IYANKEE BOXERS PICKED FOR FOREIGN MEET: TECH'S LAST GAME FRIDAY WITH PHILA. rucky Boxers at A. A. U. Meet Will Fight Abroad This Summer The prime evidence of boxing's sopularity came out at Boston yes erday when many hundreds of lads <rfspeared at the annual competition >f the A. A. U., the contests re sulting in picking out the heroes who will represent Uncle Sam in the nternational tournament to be hold n Scandinavia this summer. The winners came from all parts of \merica as the following list shows, but Gotham furnished the hulk of clever amateurs: 108 Pound Class—D. Kamills, New York, won from J. Manning, Boston. 125-Pound Class—William P. Cor bett, Boston, won from Archie Wal ker, New York. TECH'S LAST BATTLE The pick of the southern, northeast md West Philadelphia High schools vilt visit the Technical High school >asketball cage Friday night when he Maroon aggregation will play its inal contest of tlie season. The sea ion closed officially almost two weeks igo, but the Philadelphians have >een dickering for a game ever lince. Being the pick of the larger :ity, they claim to be real cham tions. One of the big stars of this ag tregation is Passon, a Southern High ichool forward. This lad has a knack >f tossing them in from the foul line •hat has stamped him one of the teenest eyed stars in the State. •>etinan, the other forward, is ulso rom Southern. This pair have a rep itation of being the best duo of for vards Philadelphia ever produced. The third and llnal Southern player s found at centef in the person of .eopold. He was among the leaders n the Philadelphia cage league the >ast season. At guard are Young, of West Phil idclpliia, and O'Brcin, of Northeast ligh school. In their barn storming rips, few forwards have been able o elude this pair of defensive toss ■rs. Coach Miller will send his itrongest team against this combina ion, and the following night the Coal Advance Justified The statement of Governor Sproul that the proposed 10 cent idvance a month from May 1 to September 1 in coal prices is jus tified, should remove all doubts as to the true conditions con fronting the coal trade. The 73 .per cent, advance in liages, the increased freight -ates and other higher costs of Tiining are factors that make this additional increase in coal irices necessary. More than 30 per cent, of operators have been conducting their coal business at a loss. And the wise homekeepers will avail themselves of present coal prices and fill their bins for next Winter this month. We can supply all the coal you order now. H. M. Kelly & Co. 1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts. Automobile and Aeroplane INSTRUCTIONS DAY OR NIGHT ■ :>'Bt Trained automobile and aeroplane mechanics are in big demand and are making big money.' The work is pleasant and easily learned. We have big classes running day and night and teach you in a short time to be thoroughly effic ient. 15,000 aviators wanted in New York now. Thousands of automobile and aeroplane mechanics wanted at once. Write or call for full particulars. Make Application NOW For Next Class Full Course SSO; to be increased soon, Automobile and Aeroplane Mechanical School 25 N. CAMERON ST., HARRISBURG Training Quarters, £SO South Front Street, Steelton WEDNESDAY EVENING, 115-Pound Class —Ashton Bonze, New Orleans, won from James Tomasulo, New York, (last year's champion). 158-Pound Class —Sam Lagonia, New York, won from J. J. Flanagan, Brockton. 135-Pound Class —Frank B. Cas sidy, New York, won from John Hepburn, Boston. . 145-Pound Class —-David Rosen herger. New York, won from Emil Franaer, New York. 175-Pound Class —A 1 Roche, Bos ton, won from Frank Grayber, Pitts burgh. Heavyweight Class —E. F. Egan Penier, won from James J. Tuliy New York. squad will break training and hold the annual banquet when gold bas ketball fobs will be awarded to the Central Penn champions. Marysville Polishing Up,, Her Baseball Arena \ gag y J7 HARRY STEES Marysville, Pa., April 9. —Harry Stees, who managed the Marysville team of the Dauphin-Perry League several years ago, was named at a meeting of fans last evening to di rect the team on the field for the en suing year.' Steesj, is a former Penn State star. The meeting at which action was taken was held in the Muvic'pa) building. J. Garfield Eppley, acting presi dent of the association, was named to serve as president during the year: other officers include: Vice president, F. W. Roberts; secretary, L. C. Lightner; treasurer, F. W. Geib; delegate to league meetings, R. H. Cunningham; alternate, El wood Stees; building and grounds committee, James Roberts, chair man; financial committee, R. N. Hench, chairman; advertising, I* C. Lightner, chairman: equipment, George Moore, chairman; business manager, Paul L. Ellenberger. Work on getting the grounds in suitable shape for playing will like ly be started this evening under the supervision of Chairman James Roberts. It is hoped to have them in shape satisfactorily for practice by the first of next week. Several exhibition games will be staged be fore the opening of the league sea son on May 17. MARRIED AT CHAMBKRSBURG. Waynesboro, Pa., April 9.—Will iam H. Yaukey and Miss Clara Mc- Kee, both of Waynesboro, surprised their many friends by slipping off to Chambcrsburg to be married. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Howard J. Ake at the Methodist parsonage. SNOODLES By Hungferord (■tSSj | ffe'l i ■■■l I GET InPffMi r- V kUi _ _ L—i 1 ■ ' i I i ■ Battle De Luxe When Fords Meet Steelton The Steelton Big Five which op poses the local Independents Satur day night have an all-star team of boys who were on local school teams in the past three years. Earl Killinger, who was a star on the Technical High team will play a forward position: he is also a for mer Rosewood player. His running mate will be Mickey Krout, a former Steelton High football and basket ball star. Mike Yoder, who managed the Elizabcthtown basketball team this year and jumped center for the same club will oppose Big lloss Haggerty at center. The guard positions will be taken care of by two of the best basketball tossers in this vicinity. Nate Isaacman Fights Babby Williams at the Motive Power Show To-morrow night is the date for the Motive Power boxing show at its arena, Boyd and Seventh streets, where Allentown Dundee is billed to meet Tommy Carey, the crack Phil adelphia lightweight. Dundee has won several decisions in this city over Joe Phillips and Barry Han son an.l he is mighty popular with the local fans. He will have a lough battle in Tommy Carey, how ever, for that lad is a scrapping cus tomer. The match between Nate Isaac man and Babby Williams, of Allen town, promises to be even more thrilling from a local end. Williams knocked out BH'y Segal here some weeks ago, bumping him for live bloody rounds, and the Motive Pow er fans look for a stiff match to morrow with this fellow against Nate, who has knocked out three of the last four men he met. Isaacman has been accused of "picking" his i opponents, but in this case he has ! toed the mark and the victory will be to the beet fighter. Wigmore Letters Mailed in Franked Envelopes, Charge By Associated Press. Washington, April 9.—lnvestiga tion by the Attorney General's office of the alleged distribution in offi cial franked envelopes of 70,000 copies of a letter written by Colo nel John H. Wigmore, formerly of the Provost Marshal General's of fice, in support of the existing courts martial system, was urged yesterday by Senator Chamberlain, former chairman of the Senate Military Affairs Committee, in a letter to At torney. General Palmer. Won Middleweight Boxing Title in Navy, Now Wants to Become a Matty or a McGraw It Isn't enough for Tort Miller to have won the middleweight boxing championship of the United States Navy, He wants to become another McUraw, er a Matheweep OF a Chase, H ARRISBUHG TTLEGRAPH Lefty Dayhoff who starred in all sports at Steelton High school will play one guard position with "Red" Atticks who is known all over the State as an athlete. He is a for mer Lebanon Valley College man, having played and won his letter in three sports, basketball, baseball and football. Steelton will bring its usual crowd of rooters along and there promises to be great rivalry during the game. Dancing will im mediately follow the game. Steelton. Independents. Killinger, f. Rote, f. Krout, f. McCord, f. Yoder, c. Haggerty, c. Dayhoff, g. Gerdes, g. Atticks, g. Ford, g. CARLISLE SOLDIERS ENJOYED LOCAL BOXERS' SHOW That charity is all the Bible says of it was manifested by the trip of those local boxers to Carlisle where they diverted 500 overseas soldiers with a sparring tournament. The secretary of the Jewish "Welfare writes to the Telegraph sports editor asking for an additional tribute to the following athletes who hooked up as indicated: Phil Sehiff vs. Young Sherman; Abe Michaels vs. Ben Garonzelt; Gilly Daylor vs. Lester Nichols; Jack Dewey vs. Jerry Glass: Ser geant Perkins vs. Sergeant Tommy ] Condon, New Cumberland; Sammy ScliifT, Harrisburg, vs. Black Gun boat Smith, Baltimore, Md. "Every bout was a hummer and the real goods," was the soldiers' consensus, says the Welfare report, "and the show was one big hit." The boxing tok place right on the floor with the 500 overseas men close up, some of them requiring the attendance of a nurse. Ish Cohen, the wrestler, refereed, and he saw that the fighting was fast enough to suit even a man who had been over the top. A. Roseman, of the Wel fare, looked after the staging of the show and the entertainment after ward. SCIENCE CHCTtCH WINS Boston, April 9.—Judge luring in the Supreme Court to-day re/used an injunction that would require the directors of the Christian Science Church of Boston and the trustees of the Christian Science Publishing Society to restore to the authorized list the First Church of Christ Scien tist of Nashville, Tenn.. and Henry M. Mason and Annie Q. Mason, prac -1 tltloners. or an Alexander, or a Kautt —in *act anything that shows he is pf phanv pionship baseball paliber. Ge is shown here in his favorite fighting pose at the Now Yprk Giants: spring training camp at Gainesville, FUt. Tome School Planning Huge Spring meet The Tome School, down near Baltimore, which, like many other classy institutions, lost to the Harrisburg Tech, is going to have a stellar spring meet on May 17, with the largest crowd sand list o£ entries in the history ol the place. The Tolchester Company, ot Bal timore, has contracted to run an excursion from Baltimore, the steamer to leave Bight street at S a. m. and to afford room for 300 passengers. The excursion, which is in charge of Messrs. Coulborn and Smeud, of Baltimore City Col lege, promises not only an ideal outing up the river and on Tome's beautiful campus, but also the wit nessing of spectacular events among the choicest schoolboy ath letes in the Bast Hans have been carefully laid for all details of boat, train and automobile transportation and for entertainment, housing and meals. The plaques, cups, and medals to be awarded have been carefully se lected and are the best ever offer ed by the school. The committee feels especially pleased with the selection of of ficials who are to carry on the maet. The clockwork system, which has always marked Tome's meets, will be in evidence more than ever this year. I.atrobo Cogswell, the president of the Southern A. A. V., has agreed to act as clerk of course; George J. Turner, as referee; M. H. Markle, as starter; W. J. Beimkehler, C. C. Beuerlein, R. F. Baiard. James Mc- Callester, Soy Pepper and C. H. Katenkamk as timers and judges. These officials, well-known sports men, are sufficient in themselves to assure the success of the meet. In the evening, after the meet, an interesting entertainment in Memorial Hall will be provided es pecially for the benefit of visitors. The school is very fortunate to ob tain for the occasion the Johns Hopkins University Dramatic Club, which will present Bernard. Shaw's "You Never Can Tell." The present outlook seems to indicate that the meet of 1919 will eclipse anything of its kind in the South. FLTES 684 MILES WITHOUT STOP Rome, April 9.—Lieutenant Roger, a French aviator, arrived here at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, after a nonstop flight of 1,100 kilometers (684 miles) from Lyons, France. He left Lyons at !Tls o'clock Sunday morning. CAMELS meet your fondest cigarette fancies in so I many new ways —they are so unusual in flavor, H so refreshing, so mellow-mild, yet so full-bodied —that you quickly realize their superior quality, and, become I a Camel enthusiast! Camels are unlike any other cigarette you ever LCT smoked. Their expert blend of choice Turkish and a I choice Domestic tobaccos gives you so many delights. jfr I It not only assures that wonderful smoothness and re- 1/ i freshing taste but it eliminates bite and harshness! 55^9 And, you smoke Camels without any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! No matter how fond you become of Camels! Smoke them liberally! They never will tire your taste ! fsZA The blend takes care of that! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C BP**. Mi (k N^^Cigarettes AROUND THE BASES The list of team entries for the University of Pennsylvania relay car nival which .will be held at Franklin Field on the 25th and 26th of this month is one of the largest in the history of the games. Virtually every big college in the East and Middle West, except Yale, is represented in the list, and Yale is expected to send in their entries very soon, at least for the hurdles and some of the field events. The latest entries received include Harvard and Lafayette. Harvard will have men in the two and four-mile relay championships and in all of the special events, while Lafayette will compete in the distance medley relay, the four-mile championship and some of the field events. Other institutions that have sent in entries include Chi cago, Princeton, Dartmouth, Pennsyl vania State, Columbia, Cornell, lowa State and Wisconsin. Baltimore, April 9. —A 1 Shubert, of New Bedford, Mass., and Peter Her man, of New Orleans, bantamweight champion, fought ten fast rounds here last night. There was no decision given but the crowd concluded Shu bert had the better of the bout. HARRISDURG SPORTSMEN'S SHOOT Marietta, Pa., April 9.—The Harris burg Sportsmen's Association made the following scores at their shoot: S. S. Hoffman, 93; Sheafer, 40; Stew ard, 115; Benner, 36; Worden, 93; G. E. Hoffman, 87; Freeland, 89; Martin. 97; Hickok, 92: Morrett, 92; McCully, 64; Rothrock, 73; Calderman, 67; Pale, 86; Roberts, 67; Cleckner, 13; Tom lin, 46. WEST END MEETING The following officers for West End Twilight League will be installed this evening at the office of Alderman E. J. Householder, Forrest and Moore streets: President, Professor McCune, of Tech; vice-president, Emory C. Lutz, sporting editor of the Evening News; secretary, Mr. Hirsch, and treasurer, William Wykoff. Reading, Pa., April 9.—Another de lay in the International League fran chise negotiations is apparent from the tone of a letter Mayor Filbert re ceived from President Fultz yester day, The letter says league will meet the latter part of this week, when ac tion will he taken, Mayor Filbert has replied to the Fulta letter, telling the league presi dent the city will await the league's action. Attention is called to the fact that the time is now getting very APRIL 9, 1919. short, and that Reading has not yet made any effort toward park improve ments or getting a team ready for the opening of the season on April 30. MAGNATE A SI'ICIDE Moses Frank, the used ex-president of the Baltimore Orioles, committed suicide in Baltimore yesterday. He was found early yesterday morning in his room dead from gas. Frank had ihvested quite a lot of money in base ball and loved the game as few men do. Baseball was his one pastime. He cared for no other. He was president of the Orioles from 1903 to 1908. On Sunday he saw the tirst ball game in three years, when Jack Dunn took him out to Oriole Park to see the Athletics play the Baltimoreans. He seemed to be in fair health, al though slightly "out of sorts." After the game he went to his hotel with Jack Dunn and Connie Malk in their automobile and seemed to recover his good spirits. READING BASKETBALL RECORD Reading, Pa., April 9. Twenty tw 0 victories in twenty-eight starts is the record made this season by the Reading High basketball team. While the team did not win the Central Pennsylvania Scholastic League pen nant, it aroused enough interest to make the season the biggest money maker in the history of the cage sport at Reading High. Since the disbanding of the old Eastern League the Red and Black live has been regarded as Reading's representative team. There is just as much interest in the high team's success as there was in the Reading's professional club when the Eastern League was nourishing. No athletic team of Rending High ever won so many outside rooters as the cage quintet did this year. Reading High wound up its season by losing to tiie strong Mahanoy City High School five in a sensational game. Mahanoy City has the strong est team that ever represented that city on the lloor. Though the locals were still tired from the game they had at Lebanon, they put up a fairly good brand of basketball, SOLDIER UKOl'bH HOME Melbourne, April 9. The state of Victoria of the Commonwealth of Australia has expended up to date more than $5,200,000 in the pur chase of land for the settlement of repatriated soldiers, it was announc ed to-day, A total of 87,600 acres has, been purchased. POLISH ARMY STARTS SOON Paris, April 9. —General Haller'a Polish troops, numbering about 50,- 000, will begin to move by train from Paris to Poland April 15 at the rate of two trains a day. It probably will require thirty days to complete the transportation. rucks| | Continuous Service | and Long Run I Economy ||Let ta Give You Full Details!! (The Overland-Harrisborg Co. §212-214 North Second StreetP sniiuttißßmiiuiiismnnßninminiirninmifflßisuiiHieanaunsKuii? A Different Kind of Used Car House We mark our cars in plain figures—we guarantee satisfac tion —we don't misrepresent—we give you the lowest prices pos sible to get—we give service and satisfaction to all our customers. 1000 Used Autos, $250 op We have every known make auto and truck in 1918-17-16 models. Just tell us what you want and we'll show it to you. Scml today for our Auto Cata logue No. 20 its free and full of valuable Information for the man who is going to buy a car. Come to Philadelphia for that used Car. Come to us, the house or satis faction. ROMAN AUTO CO.! World's Largest Auto Dealers ' 203 N. BROAD STREET [ Philadelphia, Pu. 15
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