ARMENIANS ASK TO RAISE ARMY OF 10,000 HERE Would Equip Force of Own People For Service in Asia Minor I*\l Associated Press Washington, April 2.".—Forma' request was made of the State De partment by the Armenian nationa delegation that lite Armenians 11 this country be permitted to raisi and equip a force of ten thousam Armenians among those alreadj trained in the United States army for service in Asia Minor in protect ing non-Moslem peoples from fur ther massacres by the Turks. Tin request was presented to Assistant Secretary Phillips by Miratt Sevasly. chairman of the Armenian Nationa' Union of America. Get rid of that dandruff with Resinol Dandruff often causes irritation ol the scalp followed by the loss of hair. It should receive careful treatment. For best results wash the Pair with Resinol Soap and occasionally touch ' the parts of the scalp where the dan druff appears with a little Resinol Oint ment. Utually this treatment is succetuful Momptly—the hair appears glossy and soft, and the scalp regains its noiuial •kin health. Sold by all druggists. For /res tommies write Resinol. Baltimore. Md. RHEUMATISM j Physician Relieves it Genuine Rem- | eily For the Disease Has Heen Found libeiima. the wonderful rheumatism remedy, now sold by all good drug gists, gives quicker and more lasting relief than other remedies costing many times as much. Rheuma acts witli speed; it brings in a few days the relief you have prayed for. it antagonizes tlie pois , ons that cause agony and pain in the f 1 j' ints and muscles and quickly the torturing soreness completely disap pears. Head what a reputable physician says about Rheuma; "X have made a most careful investigation of the formula employed in the manufacture of Rheuma, and I heartily recommend it as a remedy for all forms of rheu matism. 1 iind Rlieuma far in ad vance of the methods generally em ployed in the treatment of rheuma tism, and altogether different in com position from the remedies usually prescribed."—Dr. M. C. Lyons. This certainly should give any rheumatic sufferer confidence, to try this harm less and inexpensive remedy. if you have rheumatism in any form don't delay—try Rheuma today. Kennedy's Drugstore will supply you and return your money If it does not give you quick and joyful relief, r \ , CHARLES R. BECKLEY PRINCIPAL Bcckley's Business College 121 Market St. Among the highly successful enterprises that were fostered and now exist in llarrisburg, there is one that stands out pre eminent and one which exempli fies success in its highest degree. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Heck ley, who, after years of highly specialized training, devote their entire time as the heads of the departments in this beautifully equipped school, which occupies more than half of the large third floor of the new Kaufman store building. When one walks into this In stitution and advances down the halls covered with expensive vel vet carpets and sees sitting to the right and to the left students of a personnel that are not sur passed by any other school in _ this land, you cannot, help but ■'& share the pride that Mr. and Mrs. Beckley l'eel in their beautiful and well-attended school, which specializes in the training of | high-grade secretaries. The and night schools re ceive instruction from eight well trained teachers that are experts in their given lines. A spirit of happiness and industry prevails in this school that immediately cap tivates the visitor's attention and compels him to voluntarily ex claim, "I never knew before that a business school could be con ducted on such a high plane." Mr. Beckley says that the calls which he receives for his stenographers and bookkeepers are far ahead of the number that he can furnish. This is only but a natural sequence of what could be expected when once the city and surrounding community I have learned that it must go to I -.BUCKLEY'S if it wants the best, j FRIDAY EVENING, • HJLRJUSBURG TEIEGRAPH • APRIL 2., 1919. 100 YEARS OF GROWTH CELEBRATED BY 1.0.0. F. Hundreds Join in Impressive Program Given by Local Fra ternity in Chestnut Street Hall More tlinn 1.800 people were In at endance at a celebration held l>y the ndependent Order of Odd Fellows of his district, marking the centennial nniversary of the founding of Odd Vllowship in America. The festivities ■ i re held in the Chestnut Street Audi l irium. Itebekahs, meniliers of cantopments, •atriarchs millitant and representatives I all branches of Odd Fellowship were •1 attendance. Hoy I), lleman. grad MSter of the firand l.odge of Fenn yivania, presided. fhe growtli of Odd Fellowship from lie time when the first lodge was or •inizeil in llaltitnore. April 26, 1819, • tlie present day. was outlined by Vilson K. Molir. Allentown. past grand atster. The Rev. Edgar K. Stauffer. .lyerstown. grand chaplin addressed lie assemblage on "The llrotherhood >f Odd Fellowship," telling of the splen lid work of the fraternity and how the principles of Friendship, Hove and Truth had been carried out during the century. Minnie t". Akers, Altoona, state president of the Heliekali assembly itate president of the Rebekad assembly, ile a notable address, telling of the chlevements of the women. The Rev. Alfred Nevin Sayres, pastor >1 the Second Iteformed church offered le opening prayer. IV. H. Young. Dis i'at Deputy llrand Master read the nniversary proclamation and Misses filial Dissinger and Esther Mackay ag with fine effect, tlie beautiful Caro to ma song, "lling Out. Sweet ltells of ■eace." "When the Hoys Come Home" , ■ as sung by William 11. I'.oyer. soldier i airitone and Mrs O. W. Myers singing | a' the recitative and aria from "Saul" | much appreciated. Following the anniversary program, lie Munnlx orchestra played for danc- The general committee in charge in luiled: Roy I'. Heman. (irand Master; i ' W. Myers. J\ (i. M.; W. H. Young, j Ituirman; H. H. Smith, vice chairman ; | leorge A. Holiinger, secretary; W. S. j tinkle, treasurer. H. 11. Myers, F. B. Witman, H. B. ! ; initi>. J. ixisy. K. W. Clay. T. I'. Carey, H. McLaughlin. .lolm Farllng, W. E. 'ugh, Gilbert I'. Hupp. George H. Miller, ; l. M. Dobson. O. S. Stoneseifer. George -' Pancake. George Ounkle. C. K. Gray, i. K. Patterson, Charles F. Titzel, J. Ford. S. T. Kinsinger. W. G. Cchrein r. A. .1. Spiece, 1!. G. Bitchy, 11. .1. , ! Kline, A. F. Fries. .1. A. Brown. J. 11. j M. Heed, M. H. Alleman. Ifarvey Levan, \V. A. Mclllhenny, J. H. Fortenbaugli, ! 'i. o. Bruaw. AY. 11. Skinner, C. K. ; I'olen. Maggie Lcnlg, P. H. Rhine, I Thomas F. lioff, Ida Solomon. AV. 11. \ ooming Events Cast Thsir Shadowsj Prepare Now to Withstand the Crisis, j Do not anticipate wltb uliurtrlcrlnp dread the beautiful event of childbirth. You can avoid discomfort during the period- and strain nt tlio crisis by preparing your system and putting yourself la splendid condition to meet tbe time. For Just this purpose women nil over tho land. In every walk of life/havc used for over half a century the time-honored and famous remedy. Mother's Friend. It Is pre pared to give tho mother-to-ha that direct ne'o she needs. Tho muscles, nerves, ten uous and cords are made and kept soft and elastic. Thus strain is avoided, and as a | result nervousness, nausea, bearing-down nnd stretching pubis are nvolded. The abdominal muscles expand easily and tently when baby Is born. Naturally, pain is less nnd the hours are fer. The system is prepared and tho crlsia Is ono of much less danger. Write the Brauiiehl Regulator Company, IXspt M, l.amar Building, Atlanta. Georgia, for tlielr l elpful Motherhood Book, and ob tain a bottle of Mother's Friend from the druggist today. It is just as standard as anything you can think of. And reineinoer, ihcro is noibing to take ue place of MOTHER'S FRIEND STUFFED UP WITH "A BAD COLD?" Get busy with a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery at once Coughs, colds and bronchial at tacks—they are all likely to result in dangerous aftermaths unless checked in time. And how effectively and quickly I)r. King's New Discovery helps to do the checking work! Inflamed, Irritated membranes are soothed, the mucous phlegm loosened freely, and quiet, restful sleep follows. All druggists have it. Sold since 1869. 60c and $1.20. Constipation Emancipation No more lazy bowels, yellow com plexion, sick headache, "indigestion, embarrassing breath, when you use as a corrective Dr. Ring's New Life Pills. They systematize the system and keep the world looking cheerful. 2lc. } , kuutKul,' ftealtfnr, roajr<hcked, • toady narrad women without iitm. When Um iron tow from Ik. Uood of! women, tho roaoa go from their cheeha-theur charm and attract iveneMdepart. I always insist that tny patients Ukefornanic iron— N J l . x ? te< J Iron—(notfmetallic iron which often corrodes the stomach and does more harm than good). .Nuxatcd Iron %is • easily assimi lated, does not i blacken nor in' jure the teeth f nor upset thfl i stomach. * It • will • increase tht strength and endurance of weak, nervous, irritable, careworn, haggard women in J two weeks 1 time in many cases.V I have used it in my own practice witn most surprising results."— herdinand King. M.D.. well known New York Physician and medical author. (Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded—On sale at all ggi st s. > Ikiil f'iNHiil ji/tpl HOY r>. I? KM AX. Stale Grand Master. Younfir, J. S. Brandt, .lames H. Roberts, •A. (J. Murray, S. Claster, Kmma 11. j Frantz, C. A. Wilhelm, S. Abrams, I Martha .1. Hogue, George A. Holllnger. I H. D. Bender, Anna B. Yeagley, W. S. > : Cunkle; hall, T. P. Carey, chairman;! finance, O. I*. Rupp, chairman ; pro i gram, 11. I>. Myers, chairman ; ptib | licity, A. G. Murray, chairman. LOAN CERTAIN OF WARM RESPONSE (■Continued from First l'age.] j Hut it was the funeral of about s xty thousand Americans. And it left two hundred thousand other Americans maimed or hurt. And to protect you and your business we | not only lost these men. but we still | owe the little matter of about four I and a half billion dollars. You're I part of this country; and the debt ' is yours just as surely as the debt is yours when you tell tlie grocer to send you a bag of flour. What are you going to do about it?" "I think," said Air. Sites, "that the soldier boys can convert any of us. And I want tlicnt to help us put this ihing over." It's Going Over Indications continue to point to a successful campaign. The allotment for the district is not large, com pared with other allotments. The in vestment is absolutely certain; and no one's money will lie lied up for more than four years. Two soldiers took "The Price of Peace" film to Now Bloomfleld last night for a showing. When they got there they were told that the Rev. Sam Small, a temperance talker, was delivering a lecture and that if the "Price of Peace" were put on in the theater Small would be robbed of his audience. I "So you can't start your picture | or have the theater until Small's | through," said the spokesman- When small got through it was lb o'clock. And a couple of minutes | later the theater was packed and "The Price of Peace" got a great re ception. I Mifflintown also had a big time ! last night. And so did Newport. Stanley Jean and Flavel L. Wright conducted a party of Victory work | ers to both places. At Newport it j was necessary to have an outdoor i meeting, but the crowd was big, de | spite the chilliness of the weather. I That was In the afternoon. At night Mitriintown Courthouse was I crowded to the doors for three hours. In tho party were the fol lowing: Mrs. Finney, wife of Colonel Maurice E. Finney, who is in charge of returned war nurses during the j Victory campaign; Miss Anna Mcll lienny, Penbrook, who saw nineteen ■ months' service In French base hos pitals: Miss Irnia Wise, Marysviile, who was in' France in hospital serv ice for fifteen months; Abner W. i ] Hartman, who directed community j singing and sang a solo; Captain I John H. Clifford, "lighting parson of j the Marines," who saw service in j Belleau Wood, and Dr. Martin, of j Alaska. All of the speakers were j tremendously well received, j The people of Perry and Juniata I counties are buying Victory Bonds I far more liberally than in the pre- I vious four Liberty Loan campaigns. What Juniata Chairman Says District Chairman Donald MeCor ! Mick to-day received the following , | letter from John J. Patterson, cliair- J man for Juniata county: | "I desire to say that the picture | entitled 'The Price of Peace' is, to I j my mind, the greatest production I have ever seen and should be wit , nessed by every man, woman and child in tho country. "On April 23, when I had it here, I showed it to nearly 800 people in three hours and a hair, and every ■ one was so well pleased with it (hat ' each would like to see it again. The 1 entire entertainment will certainly ' bring buyers for Victory Bonds." Zciiilh) Shrine Ante The other day Zembo Shrine put in an order for $5,000 worth of Vic , tory Bonds. Last night tho Shrine thought the matter over again. Then it decided to make the ante $lO,OOO. Lodges throughout the city arc I preparing to invest money in Vie- I tory Bonds./ "It's absolutely sure stuff," the | Shrine is telling all other fraternal I bodies. Parade Monday Night Plans for the parade Monday night, preceding the workers' meet- I ing in Chestnut Street Auditorium, | are rapidly maturing. TII3 parade i will line up as follows: Police Boy Scouts Soldiers and Sailors in Uniform Municipal Band All the City Workers Mail Carriers Outside Workers The procession will leave Front and Market streets at 7 o'clock and , will march to Second, to Stats, to Third, to Chestnut and to the audi torium. Admissidn to the meeting | will be by red card until 7.45. 1 At this meeting ''The Price of 1 Peace" will get its first local show ' ir.g. SEKIi TIKE THIEF I Harrisburg police are endeavoring ' to locate the person who stole four . automobile tires from David Wor- I lick, 12 30 Herr street. The tires : were offered for sale yesterday for $2O, although their real value is I $92. The tires have been recovered 1 . 1,655 ROOMS ARE LISTED IN CITY FOR OCCUPANCY Manager to Be Put in Charge of Bureau of Reg istration Returns from all but one ward | show that there are 1,655 vacant j rooms in Harr sburg which are ; available for occupancy, it was an ! nouned at the Harrisburg Chamber t of Commerce offices this morning. | The information collected by the survey committee of the Civic Club j during the homes registration which ! was completed last week is being i collected and registered for use in J the Homes Reg.stration Bureau un i dor the direction of Walworth Cady, j field agent of the United States Housing Corporation, j The registration showed that | theYe are many rooms uvaiiable for i occupancy throughout the city, and | the Homes Registration Bureau now being established in the Chamber iof Commerce offices, will act to j place des.rable tenants in these I rooms. A capable manager will be ! employed within a few days. She I will keep in touch with the house holders whose available rooms are listed, and keep her records up to date. She also will send prospec tive tenants to rooms which suit their needs, and will act as the cen tral agent for rooin-seekers and room renters, thereby saving both ; much time and effort. Many Calls Already numerous homeseekers : have called at the Chamber of Com- ' nierce offices for information re- j ; garding living quarters. At an early : date the records will be complete ' and the manager, under the super- j vision of Mr. Cady, will be operating j the Homes Registration Bureau. j The survey showed that there are | many householders who never rent ed rooms before, but under the i stress of the present housing short- \ age. are willing to accept roomers, i The number of vacant houses re- j ported is thought to lie com para- j tively small. Thus far the only in- i formation compiled is in regard to I the vacant rooms. As soon as pos- I sible, the houses and apartments which are mailable also will be I j listed. I The Fourth ward was shown to j | have the greatest number of rooms, ; 291 having been reported available, j ! The Second ward was next, with 186 : rooms, and the Fourteenth ward re- j ported the lowest number of rooms, , only eigth being available there. i Another result of the homes reg- j istration was to show the number , of houses which are reported to he j unsanitary and unfit for occupancy. The Department of Health of Penn sylvania, through John Molitor, chief of tlie Bureau of Housing, and the City Health Bureau, are co operating in the work to improve the local housing situation. Mr. Molitor stated 10-day that special agents will be instructed by him to inspect and enforce a cleanup of ! unsanitary conditions as reported by I the Homes Registration Bureau i after an examination of the cards. Tlie women of the Civic Club com mittee noted where conditions were so unsanitary that investigations should be made, and both the city and State Health Departments have reported their intention of enforc ing a cleanup. CENTRAL LABOR UNION TO NOMINATE OFFICERS Nomination of officers will be a feature of the meeting of the Cen tral Labor Union to be held in their hall at 310 Market street Sunday afternoon. It is believed by labor leaders that approximately 30 or ganizations will line up with the new i union. A meeting of the Building Trades j Council will be held at their head- i quarters, 211 Locust street Sunday night. CARPENTERS BUY BONDS At the meeting of Carpenters Union, No. 287 held in the Labor Hall last night it was decided to pur- ! chase Victory Bonds to the extent of j $l,OOO. This brings the organiza tion's total of Liberty Bond holdings up to $3,500. A large class of mem- j bers was Initiated. PHYSICIANS TO SPEAK A symposium of talks on "Ilemor- j rliages" will lie. a feature of the ! monthly meeting at tlie Harrisburg ' Academy of Medicine to be held in ! the Academy's building at 8.30 j o'clock to-night. Talks will be given • by Drs. C. S. Rebuck, O. R. Phillips, ■ J. E. Dickinson, Earl R. Whittle, J. H. Fager, Jr., and C. M. Rickert. INCORRECT ADDRESS GIVEN The address of Dr. C. M. Rickert, of 2423 North Sixth street, inad vertantly was given last night ns Dalmutia. Dr. Riekert's office has not j been removed from the North Sixth street address. SHOE llNMreuilers WE UNDER BUY IfiKjZ WE.UND^SHL Open This Evening From 7.30 to 9.30 For Men's Trade Only Thirty cases of Men's Shoes on sale at, Qs QQ ! a pair | Regular values up to $5. Gun Metal Button qq Shoes Gun Metal Blucher Q | QO Shoes P1.5>0 Gun Metal English <JJI QQ Lace Shoes Gun Metal di qq Oxfords dH.UO h Scout Shoes, in black Qf qq and tan *1.2*0 || This Sale Will Re n Record- ! Breaker For Values. G. R. Kinney Co. Inc. i 19 and 21 N. Fourth St. j FIRST SCHOOL ESSAY ON VICTORY LOAN RECEIVED Telegraph Begins Publication of Compositions Entered by Pupils For $5O Prizes; Many More Expected Essays are coming in flocks to the Victory Loan Committee which has offered two $5O bonds of the Victory Loan to the graded and high school pupils of the tri-county- district one bond in the grades and the other in high schools. Public and parochial school students are eligible. Essays should not he over zoU words in length and should he submitted to the teachers. This newspaper will publish one each day. Here is the first: I "WHY SHOULD I SUPPORT MY COUNTRY ?" By Maye Kaysor, Freshman, Central High School, Harrisburg. j The appealing thought that is | brought before the minds of the I people of America to-day is the Vic- I lory Loan. Some Americans say, "Why I should I buy bonds?" in other I words, they should say, "Why should ]1 support my country?" ; Any person can go out on victory ! or other celebrations and cheer, but : when the time conies to show their ; genuine patriotic spirit, they refuse I to support Uncle Sam with a cent, j The Victory Loan is partly to cover the expenses of bringing the I boys home. i The boys have done their part. . Why shouldn't the people of Amer ■ ica do their part by sacrificing some Page Offers to Quit as Italian Ambassador, Rome Newspaper Declares By Associated Press. Rome, April 25. The Italia says that because he was acquainted with President Wilson's views on the Italian claims, Thomas Nelson Page, American Ambassador to Rome, of fered his resignation. Y. M. C. A. Boys to Begin Series of Saturday Hikes The first of a series of Saturd&v hikes, to continue through the. entire clay, will be staged to-morrow by boys of the Central Y. M. C. A., who will hike to the mountains near Dau phin. under the leadership of Arch 11. lMnsmore, boys' work secretary. Th eparty will leave Harrisburg on the first car for Rockvillo at 9 o clock, and will carry rations for two meals. The boys are requested to bring rations to be cooked for the first meal and prepared food for the second. Each boy will build his own fire and cook his own food. A. 11. Pinmnoro, boys' work secre tary, plans to take a series of semi monthly Thursday night hikes until camping time and has invited Y. M. l\ A. boys to accompany him. Boston Welcomes Its Yankee Soldiers Home By Associated Press. Ronton, April 25.—The Yankee hoys came marching home to-day. They found nearly all ~ew England oil the cheering line, three weeks, by battalions and by regiments, these men had been trickling back, but this the real homecoming when in battle array, with flags flying and drums beating, they marched In familiar streets, past a cheering, weeping multitude of their "home folks." ■■■ Ask Your tirocer For 1 | STANDARD BREAD | I fiiiSJil™ I Pf ]/W 19P- Cw i I m/r BY/fj i 1 I J| "Theßetter Bread" I ||| Made of the highest grade flour—re fined cane sugar—rich milk—malt and |f< Hj> pure lard. HI! Baked in Harrisburg's most modern bakery and under the supervision of a baker whose 33 S|§ S|| years of experience in baking bread has plaeed STANDARD BREAD in a class of its own. |l| 111 STANDARD BREAD is wrapped at the ovens in a porous parchment wrapper which per mits the baking vapor to escape, so that the bread does not become soggy. p™ STANDARD BREAD reaches your table clean, sweet and wholesome and is always fresh iH and moist due to the milk used in baking. <jj|£ M EVERYBODY'S BUYING STANDARD BREAD—ASK YOUR GROCER—HE'LL TELL M YOU WHY. || 1, THE STANDARD BAKING CO. I |H 10th and Market Streets Harrisburg j|| of their luxuries to defray the ex penses for the homecoming of the boys, who have so nobly fought and won? Surely any mother would sacrifice any luxury or even her life for the safe return of her son. The majority of the boys are home, but like everything else, the bill must be paid for their return. The women have a part to play in the fifth drive to make it a success. These who have bought the. other four loans by working outside of their homes can buy the fifth by us ing the labor-saving systems at home. The teachers of the schools can help in this loan by making their pupils enthusiastic and, therefore, get the parents interested. Let. all the people of America be recognized by foreign countries as the most patriotic and charitable nation that ever has been recorded in the annals of history! Governor Sproul Calls Attention to S. P. C. A. The following statement was is sued to-day from the Governor's office on behalf of Governor Sproul: "The officers and members of the Women's Pennsylvania S'. P. O. A. have called my attention to their strenuous efforts to have Humane Sunday observed throughout the en tire State on April 27. T am heart ily in favor of the good work that they are doing, and I know that clergymen of all denominations will assist them by their co-operation next Sunday. There are countless instances of good work in the inter est of poor, dumb animals by this commendable organization, anil 1 cannot urge the public at large too strongly to assist the society in its efforts to protect our animals from cruelty." FRECKLES Now Is tlie Time to Got Riil of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer tho sligliest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine' —double strength —is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine — double strength—from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely it is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful, clear com plexion. Be sure to ask for tho double strength Othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. CI-ASS MEETING ; The E. Pluribus Unum O. A. B. I class of the Church of God Sunday I school, Camp Hill, held its regular j monthly meeting last night at the I home of Mrs. John Bender, at | Washington Heights. Thirty-three j of the members were present and j had an enjoyable evening. Refresh j ments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Bender for which the class tender ed a vote of thanks. Only two more days remain of the. present extraordinary engagement in this city of the famous "Her.rt of super-production, "The Hiiinm-ity" Heart of Humanity," ■it Victoria the epoch-making mo tion picture which has drawn crowded houses to the Victoria Theater all this week. if you have not scon "The Heart of Humanity" as yet, or if you have seen It, there are only two more days in which to take advantage of tit's . FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Home Cure That Anyone Can Isc Without lliscoinfort or , I.OHM of Timr. We have n New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try | it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long-standir.g or recent development, whether it is present or occasional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if vou ore troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own ex pense, that this new method is de signed to end alb-difficult breathing. Mil wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time, i This free offer is too important to ] neglect a single day. Write now and i then begin the method at once. Send I no money. Simply mail coupon be-I low. Ho it Today. I'KKK ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room i 51S-F, Niagara and Hudson Sts., I Buffalo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: i j I REEFER'S CUT-RATE MEAT STORES 1416 Derry St., Harrisburg 32 N. Front St., Steelton Highspire SATURDAY SPECIALS Pin and Sirloin Steak lb. Lean Pot Roast lb. Chuck Roast lb. Rib Roast lb. Rib Boiling Beef lb. Veal Chops lb. Veal Roast lb. Veal Roast to fill lb. Sausage, Bologna and Frankfurters lb. Pudding lb. Pure Lard lb. Compound lb. opportunity presented now. To-dal and to-morrow are positively the In* Vigorous Men and. Women Are in Demand If your ambition has left you, your happiness baa gone forever unlesi you take advantage of all druggist! magnificent offer to refund youi money on the llrst box purchased * Wendell's Ambition Pills do not pu your entire system in line conditioi and give you the energy and vigm you have lost. Be ambitious, bo strong, be vigor* ous. Bring tnc ruuUy glow of healtl to your clieeka anil the right spar kle that denotes perfect niaunooi and womanhood to your eyes. Wondeil's Ambition Pills, the grew nerve ionic, uic splendid for thai tired feeling, nervous troubles, pom blood, Ueuituvhcj, neuralgia, restless, uess, wembiing, nervous prostration uienlal depression, loss of appetite uud kidney or liver complaints; yoi miwu mum with this understanding that: in two days you will reel belts* in a week you will leel One, aiie alter taking one box you win havi your old-time conndence and auibi. tion or the druggist will refund thi price of the box. Be sure and get a 60 cent box to. day end get out of the rut. Renieiu ber dealers everywhere are author ized to guarantee them. / v VICTORIA I-A ST TWO TIMES TODAY uud TO MO II HOW ONI.V "The Picture Thut Wilt l.lvr For- ' "THE HEART OF HUMANITY" DOROTHY'PHILLIPS Admission IB null 35c anil war tnx j Monday, 'l'nesdny, Wednesday, A PHI I. 3H-30 FI.OHENCE IIEED IN -\VI\ Eg OF MEN" Thursday, Friday, Snturdnv, MAY 1-3-3 "WHY I WOl 1.1 l NOT MAURY" 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers