SPEAKER GIVES AN OUTLINE OF SCIENCECHURCH Interesting Facts of Religious Faith Are Given at the Orpheum Interesting facts relative to the founding of Christian Science and its growth in the United States were told last night at the Orpheum The ater by John C. Lathrop, of Boston, a member of the Board of Lecture ship of Ihe Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist. His sub ject was "Christian Science: Salva tion Through Spiritual Sense." "Christian Science was discovered by Mary Baker Eddy fifty-two years ago," he said. "Thirteen years after the discovery the first Church of Christ, Scientist, was organized in Boston, Massachusetts. Since then nearly eighteen hundred organized WEAK, SICKLY, RUN DOWN WOMEN Must Look to Their Blood if They Wish to Regain Their Health and Happiness Many symptoms peculiar to women, such us dizziness, fainting spells, backache, headaches, Kidney and Bladder troubles, languor and nerv ousness are in a large part due to impurities in the blood - or worse still, anaemia, which means that the Blood is thin, watery and lacking in nourishment. If you are rundown, if your energy or strength are below normal, if you have to force yourself to do your daily tasks, you should enrich your blood supply at once. In this way—- you start a sure foundation on which to build your health and happiness. You may easily and quickly renew both the quantity and quality of your Blood by taking a short course of Novo San. Novo San, the new Bed Blood Builder, has already won a place in the hearts of scores of women by restoring their youthful health and vigor. It not only rids your blood of poisonous impurities, but actually makes new blood, in this way vitaliz ing your whole body, charging you with new powers of endurance and energy, stimulating the action of the kidneys, liver and bowels, promot ing regularity, health and comfort. Your jaded nerves are steadied and your overworked, undermined, weak ened system is quickly nourished back to health and strength. MAKE THIS TEST TODAY. Go to Geo. A. Gorgas or H. C. Kennedy and obtain a trial package of Novo San (13 days' treatment). Take two tab lets three times a day after meals regularly for 12 days and if you do not feel at least 50 per cent, better, return the empty package to the druggist and yet your money. '"PANAMAS! \ . j w ; Reblocked to the Latest Styles No Acids or shoe shine methods used. Be Sure to Get in the Right Place GOLD'S 1210 N. Third St. Between Broad AL- Cumberland ScheSFs Quality LAWN GRASS SEED We sell hundreds of bushels of f this, our own high quality lawn | seed. We mix it ourselves, using I t lie very best fancy grades of I grasses suitable to produce a rich j velvet lawn. You have never seen ' us beautiful grass in Capitol I'ark 1 as you have seen there the last , three years, which time we have i been furnishing It. Benew your lawn by sowing I seed now —Cover the hare spots. | For new lawns sow one quart to each ten by ten feet square. Sow seed evenly and heavy arid you I will have a beautiful lawn. Pt., 15c; Qt., 25c; 2 Qts., 45c; 4 Qts., 80c; Peck, $1.40; Bushel, $4.50 To Make Grass Grow lfc Wi/.iird Drain! Pulverized SHEEP MANURE It is Nature's best t'ooil for grass. ••Wizard Brand" is the original' pure Weed less, dried and pulver ized Sheep Manure. 5 lbs., 35c j Id ills., 50c; 25 Ihs. $1.25; 50 lbs., $1.75; 100 lbs., $3.00;' 500 Ills., $12.00; 1,000 lbs., $22.00; toil. $13.00. But It Oil NOW. Walter S. Schell Quality Seeds 1307-1300 MARKET ST. I City and suburban town delivery V Carter's little Liver Pills A Remedy That Constipated Makes Life and Happy JBBP "■[ttle Worth Living Sb ?" zOmßhSv Spills. Gtmisn b**r I AS C S pARTER'S IRON PILLS [ many colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people \ . TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I churches or societies have been es tablished over the world, forty-one | cities each containing two churchc? |or societies, and twenty-four other cities each containing from three to eighteen churches or societies. At j the Wednesday evening meeting held [| in these churches and societies over I ten thousand people each week pub- I licly and voluntarily bear grateful ! testimony to the healing and regena ! tive benefits they have received j through Christian Science. I "There Is little difference of opin ! ion about the fact that mortals need j a clearer way and a truer point of | view. All agree that the world seems j to be about as full to-day as ever Jof sin and fear, hatred and jeal- 3 1 ousy, impurity and disease, vanity I and selfishness, and that calamities, ; tumults, and wars have not substan . | tially decreased up to the present hour. ! "Surely intelligent people do not I any longer believe that God is the cause of human discord and suffer ing, anv more than they believe that t the principle of mathematics is the [ cause of the failures of pupils to ; j understand and prove its unchanging •! rules. •I "Gaining an understanding or I ' spirit and the omnipotent power of ,! spiritual laws, and an understanding 1 ; of the false nature of matter and of -1 mortal mind and material laws, the ■ seeker is armed successfully to cope I with any human discord. It is then i surprising that he should presume j to attempt to heal disease as well as sin. What is disease that it should elude the minister and be assigned to the physician, and what is sin ! that it should defy the physician and ' he allotted to the minister? From whence originated both? From God. No, neither the one more than the other. Jesus* identical handling of sin and disease should long ago have convinced the world that they have an identical source. "The operation of Christian Sci ence in healing disease and over coming sin is the action of the di vine Mind. God, the Principle and power of the universe through good thoughts, that is, thoughts which, ad mitting that they have action and power, arc equally good for every thing and everybody in creation. These thoughts come to a human be ing through the study of Christian Science, and reveal this divine power which is omnipotent, and make this divine power available in proportion as it is understood and accepted by means of such thoughts. "Heaven is not a region nor a lo cality to he entered physically, but it is a state of purified conscience, a ; state of spiritual understanding, a salvation from sin, sickness and death." $5.00 I'OR MEMORIAL DAY Sunbury, Pa., May 6. —Oswald Kram | er. Northumberland eonty controller, has ' made an appropriation of $5OO for i Memorial Day expenses of Grand Army I posts in Northumberland county. Painful Piles A Free Trinl of Pyrnmid Pile Treat ment IN One of Ihe Grandest Events You Ever Experienced. You are suffering dreadfully with itching, bleeding, protruding ■ piles or he morrhoids. Now, go over Yon Positively Cnnnot Afford to Ignore These Remarkable Pyramids. to any drug store and get a 60-cent j box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. Re- j lief should come so quickly you will j jump for joy. If you are in doubt, send for a free trial package by I mail. Y'ou will then be convinced, i Don't delay. Take no substitute. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 57H Pyramid Building., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyrnmiil Pile Treatment, in plain wrapper. Name j Street Cjtv S'tfite DECIDES TO BE ALIVE ONE Young Man Comes Back' One of our young men suae has come | lo Ihe front in short order and his | friends are at a loss to understand his unliring energy and ability to work and get results, where only a few weeks before he seemed to he ail run | down and almost a nervous wreck. Questioned by a curious friend as to the cause of the sudden change, ho ! said: "1 sure was in had shape and no one knew it better than 1 did. it had my goat for fair. I was all in and my nerves shot to pieces with worriment and sleepless nights. One dav I over heard a customer telling what I'hos phated Iron had done for him and I could not get a supply quick enough. "That's the whole story, just Phos phated Iron. My poor tired overwork ed nerves just seemed to he Phosphate hungry, the way they took hold of it, and say what a relief. I felt like a new man. Could sleep at night, and get up in the morning feeling like a two-year old. Believe me, 1 had some appetite too, my weight increased rapidly, my fare filled out and had the color of per fect health that only goes with pure blood, well fed with Iron. "You can bet T am strong for Phos phated Iron. Everyone who tries it i 3 a booster. "Do you know even the doctors are prescribing it; trust them to get next to a good thing", i Special Notice: To Insure doctors and ■ their patients getting the Genuine Phos phated Iron we have put in capsules only, so do not allow dealers to sell you pills or tablets. Geo. A. Gorgas. the druggist, and leading druggists everywhere. 150 ARE KILLED IN - MUNICH WHEN CITY IS TAKEN FROM FOE 5,000 Arrests Made in Bavaria tain, and Sontheimer, lncit Among Victims Killed By Associated Press. * Berlin, May 6.—One hundred and fifty persons were killed or executed during the fighting at Munich, ac cording to an account of the fall of that city printed in the Lokal An zeiger. Among the killed were Herr Toller, director of the Soviet govern ment, and Herr Sontheimer, a com munist leader. Herr Seidl, who' CONFIDENCE MAN REAPS MILLIONS, FIGURES INDICATE Crude Devices Give . Way to Modern and More Profitable Methods ( hicago, May G.— The American I confidence man reaped a harvest of more than $10,000,000 last year, according: to figures compiled by (Jiicagro authorities. This is the ap-' proximate amount actually collect- 1 ed from the credulous public by pro- , lessional confidence operators and' does not Include the millions gather ed in annually by the various stock- ' jobbing schemes. The crude devices of the old time : confidence man, with his shell game,! three card monte, gold brick, green I goods, money changing and lemon! games, have given way to modern methods, more complex, and more profitable. The really successful confidence men of to-day usually have summer and winter homes, ride in limousines and are aided by richly gowned wo men, authorities say. They are edu- : cated and far more clever than their brothers of old days, whose favorite trick in Chicago was to sell the Ma- ! sonic Temple to a "rube" for a small I sum, or agree to make the building, "turn around." Vp-to-Date Schemes hand selling schemes, peddling of | worthless mine and oil well stock, , wire tapping and "fake" sporting! events are now the hand maidens of i the modern confidence man, who ! matches wits with the banker, capi- j talist and lawyer, instead of dealing i ! with the ignorant ruraliste. Nearly j I all the victims of a Chicago gang I recently sent to the penitentiary were ' bankers and businessmen. The; gang's loot aggregated more than j half a million dollars a year. Fear of publicity keeps most vie- | tinis quiet, thus giving the high class | confidence man a certain degree of | immunity, authorities say. They \ add that Federal prosecution for us- ! ing the mails to defraud has been a i big factor in breaking up gangs and j recently brought, about conviction of half a dozen leading confidence workers. Clean Up Big Money "Tom Brown, who come from De troit and made his headquarters in New York, was father of the pres ent typo of confidence man," said William A. Pinkerton, veteran detec tive, in striking a comparison be tween the old and new swindlers, "lie operated forty years ago and formerly was a three card monte i man. He was known as a bunco stcerer and won by fake lottery schemes and other crooked gambling 1 devices. Then he. invented the gold brick with which ho toured the coun try. The green goods game came later and Brown had many imitators who picked up thousands annually. Wire tapping and other schemes now used developed from those old games. The modern operators don't j bother with small money and often clean tip $lOO,OOO in a single deal. The old timers thought $l,OOO a big job. "Victims arc not really honest at heart, for they often enter into a scheme to cheat another fellow. The small town banker and businessman has proved a shining mark for swindlers. They cannot risk their reputations by complaining. It is surprising how many shrewd busi nessmen fall into the net. It is estimated that $3,000,000 of the $10,000,000 total was obtained in Florida, where hundreds of confi dence workers are said to operate, particularly among winter tourists. Kemper Denies Rumor That Soldiers' Pay Is to Be Cut to $l5 Monthly A rumor that four months after the armistice the pay of a private in the United States Army would revert to $l5 per month was brought to_ the attention of Colonel James B. lCcni per, in charge of the Harrisburg Re cruiting District, with headquarters at 335 Market street, this city. The Colonel issued the following state ment: "There is not a word of truth in the rumor. An Act of Congress fixed the present rate of pay of soldiers, and before there can be the slightest change in this rate it will be neces sary for Congress to pass a new law. The pay of a private in his oiiginal enlistment is $3O per month, board, lodging, clothing, medical and dental attention furnished gratis, and so fur as any information that has reached this office is concerned, or has come to us from the newspapers or what we have been told, there is not the slightest disposition on the part of Congress to decrease the rate of pay in any way. In view of the real desire on the part of those in authority that men shall enlist and re-enlist in the army, the rumor is of great harm and should be strongly contradicted." Enlistments for every branch of the service, everywhere, are still open, the Colonel added, and infor mation will be freely furnished con cerning rates of pay. etc., to anyone applying at any of the recruiting stations in the district. British Troops Break Up Athlone Meeting By Associated Press. I.ondon, May C.— British troops broke up a forbidden meeting at Ath lone, Ireland, last night, by charging upon the crowd with a baydnet. A number of persons were wounded, Armored cars have taken possession of the place. Laurence Qinnell, mem ber of Pariament for Westmeath, at tempted to address the meeting. n Capital; Toller, Soviet Chief er of Staging Hostage, Arc When Reds Lose Rower was said to have instigated tho shooting of hostages, was beaten to death by Wuerttemburg soldiers, it is said. The Tageblatt states that 5,000 arrests have been made In Munich, the prisoners including t>r. Levicn, leader of tho Bavarian independent Socialists, and Town Governor Weber. SOVIETS URGE RIOT, PILLAGE AND PUBLICITY Instructions to Agents Abroad Given by Lenine Are Made Public in Washington Washington, May G.—The text of instructions for the use of repre sentatives and agents of.the Russian Soviet government abroad, said to have been prepared by Lenine, Trotzky, Jukovski, Radek and Tchitcherin in November, 1918, was obtained here yesterday, a$ follows: "General Instructions "To tho representatives and agents of the Soviet government abroad: "First. In the sphere of inter national' relations. "(A) Support to be given to Chauvinist movements and nation al conflicts. "(B) Agitation to be started with a view to stirring up interna tional strife. "(C) Attacks to be made on the representatives of foreign powers. "By these means agitation, as un derstood by the Social Democratic party, will bo kept up through in ternal disorders and coups d'etat. Political Program "Second. In the inner political sphere. "(A) All means to be employed to compromise prominent men in the country: attacks to be made on those in authority; agitation against the government to be stirred up. "(B) General and partial strikes to he provoked; machines and boilers to he damaged; propagand ist literature to bo disseminated. "By these means coups d'etat will he facilitated and political powers acquired. Economic Disorders "Third, in the economic sphere. I "(A) Railway strikes to ho pro-' voked and kept going; bridges and j rails to he destroyed; disorganiza tion of transport to be effected. j "(B) Dispatch of flour to the towns to be impeded and prevented; financial difficulties to be created; the market to be inundated with false bank notes; special commit tees to he set up. "In this way the economic upset will inevitably cause a catastrophe and the coup d'etat will gain the sympathy of the masses. Military Schemes "Fourth. In the military sphere. "(A) Intense propaganda to be carried on amongst the troops; strife to be stirred up between of ficers and men; attacks to be made on superior officers. "(B) Arsenals, bridges, rail roads, powder magazines to he blown up; consignments of raw ma terials to ho seized. "In this way the army will he completely destroyed, and tho sol diers will adopt the workers' social democratic program." Town Solicitor, Rack From War, Sues, Regains Place Wilkes-Barrc, Pa., May O.—F. M. Mackin, who quit his law practice to enlist in the Navy, and who at the time was solicitor of Exeter borough, has compelled tho council to reinstate him in his olUce. Mackin was elected solicitor four days before he enlisted. Soon as he left the borough engaged new coun sel. Council stood by the npw at torney. Mackin sued, and when the evidence was heard yesterday the court gave binding instructions for Mackin, which moans that he gets his job back and will hold it for three years. Can Condemn Land For Extensions Under the terms of the McConnell bill presented in the Senate last eve ning the State of Pennsylvania will have authority to condemn land for Capitol Park extension and for oth er purposes. The bill would confer upon the board the powers expressly given to the Capitol Park Extension Commis sion in 1911 and under whicli it did such notable work in behalf of the State. EX-TROOPERS TO PARADE All men who have served in the Governor's Troop at any time, or Troop C, First Pennsylvania Cavalry, who desire to parade to-morrow, are requested to meet in Walnut street, at the Tech High School at the hour fixed for the formation. TO HOLD SERVICE Mid-week prayer services will be held as usual to-morrow evening at Tabernacle Church, Rev. Millard, Os more Peirce, pastor announced to day before leaving for Lancaster, where he will attend a Baptist Con ference. If you care for health and sturdy vigor, you'll care for Grape Nuts j a superb wheat | and barley food Delicious! GLASS APPEALS TO PATRIOTISM OF THE PEOPLE Impossible lo Float Loan on Commercial Basis, He t Declares Philadelphia, May 6. Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass, in a Y ietory Liberty Loan speech here last night, said it was Impossible to float the loan strictly on a commer cial basis, and that it was neces sary to appeal to the patriotism of the American people. "A little, thought," ho said, "will teach the wisest among the financiers of the country that it is impossible now to float purely for investment purposes a loan of $4,500,000,000. We have got to appeal to the patriot ism of the American people and it will not bo done in vain. "There are yet 1,500,000 Amer ican boys in France and Germany who mi|,st be maintained in comfort and brought home in safety and pro vided with employment on their re turn. While Congress has written off the books $15,000,000,000 of au thorizations, for which public funds would have been expended hatj not the war suddenly terminated, the government is still expending $1 ,- 000,000,000 per month to meet the honorable commitments of the coun- THE STORE THAT CLOSES MUMFFGL SATURDAYS AT SIX - T.JV ~-_ BELI, 1001 —AA.-IO VMTBO Spedl d^mmgnm ~ m ' - ***- - - - These are su?h good seconds that they are JST -if 5 -" ''* is" * iS~ firsts. They are medium weight silk with flexible ti?*/ -VH :' *' ' llET". 5 tils' J ordinary value at this sale price, $1.25 pair. .. - - Another hosiery special for women consisting of fine and firm lisle top. These are firsts in black, white, gray, ■ ■■ 2 \ *" V 5J§ GP - ~JG BOWMAN'S— Main Floor,, A Sale Of Venise Medallion S^SI 1 tatc yuufj^lM All imported small, medium and large sizes, suit- >Y' haucc the BCAU^H able for camisoles, combinations, dresses, waists, J 3 . J °S|B etc. A big assortment to be sold from J HI T 5c to 25c each •TAGGS BOWMAN'S Main Floor. V; /: numerable SUGGCSTIONL^^ JI r ashing Machines II GW. {■- Reliable washing machine A L< ~ ■ CAS 7 TO °P ER ate and docs the Women's Oxfords ~ SBSOG? M,- „ £ ,..n. FF MTT W§T | chine, ball ■beating; runs as „ A A - , I] 3 MIL 1 easy as a bicycle, $1Z,75. SnilCT AT" [ MP Ankle CofiicUi Water Motor ii-L, J- LIC A.IIK.IC IF | '" M 8 Washers ; just attafch to \va '. ,• ■ !•// |J- IJ tej fauctjt, while you DO I FL 1 YOUR other housework; I ".W> $23.50. < >il cookers with brass JFYS I " .- S V _/V< cep(q,9LC, ,,,BURNER .turus every | GI 1 — l AS '-* ==S& drop of oil into intense oOok-J JJ U ! "'| ;IL J|| , . . E . . . , . 2-bunie,r, stove, $1550. H Our Oxfords are designed to lit the ankle as well as the 3-bumcr stove, $21.00. ' 'ITS JSAL |5L\.S'• EFLLL foot. And they fit comfortably at every point. The Bowman 4-burner stove' $26 50 ® I© ife! Store shows this exclusive fitting feature to the best ad- Warming'cabiuets, 2, 3 AND • ' vantage. It proves that the 'hard-to-fit can wear oxfords and 4-burners. $5.25 $6 25, $7 50 F/U""""' —. r~ wear them with all the comfort and satisfaction derived from Ovens for one burner, with ](}F " J TW high shoes. , drop or swing &KSSUDOCIR,I FJ U® Black Kidskin Oxfords, $6.95 and $8.95. $5.00. -q 9 IAT ot IWL TASIG \}L Ovens for two burner, with dnop door, -^.'OO. Gun Metal Calfskin Oxfords, $6.9 A and $7.50. Gas stoves (hot pIates)' VEJV'BESJ MAKEFE,' , W'IPIST<YJJSJB;SOFB'O Brown Calfskin Oxfords, $7.45, $B.OO and $8.50. < IAS STOVC TUBIN & WITPL MUL rubber L2'NDM9C Brown Kidskin Oxfords, $8.95. Screens (111(1 ScrCttl DOOTS lust the style for comfort and durability. Made on smart O "3 1 high arch lasts. All with light welted soles and leather mili- UR SIZB&SKSCOI4- tary heels. itui'rn II^B^ lftlj|lij gt j pletc. No sueufntkleJn.a.ready ., . , . . . , • .., I , MILMJMFLI I made door or serpen that is- not Visit our Children s Department to have your children's FTF NIFFLTT ,| J|| here. feet properly fitted. NMJ 1 ' Window screens, 4!>c *&, Pumps, Oxfords and Shoes in all leathers and narrow jiiWr- • Screen doors, $1.89 to $5.21). widths. Infants' size 2to Growing Girls' size 7. Priced ac- PLLFS?LRIISGPM ! B R MG exact measurements cording to size. I FM , ILI WLTH 7°"' AS WE DO NOT exchange nTrrrfrnfftma screens or screen doors. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Bancment. Women's Vest Sale Men's Underwear . F , . ~ , , Dark colored union suits lightweight, short sleeves, An attractive lot of women s fine ribbed cotton vests, ankle length. low neck and sleeveless. An exceptional offering at the This is A garment of standard make. Mc/derately sale price of 25c. priced, $2.00. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. • BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. WASTE AND SCRAP BEING COLLECTEq Amazing Amount of Old Stuß Found in Harrisburg Homos Inspired by the knowledge they ure helping the Nursery to care for its family of dies, Harrisburg people termined not to leave one waste undiscovered in their Through the length and the city, women are waste campaign talk, amazement is being the amount of old rags, and useless clothing, and of useless and castoff can be found in even thflHH household. The campaign ly completed the bags and the a few days. There is the crop of waste one. for Harrisburg ' ' fijiii of this frugal Nursery Home in ra^H The past year the government and widespread called to the certed ■.—; Nursery Home part for for homeless, f i tute children Fifty-five cared for at treggjgjJMßß fed, clothed ~ : /i 1 cry effort is co^H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers