4 ECONOMIC BODY IS TO HOLD ITS MEETING TODAY Considers Proposals to Grant Raw Material to Germany Paris. April 22.—The Supreme Economic Council is meeting to day to consider proposals to grant a limited supply of raw materials, notably cotton, to Germany to en able the factories there to start work and to relieve the unemploy ment. which is said to be at the bottom of much of the disorder in Germany. The council, it is said, also will revise regulations for German exports required to pay for food imports and probably will dis cuss the new economic situation created by the slackening of the blockade regulations as applied to Germany's neutral neighbors. After April 25 goods and com modities may be shipped to the neutral countries adjoining Ger many, virtually without restriction, the neutrals themselves assuming responsibility against the re-export of prohibited wares to Germany. The "blacklist," rationing and Al lied control regulations will be abolished from that date. CAN'T BEAT "T Z" WHEN FEET HURT "Tiz" for sore, tired, puffed-up, aching, calloused feet or corns. Gjx „ -Sure! 1 u.. Tir • r y for "y foot Yotl can Joe happy-footed in a| moment. Use '"Tiz" and never suf-! fer with tender, raw, burning, blist-1 ered. swollen, tired, aching feet. I "Tiz" and only '".Tiz" takes the pain' and soreness out ,9f corns, callouses and bunions. l' As soon as you pitt your feet in a "Tiz" bath, you just .feel the happl- j ness soaking in. H'ew good yourl poor, old feet feel. They want to; • lance for joy. "Tiz" is grand. "Tiz" instantly draws out all the] poisonous exudations which puff up ; your feet and cause soite, inflamed, aching, sweaty feet. Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" at any) drug store or department store. Get i instant foot relief. Lau&ih at footi sufferers who complain. Because! your feet arc never going; to bother j or make yon limp any more. SAND for building purposes. We are now dredging River Sand. Contrac tors requirements promptly supplied. United Ice & Coal Co. I'orster atul Cowden St. i I Atretic Underwear 111 ll B. V. D. Colt Cut Un- B. V. D. Closed Crc*rh HI II I dershirts and Knti Union Suits |Srd| 11 || k TUESDAY EVENING. BOLSHEVISM WILL GAIN FEW FRIENDS ! IN UNITED STATES ] Secretary Wilson Says Ameri j can Labor Will Not Be In volved in Movement I Atlantic City, N. J.. April 22. — Secretary of Labor William B. V .1- son at a Victory Loan meeting here last night declared that Bolshevism would make no headway in Amer ica. "Its backbone has been broken. I believe," said Mr. Wilson. "Ameri can labor will not be involved in the movement. When the American la boring man comes to realize what the movement means he will shun it. He will tind Chat it consists in a de sire of a small minority to be the self constituted advanced thinkers for the majority. Even radicals when | they come to realize what It means will repudiate it." | Discussing the future of labor ' Secretary Wilson said: i j "The outlook is good. The working man has nothing to fear. There will be plenty of work and the present 1 scale of wages will remain for a I long time in my opinion. The high cost of materials that affects the building industries will be relieved when the excess profits are,*queezed oui and we approach a competitive basis. Then, too, the price schedules will contribute to help the situa tion." Mr. Wilson said that he did not think It is necessary to hold meet ings to promote the sale of Liberty bonds "for the American people do not require the events of war to stir their patriotism.' ' "Still," he added, "if these meetings are a, necessity at this time it is the duty of the American people to get behind the government and help it to tinieh the jcb." Negro, Accused of Assaulting White Girl, Escapes Jail By Associated Press .Easton, Md., April 22.—Isaiah] Fc*untain, colore*!, placed on trial: here on the charge of criminally as-1 satUting Bertha Simpson, a white j girl of 12, escaped from the custody) of tjie sheriff last night. Feeling is high and posses have been formed. Talk of a lynching is rife to-day. About 200 men believing Fountain still in the county jail came back and proceeded to batter down the door. The sheriff Jet a committee in and appealed to the crowd to help him find the negro. Spokesmen said they would help him only on condi tion that Fountain be turned over to thena. The sheriff refused and the croivd left to resume the search. A number of the hunters" had ropes j with them. Roosevelt Road to Join Chicago and St. Louis Chicago. April 22. A "Roosevelt road" to St. Louis, with its Chicago t'irmmus at a monument and por tiuit statue of the former president, on the lake fropt, has been decided upon by the Roosevelt Memorial As sociation of Chicago. Ilhe plan contemplated a minimum expenditure of $250,000. Try This If You Have Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just get: about four ounces of plain, or dinary liquid arson; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to mois ten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandjiuff will oe gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no mat ter how much dandruff you may have. You will find. too. that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustxous, glossy. silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug stiore. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known u> fall. i Pennsylvania at the Front The picture shown above depicts men of the 28th Division enjoy ing themselves among the wreokag< at Chateau Thierry, France, July 24, 1918. This picture was produced b y the Signal Corps of the Unitet States Army and if interested in obtaining copies, apply to the United States Recruiting Officer, 325 Marke street, this city. FIVE-CENT BREAD LOAF GONE FOR ALL TIMES SAYS WHEAT DIRECTOR Cost of Flour Only Forty-five Per Cent, of Bread; High Wages Will Maintain Price, Declares Julius 11. Barnes New York, April 22.—Despite | maintenance of the government guaranteed prices in the face of an American wheat crop which will probably break all records, domestic consumers will not pay rnpre for the product during the coming year than the rates concurrently accepted from foreign buyers, Julius H. j Barnes, newly-appointed Federal ] wheat director, assured the public ill a statement here last night outlin ing the policies of his administra-' tion. ■ Mr. Barnes termed unsound any governmental scheme of artificial subsidizing and thought it quite pos sible, with the greater part of Europe looking to America for food and the crop prospects of the Allied countries even poorer than last year, that little inroad except of a tempo rary nature, would be made upon the billion-dollar fund provided by Con Sproul Against Any Ripper Bills Governor Sproul to-day assumed the high place in the Philadelphia legislatoin controversy. In state ments to Philadelphia newspapers yesterday he declared he was opposed to rippers as he was early in the ses sion. Senator Penrose announced that he was determined to push the Philadel phia bills, but did not amplify his sug gestion of more drastic legislation made earlier in the day. State Chair man William E. Crow lined up with Senator Penrose as did several other senators. Senator Edwin H. Vare promptly arranged a continuance of the Philadelphia bill uncertainty for another week. While some newspapers are mak ing efforts to get the Governor In volved in the controversy it. looks very much as though he was going to wait and see in what form the Phila delphia hills reach him, with the dis tinct understanding that he will sign no rippers. It can not be said that up-State members are viewing the prolonging of the Philadelphia controversy or the chances of a June session with any degree of pleasure. (UUSBURG TELEGRAPH gress to carry out the farmer's guar- j antee of $2.26 a bushel. Accepting the Department of Agri culture's estimate of the largest win- ; ter wheat crop in history and mak ing allowance lor unfavorable weath er conditions which had held the spring crop back two weeks, Mr. Barnes predicted that America's 1919 wheat yield would tax to the utmost the country's storage, rail road and shipping facilities. He ex pected reduced wheat and wheat products prices within two months. They are now above the government l'air price level owing to the heavy export demand but he saw little chance of a return of the five-cent loaf of bread. The cost of flour was only 45 per cent, of the cost of bread, he said, and with wages and other factors of manufacture at high levels there was no present likelihood that the price would be cut in two. Y. M. C. A. Plans For a Live Entertainment The ..liveliest entertainment ever j given by the Central Y. M. C. A. j will be staged in the "Y" building | a.' Second and Locust streets Thurs- : day evening when a members "open j house" festivity will be held. Such is the announcement to-day made by P. T. Barnes, chairman of the social work committee, fol lowing a noonday luncheon of his committee. Plans laid for the com ing luncheon include a lecture in the Fahnestock Hall 011 "Bird," by Wil liam S. Essick; a half hour of whirl wind impersonations and humor by C. R. Kirk; community singing un der the direction of Walter E. Die trich; a big gymnastic entertainment ; in the gymnasium and other stunts. Refreshments will be served. Dr. M. V. Hazen will be gen- !■ eralissimo of the evening's jollitica- 1 tion. S. S. Rutherford and Frank | C. Foose are on the refreshments I committee. Council in Short Session Passes Paving Ordinance Council at a short session this , morning passed finally the ordinance , authorizing the paving of North | Cameron-street, from Herr to Cal-j der streets. Commissioner W. H. Lynch introduced another ordinance j to provide for paving Ethel street ] from Nineteenth to Prospect streets. The commissioners also approved | two bonds furnished by contractors who are to Install water pipes, and ; to furnish 3,000 tons of river coal at j the pumping station. LOST LAND INVESTIGATOR ' An odd official position has been created in Kansas City by naming one of the citizens "Lost Land In-1 vestigator for Jackson County." The j duty of the Land Investigator' Is Just what his title indicates; he is looking for real estate which be longs to the county but has, so to speak, been mislaid. The task presumably involves a thorough going over of old land • deeds and real estate deals along the river front from Kansas City to the county line, this being the, locality where it is believed the county may own some land without knowing just where it is, and there is also the possibility that changes in the course of the river have ere- j ated new land to which the county could rightfully claim title. As might be expected, however, there are skeptics who hold that the only thing the Lost Land Investiga tor is certain to find is his own monthly salary. DIl. GEORGE F. BECKER. GEO MM; I ST, DEAD Washington. April 22.—Dr. George Ferdinand Becker, aged 72, prominent geologist and connected with the United mates geological survey since 1879, is dead at hia home here. RED MEN TO ENTERTAIN Members of Cornplanter Tribe. No. 61 Improved Order of Red Men, will entertain their wives and friends at a musical and luncheon to be given on Thursday night at the lodge hall in Howard street. OSTEOPATHIC BILL DEFEATED The Goehrlng bill giving ostheo pathlc practitioners the same au thority In hospitals as medical men was defeated In the House to-day by 26 noes to 3 ayes, after an hour's discussion. ODD FELLOWS INVEST Harrlsburg Lodge. No. 68, I. O. O. F., at a recent meeting, voted to invest 8500 of the lodge funds in Victory Lean. Bonds, Lieut. Col. Ed. S. Schell Arrives at Home Port Lieutenant-Colonel Ed. S. Schell, of this city, has arrived in New York City and is expected to arrive in Harrisburg Friday or Saturday, according to word received here. Lieutenant-Colonel Schell is widely known here as a former officer in the old Eighth Kegiment. He served as captain of the supply company in the Harrisburg unit and was later promoted to the rank of major. As such, he was sent to Camp Logan, Houston. Texas, and August 1 of last year was ordered to duty overseas, where he was in charge of a hospital camp. About a month ago he received promotion to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Mrs. Schell was at the dock in New York City to greet her husband. He was sent to Camp Dix, New Jer sey, and expects to reach this city some time during the latter part of the week. Women Get Stripes For Red Cross Work Certificates of merit are being awarded this week to Red Cross workers of the Harrisburg Chapter who have served for 800 hours in not less than six months in Red Cross work. It was asked that all workers holding this record apply at the Red Cross headquarters in the basement of the Harrisburg Public Library for a copx of the questionnaire which must be filled out before the certilicate is given. In making the awards all work ers who have given 1,000 hours of service in not less than twelve months will be given a stripe on the ribbon of their certificates. VIEWERS NAMED Upon the petition of supervisors of South Hanover township. Paul C!. Smith. E. Clark Cowdon and Oliver C. Bishop were appointed viewers to re port on the necessity for repairing the road from Hummelstown to Hoerners town in that district, übout one mile in length. The supervisors allege it 1 is in a dangerous condition and state the township has insufficient funds to pay for the improvement. County aid ! is being asked. 1 " Harrisburg's Dependable Store" QLOTHING prices have come down, and are getting Of course there are merchants throughout the country who have been unwise enough to stock heavily on merchandise at "six months ago" prices, and naturally it is to their advantage to let the public think prices have not been lowered. But Wm. Strouse & Co. did not do this—they knew what was coming, and consequently their stock is re plenished weekly with the latest models, and at current That's why Wm. Strouse sells the same suits at s2s—s3o—s3s that some merchants are selling at from thirty to fifty per cent, higher. And that's also one of reasons the people of this city have come to know Wm. Strouse & Co. as "Harris burg's Dependable Store." We wish to thank the many patrons of this store for their kind indulgence of our delivery service. But we are glad to announce that with the help of our own loyal tailors, and additional ones, we delivered every suit in time for the Easter parade —even though some were delivered Easter morning. Urn. 310 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. \ 1, PEASANT ARMY IS DRIVEN OUT OF UKRAINE Whole of Country Cleared of Petlura's Troops, Says Message I.onitun, April 22. The whole of Ukraine has been cleared of the troops of General Petlura, the peas ant leader, according to a Russian wireless message received here. The Soviet forces have occupied Kamen eta Podolsky, about seventy miles southeast of Tarnopoi, and control the, region at the mouth of the Dni ester river. Dispatches from Vienna yesterday I said that forces commanded by Pet lura. the Ukrainian peasant leader,] had retaken Zhitomir and Proskurov ] and also secured the adhesion of -0,- 000 Bolshevtkl troops, particularly I those originating in East Ukraine. It then appeared that Petlura's plan,' which he forecast sometime ago to] the Associated Press' of cutting be hind the Bolshcvikl advancing into' Bessarabia and toward Odessa, is 1 succeeding. It stated that he brought about] the disaffection of the Bolshevik! ] soldiers partly by lighting and part- | ly by persuasion. This was made ] more easy, it is reported, since the Bolsheviki executed 600 peasants during their brief occupation of Zhitomir. $4,000 Worth of Suits Hush Safe Blowing Noise Cincinnati. Ohio, April 22—Burglars I succeeded in obtaining several thou sands 'of dollars when they entered] Kurkhardt Brothers' building in East | Fourth street, here, some time after I midnight last night. They blew open the safe after us ing more than $4,000 worth of men's suits to wrap around it in order to | 1 deaden the fall of the door. Horse Drowns in Creek, but Driver Is Rescued l.ancnnter. Pa., April 22. While i driving home at an early hour yester- j day morning John McCullough's horse mistook a turn in the road and went ! straight ahead and fell Into Mill creek, where the water was very ' deep. The horse was drowned, but Me- Cullough managed to keep atloat by standing on top of the buggy. He had to be rescued with a boat. MARRIED AT PARSONAGE The marriage of Miss Kathryn Mae Hoover, of Royalton, to George Giile mer Richards, of Gellespie, 111., was solemnised at the parsonage of the Green Street Church of God on Satur day morning, the Rev. 11. S. Hershey ! officiating. I Take two 5-grain 1 fjMO SYSTOXEM I \'//\ Tablets with a glass LirJ'jXf of ordinary drink- j \. XXvalffia illß water after j UK ' £sj?oM meals, three times a day, for two or four' 'i 9 weeks, then weigh ] yourself and see] what you have} gained! Geo. A. Gorgas, Kennedy's Drug! , Store and other druggists of this] j city report tremendous increases in! the sale of Systoxem since it has ] 1 become known that this compound' and ordinary drinking water helps] j the blood turn the food we eat into j solid, healthy tissue and also in duces a feeling of renewed energy, strength and endurance. Anyone may obtain SYSTOXEM from good druggists without a doctor's pre scription, it not being a secret j remedy. It supplies the system i with flesh and strength-building! substances lost or found lacking in ! many of the cooked foods we nowj eat. Start now! Look and feel bet-! iter in two weeks. Thousands arel doing it —ask your druggist! ! APRIL 22, 1919. Fined $lOO For Having Fishnet in Possession G. W. Myers, of Meclianicsburg, was arrested by a member of the State Police force in Silver Spring township with a fishnet in his pos session. The State Police have been keeping close watch for illegal trout fishing in those waters and Mr. My ers wns taken before Justice of the Peace Coble at Wormleysburg, where he was fined $lOO and costs. West Shore Towns Ask Joint School Supervisor Plans to place the schools of the West Shore towns on a uniform basis and to secure a joint supervisor for these schools were outlined at a meeting of representatives of West Shore school boards held in the of fices of the Department of Public Instruction last night. Wormleys burg, Unola, Camp Hill, New Cum A Treat In Itself Gunzenhauser's HO/AAID BREAD I A TREAT because it pleases the the taste and satisfies hunger at the same time. Nothing better for the children after school. Ask for it by name. IT'SHOMAID. Wrapped at the Bakery Sold at all Grocers The Gunzenhauser Bakery 18th and Mulberry Streets | berlund and Lowgr Allen township wero represented at the meeting West Palrvlew, Lemoyne and Shlre manstowu have also boen invited to join in the plan. M. A, Hoff, New Cumberland, was elected chairman, and H. U. Knier, Worm leysb u rg, secretary. The secre taries of the West Shore school boards will meet at the Capitol next Monday night to consider the propo sition. MACHINISTS TO MEET A special meeting of bodge 1235. International Association of Machin ists. has boen called for to-morrow evening at 6 o'clock in the American Federation of labor's rooms in the Commonwealth Trust building. ( Cuticura Soap is Easy Shaving for Sensitive Skins The New Up.lafdata Catlcara Methad
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers