NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE THIRD CLASS CHY BILL IS AIRED Nonpartisan Feature Assailed and "Home Rule" Is Urged The Willson bill to take the non partisan elective feature out ot" the Clark third class city act and return to the old party system of selecting city officials, was given its final hear ing by the House committee on mu nicipal corporations and returned to the lower branch of the Legislature to resume its place on the third reading calendar. No v otes against this action were cast in committee, but Duncan Sinclair, Fayette, gave notice that he contemplated a mo- J tion to cut out the provision that tlie , city treasurer should be elected by j the people instead of being chosen bv council. A week ago representa tives of a dozen third class cities ] opposed the bill and one man spoke for it. Altoona had the stage all j to itself yesterday and the inter changes on the city which has the city manager plan became so stir ring that an executive session was ordered and the room cleared. B. J. Clark, former chief of po lice of Altoona. was the high card of the meeting and insisted on a_ re turn to the party system because as he put it "Bolshevism is the next step from nonpartisanisnt as sure as two and two make four." other Al toonians disagreed with him. The Altoona delegation consisted , of Representative Fred Bell, James Craig, deputy secretary of internal affairs: James Foust, Dairy and Food Commissioner: Dr. J. P Find ley, F. Woods Beck, City Solicitor T. C. Hare. ex-Representative D. Lloyd Claycomb, H. J. Seeds. J. , Emory Shute, Matthew M. Morrow. ! Charles Kutz and Mr. Clark. Mr. j Kutz. speaking for the Central La- > bor Union, opposed repeal of the j present nonpartisan feature on be- j half of organized labor. Dr. Findlev i said he thought the present system ' best to retain until "all can get to- | gether on a measure that will per- I mit us to run our own affairs, ltep- I resentative W. T. Ramsey, of Ches ter, and the doctor had some discus sions on the way the law lias worked and the Chester man said "Well, we have had some glaring mixups under the Clark act." Mr. llarc said that from a strict paity standpoint, the bill is a mis take because parties get shouldered with responsibility for local squab bles which sometimes have wide ef fects. "The Clark act needs reforma tion. 1 admit." said he. "but the'only feasible plan is for each city to be allowed to conduct its own affairs as demanded by local conditions with a few simple prohibitions." He favored studying the matter and ! getting a plan which would give more chance for local self govern ment rather than a return to the . old system. The subject of getting u workable plan should be taken up soon. Mr. Hare elaborated his idea that parties were often encumbered by local fights and said that funda mental local matters should not be taken into politics along party lines. "Wo never bad factionalism in m the Republican party in my • itv tin til the Clark act came aloi - ■> id now we have nothing but . out. n •ion." remarked Mr. Ramsej is Mr. Hare finished. Mr. Clark modestly nounoed that he represented the entiiaent of taxpayers of Altoona and third class cities. "Altoona has been built out of the mud b> pa' y gov ernment. The tax late •as ten mills for a long time. Wli awe got ! nonpartisan govern:: nt went tip! to 13." said he. Mr. t" , then said j that advocates of repeal of the non- j partisan act always got abused. "An ' Altoona paper is abusing Lieutenant- I Governor Edward E. Beidlentan for his attitude on this matter. He's I the best friend labor ever had in | Pennsylvar t." said he. "Take the two week pay bill and the full crew ! bill. To- r lie's called a politician j because o believes in doing what' • will do th-> most people the most j good." In ;i'lirg the nonpartisan sys- i teni r. Cturk said the State judge- I ship went to the "highest bidder j wh< an pay for advertising and he j km ks the persimmon every time." . H said that the first nonpartisan , I < ection-put Altoona into hands of men Influenced by contractors and ! then Dr. Findlev, whom he called ' ' .he nonpartisan bofes" got in a 1 council of businessmen who "are 1 giving the most expensive govern- J men' we ever had." "They're men 1 bev ud reproach, but they selected 1 e dictator, a manager." said he. I . -en more catigation of the com- 1 i .ssidn form of government Mr. i'lark charged that Mr. Kutz lived in .Logan township, outside of Altoona iand yet. assumed to represent Al jtoona laboring men. Mr. Kutz pro jtested and Mr. Clark said, "You jknow you live outside and you got' (S<Mu says \ When, the world asked for more delightfully fla vored arvd more substantial corn flakes, it got POST TOASTIES Your grocer sells them,. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SMITH BILL IS BEFORE HOUSE Joint City and County Office Building Measure Reported Favorably to House j The Smith bill to authorize Har j risburg city and Dauphin county to unite in the construction of a joint city-county office building front ing on Capitol Park, as suggested by Governor Sproul at the Chamber of Commerce legislative reception, was favorably reported to the House last night. It passed first reading J to-day and will reach the Governor 'soon after the legislative recess, j There is no opposition to it and the ! purpose of the measure is generally j commended. Among the bills reported out In the House just before the close of ! the day's sessions, were the bills to j transfer to tlie State Police Depart- I rnent, the duties of the State tire j marshal! and reorganizing the Po lice Force and adding one troop to be located in or near Harrisburg and creating the bureaus of fire protec tion and records. The Vickerman and Hickernell mothers' pension bill* were both reported out, together with the Sterling bill for elective school boards in Philadelphia and Pitts burgh: Willson bill repealing the third-class city nonpartisan law: ) Yare first-class city building bill: I Golder ticket scalping bill: teachers' minimum salary bill: physical edu cation measure anil Palmer building? j inspection bill for thlrd-c'ass cities. The bill to require licenses for ! public dance balls also appeared, as i did the Helt bill fixing salaries of j counties treasurers in counties hai ling under 150.000 population: Del ' aware. Chester and Montgomery j counties fox hunting bill: making | four years separation ground tor di- I vorce: for civil service in boroughs , and regulating constables' reports to courts. • , Another bill reported was that or Mr Curran providing that assessors I shall make lists of men who served in the war against Germany for county records. These hills were all on the first reading calendar in the House to day. 47.862 Yank Patients in British Hospitals in 1918; Most Were 111 Txnulon April 9.—The total num ! bcr of American soldier patients In hospitals in Great Britain during 'lfil< was 47.<>>2. About one-fifth ! 0 f ihrni were wounded or injured, I the remainder ill. When the arm istice was signed 9.310 Americans til and wounded were being cared for in American hospitals here, says an American Red Onoss report. When the United States entered the war the only hospital beds avail able for American soldiers were in two or three American Red Cross hospitals which were then being used for British troops. So rapidly were provisions made by.the Red Cross that by the time American troops began trt pour into France and Eng land the supply of American hos pital beds was ample. It was only during the influenza emptdemic last fall that the demand exceeded the supply. Tn October and November ! many cases had to be sent to British hospitals, whore at one time the j number of Americans cared for I reached 5.5? 4. | The Fnitcd States army personnel | engaged in American hospitals in I Groat Britain numbered about 3.200, i that of the American Rod Cross yvas ' about 400. Military Tourists Are Filling Paris Paris, April 9.—Paris is full of I military tourists, personally conduet ] ed though not by the usual profes | sional corps of guides and tourist ' agencies. I Americans, nglish soldiers. Can ! adians. Australians and New Zeal i unders provide the chief member ! ship of the sightseeing parties. | Large sightseeing automobiles term , ed in tourist vernacular "rubberneck I wagons." swerve through the streets j of raris always filled with overseas ' visitors. t a candidate for mayor you can't nominate." Mr. Kutz endeavored to reply, but Chairman W. F. Stadt lander ordered "no personalities." An executive session was then or ' dered and the room cleared. NO FISHING ON THE SABBATH House Votes Down the Ring ler Bill; Long Afternoon Session to Clear Decks The Ringler bill to permit Sun day fishing, a biennial visitor to the Legislature and put in this year by a Reading member, was defeated yesterday afternoon in the House by 150 to 35. The Rev. Dr. T. T. Mutchler. secretary of the Sabbath organization, who defeated the Rorke bill, was the man who caused the rout of the Sunday fishers when i the bill was reached. Mr. Williams, Tioga, declared that the law against Sunday fishing had been long on the books and should not be changed. No one spoke for the bill, which was sponsored by Mr. Ringler, Berks. This bill has ap peared biennially for many sessions. Immediately afterwards the fish erman's license bill, defeated Mon day. was reconsidered and then placed on the postponed calendar. The Wallace bill providing for a system of auxilliary game preserves, was passed in the House without opposition at the afternoon session. The House also' passed the bill declaring a closed season on stur geon in the Delaware until March 1, 1924. the hill being contingent on legislation passed by neighboring States. Other game and fish bills passed were: Regulating advertising for closing of lands and prescribing means of taking carp by nets and seines. Administration Rills The administration bill designed to relieve the Governor of the du ties of auditing accounts and settle ments of various departments of the State government, was passed final ly just before the House adjourned for the night session. Under the terms of t his bill, the Governor would pass only upon contracts and other important papers. The House also passed the Reber school code amendment relative to institutes which are made optional with the county superintendent: Dithrich bill providing for separate damage actions where more than one person is involved in a claim for damages growing out of negli gence. and the Cans bill forbidding offering of eggs as fresh which do not belong to that class. The bill reorganizing the Depart ment of Agriculture, also an admin istration measure, passed second reading. When the bill Increasing the sal ary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to SIO,OOO was called up. Mr. Benchoff. Franklin, asked the reason. "The bill was drafted at the suggestion of the Governor, who wants to get the best man avail able." said Mr. Ramsey. Delaware. No one voted against the bill. The Se nat e bill authorizing cjiurcbes and cemeteries to sell or lease coal under lands was sept to the Mines Committee at suggestion of Mr. Fowler, T^ackawanna. The Griffith bill providing for an increase of supervisors' pay was de feated. after remarks by Mr. Mal lerv. Venango. After a debate between Messrs. Wells and Dunn. Philadelphia, the bill to admit to the Philadelphia city employes' pension fund. State em ployes and permitting those leav ing city employ to continue as con tributors. was defeated, the vote be ins 57 ayes to 73 noes. Mr. Dunn said the plan of the Wells bill was ; unfair and remarked that 9970 men - are now contributors. There are 20; pensioners, with $332,390, in the,' fund. The act for a commission to in- 1 quire into industrial accidents was sent to the Appropriations Commit- | tee on motion of Mr. Ramsey, its | sponsor. Tt is expected that action will be taken soon on the eommis- j sion to study health insurance. The bill amending the bull frog law so that frogs may be hunted at i night with light, was passed with two votes against it. Other bills passed included: Providing for licensing of con cerns and individuals candling eggs. Regulating education of the blind in institutions in Pennsylvania. Placing trolley freight business and contracts under Public Service Commission control and setting aside any restrictive contracts now existing. Increasing' sa'aries of mine in spectors to $4,000. A bill requiring lights on all ve hicles. except agricultural machin ery, wagon loaded with hay or wheel harrows, when on reads, was intro duced by Mr. Willert. Erie at the afternoon session of the House. No vehicle is allowed to pass a srteet car that has stopped to take on or leave off passengers and slow mov ing vehicles must keep close to right hand curbs. The penalty is made fine of from $2.50 to $3 or five days in jail. Mr. Benchoff Franklin, presented a bill repealing the clause of the act of 1595 requiring refusal to admit unvaccinated pupils. Other bills presented were— Mr. Galder, Philadelphia: Regu lating appeals from magristrates' de cisions in Philadelphia. Mr. Wallace. I-awrence: Making owners of motor vehicles personally liable for damage or injury caused by vehicles. Mr. Davis. Cambria: Providing for two county detectives in counties having between 150,000 and 250,000 | population. Mr. Fox. Forest: Authorizing pur | chase of the Cook tract of primeval forest and appropriating $719,453.60 therefor. | Mr. Kennedy. Beaver: Regulating ! legal service on foreign fraternal i and similar societies in Pennsyl | vania. i The House quit at 7 p. m. Execute Bolshevists For Plotting to Seize the City of Warsaw Warsaw. April 9.—Thirty-three Bolshevists were executed at Pinsk, on the eastern frontier of Poland. Saturday. They were charged with plotting an uprising for the purposes of overpowering the weakened gar rison and seizing the city. Colonel Francis E. Fronczak, health commissioner of Buffalo, who was in Pinsk for the Red Cross, said that, according to the military offi cials. 200 Bolshevists were discover ed plotting in a hall on the outskirts of the city Saturday afternoon. The building was surrounded, but a ma jority of the Bolshev.ols managed to make their escape. About 70 were captured and inarched to the city market place, where every sec ond one was shot. ' HJLFLRISBTXRG TELEGRXPR MANY HEARINGS OF LIVELY KIND Liquor Bills Arc Debated and Third Class Cily Legisla tion Much in Evidence Half a dozen hearings, more big affairs than held #n legislative hails on any day this year, enlivened the Capitol yesterday and some were very diverting. They brought many people here for the sessions. The House Law and Order Com mittee heard Wayne Wheeler, coun sel of the Anti-Saloon League, dis cuss the prohibition bills and he re ferred to the billion dollar fund of the brewers. This hearing was a good bit of a cross tire with Repre sentative W. T. Ramsey. The House Education Committee had a strenuous session on various education bills and furnished plenty of thrills for men interested in changing conditions in the larger cities. Members of the House Health and Sanitation Committee were told by Colonel Edward Martin. State Com missioner of Health, that they could save the State of Pennsylvania a lot of money and make the Department of health well nigh useless if they passed the various anti-vaccination measures. The committees had a tield day for vaccination measures, speakers from Erie and Waynesboro being heard. The opponents of the \ ... and with the everyday mar j§ " Warn ? j$ At the Capitol Building in Washington, at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York and at scores these sales are, they're but a "drop in the *> ' bucket" compared with the MILLIONS of -.^ Fatimas smoked every day by the big, plain, |k "you-and-me" public. wf FATIMA A_Sensible Cigarette N'OTK—It Is this fact, more than any other, that shows how well' Fatima's quality ami * moderate price "size up" with the common- , >v sense man who doesn't want a fancy box or gold tips, but wants full, honest value. vaicinution laws wete sharp in their discussion of theni, one saying that vaccination was the property of the "alloputhic trust" ami another call ing it "the tyranny of medical autoc racy." Colonel Martin replied that he spoke of vaccination only front a standpoint of one assured of its value.. He declared that vaccination is a general protection and. that as a health officer, he maintained that no single individual had a right to jeopardize a community. Objections from Senators and building and loan association men and bunkers enlivened the hearing held by the Senate Hanking Com mittee on the proposed banking code and the committee received sugges tions of numerous amendments. Sen ator \V. D. Craig, of Beaver, said it made the commissioner of banking an autocrat, especially in liquidation when he deents it necessary. Hank ing Commissioner John S. Fisher re plied that he was suiprised at the Beaver man's remarks, as most of the provisions he referred t such alarming tones, had been in the State laws for twenty-four years. Several speakers said that they had no fears as regards Mr. Fisher and Senator Morris Einstein, of Pitts burgh. said that he did think the powers were extraordinary. Mr, Fisher rejoined that he had voted for the creation of the State Depart ment of Health with some misgiv ings, as he thought the powers too great. They had not been abused, however, he considered. "How about Dr. Royer during the influenza epidemic? Did he not abuse his powers?" asked the Pitts burgh Senator. "Probably he did. but he did not last long,' replied the Commissioner. "The best way to make military training un-militaristic. is to asso ciate with cur democratic public school system," declared Prof. R. T. Shaw, of the West Philadelphia High School, at a hearing before the Senate Committee on Appropri ations. concerning the Daix bill, establishing military training' in the public and norrnal schools of the State, including 'those colleges re ceiving State aid. Prof. Shaw told of the formation of a volunteer boy's military corps at the West Philadelphia High School, which later was incorporated into the curriculum of the school after the boys themselves had circu lated petitions in its favor. Governor Sproul was named among the sign ers of the petition. Prof. Shaw said that the system of training as used in the West Philadelphia High School, was more than popular with the students themselves. Harry J. Stone, member of the legislative committee of three of the P. O. S. of A., spoke for the meas ure on the grqunds that we must not again be caught in a position of unpreparedness such as that in which we found ourselves at the be ginning of the European war. "War," said Mr. Stone, "as has been shown by the history of the world, is inevitable. When the great war came, we were not prepared to pre serve our honor and our homes. We should not be caught napping again. In time of peace, let us prepare for the inevitable." "The sentiment of the War De partment." said C. R. Mann, of the War Department's Bureau of Edu cation, "has changed toward ntili | tat y training in the public schools. I am delighted to see that Pennsyl vania is about to take this advanced I step; for we have found that mili fcnty education has distinct educa tional advantages, not to be secured by any other subject." John A. McSparren. master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, argued I against the measure for the country I hoy's standpoint. Mr. McSparren de | dared that the country boy's day is already fully occupied and that he would have no time to devote to 'military training in addition to the j regular school curriculum. [use McNeil's Cold Tablets, Adv. APRIL 9, 1919. *"* I. O. O. F. ANNIVERSARY. Mount Wolf, Pu., April 9.—Mount Wolf Lodge NO. 1196, I. O. O. R, Is arranging to celebrate the centen nial anniversary of the order, with special and fitting exercises, on the eventr.K of April 25. The anniver- Children wake up with a Clean Tongue, Sweet / Jvrzl Stomach, Clear Head. All 'VgJ"* Feverishness, Biliousness and Constipation Gone! Delicious Laxative! sary of the Institution of the Odd Fellows' Lodge occurs, however, one day later. A committee composed of E. A. Gretman, J. R Buser, Will iam M. Hoover, Harvey Rohrbaugh and C. T. Kinports, has been ap pointed to perfect the arrangements. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers