12 •ANDO GOES TO %EL PULSE OF ITALY jnttnueil from First Page.] ding Tense in Italy, Say Reports By Associated Press. ondon, April 25—Public opinion Italy, according to a wireless isage from Romp, is much ex d against the Pence Conference refusing to recognize the tan claims. Apparently there i complete truce in party poli , and the newspapers are ntmous in blaming the Allies, s declared that feeling is run g so high that it might have a istrous influence on Anglo lan relations. The Italians consider thai they © been betrayed by the Allies," dispatch says. "The whole na t la aroused and has rallied to support of Orlando and Son 0. There is a brave army ready make every sacrifice for ihe llzatlon of their program. Mnnv ular demonstrations have en place, and the watchword Fiume or death.' If the Conference does not ar t the Italian point of view, the ation will become extremely ous." inued during' the day yes ty, but there is no indica as to the nature of the ad es made by Premiers Lloyd ge and Clemenceau in their npt to hold the coalition of \lliest intact. Council of Tliroc Meets e Council of Throe held a meet esterday, but the expected de relative to the rival Chinese Japanese claims to the former an 'fo'rtress of Kiao-Chau and ihantung" peninsula was appar not reached, ports front Paris state that a dealing with the future status e port of Danzig, claimed by id, has been approved. This creates Danzig as a free city, lng complete autonomy, but under a sort of Polish proteo 5. Poland would be given the if the docks and wharves, the ol of the Vistula water route the corridor leading from the sr Polish frontier to the sea. iditions in Hungary are, ac-' ng to a report from Berlin, grave, with a panic prevailing License No. G-35305 Specials For Saturday, April 26, 'l9 Morning Specials Until 12 O'clock Noon licnic Hams, any size 29c lb. ■ure Lard .. .. 33c lb. lound Steak .. 34c lb. Ihoice Cliuek Roast 24c lb. lidividu a 1 Steaks 28c lb. Iresli Pork Roast 30c lb. Iresh Pork Steak 33c lb. Irankfurters, Smoked or Fresh ■ Sausage 22c lb. All Day Specials ■iced Liver .. .5 lbs. for 25c. .. 6c lb. looked Pigs' Feet or Tripe 10c lb. lot Roast or Fleshy Boil ; .20c lb. |. B. Special or Lincoln Butterine, I 2-lb. rolls 52c lompound, used as lard 26c lb. larlic Sausage 20c lb. ■ficed Bacon 38c lb. gresh Fish 3 lbs. 25c 10c lb. Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States Jain Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111. ■~McaT Government Inspected. All Goods Purchased liuarimteert or Money Refunded HAVE YOUR ■Lawn Mowers Sharpened AT THE ft FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Sts. FRIDAY EVENING, H-ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 'APRIL 25, 1919. Fiume y Important Port on Adriatic, Which Italy Demands i ; ; y<*l k • : s * ' 1 V ...i-... . :iaw3 V . 12Q . _.\*J. * ... ■. • .:. -.V PREMIER ORLANDO BARON'^ONNINO Italy's insistent demands at the Peace Conference for the important Adriatic port of Fiume have been one tf the greatest obstacles to a complete understanding among the Entente Allies. The refusal ol' Premier Orlando y.nd Foreign Minister Sonnino to compromise brought from President Wilson, as a member of the "Big Four," the declaration that Fiume could not be given to Italy, but must be made available as a seaport for the small nations behind it. Mr. Wilson insisted that the Peace Conference must apply the principles established in the armistice and in the "fourteen points." Threats followed that Italy would withdraw and would not send representatives to Versailles. in Budapest, where the Soviet gov ernment is resorting to extreme measures in its attempt to retain its power. The Rumanian advance is continuing, French troops aiding in the movement. The Entente Allies have troops at Neustadt, on the Dan ube below Budapest, to act as re serves for tbe Rumanians, the ad vices state. Czeeho-Slovak troops are reported by Vienna to be attack two days for this picture, ing the city of Waitzen, twenty miles northeast of Budapest. Recognizes British Protectorate President Wilson has recognized the British protectorate over Egypt, and in according this recognition has deprecated violence on the part of the Egyptian nationalists, whose i movement lias resulted in disorders ; there for several weeks. Would Kill Italy's Ideals 11 In the statement given out to-day iby Premier Orlando in reply to | President Wilson's appeal on the | Adriatic question, stress was laid i j upon the question of the propriety j of any attempt from the outside to i set up opposition between the| | Italian people and their government.! j The full text of the Premier's state-' ment, now available, argues that! such an attempt would virtually mean the ignoring and denying of the high degrees of civilization which the Italian people had at tained under democratic govern-1 ment. Peace Conference Crisis Uppermost in London; One Paper Attacks President I Tly Associated Press liOiidou, April 25.—The Peace I | Conference crisis continues to be the ' paramount topic of comment in | ! London's morning newspapers. The I i support they give to President Wil- ' , son's and Italy's views are. respec- j tively. about evenly divided, but j with two or three exceptions, opin- j ions are expressed cautiously and ! ! with a manifest desire to show j { friendliness for both Mr. Wilson and j Italy and to avoid saying anything ] I likely to hinder the speedy restora- I 1 tion of harmony. Four newspapers emphatically j 1 champion President Wilson's view- i I point, although, with one exception, f 1 with cautious moderation. Two oth- i : ers, with equal moderation, sym- j pathize with Italy's claims, but 1 chiefly plead the necessity for com - , posing the divergent views, lest the j consequences be disastrous for the 1 conference. Two others vehemently j i attack the President. One of these, j the Post, refers to Mr. Wilson's j "wild west dilomacy" and says: "Mr. Wilson's name among the , Allies is like that of the rich uncle. I ; and they have accepted his manners 1 ! out of respect for his means." I Amicable Solution of Italian Situation Is Believed to Be Making }ly Associated Press Paris. April 25.—Peace confer -1 ence circles were inclined to be | lieve to-day that an amicable solu i tion of the Italian incident was in ; the making. For one thing. Italy has shown I her desire to maintain good rela i tions with the Allies by the fact that the Italian delegations remain ' ing in Paris will continue to col laborate in the work of the inter allied commission not pertaining to j the actual work of the Peace Con i ference. ! Tt is thought possible that Pre- ] , mier Orlando may call the Italian i Parliament together at an earlier j j date than May 6, previously fixed, j and that he may be back in Paris ! j for the opening of the negotiations i at Versailles, which will not begin j before the first or second of May. Italians Cry 'Viva America V j Page Replies 'Viva Italy!' My Associated Press Koine. April 25. —A huge crowd ! of manifestants. parading through | I Homo toward the Capitol, passed j before the American embassy late j to-day just as Ambassador Page | ' came out for a walk. The demon- j I strators shouted "Viva America!" j i The Ambassadory replied: "Viva j i Italy!" MACHINERY MOVES TO CLEAN UP CITY [Continued from First Page.] i State Health Department and has al- j ! ready issued instructions for the put- j | ting into execution of some of the i plans which can be carried into ex j ecution now. Enthusiastic about the plan of Col. | Edward Martin, State Commissioner of Health to make Harrisburg a j model city from health and sanitary ) standpoints, Mayor Keister com | municated with Colonel Martin to j learn from him what specific recom mendations could be suggested for I the improvement of Harrisburg at | this time. The co-operation of the ! various city departments and civic ! organizations l were pledged to the I movement by the mayor. Colonel I Martin in answer wrote that he ! appreciated the progressive attitude of the mayor and promised that the heads of the several divisions would be asked to make specific recom mendations to htm. Since then heads of three of the divisions have already been in com munication with the mayor, outlined their suggestions for improvement, suggested the methods to be pur sued and reiterated the prorhlse of Colonel Martin that the city would be aided by State Department in spectors and officials in whatever iwork they started. William C. Miller, head of the Division of Public Health Education, strongly approved plans being made) for the annual cleanup of the cltyl which will be held during, the week) of May 5. as outlined in a procla mation of the mayor. The ordinance providing rules and regulations for the collection of garbage shond be stricty enforced, Mr. Miller told the mayor. The dan ger in not collecting it is that it af fords unexcelled opportunity for fly breeding. The aid of the State sani tary inspectors has been offered by Mr. Martin to Mayor Kcister to aid in the work of the inspection of fly breeding places throughout the city. He also told the mayor that the re moval of manure and the creening of privies should be strictly required. Mayor Keister has already started plans to put into effect Mr. Miller's suggestion. He has gotten into com munication with Dr. John M. J. Sputter's 25 Cent Department Store |Bu> IleieXot Alone Because Prices Are Lower, Hut Beca use Qualities Are Better] 25 Banner Values In Articles Most Wanted At This Season That Will Make Saturday A Day of Big Business Price Caids With Red Figures Will Enable You to Quickly Locate These Banner Values Throughout the Store Gcnini 1 !'" Men ' s Ladies' Black Silk Hose en 'f Kh ,". ki t Laiie ( G ' m * ham koag Blue Work shirts, niack Bnil Coloroa Handkerchiefs Aprons All sizes , 3 for Large Size 88c 19c $1.15 25c 50c — I Men s Athletic Union Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose Ladies' Summer Ribbed Children's White 36-Inch Percales Black, white, gray, champagne, TOp Trimmed V €StS Dy€ SS€3 Good, neat patterns—large AH siz ° s Pi " k aml ,>,IK ' All sizes j sizes 2, 4 and C assortment, yd., 79 c 59c 19c | 50c | 15c Table Damask a/rfi I mirnvr onnrvi & _ —. New Printed Scrim — s q~ MILLINERY SPECIALS Our Millinery Specials for Saturday contain all the latest ideas and styles in Millinery 10C RlenrheA TnrhinU lor the com ' n g season. We arc offering the specials listed here at prices that are a " , great saving to you. Towels Seamed Sheets Each 1 ty SI 72x90, good quality ? s '°° va ' ue > 1 l°t trimmed QRf " hats, sale price, $2.98. cv ia-7 1 1 , Untrimmed hats at 48c, 88c. n .„ r ?o and $7 value; 1 lot trim- „„ , „ med hats, sale price, $3.88. ,T • Lancaster Apron r>r- $1.50 value; 1 lot of sailor Children s and nnsses hats, e- i nm hats, sale price, 88c. I 98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, $2.29, Uingnam $3.00 value; 1 lot of sailor />W s2 ' 4B ' s2 ' S9 ' s2 ' 9B s3 ' BB Novelty Voiles hats ' sale pricc ' $1 ' 98 ' J dresses and waists, yd. J" jjaiv i®*l I ladies' Stamped Batiste | 48c Wm>. j Gowns Trimmings; new flowers. 98c """wreaths, fruit, wings, quills, Silk and Cotton Crepe Ostrich fancies and ribbons. ySy™ 1 de Chine \ \ At lower than elsewhere prices \\( j Cretonne 36 inches wide, all colors, \/ Madc-up Cushion Slips 48 c I 25c Stamped Center Pieces Aluminum Tea Kettles Dasf Pan and Brush 12-qt. Galvanized Carpet Beater 18 lnch Combination Backet Extra heavy rattan 19c [ $2.39 45c 48c 25c S O L J TTE R' S Tomorrow is the 25 Cent Department Store | J&Sfrj) Where Every Day Is Bargain Day Special Prices. 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse jltaunick. city health officer, asking ; that an investigation be made at | once of such nuisances and steps be I taken to overcome them where they are found to exist. Sufficient power is had by the Health Department to do this, the mayor said. Housing conditions of the city are already receiving consideration. John I Molitor, chief of the Housing Bu [ reau, has conferred with Mayor Keister concerning the conditions in certain sections of llar 'risburg. Six of the sections where the worst conditions are known to! exist, have been called to the atten-! tion of Mr. Molitor by the mayor and i inspectors will visit all of them and then make reports concerning their' improvement. The need of a contagious disease i hospital for HarHsburg, a question that has been agitated considerably : during recent years, was emphasized ! to the mayor by Dr. Howard 1,. Hull, j chief medical inspector. He called j attention to the fait that in many] instances contagious diseases have i existed in Harrisburg and have not ' been properly reported. An import- j ant benefit would be derived by liar- 1 risburg, be said, through the eon- j ducting of a campaign to secure j proper reports of ail such cuses.. i These recommendations, made by ' the division heads who have already visited the mayor, together with' those that will be made by the] i others, will be carefully considered and put into operation as soon as expedient, the mayor says. | >IACAI I.RV STARTS i D'TT \l:\\ YORK •r V, V l ' Tox " April 25.—Major I?; M ;"' V i"' Arn,v "eft here I ..i . a. in. tn-da.v lor New York Cite in h.s plane. n,. will try to reach New .oik City to-night. He went byway of Memphis. Tenn. I/fTI T| And Von Get Your 4 "K - ' I ■ Q Choice of These x, k>l%J WORLD FAMOUS g ELECTRiC WASHERS ' : ™ PRIMA NUWAY Think of it! Only $lO first payment. That's I l-IrSg^HSB a " >' ou need to pay down and you gel any one I i j f of these brand new, very latest model i-Uecrrlc B [• Washers that you may select delivered to your I Then you can pay the balance in small easy H monthly payments—3o days between each pay- B n„t 1 , , Th '" on 'cr is Gooil Only t'nlll May llth. S vour renuMt h ?"7 ' J ait Un,il the big rusU lUe lasl dit >- Get I JOUI requ< st in to-day. Simply telephone us Bell 41104. In our showroom you can see nearly nil makes of cleetrle washers anil I elonners. | CO., Inc., 28 So^hFou^l^t| t! German Bishops Give Way to Clemenccau's Nominees in France 77.-/ Associated Press t Paris, April 25. —Official an- j . j nounecnicnt was made to-day of the j ' j nominations by President Poincare '! of Monsignor ftucli. Bishop of j , i Nancy, to be Bishop of Strasbourg], i and o(, Monsignor Peltier, Vicar i 1 ] General of Nancy, to be Bishop of ] Metz, succeeding two German | bishops. ; The nominations were made on i ] recommendation from Premier I Clemenceau. This is the first time since the sep • oration of the church and state in i France that church nominations j have appeared in the official roe-j ' ords. Shipping Board Cancels Two Million Tons of Ships 77 7 Associated Press Washington, April 25,—Determi- \ I nation of the Shipping Board to | cancel contracts for an additional! ■; two million tons of steel ships con- j ijtracted for during the war was an-] tinounced to-day l>v Chairman Hur-: I"©; | RALEIGH I Atiiliitlc City's Popular Hotel, i I America it Plan, S> 1 and S5 t j I per day. i> wmi.s is i\ i t \ i>o.\ /?v . ~v. /V. . I.ondon, April 2")—Jos'')* is Daniels, secretary of the Auk rim navy, lias arrived hero with Mrs. Daniels, for a two weeks' visit in Kimo nd. After dining: at the home ,r Ambassador Davis, he left for Sen pa F*ow. H-e will view tile e:iptiir (i Germ . i warships ana lhtn visit Kdinburgl. and Shef field before returning t London for a ten days' stay. HAi.i.nic m i :s T\L-; vilxa Py 'd I. . t ieiievn, April 2'. he Polish agency m F ansnmi'* slat- that some units of t'io.noral Mailer's * rmy, which left Frar.ee last we# U iV Poland by way of Oei'innny, pnitiei itcd in the I capture of Vilu.i and 1- lisli troops from the flolslmvviki. VIVO ID COUGIW i.j COUGKERtT! • SpreNd.s * D,se&, ° I .NrT| fe///M/ i 'ro MII'LOH WtocP 3 O DRORf-.r 10! \r COUGH J* HAL'" 11 IJ" FOR CHILDREN 5 -mm iwir.',, iaMlSf*n axrraeu ft .•SVittlf'! ied air apparatus, makes ujfr H vtEStJKBB.K3T3 eitraettag and all dental Stf . p-TV At' m £a#k M ,1 I EXAMINATION f .dS? J r r &&£3 I free -Jr y 1 r\y Jgr brldge prock. ra. M, Sfl H >er cut gold oruivn. f.VOO 53 H fteatatrrad J* h —Ar Offleo open dull 7 S.au Q fa • p. ai*t Monday, Wed- Jj 1 Qradaata /Gr XJf paaday and Saturday, Ul4 M 9 >aatatanta JP <V# W •p. m. i Jf SELL PHOSB sexs-il aA * r 'i lll * ss o jgFpjj f/ 120 Market SL I HAHRKBURG, PA. It dWat hart a bit | GAS ON STOMACH SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION HEARTBURN Instantly Relieved by RSURATED HAuNESia IN 5 GRAIN TABLETS AMI POWDER FORM BISI' IiATKD MAGNESIA is a Mas nesia Compound especially prepared for the safe, speedy and certain cor rection of dangerous stomach acidity. It comes only in the form of live gruin tablets and powder In sealed blue packages. Do not confuse with com mercial magnesia, milk of magnesia or citrate of magnesia. Look for the wore! RISER ATI .I > and get the gen uine from DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE. G A. Gorgas.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers