mftraihian Artillery Bombards City of l emberg; Fires Poison Gas Shells * H V ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ... (Ehc olac-3to&ci>cn&fnt. LXXXVIII— NO. 77 IS PAGES Matter at the Post Otlice at llarrisburg AKRISBURG. PA. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL I. 1919. s,^S's 9 HOME EDITION BUILDING BOOM ADDS MANY NEW ... HOMES TO CITY Permits Issued During Pasl Month For .'ss New Dwellings ESTIMATE COST AT XL 1.000 Ileal Estate Operators .ook For I'nusual Aetivil During Year l'oi r.iit. .for the ero'Lon of irty ' the iltvcilillK houses wi re is "'I ill the <-it\ during March, uccar ift to the monthly report compiled t the office of f.uilJingr Inspector antes 11. drove. Tlie total cost • the stru tares will he $124,000. of the: number, twenty-four ore to be of tj brick construction, nine of Tame mid stucco and only two of fi Hf. According to contractors and realty men, the situation in the city; looks much more em oura-'ing with almost two score new tioust start ed. some of them bring re > I to completion, it is believed t dur-j ing the coining months man nore dwellings will lie started, as eent-i ly builders who had been tent-1 plating house constru ion t , jec(.s t ;i few years ago but postpon them: because of the war have a out permits and started opcrution- Mnrdi a llig Montli Inning March of this year :• irty nine tniilding permits were -sued and the eost of the projects ' lie completed will total SlSO.9l' l-ast year thirty-one permits were : ejt for buildings which cost s■' '" It is noted, however, by ren ' men t bat of The big total in Mart 'is. . represented the no c thej | new Edisou school liuilding I -teenth and Chestnut street : OOO for an addition to the M ri>- " urg I'ipe and Pipe Itendin ; mi iany plant, and $25,000 tor k mid ling the building used by trr "ty"-' udependent Company l><W "ing ds total of s 454.000 fro )i the lonth's record of $-.13,fb. V lions that twenty-eight (mis ( ere issued for work costing $-9 - 05. Realty operators are nt 'he pinion that the building bo wtlt ontinue throughout the year, r 1,, addition to t4o eiptov i 5 fa. ts shown in the bouse tioom. other developments of lar inter, -i to builders and restd I - oft tiie city are noted in the reo t !Ot\ .March. ' Nine permits were issued f- on-, sti action of additions to liom-t and l.uiidtugs, one of tin m lor a_ u> ; I at tlic MoCormttfk home, : 'tn Front street, wliieli will cot L- j (pan. Three remodeling l aits; were issued, one of then for ■ t iori , iinprovetnents to setae tio i in I Susquehanna street, v. ia lt t I ost a f5,000 to complete. Various Types J t'f the thirteen garage • its. I only one was for a frame s ro, 4 while lour of the rentainin- ive l L were for largo brick struetui ' lie [. of these will eost $5.00" and be located m the east side o m f eron street nortli of State et. Another, to cost $l,OOO, will in struct! d on the east side o en street south of Emerald. ird, will lie a private garage at t ar| of the residence of Hornard h dt. Seventeenth and Forster sti One of the larger brick bigs ; * which is to lie completed u be used hy tlic United lee ami ial ' Company and is being eons' ert on its property north of Cotvi nd Forster streets. The new dwellings which .e -ing built are located in vurle i is- : tricts of the city. in such U< iesj ns Seventeenth and lit ill; j Paxton and Seventeenth; 1' ry,} near Tweuty-tliird; Zarker. |. en; Nineteenth and Twentieth: en. i soutli ot Knierald: Eigleen nd ; Forster. Twenty-sixth and V y-j seventh and Dorry streets. Dies of Injuries ai F.R.R. Depot on Way to H< pital I T'tetro Colaizv. t, of Figa s State, wlio was struck on t d Sunday during . tight with i > nico Carracino, died this > n in tlic baggage l oofn at t i ; .. n Station on his way to Phi ipt.i. where lie was to liate unci- >_• . n | operation ut the Inherson si.. ,|.. in an effort to sav< ills life. TP i> ,•;>• is being held here pending ... ; • rival of relatives, fcolaizzo i „ . so very ill on the train it wa ~i_l j ed to remove him lierc in ( • to! i administer medical treatment . | oner Eekingcr is conducting vestigalion. THE WEATHER] For IfnrrlKliurs znl iiclnit.v; l ni r , continued cold ti-nlxht, uitti LOM*T tcmpcrnlifc *IIIIOIN J-J dcurccM: Wcclncftriiy fnlr, hlsln. ly unrmcr. Fur KfiMtVrn l*pnn*| Ivnuia: I'air. continued rnhl xvltli V qiliit-stlit.i fair, sliv. litly uarnit'ij mot rat iiorthufNt to nurlfl uindo. lllvor I Vnxqucbaiinn nnd i I i|. 1 briinrhcM MIII continue ( f H || *li\|y. \ Mtauc If tihou r,., , fret In l ii TlL rii(cl fnt Ilnrrlf n i M (Mlnraday morninft. Cacnrral ( ondiloni i From (he I'lnina Stun* prh( J-,j | to the Atlanllo co:i( there lias f brrn n ficiDrnl full of 2 t u i tfisrroi In tr 111 per**lire /|||,.,. h< report, except ft Soatiern f rift>riin, where it Un little m i rmer. Frcexinff tnipemtiire f net - iirred ns far Moiitli nn \orth eri t.eoraia till* iiioriln*t. It is 4. to 12 deitreen wnnier tliflii tin ■f Monday niorriiiiK in lie Middle 4<l 1 pper MiKoiiri Valley. Ue;t * OI tlie fCoeky MOIIIIIIUIIM (em pernture chnnKcx xv'rti not .tie. 5 1 • 1' ' . Wonder What Can Be Detaining Her? I f" ,f YOU nifli J \ i I DONr WVE M what WE I \HI7 I if' /IWlll \/// I I (WANT IS (J l mW// , PLUMBER ji A PEACE' -J ' 1 ! M/ 7/ r I *>5.92 AN MOdP ; THAT w l u L M* W/// IDA'RS 1 VEXL trO \ MKB \ /, To"cOME<5 yT SOLSHEVIK IPVOU^E nT ' 0M : I THE JUGOSLAVS | r Par!^iRA,PH ! IRELAND ( /jft ' I TAL -Yf WEu'rvOT fcdV^uT^l START L rT\ A m I ALEWiUE WANT TO \ \ nations ,r>v v wuhe t \) or <sive WELCOME HOME CARDS HERE FOR EVERY WINDOW Hoy Scouts to Distribute Post ers to Brighten City's (I reelings All liarrlsburg is interested in the War Camp Community Service ; which lias taken form hero in he: distribution hy the Hoy Scouts of ] I; over IG.f'OO posters which ".vil! bo . placed in the windows of our homes as a greeting to the returning sol- j cliers. This poster represents three j smiling faces of boys in different) branches of the service and contains| the words "Welcome Home." As the) poster is gummed at both the top' , and bottom for immediate use in j | the windows there ought to ho not j question about these greetings bios- ' ' soming forth at every turn in tips b patriotic commit 'ity. It ought to / understood when I the Boy Scotiv. /cave the posters at j your doors the greetings should be j | immediately posted on the windows) ] so there may bo no question about tlm atmosphere of welcome that will pervade the entire community in i 'day or two. Every day the boys are coming] back singly and in groups and while; ihe large number will return with I the 2Sth Division in May there is stilt j reason for making the welcome of i those coming back daily as cordial I and as heartfelt as possible. Every family in llarri-burg will j be presented with one of the posters, through the activity of the Boy) Scouts and the distribution will be gin 'next Monday. Additional posters, may be had at the headquarters of) the War Camp Community Service. 1 307 Market street. Scout Executive j J. F. Virgin will have charge of the 1 boys in this latest bit of war ser-1 vice. king khama shuts off FIREWATER OX SUBJECTS Kulcr of Bechuanulmid Follows Lead of I'niled Stales in Fighting Booze in Drastic Dry Order Loudon, April 1. —Willie nil im portant section of the London press never misses an opportunity to poke fun at the United States for adopt ing the prohibition amendment, the newspapers to-day were called upon to chronicle the Interesting fact that within the empire there is a native king who not only endorses tlic pro hibitory principle, but insists that his people shall agree with hint. King Khama, ruler of Bechuana iand, South Africa, was informed that a government commission had recommended the sale of light wines and heers to the natives, lie imme diately declared that if the plan was carried out lie would forhid his sub jects from working In the gold mines. The industrial situation, al- YANKS MAKE HUN LABORERS WORK ! By .-tssociattii Press. Cobicnz, April I.—finable to obtain Germans to work volun- I tarily on several of the Third j Army supply depots which are I under construction near Ben- ! dorf, American military author ities to-day requisitioned 300 I laborers through the German J civil officials. The men will be paid nine marks a day, with the privilege of receiving half this amount tn food, if desired. "LUXURY TAX" j HITS POOR MAN j FROM NEW ANGLE Five Per Cent. Added to Cost of timepieces. Telephone Calls and Medicines \ It willV'ost those with newly found ; jobs live per cent, more to get up j I in time tq go to work, commencing J to-day, thin those who located posi- j jtions sometime ago and made satis- j factory preparations. Commencing jto-day, alarm clocks in every store i ■ in the city took a jump of five per I j cent, in price. To-day the five per cent, govern-! j ment jewelry tax went into effect , as did a new internal revenue tax on certain telephone messages. Diu- ! ; mond rings for the bride to-day cost, I the happy bridegroom five per cent, more than they would have cost i yesterday as did jewelry of all ' kinds, clocks, watches, opera glass- i [Continued on Pago 17.] ready hindered almost intolerable bv j the loss of thousands of native work- I ers through the ravages of influenza, ' would thus become alarming, for! those who know King Khama real- , ize that he would not hesitate to carry ott his threat. The temper- ; a nee patty, led by the king, is strong * in South Africa, where the king is known as a strong temperance mon. ; arch. Aiso they know him in Kpg- j land, wliere he lias often appeared ' 011 temperance platforms. The decision of the commission to i allow th blacks to buy intoxicants 1 was due lo the fact that white men ! employed 1 in the mines would buy | Intoxicants, and the prohibition j against tse blacks had given rise to a lurg< illicit trade in drink. | RORKE BILL FOR I OPEN SUNDAY IS BEATEN, 139 TO 20 House Voles Down Kl't'ort lo Place Measure on Hie Calendar An attempt to overturn tlio au. j Lou ot' the Mouse judiciary spoi .ai I committee in reporting the Koike j bill lo permit Sunday concerts an ! I moving picture shows with a neg t . tive rccommendution and to put tho j I iP on tlio calendar was overwhclm i i>:g!y defeated by the House just bo. I fore the close of the-morning scj j s-ion. The motion to place ihc mil j rn the calendar was made by Sir. [Continued on Page IT.] GIVES TRUSTING STRANGER PURSE, STILL WAITING ] . 1 j Accommodating Nice Looking riiml'lamtiHT Willi Ilis i hut It's Gone Now | Persuaded by a stranger to entrust | ?20 with him about eleven o'clock , this morning, John Jezeltn, an alien j of this city, is that much poorer as a ! result of ins credulity, played on by two clever flim-flammers, strangers, | to him. I John was met on Market street by one of the men, who asserted that I lie was hunting a Spanish contractor, j i Jezeitn did not know anything of tile: [ party for whom tho other was look ing, but wag induced to aid in the, search. Proceeding on Market street (toward the Square, they wore met l>y a second si ranger to whom the first! ! told that John was aiding in the i search, ! The" trio then walked about the ! city for H time- when at Second and State streets, the second stranger j | suddenly remembered that lie had j | left $!IJ)00 at his hotel and passed I lover $1,200 in bills to Jezita. request ing him to keep it for him until his 1 return. The first stranger and .le -1 zita then walked .about the city I [Continued on Page Root Amendments Meet Approval of Americans at j Paris Peace Conference Paris, April 1. —Commenting on '■ | the six amendments to the covenant j of the i.eague of Nations suggest- | od by Elihu Iloot, it was stated to- i day by otto of the legal specialists j associated with the American Peace ! Conference delegates, that ho be- ! ileved that nil the amendments were i acceptable to the American delega- ! Hon. ' ENDEAVOR HOSTS | TO CROWD CITY CHURCH TONIGHT! i Soeiriiis From Duupliiii and Surrounding Counties Ar riving Hero Today (TESTS OF LITHKKANS Number of Workers Expected to Exceed Two Thousand a Mobilization THK REV. DANIEI. A. POLINO ; | I t Fully one hundred ntul twenty-flve 'Christian Kiuleavor Societies of Dau phin and surround in a eou titles have • '.nude arrangements to seiul one. five, 1 ton. twenty-five, fifty ami s*v nty-flvc delegates to represent their interests at < ; the big mobilization of societies to be hold in the Messiah Lutheran Church, this city, beginning at six o'clock this evening. The Dauphin county and llarri.sburg C. K. rnion are third largest unions ( in the Keystone State, and wilt make a great demonstration at the gathering ! to-night. The county union has an en rollment of 115 societies including the ! two recent additional societies—namely. the Shilolt Lutheran, Riverside, ami; t (.amp Hill Presbyterian. The member-} ship of the union is approximately 10.- J ; ihio endeavors. Among the visiting del- i i nations will l>e a number of societies from the Carlisle Union, libation, Perry and Berks counties. The registration thus far has reached the I.Boa mark, with the expectation of going "over the top" of the 2,000 aim. , The windup of the preliminary work has [font ivtticd on I'ago I-.] I Suffering Is Terrible ' in Armenia and Syria, Capt. Morse Tells Workers Captain <K. Morse, represent inn the American < 'ommittee for Relief ;in Armenia and Syria, depicted graphically the suffering in these i eountries, before an audience in j Fahnestock Hall last night. lie np ' pealed to the. people of Harrisburg and Dauphin county lo respond to i the call for funds which will come ! lo them when a drive will open Sun day for $3K,hOO in Dauphin county, i Of this amount, $12,00 a will bo rais ' ed in the county and the remainder in the city proper. Captain Alorse served two and a half years overseas in the lltli Ca j ttadian Infantry. C. \Y. liui'tnett i presided over the meeting;. STATE ORCHARDS NOT INJURED BY COLD WEATHER WouHut Hnrcau Forecasts Another Killing Frost l or lonight ' Tlie killing- frost forecast by the | Weather Bureau for to-night with the; j "'fair and continued cold weather" ex- j pected. is not feared lo a great extent, as probable cause for damage to any | ; orchards and gardens in this territory. i Officials at tlit: Stale Zoologist's otiice j stated today that the lnids have not j opened up in the orchards and gardens | 1 and that all Pennsylvania trees and j j shrubbery are in fair shape to with- j I stand such weather as lias prevailed j | tlie last few days. it was said there today that no re- I j ports indicating any serious damage to fruit trees have been received as yet. ' inquiries Inn do in the apple and peaeti i growing districts is stated today not to j have produced reports of damage done. I The lowest temperature recorded | | within the past twenty-four hours was | ] 2.') degrees at six o'clock. Since then ; it lias been rising gradually through I the morning and early afternoon. Hut j slight trace of the snow that fell last | | night was visible here today, although j j it is covering the ground in the rural ! • sections. Another "Blue Laws" Amendment Presented i An amendment to the "Blue Lawn" i jo? 1791 to permit Sunday baseball,' I football, tennis. golf, skating and I I other outdoor recreations where no j admission fee is charged or fee re-1 quired to pay or voluntary eontrihu- 1 j tion or collection taken was Intro-' dticed |n the House today by Mr. j jHatigh, Allegheny; The bill also provides that these] games may bo played only bctweenX ' J .and 7 o'clock FOCH GOES TO TELL ERZBERGER OF ALLIED PURPOSE TO DEBARK POLAND'S SOLDIERS A T DANZIG SHELL LEMBERG WITH GAS Py Associated Prcx\ Warsaw. April 1. —The bombardment of l.cntljerji' con tinues. the Ukrainian artillery firing poison if as sheila into the city. At a conference held oil March 17 between Allied del elates and representatives of the. Polish and Ukrainian armies the Ukrainians refused to enter into negotiations while the Poles were present. The negotiations were interrupted to give the Polish dele gates time to consult their government. (PRESIDENT FLAYED I BY COL. WATTERSON Famous Editor Says Wilson Is Ambitious For Third Term and Has Wrecked the Democratic Parry; Leads Country Toward Brink of Ruin I*liihil4'l|lilii, April I.—Henry Wat terson, veteran editor of tlu Louisville | Courier-.]onrnr.l mul one of th staunch est I M niocrats. in a signed article in | the North American today, denounces ' President Wilson's European policies in strong terms, Mr. Watterson says: i "1 think events, helped along; by the President himself, will verify my fore-1 cast that he is not merely a candidate j for n third term in the White House, j hut that for a nomination to such he holds all Urn winning curds in his. hands. "The Democratic party, so called, in* long; ago abolished, having previous ly much debauched it. Nothing of it survives except the tattered label, and lie holds that betwixt l\is thumb and forefinger. I am inclined to believe, j 1 owever, that he Ims eliminated the ' I'nited .States from his immediate ac- 1 j tivlties as an established conquest, and ' is now giving Ids mighty thought to the sublimation of the world. I "A virtuous, right-minded man tlitis situate would emulate the humility of a Washington and the humanity of a Lincoln. .Mr. Wilson sees nothing but himself and his personal exaltation; , lives for nothing except his own advan tage: seeks nothing save power and • authority, the concrete things of ruler ship represented by the regal splendors 'and feudal glories, which, who sonio- I what frazzled anil faded, still go on ; | about him. | "As a consequence of ids maladroit |'• tinkering Europe will find itself the I middle of tho earning summer in ('times. Then we shall have Idm home i again urging intervention. It has been ids mission in life to make trouble wher i ever lie appeared. | "AVhen the great Jehovah interjected | such a sinister spirit into our affairs j it must have boon to punish us for our ( manifold delinquencies as a nation a people. I "We should steer clear of European ANTI-SEDITION BILL PROVIDES j HEAVY PENALTY Twenty Years or $l,OOO Fine if This Measure Be comes Law The administration anti-sedition hill l made its appearance in tlio House to i day, being presented by Mr. Klynn, j Elk, the oldest democratic member in j point of service. j The bill defines the word sedition to i mean "any writing, publication, print t irig, cut, cartoon, utterance or conduct [Continued on Page J7.] Miss Mary Pilkay, Public School Teacher, Killed by Automobile j Miss Mary Pilkay. well-known school I teacher, was so seriously injured in an | automobile accident early this aftcr | noon at yerheko and Green streets, that j she died on lite way to the llarrisburg | hospital. Miss Pilkay was struck by an auto !'mobile driven by Holds Degeifel as she ; was crossing 11 le street on her way to ! school. Slie was unconscious when | picked up and died in the ambulance. | Degeifel at oneo hunted up Coroner ! Kckinger to give him his version of | ilia accident. lie told the coroner that i Miss Pilkay stepped d I recti j in front of the eur and thnt while he was run | ning at onry a moderate rate lie was | unable to get the machine under con- I trol until It struck her. Miss Pilkay. was not only prominent ! and popular in public school circles but she distinguished herself as a volunteer nurse during the influenza epidemic lust fall, juidlug greatly in putting down the disenjbe. She resided at 2e."> Hamilton She was PARIS STIRRED BY APRIL FOOL TALE OF SIGNED PEACE I'ari.H, April 1. —Somebody stall ed a Ft >ry this morning that t'olt.- nel L\ M. House had announced that the peace treaty had been j signed. Th- report rapidly spread all over Paris and tlm telephone wives to the Anmvh'un headi|iiai tor."i in the Hotel Do iTillon be t-aim* hoi with Inquiries as to the truth of the rumor. It did not take Ifuig. however, for inquirer.-* to roalba* the eharuci*r i. the report when t hey worn minded that to-da\ was April l ! complications. Never has there been a time when the admonitions of Wash ing. Jefferson and Monroe carried irreut • r weight. Mr. Wilson's mediocre mind and colossal vrnity have already c; r ried hhn far to sea. It is ours to look to it .that Im Goes not curry the country ; to the shipwreck of its institutions." *2r "'2* r 2 4• 4' •jHM' -'&■ 2* *i- "2* "2® 2*4* 4 44© I | TF • FiOOPS GO TO HUNGARY | i It kevokted froM bucha- !! <k-rf * f 4 ■ ">f V'- A bf s *' *> x '4 ■ A "" §• * I * j? " -VS TO DAY. J* 4* ' BIG BILLS ADVANCED |X g—The Senate passed finally the Baldwin 1 . I t ft a I•> resolution providing lot the appointment ot a Joint J ! * Committe ;J. the House and Senate to imoetigate the J | #• proposed • ilary increase for public school- teachers. The • ► -£ the Philadelphia charter , t T t • -re- * * •4* i i * K h <A® * ,4 . - - T Hotel, * I i 4* * * X' * ;; IJ THIRD CITY BILL 4 ! X nellsvftloj Walter E. Greenwood, Mayor ' f 4* Gorry; Mayor Kitts, of Erie, and other gp X third-class city officials, defended the non-partisan clause ? k act before the legislative committee having { 4* ' he bill to repeal the non-partisan feature < * J* * <g : class city government at a hearing thL j I T * I + t 4* 4* 4 • charges St the army reserve depot here in order that the X >' a peace-time basis. O'.V ,j £ ♦ c an estimate of the i T me believed to be several h * * T* • 4 need for men arises at the two Middle+awn tipcts ol 4 ficials at Nvy Cumberland are recommen- Mid-1- • * ► 5. $ MARRIAGE LICENSES "I* 1 rnnkJJiremf and Kllmbrth ML Hrokkc, French Commander Leaves With Full Power to Force Hun Consent KAROLYI PLANS SOVIET REVOLT Revolution Looked Upon in Paris as But Test Paris, April 1. Armed with full powers to negotiate with the German representatives. Marshal I'uch will leave Paris for Spa to meet Mathias Erz berger to discuss with him the' allied demand that Polish troops I he permitted to use the port of Danzig, lie will he in constant communication witty the Coun cil of Four. The Inter-Allied shipping commission has com pleted preparations to transport the Polish troops to Danzig. Ibm/.lg Question at Front The Danxfg question is uppermost in the minds of p*nce delegates at this time, for ir is believed that upon the solution of the problem depends in large measure the somowhql mooted I question of Hermany's determination, to hold out against the allied demand I hat Polish troops he permitted to march over Teuton territory. It is the conviction hern there will he no seri ous deflection on Germany's part from 1 tin- policy of the allies In dealing with problems preliminary to peace* Thcro is no doubting either that Mars ml [Continued ou Page 17.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers