10 HUNDREDS JOIN IN THE BIG WAR GARDENS PARADE .Mayor Keister Addresses the School Children Who Take Over Many Plots In full garden work regalia, hun dreds of school children marched through the principal streets of the Allison Hill district in a big cos tumed school garden parade last eve ning, to boost the school children's Victory" gardens this year. Included •in the procession, were representa tives from each of the nine Allison THill districts, forming an important part of the peageant. Clad in sunbonnets and gingham aprons, caps and blue overalls, the youthful tillers of the soil marched (for one hour through the principal streets of the Hill section. Starting >at five o'clock, the marchers were (dismissed at Thirteenth and Derry .streets about six o'clock by Mayor tDaniel L. Keister. Mayor Keister, in dismissing the procession, made a • few remarks as to the important part the "war" gardens tilled by the chil dren, had played in meeting the food situation during the war and urged them as a quite Important "victory" measure. Returned soldiers, many of them overseas veterans and some of them •wearing gold wound stripes on the right sleeves, took an important part In the procession and some of them captained the marching units of children. Military aviators, flying far over the heads of the marchers .and onlookers, added to the mili tary touch of the big procession. Two Big Tractors Two farm tractors, each of them sed in plowing the ground and get ting it ready for cultivation by the children, which had done the work under the auspices of the Harris burg Chamber of Commerce, were in teresting exhibits of the procession. They were driven by Miss Virginia "Watts and Miss Loretta File. Each of the Allison Hill schools were represented in the procession by a delegation of children riding in automobiles. Children from each of the schools, riding, were: Allison —Catherine Kahney, cap tain: Catherine Meadoth, Thelma Miller. Mabel Wright, Esther Gill, Alice Houselidlder. Lucile Appleby; Pied Piper, Theodore Johnson. Foose—Wilma Roberts. captain; Ano a Hohn, Etta Gordon. Susan Hoyer, Mary Nossel, Mildred Marts.; Jack - and - the - Beanstalk, Ralph Foothorap: Farmer. Francis Price. 'Forney—Esther Au mill erf, captain; Pauline Barracks, Pauline Fishman, Lucile Parthemore, Lucile Smith, I.ucile Hahn; Guard of Honor, Paul Warfleld. Webster—Mildred Hartman, cap tain; Catherine Beatty, Muriel Stough, Ruth Bateman, Elizabeth Erb, Elizabeth Upp, Ruth Giltner. Melrose—Mildred Daniel, captain; Mildred Motter, Mary Hepler, Eleanor Wagner, Dorothy Edmond son and Mildred Yeager. Lincoln Helen Eyler, captain; Emma Fritz, Helen Gross; Virginia Little. Amy Crawford, Lela Bean. Each School HUH Captain Shimmel!— Catherin Pellow, cap tain; Dorothy Shannon, Blanche Robinson, Emily Lewis, Minnie Sheets, Blanche Spetz, Thelma Tip pett, Catherine Hartz. Vernon Catherine Bently, cap tain; Dorothy Shank and Gladys Heicher. Woodward—Mabel Buds, captain; pennant bearers, Thomas Jones, Lawrence Hess. Albert Miller. Geo. Bennett, Theodore Selig, and Malcolm Graeff. Each of the schools were captained by outsiders. Some of these were returned soldiers and others were civilians. The soldier captains were Sergeant T. L. Wolf, Private R. D. Lantz, Private Tate, Sergeant Chas. Snoddy, Russell McSwine, Private W. A. Shuntz, Private Dan Warner. Oth ers officiating as captains were Wil liam Tenny, Warren Reed and Dan let Page. Radish Farmers Allison Hill children marched as radish farmers, each one wearing colors suggestive of that vegetable Forney girls marched as "lettuce" girls; Lincoln children as "beets" Melrose pupils as "onions." Foose boys and girls "beans," Webster youths carried huge heads of cab bage; while Shimmell children wore costumes suggesting turnips, Vernon school children carried ear after ear of yellow corn and Woodward chil dren wore pumpkin streamers. "Gardenism, not Bolshevism," were the striking words borne on the ban ner of one of the youths, a youth wearing the Forney school colors. Several striking representations re ceived much commendation from the crowds wno thronged the sidewalks. Theodore Johnson marched as "Uncle Sam," and alph Foothorap, in pony and cart, was "Jack and the Bean stalk," the stalks growing up the rear of the cart. Music for the procession was fur nished by the Municipal Band which marched during the entire parade free of charge. It was under the direction of its leader, Frank Blu menstein. J. Frederik Virgin, Boy Scout executive, directed the forma tion of the parade. 3pposing New Basic Law of Teutons, Bavaria Has Recalled Berlin Envoy By Associated Press. Copenhagen, April 9.—lt has been officially announced in Munich that Ritter Von Pruger, the Bavarian en voy at Berlin, has been recalled. The commissary for foreign affairs In giving his reasons for this step declares that the new German con ititution can never become binding upon Bavaria as Bavaria's special rights have been surrendered in the Irawing up of that document. The Wurttemberg government, as well as the Baden and Hesse gov srnments, according to a Stuttgart dispatch, still regards the Bavarian rovernment under Premier Hoff mann as the sole legitimate govern ment for Bavaria. Flyer Killed When He Tries Nose Dive Too Close to Ground at Langley Field Hamilton, Va., April 9. Lieut. John B. Neely, of Seattle, was killed ind Sergeant J. S. Richardson seri •rnsly injured to-day at Langley ifleld, when an airplane, which Xee :ey was driving, fell about 250 feet. Witnesses said Neeley attempted t nose dive with his machine when too close to the ground. Neeley was 24 years of age. Kich • rdson's address was not giver ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. ESTHONIANS TAKE SEVEN VILLAGES; GET 500 CAPTIVES Storm Town of Gdov and Capture 300 Men and War Ma terial; Grab Towns South of Xarva With Two Hun dred Foe; Chinese and Red Finns Give Trouble Copenhagen, April 9.—The capture of seven villages, five hundred pris oners and large quantities of war material is reported In an official statement issued from the Esthon ian army headquarters. The Esthon ian troops continue to advance, ac cording to the statement which reads: "As a result of Bolshevik defeats, fighting is being carried further into Russian territory. On April 6, Es thonian. forces crossed the Narova river, south of Navara, and captured seven villages and two hundred prisoners. Storm Town of Gdov "On the same day they stormed the town of Gdov, on the eastern bank of Lake Peipus, and captured three hundred men and considerable war material.' London. April 9.—Disorders on the Murmansk front in Russia were planned by Finnish troops and Bol shevik Finns, according to an official statement issued at the war office to-day, which states that they are NUREMBERG IS IN STATE OF SIEGE; FOOD IS SEIZED Storage Depots of American Red Cross Pillaged by Armed Crowds By Associated Press. Berlin. April 9. —A "state of war" exists in Nuremberg, Northern Ba varia, according to placards posted this morning. Parades and demon strations are forbidden there and the public is forbidden to be in the streets between 11 p. m. and 5 a. in. The Hoffmann government of Ba varia was recently reported to have moved from Munich to Nuremberg. A Berlin dispatch received Tuesday night, however, stated that the min istry after going to Nuremberg made a second change in its head quarters, moving to Bamberg. Yes terday's dispatches reported a state of siege in Nuremberg. Basle. April 9.—Storage sheds of the American !Red Cross were among the food depots pillaged by armed crowds in Nuremberg Tues day, according to dispatches re ceived here. Goods to the value of 700,000 marks are said to have been taken from various food depots. NABS FIREBUG AFTER LONG CHASE [Continued from First Page.] Rundell failed to turn up at Novem ber court, the Fire Marshal's de partment started to make diligent search for the delinquent, and Dep uty Lewis D. Buono, of Chester, who had worked up a strong case against the defendants, was put upon the scent of the missing man. After some very clever detective work, it was found that Rundell and his family were residing in Los Angeles, California, and that the runaway held an important position in one of the big department stores of that city. The State Fire Marshal's depart ment got in touch with Los Angeles police authorities, but they replied that Rundell could not be located in the city, in which they were cor roborated by the postal authorities. The State Fire Marshal's depart ment and Deputy Buono, being sure of their ground, the latter was sent to Los Angeles on the 7th of March, who arrested Rundell ten days later. The man was located exactly where Deputy Buono had ascertained he was employed. Ready For Trial After Deputy Buono had lodged the prisoner in jail, the former pro ceeded to Sacramento, the capital of the state, where the Governor of California honored the requisition papers. Thus fortified, the deputy returned to Los Angeles, and a few days thereafter started across the continent with his prisoner, in easy stages. Rundell was placed in the lockup at Athens last Friday and the day following was lodged in the county jail at Towanda. The trial of the implicated men is set for the second Monday in May. Owing to the great extremity and expense resorted to in the appre hension of the prisoner, Auditor General Snyder, mindful of the im portance to the state of getting Run dell back to Bradford county, agreed to sustain the State Fire Marshal in the payment of every legitimate expense. First, however, it was agreed upon that the Commission ers of Bradford county should be induced to pay a share. They were of the opinion that the search for Rundell would prove a "wild goose chase" and refused to pay any part of the expense. They agreed, how ever, that upon the delivery of Run dell into the hands of the Sheriff of Bradford county they would pay the entire expense. Yesterday Deputy Buono arrived in Harrisburg with a check for the full amount, which was turned into the State Fire Mar shal's fund. In suing out the bond, the Commissioners of Bradford county will realize the full amount expended, so that in the end DeWaters, it is believed, will pay the whole "freight." Ukrainian Soviets Capture Odessa, Say Advices From Kiev By Associated Press. Paris, April 9. The Ukrainian Soviet troops have captured Odessa, according to advices from Kiev; transmitted by wireless from Mos sow under date of April 7. The news has not been officially confirmed. I,ate dispatches indicate that Bol shevik pressure against Odessa, the great Russian port on the Black Sea was increasing, and intimated the imminent evacuation of the city by the allied forces. not considered of political signifi cance. The statement reads: Chinese Cause Disturbance "A telegram from Murmansk says that on April 7 a disturbance was caused at Murmansk by Chinese workmen, but it was soon put down and was not considered significant politically. The majority of the riot ers most of whom were armed with revolvers and knives, are now in cus tody. "A party of Red Finns twice at tacked one of our posts south of Segeja on April 7, but were both times repulsed, leaving six killed behind. We had no casualties. This attack furnishes additional corrob oration of the intention to launch a simultaneous action by the Fin nish legion and Bolshevik Finns. Rus* Capture Red Patrol "A Russian rifle regiment, which is a part of the Allied forces in Northern Russia has occupied Gap navalok village, on the eastern shore of the Bay of Onega, sixty miles south of Soroka, capturing a Bol shevik patrol." REPARATIONS PROBLEM IS NOW FINALLY SETTLED Only Minor Details Remain to Re Worked Out by the Special Board By Associated Press. Paris, April 9.—The reparations problem is now considered delinitely settled and only minor details con cerning the functions of the commis sion to allot the annual instalments from Germany remain to be arrang ed. The Polish question, including the status of Danzig, is also nearing settlement on the basis of interna tionalization of the city. Danzig as a free port avoids the necessity of recognizing the claims of either Po land or Germany, while the former will have a corridor to the Baltic to the limits of the internationalized town. President Wilson met with the premiers of Great Britain, France and Italy yesterday for the first time sinGe he became ill. The discussion of responsibility for war and t\ie Sarre valley, which was unfinish ed, continued to-day. It was not in dicated whether the President made any reference to the summoning of the George Washington. On account of the President's weakened condition the afternoon session was comparatively short, Mr. Wilson lying down immediately aft er its adjournment, although it was stated at the "White House" that the was gradually improving and expect ed ,to attend all the meetings of the council hereafter. The return of President Wilson to the Council of Four and the progress made on various questions has re moved much of the tension which existed in conference circles and has Ird to renewed confidence in an early and satisfactory conclusion. Riverside M. E. Church Welcomes New Pastor The Riverside Methodist Episcopal Church congregation last evening held a reception and entertainment in honor of its new pastor, the Rev. G. M. Klepfer. W. I. Shreiner presid ed and.C. E. Rhoads made the ad dress of welcome. The Rev. Dr. George Edward Reed, a former parishoner, of the Rev. Mr. Klepfer's, also made a few remarks. The Riverside Methodist Episcopal Church Guitar and Mandolin Club made its first appearance and its pro gram received commendation from the audience. The Rev. Mr. Klepfer will make his home at 613 Lewis street. The probability of erecting a new church building is now being considered by the congregation. Highway Engineer Is to Aid in Getting Through Bill For Horse Roads Arrangements were made to-day with Chief Engineer W. D. Uhler, of the State Highway Department, by Representative John R. K. Scott, for co-operation of the department In the consideration of the bill for con struction of horse roads on improved highways. Hearings on this bill will be held in Philadelphia during the legislative recess. Smith Bill Authorizes Joint Hospital Buildings Senator Frank A. Smith, of Dau phin, introduced a bill this morning in the Senate, perrrytting the County Commissioners of any county and the autholrities of any third cHss cities to erect jointly a building or buildings for hospital purposes. The counties and cities Involved are authorized to issue bonds to raise necessary funds. STEELTON PERSONALS Lieut. C. F. Itoar, of the 346 th Field Artillery, recently returned from France, was visiting friends in town yesterday. Lieutenant Hoar i 8 bet ter known here as Toppy, a member of the local team in the Steel League of 1917. Mr. and Mrs. Jere Blakslee return ed yesterday from a motor trip to Berwick where they visited Mrs. Blakelee's mother, who is seriously HORSKS RUN AWAY While Ira Alleman, a truck farm er from near Ebenezer, was serving his customers yesterday noon on Highland street, his horses became frightened by a passing trolley car. They ran up Mohn street and were finally stopped when they ran into a tree at the Intersection of roads. The wagon was badly damaged and one of the horses was thrown down an embankment. SI HPRISE PARTY* HELD FOR MRS. WILLIAM ICKES Mrs. William Jokes was pleasantly surprised yesterday evening when more than fifty of her friends gath ered at her home, 515 Lincoln street, in honor of her birthday. She re ceived many beautiful gifts. HXRRISBXJRG TELEGRXPH CITIZEN FIRE CO. IS OFFERED BUILDING SITE Firemen's Union Would Have Physicians Give Serv ices at Fires It was announced at the Firemen's j Union meeting held in the Washing ton chemical house last evening, tfhat an offer had been made to members of the Citizen Fire Com pany of a site in Tenth street, near j Market, free, for the purpose of j erecting an engine house for the Citizen Fire Company. Provision is being made to have the police patrol, or the city ambu | lance respond to fire alarms. Also to have volunteer physicians appear at tires in the various districts. Dr. T. E. Bowman, 1641 State street, is the first physician to tender his serv ices free in case of fire alarms in his district. On Friday afternoon at the may or's office, an ordinance will be pre pared for adoption by City Council, providing for a safety committee, made up of firemen from the various companies, to act in conjunction with the police force of the city, whereby crowds will be kept back from dangerous places during fires; members of this committee to be au thorized to arrest on view parties caught stealing personal propertv at such times. The annual dues to the Firemen's Union of the several fire companies have been Increased from $1 to $2. The attention of the city authori ties has been called to the dangerous conditions arising from the parkin? of automobiles along the east side of Market Square and Second street, from Market to Walnut street, on Saturday evenings. The firemen are delighted with the prospect of widening Walnut street from Fourth to Third, and Third street from Walnut to North. The nightly congestion on Walnut street is a menace to public safety when that thoroughfore has to be'used in responding to fire alarms. Each fire company of the city is requested to appoint a committee of three firemen to assist in making preparations for the coming county convention in June. These commit tee men are to attend the meeting of the Dauphin county executive committee at the Friendship house on the 18th of this month. The volunteer firemen of the city are going to contribute immediately to fund for the erection of a fire men s arch, or other suitable me morial in honor of the returning sol diers and in time for the Victory pa rades. The committee appointed for this purpose are H. P. Fleck. Friend ship No. 1; Charles Price, of Hope ? d^ rd We, t. of ritizen No. j £ S I' R 'PP pr - of Washington No. 4: Benjamin Gastrock. of Mt \ernon No. 5: E. El wood Rogers, of p"l°"n : fi _ : George E. Bird, of 'OOdwil! No. Robert Buck, of Mt Pleasant No. S: E. Bowman, of Sus- RHev"v a ?n°- ?: A ' U R atton, of R ley No. 10; H. W. Keeney. of Shamrock No. 11: C . A. Hurst, of Curt In* v° r J - H ' R,,d> '' of T> P : r.incoln Dillon of Royal No. 14; Colonel Henrv c Lemming. president of the' Fir emen s Union, and Joseph Redman. fhcTn rJ wf th ° rni °n. px officio; by A T'patton Ca,,ed ,opp,hpr As soon as the safely committee e P £" t J] orol, B'Wj' organized, Fire Kindler will provide ropes at every fire, for use by committee and police and (he BcV Scouts, to act in conjunction undeAthe control and direction of the fire clief. This announcement is one of a series run by the coal merchants of Harrisburg and suburbs. Last year for patriotic reasons consum ers placed their orders with us promptly after April Ist and about 66 per cent, of all the coal consumed for domestic purposes in Harrisburg and suburbs was in the homes by October Ist. The great war has come to an end. We enter upon a reconstruction period. EXPECTS U.S. TO HOLD TRADE IN LATIN-AMERICA Robert Barrett Says Country Can Retain Its Prestige Gained During War Washington, April 9. —"A study of market conditions and methods in Argentina has convinced me that, so far as this particular country is con cerned, American trade will continue for many years to hold its own," Robert S. Barrett, commercial at tache to the United States embassy in Buenos Aires, declared to-day in a report to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. In answering the "most pertinent question" now in the minds of busi ness men of the United States — whether this country can retain the oommercial prestige gained during the war—Mr. Barrett found numer ous reasons for optimism. He said firms in the United States were com ing to a better understanding of their South American trade because they were studying its needs. In creased credit facilities are being ar ranged and closer relations achieved by the establishment of branch houses in Latin-America and buying offices in the United States. He warned, however, that compet itive freight rates, trained men ab solute honesty and investment in South American securities were nec essary to maintain the position which United States goods now hold in the countries to the south of the equa tor. "While perhaps the United States' percentage of the total imports into Argentina may not be so large as it has been in the past four years, during which competition from Eur opean countries was greatly 'affected by tlio war, the value of its exports to Argentina will be larger in the next few years than ever before," Mr. Barrett said. Delegates Ask Repeal of Public Service Act A bill to abolish the Public Service Commission will be introduced in to the State Legislature according to plans made by residents of third class cities, boroughs and townships of the State who met in the Senate Caucus room this morning. The gathering, approximately 60 in number, were loud in their pro tests against what they called the despotism of the Public Service Com mission Act. They voted to have the Eyre bill giving the commission pow er to repeal local levies, taxes and franchises upon public utilities, cor porations, killed. The Eyre bill will be heard by the House Judiciary General Committee April 22. Gilbert R. Fox, Norristown, presid ed at the meeting. Malcolm W. Gross, Allentown, acted as secretary. T. H. Chrostwaite, president of the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, was in attendance as was R. J. Wheeler, representing Mayor A. L. Reichenbaeh, of Allentown. "Gypsy Queen" Is Found Guilty in First Degree By Associated Press. Baltimore, Md., April 9.—The trial in the Baltimore county court of Mrs. Annie M. Smith, known as the "Gypsy Queen," for the killing of her mother-in-law. Mrs. Lena Smith, aged 73, on May 7, 1917, ended last night in a verdict of murder in the first degree without capital punish ment. She was sentenced to life im prisonment. The woman was also indicted for the murder of her hus band, Albert Smith, aged 50. COAL FACTS No. 1 COAL MERCHANTS OF HARRISBURG AND SUBURBS VICTORY LOAN NOT TO LAG IN THIS DISTRICT Chairman Hcrsh Says Flag Is; Nailed to the Mast' For Big Campaign Grier Hersh, of York, chairman of j the advisory committee of the Vic- ! tory Loan in the district composed ! of ten Central Pennsylvania coun- ! ties, to-day issued a statement In i which he declared that Central! Pennsylvania, having nailed its ling j to the top of the mast in previous Liberty Loan campaigns. Is going I to see that it stays there. Mr. Ifersh I issues the following statement: j "We are now squarely face to face i with the fifth Liberty Loan. "A few weeks ago we looked for ward to the campaign with a certain ! amount of difference. Now, how- I ever, as we have had a chance to I weigh all the elements that make up the situation, we have lost what ever difference we had, and have become firmly confident. Our confi dence is based upon the fact that it is to be in "every sense what its name implies—a Victory Loan. "As a Victory Loan, it will be the last and supreme operation which we as a country are under pledge to ourselves and to the world to accomplish. The money which will fhe raised has already been "Harrisburg's Dependable Store" Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Wm. Strouse & Co. have a carload of 'em waiting for the men ||l who want to be well dressed on Bjj Jl Easter. For there's nothing that BBS can make or mar a man's appear- , ance like a shirt can. Madras with soft attached cuffs, fibers with the Si\fa\ J I silkiest and softest finish, and pure jjgnj I tub silks of remarkable values —and VyO jHcvO they're Metric too! A shirt any x/ man can be proud to wear and they | |SHj II I represent real value at Easter Neckwear $ l Wm. Strouse & Co. 310 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. It is still absolutely nec essary to stabilize condi tions. We urge consumers to place their orders ✓ now and accept delivery in fair quantities as soon as possible. The many vital reasons will be pre sented in future announcements. "APRIL 9. 1919. I spent or prortiiso,!. The raising: of (his money cannot be i!oi: ? by taxa ■ t!on without placing upi i industry I and upon ind 'virtual incomes a bur i den greater thun thoy cot d possibly , bear. The only recourse is to bor l rowing. The notes whi( U we shall | bo asked to buy are to be of so short | a term as to assure a high degree of liquidity and a minimum of fluctua tion in market value. The treasury department is calling in the best | banking brains in the country to as i sist in creating a security which | every one of us can buy to the very ! limit, borrowing against future in j come, if necessary. "We arc all in the sanm boat. The I future well-being of ever, manufac ; turer, every employe, every mer j ehandiser, every banker, every pro ! fessional nuin is involved in the j success of tliis coming 'oan. It is j well lo face facts. Unless the money i to be raised by this loan is assured, ! there can lie no industrial prosper- I tty. II is through industrial pros ! pei ity that every man, woman and j child obtains a living. Purely a | matter of individual selfishness, therefore, we liu\c no other choice j than to buy the new bonds—each ! one to his proportionate share. "1, said a minute ago that we have I become firmly confident. My ob [ servation in recent days has been that the whole country is looking forward to the campaign without the slightest apprehension as to suc cess. "We have received tv perfectly magnificent response from the work ers everywhere. Except where phys ical incapacity lias prevented, every man who has shared in the work of previous loans has ugrced to put through his purl in the coming campaign. And why shouldn't he? It is on opportunity for public'serv ice such as he will not huve again. "Th" work will be intense whilo it las s; tint it will be work of the most satisfactory character. Each community will rally around its committee, and wIH achieve its quota, for its own honor and the honor of this district. Is there any reason why we shouldn't be confi dent? On every great occasion in the c untry's history this section has more than played its part. In the War of t lie Revolution, in the con stitut'onal convention, In the Civil War, n the war just won for civili zation, it has done more than it was called upon to do. That is what has made it a greut State. "Every community realizes this fact, and is proud of being a unit of this Commonwealth. And we make the prophecy that the communities which stand at the head when the results of this campaign are made up will lie the communities which will advance to the position of greatest prosperity and Influence in the future. Wo will come through because every village and city will come through." ELECTION GOES OVER Tlie directors of the poor held their regular monthly meeting to-day, but adjourned without electing a director to succeed the late Levi S. Miller, who died a fortnight ago in Hummels town. The matter was deferred until later in the month, the directors, Frank It. Snavely and John H. Lehr, said. RESORTS / 1 RALEIGH Atlantic City** Popular Hotel. American Plan, 91 A 95 per day Easter Holiday Extra v ;
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