotel up to to-morrow even ing. Additional Patrons Announced Mr. and Mrs. H. 8, Luiz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Irons, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Burtnett, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Dunkle, Mrs. Annie Stmonettl, Thomas T. Wlerman, W. Harry Raker, Mrs. J. A. Greenawalt, Col. Frederick M. Ott. Miss Bertha M. Fink. Miss Ida F. Swope, Miss Helen B. Espy, J. E. B. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Davenport, D. D. Ilain melbaugh. T. IV. Smnllwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Nealc, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Munce, Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Wit man, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Troup, L. V. Larkin, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Colton, Forrest Hunter, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. McAllster, Dr. Hiram McGowan, H. O. Miller, George Y. Carl, ; S. W. Fleming, Mrs. Sue Myers Africn, I E. A. Heffelflnger, Mrs. Anna C. Doehne, Mrs. Elizabeth D. McCormlck, Dr. and I Mrs. Harvey F. Smith. ' M. W. Fager, the Rt Rev. Philip R. McDevitt, Sol. Kuhn, George W. Kehr, i Mr. and Mrs. James C, Thompson, Mrs. C. A. Kunkel, Henry A. Kelker, Jr., Miss Mary E. Hotter, H. A. Gable, Dr. and Mrs. John J. Moffit, Herman P. Miller, Miss Mary Jennings, Dr. John C. Stevens. Mrs. T. Rockhlll Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Haln, Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crlspen. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sponsion Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. John S. lulling, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. i Trulllnger, John C. Soutter, R. 8. ; Care, Burton VanDyke, Mr. and I Mrs. George E. Etter, Parker T. i liarnes, Dr. r.nd Mrs. George B. Kunkel, Miss Fannie M. Eby, T. J. Opperman. Franklin Suydam, Mrs. L. W. Kay, Mr. i and Mrs. Joseph W. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Leib. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton D. Peace, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Goldsborough, Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Rebuck. W. W. | Caldwell, Vance C. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Reinoehl, John A. Af fleck, E. G. Slabach, Mr. and Mrs. George X. Barnes, Miss Sybil M. Weir, Louis Baturln. Maurice A. Caplan, Mr. nnd Mrs. X. E. Hause, H. C. Koons. Dr. R. F. L. Rldgway, Miss Isabel S. Wll helm, Alexander H. Roberts, the Misses ! Pearson. Captain and Mrs. Henry M. | Gross. Mrs. Lillian K. Zeigler, G. Irwin Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Marks, Mrs. William B. Schleisner, Mr. and Mr 3. S. G. Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Ibach, Mrs. W. O. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. C. Floyd Hop kins, Miss Minnie E. Bailey, Mrs. Hen rietta A. Disbrow and John A. Rose. The Misses Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson, J. W. Schroth, Mrs. Anna Simonetti, Harry M. Gensler, J. M. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Witman, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ent wistle, Samuel Gardner, Neall H. Trout, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bailey Brandt, R. W. Fair, Mrs. W. R. Dene hey, J. P. Harris, T. G. Calder, Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Hahn, R. W. Moorhead, B. B. Drum, Mrs. Sarah E. Deeter, Mrs. Emma P. Knisely, Mrs. Pricilla D. Harrington, J. T. Hambay, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hepler, Mrs. G. W. Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Farley Gannett. Mr. and Mr 3. W. E. Seel. Dr. G. W. Hartman, Mrs. E. Walzer. L. V. Fritz, Dr.. David S. Funk, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Dunkle, Dr. and Mrs. John C. Stevens, Mrs. Catherine S. Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Haehnlen, George E. Whitney, Daniel C. Herr, Spencer Gilbert Xauman, Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hammond, E. M. Green, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bent, Dr. John H. Fager. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Orr, H. A. Robinson, W. L. Stoey, Robert McCormick, Dr. John F. Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Lecoq, 3d., Ed ward Keister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Bailey, Silberman Bros., William Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Staek pole.Mr. and Mrs. F. Herbert Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, H. A. Rutherford. Dr. and Mrs. "F. E. Downes. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. H. Wharton, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Cocklin. Miss Anna E. Kolbenschlag, Ashmer M. Blake. David S. Blessing. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moul, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Knisely. Dr. Thomas E. Finegan Pays First Visit Here Dr. Thomas E. Finegan. the new Superintendent of Public Instruction, made his first appearance in the Capi tol to-day. He came here from New York to look ever the situation and expects to assume his new duties as soon as he can wind up his affairs in New York. The expectation is that he will suc ceed to the office made vacant by the death of Dr. Nathan C. Schaefter about June 1. "The Governor of Pennsylvania made it clear to me." said Dr. Fine gan. "that this State presents the greatest educational opportunities in the world. That is why I am here. "I had a congenial position In New York, where I could do good service and was contented to stay there, but came to Pennsylvania at the sugges tion of Governor Sproul." Dr. Finegan was taken on a tour of the Capitol by Harry S. McDevitt, secretary to Governor Sproul, and was introduced to the heads of the vari ous departments. In the Senate, W. Harry Baker, secretary of that bodv presented him to the Senators. He de clined to discuss any phase of the educational system In Pennsylvania, and said he would have no plans *or the future, until he had Inquired Into the situation thoroughly. The Board of Pardons took a recess to meet the new Superintendent. Westmoreland County Farmers Fight Wolves Grronsbnrg, Pa., May 21.—Harvey Dixon, a farmer, shot and killed a wolf on Dry Ridge, three miles south of Greensburg, according to a report received here. Another farmer la reported to have shot at three wolves and missed. The wolves turned on him. The farmer managed to keep the beasts a safe dis tance until neighbors, attracted by his cries for help, responded and drove tne animals away. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets Adv. Motive Power to "Take Away Dark Brown Taste" With a "Regular" Show "We are going to take the dark brown taste out of boxing," chorused Mana gers Reindell and Runk. of the brisk Motive Power Athletic Club, last even- - p "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" Clothes for Graduation That Everybody Is Talking /I ■/ ! 4 | By the way, you young Graduates might "look father over" a few days beforehand and be sure that he's going to be dressed as a parent of a graduate should be—lf / you think he needs one, we have plenty of suits for father. Graduation day ought to be a "Big" day for him, too, / 1 and if he wants the best he had better come to this "Live Store" for Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes /j 304 Market Street M Harrisburg,- Pa. *^|^^HESSSSSSSSSSSSBS9SS£SSSSSSnBHfI^'JH u Is Always Reliable fej - "" ■ 1 ■ . irn,'. ' iSuniutPH! lng, after Dee, Roller bad demonstrated that a man can be a giant at the age of 4). They referred to the next sparring fray at the Motive Power arena which takes place May 28. "We won't try to get any Lew Tend lere," explained Runk. but we will have a regular llin-dandy program, with no SI,OOO stars to gum the cards. First, there will be Jimmy Pappaa, the phenom they are all talking about, hooked up with "Little Bear," Than thire will be Jack Wllport and Young Fulton iDlck Conlon and Young Peakos and two bouts of local boys. The Motive Power attracts (he belt patronage In the city, Its bou's alwuyß being clean and fast; no smoking In al lowed and the fair sex are In plentiful patronage. In taking away the "dark brown" taste this show will be effective. AMERICA* DOIIGIIBOY9 SENT Z1P,500,000 HOME* ? ra * k * ~ Approximately 818,- 300,000 has come back to the folks at home from American doughboys in trance, Germany, England and Rus * a since January I, 118, through a single channel. It Is estimated that postal ana express money orders for that sum would have cost the boys $60,000, but the bureau of soldiers' remittances of the Y. M. C. A. War may nam Work Council transmitted the money without charge. At the cloee of business on April 21 last the bureau had handled 323,- 3fl accounts. Every one of the asso clalton e B,ISO representatives with the American Expeditionary Forces Is an agent of this remittance bu reau, and the "Y" has been able to receive the soldiers' money for trans mission to America while no other agency was available. By virtue of its central department In New York. 9 In which forty-five' ptrmu are em ployed, and lt thousand* of raprsssn taUTa 1n every Hart at tbc eoumr*, the "Y" has been able to deliver flfc mlttencee to any iDdttltfHl, in any locality specified. Two months ago the* total of un delivered remittances was l.f St. Co operation of newspaper* In publishing lists of payeas who eotild not lis found has resulted in .a marked re duction. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers