6 SPANISH CLUB TO BE ENTERTAINED Commercial Possibilities With South America Will Be Discussed The University C. .J has invited the Spanish Club to be its guests at Front and Market streets, Friday evening, April 25 at S o'clock, for the purpose of boosting trade with South America. The Spanish Club will present an interesting program, and the Uni versity Club will provide speakers on commercial possibilities with South America. Refreshments will be served at the end of the program. The Spanish Club program will consist of comedy sketches, readings and contests in Spanish. These will i be previously explained in English | for those of the audience who are j TREES ana PLANTS FOP ALL PUOPOSeS CONSULT OUR LANDSCAPE DEPARTMENT % FLOWERS * FOR ALL OCCiS/OPS ON DISPLAY AT OUR FLOWER SHOP ThePerryhill LOCUST ST. AT SECOND 1 jj My Advertising Is Different ■ ? o Because My Store Is : o • Different j ? • V 0 "Your advertising is so different from the a Q usual type," remarked a customer who • 2 had been reading the ads which dealt with ■ " V colors and the color sense. 0 f\ 9 2 "My advertising practically writes itselfi; " ; I replied. "By that I mean it is a direct ' 0 U expression of my store. It is because my q n staff has been trained in color combin• ; ; • ations, for example, that it occurred to i ; y me to publish a couple of ads dealing with y 0 the subject. ' 0 " The day when a merchant could buy " 0 merchandise sell it'— and let it go at , 0 A that is passing. The more progressive 1 A • merchants are offering skilled service • V with their goods. Personally Ido not . 0 wish merely Jo keep abreast of the times 0 a I want to blaze a trail. It's because ' Q t my store is different that my advertising l 2 V is different. . Q of2lo • • 0 NOTE: This store closes Saturdays 0 • Q at 6 o'clock. 0 STECKIE Y'S DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR 4 Shoes Extensive new Spring Jr* '. ■ | invoices, featuring large In extreme and medium English lasts. "We have so many different variations of current styles that wc can meet your idea of price and fit you with shoes that will give you real foot comfort and the maximum of wear. Special Attention Is called to our large stock of "Broad Foot Form" Shoes in Vici Kid, Black and Tan. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN Medium and Better Grades All Widths—Sizes 5 to 12 STECKLEY'S 1220 N. Third St. near Broad WEDNESDAY EVENING, not familiar with the Spanish lang uage. . An address on the outlook of ex port trade with South America will disclose, many interesting facts, and will be give* ill English. The program will include: Xo ticas del Diu, Por Las Senoritas Ju lia Bishop, Mabel Nissiey, Margaret Dougle; coniedia, "La Lavandera de Napoleon," Por La .Senorita Agnes IJrayer, y el Professor Pomar, of the Harrisburg Academy: Diseursito iiustrado, Por la Senor ita Mildred Spangler; Soiteta, "El Amor," Por El Senor Rufino, from Spain; Representaeion Comercial, La Dependiente, Por La Senorita Cath erine Meinen; Los Marchantes, Las Senoritas Bess Trump, Margaret Fry, y La Senora S. J. Harris y el Senor Redrigues; Una Cancion, . Por La Senora Smith; Una Comedia, "En Criado Astuto," Por las Senoritas Reppert v Durand y el Senor Rufino: El Grabado, Por La Senorita Rhea Arnold y El Senor Rufino; Miss Ar nold will present El Grabado in Spa nish and Mr. Rufino will present El Grabado in English; Una Cancion, "La Paloma," Por Las Senoritas Sly der. Lenhart, "Wlater. Spangler y lleiges, teachers and scholars of Tr ! ring College. MOLDS FAMILY REUNION" A family reunion.was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mor row, of Landisburg, Pa., on Easter Sunday. The dining room was pro fusely decorated with spring flowers, a color scheme of yellow and white being carried out. and a dinner was served to these guests: Mrs. Mary Sliue, Miss Ella Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hurley, Miss Hazel Hur ley and Edward Saum, all of Har risburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hogenstoglar, Gardner Hogenstog lar and Joseph Hogenstoglar. of Columbia. INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL YOUNG PIANISTE SCORES SUCCESS Miss Alice Marie Decevee Pre sented by Wednesday Club Is JUeartily Greeted "V eni, vidi, vlci!" The classic ut terance of Julius Caesar might well be repeated by Miss Alice Marie De cevee this afternoon for truly, like the famous old Roman, she came, she saw, and she conquered. The oc casion was the Wednesday Club's closing concert of the season in Fah nestock when the gifted young planiste was presented in N lier first public recital. And, although she is a very young woman, it was the gen eral consensus of opinion that she was the brightest star in the stellar firmament of the Wednesday Club last night. "Genius never reproduces," runs the old adage. Miss DeceVee most assuredly refutes litis saying for, its the daughter of Prof. Edwin J. De eeyce. the famous composer and mu sician. and of Mrs. Anna Patterson Decevee, soloist and director of the 'Lion Lutheran Church choir, she is a rarely gifted player, who leads one from the work-aday world into tlje higher realms of happiness. Beauti ful tone and an exquisitd delicacy of touch were appreciated by those present, many of whom, were not, technically speaking, musicians, but who love music for music's sake. And for those who know their arpeggios and fiats and sharps and quarter notes, there was ample room for en joyment, too, because Miss Decevee, as a local musician fitly and slangily expressed It, "caught them coming anil going." Chopin and Liszt, as usual, held the place of honor on the pianiste's program. She opened with the Mo zart "Fantasia in D Minor" which suddenly subdued the bustling audi ence beauty; and played as a following nunftber, the Bach-Saint aens "Gavotte in E," a rippling sprightly composition which evoked rounds of applause and a huge bas ket of flowers from her admirers. Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, a popular Harrisburg soprano, and pupil of Horatio Connell, sang in charming style, two beautiful songs by London Ronald, "Away on the Hill There Runs a Stream," and "A Little Wind ing Road," following with the weird ".Song of India," and the Hummel "Ecstacy." There was general approbation when Miss Hecevee returned to the stage to play the Chopin-*Liszt "The Maiden's Wish," the Chopin "Ro manze," from his Concerto in E Mi nor," and the same, composer's mag nificent "Prelude in B Minor." Three Brahms songs, "In Summer Fields," "Serenade," and "Treachery," were sung with grace and exquisite sweet ness by Miss Belle Middaugh, con tralto. Mrs. Roy G. Cox, who holds a high place in the hearts of mu sicians of the city, sang "Je dis que rien ne mepouvante" from Carmen, with intense dramatic feeling, com bining charming lyric qualities which won for her spontaneous and unani mous approval. Rounds of Applnuse . Miss Decevee made her last appear ance of the evening in "Heaven Absolve My Soul," (Lassen-Llszt), ar.d the "Twelfth Hungarian Rhapso dy" by Liszt. She is fortunate enough to have had the instruction and guidance of Barber and llutcheson, eminent concert pianists who studied under Stavenhagen, a pupil ,of the the great Liszt, himself. With this valuable training in addition to that of her parents, she was able to play the familiar closing number with more strength and power than is usual in the performance of this composition. A delightful feature was the introduction of interpola tions which do not appear in the printed scyre and which were given by the greatest pianist of all time to his pupil, Stavenhagen, who. in turn passed them to William Barber, Miss Decevee's master at Ossining, N. Y. In response to repeated calls Miss Decevee played "Chant d'Amour," by Stokowski. The final section of the program was by the Wednesday Club chorus singing Bawden's cantata, "The Iliv er of Stars." a song-narrative of In dian origin, telling of Niagara. Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris, skilfully directed the chorus. Mrs. Roy G. Cox was so loist and Miss Mabel Wittenmyer at the piano played with sympathy and skill. It might be said In closing that the audience was remarkably large at last night's concert. Harrisburg likes the Wednesday Club. Harrisburg also likes to hear her own excellent musicians. And ample evidence of this was given to any who might de sire to seek, if they had glimpsed Fahnestock Hall filled to the very ceiling, with enthusiasts. The con cert marked the closing of a musical season, but it also marked the open ing of bigger and better things for the local organization. Success to those effoias! # Mrs. Hess Surprised on Fifth Wedding Anniversary Mrs. Harry E. Hess, Bowers avenue, Eemoyne, was pleasantly surprised, on Saturday evening, by her husband, who invited a number of her friends to their home in cele bration of their fifth wedding anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. Hess were duly congratulated and refreshments were served to these guests: Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. John Forry, Mr. and Mrs. George Weigel, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Yohn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shonin ger and daughter, Evelyn: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Berry and daughter, Isabel!; Mr. and Mrs. Eeon Preston, Mr. and Mrs. William Fitting and daughter, Anna Mary; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Enck, Mr., and Mrs. L. E. Weigel, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walters, Mrs. E. S. Jacobs and son, Scott; Mrs. W. M. Sheaffer, the Misses Gladys Will- Hams. Margaret Weber, Emma Web er, Ethel Forry, Helen AVeigel, and James Fuller, George Fuller, Milton Forry, Arthur Weber, Addison Yohn. Mrs. J. C. Booth and her niece, Mrs. G. B. Stafford, 307 Verbeke street, have gone to Atlantic City for a brief visit. Miss Mary E. Gotta has returned to her home, 1332 North TJiird street, after spending the Faster vacation in Philadelphia. Miss Mary Bine, of Carlisle, and Miss Edna Myers, of Newville, were the weekend guests of Miss Esther V.'engert, 1827 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Raimund Oreer, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Block. 130 Evergreen street. Mr. Greer will re turn to his home this evening. Mrs. Greer will remain In this city until the weekend. RARRISBURG TELEGRAPH: YOUNG COUPLE TO MARRY LATER IN YEAR .\1 ■': l.\ .Ml 1M AN ' MILH TS ' Mr. anrl Mrs. Howard Ritts. of Hu-mmelstown, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Ritts, to Alvin Zimmerman, of this city. The bride-elect, a graduate of the lluinnielstown High School, is chief opera tor for the Bell Telephone Company at Hershey. Mr. Zimmerman is u sou of Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmerman,, of. 1910 Park street. He was a student of Technical High .School and is now employed in the drafting department of the Pennsylvania Railroad. HAROLD MALSH IN PUBLIC RECITAL Young Violinist of This City Invites Those Interested to Concert Next Tuesday Next Tuesday evening, April 29,- *n Fahnestock Hall, Harold Malsh, a tal ented young violinist, will make his first public appearance in recital. Mr. Walsh gives promise of great achievement, for he lias a splendid technical equipment, combined with warmth and beauty of tone. lie is a pupil of Mme. Jieline yon Bereghy, ond a graduate and post-graduate of the liarrlsburg Conservatory of Music. Air. Malsh has made many friends by his unselfish response to requests for his assistance upon programs, consequently there has been an un precedented demand for tickets. The recital is entirely complimen tary, and tl>e public may obtain the cards of admission from W. F. t<. Yates, 614 Nortli Seventeenth street, and at the Conservatory. Tarsus Gymnastic Club to Hold Annual Banquet The second annual banquet of the Tarsus Gymnastic Club of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will be held at the Penn-Harris, to-morrow evening. Toasts will be given by the Rev. Dr. Floyd Appleton, Allen S.ingree;' Emory Lutz, Ross Hoffman, Harry Fry Long, James Holahan aiul W. D. Bottgenbaeh, who will give a toast In honor of John Morgan and Harry Waltz, two members of the olub who died while in the service. During tho evening W. D. Bottgenbaeh, director of the club, will present T's to the members who won thein during tho year. On the committee arranging the banquet are W. I). Bottgenbaeh. chairman; J. W, Holahan apd H. C. Cobaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings to Meet Son in New York Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings, 7 South Front street, will leave for New York on Friday to meet their son, Ross Jennings, a member of the famous "Fighting Eleventh" En gineers, who is returning to this country on the U. S. S. Chicago, due in New York on Saturday. Young Jennings, then a member of the sophomore class of Lehigh Uni versity, enlisted in May, 1917, and l:y August 2, had arrived in France. WKD l\ WASHINGTON The nturriage of Miss Margaret Burd, 1814 Penn stregf, to George F. Miley, of Lynchburg, Va., was sol emnized in Washington, Saturday, April 19. Mrs. Miley was employed at the Highway Department, Auto Division. Mr. Miley recently received his discharge from the service. Just telephone us for / those Victor Records f-i Any time you want Victor Records quickly, \0 call us up and we'll get them to you in a jiffy. v !/ Prompt service is a hobby with us, and we / are always ready to send our representative to / play any records you may select. \ C. M. Sigler, Inc., /TX \ Pianos Victrolas \ \ 30 North Second Street fyl Apex Electric fIJ.Jp Does Your Work fcSjJKUQjP3II Quicker —Better—Easier l-n And With Less Wear Than Others We will be pleased to show you EASY PAYMENTS NEIDIG BROS., LTD. V 21 South-Second St. PRIVATE DANCE IN HUMMELSTOWN Miss Katharine Conrad Enter -9 tains a Number of Friends in Masonic Ilall Miss Katharine Conrad, of llura melstown, was hostess ut a dance held in the Masonic hall, Hummels town, Monday evening. Trailing pine and other greens were used to dec orate the hall and a color scheme of green and white was carried out in pretty effect. A buffet supper was served. Mrs. C. A. Conrad, Mrs. Miles D. Fry and Mrs. Barclay were chaper ons. The guests included:Thc Misses Violette Casscl, Ruth Kraybtll, Helen Fox, Sarah Fox, Margaret Curr, I.a Nora Fry, Katharine Liclitenberger, Dorothy Taylor, Mildred Jarret, Notter, T.uura Althouse. Esther fling rich, Kauffman and Messrs. Claude Hartnian, Howard Fraim, Clayton Snavely, Norman llelf, ltussel Tet ter, Newell Allbriglit, W. F. Hutchi son, Lewis Kraybill, Thomas Wit man, Elmer Erb, Donald Wieland and Merlin Zimmerman. Girl Scouts and Friends Enjoy Picnic Lunch by Lake The Girl Scouts and their friends of St. Matthews' Lutheran Church, hiked to Wlldwood Park, Monday afternoon. A picnic lunch, along the banks of the lake was enjoyed by these peo ple; EaVene Grove, Pauline Shaef fer, Miriam Wierman, Gladys Sterick, Edith Critchfield, Clara Clothier, Miriam Frye, Mabel Gruber, Mildred Fetterhoff, Frances Bair, Kathryn Miller. Frances Burkholder, Esther Stence, Dorothy Martz, Marian Smith, Marian Zimmerman, Elizabeth Dagle, Edna Dagle, Martha Minter. ANNOUNCE IONG WiEM 10NT Mr. and Mrs. William Wills, of Dun cannon, have announced the engage nient of their daughter, -diss Ruth Wills, to John N. McConueJi, of Han cock. N. Y. .Miss Wills, who for tho past few years has been a member of tbe fac ulty of the Hancock High School, is a graduate of Wells College, Aurora. N. Y. ORGANISTS HBAR RECITAL, Twenty Harrisburg organists went to York last evening to attfond tho recital of the great French organist. Bom not, in the First Presbyterian Church, of that place. * GLOVES CLEANED FREE H. C. Mattern, of 40 4 North Sec ond street, proprietor of the Valet, wishes to announce that he will clean for any lady a short pair of white gloves free, provided she has ! never had any done here before. | This introductory offer is made simply to get you acquainted with I this modern dry-cleaning house.— adv. CONCERT RECITAL WITH TWO PIANOS Four Artists to Render Pro gram in Hummelstown Toinorrow Evening A two-piano recital will be given to-morrow evening at 8.30 o'clock in the Star Theater, Hummelstown, by well-known musicians. Appearing in concert \vill be Miss Violette* Cassel and .Miss Katherine Conrad, of Hum melstown; Miss Ksther Gingrich, of Palmyra, and Miss Ruth ICraybill, of Harrisburg. Mrs. lloy G. Cox- soprano, and Miss I.e Nora Fry, harpist, will assist in tlie entertainment. Following is the program: March, "Militaire," Scliubert, Miss ICraybill, Miss Conrad. Miss Cassel and Miss Gingrich; "My l.ovely Colin," Monro, "Pastoral," Carey (Old English), Mrs, Cox; "Concerto in G Minor," Mendels solin, Miss Cassel and Miss ICraybill; "Piere." Godofrord: "Babbilage," Vit rano; "A Tear," Kubenstein, Miss Fry; "Caprice," Valse, Saint-Sacns. Miss ICraybill, Miss Conrad; "Serenade," Ooldmark, Mlss*lCraybl!l and Miss Cassel; "Tararitelle," Rubenstein. Miss Conrad, Miss Gingrich; "Suppli cation," l.a Forge; "One Golden Day," Foster, Mrs, Rov G. Cox; "Romance," Chaminade; "Gavotte," Chaminade; "Mazurhas," 5 Nos. 1 and 2, ScHull lioff, Miss ICraybill. Miss (tassel, Miss Conrad and Miss Gingrich. TO (iIVB SI PI'ER The regular meeting and supper of the Federation of Industrial Clubs will be held on Friday evening at the Y. W. C. A. Dr. Childs will speak at the open forum and a social' feature will be presented at 11.30. [ Additional Social News on Page 2.] ■ Dinner, Wednesday Eve., April 23 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St. 0 to 7.30 50^ ■lice Tomato Soup Creamed Swectbrendn Clilcken i roquet tc*—TeiHlerloln of Ilcof. <ru/.cd—llonst llcef. Mit M lied or Home Fried I'otntoe* Stewed Pen*—limn IICIIIIM CO tree lee Cream, Pie or Pudding CofTee, Ten or Cocoa LADIES' DAY TOMORROW From 9 A. M. to 6 I'. M., at the Pcnn-llarris Turk ish Bath. Russ Building 14 N. Market Square Funeral Designs Special A Beautiful Spray for $2.00 A Handsome Wreath for $5.00 Keeney's Flower Shops 814 N. 3d St, 157 X. Front St./ liarrlsburg. Stetlton. @ gT ajj ' *Nozv our Piano is no longer silentV 1 Our daughter, whose music we loved so much, now has a home of 3 3 her own, and plays for her husband and children. The piano all EE we have left of her music, stands in its accustomed place, but closed EE and silent. ==: £= This is the story of many a home which was once enlivened with H music, without which it is never quite the same, for the days pass strangely incomplete, lacking the song at the twilight hour, and the £ little concert of favorite pieces heard while sitting at the cheerful H • fireside. •* . i 3 ; But the happy hours may be made to return for there is magic E== abroad, and the wonder worker is the I AMM'CO . I EE ** | j Yes, it is a piano, a grand or upright, as you will and with it goes the pianist to =3 | EE play it for you! .•■>•* „ ==s Not one but many, the greatest names in the pianistic world, Busoni, Godowsky, , :r3 Ornstein, Dumesnil and many others to play the great classic masterpieces; tern- =3 ' 3= peramental artists to-play your favorite songs and old time music, the sort that goes 3 , 3 . with twilight and the fireside, awakening memories, re-creating happy hours and r=a ( bringing joy with every measure. j 3 V The touch of a button performs the miracle and opens the door to the train of ' ~ , 31 pianists who are waiting to give you their best through the medium of this wonderful w ~ 2 instrument. m - . EEE I c== Come ami hear it, but prepare to be surprised and delighted for what we have EE I = told you is only half the story of the Ampico. \ =3 EE * Liberal exchanges may be made , 3 i * ' i EIZ ' 1 I=3 1 I J.i.TrolsVfcl€lois® I p ■ i i mm' nv, mm 11 i j i r ll g j "THE ONLY J. H. TROUP STORE IN THE CITY"" 'APRIL' 23, 1919. Wednesday Club Elects Officers For the Year The Wednesday Club in annual meeting this morning elected the following officers: President, Miss Martha Shavely; vice-president, Mrs. Martin B. Cumblcr; recording sec retary, Mrs. Carl Willis Davis; cor responding secretary, Mrs. William D. Keller; treasurer, Miss Mary B. Rob inson; leader of chorus, Mrs. Edwin J. Decovee. , Witmer, Bair & Witmer Walnut St. Near 2nd St. Old Time Bargain and Special Dress Sale Wonderful Values, Special Purchase and Reductions Wednesday and All of This Week 10 Dresses, charmeuse, foulards, georgettes, Pussy Willow, taffeta; the best qualities, that were $75.00 to $122.50, reduced to $49.50 to $85.00 7 Tricolette Dresses, that were $49.50 to $79.50, reduced to, $25.00 to $39.50 12 Serge Dresses, that were $25.00 to $37.50, re duced to, $13.75 to $23.75 22 Wool Jersey Dresses, that were $25.00 to $57.50, reduced to, $15.00 to $29.50 7 Printed Georgette and Foulard Dresses. Special purchase $19.75 7 Printed Georgette and Foulard Dresses. Special purchase, $22.50 12 Printed Georgette and Foulard Dresses. Special purchase, $25.00 7 Printed Georgette and Foulard Dresses. Special purchase, $26.50 7 Printed Georgette and Foulard Dresses. Special purchase, $28.50 Several Hundred Dresses White, flesh, salmon, gray, tan, navy, black, beaver and henna georgette, foulards, satins, crep£ de chine and taffeta. Cotton Summer Dresses Are Arriving in Goodly Numbers Substantial ginghams, $11.50 to $17.50 Dainty voiles, $9.50 to $25.00 WITMER, BAIR & WITMER Miss Nancy Shunk was unani mously elected honorary president for life. Miss Shunk is one of the earliest members of the club and has held various offices. Mrs. Decevee paid a beautiful tribute to Miss Shunk for her willing and valued services during these years. By unanimous consent the hour ot meeting has been changed from 10.15 a. m. to 2.30 p. m. on Wednesdays during the season. The club plans many new things for the coming year and with creased membership, will be a laflrer factor than ever in the music of the city and State.
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