||p| Rotarians of Twenty-two Cities Welcomed in Biggest District on. Record] |B| HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 1 She otac-#nkpen&eist. 1 X' YWTTT NTO tfil 9fl PAP.FQ Daily Except suliy. Entered as Second Class ' lit IN v.A. OT —U X lYCri-o Matter at is.j Tost Olllce at Harrisburg HAPPY ROTARIAN HOSTS HERE FOR RIG CONFERENCE Fifth District Giitlioring Opens in Fahnestock Hall This Morning HOTELS ABE CROWDED Atlantic City Members Boost Seashore Besort For lt)2U Meeting Hundreds of Rotarians, with their wives and sweet hearts, swarmed into Har risburg* this morning to attend the conference of the Rotary Clubs of the Fifth District, Internal Associa tion of Rotary Clubs, which was opened in Fahnestock Hall this morning. The Penn-Harris and other hotels were swamped with visitors. Red - capped, budged, arm-banded Rotarians thronged the streets and the freedom of the city was given to the various clubs of this dis trict. who are in the capital for Ihe conference. The delegates begun arriving in the city yesterday. The management of the big million-dollar hostelry was "petrified" by the antics of the happy Rotary hosts. "That's only tlio beginning. Just wait until the eonferoneo gets into real operation," said Assistant Manager George D. Worthington. who's had experience In handling Rotarians. Good, Solid Businessmen "These follows are good, solid businessmen, out for a good time — and llurrisburg's a line place to have It." The hosts continue to pour Into the city through the entire morn ing. Red-capped members from (Rending excited no little attention, and Atlantic City members, who want tho 1 920 international confer ence lor tho city of tho boardwalk. They stormed tho offleo of tho llar rlsliurg Telegraph, sang n song for iho members of tho editorial stuff, mid shot buttons ovor tho entire town, exploiting tho virtues of their "village." !' 'thldicm Stool Bund Hero 'I'll" Bethlehem Ktool Company band, with a big band of Rotarians, steamed Into the city on tv special train near ll o'clock this morning. A pr.rudo was formed and tho hand serenaded In Market Square, march ing up to tho Telegraph building where the.v gnvo several iotectlons, and inarched up Front street to State, tlience to the Capitol, where tho air rang with thoir music and then to tho Penn-Harrls Hotel. Bo liind the band 1n tho march were members of tho Bethlehem, Kaston, [Continued on Pago 14.] Lebanon Man Chosen Leader of State Gas Association Today II y Associated I'rcss. Wllliuni.sport, l'a., April 1U. —The Pennsylvania Gas Association, in eleventh annual convention here, to-day chose Philadelphia as the next meeting place and elected the following officers for the year: Gcorgo K. Speaker, of Lebanon, Pa., president: Oscar Heckert, York, Pu., llrst vice-president; John L. Mather, Ardmore, second vice-president; Lewis R. Ituggin, Jenkintown, sec retary-treasurer. Members of the executive council, also named to day, are TO. E. Hair, Hanover; 11. 11. Ganser, Norrlstown; 10. R. Myers, Philadelphia, and Frank 11. Hoggin, Lewistown. Block to Give City All Vital Statistics Needed William 1). Block, registrar of vital statistics and city license tax officer, to-day said the city health bureau will receive all the infor mation it. wants about births and deaths and other statistics that are received by him. Block made this statement at a denial of a published story that he dare not and will not give Ihe local health bureau reports on births and deaths. lie made the statement in the presence of City Health Officer Rau nick and I)r. Raunick then said his department will have no cause to complain. It was reported last night that Block would not he allowed to give Raunick any statistics and that it would cripple the health bureau to the extent of preparing official records and gathering data during epidemics. THE WEATHER For llnrrlMhtirjr tinil vicinity: Itnin itnd warmer (o-uieht, with low est torn pern til re iibout df uree.Mj Friday ruin. For Fiifttern IVnn*yl vnnlm Itnin and warmer (o-niKld; Friday rnin, warmer In cant portion: moderate *oullicn*t and aniitli wind*. It Ivor Tle *ti*qii<'|infiiin river nnd proli nlily nil 11 n liriinelie* will rl*e. A Mukc of about (1.0 f'ct I* indi cated for llnrri*hurK Friday mori'lnic. licneriil Condition* Temperature* are 2 to N dearer* lower than on Wednesday morn lok In the Middle Atlantic mid >ew r.nKlnnd *tnte*. nnd there ln* been n *liarp fall of II to :I0 ricicrern In the l ower Mlmnlmmlpiil \ alley and tlir SouthwoNt. witli fro*!* In OUlnhomti nnd \Yc*t crn Texn ;. It I* 4to 24 dee r-r M warmer In the t ppcr Phlo \ al loy. over the I. it lie lies to a and In north nnd central dl*trlet* went of the Itoeky Mountain*. Leading Rotarians and the Famous Bethlehem Band Brought Here For Convention The famous Bethlehem Steel Company's bund was brought to the Rotary Club convention to-day by ihc Bethlehem Club, which is massed behind the band standing on the Capitol steps. The band gave a concert in the Capitol rotunda this afternoon for the benefit of the visiting ladies and parade with the club this evening at G o'clock. The Bethlehem Club brought with it its municipal banner or city (lag. On the smaller cut arc seen Charles M. Ktouffcr, of Bethlehem; Col. James 11. Kemper, C. Lin l ord Scott, John S. Mudder and Captain (leorge !•'. Lumb. Tliis was the ' guiding" committee for the Bethlehem visitors. CITY TO PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE OF U.S. BUILDERS Housing Developments Learn ed Through War's Demands Are Closely Studied Members of the Harrisburg Cham ber of Commerce housing commit tee, who under tho leadership of Chairman J. Horace McFurland, vis ited large government housing pro- ! jects in the vicinity of Philadelphia ! yesterday, upon their return homo ! last night said that their trip had j been most interesting, that it had , been taken largely for educational purposes and that the members had gathered many ideas which would lie useful in tlie housing program which the chamber has under con sideration. The ob.iert of the trip, Mr. Mc- Fariand said, was not to adopt bodily any of the government plans as developed in tlie shipbuilding districts, but to make the members familiar witii the best ideas in bous ing that have been developed through the demand for better houses through the largely increased number of men thrown into the shipbuilding district. In this party beside Mr. Me Far land were Edward Bailey, who made an address before the Rotary Club recently on housing that at tracted widespread attention; .T. E. 1.. Kuhn and ('. E. Long, builders; E. f 'lark Cowden, W. R. Jackson and 1 J. Herman Nisley, head of the State Bureau of Municipalities. Through tlie interest of Mr. McFarland, who lias been engaged in federal housing developments for some months, the : party was met at. Philadelphia by Jolin Ihldor, secretary of the Penn ; sylvania Housing and Town Plan ning Association, and Andrew 1 Wright Crawford, Held secretary of the American Civic Association, and were escorted 1o Sun Village Sun Hill, : Bueknuin and tlie great building i operation below Camden, Yorkship village, where 1,500 houses are now in the course of erection. 278 New Dwellings The first stop was made at Buck man Village where 278 houses are in course of erection, some of them being finished and occupied. These houses are single, four-room six room and eight-room dwellings, apartments, workmen's hotel and modification of Hie old row types of residences. Here the committee dis covered that it is quite possible to , erect houses in rows of four, six or eight without any of the dreary monotony which characterizes so many of the city rows. By careful j treatment these houses were built so each family has a large degree of privacy and ample light and air. I There are lawns all around each of i them, the construction is of brick, stucco, nnd here nnd there a frame 1 building to add variety. All the i dwellings have modern heating i lighting, laundry and bathing facili ties and are attractively papered ; throughout. The sidewalks are paved ■ and the streets will be cemented. | There are recreation halls, sites for j churches and athletic lields and con ! tract has been let for gymnasiums ; for men and women. A big com ! munity house at the entrance pro [Continued on INigo 11.] Prominent Hungarians Under Arrest by Soviet Government at Budapest Vienna. April 10.—Among tlie prom inent Hungarians arrested by the communist government in Budapest are Joseph Eteprenyi, former minis ter of commerce: Herr Von Szurmay, former food commissioner and Herr Leo Lanczy, one of the leading finan ciers of the old empire and a trusted adviser of the late Emperor Francis Joseph. Baron Haszal, former minister of justice and Dr. Julius Wlassics, once a leading member of the House of Magnates, also are under arrest. Re ports of the death of Manfred Von Weisz, a leading Hungarian manu facturer are denied in dispatches from Budapest. Archduke Joseph Francis, son of Archduke Joseph, formerly the rep resentative of tlie Emperor in Buda pest, has been interned in tlie Hotel liitz in the Hungarian capital. We're proud of your presence with deep hearted gladness It shows that you felt wc were vivid live wires! We're glad we can greet you without the war's sadness To temper our welcome with all it inspires. We're anxious to clasp every hand and to tell you The little old town is yours for your stay! And up to the last to do all that we can do To make you enjoy us the Harrisburg way! The world's at a cross-roads and big things arc ncaring When Rotary's place will be star-high with men, And he, who clear eyed, can face facts without flinching Will know the sweet secret of brotherhood, then. You're with us; we're with you in service or pleasure To plan for the future or laugh for the hour And leave in the casket of memory a treasure Of strong hearts and true hearts united in power. ANNA HAMILTON WOOD, Wife of Harrisburg Rotarian, Chas. J. Wood, Jr. MOB STORMS OPENING DOORS AT BIG SALE Thousands Fairly Fight to Get Into Old Gilbert Store, Where Bargains Go For Benefit of the Harrisburg Hospital "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." Harrisburg is a real human city. And the women of Harrisburg, they have the heart. A perfect mob of citizens, high and low, made this day one grand bargain occasion for tlie benefit of the Harrisburg Hospital, and the gallant women who acted as sales women at tho Rummage Sale had the poise of philosophers and the sym pathy of angels, for the test was su perhuman. Early at 8 o'clock a thousand 1 larrisburgers wedged in front of the old Gilbert store in Market street, waiting for General Mercer B. Tate to raise his stentorian voice and sound tlie tocsin. A squad of police had all they could do to keep the crowd in check. At the front door Traffic Officer Kautz was Cer berus, and when the signal was given, he allowed lint a paltry 300 to rush into the narrow, but long apart HUN GUNS TO BE SHOWN FOR VICTORY LOAN Train of War Relies Will Tour Dauphin County on Mtiv 4 and 5 Captured German guns from St. Mihiel and the Argonne, French "755," a tank and armored car and "battlefield wireless" are but a few of the exhibits of the Victory Lib erty Loan War Train, which will tour Dauphin county on May 4 and 5. Stops will be inudc at Harris burg an<l Millersburg. The tank and armored car will give demonstrations of their "treut 'em-rougli" style of lighting wher ever they can be unloaded". United States marines will set up their Held wireless and call liadquarters at each stop. A corps of speakers will explain about the fighting appliances and will talk Loan to the crowds. One of the largest baggagecars in service is included In the seven-car train and is loaded with all kinds of smaller war trophies. They com prise star shells, gus masks, grenades, small arms and equip ment collected from the most fa mous battlefields of tho war. Depth bombs and naval mines are also included. Among the guns are German "minnenwerfer," or trench mortars, a very deadly type of weapon. The schedule has been ar ranged to give more time for stops than could be allowed when tho lust train toured the state. ISBURIi. I'A. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1919 ment where benevolent Harrisburg bad contributed a bizarre collection of everything. "We must stage this affair in Res ervoir Park the next time" exclaim ed Mrs. Martin Olmsted, after bare ly escaping death in tlie terrific rush which signalized the opening of doors. Standing on a chair at the front an officer who had been over tho top "over there" admitted that he never saw anything so stirring.in the world war. Even Pianos A perfectly savage desire was manifested by all customers to get a good bargain, and talk about bar gains. Fine old pianos selling for a ten spot; a $75 overcoat going for $1.50; a full-equipped barber's chair, leather covered, gone for one buck. Human nature disclosed itself in italics at this unique bazar. Sixty [Continued on Page It).] THREE KEYSTONE REGIMENTS ONLY TO BE REVIEWED {Plans lo Welcome Home Gtil liint Division Clipped by War Department .[ Few Harrisburg members of tho 11 Keystone Division will participate jln tho review of that division in : Philadelphia on its return from [France as a result of the curtail jnient of the review following tho I War Department announcement that j but three regiments of the division | will be granted permission to take part in the procession, I Elaborate plans had been worked j out in Philadelphia for the review, which it had been iioped to hold I with all of the units of the division { participating. Three regiments, the j 108 th, 109 th and 110 th, with their machine gun battalions, will be the units that will parade there. They will be landed in Philadelphia. Any Pennspivania unit that may happen jto return at precisely the same time, I may be Included later, but no special j [Continued on Page 10.] BRINGS BORLAND'S BODY Hy Associated I'rcss. Now York, April 10.—The steam ship Eastern Light arrived here to day from Rotterdam carrying the body of Representative W. P. Bor ■ | land, of Kunsns City, Mo., who died '| In France from pneumonia while t visiting tlio region occupied by Arncr licun troops. THREE TRAINMEN PERISH AS CARS ', CRASH TOGETHER Phihidclphia and Heading Kn-j ginccr, Fireman and Con due tor Buried in Wreek Shamokin. Pa., April 10. —Three men, engineer, fireman and conduc tor, were killed to-day and twenty live coal and freight ears were wrecked when a runaway train col lided with a locomotive on fho steep grade on the Philadelphia and Head ing railway between Locust Summit and Locustdaie. Ornwhend Pulls Out A long train of ears had reached the summit of the grade, the heavi est on the Shamokin division, when a j draw head pulled out. The train was I left standing on the kunckle of the grade while the engine took the damaged car back to a siding. As the engine was returning up the grade the brakes on the train be came loosened, releasing'the heavy train. Down tirade at <rcat Speed it dashed down the grade at a speeil of lifty miles an hour col liding with the engine and piling up the ears. The dead men are bur ied in the wreckage, having been hurled from the engine. Traffic on the Shamokin division was blocked all day. Tiio Heading and three Pennsylvania wrecking derricks were called into action. READY TO GO AHEAD WITH ! STREET PROGRAM j Highway Bureau I las Plans For Widening Park Boundaries The city Is ready to go ahead I with its work on the improvement jof Third and Walnut streets as j soon as the State makes its contem- I plated changes, officials of the City j Highway Department said, to-day. "We have been preparing to do J this work for weeks and are now i waiting on the State to complete its I plans," it was said by one official, j The appropriations arc ready and are available for use whenever it is jdesiiablo to start the work, j The principal improvement by the city on these streets will he their j widening. It is not planned, however, lto resurface the old section of the st rest The pavements adjoining the park will bo removed on Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth and on | Third street between North and j Walnut by the State and placed in j Capitol Park itself, and the State and Walnut streets entrances will be arranged. The extra space provided by the removal of the pavements will be used to add to the width of the highway. Market street between Front and | Pecond streets is now boing resur faced. The asphalt on a great por- Ition of it has already been removed I and in some sections has been al- I ready replaced. Thirty-five men are I employed on this work. I Corners of the sidewalks are being | removed on the easlside of Front r street on Market and on the weslside cf Second on Market. Parents Found For Baby; A Dozen Are Disappointed As the result of a brief notice in last night's Telegraph, Mrs. Meyer Neilaen, officer in charge I of the local Salvation Army head quarters. 4,')6 Vcrbeke street, found a mother for a laughing, blue e.ved buliy hoy within three hours after the paper had been placed oil tale. Twelve, applicants for the child were registered last night and (lie Salvation Army telephone wus jang ling through tho entire day. OHLY KVKXNU ASSOCIATED niuss SINGLE COPIES LinMIT rniTIAM NEWSI'A PKIL l\ lI A It 111 Ml U BIG TWO CENTS nUlllCi Li/1 1 IUPI BAVARIA AND RUSSIAN REDS j JOINING HANDS' Much Unrest Deported in Sax- j ony, Where Demand Is For Soviet Republic MINERS GO ON STRIKE! I Berlin Troops Dominate the j Krupp Plant With Ma chine Guns I HUNGARIANS AND CZECHS ENGAGED IN GREAT BATTLE j By Associated I'rcss, LONDON, April Hl.—Violent lighting lias taken place between Hungarians anil Czechs at Cng var, near the Moravian-Hangar- , ian border, says a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam to-day. One hundred and fifty Hun garians were killed. The Czechs also had considerable losses. V By Associated I'rcss, Berlin, April 10.—Diplo-j niatic relations have beenj established between the Russian and Bavarian Sovi-j et governments, according"j to the Zwolfuhrblatt. i From Saxony much unrest is j ! reported. The communists of j the Vogtland district in south-1 | western Saxony have issued a' ! demand that Saxony he made a j i Soviet republic, while the metal i ! workers at Zwickau, southwest of Chemnitz, and a large pro-j portion of tlie Saxon miners | have gone on strike. Seize lirupp Plant Government troops are reported I i to have entered Essen and to have ■ i occupied the Krupp plant, which, i I according to previous reports, had j been seized by the Essen strikers. The troops posted artillery and machine guns at the entrances to the plant. Tlie result of the inter vention by tlie government forces, tho advices state, was that two thirds of the workmen resumed their ! labors. Destroyer Barney Held Up by Ice in Voyage; Gets to New Foundland lly Associated I'rcss, Washington, April 10.— The de stroyer Barney, which has been j cruising on the North Atlantic coast | observing landing places for navy i seaplanes on the trims-Atlantic flight I which will start from Rockuway 1 Beach, L. f„ next month, has reached New Foundland. TORNADO PICKS PEOPLE IN BED AS ITS VICTIMS 100 Demi Reported in Night j Storm in Southwest; Many Are Fatally Injured j Dallas, Texas, April 10.—One liun- I drcd known dead had been listed as j victims of tlie tornado which yester- I day struck Northern Texas, Southern | Oklahoma and parts of Arkansas, j when order began to form to-day j from the chaos caused by the storm, j The injured some of them so badly j hurt that they cannot recover, are j expected to number several hundred. ! The property damage, while it will J run into many thousands of dollars, j will ho smaller than expected, as the I path of the storm avoided all prin cipal cities, striking only farm houses ! and smaller villages. Neighbors fare for Homeless | Last night the homeless were cared j for by their neighbors. The storm j in its erratic course did not devastate j any entire regions, often leaving sov | eral houses untouched and then dip ping in and demolishing the next few houses. The temperature drop ped to freezing along the northern line of counties after the storm. Twelve Counties Damaged The counties most seriously dam aged were Grayson, Fannin, Hunt, Wood, Van Zandt, Wichita, Collin, Camp and Titus in Texas, and Bryan, Cotton and Pontotoc, in Oklahoma. The oil fields of Wichita county and of southern Oklahoma suffered hua: dreds thousands of dollars dam age in wrecked derricks and machin ery. The hour at which the storm struck I probably caused the high death rate. ! Nearly all of the houses destroyed j contained sleeping people. In most | eases the first the occupants heard of tlie storm was when the waits crashed down upon their beds. POIND UNCONSCIOUS A man. believed to he N. 15. Stevick I from Ibe papers lie was carrying on ! Ills person, is in the Harrisburg Itos •pliol in an unconscious condition as | a result of a severe head Injury, lie i was found lying on the street at the i intersection of Market and Dewberry streets, about 2 o'clock this after- I noon, it is not known how he rccolv -1 cd Ills injuries. PRESIDENT WILSON HAMMERS AHEAD IN EFFORT FOR PEACE Message Sent to White House From French Capital Says the American Executive Has Made Progress FORMER EMPEROR IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STRIFE Paris, April 10. —President \Y has made "g'ood progress" in hi: fercncc, is the message sent to V\ ashington. Before to-day's ses President, Mrs. Wilson and keat called on Queen Marie of Rum here. Americans Oppose Plan Tho publication in Purls to-day of a statement attributed to 1 iritish sources to the effect that the terms of tlie peace treaty would not be presented to a plenary session of tlie Peace Conference until after they had been communicated to the Germans, caused comment among delegates ol' the nations not repre sented on tlie Council of Four. The publication brought out from the Amotionn mission the statement that it nvs opposed to such a plan. \ rnieulmi* Threatened The Armenian delegation to the peace conference has received a t 1- egram from tratiM-Causacia, sayina that the Armenian population there i ; threatcmid seriously by Mussulman and Tartar forces who have IL ar:ied the Armenians and proclal ncd a new government in Azerbaidjan. Tl.e telegram asks that the to implore the Allies to tsko nuas ures to uvoid revolution and blood | shed in trans-Caucasia. [ noundorie* Prober* Summoned | Andre Tardlcu, Viscount Morley | and diaries F. Haskins, the <pc.*i.l | committee on Western Kurope bound aries, were called before the Council of Four to-day. This tfave rise to the ! belief that Premiers Lloyd George, j Clcmenceau and President Wilson ■ * "bIJN 4® *s* X T i' 1 m* 4* HI % . 5 j "':* J 4 <2> 4* 1 3: "i J ;i r ,;; :V X I* -. • pk i 9 51 3 ** I 'S 4* *T 4* T •$* <t 3 J RUSSIA RECOGNIZES RED BAVARIA j* 4* t> $ T between the Russian and Bavarian Soviet governments T ' * cordi 4- 4® X ] J LANSING WARNS CALIFORNIA SENATE I * * Sacramento, Cal.—Secretary o! State Lansing has • <4 c '• I• < > 4 \ * * € If f * # c t rr , ,♦ I! I II C " • NT I * * Hotelmen * <£ it cf the vote on tl T amendment, charging that > * *ip * 4. $ MARRIAGE LICENSES "J* Walter C. Illiifk nml II nth 1.. \\'ool>iirri, llnrrlnhtirß; llitlph \V. * * Snt*lnK, l<t>mo>nf, nml Itutli I). llorlHt r, liTierly'* Mill*; Nlrollno I Ui'lVnno anir Vornn DeFnink, lliirrhliurm Vlnccnro Ollvo nttl y* llomp Aorl, Stcrltoiu rhlllp K. Kniaht itiiri Jennie F. Lnmitrrion, * • IfnrrUlturK; Kuherl Small iiiml Mnale !*l. C~n>tn v HurriNliurit; An- a Hony t'uhrnnle nml MnKilclt nr Wiilinllr, Sleeltmi. T ilsoii is "hammering ahead" and 5 negotiations at the Peace Con the American White J louse a"t siou of the Council of Pour, the • Admiral (irayson, his physician, ania at her temporary residence ' fDUTCH ENVOYS IN PARIS TO GET BIG LOAN FOR HUNS By .Issocialctl l'rcss. I'ISI'IB. April 10.—The visit liere of the Dutch linanciers, Van tier Moven ami Tcr Mculen, has ref erenee to the conclusion of a loan by neutral states to Germany of 1i00.000.00U pounds sterling. The loan in to ho made under the supervision of (lie Allies und is for the purpose of restoring the economic .-dilation in continental Europe, f.iviss and Scandinavian lain Iters, it is added, arc partici pating in the negotiations. V \ wore considering the problem of the ; Khine valley. . .The first entente food ships that 1 reached Germany had to leave in ballast on their return trips because I in all Germany there could not be ! collected enough freight to load them j il is unnouneed in semi-offieial quar i tors. Neither was it possible to re- I coal the steamers completely. The j question is asked here how long tha [Continued on l*ngc 11.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers