CONFERENCE TO OPEN FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TONIGHT Dr. E. M. Stephenson to Direct Work in Tabernacle Baptist Church A Sunday school and Young Peo ples' conference opens this evening in the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Sixth and Forster streets, of which the Rev. Millard Osmore Peirce is pastor. Sessions of the conference will be held on the afternoon and evening of Thursday and Friday. The conference is under the super vision of the Rev. Pr. E. M. Stephen son. who is the denominational lead er of Sunday school and Yonug Peo ples' work in this State. Pr. Stephen son said this morning: "The confer ences will be very direct and to the GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS If you are growing hard of hearing and fear Catarrhal Peafness or if you have roaring. rumbling. hissing notses in your ears, go to your drug gist and get 1 ounce of Parmint tdouble strength), and add to it 14 pint of hot water and a little granu lated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath ing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleas ant to take. Anyone who is threat ened with Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this pres cription a trial. Rugs at Very Attractive Prices To Make Your Home Beautiful After Spring House Cleaning Lace Curtains Vacuum Sweepers to 'Beautify the Home for Spring 7*o make house cleaning easy An assortment of exceptionally attractive patterns which we will offer this week at A variety of sizes and kinds, all good makes special Spring prices. —will do the work well, easy to operate. sl.lO a Pair ■ $4. 50 to $9.75 When your spring We have an extra housecleaning is over ordinary assortment of you will want to bright- 1 :, I M " 1! I ~T~~ high grade rugs for en up the room with a every room in the house new rug. After the SEES J I Ml"£i ] which we offer at excep task ts over you will I P | j Fj HCTi I '...-'vHl tionally low prices this want your home to Jgweek. Whether it be for show that you have fjpfa jt the bedroom, the dining iried to make it beauti- ISjKggijSbr. ~ lUr room, the living room, |^ a nd can make or ru S- your choice. GRASS RIGS, in various RAG RI'GS. good assortment TAPESTRY BRUSSELS colors and designs, SxlO size. of homelike designs for any RIGS, exceptional offer, splen- Special Spring sl4 00 roonl - 9x1 2 size. Spe- 1 A Crt d > d variety of patterns. 8.3x10.6 • ••••• •• • • cial Spring value.. 9 size s pe ,.ial a fiA GRASS RIGS, extra quality. Spring value PS4.UU with fringed edge: tine for RAG RI'GS, sie 27x34. bedroom, Bxlo size. Special Extra special Spring 1 Cf) A A MINSTER RUGS, fine for Spring 4C *f <2 OO value ....... w t 'Uv bedroom and livingroom, lux value tUIOiUV nice .i„ urious patterns, size. FIBER RUGS, in a splendid Extra special pring dSO 'jk Speclal Sprln S . tIR OO assortment, stenciled designs. a i u T pec,al • pnn 6 52.75 value i. . . ?xl2 size. Special fcOO HA Spring value .... OifciUU BRUSSELS RUGS will "ive WILTOX RUGS, finest qual- WOOL AND FIBER RUGS. ong wear, unusual patterns and , ity and patterns beautiful :hoic-est coloring, exceptional ine c-olorlncs, 5.3x10.6 size. 1 *?' I, f n 5 extraordinary quality, very serviceable. 3x12 Special Spring 000 AA serMee, 8.3x10.8 size. Special 3ize. Special Spring $17.00 jalpLe ..., $23.00 -Vl'u" = sßo*oo ALL WOOL RUGS, reversible \ KLV ET RUGS, soft color- OTHER SIZE RUGS in vari designs. can be used on either ings, designs of unusual char- , , , ' ' side. 9x12 size. Special acter. 8.6x11 size. Special ous kinds and grades, large Spring 404 rifl Spring 4Q/1 AH ones and small ones, all at pro value iPOH.UIU value tDOH-UU po rtionate savings. Baby Carriages Park Stroller sls Baby Carriage / A very handy, easy running $29.50 a roll around the entire . , I baby carriage, comfortab'e, An exceptional value. This M well made, finish natural. carriage is roomy and com rubber tire wheels. fortablc and very easy run- Park Stroller, $lB by Ca rriages 42 The carriage is made with b i body. \ ery strongly built. | Body is made of selected Wood wheels with rubber i reed, white enameled, re- tires. i versible body, wood wheels. Use a Burns' Energy Range Special price $47.00 ~ Burns' Energy range will save you a lot of coal. Every good housekeeper M ' knows that the coal bill will eat up a lot of Ekj fc"*} Vs money. You can save money on your coal bill—if you have the right kind of a range. Burns' Energy range is a very fine ■' imi ~f# baker and cooker. It is easy to clean—all jW the nickel parts are removable. Complete ifjt with pipe and pipe shelf, $47.00. WEDNESDAY EVENING, | point. They will get at conditions and help to solve problems. It will be complete In meeting needs, as the main conference will at times divide ! itself Into, three smaller conferences for the purpose of discussing varl -1 ous phases of the work. The meet ing, which will open the conference to-night will be known as a platform meeting. In this service the scope of the work will be covered and the essentials stressed. The devotional exercises of tills service, will lend 'itself to the telling of a few Bible stories in a different way by two or more of the speakers. A banner audience is anticipated at each session of the conference as every Christian Endeavor Society in the city and nearby towns have been requested to send delegates. This conference is held in the interest of the general public. All are welcome. Camp Curtin School to Be Remodeled Along Lines Suggested by Comm.ttee | Changes in building construction to j insure a greater degree of safety from i fire were decided upon by the city school board at a special meeting held yesterday afternoon at the Camp Cur tin school. According to President Hob. ert A. Enders the board approved prac tically all the suggestions for changes as made in a report of special committee of the board of which Pirector Harry A. Hover was chairman. This committee while it included some of the recommendations of the three experts employed by the board dis carded others. The report was present ed at the meeting March 21. Estimates of the cost of improvements have not been completed yet but may be real tor cons.deration at the meeting to be held Friday afternoon. FIRE IN GARAGE A short circuit is believed to have caused a slight fire in ' dn automobile owned by the Dauphin Motor company at its garage, I*."> Cherry street this -"ornin- Fit* •■■■ ""n'e' of the wt tral district responded to the alarm ounded iro.a - and the were extinguished with little difficulty. ' No damage was done. HOUSE ABSENTEES SEVERELY SCORED Speaker Spangler Says They Must Answer if Session Is Prolonged Members of the House of Repre sentatives who leave Harrlsburg on Tuesday and prevent a large attend ance to clear up calendars on Wed nesdays were scored by Speaker Spangler today at the opening of the session. When the hour to meet ar rived, less than a quorum of mem bers was on hand and calls were sent out to get in legislators. * "There is a heavy calendar today, and the attendance is not satisfac tory. I am disappointed, indeed. In previous sessions it has been the cus tom at this season to work until Thursdays." said he. "Now it seems very, difficult to have a sufficiently large house to do business even on Wednesday morning. If the mem bers of this House contemplate an early adjournment the chair would suggest that the members be present when the Legislature is in session. "It is not fair to the members from the western end of the State, who are compelled to be here practically the whole week, for other members to leave early Tuesday." "VETS" WANT HEARING Hearings on liquor bills may be held several times the remainder of this month. Some of the advocates of the Ramsey bill defining what shall constitute intoxicating liquors to-day objected to the plan to em brace that bill in the list for the gen eral hearing by the law and order committee of the House next Tues day and wish a separate hearing. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator--Ad ITEtFGRAPE CAMPAIGN IS BRINGING C. OF C. MANY MEMBERS Canvassers Working Hard in Final Stages of the Big Drive The drive for new members for the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce will end at noon to-morrow, but members of the committee will not let up in their activities a moment before that time. All the canvassers were busy to-day concentrating their efforts on the prospective members who thus far have held back from Joining the organization. The members of the committee ex pect to boost the total of new mem bers considerably before they meet in the Harrisburg Club at noon to morrow to report the results of the campaign. Several canvassers who happened to meet this morning while calling on their prospects, in ex changing notes on the results of their canvass thus far, expressed them selves greatly pleased with the re sults of the drive. Some of the workers have been of fered rather flimsy pretexts by eli gible prospects who failed to respond to their so'icitations by joining the chamber. Some of the prospects appear to be holding back until oth er men in their line of business set an example by joining. "Others in my line are not members, why should I be," said one man this morning. "Because other men shirk taxes wouldn't excuse your doing it," re plied F J. Consylman, a member of the committee, "because other men mistreat their families, would be no standard for you. The man who hides behind another man's failure to do his duty is hard up for an ex cuse. You should be an example to your trade, not one of its • prob lems." Sergeant Lightner Gets Place in Overseas School Sergeant Donald C. Lightner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Lightner. of 737 South Twenty-sixth street, lias been appointed instructor in sa.esmanship and advertising in the School of Busi ness in the A. E. F. University in Beaune, Burgundy, France. According to the "Stars and Stripes," the official newspaper of the American Expeditionary Forces, this university will be opened on April 10 and will give the soldier students u choice of fourteen courses, in terms of three months, and will accommo date about 10,000 students. It will take over the buildings which former ly comprised the large hospital center and will have a faculty of about 500. i These have beeti chosen, not accord- I ing to military rank, but from their illness to teach the subjects to which ) they are assigned. I Sergeant Lightner enlisted in the | Medical branch of the service in May, j 10IS, and was assigned to Hospital | Train No. 40 and trained at Camp lOieenlcaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. 'He was promoted to sergeant, first ; class, before going overseas in Au gust, 191 S. and saw service in France from that time until the signing of the armistice, being stationed at the ] hospital center at Beaune nearly all of that time. He was selected for his new assign ment on account of his experience as lecturer in the moving picture adver tising campaign of the Hershey Choco late Company, which position he filled for several years. STATE MAY ENJOIN TELEGRAPH RATES Legislators to-day conferred with members of the Public Service Com- I mission regarding action by the j State on the increase in telegraph J rates by the United States authori | ties and the matter will be consid ! ered by the commission next Mon . day when it meets in executive ses j sion. Since the decision of the Dau j phin county court sustaining the Attorney General's petition for an I injunction against the telephone j rate increases there is a disposition 'to bring a similar action in regard i to the telegraph rates. CHARGED WITH THEFT i OF 2S DOZEN EGG* ) George Moran was arrested late yesterday afternoon on the charge of being implicated with Henrv Wil liams in the theft of twenty-eight and one-half dozen eggs from a farm er's wagon, at Fifth and Strawberrv streets. Both were arraigned in police court this afternoon. BOA" INJURED IN' ACCIDENT Joseph Miller, nine-year-o'd son of Joseph S. Miller, of 2337 North Third street, suffered a fractured leg whe.i struck by an automobile, said to have been driven by J. A. Hayward. near Second and Chestnut streets. Darwin Wallower. six-year-old son of Wil 'im H. Wallower, 462 Crescent street, received severe lacerations and prob able internal injuries, when struck by an automobile at Berryhill and Crescent streets. WOMEN HEM) FOR THEFT Ada Jones and Rosie Co'eman. 12 Crwden street, are in the hands of Warrisburg police, charged with the larceny of 18 from William Sapp. They related their tales in police court this afternoon. Joseph Laßose Arrives in Home Port From France JOSEPH LA ROSE Joseph La Rose, who has been In the army sine July 1. 1917. ami has been In Franc•> or a considerable time with the Seventh Reipment of Infantry, has arrived in the United States on the George Washington. His home Is at 1420 Bailey street: THE STORE THAT CLOSED <""* >"*o "U 'HE STORE THAT CLOSES SATHROAVS AT S.X "* UISI I IWI-I'll I! IMTED The Smartest Spring . - . Assemble! Per Women sJK ew Easter Suitg £s*s*** The well-dressed woman knows that a suit chosen from these expertly assembled assortments is an investment that yields most generous return. A yv A t'\\ Here are women's and misses' suits in box, tuxedo and ( \VW j\\ kp Y lltlt blouse models, with smart vestees, of fancy silks and I Y1 V PM ! ll ; ' \ embroidered tricolle. tes. You may choose from always I 4fljb% attractive tailored suits with braid and button trimming—• \pjjPS/y' r. ?v> the straight line and narrow belted models. These mod /IW \ M Vv e^s are * n P°b" et " twill, tricollete, gabardine and serge, $45, g|j| p $49.50 and $55.00. We carry an exceptional large line of stouts, not the kind y 'ijnj J of suits that make a stout woman look stouter, but the \ g lla '"° rt * S su * to ever y particular build. Stouts in 42 44 46 48 50 Wfcr / fl\l Stouts in 43 45 47 49 51 ftA ]Sf " Stouts in 42/, 44/ 46/ 48/ 50 T/ Jf Priced from $29.50 to $95.00. Hp BOWMAN'S—Third Floor THEN ~ NOW Over 800 ns-=- Years Ago I j KING Henry, of England, fixed the original yard measure in an arbitrary way. He decreed that a yard should reach from the tip of a man's nose to the end of his thumb. Later on be cause some men had short arms and others long ones, the standard yard stick was adopted, but even then it depended on the salesperson whether the customer got really accurate measure. A recent test showed that out of forty-four pieces of ribbons purchased in various stores throughout the country only one piece was meas ired correctly. Always on the alert to improve our Store Service the Bowman Store has installed pfjjj 21 Measuregraphs jjlj jjMj In All Our Yard Goods Sections Hlf Measuregraphs assure our cus'omers of absolutely accurate measurements. They figure the cost out without ever making an error. The customer can readily see on the dial what she is get ting—there can be no errors. The Measuregraph is more accur- Thi,. i- the Mcnxurc- t f u an Vi anf l.- —more dependabZ than minds. tirrgrnpli showing Brnnh. It meiimire* the CILC Lllall Hallux f ••.111 *•"' dock linl tvhirh ffiSSi'tf'.VKS .'."..1 The Measuregraph is another Bowman Store Service installed j.'.ffSK '.V for the convenience of our customers. XrXVE tomcr. Will X k S | 1 i ill ! V/m\Y SiJlA~*I ; l&Hr Easter Necku ear Sa'e of Collars and Sets In organdies, crcpe dc chine and georgettes These are ar ranged in three groups. LOT ONE —15c each, 4 for 50c. LOT TWO—2sc each, 5 for SI.OO. LOT THREE—SSc each, 3 for $1.45. New arrivals in vests and vcs.ees in remarkably pretty ef fects at SI.OO, up to $8.95. BOWMAN'S—Main Fioor. Turn Footwear in (heat Demcnd PUMPS Whi e kid colonial, $ll.OO Pumps in brown calfskin. OXFORDS fry 95 T . , , . So'cn Oxfords in black kidskin In black satin, $8.50 In black, pearl, gray and and brown calfskin, ..$895 field mouse kidskin, black Back satin $9.50 satin and patent leather,. All with turn soles and SIO.OO Louis XV heels. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 11AHIUSDI HU, ItXFVPAV, ll'ltll 2, ltll'l, APRIL 2, 1919. Don't Put Off Buying ' YOl'R SCREENS AND ■ i mu m - HHH to have perfect ad justment. Wire netting is securely fastened to .. ~.,a is covered with moulding. Material used in these screens is bes hardwood obtainable, finished in oil, both sides alike. Bring exact measurements with you as we do not exchange screens or screen doors. Prices range from 39c to $1.20. SCREEN DOORS are just as important as screens and the prices range from $1.89 to $5.25. But they are all good dqors. o!;*"\ •*- Hnwmpni Women's 1 losiery Sale Two lots of women's hosiery. First grade. Will be placed on sale Thursday and continue for three days. Hosiery of Bowman's standard. These two lots are priced ai a good savings. Lot No. I—Women's lisle stockings. A new seamless but fashioned, shapely and smooth fitting stocking. Black, white, gray, navy arid cordovan. An exceptional value. Sale price, pair, 49c, or 6 pair, $2.75. Lot No. 2—Women's fiber silk stockings with the luster of si'k and s rcngth of a good lisle. A medium weight stocking. Strong cotton top and double cotton foot. Black and whne only. An exceptional value. 49c, _>r 6 for $2.75. j BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 3 FOUXDKU IN7I
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