THE STORE THAT CLOSES THE ST ° RE THAT CLOSES — ... .. ... FOUNDED 1971 II AHItISIIIHG. MONDAY, MAHCII ..1, Dili). bei,i, 1991 aaa UNITED : 1— r— \ Keep Ui, the lVarGardens\ Ff New Styles In Shoes \cs, we told you there is not even an old shoe-string itf The war o a rden of \raerica has become an institu- \', '' jp**' stock. Every pair of shoes is new, direct from factory, made ? tion of world-wide importance. Last year's crop being A / -A . of real leather, such as will give best of service and main t d t OOO l"hese figures and a lot ot j .Iji X \ "t /,L /vs. tam Bowman s reputation for dependable merchandise. All valuable data o~n'home gardening are published in a V V V/ K ~l\> /_J>vC priced very moderately. pamphlet issued by the National War Garden Lomnus- j \ / W\ / .ll\ STfri . sion, entitled "Victory Edition of War Gardening am | U / \ V IV ll' fI f l/\ ' 11 ThL"helpl tremendously in putting the Allies "Over jA) |l /ll\\| !j I \ J1f((I II (\ \ ) the Top" and the commission requests all who can pos- > jftM \ 1 iKW / VYI \I I I'/ \ V' .1\ '/ / / \\\ \ V I VJT siblv do so to keep up the good work this year. It means jOKY VV / XVf \\\ iI I \\\ \ \K oVV. / -yf/ economy for the individual and contributes to the j j I \ Y \\\ A \\\ \ '< \S. \ /II world's* food supply. And the unsettled conditions of Qjj% yt\/ \ / Il\ l! I M-V k\ \ JSX\ ISI \ \ / Fd affairs in Europe the year following the war makes i lTlMnll lH AH !; \ \ \ I lk_4 i Vs s. / necessary to supply food to those who have not settled Jlt 1 S ""N/' J I V ' 111 1 It I it#i ! ' ' - ~ —— - ■ lL I f/ '' I j | Women's white kid lace boots; hand turned soles, covered' - r s "vt LL 'x. ~ \ * 1 (fIK f I | fi l l I I I Women's white Nu-Buck Lace hoots. Light welted soles § 0111 l tS V j)'] p-N, \ i J | jffl j with either leather military or leather Louis heels, $8.45. — ——— . || ] I ~ i \ HFjJr i ' Havana brown or gray kid lace boots; turn soles and cov-< ... . . nlI I M 1 1 II "CLv 111 \ I Tm l ! cre( l Louis XV heels, $8.95. The shirts on display in our Men s Departmen a , j\ a |jl | 111 J' 11 Ij, \ "I* I Popular pumps with pointed tongue in Pearl Gray, Field i Spring ideas from the product ot two o ic c.u f, - Ml 4 I|j In?U \ rl p ill'!/it * jrn ' Mouse and Black kidskin, black satin and patent leather, I manufacturers of this country. W I | f" lR \ Villi / 'I ill' ' >£&*** \ $lO.OO. A Our shirts are carefully selected from the choicest cloths, , |l|j . , W \ 11 / / Vj (fSf I embracing thenew colorings and designs of the season, - ace \ W iMJ' tt J\ ' Correct Shaped SIIOCS For Children! speaallv tor Bowman s. ; \M-, I \1 ///;#■ ( M H . y/ ' L M A shirt with the Bo%vman label has all the appearance oj \ml 1 77v l 111 VH ' lnfants' Shoes. Sizes 2to Children's Shoes. SizeH made-to-measure shirts with neck bands that tit; yoke of cor- UMLJI / \\ J|lM/ y\\ M 41 /_ BV, to 11— rect measurements; sleeves properlv shaped and curved o TT \lj \V //L " White Canvas Lace, $3.50. | at shoulders, button holes neatly finished and cuffs that art. I \\ \\ '' J) Black Kid Button, $2.00. Patent Leather Button,, ' of woven madras printed madras, /||j jj% Patcnt leather ' s2 ' 2s ' $4 (Lin Metal Lace, $4.00. silk and qotton mixtures, broadcloth, silks and crepe de chines, t. - \ \\ Tan VJc . Kid> 45 Tan Cal{skin( ?5 qo. 52.00 to $13.50. . W * \\ \ J(E| Auru-. I, ii Genuine White Buckskin BOWMAN s Mam > loor. ' v White Buckskin, $2.90. j ace 5Q i ... , tt , c- , Children's Shoes. Sizes A Wool Dress Goods NF.W TYPES OF ' ? J -— J ' r X M X ■*—' •*" Black Kid button, $2.50. ? 4^ 5 - _ , . i Patent Leather Button, Pre-Easter always commands great attention to labncs , ' Patent Leather Button, $4.95. for that eventful day. That the Suit. Cape or Dolman may f VV 1 1 m I $2.95. Gun Metal Lace, $4.95. be just as anticipated. The material is always the tunda- M / \ -J ■ B I ........ n Tan Calfskin Lace, $5.95. mental thought. If it is carefully selected surely it can be ■ / % Ylffl I Mll 111 l !J T| S Tan ICI K,d Button ' Genuine White Buckskin constructed to please. -JL Jkh. JL JL WJL 111 $2.95. Lace, $6.25. Butterick Patterns, here exclusively, will assist you in , I BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ''sA-Viwh^ine"Frem-h Twill Serge, $2.95 yard. \ choice selection of these graceful and becoming outer garments that are unquestionably the favored mode .24-mch Men s W ear Serge for DolniditS; 11 ll 0 £ monie nt. Developed in soft, pliant fabrics, emphasizing the smartest lines. W/^OITIPn II nHprWP^ir 54-inch Priestley covirts. $5.50 ya,d. * , The waist coat models in capes are especially attractive. These smart loose outer garments are half lined 1 ~iLr 54-inch Poiret Twill and Covert; tan and sand shades, $3.00 or J ian dsomelv lined throughout with fancy silks and foulards. Many serges, velours, silvertones, FJolivias The dainty undergarments women wear for Spring and vard. i , | ! Summer are being shown now. 54-inch Gray, Black Plaids, $2.50 yard. , and velvets. The delicate pink shades and the always desirable white 40-inch Satin Face and Cashmere back Charmeuse, 50.^. 1 j f union suits. Knee length with glove silk vest. Low neck, yard. _ VL I 1 Vk yl I II I sleeveless and mercerized lisle pants; a garment selected for 40-inch Ottoman cords; silk and wool. $3.20 vard. II f X 111 I fl .1/ ~f a w \ M\ / its bcautv and comfortable fit. i 36 to 54-inch Fine Dress Twill Serge, 69c to $3.00 yard. \X They are priced moderately at $2.50. 36-inch Novelty Linings, 59c, 69c, 89c and $l.OO yard. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 1 Spring Is Here And Our Basement Is Filled To Overflowing IVith DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE That Is Necessary To Make the Home Comfortable and the Garden Beautiful During the Few Coming Months / s i No garden article is used as early in the season as a Richly Japanned 5 in 1 Garden Fools A Window Box Wheelbarrow Long Spout l' ' Ter> UsefUl Sar °'" ===r " r it a'\°,v? n eve'r'it j^^errlng^oil'TnT' 'maktag at I Ain your hand at one time, t sunshine on the in; known red garden barrow at ' n co^ors and sonie decoiated /n I be manipulated so as to do% y hoxes made of selected umber and Pointed green. $4.50. with flowers - These arc ver >' (// make a trowel, weedcr, spac- inches, 7oc 4- inches, Boc 48 inches, oc substantially built Canal or window box water ing fork rake and dibber 3 c c Square plant boxes, painted green for Oleanders, rubbci Barrow, $3.25. ing and when once used you plants, etc., 85c and 95c. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves W,lljno hh r kind, SL9B to $2.39. A Lawn can be well t Screen Doors JESHBjjHiBnIK| .... l us4 ° | — I v now serving millions of homes. J H bpfat l&fk W 111 In The burners are made of brass ki i 111— /Pi '|*g another great necessity for the coming H I 11 |l bronzed over P L f and always look well and level months. There is many a time that the win- [■ II I|III] II I 1 "°* OI StCCI °" ,°' K / J dows have to be closed on account of rain, !■ El( 111 | I to look like brass. Brass burners An inexpensive support for toma- If you have a when the door can he left open, being pro- ! 1109lU B ill Ifijl will not rust and will last longer toes or any bushy plant that is liable " "*lsa \ raQI tected by a porch roof. When it is raining is than burners put in stoves of to blow over. 1 hey are light, yet j Roller I the time flies try to get indoors. inferior makes. Each stove has strong. The wire ring can be adjusted | t ... , th ii i n mum e c f rr - v ' n Stock a most complete line of reversible glass oil reservoir. It to d '^ erent e 'S' lts - j We have the well known Dur- _ doors; from the cheap walnut stained ones IMimll □fII U| . . , 1R inrh <mnnnrts do? Rsr I 1 ham Rollers that can be tilled 3|gH with black wire and frame, thick to # ™ dean to operate and is odor- 10-incn supports, aoz., oac. with water, regulating the weight. the fine varnished natural finished ones with , iBBIUiff-— l t . ss . 24-inch supports, doz., $l.OO. | When Filled tralvanized wire and frame. l'A inches thick, $5.25. , When Empty With Water Note _ Bring exact measurements as we do not exchange " wi|W We have them in 2, 3or 4- supports, aoz., L Water weight roller .. 60lbs. 160lbs. Sdo.jQ j Window Screens or Screen Doors. I M \l\ burner. Prices range from, 4-ft. supports, doz., $2.00. \ Water weight roller . . 8a lbs. 300 lbs. $16.00 | I V \ en 'I Water weight roller .. 110 lbs. 500 lbs. $21.00 / 1 $15.50 to $26.a0. 5-ft. supports, doz., $2.2 a. | Bird Houses Garden Tools A win d ow Screen Flower and Ve S etable Seeds -■-'ll VI X. IVJUOV/J I „ . I T .... _ n n Seeds that grow. We have built up a reputation on our Our showing far excels any of our previous efforts. ■ ! s a ne y essl , °V I OX ' ° seeds. Each year we hear remarks about the results of our The variety is so endless that we only quote a few. vf wait till the flies ha\'e entered your seeds of the year previous that are gratifying. •ye an excellent addition to Tff?f „ T7_ r c c n v, nnf iip 1 DO 1 I tVB 1 home and lock them in. Put your . Flower seeds, 2 packages, 15c. the grounds of any home. Long'handle g'arden shovels, $1.65. 11 IT screens in now and lock them out. Vegetable seeds, 2 packages, 15c. Place one of these houses Transplanting weeders, 6c. V, I The kind wc sell are the best and Vegetable seeds, large packages, 10c and 20c. in the trees on your grounds . 1 , „ ,„j ?<v m 1; jjSFyTijS# s , c . ■ . Beans, peas and corn, box, 20c. and you will find that you Magic he and weeder, 30c. i 9 range in size from 15 to 32 inches Lawn grass seed, box, 20c. will not have to hang a Garden hoes, pj Y ' in height; 21 to 45 inches in width. b u „ 7 . "TO-LET" sie-n to uet ten- —Garden spades, $1.20. j| All are easv sliding: and prices range from 39c to $1.20. Poultry Wire TR ' h t'f l e Wire tree guards, 75c. 11l y ■ ants. teir oeau i u song Pruning shears, 25c and 50c. T)nlL\c> nnFl D /-irAfiC Now is the time of the season when Poultry wire is in in the morning while you 9) 9 | 8 ' ISUIDS 3.11(1 JXOOtS deman d. We have it in both the one and two-inch mesh, are dressing or eating break- Garden weeders, oc. Garden trowels, 10c. i Gladiolus bulbs doz ., 20 c. The one-inch mesh is adapted for small chicks, where the fast will dispel that grouchy n 6 tooth lo,lg ha " dle rakeS ' TurfedgesSSc Gladiolus bubs extra large, doz., 35c. two-inch is most suitable for the larger chickens. We only feeling (if you are unfor- 30c Potato HooksSSc , Peorarootsextrafine, 2for 25c. sell it in rolls of 50, 100 and 150 gunning feet. Prices range unate enough to have ,t) 14 tooHt long handle . Grass Shears, 15c to 50c. Canna roots! selected, 6 for 25c. from 50 ft. rolls of 2 in. mesh, 24 in. high at $1.25 to a 150 ft. for the day, 15c to $15.00. ! rakes, $l.OO. Dawfa roots, very healthy, 4 for 250 . roll of 1-inch mesh, .10 inches high, $B.OO. MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH" MARCH 31, 1919. 3
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