18 j If Yon Arc Willing tojdl fiat fiiise jrt aMThiccjusc the 'cfassffleTl deaths UKiI.KII Anna Hnldeman Biglcr entered into rest May 5, 1919. Funeral Thursday. May s, at - P. M.. front her residence, 215 South Front street. Interment private. | .lco\ i: I.y din A. Grove, wife of! (itjoige Grove, died Monday, May 3. 111. at 3:15 I'. M., aged 87 years, 2 months and 7 days. Funeral services Friday. May 9, at j 1.3n P. M„ from her late residence, 2"9 Bridge street. New Cumberland, I Pa. Relatives and friends are in- j vited to attend without further no- ! tice. Interment in Mt. Olivet Ceme tery, New Cumberland, Pa. JCMIS Kdwin S. Jones died May a,! 1919, at his residence, 2251 Jefferson! street. Funeral Friday, May 9. at 1 P. M„ I from 2251 Jefferson street. j LOST ANO FOUND LOsT Will the party who found j black Waterman fountain pen on writing stand in Commonwealth Trust Co., between 12 and 12:15 Tuesday.' May 6. kindly return to H. I* Perkins, care of Uuwntan & Co. I.Oj-T Monday evening. sold | -."•ristwatch. on Front street, between i Woodbine and Reel's lane. Monogram on back, G G. M. Address Box G. 7557, i cure of Telegraph. • I I/JST Black wallet, containing! $3 t oi $25, between Sixth and llerr to Gtapa avenue. Reward if returned to ; 713 Asli avenue. LOST Watch and fob. and boat 1 engravec; on watch fob. Reward if returned to 111 Muench street. LOST Necklace, on Friday, r.o ittc on Fourth and Third and Market streets, or on Third between Market and Walnut, or on Reservoir car. Re ward if returned to 1900 Market street. Bell 2571. ' INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. Fngltsh. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125, Dial 4016. ' BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beekley - - !! HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED SEVERAL SALESMEN I'OR DOoR-TO-DOOlt PROPO SITION. Prefer men with news paper canvassing experience. , but this Is not necessary. Apply M., 5621. ■ arc of Telegraph. , j" WANTED Men to learn to repair auto- - mobiles and aeroplanes, our big class starts May 12. Make application at ouuta Full course, SSC. call, or • 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 26" South Front Street, Steelton. l'a. WANTED A bright, energetic hoy to l, carry copy. Apply to the SU PER I NT EN D ENT. llarrisburg Telegraph. • ——-—- WANTED Technical or High i. school boy to work at Floating Boat in use, Mt the foot of South street. Apply after school hours. WANTED Boy. between school . hours to run errands and make hint s'lf generally useful. Apply C. L. Boak, 229 Broad street. WANTED Four or live good . paperbangers and painters. Wages, 50c, 55c. 60c per hour. Steady em ployment for the right mm. Not any labor trouble. The C. F. McCartney Co., 1019 Green Avenue, Altoona, Pu. STENOGRAPHER, With a year or more experience, oti<- who takes shorthand dictation. Pre fer Tel hn lea I High School giaduale of good address and ability t" develop into salesman for Building Materials. ' Proper instruction will l.e given a young man who can maic good. State experience and salary desir d. Address BOX S. 7543, Care of Telegraph. EXPERIENCED AUTO REPAIRMAN AT FEDERICK S GARAGE. 1807-09 N. SEVENTH ST. WANTED Experienced laborer, white, for clearing mountain land at Ptrdix. Must do oyn cooking. Don't apply unless familiar with this kind of work. Apply to A. C. Young. 24' North Second street. WANTED Collector and solicitor. | Liberal guarantee and commissions. Call Room 4. No. 49 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE STENOGRAPHER with experience of six months j or more, who can take dictation. 1 Bookkeeping experience not es sential. but will be useful. State in your reply experience and sal ary desired. Address BOX G. <544. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Weavers and Warpers; also some learners. Apply SIEK MILL, Cor. North and Second Sts. f % " A Harrisburg Real Estate Values Are Stiffening One of our property owners to- i day refused li.oou for property which lie had been asking $7,5"0 I Money was put up and returned nothing less than $7,500 will close the deal. The property is situ ated on Sixth Street, and is in- i eluded in the following list of ! Sixth street houses, which we have to sell —. No. 703 N. Sixth St $7,500 i No. 709 N. Sixth St $7,500 ! No. 1208-10 N. Sixth St., 117.000 t Apartment.) No. 1723 N. Sixth SL .... $lO,OOO | No. 1804 N. Sixth St. ..... $3,500 No. 2408 N. Sixth St 14,900 Miller Brothers & Co- ! "Real IfiMUrunce Mirety Klonda l.ucufit mid Court MreetN Member llbg. Ileal Eaiale Honrii Jul • • a. j - ■ • ; v - * * .... ' - . T • > -v •>' • • •- - - : - f v TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 6, 1919. 11171.1' WANTED—FEMALE j WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED snd INEXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS j Regular work and good wages. In- i experienced operators are paid by the , day while learning. A bonus is paid j | to all operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Reily and Fulton Sts. WANTED Operators and learners on special and single needle power sewing machines. We pay 30 per cent, bonus. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 N. Fourth St. i WANTED—MiddIe-aged woman for I housekeeper. Small family. No washing or ironing. Apply 143" I [swatara street. | ; MOTHER'S HELPER WANTED—To j care for children and assist with j ! housework. Apply llOu Green street.! : I Hal 5589. WANTED A MOTHER'S HELPER TO CARE | FOR CHILDREN AND ASSIST • WITH HOUSEWORK. APPLY 2109 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1819. < WA NT El' Girl, or itoman. lor general housework. No washing.; Small family. Apply 1522 State street. WANTED—Laundress one day each week. Apply Second Floor, 127 Pinej : street. City. ll PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us til I Auto Knitters Experience unnecci-! sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp, j Department 140. Auto Knitter Co.. S2i Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y. ! WANTED A callable woman for pantry maid Hotel Dagmar. Hugers town, Md. Apply M. C. Beard. 182 Market street. WANTED Competent woman to take charge of home in small, private . iiiily. Reference required. Cull 121 Market strtet for interview. WANTED Young white girl fir housework in Hat. Call 21 North i <-urth street. City. SEVERAL good positions arc op-n for experienced saleswomen in suits, r< udy-n-wear and shoe department:-. Apply Robinson Co., Tnird anJ Broad. SEAMSTRESS WANTED To s< w n awnings. Apply Coplinky, Elev e.ith and Walnut streets. WANTED. HOUSEKEEPER No washing. Good wages. Apply by let ter. ,\ns. P. G. Doner, 122 a Market street. HELP WANTED —Male and Female WANTED Experienced cigar packer for one or two days a week. Apply C. Ls Boak, 229 Broad stieet. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE "CAN A PROGRESSIVE HARRIS-1 UI'RG FIRM USE ME." ! A Mechanical Engineer 25 years of , age and married, A thoroughly prac iii-al machine .hop and foundry man. Fifteen years' experience inspection nd supervision. Wide experience on mnciiirie shop, iron and steel foundry production. With present employers • ight. years, largest builders oi steam and gas engines, steam / turbines, pumps, condensers and allied ma- ninery. Address 1-., 7551, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced Lan caster county. Pa., man, would Plu to have a position as working Fore- ■ man, as Parmer or Gardener; middle- J aged; can give good reference. Now.: if you mean business, what have you to <.fter" Apply to El urn iioudcr, Li tit/.. I'a. WANTED -V young man. 22, with high school education, wishes work |in a private office. Address Box L. 17553, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work of any kind, at! once, by an honest colored man. Mr. Paul Walker. No. 1131 Wallace street, liai: i.sourg. Pa. SITI VI lONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Woman wants gen* • rui housework. Apply 222 North street. Ask for Ballie Washington. WANTED Day s work of any kind by colored woman. Inquire 305 Daisy street. DRESSMAKING Experienced 1 dr ssinaker wants work by the day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address F., I 7 515, cart oi Telegraph. ROOMS i OK KENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished. rooms on third floor, for man and wit'e # oi woman, for light housekeep ing. wilh use ot othei conveniences.! 'Apply 1034 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Furnished room. Ap- ! ! ply 2S South Third, Thud Floor Apart ment. 1 FOR RENT - Two 'unfurnished rooms, suitable lor light housekeep ing; leferenee required. Apply 415 ; Maelay street, or call Ben phone i Full RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all eon \cnienccs; steam heat; use of iiaih j jand phone. Apply at Side Entrance i at 1814 Green street. i FOR KENT. BEN'BROOK 4 un- I furnished roc-ms, witli electric lights' and use of bath. Inquire 2701 Main street, Penbrook. THREE neatly-furnished rooms on third floor, with bay window, foi l light housekeeping; all conveniences; 1 use of phone; located near Fitteentn and State streets. Address Box F 7495, i are of Telegraph. A LARGE. COOL. well-furnished! loom, twin beds, suitable for married' couple or tv.o gentlemen. Use of tele- 1 phone. Three minutes' walk from! Capitol. 719 North Sixth street. I UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Entire second lloor (3 rooms) bath.; heat and light; giod location; on corJ i ! ncr. 1501 North Sixth street. j FOR RENT Two fully-furnished I 'rooms, for light housekeeping, no I children, in private family. Inquire! 1719 Fenn street. ; TWO ROOMS furnished for light j housekeeping; will also take gentle : men boarders. Apply 1015 North < i Third street. ! 204 WALNUT ST. Two furnished! .rooms, second floor. Men preferred. l I Ring bell No. 2. Mather Building. | FOR RENT Two furnished rooms' and kitchenette for light housekeep- < ing; use of bath; or will rem sepu- ] lately. 1253 Market street, Third! , Floor Apartment. i FOR RENT Two large, unfur-l ,n!shed rooms, for light, housekeeping.] No cbjeetion to children. Also one large, furnished room, tor light house-I keeping. Or will rent four large! rooms, on second floor, us apartment.] [inquire 1321 State street. 4 | ROOMS FOR KENT , I FRONT ROOM, all conveniences, \ private family. Reasonable. Bell 3542-M. Address <26 North Eighteenth 1 street. FOR RENT Two rooms, com pletely furnished for light house keeping; hot and cold water in [kitchen. Inquire 548 Woodbine streeet. | NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM ; For gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or 912 North Third street. FOR RENT Two furnish ad j rooms, for light housekeeping; hot and coin water; steam heat. Inquire I 443 Walnut street. I FOR RENT Large, unfurnished !lvingroom, first floor front, suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms; running hot and cold water; light hous-ck. epir.g and privute bath. Wil son Apartments. 143 South Tnird. ROOMS WANTED IF yen live between North and Ch< stnut streets and the railroad anJ Second street and have a furnished room or looms you can rent for four or five days next week, drop a card to if. i' Quinn, Commonwealth Trust lildg.. City. j ROOMS—BOARD —WANTED ; MAN AND WIFE Would like, room and board, with all conveni ! ences, in private family; reference ex ; changed. Address K., 7547, care of I Telegi aph. BOARD IN COUNTRY. WITHIN COMMUTING DISTANCE OF HARRISBURG, FOR FAMILY OF TWO. WITH CHILD AGED SEVEN, FROM JUNE TO SEP TEMBER. WRITE TO "5.." CAKE OF ENGINEERS SOCIETY. HARRISBURG, l'A. A PART.MEN is FOR RENT FOR RENT Three-room, furnish-I ;ed apartment: all conveniences; desir able people only. Inquire 1127 North! I i bird street. FOB RENT 5-room apartment; : all < -nvemences: desirable people only. Inquire 1427 Nortii Third street.! FOj; RENT Two large rooms,; kit< 1 ■ n and hath, at rear of 1609 Mai'- | ! ket sin el. Inquire J. K. Kipp, 1721; ; North Second street. FOR RENT Three large rooms] at liar of 213 Chestnut street. Inquire I J. K. Kipp, 1721 North second street. ! ——— I I'OP. KENT Furnished apartment' of three rooms, centrally located. Cali ' Bell phone 445 W. I APARTMENT FOR RENT Two small rooms and private bath; Hot. ] water and cit> steam; central loca- j tion, in 11" North Second street. Ap- j ply Luther Minter. Both phones, same I undress. FOR KENT, STATE ST. Two! communicating rooms, furnished .ur light housekeeping, llill section, with phone and home privileges, <o refined ! couple. Call Bell phone 3976 J. A I'ART.M EN TS WAN TED : VVANTLD .Small house, or apart-' ' nif-nt, in \ icinity of North Second and : Wood I ino, or other good location. Ad dress Box M, 7553, care T l* graph. WANTED TO RENT MODERN HOUSE OR BUNGALOW lwi\ rig six to eight rooms*, in \ gi ot location—either city or mar suburban, by May 15 to Junt 1. Permanent. Address BOX I\, 7550, Care of Hat-risburg Telegraph. FURNISHED HOUSE I'OR RENT FOR RENT For four month) from June 1, furnished 8-roome<l house; redecorated; many windows; finest vi<w in city; like summer re soit. 1219 State street. ssu. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDER LIN." LOOK AT THIS FIRST \\ iconixco St., 625 Vacant; three-ptory brick, !♦ rooms, all im- j provemenis; same as rent; $3O per i month, without any down pay- ! ntent. Affate St., 2542 Vacant; two story brick, 7 rooms, all improve- ; ments; same as rent; $25 per 1 month. Jefferson St.. 2130 three- 1 story brick, 9 rooms, all improve ments, newly papered through out, a cement cellar, driveway in the rear; same as rent. i Harris St.. 630 three-story brick and frame, 9 rooms, all im ! provements; right price to quick buyer; same as rent. Muencn St., 616 three-story In i< k. 9 rooms; a very good home | for the money; same as rent. lb rryhill St., 1609 three-story brick, 9 rooms, all modern im- i provemonts, front porch and nice k yard, driveway in the rear; j in a \ery good location; same as rent. Camp Hill a 6-room bunga low: vacant; about two years old, all improvements; can be bought for less than it cost to build it; ' same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. ROOM I. SECURITY TRUST BLDO.. 86 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. j 1 FOR SALE 1815 North Second Street. Orer. view over river. A fine, medium-priced home In good location. Immediate posses sion. A. W. SWENGEL. Real Estate, 2131 North Second Street. Bell 2575 J. FOR SALE 1944 N. SEVENTH ST. Possesion In 30 Days. 2Vi-Btory frame dwelling; rooms; all Improvements' i front porch; now renting tor $16.00 per month. Price $1,700. I Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bell I I 701 112 Market Street. 3077J ! FOR SALE Corner house. No. 650 I ! Schuylkill street. Six rooms, bath I finished, attic, hardwood open stair-! ] way, back stairway; inside and out side cellar entrance; range in kitchen i furnace; cemented celar. All i m ! ! provcinents. Fine location. Price rea ] sonahie. Address I. F. Walter. Mid | dleburg. Pa. i FOR SALE 100 ft. front at Pr idix, la. Price right to quick buyer 41*. U. Box 111, Harrisburg, Pa. ' frfr* * * HI PL; 1 :$j Hp S S3 < : ICO ALMOST ANY HELP WANTED m i (QO AD is important enough to be pub- ftV n ' |*|| lished in the best classified medium in K'V : fjd city. If it's not important enough Hra ~ iky that, then the need of help is sure- pl| <■ •m ly not very urgent. If you want to " . - yy find an office helper, for instance, you : y0 want a man or woman who is a regu- pY e lar reader of newspapers—and, when 1 ' ' looking for a new business connection, fei - ' tkk-, a regular reader of the classified. Get !>J " '; ky your message on the way. Pj, Iffi " (&'- jffl mjc i' CTil < i is Hh :jB _ ! 1 REAL ESTATE I'OU SALE . CHOICE PROPERTIES 3-story brick, with storeroom on Murket street, on Hill. 2-story brick on Hill, all improve ments; vacant; newly papered. | Vacant 3-story brick on Hill. ' Vacant, 3-story brick. Uptown. ! 2>,2-story frame on Hill; easy ; terms. Vacant 2Vs-story brick on Hill. 1 Green street house, 8 rooms; all j improvements; steam heat. 2—2 Vs-story frame houses on j Hill, all improvements; very cheap. 2Vi-story single frame house at | Leinoyne; large lot; all itnprove ! ments. i 2-story brick, corner house on ; Hill, ti rooms; all improvements; 1 $3OO down. ' 3-story brick, corner, one block | to Capitol. Room for garage. ! Several fine suburban homes, ' I Camp Hill, Paxtang and Enola. Will consider light touring car | in exchange on most any of the . j above properties. j Three frame houses uptown; j j ore on corner; all improvements; I very cheap. 2-story frame, on Hill, near j' markethnuse; all improvements; i a bargain.. i : : 2 suburban houses paying 12 ! per cent. 3-story brick, Walnut street I (Hill). ' i C. H. CORPF.R. 1T22 GREEN ST., BELL r.60-J. ! RESIDENCE FOR SALE 1008 North Street, 3-story brick, 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to wide al ley ir. rear. Room for two i garages. Owner requires i smaller house, only reason for selling. Quick purchaser can secure a bargain. Immediate possession. For particulars address BOX O. 7433. Care of Telegraph. Or on the premises after 5 1 o'clock. ; I JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Ileal Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL j , ' ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OR CITY PROPERTY 30-acre farm, 0 miles north of Harriaburg, good 9-room house, stable and outbuildings; orchard of about 75 trees; good water. C. H. COIIDER, 1722 GREEN ST., BELL 560-J. ; FOR SALE Sixth St., 1720 Re built throughout in oak hardwood, i hot water, heat, hardwood floors, elee- i trie lights, laundry in cellar; must be - I seen to be appreciated. Forster St., ; 809 —10-room house, suitable for j roominghouse; in excellent condition. ! Harris St.. 433 9-room house, truni 1 porch, in good condition. Price right |to quick buyer. Sixth St., 2332—Beau tiful home, with large lot for double ! garage. Maclay St., 530—Give us an offer lor this dwelling. Apply Leh jman & Klingeman, Patriot Bldg. I PAXTANG Desirable Paxtang; jropcrty: brick house, seven rooms,! bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, | lot. 30x125; garage for two cars; price, '51,70". Bell Realty Co., Bergnerj J Building. j VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE No. 1 ss46 Chestnut street; nine rooms and i bath, gas, electric light, steam heat; , price and particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BRICK BUNGALOW For sale, . eight rooms and bath, gas, electric light, vapor heat: large lot. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. i ; 2121 SlXTfl ST. Brick house, nine rooms, bath, gas, furnace; offer- . cd at reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ] MARKET ST. PROPERTY FOR - SALE Nine rooms, bath, gas, elec tric light, furnace; No. 161K Market ] street. Bell Keulty Co., Bergner ( Building. i SENECA ST. PROPERTY FOR I SALE Eight rooms, bath, gas, elec- , trie light, hot water heat; garage on i j premises; No. 543 Seneca street. Roll - Realty Co.. BergiT.er Building. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE < 2'4-story frame, 6 rooms, newly pa- j pered and painted Inside, 1229 Currant < I street. Price, $l,OOO. Easy payments. J I LINCOLN REALTY CO., < 1129 North Seventh St. I 1 AM able to sell a house on easy - ' terms. $3OO down, balance, $5O to I $lOO It month, with interest. Call lu7 1 J Chestnut street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE |- I' FOR SALE 2-story frame bunga- : low, containing 7 rooms, bath, lo- j t cated on Bowman Ave., Camp Hill, t This property is equipped with - water, gas, electric lights, range and lurnace; lot, 40x140. Price, $1,000.00 j FOR SALE 1237-39-41 N. Cameron! Si„ 2-story bricks, ti rooms, bath, all ' modern improvements. i ! FOR SALE—23IB Jefferson St., 3-story ; I brick, 8 rooms, bath, cemented eel- i l lar, all improvements. r Prlce, $2,400.00 ; FOR SALE Frame bungalow, lo- < cated along Harrisburg and Cham- • bersburg Turnpike, north of Le- 1 moyne, containing S rooms, ba'i, - cemented cellar, finished in chest nut and cypress, water, gas and • electric lights, open fireplace, !> laundry, screens, storm windows, | < electric range, hardwood Hours, - steam heat. i 1 PRINTON-PACKER CO.. AGENTS, ;1 Second and Walnut Streets. ;<■ 1 1 l $5,100 WILL BUY 1803-5-7 Susque- ! hanna street; 3-story frame houses, eight rc-nns and bath and other im-| provoments. In good condition. Pay, eight per cent. net. Will sell sept-i l ately at sl.9uu apiece. G. VV. Kelu,! 204 Chestnut street. FOR SALE, CHEAP—No. 952 Wood ' Ibinc stieet, one 2(4-story frame dwell- ' ing, 8 rooms, bath and steamm heat. ' Also two line building lots, in Elk- 1 wood, adjoining New Cumberland. " i nil. or phone No. 4751 M Bell. Ad dress G. W. Bui d, suo Curtm street, ' City- J FOR SALE —An empty, brick- ! ! porch front house, with all improve ments and long lot to drive alley; 10 minutes' walk to center of city. Easy terms. A. W. Swengel, Real Estate, 2131 Norih Second. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2012 ( to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A p. Dnranz, 1325 North Sixth. ' | Maclay street One house left out of ton. Brick, with all improvements. ' Price reasonable. 1820 Fulton Frame, S rooms, ! Price. $2,000.00. D. A. CALEY. 707 Kunke.l Bldg. Bell 589. BUY YOUR HOllo on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bono first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P lJoranz 1225 North Sixth street. PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING, ' 2.7 MUF.NCII STREET. I. 2,'A-story Brick, six rooms and I n tin improvements, $2,800. Property will rent for $25.00. im- : mediate possession. An unusual op- , < I portunity to locate in a spendid i neighborhood. Will exchange on other properties. ! ( Apply to your own Real Estate Broker, l< Or to tlii' owner. A. (V VOFNG, ( u4 N Second St. Both Phones. 5 t 1 MAVIS some very nice properttva I tin Second street, north ot* Kc.iy, 101 , sale. Inquire of J. K. Kipp. I.'LM i.Notth Second. HKAL I'iSTATli—lor Sale or Kent [ FUR SALK OK KENT - Furnished 1 cottage at Aqueduct; ; bedroom.-., , ! large livingroom, kitchen and dining- . room. Immediate possession. Inquire 1 iro Nortii Front street. KEAi, ES'IATr FOH KENT , j FOR RENT 961 Dunkel street, i' two-story frame house, ti rooms andD bath. Inquire Fred <Miller. „l ! North Second. Bell 307 J. i FOR KENT Second story of Kel- • Iter Street Markethouse, Fourth and f Kelker streets, suitable for manufac- i luring purposes or general storage I—Room1 —Room 34x34. ! I—Room 40x30. 2—Olfice rooms. I—Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co., Fourth t and Kelker streets. I ( REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED A small house and ; land in country prefer it near|" woods and mountains. Want to rent! at present. May want to purchase ) later if place suits. Address Box K, I ' 7484, care- of Telegraph. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY - WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER' I BELL AND DIAL PHONES " c CHAS. ADLKR, 1002 N. THIRD ST. c i Ofllefes unci Storerooms For Rent " FOR RENT Large office. Elec- - trie lights, city steam. City's best lo cation. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO Formerly Backenstoss Bros ' 331 Market St. c FOR RENT Desk room and office Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, Ji North Second street. Bell phone 307 J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLD-STYLE SOFA FOR SALE Dealers need not apply. Address Box I I), 7550, care of Telegraph. j i | , FOR SALE One 2 ' c International vertical gasoline en- j ( gine. Cheap. Address 2305 ilofLe" ~ street, or Bell phone 1964 J. FOR SAEE—Gas stove, kitchen 1 cabinet, chairs, etc. Call side en trance at 500 Wobdbine street. BARGAINS! BAGAINS! - The store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you the biggest and best bar- ! I gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over- ! p coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. 11 Hats, Caps, and Shoes. We are fain-| d ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial - OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. | 23 North Fourth street. M FOR SALE White reed reversible ! a baby coach, in good condition, for I ule cheap. Apply 2316 JelTerson. I t 1 FOK SALIC MISCKLLANKOUS 1 KOli SALIC Pullman baby coach (white) reversible woven reed gun- i ] dola body, upholstered inside. Wheels < have ball bearinjjs. Twenty dollar*. < 1006 North Third street. FOR SALK Pool table, 4 x 9, in good eond.tioil. Will sell cheap. Ap-j* ply 122 South Front street, b'teelton, j Pn. 1 BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000. new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, r i 2 • North Third. FOR SALIC 1 carload of 25-ft. chestnut poles; 30 to 32-inch butt ( measurement. D. K. Fisher, R. D., No. ; 2, Linglestown, Pa. FOR SALE—Steam neat boiler. 676 |: sq. feet cupacity; practically new; ; iirst-class condition. 1048 Green : street. j' MORRIS SAYS save money buying 1 new and second-hand furniture here. < High prices paid lor furniture. Morris Schmerta, 1018 Market. Bell 4'JSuR ! ONIC France-Premier Electric'" Cleaner, good as new, for sale cheap. , Call 1910 Holly street, or Bell phone; 4231 R. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR I CASH ALU MAKES RENTED i EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE' ORPHKUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED —MISCELLAN ECUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for i Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- I tent ion Netvmark & Cuwn, 308 Broad' street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705 R. WANTED, TO BUY, WARDROBE. Must be in good condition. Address BOX A, 7 ISS, Cure of Telegraph. WANTED A good, country home for young girl 12 years old. Inquire 1022 Market street. WANTED, TO BUY Ice chesr, suitable for cooling bottled soft drinks in small confectionery store. I Acklrts*. stating size, price, etc.. Box; It, 74n:s, care of Telegraph. WANTED 16 or 18-foot canoe. Must It in good condition. Address, giving full particulars, Box 1. 755u, • care of Telegraph. (" EN TR A L FURNITURE CO will pay best cash prices lor good second handed furniture, carpels. We got a contract to furnish 60 cottages. Best prices this month only. Also for 100 heaters and ranges for next fall. Bell 1061 M. or apply 824 lleily street. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIEKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRIS BURG. PA. L. COHEN & COMPANY. York and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rugs, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and j molal uiui old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. WANTED Ar. upright boiler, Si or 10-horse-power. Must be in good, condition. No junk. Address B. .1. Campbell, IOGu Paxton street, or 230 South Second street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and : sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call, Bell 1071R or arup a postal to Max Smoltz KilC Market street. 'Will call, city or country. I'AIHiS 6-ACRE FARM N-ar Now Cumberland; two hou.sos, barn and outbuild ings, orchard, spring and well j water, land level, soil loam sand; suitable for trucking and ideal chicken farm, in-* eluding one horse and all tool*. Possession soon. Price, $3,000. Inquire C. It. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560 J. 30-A FARM About one mile N. Uockville. 8-1 oom house and outbuildings ! orchard, wood land. An ideal suin- I mer home. Will exchange on city ' pi operty. 6-A. TRUCK AND POULTRY FARM. I 1y 2 Miles South New Cumberland. Good house and outbuildings, ' orchard. Land mostly level. .soil, I loam sand. Price, $3,000, including] nurse and tools. 70-A. FARM i V>i miles S. New Cumberland, $7,500.) C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. FOK SALE 13-acro farm. Excel lent. lor truck farming or chicken- j raising. Priced for quick selling, s. F. Mumtna & Son, Meehaniesburg, Pa. 5>6-ACRE FARM, with stu k, croe and all implements, ltcuson tui sell ing, ill health and old age. I.argute, i to quick buyer sl,iooi lO'/fc ACRES, with small shed. Good, rich, mellow land. All kinds of fruit trees. 1 mile from car line and city limits $2,700 i Oa-ACRK FARM, all good buildings, i 200 bearing fruit trees, 7 minutes i from It. R. station, $4,200. With stock, j % crop and all implements $5,300. DUURAND, 107 Chestnut. : A HARM FOR SALE CHEAP Pi miles I loin Dauphin, 6-roomed house,' outbuildings, 47 acres, more or less; j good spring water, about 1,500 fruit trees, more or less. Price, $1,450.001 cash. Also a lot on Fourth street.) also one on Kelker street. Cheap. In-; quire of M. C. Taylor, 111 South street. 1 FARMS WANTED WANTKD 5 to 20-acre farm, j with building Must be close to car line. Address Box IC, 7633, care of I '1 olograph. I ROOFING IF YOU WANT TO INSURE durably protected ROOFS or perfectly preserved metal, use RITE'S ELASTIC. AUCTIONEER HITE—Bell 187GJ. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING Experienced Parkers of Furniture, | China and Bric-a-brac. EXPERT AUCTIONEER. A. H. SHRENK Bell Phone 399 W. J FOR SALE Long-established. !■ Hardware, Plumbing, Tinning, Heat- i ing una Builders' Supplies business. Illness compels quick sale. Unusual] opportunity. C. H. MacConnell, Owner, Nicholson, Pa. _ . BUSINESS PERSONALS PEOPLE WON T KNOCK. IF 1 REPAIR YOUR DOOR BELL. ELECTRICIAN—BeII 1875 J. !. — - i EVERYBODY suffering from Piles, Fistula, Fissures, ulceration, oonstl-i pation. write for Free Trial Painless Pile Cure. S. U. Tarney, Auburn. In- | diona. ] | MACHINE SHOP Specialty of ' light machine, models, experiineutul, . mill, factory repairing, odd parts fur autos made. Variety Machine and Re- . pair Shop, 1704 Fulton street, Harris- ] burg, Pa. I i \ > BUSINESS PERSONALS j UI J HOLSTEKING Of the best ! kind. Work guaranteed. We call and I deliver. 308 broad street. Dial phone [ 4826. Bell phone 4705 K. DIAMONDS bought tor cash—P. H. OAPI.AN CO.. 20ti Market street. A. LAN E 1 New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. , 1022 Market street, bell 4730-J. OXY-ACETYLENB WELDING —I Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. ! Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan , street, Bell 4396 J. j INVENTORS FINANCED Patents! Automobiles, Motorcycles l-lought, ( Sold Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst, Linglestown, Pa. ! QUININE—Look out for that grippe! feeling, likely to catch you this !changeable weather. CUR LAXATIVE! ' Pll OS P! 10-QUIN IN E will stave it oft i lit" taken In time. Gross Drug store. ; 11!) Market street. j [RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —I Single (dye, 25c doz.; Rouble edge, 35c jdoz.; razors, 25c. Gorgas L)ruy Store./ i FURNITURE CRATED lor shipping, j IJ. A. Bishop. 173G Logan street. I I FINANCIAL I . STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR., 130 Walnut St., llarrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 518 J. j MONEY lO LOAN ! MONEY If you are pressed for roady j cash to meet any emergency, call to see u. Wo lend money in compliance with the laws i of the State. EM PI A) YES LOAN SOCIETY, i ROOM 206 BEKGNEii BLDG., ' THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. 1 LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE ! MONEY FOR NECESSITIES 11 employed and housekeeping, our legal lute money service on loans, ijtotn 515 to tSVU, payable In weeK.;. or monthly instalments is worth iu-j ves Lighting, if you are in lieud.o/: fubda and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance j with Act of June 17. 1915, to individu als ir. need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, {positively lowest rates In city. I PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long (distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transler, 91. Capital street. Both phones. ! LCCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furnture moving. ' Prompt service. Err st Corbiu. <!s>i iCaldcr street. Both pboues. Beil 3636-J. Dial 3683. HICKS Local and long-distance ! hauling and storage. 424 Kelly. Both : phones. ■ MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. ; Auto hauling, furniture anil pianos a specialty. General hauling. 24 s i Hamilton street. Dial 4166. Bell : 1 11 44 We ! ! AUTO HAULING Local and lon-; i distance. IVurniture moving u ispe ! < ialty. liate.i reasonable, iTumpt ser vice. Cull Bell 623-J. | GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to neuirby town.- j with auto trucks. Only experienced land careful drivers. Call Bell 332u, or Dial 2265. WE Move Anything, Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4 9 99. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 Noith (Third street. j HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano inov- I ing No distance too far. Careful I driver. Rain and dustproof body. J.I E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin j Aungst, manager, llershey. Pa. Bell phone 15R6. ! FOR HIRE —Two ton auto truck. ! Apply litis South Ninth street. bell [phone 245511. IT I' AYS *to see 11. K. BrtrikerhoH I tor your Local and Long-distance Hauling Light Untiling a specialty, 1 to any part of city at 50c. Dune Promptly. 1437 Regina street. Dial 3868. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KEEKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. MUSICAL J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, i TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. BARGAINS THIS WEEK $350 Foster Piano, large size, ma i liogany, used less than one yeet j Pf'e |265 j : $350 Marshall & Wendell Piano, wal- I nut case, practically new; price, $290 I $650 Story & Clark Player, 88-note j | new sample; 36 lolls free; price, '! sssn • $750 Angi itis 88-Note Player, used for ■ demonstrating; 36 rolls free; 1 price ...s6so' All of the above Instruments are ready for delivery NOW. | J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, | TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. ' j YOU have made the visit to music houses, for u special Columbia record I you have not found it. We have it! I Spangler Music House, 2112 North 1 Sixth street. I TALKING ,\1 AC 1 i 1X5.1 pruiupliy ana! .artfully repaired by an expert only [ OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. HOUSES AND CARRIAGES j ] FOR SALE Two lino horses, one | dump wagon, one two-huYse board l wagon, one double act of harness. Will lsi II tcgi ther or separate. Call even lings at 1713 North Third street. STORAGE i STORAGE Private rooms Tor i household goods In . fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-tlreproof waro j house. llarrisburg Storage £o„ 437- I 145 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, i private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. IG. Lienor, 408 Market street. [ STORAGE ; . STORAGE j Carload Storage at Low Ha.*. 1 THE HIGIISPIRE CO.. LTD.. Hlghsplro, Pa. Phones; Boll: Steclton 160f. Dial: Steclton 9139. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. ROOFING i i ITE'S ELASTIC COATING j will not scale, pool or blister. ' Let mo paint your roof. ! AUCTIONEER lIlTE —Bell IS7SJ, WHERE TO DINE • I ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. i __ UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUN ER AL D 1 R ECTOR 1312 Perry st. j BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. ; —< J CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE i PROSPECT 111LL CEMETERY | Beautifully situated on Market street I east of Twenty-sixth, and on the i nuri h and oust faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. Sc Co., Agents. OLKAM.KS AND DYKIIS WHV buy new clothing, when we . clean your old ones as good as new? Ail k'-nds of repairing work guaran teed. Goodman's, 13061** North Sixth, i Both Phones, Cull and Deliver. AUCTIONEERS i EVENTUALLY. WHY NUT NOW? j AUCTIONEER IHTE—BeII 1875 J. AUTOMOBILES HUPMOBILB FOR SALE R-passenger Touring Car. 3 extra tires. i Apply 1 722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Feven-passenger Packard Twin "Six." 1017 model. Good as n* Traveled only 5,000 miles. Address ' E, 7062, Care of Telegraph BARGAINS Premier, 1918, electric gear sh fiy qui 20d miles; 7-passengcr. Hudson 6-54, roadster; five new tires. Dcnby 2', £-lon trucks, overhauled,, in lir.c condition; dump body. [ Reo, 2-ton. 3',5-ton Acme, Wood's Hoist ami [ steel body. Dcnby, 3-ton, Wood's Hoist and 1 stc( 1 body. Other used trucks on hand. Full line of Dcnby chassis. DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1295 CAPITOL STREET FOR SALE • 1—1914 Chalmers Roadster, with Stutz body, in flrst-ciass running i order, with 3 spare tires. ,1 —1913 llcgal Roadster Underslung, j In iirst-class running order. Or will exchange for 1916 or 1917 Ford , Roadster. 1 Call, after 5 P. M„ Bell phono [ 1828.1. i Fol: SALE—One 5-passengor Cadil- I lac ear; lirst-class condition. Write, I or cull, 2.7 Court street, Mlddlctown, 'I2L FOR SALE i OLD*MOBILE ROADSTER IV r ifi el condition. Bargain. See |. ! .MeClannhan, 31 North Second street. WANTED Used 1918 or 191!) I ledge Touring Car. Good condition. < ash. No dealers. Address 11 ex 11, 7 183, care of Telegraph. FOH SALE 1916 Ford Roadster and light delivery ear. Just over ,! hauled. Bargain. Call evenings at i|1.!03 Walnut street. IMPERIAL TOURING CAR—lit lllm .{shape, for sale cheap, or Will . v ! change for siVmll Roadster. Address A., 77 IS, care of Telegraph. BODY! BODY! BODY! j Ford 16 Roadster Body, ccmplr.ta with Delivery Box, $38.01). Horst, 1 Linglestown, Pa. Near llurrlsburg. 'Dial 36C. _____—__—— , • FOR SALE Reo, The Fifth, 1917. 5-passengcr Touring Car. Will Ha-. rilice for $650. Bell 3471 J. ' BARGAIN —I'aigc louring car. red, like new; mechanically lirst class; never ran hard nor abused; sell cheap. Also two 36.x Ila Goodyear S. S. all weather tread cord tires, never taken i from paper wrapper; sell right. Lib -1 erty bonds accepted. Wallace '"end ] linger, llershey. I'a. | FOR SALE Wiliys-Knignt 7-p.. .- , songer car. In excellent mechanics I Condition. Driven 11,000 miles, anil : Knight sleeve valve motor gives con stantly better performance than vvli n i new. Call Steelton IS2-J. j FOR SALE Studubaker Touring; 1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobllo Tour ing Reo Touring car; Overland Couu- I try Club, Jelfei les Touring car. An drew Redmond, Third and Reily ! si reets. I AUTO FOR HIRE Five-passen ger, new cur, 1919. Everything up-to date. All kinds of trips. Make your iai rangeinents In advance. Beil phone !,431R, Dial 323 U. C. 11. Kasson, Le na vie, Pa. Federal license. TRUCK FOR SALE Largo sized 5-ton truck, with Dump ! bodv tor sale. Big bargain to queue buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND I'l.l-.ASURE CARS FOR SALE—Fori | ton trucks. 2-.ton Autocar truck, 2-ton i Republic truck. 4-passenger Mitchell Club roadster, 7-passenger Haynos ! tool ing car. International Harvester Company of America, Truck Depart j ment. 619 Walnut street. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. ICsterbrook, 912 Ncrtn Third street. Dlul 4990. FOR SALE 1917 Reo, 6-cyllnder touring, just like new; 1917 Maxwell 5-passcnger touring; 1915 Overland roadslei, 1917 Ford roadster. Inquire Mr. Hunter, East End Auto Co.. rear of Thirteenth and Walnut streets. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page u— j J,; .. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers