Liquor Dealers Plan to Mobilize Against Dry Bill Atlantic City, X. J., May 9.—G00. Carroll, of Elizabeth, N. J„ head of the New Jersey Liquor Dealers' Association, was elected president of the National Liquor Dealers' Associ ation In annual convention here. J. J. Doherty, Boston, was chosen vice president. Robert J. Halle, of Chi cago, was re-elected secretary and Thomas Hayes, Newark, was re elected treasurer. The convention decided to mobi nf==ipn 'ni -inr==im I — IBT-; I The Hardman Welte j | Mignon Reproducing Piano j MARVELOUS ' S INSTRUMENT a 1 MANUFACTURED | | playing of the greatest |j| Electrically operated; can be installed any- | a where. Can be used for hand playing the same □ | as any other piano, I YOHN BROS. I 13 N. FOURTH ST. at in. ini inrrr —ini uni irr. ini inr=atnr i tr- THE GLOBE SATURDAY STORE HOURS—B.3O A. M. TO 10 P. M. THE GLOBE Gee—lt Feels Good To Be Home Again 1 lie handshaking will soon be over and Soldiers and civilians alike are unani the O. D. cast aside. Our Boys who ,llous in tlleir P raise of THE GLOBE. helped to make history will he back on 011 " ' N "'DIFFERENT—you'II ■ . , . , ... find them BETTER—you'll find them the job again. Our Soldier Boys are now CHEAPER because ECONOMY taking to THE GLOBE SUITS. THROUGH QUALITY COUNTS. Waistline Form Fitting Youthful Conservative SUITS SUITS SUITS Flannels, Serges and Fancy 1 , Pl , ain Coats—Flannels in all Worsteds, Serges, Flannels shades—Blue Serges and neat and Cheviots—exceptional fab- Cheviots. Special at, mixtures. rics. $28.50, 30, $35 $25, $3O to $4O $25, $3O, $35 All Clothing, Furnishings and Hats At Special Reduced Prices To Soldier Boys We're making SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES to Soldier Boys to show our appreciation, in a substantial way, of what they did "over there." 1 ' | THE GLOBE 322-324 MARKET STREET. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURO TELEGRAPH MAY 9, 1919. lize the 85,000 license-holders In the | I country in the battle against the en- I | forcement of the constitutional "dry" I | amendment. I'ENBItOOK TO FIX STREET I'enbrook borough councilmen I have petitioned the county commis | sioners to join in an appeal for State aid to make permanent repairs and 'improvements to Main street in that I borough, the principal highway in ! the town, and part of the State road ■' from this city to Pottsville. The I stretch which is to be improved is 3,248 feet in length. GOVERNOR TO PRESENT MEDAL TO GEN. MUIR I Virtually the Whole Twcnty j Eighth Division Will Pa rade in Philadelphia j By Associated Press. I I'hiladelphia, May 9.—Further de | tails for the reception next Thurs day to the Twenty-eighth division are arranged to-day. With the ex- I ception of the 56th infantry brigade, which has been demobilized, but many of whose members will parti cipate, virtually the whole division will parade under the commund of Major General Charles H. Muir. The parade will start at 10 a. m. and will be reviewed at Indepen dence Hall by Governor Sproul and I Mayor Smith. The members of the j Legislature, heads of State depart ments and members of councils will II also be on stands in front of the his lltoric hall. The Liberty Bell will be j on the sidewalk and the Iron Divi ! Don't Spoil a Good Meal With a Bad Stomach If a physician, a specialist In stom- I acli diseases, came to you and said: "I will fix up that miserable, worn out stomach for you or money back I "I will maze it as good as new so you will not suffer from finy distress II and can eat what you want without f"ar or suffering, or money back would you turn down his otter?" And when you are offered Mi-o-na . stomach tablets, made from a pre scription better than many of the stomach specialists know how to i write, ate you going to be narrow | minded and continue to suffer from j indigestion, or are you going to be i fair to yourself and try Ali-o-na on the money back agreement. Mt-o-na stomach tablets are offered to you on this basis, that if they do I not put your stomach into sucli good I shape that there is no dizziness, sour stomach, biliousness, sick headache, and stomach distress, your money will be returned. For sale by H. C. !' Kennedy and all leading druggists. sion soldiers will "'eyes right" as they pass the ancient relic. Across Broad street at South street will be stretched floral gates which will be opened by Mayor Smith and the division welcomed when it reaches them. The entertaiments arranged for tho officers and men are elaborate and will last two days. There will be a dinner in honor of General Muir Wednesday night at which Governor Sproul will present him with a gold medal. All theaters and moving picture houses will be thrown open free to the soldiers and special boxing bouts will be put] on at two of the athletic clubs. ] Plans For Second Annual Rose Show to Be Held in June Now Are Complete .Plans for the second annual rose show have been Anally completed at the regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Advisory Board of the Y. M. C. A. The members of the board are very enthusiastic at the outlook for the coining show and the various committees have all their arrange ments well in hand. All nearby towns were urged to send roses for competition, there being no limit as to distance, so long as flowers arrive in good candition. Already there are indications of a large display from Carlisle, Mid dletown, Mechanicsburg and Camp Hill, and no doubt there will be many other towns that will be well represented at the show. The fact that only amateurs are allowed to compete has been an in centive to every owner of a rose bush to send at least one bloom to the show. First, second and third awards will be given for the best in dividual pink, white, yellow and red bloom of either the tea, hybrid tea, or hybrid perpetual classes. This there will be fourteen classes of roses that can be entered for com petition, four more than last year, and varying from a single bloom in a vase to a basketful, and each class will receive three awards — first, second and third. While the date of the show can not be definitely set until tho week previous to the event, it is likely that it will occur about the second or third week in June, depending on weather conditions. EXPECTS FLAGS TO BE DEPOSITED Adjutant General Prepares For Display of Standards of the German War of the battle flags vania regiments ; 1 1 HulislWivtW Germany and the j standards carried , Guard regiments, VMU iiSSlSmmmUlt | n Mexican bor- ' j tier service and when they went to j Camp Hancock in the rotunda of the i Capitol. Cases similar to those which en- j close the Civil and Spanish wars' flags have been ordered and at the! next meeting of the State Board of Public Grounds and Buildings the niches will be designated. They will j probably be on the second floor as j the first floor niches are taken up I with flags of earlier wars. It is the plan of the Adjutant I General to have an elaborate cere j mony when the flags are turned over | to the State in accordance with the i orders of the War Department, j Named to Place —J. K. Stear, of New Brighton, who is just out of the United States Army, has been named to take charge of the ex periment station of the Department of Agriculture at Ohambersburg. He was formerly in the Ohio station at Columbus. Zoologist J. K. Sanders I has named him to specialize in fruit. Governor Away —Governor Sproul is in Washington, but will spend the weekend in Philadelphwia. Must Make KcpaiKtinn —The Pub lic Service Commission has ordered the Pennsylvania Railroad to make reparation to the Thatcher Manufac turing company for overcharges for hauling glass sand from Mapleton to Kane. Will Open Bids— The bids for fur nishing supplies to the State gov ernment for two years will be open ed at the Governor's ofHce next Tuesday. The letting is to be one of the largest ever known. Board to Meet—The State Com pensation Board will sit here Tues- I day of next week. Visited University —The Senate ap propriations committee visited the University of Pennsylvan'a yester day on the biennial inspection tour. Slay Act Tuesday —lt is possible that the House municipal corpora j Don committee will act on the Phila- I delphia charter bills on Tuesday. Wheat Crop Fine —The early May , reports on the wheat crop are still excellent. The crop will run over 34.000,000 bushels it is believed. Judge Johnson Judge Isaac Johnson, of Media, was here in re gard to Board of Charities legisla tion. Three Sessions—There will be sessions on three days next week, i The Legislature will go 1o Phlladel i pliia on lhe morning of Thursday. Arrests For Violations State j game protectors have caused several I arrests for violation of game laws 'in the vicinity of West Chester. I Those arrests followed disregard of many warnings. Annual ''May Fair" Is | Drawing Many to St. Paul's The annual May fair now in prog ress at St. Paul's Baptist Church is largely attended and bids fair to surpass that of last year in interest and receipts. The concert of the opening night was all that could be desired. No stranger was on the program, it be ing "home-talent night," and the reputation of the musical ability of Harrisburg was easily sustained. ' Miss Mary Lewis, of Zion Baptist Church; Miss Jennie Cooper, of | Bethel A. M. E. Church; Mrs. H. B. ! Hall. Mrs. Bertha Baker and Mrs. i Martha Will'ams, of St. Paul's i Baptist Chinch, were the star per- I formers. The choir of St. Paul's ] Baptist under the direction of Prof. ; B. H. Baker was in excellent form ] and maintained its reputation of be ing one of the best choirs in the I city. A most pleasant social even -1 ing was spent. To-night the children of all col | orod churches will he the attrac- I tion. Children's night is always re | garded as the most popular night at ihe fair. The fair continues next week, j opening with "Living Pictures" ou j Monday evening. Camp Hill to Celebrate With Victory Auto Run I Camp Hill, May 3. —Camp Hill has I gone over the top so handsomely in jthe Victory fa>an drive that Camp j Hill automobiligts are going to have a Victory automobile run. The route j will be to Bedford the first day and i then will swing across the country |to Lewistown and home byway of | the William Pepn highway. The dates will be May 24 and 25. Al ready 20 cars have been listed. MOTHERS' DAY AT DAUPHIN ) Iliiupliin, Pa., May 9.—Mothers' I Day will be observed in the different ] churches on Sunday. At the United Evangelical preach ing in the morning at 10.30, and in j the evening at Zion's, Zionville at ] 7.30. the Rev. J. N. Shoop. pastor, i Services will be held in the Metho !dist Espiseopal church in the even i ing at 7.30; Heckton in the morn ] ing at 10.30, the Rev. Shaffer, pastor. | Zion's Lutheran services, both | morning and evening, the Rev. I Joseph Robb, pastor. | The Presbyterian services only in jthe morning at 10.15, the Rev. Robt. | Ramsey, pastor. Lehigh Grads Plan For Big Reunion 1 Lehigh graduates are making big ] plans for the Victory Reunion of the [Central Pennsylvania Lehigh Club, j which will be held next Friday even ing, May 16, at the University Club at '6-30 o'clock. Men who have been in | the military service will be guests 'of honor at the time. The banquet ] will be the first number on the pro jgram after which the annual election •of officers will take place. I Dr. Henry S. Drinker, president of ■ Lehigh University, will be the prin • clpal speaker at this time. Walter jokeson, secretary of the Lehigh lAllumni Assocfation and Raymond Walters, registrar of the university, will be the other speakers of the I evening 1 . ' EAST END A. A, TO OPEN 19111 SEASON | The East End A. A. will open Its : season to-morrow with a big celebrn tlon prior to its game with the Mid dletown Independents on the Nine teenth and Greenwood grounds In the afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. The players will wear newly-purchased uniforms for the first time, and will participate in a parade over the principal streets of the Allison Hiy district. The or ganization still has a few open dales on its schedule. Rifle Club Will Open Season With Big Shoot The Harrisburg Rifle Club will be gin to-morrow the first lap of the biggest shooting program arranged since its organization in 1916. The big range of the club is rapidly be ing put in shape for the summer events, and this year promises to be a banner one in the annals of the local club as well as in all the other clubs of the State. The closing of the war has en abled the War Department to de vote more attention to the civilian rifleman, such as releasing for his | use, arms, ammunition and other shooting supplies and this fact, coup | led with the return of many of the BMHoingiiii Florence Automatic, Oil Stoves Leonard Cleanable Porcelain Lined Refrigerators You can't liave clean food unless you have a clean Refrig- /ju —=£^.--^o*,=^= 1 L. . ~ THE LEONARD CLEANABLE ' , Ml can be cleaned in five minutes. It's the only truly Clean- u ' |r* "tHfj l fflj able Refrigerator. Made of one-piece porcelain lining. This C'| JT Vjj 1 "' s|| porcelain is on heavy gauge steel and you cannot scratch !■ |A it. Ten wall construction with hard wood and the air cir- (wi-tgl trs dilation guarantees pure food all the time. Xo matter if this Refrigerator is full of ice or low in ice the air circula- - jf }y I™ tion continues just the same all over the food chamber. _ jj|A- -ilpC t; jM Leonard Refrigerators from $9.75 TJp to $BO.OO PafiS "I/ GARLAND GAS RANGES ~~ I The Cabinet Range with elevated oven. Glass j> door in oven and the most even bakers; full size y—4-f and square. The construction is the best and sim plcst—lB guage one-piece blue steel, the surfaces Tin in in 11 I[J unbroken by bending. Heavy adjustable Lever VALUES— j 'S Garland 3-Burner Cooker, $23.60 LT-JL—Hi* 1 Utility 4-Burner Range, $24.75 I fj Garland Cabinet Range, $62.55 Jf Garland Combination Gas and Coal $9O 1900 . WASHING MACHINES 0 Ideal Water Motor Washer $26.55 Arnold Electric Washer, $BO.OO PORCH FURNITURE M. 1 A large assortment of Couch Ham moc^s including the Rowe, Gloucester | r. i Hammock. > EKSJ' I, ' '' [1 Couch Hammocks with back rests, ay *v \ •> - Tty- f. U _ _ * ' j niattresses and chains complete from $l3 Up Special high-back cane-seat Folding Step Ladder Stool, 75c c .° ] r j. ? c erS 'o „* ■ , Reed Strollers, natural, white and Folding Lawn Settee. 42 inches gray priced from AT vr-l JIT JD -o ■ $10.35 up to $31.50. • 42-inch Closed Lnd Porch bwing, _ $4.05 Special Reed Pullman Sleeper, 4-Passenger Lawn Swing, $8.45 Roll on hood, and body, cordu 5-ft. Step Ladder, iron braced, r °y lined - adjustable hood and $1.98 back, $30.00. Floor Covering, Draperies and Window Shades Our Entire Second Floor Devoted to this Department Liberal Credit on the Easy Payment Plan POTHEET . Home J Machines Furnishere Tr 312 Market St. I boys of the Iron Division, promises to bring the rifle clubs again into prominence. Out of a membership of 130, the Harrisburg Rifle Club furnished a total of 44 marksmen, the majority of whom were members of the 112 th, while a few others were gunners on transports and destroyers. Many of these boys have already returned with wound stripes on their sleeves and a Croix de Guerre pinned on their blouses. They know the value of rifle practice, and have already j expressed their desire to get on the range. A special program has bofcn ar ranged by the executive officer for to-morrow, and the general public is invited to try its luck with the scr- vice rifle. A schedule for the entire season has been prepared. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. If He Smokes Give Him Nicotol Powders Secretly Any mother, wife or sister can stop the tobacco habit if she wants to do so. Thousands of women are happy to-day because they gave their hus bands, sons or brothers Nicotol pow ders thus savintr the money waste fullv spent for tobacco and benefltintt lite "health of the loved ones they res cued. Nicotol powders are odorless, tasteless and harmless and can be Kiven in either liquid or solid food. You take no risk, as Nicotol powders are sold under a steel-bound money refund (guarantee by the Clark and the Kennedy stores and other dru®- i Bists. 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers