DETAILS GOTTEN READY FOR BIG S.S. CONVENTION Eighteenth District of Dau phin County Association to Meet Tuesday The annual couvention of the eighteenth district of the Dauphin County Sabbath School Association will be held next Tuesday, in Augs burg Lutheran church. The Augsburg Lutheran chorus will lead in the opening song, and the Rev. A. M. Stamets. pastor of the church will offer prayer. < . ' • Oroff, superintendent of the Augs burg Lutheran Sunday school, will deliver an address of welcome to which H. Howard Hoy. president or the Dauphin County Sabbath School Association will respond. Among the interesting addresses to be made in the afternoon is that on "The Trained Teacher." by J. A\\ Barker, teachers' training superin tendent, who will emphasize the value of training for every Sunday school teacher. Various division subjects will be taken up at the closing of the ses sion. These include; Children s Di vision. Mrs. H. D. Jackson, Dauphin oounty children's division superin tendent; Young People's Division, the Rev. Howard Rodgers. Dauphin S? Few Drops When Corns Hurt, W Pain Stops! Corns Lift Out Don't let corns aelic twice! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers—Here's magic! 0 AXo humbug! Any corn, Put a few drops directly whether hard, soft or'between upon any tender, aching corn the toes, will loosen right up or callus. Instantly the sore and lift out, without any pain, ness disappears and shortly This drug i 9 called freezone the corn or callus will loosen I and is a compound of ether and can be lifted off with tho j discovered by a Cincinnati fingers, re chemist. Freezone doesn't eat out tho Jsj Ask at any drug store for a corns or calluses but shrivels /Mr small bottle'of frpezone, which them without any irritation. £X'j will cost but a trifle, but is Women! Keep freezone on 1 sufficient to rid one's feet of your dresser and apply a few *. J every corn or callus. It is the drops whenever a corn begins most marvelous drug known, aching. Pain stops, corn goes! I THE GLOBE Saturday Store Hours 8.30 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE GLOBE Dress-Up Week 1 All Nature is donning new Spring attire —and all wide-awake humans who realize the import- iiMfS~ W * ance of being well-dressed will do likewise during Young men and those who dress young will find ■' here the authentic styles—all the new variations \\ \ t > . of the popular waistline models —single and tmjL \V. 1 breasted styles—all the product of America's best ; j£p| | makers including the famous Fashion Park Clothes sold lIIHK %-Mm The man whose limit is $25 can rest assured that THE GLOBE can fill his needs to his utmost and lasting MsSj&vjM IT An Event In Men's Shirts Offering Unusual Values \ [\t \, (9 O > -• ' Shirts of the best woven madras close all-over stripes w We can conscientiously in Blue and White Lavender and White Green and recommend Stetson and White ' Some with separate collar. Schoble Hats for service to $2.00 and $2.50 every man. ta, * Their distinctive style is Holeproof Hose Fownes Filosette instantly apparent to the A , discriminating dresser. v jfaft Ask the in Spring Weights Gloves Hat Man All the new shapes to- UJf to Show You Lisle, Cotton and Silk The newest Gloves for gether with many exclusive Q i oj je Black, Navy, White, Palm Men's Spring wear a styles all shades. ■ * Special Hat Beach and Cordovan. suede finish fabric very at "JO dressy. $5 to $7 * 40c, 50c, 65c $l.lO $1.25 THE GLOBET FRIDAY EVENING, HJLRRISBTJRG &S6& TELEGRAPH APRIL 4, 1919. county vice-president; Adult Divi sion. J. E. Gipple, Dauphin county advisory executive; Home Depart ment, C. P. Haehnlen, Dauphin county home department superin tendent. The Rev. U. S. liershey will lie in charge of the devotional exercises at the evening session which will open at 7.45 o'clock. A special musical program is being arranged. President Hoy will speak on "The Purpose of District Sunday School Associations," and Prof. John P. Kob will talk on "Things That Count." The report or the nominating committee, election of officers and other business will be on the program, followed by bene diction. The personnel of the executive committee is H. Howard Hoy, chair man; C. T,. Dice, J. W. Barker, the Rev. H. Rodgers, H. I*. O. Haertter. Plans for a Childrens' Week to he he'd from April 27 to May 4 by Dis trict No. 2. of the Dauphin County Sabbath School Association were adopted at a recent meeting. The enmpaign is continent-wide and the object is to emphasize the religious education of children. A booth is to be opened in Market Square, according to present plans and a campaign will be waged to bring religious education closer to the masses of children. HOY SCOI'TS PIT Ot'T "AAEI.COM E HOME" Sixteen thousand AVelcome Home post ers will he distributed throughout the city by the Boy Scouts. Monday, in co operation with the AA'ar Camp Com munity Service in its jj'an to greet the returning soldiers. SCOUTS IN TROOP 8 ARE PHOTOGRAPHED Uhmimmaa^^ VMhhb wm*am *^wfli j I.ast Monday evening O. R. P.upp pho ! tographed tiic troop in our ineetlngroom. | Pictures of our cubs and of the basket ' ball team were also taken at this time. This picture was taken in connection with our second anniversary which was celebrated last month. AA'e are about to re-rcgister and have a good record to send to headquarters. At our last meeting, one of our assist ant scoutmasters read a history of the troop which was written by Scout Edwin Wallace. I Just a few things which we have Boas School Closes During Pilkay Funeral | Teachers in the Boas School Build ■ ing attended funeral services for Miss j Mary Pilkay in a body this afternoon, j j Miss Pilkay, who was killed in an; | automobile accident Tuesday afternoon. ( j was a member of the teaching staff, j The services were held at the home of j her sister, Mrs. Bertha P. Minnich, 529 Woodbine street, at 2 o'clock. The Hov. j Kills X. Kremer, pastor of the Salem 1 Reformed churcli officiated. Burial was 1 made in the Harrisburg cemetery. To Tell of Conditions in Stricken Armenia ! Klixnlietlivtllc. Pa., April 4. —At a I meeting this evening, conditions in Ar | menia where thousands of men, women j and children are being murdered or ' starving, will be related by Lieutenant j Frank Conness, just home from Russia, j | lie will tell of the conditions as he | j found them in that country, as well, i Colonel Henry X. Anderson will speak' | at the same meeting which is being held I j in the interest of the Armenian Relief j Fund. THIKVKS 41KT NOTHIXt! I Thieves are reported last night to j have entered the residence of .Mr s. : Lavina March, 410 South Thirteenth I' tsreet, overturned some furniture, and to have left without securing any loot. | done during the last year were: In j creased the membership from 15 to 35 ; Isold over $2.U00 worth of \V. S. S.: 15 Scouts have won liberty Coan medals; | held two inter-patrol meets which were ! followed by "big eats." We were the i first troop to enjoy the presence of Chief ! Virgin its well as "the Otllee Scout" at ! our meetings. We celebrated our anni versary by special church services and by a demonstration of scouting, and many other things which we are not going to tell owing to the limited space ; for this article. TELEPHONE COS. GET NOTICES Attorney General Demands That Former Rates Be Re stored by Them Formal notices yy\ a y/j to telephone com braced in the ac pltln county court WTgpQSQV: to restrain the ! must restore the former rates, as approved by the Public Service Commission, being issued by the At torney General. These companies, which number over 200, Include a number 6f small lines and all of the so-called independent systems. Attorney General William I Scliaf fer who has been issuing the no tices, says that the State will require all rates for intra-State business to be tinder schedules approved by the Public Service Commission or the State will bring action in equity bc- One of the latest things we have done was to organize a patrol of Cubs and they certainly are a live bunch. They have received their caps which are blue and gold with a gold 8 on the blue part. They were proudly exhibiting these at our last meeting. They have been hav ing their meetings at the same time as ours but starting next Monday eve ning tliey will have their meeting from 6.45 to 7.30 and the troop's meeting time will be from 7.30 until 9.30 o'clock. EDGAR A. SPOTZ. Scribe. ! fore tbe Dauphin county court to enforce tbe charges. Nothing has been received here as yet, to indicate any intention of the counsel for the Dell company br ,by United States Government offi cials, to take further steps in the case decided by Judge George Kun kel. Veterans .Apply Over a dozen | men discharged from the (United States* army after overseas service, ! have applied for enlistment in the | State Police force in tbe last fort | night and others have asked for i Information regarding requirements. , The bills reorganizing the police de | partment, adding a new troop and j providing the bureaus of (ire pre- I vention and records are still in lcgis | lative committees. ! Building Bill l)uc—The hill an j thorizing construction of an addi- I tional office building in the Capitol ' park extension has been completed land passed upon by Governor Wil [ liam C. Sproul. It is to be presented |to tlfe Legislature next week. The building will be 280 feet long and | the cost will run close to $1,000,000. It will be in accord with the pres ent State Capitol. I Hearings ended. —All Public Ser | vice hearings have been ended for j the week. The Commission will con | skier local cases in executive session on .Monday. | Ki-llemlier I)end. —Jesse P. JCeig ! ler, former legislator from Oumber j land and once active In National j Guard affairs, died at his home in l Carlisle, lie served in the session I of 1887. ' Mr. Hen <? Here.— Kx-Representa- ] j live Claude T. Reno, of Allentown, prominent as a candidate for Le j high's new judgeship, was here on I Public Service matters, j Attended Meeting. —Major John D. ' , McKean, assistant commissioner of health, attended the sanitation meet ing' at Reading last evening. Mr. Thompson A Islts—Ex-Represen tative H. A. Thompson, of Tyrone, was at the Capitol yesterday. I Borough Must Pay.— The Rorough j of New Brighton was ordered to pay i for all service rendered by the Bea- j ver Valley Water Company in an opinion handed down by the Public j Service Commission last night in the i | controversy net-veer the borough and ' I the company over rates and service. I The borough must also allow the j I company to attach meters to flush- ; | ing tanks. In another opinion the city of New j | Castle Wqtcr company is ordered to I j extend mains, the Commission say- ■ | ing that the application refused was I | a reasonable one and that the Com- I pany must meet the obligations. Inspected Allentown. — Senatorial members of the appropriations com- I inittee spent yesterday and to-day j inspecting institutions in the Allen i town district. j Stnte AA ill Help. —Adjutant Gen- j | era! Frank D. Beary returned last ! night from Philadelphia, where he , j went to discuss the return of the [ 1 Twenty-eighth Division. The State ! j will pay transportation for the cas ual men who may have been injured | or become sick and returned ahead | of the division so that they can take I part in the parade. | | A ore niol ltotnii. —There seems to I he a disposition on the part of the I Vare and Rotan forces to dispute i o-er bills for the district attorney's j force. The hills are pending. | < opinio to Ile/p, —Captain "Jack" I Sproul, son of the Governor, will take , part in the Salvation Army drive in ! eastern counties. | Slate to Get Hearing. —A hearing | will be arranged by the House ap- I propriations committee on the State I College appropriation. The College | is asking $3,300,000. Westmoreland Joins Good Roads Parade j I AVestmoreland county has joined I J the movement for improved roads. I County Commissioners AV. D. Rea -1 mer and George W. Deeds in | formed Commissioner Lewis S. Sad ler, that an extensive building pro- | I gram for secondary roads would be j | undertaken at county expense and i with State co-operation. Funds to j the credit of the county will be used. | The construction will include from Greensburg to Youngwood; 1.48 j miles in North Huntingdon; Derry | toward New Kensington to Derronda. Bids were opened at the depart- j ment for furnishing 5,071,065 gal- i lions of bituminous materials for! macadam or bituminous surfaced I highways. This is the great ! est amount of material of the j kind ever to be offered and bids were made on five districts. The > size of the offering indicates a tre-j mendous amount of road work to be i undertaken. The bidders included 1 I the Barrett Company, Philadelphia jand Pittsburgh; lloadley Good : Roads Company, Atlantic Refining | Company, United Gas Improvement Company, Philadelphia; Maloney Oil and Manufacturing Company, lAVilkes-Barre. Awards will be made in a few days. NATIONS' LEAGUE MAY HAVE TWO MEETING PLACES Geneva and Brussels Are Being Considered as Possible Seats By Associated Press. Paris, April 4.—There is a possi bil'ty that the League of Nations | will have tAvo scats, at Geneva and at Brussels. This plan is being con sidered. Aitnough a majority of the dele- ! gates apparently favor Geneva, King', Albert's strong appeal in behalf of 1 Brussels is influencing sentiment, ; and the palaces offered by both the ! Swiss and the Belgians may both be 1 accepted, and alternate meetings ar- ! ranged. The peace conference delegates at Budapest have received delinite as surance that the new Hungarian gov ernment does not intend to apply 1 Americans the order for the seques tration of the property of foreigners. Reports from the delegates indi cate that the new government is consolidating its position and that order prevails. FIMI SUMMERS JOIIS A total of 551 men have received I positions through the State Employment Bureau in the last few weeks it was announced yesterday by Jacob Lightner, director. There are now IB branch offices in operation in the State and is planned to open more. 8 iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiituiiitiiiiiMiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiH'iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii iiriiiiuiiiiitMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHiiMifiiuniflr •- | Boys, Have You Seen llci? J 3 5 C j) Showing Twelve New Spring jj 11 Models Never Displayed 11 In Our Grand Old City Before I! 11 II |1 is 1 j Each style a star — | " || nified and conservative man.' I I #T[ Well-designed clothes are an as- II set —there's no argument about JWj | j mad by WONDER* CLOTHES at" mwlS'^l | S^ ore | ! From Our Factories Direct To You With Just jl Two Profits—Yours and Ours—No Middleman's I FIRST LONG We specialize in suits for junior young men that 11 1 "PAIVTQ QTTTT P rov^e right style requirements for the young II | i lo oUll fellow buying his first long pants suit. I THE WONDER STORE !| 211 MARKET ST. j 21 Monarchies to 29 Republics in World Paris, April 4. —The world is fast becoming republican. Before the war monarchies and republics were about equally divided. Now there are twenty-nine republics, as against twenty-one monarchies, counting Germany, Austria and Kussia as a republic each. The number of republics will still be augmented by several new states ill/ l! 1 ® fPolisftes^M Keep Your Shoes Neat JrlW LIQUIDS AND PASTES FOR m W ANOOX-BIOOD XJKiMf (DARK BROWMI SHOES SjvJMW that aro now in course of forn tion. The largest republic is Chi with 40(1,000,000 inhabitants; smallest San Marino, which has o 11,000 citizens. FREDERICK BRINGS TROOP: New York, April 4.—Twenty-eh officers and 1,535 men of the 33, Infantry, 85th division, arrived In to-day on the cruiser Frederi front Brest. Also aboard were li casuals of various branches of i .service. 17
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