12 1A Mcai Selling Campaign Will SeU Real Estatc-Irrespectlfc of "Scasons'l 2>eatl)s | mi.l lrvin W. Dill died Saturday : evi ning, March 25*. 1019. Kunerai services from his late rest- . finite. 2209 North Second street, on. Wednesday morning, at It o'clock. Interment llarrisburg Cemetery. Khidlv omit flowers. t SMITH On March 31, 1915*. Oeoige 1". G Smith, at his home, 12G rronl street, West Fail view, in his aStli year. Funeral on Thurada> afternoon. Ar-iil 3. at 2 o'clock, from the abo address. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without : ' I'uilhei notice. Interment in the Enola Cemetery. MTOItKIt —On Sunday evening. March 39, 1919, Lewis Stober. aged •V! years, 1 month and 18 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, J' :'. Briggs street. Funeral private. I 11 rial at Shoop's Church Cemetery. LOST AXU 1'Ol'X'l) LOST Small, black leather hand bag, with silver monogram C. \V. K. Contained sum of money. Party may i . lain money if they will return hag to this oftiee. I IX)ST —Pair of light tortoise-shell I glass s. without ease, on Saturday, on [ Fourth or North streets. Reward if returned to 900 North Seventeenth; street Bell phone 1877. I.OST Bound black lynx mufT. j lb vai l if returned. Call Bell phono "OH.I. 1 THE )>erson seen taking an over tuat fiotii Casino Bowling Alley will leturu same as soon as possible to ovoid trouble. _____ , INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English, Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 12.'., Dial 4016. BUCKLEYS BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 Market St. Chas. R. Berkley — HELD WANTED—MALE WANTED EX I KP.IENCED NURSERYMAN Oi.e with knowledge 01" orna- ! mental shrubbery preferred. Send full particulars, includ ing salary expected, refer ences and experience. Address BOX P. 732?. Care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED SHOE CUTTERS on outsides and trimmings. KUI-IN. PAVORD. "WILES SHOE CO.. 1;- -IS North Cameron St . city. DRAFTSMAN WANTED v k Ahiiilv 10 tin 11 out neat work css< ntial. state salary ex t>■ itcted. Address BOX V;. 7 429, |V ■ Care of Telegrap! (DISTRICT MANAGER and active representatives in llarrisburg and vi nitv to represent Old Line Phiiadel- ; vhia Health and Accident Insurance: Company. Our new policy covers en ry form of disability by Sickness or Accident. Natural and Accidental Death. All occupations, both sexes. MonthD or Weekly Premiums Isugt indemnities. Splendid opportunity f " ; five men. Part tunc men also ronsid . ■■..(]. Permanent Income. National Relief Assurance i'o.. IoS South Fourth street. Philadelphia, Pa. AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS—Look , m ' for our ad on another page of to-day's ! m Telegraph, telling about our course ~ 01 instruction in automobile and • to roplane mechanics. Auto Trans-, 1 portation School. 2i ■ Soutii Front 1 street Steelton. XV ANTED. DISTRICT MANAGER and active representative in Harrls b.ng and vicinity to represent an Old Lino Philadelphia Health and Acei-, dent Insurance Company. Our new! p.-lii y covers every form of disability: be Sickness or Accident, Natural and .Accidental Death. All Occupations.! 1 otli Sexes. Monthly or Weekly Premi- : inns. Large indemnities. Splendid) opportunity for live men. Part tint ■ ijien also considered. Permanent In-, come. National Relief Assurance Co.. ICS South Fourth street, Philadelphia, I F'n. ! YOI'XO MEN, 18 and over, desiring j Railway Mail and Post Oftire clerk ships, $92 month, write for free par ticulars of examinations. R. E. Tarry (former Civil Service Examiner), 518 continental Bldg.. Washington. WANTED —A good tinner and sheet metal worker, b it reliable men need apply. EiSks. Yates. Herman and Rosemont Lnuoyne, Open Saturday evening or call between 12 irtad 1 noon. Bell 3132 M. BATTLERS— Experienced foreman wanted in soft drink plant. must know automatic machinery thorough ly. State experience and salary ex pected. Reference required. Address "Bottler'" 31!) Heed Bldg.. Phila., Pa. REPAIRMEN 40 MEN WANTED at once to learn to repair autos and aeroplanes. Must have $5O cash for entrance fee. Chance to make good money between class hours. Auto and Aeroplane Mechanical School. 25 North Cameron stre t. llarrisburg. Training quar ters. 260 South Front street. Steel ton. WANTED Honorable discharged soldiers and sailors, apply Room 709, Penn-Harris Hotel, between 4 to 8 P. M. and 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED Messenger boy. Apply Superintendent. The Telegraph Print ing Co., Harrisburg. Pa. PAPERtIANGERS —60c per hour. XVill guarantee all year work. Also several painters. H. A. Bodmer, 826 North Third street. FOR SALE 25 Acre Truck Farm In Dauphin County. 12 miles from Harrisburg, 14 mile front State Highway. Improvements consist of farm house which has been re built, and a frame bank barn with two floors, in good condition, also other necessary outbuildings. The price is reasonable. Miller brothers & _o. ~*) Estate Insurance Surety Bonds Locust aad Court Streets Members II bg Ileal Estate Hoard L ' MONDAY EVEN 1 NO. , HELP WANTED —I'EMALE ( , _ _ I WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS _ . j AVe arc wanting Sewing Machine Operators, positions I arc permanent, regular work, and good wages, together with a bonus every pay uay. Old operators are welcome to return to work again. FOLDERS V>'o arc also wanting girls for our Folding Department. -Must be over 16 years of age. Good wages are paid in tlii-- Department, together with a bonus every pay day. BLOUGH MANFG. CO.. Inc.. lietly and Fulton Sts. ' ,! | i 1 1 \ \V ANTKD i:x PERI ENDED STITCH EIIS On shoes. Also Buttonhole operator and button sewer. KUHN. I'AVORD. XYILKS SHOE CO.. 16-IS North Cameron St.. City. -i WANTED Reliable white woman for child's nurse. Good wages to careful and competent person. Address N., 7422. Cnre of Telegraph. ! DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER-t lOR Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. Wash- | i ington. D. C.-—HELP WANTED. Male' and fcmali —PLACE OF EMPLOY MENT: Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. 1 ' Washington. D. i'. Tiiis is a Govern ment Institution established for the ! treatment of soldiers, sailors, and ma rines suffering from mental diseases incurred in the service of their Conn try. At the present time this Hospi- ; tal is earing for approximately 3.801" ; patients and is performing a very im- | i portant service in the restoration of ! : the Nation's disabled tig!.ting forces. NATURE AND ADVANTAGE OF EM PLOYMENT OFFERED: There are a large number "f vacancies in the] Ward or Nursing Service of the Ilos- j i pital. Previous experience is not ' : necessary. Ail applicants accepted for this service are given the oppor ' tunity of enrolling in the Training School for Nurses maintained by the Hospital. This school presents a two ; ' years' course in connection with the | regular duties of the employee and is | free of charge to those desiring to | 1 enroll. Successful completion of the course cntitUs the student to a di- : ploma. SALARIES AND PER QUISITES: All employees of this s-r- j 1 vice are furnished free of charge : ' their board, lodging, laundry, and in case of sickness medical attention for a reasonable period. The salaries 1 range from $:!2.5b to SS2.5u per month, tlie lower salary adjustments being based on previous experience : and the higher positions being rilled j . by promotion from the ranks of those enrolled in the Training School. Those whose services prove satisfactory are promised a salary increase effect Ve I duly 1. litß". REQUIREMENTS: ; Applicants must be in bound physical ■ condition, should have reached not ! less than their sixteenth birthday. ' ! and must lie citizens of the United I States. Application Form 1059 should j he obtain'd from tiie Superintendent | ; of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Wash- 1 ington, D. ('., or the Secretary of the , Fourth Civil Service District. Wash- ! ! ington. I). C„ and riled with either ofi the above named parties at til earli- ' : est possible date. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Bv ! refined, young widower with two chil-i jdren. Young or middle-aged widow prcfiried. Good heme and pleasant ] Place in live. Address Box L, 7::5.!, j .-ate of Telegraph. Gi >\ ERNMKNT Needs liundrcds 1 ' 'of women, 18 years and over, for Kile 1 '.'inks in Treasury and War Risk • I'i pts. $9OO-$1,400. Examinations i Harrisburg, April 23. For tree par ticulars, write R. E. Terry (former I I Civil Si 1 vice Examiner), 518 Conti-I : nentai Bldg., Washington. XX ANTED—White girl for genera! ; housework: no washing or ironing.; !('ali Bell Phone 3131 -.1. I WOMAN—IV ho knows something •if massage to work in Turkish bath. I Call Bell 2156. I __| \\ ANTED—Experienced salesladies 1 for general store. Address 1,., 7332, : care of Telegraph. —: —t - ; —- XX ANTED XVidower desires ser vices of experienced woman as house keeper. .-mall family. Good home to right party. Address ,'aeob Miller. ; R. D., No. 1, Cly, Pa. . SALESMEN WANTED 11EMUNERAT1VE PROPOSITION: Su.ary expenses and bonus. 1 Xlfgr. has opening for man who has sold and stands well with the manufacturers and ; latger property owners of this ; section. Must be a hustler and good closer. Give age. sales record, references and i telephone. Address BOX A. 7136. j Care of Telegraph. SALESMAN* | We wish to obtain a local rep -1 resentative to handle one of the j best selling propositions before "the public; a man who is well known locally and who can fur nish references and demonstrate sales ability can easily make at j least $lOO per week; position j permanent; answer with full in 'j formation regarding present ( and past connections. Address j Sales Manager. 443 Union Ar- I cade. Pittsburgh. Pa. i SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE j WANTED Voting man desire* clerical position as bookkeeper; high lest refinances: had oflice experience, j Address P. O. Box 165, Mt. XX'olf. Pa. WANTED Position in or about Harrisburg, by middle-aged, married man, with twenty years' experience in accounting and general oflice work; jean furnish best of reference. Ad j dress M.. 7321. care of Telegraph. I WANTED Young boy would ike position as delivery boy. or work of 'any kind. Call Bell 2376R-3. , SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE **".*.NTED Young man. experienc ed in accounting, bookkeeping, salos ! iiii.nship. organization and manage lincnt, is open for engagement; amiii : tious and a hustler; Al references. ! Address Box O. 7328, care of Tel.— { graph. 1 j WANTED Position as janitor or ' watchman, by man 50 years of age, 1 married: can give best of reference. Address L. 7330. care of Telegraph. ■ SITUATIONS W ANTED—Female WANTED Washing and ironing in do at homo. Call 316 Harris street if Dial phone 6028. WANTED Housework by the day iby colored woman; no washing: can i furnish references. Address Box P, ,7:129, cure of Telegraph. WANTED Position as steno grapher by young woman with three and one-hail' years' experience; can i furnish references. Address Box O, : 7334, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman de sires general housework, or day's 1 work. L.. 7335, care of Telegraph. WANTED Housework in private family by colored woman. Call, or ad -1 dress. 665 Rriggs street. : t WANTED General housework in private family by colored woman; can furnish reference. Apply 420 Lincoln; 'street, Steelton. I'a. , 1 ROOMS FOR KENT THREE unfurnished rooms, com-1 ■minicating, consisting of entire second Hour, near Sixth and Reily, ($12.50 pet month in advance. No chtl -1 ill *n. Apply 1321 North Sixth. Dial j 5754. I FOR KENT Two front rooms, , compUtt ly furnished for light house- ; keeping; "all conveniences; no chil do n: also garage on rear. Apply 342 S' tiih seventeenth street. j UNFURNISHED ROOMS 152! J No'-lh Sixth stiict. Dial u"54. i FOR RENT —Three furnished rooms ; ! on second floor for light housekeep- | ling; all conveniences: corner house, i ! Call Bell Phone 1794-J evenings. I FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished j | rooms: private bath; suitable for light ; housekeeping. Apply 816 North Sixth i | street. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Ap- ; 1 ply 9 North Front street. 1 FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms j for light housekeeping; steam heat:' all conveniences; no children: second! iloor. Apply 181 I Green street. FOR KENT Two well furnished: ■ communicating rooms with balcony, i 'use of phone and bath; suitable for! married couple or business ladies. 210 : j Soutii Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. j FOR RENT Two third floor j j rooms, furnished for tight housekeep- i | ing; references required; no children. • Bell IBUO-R. FOlt RENT Unfurnished, second ' :h>r rooms, suitable for light houac-t keeping; good location, on corner; use ■1 bath, light heat, and cooking gas , furnish* d. F5Ol North Sixth street. j WILL RENT a lovely front room,' • three large windows, with all conveni-j I er.'.'s. use of bath and phone, steam heat, inly two in family, 110 other t learners, lovely neighborhood, to re-' spectable gentleman only. L., 7399, j care of Telegraph. FURNISHED FOR HOUSEKEEP- t ING 111 Chestnut street, near , river, large room with running hot; and cold water. Only to couple with- j "Ut children. Vacant to-day. FOR RENT Furnished rooms fori light housekeeping. .Inquire 1936' Green strict. Bell phone 2188 W. FOR RENT Two furnished, up- ' to-date rooms, for light housekeep ing; hot and cold water. Apply at 30. North Fifth street during the diiv. and after 7:50 P. AL. ut 24 North Fifth ' ' sti eet. , j j FOR RENT Two unfurnished ' ! rooms for light housekeeping. Applv • '1621 Park street. Ask for people oli j second lloor. ' FOR RENT Two third floor i ! rooms, furnished for light house-i keeping. Only right party for this 10-j 'cation need answer. Apply 226 South! j Second street. FOR RENT - - Housekeeping rooms, i with kitchenettes attached. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathrocm privileges. Storage lock-1 crs. XX'eekly payments. Inquire 139' • Broad street. FOR RENT Largo, unfurnished I livingroom. first floor front, suitable! for suite of rooms, modern conveni-' ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 ; I North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, I i $2.50 per week and up; warm room.-; running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and. lirlvate bath. Wll- i son Apartments. 113 South Third. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished room, with steam heat; use of phone, j Inquire 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished • rooms for light housekeeping; all I conveniences. Apply 1614 Wallace' street. Bell 4684A1. —: FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, , on second floor; use of bath; Hill dis trict; Mine location; no children; in private family of two. Inquire 1m A...M. to 5 P. M. Phone 27611 L FOR RENT Elegantly furnish ed rooms, with private family; no liglu housekeeping: references. Bell phone 624. Dial 4937. ROOMS WANTED HOOMS WANTED Two rooms for ligrht housekeeping for young couplo j without children. Address Box *l* i 7291, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I'OR RENT Three-room apart jincnt; steam heat; all conveniences; : only desirable people with reference ; need apply. 324 Ileiiy street. j APARTMENT In residential sec ! tion. four completely furnished rooms. Use of l ath and phone. Private home ; and ready for occupancy April 10. Ad -1 id! ess P. O. Box 153. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, . !suitable for office or apartment, re ir 'first floor. 132 Walnut street. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Company. ' j FOR RENT Second floor; three ;iiooms; use of bath: no children. Pos | session April 1. Apply 911 North Sixth : street. ; MECHANICSBURG Centrally lo : 1 cated; porches, front and rear; gas . ' and electricity; all conveniences. Rent reasonable. Small family pre ■ ! ferred. Inquire 429 Broad street, j 9.30 to 11 a. m„ or Hopple &. Swartz. j Mechanicsburg. WANTED TO RENT - ; XVANTED. TO RENT house, m good location, with all improvements 'jby family with no small children, io . eated either in Harrisburg or t ! lOnoia. Bell phone 4135 W. or Box 11 I! 7515. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE —On easy terms, mod -jr-i-n style, 8-room house. Price, $2,250. ! I Situated in Shiremanstown. Also fj larger house, finely built. $2,800. ■Richard S. Meily, Mechanicsburg. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ill " Ol! m IS! b fflj ffi IT'S ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO fifei SEEL REAL ESTATE for what it's m M-J worth through clean-cut campaigns of Up classified advertising. The offer of real (fp estate is a matter of news to a great : |T4 many people—to all who invest in feas! property or who buy it for their per- Ms sonal use. Your offer will find these ifl) ly people—enlist their interest, if your Ly) yp property is good value—and a sale will fc| naturally result. rh M 9 yd m ffi I m co w RJtIAL ESTATE FOlt SALE j | "IF IT'S REAL. ESTATE, SEE SANDKRLIN" VOL' HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED TO! 'MOVE. DON'T TRY To SWIM UP-: STREAM. OR YOU MIGHT GET A! SUIT WHICH YOU CAN'T WEAR. ; But WILE COST YOU MONEY. : MOVE AT ONCE. ! SELECT YOT'R HOME FROM THE' FOLLOWING LIST: I j WILL BE FINISHED IN A FEW DAYS | ! Thirty-second and Derry Streets, 1 {single, corner; 2i--story stucco homo; seven rooms, large livingroom with ! fireplace, also a dandy sun parlor;; hardwood Hours, gas, electricity, steam' 1 • at, large front porch—in fact, everything right up-to-the-minute:, lot. lOxltO; look at this before buy ing; must be seen to be appreciated. | i OX IS-HALF ELDEU MANSION | Twenty-fourth and Derry Streets; :-! story brick, six rooms and bath, sun! i parlor, hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electricity, front and side en-, 1 trance, driveway in the rear, nice size; yerd; right price to quick buyer. ; THE REAL THING ! Twenty-fourth and Derry Streets: 8- : story brick, nine rooms, all the very .latest improvements; these homes ivonnot lie duplicated In the city for j the money; will be finished in about two wetks. NOW VACANT ! Wieonisco St., 627; 3-story brick, eight { ! rooms and bath, gas and electricity, I i furnace, front porch, nice size back | yard with driveway in the rear; new-! ly painted; same as rent. I A GOOD BARGAIN j Camp St.. 618; immediate possession ! : 3-story brick, eight rooms and Path. | all Improvements; one of a row of; j very well built homes; same as rent.| SEE US FIRST j\VE HAVE A NUMBER OF PROPER- ' TIES THAT WILL BE VACANT ON | OR ABOUT APRIL 1. AND WILL BE UiL\D TO GIVE YOU FULL PAlt-i ' TICULARS AT THIS OFFICE. D. ASA SANDERLIN, ! Room 1. Security Trust Lldg., j 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. i j i FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION j j2!i-story froine dwelling, known as the Lupoid property, located one-half I block from car line on Harvard ave-| nut in that beautiful suburb of Earl i ington. Camp Hill, within single ear! tare limit of Harrisburg. 7 rooms (l| I bedrooms): unfinished attic; bath; re-I jception hall; pantry; hot air heat;: istcrtu windows and doors; shades and ; screens; hardwood finish; all Improve-I | ments. Corner pioi of ground. 120 x I 120: 40 bearing fruit trees; variety of ; grape vines; currant bushes; 3 j chiekeriliouses, will accommodate 200 chickens; work shop; lawn and gar-1 ! den. This property is in excellent ! condition, and will be sold to settle | tip an estate, if you are looking for |an ideal-country home with all city conveniences, you will miss a rare i opportunity if you do not investigate ' | this proposition. . I Clear title guaranteed. Bargain Price, $4,200. 'Bell C O. BACKENSTOSS, Bell 701 112 Market Street. 3077.1 ; | i 1 FOR SALE A fine home on North ' i Second, street north of Maclay. Fine! river view. Address Box 7292, care of i j Tclegi uph. II FOR SALE 1 have several prop-i I erties tor sale on easy terms. J. K. 1 Kipp, 1721 North Second street. Bell | phone 1645 R. i FOR SALE Three 3-story frame i ' I houses, eight rooms, paved street | $-2,100 each. Two brick seml-bunga ! lows, 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantry. • j porches, $3,150 each. Two bricks j.R i improvements, $5,100 both. Also" iii ;ciustrial plant, fifie water power. Bell • 1334 J. . I- ' I FOR Most attractive West I Shore home. All modern conveniences' I Will sell at a sacrifice. Call Ben l I phone 30S7R. I FOR SALE —97 North Seventeenth . street, vacant, a brick house, 8 rooms, ; I with batli. steam heat, gas. front and ■back porches. Price reasonable. sioyi ' down, balance same as rent. D. A • It'aley, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. ' •i FOR SALE —On easy terms. 201U i • to 201S Susquehanna street. Possess-! j sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz, i • 1 1225 North Sixth. j '! FOR SALE 2148 N. Fifth St.; I i I three-story brick dwelling; all nn-1 provements: good location; excellent . I condition. Inquire from P. V. Minter iat Harrisburg Trust Co.. or call Bell ii phone 3449 W. I FOR SALE. Good modern-priced I home, near river, in uptown section. I Fine river view. A. W. Swengel. 2131 j North Second. Bell 2575 J. ' TXVO-STORY' semi-bungalow on | Park Ave.. Camp Hill; practlcall" • | new : 6 rooms and bath: gas; electric l light; steam heat; fireplace; hardwood: ,! floors; screens and storm windows; ■ I good garage; lot. 60x143; possession' "ion short notice. BRINTON-PACKEK CO., Second and Walnut Sts. J 2318 AND 2320 JEFFERSON ST.: • I good 3-story brick dwelling; 8 roouss ■jiind bath; gas: furnace heat: porches; . I large lot. drive alley on rear; rental |I income, $19.00. Price, each. $2,400 tie ! .1 RRIOTON-PACKER CO.. J •—cond and Walnut Sts. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' I'OSSESSION APRIL 1. Price. Down • 2207 Logan St., brick.... $2,500 $5OOl ] 916 N. Sixteenth 5t.... 5,400 i 2427 N. Sixth St 5.700 500 I i 42\ Maclay St., brick,. 4,600 j 423 Maclay St., brick.. 4.100 1032 S. 11th St 2,800 600 |1943 N. Fourth St 3,000 300 I 97 N. 17th St 4.000 D. A. CALEY, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. j FOR SALE ! 3'filory brick house, 2025 j Green street. Front and back porches, side and rear en entrance, hardwood floors, gus j and electricity, steam heat. Apply STECKLEY SHOE STORE. 122 C North Third Street. ! j FOR SALE ' Immediate possession 614 N. IStli • j Street, one of a pair, contains 8 | rooms and bath. All modern improve- ' imi nts. Lot, 20x90 ft. At a reason- i ; able price to quick buyer. Three-story brick house on llili 'Street, with 9 rooms and bath; g:s Might; lnrnace heat. Possession in ;h" j days. Price, $3,200. MILLER BROS. & CO., Locust and Court Sts. BUY YOl'R HOME on our rental I •payment plan. Small cash or Liberty I Bond first payment required, balance, ias rent. We have houses in every I pari of the city and suburbs. Apply I | A. 1' Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. | I FOR SALE—I9I6 Bellevue road, all: j improvements, desirable location. In- ] , quire of owner. 631 Camp street. Citv. • : ___• : FOR SALE—I-our lots, Penbrook, i j 122x150, Twenty-seventh ami Curtin 1 I streets. Inquire of owner, 631 Camp j street. City. j FOR SALE—Small cash and carr) ; I grocery, with or without living apart- ; j ments, corner location, first class con dition. doing good cash business; no | old stock: low rent; includes all fix-j j Hires. This unusual otter is only for ] a responsible party with good refer- I j ence. Address M-7337, cure Telegraph ! | | lit HUMMEL AVE.. LLMOYNE; 3- story brick dwelling; 10 rooms and j hath; gus: electric light: lot, 17x15i"; j porch front and rear. This is a good,! I substantial property and well located ! I'RINT< IN-PACK Ell CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE 1820 Roas street, 2-j story brick. 7 rooms and bath; all im provements; side entrance: porches' front and rear. Apply 1820 Boas st I eet. THREE-STORY BRICK. 8 rooms i I $ 1,800; $50.00 needed as first payment': 2Q-story frame, $l,OOO. Three-story' brick, on Boyd street, with all im-' j provcmenls, payments made like rent ' I Possession can be hud in 30 days ! LINCOLN REALTY CO., I 1129 Seventh Street. FOR SALE 427-429 Maelav | street, facing Fifth street. Nice lo cution. J. K. Kipp. 1721 North Second, ■llell phone 1645 U. ' I'O'l SALE A cottage between: stri c t cat line and river, between j RockvilD- bridge and Marysvillc; dec-' tiic lights, water and all improve-j | ments. Inquire .1. I<. Kipp. 1721: ; North Second street. Bell phone 1615 K. j FOR SALE 323 South Eighteenth j street; three-story brick; all conveni-j j i noes, corner property. Bell Realty , Co., Rergner Buliuing. j OXFORD ST., 612 Brick house! for sale; eight rooms and bath, gas, I : furnace, porch front and rear; pus-! ; session soon: price right. Bell Fealty j Co.. Bergner Building. | DERBY ST.. 3223 Property for! I sale: brick house, eight rooms and j I bath, gas, electric light, steam heat; ! price right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner i j Building. i j —— i ! ItEGINA ST.. 1434 Brick and' I frame property, on plot 25x130, for! jsrle: large dwelling with 2-stcry! stable OP. rear. Bell Realty Co., berg- ' | ner Building. j REAL ESTATE FOR RENT J FOR KENT House located at Grantham; electric lights; hot and cold water; 6 rooms and bath; eon ;crftc l.lc.ck; half square from Reed ' ing station. inquire J. A. Maun, Grantham. Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED | I HAVE a number of clients want ing to buy two-story homes in north-' !ptn end of city. What have you to 1 offer? A. W. Swengel. 2131 North j Second street. Bell phone 2575 J. I I XVI LI. GIVE $20.00 to any person I 'who will rent a 6 or 7-room. modern,' !imoro\ed, well-located house to a] Ismail family. Address Box p. 7135, | care of Telegraph. i -- - , j ! READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY i I XVHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? I BELL AND DIAL PHONES. ! I CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. " ! 1 I HAVE a number of clients want ing to buy homes between Second and! j Third streets either on Maclay, Wood bine. Emerald or Seneca streets. A. j W. Swengel. 2131 North Second street. > Ollices and Storerooms for Rent : I > I I FOR RENT ! BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM I For meetings, conventions. Banquets Dances and purties! I Use of piano free. Kitchen ; attached. 11. C. BLASTER. Jeweler. 302 Market Street. Ollicos and Storortrotris Eor Rent | I'OR RENT 1 Second and third lloors over Cluster's Jewelry Store, now i occupied by Kellucrg's Studio. I Has bee.i occupied as a photo graphic studio for over ten I years Excellent locution. Very suitable for Dentists or Optometrist's parlors. Apply CLASTKR'S JEWELRY STORE, 302 Market Street. TO RENT ARCADE BUILDING—- Corner Walnut and Court avenue,' storeroom 32 N'ortli Court avenue. Also s* vera! desirable offices second floor. Inquire Room 203, Second Floor, Ar cade r. i ur. FOR RENT 3.000 square ft. of:. Iloor space, for storeroom or light manufacturing, in brick building. Plenty of light. Outside entrance.!; Second iloor. 1520 Fulton street. Lell 4570. j $lO.OO. STOREROOM 250 Hamilton; street. suitable for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar store. Chas. Adler, | 1002 North Third street. I'OR RENT l'esk room and oftice. I Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney. 3t! ! North Second street. Hell phone 307.).! far Vis I, : 1 ; IGO-ACR-E FARM Possession at once. Stock, ; tools and feel included. Or will give use) of stock and j tools free foil one year for i quick sale. 1 .Jaul level. Good water. 50 acres good timber. Terms reasonable, or will exchange on [city property, i Located near HYrlitax. C. H. CCMRDER, 1722 Green St., V Ilarrisburg. i Bell 56Vj. \ FARM 30 acres, $2,\00. 75 acres, i 1 tlii clem, 13 timber, s2.l"td. 110 acres, I the best soil, good buildings; plenty of feed on the place. Also mkiny small: 1 farms, Purnnd. 107 Cliestnut\ street. 40 ACRES, without buildiikSV, 1! = miles front trolley. surroundcVl by a ! large cieek, $1,5C0. DurandX 107 I chestnut sti i et. V WANTED To hear front ownW, *of good farm for sale. C. C. Shepurd, I Minneapolis. Minn. FARMS WANTED ' WANTED - A good farm near trol ley or railroad. Please state lowest , price. Box D, 72X0, care of Tele- . , graph. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE COMING BACK THREE OR FOUR TIMES. SAY THAT LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL Is so satisfactory that no other COAL gives the same SATISFACTION. . Order 1.000 tbs. to-day. $4.70. Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY. NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. I I FOR SALE —One 54-inch roll-top J ! desk and chair: York safe: sectional ; 'bookcase; two operating tables; large I cabinet; combination wardrobe and linen drawer: hallrack: letter tile; Mitcstope. Inquire 1139 Market! 1 FOR SALE —Various household ef- ! I fects; must he sold this evening. In-j ! quire 007 North Front street. Bell ; 1 phone B7S-W. I 1. FOR SALE Sideboard, parlor suite, child's lied and a few other j articles sold cheap. Call at 227 South] ] Nineteenth street. 1 i FURNITURE Oak bed, spring I land (new) mattress. ss.uu for all. | | Call 1914 Park street. j I FOR SALE Sideboard, in good 1 ! condition. Will be sold reasonable.! icall at IUO Montgomery street. ! FOR SALE. Baby carriage, in; good condition. Inquire 1210 Huntor; ! street. FOR SALE One 10-horse-power j horizontal boiler; 36 inches diameter; II v 72 inches high. Inquire L. 11. I Nickel, 1944 Berryhtll street. City. j FOR SALE Soda Fountain, with ! all fixtures. including lee crusher, milk shaker, back-bar peanut roaster, etc. Will he sola reasonable. William Moyer, 452 Cumberland street. l_ MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. j i " BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ~ The store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you the biggest and best bar-! gains in Men's und Boys' Suits, Over-j coats. Mackinaw Coats. Underwear,; i Hats. Caps, and Shoes. We are fain-: ious for Low Prices. Give us a trial. i OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Strceta FOR SALE Rufua Red Belgian! ! Hares. Fine stock. Heavyweight] type. Excellent color and condition. ! Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich. 4171 I south Seventeenth street. ; l TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOlt! CASH ALL MAKES RENTED 1 EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 1205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE] OKPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ! WANTED—MISUEI.LAX EPFs ~ , ; HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID fori Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at 'tention. Newmark & Cown, 368 Brond | street. Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705R j MAX SMELTZ ' Secor.d-hand furniture bought and' ; sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call 'Bell 1071 It, or drop a postal to Max i Pmeltz IGI6 Market street. Will call, ! city o" country. " L. COHEN & COMPANY. York and , Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for tags, paper, iron, barrels, rubbr and metal and old machines. Send postal. or call 3221 W Hell and Dial 62'Jn. . I HIGHEST PRICES PAID /or ail j ; l kinds of empty barrels and ju/ik. Call], I Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. ;. i 524-532 North Seventh street f ' j, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING || Experienced packers />f Fur- ' t uiture. China and BrW-a-brac. A. H. SHE^K 1906 North Slxjfi St. Bell Phone 39W. 4 MARCH 31.^)19 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES G A It AG E For sale. 214-story | building, repair shop, wiish stand, < and good for 15 storage cars, first < floor: this is a good location; business ' established: equipped with electric light and steam heat; price very rea sonable; small payment down, bal ance on easy terms. Apply A. P. Do ranz, 1225 North Sixth street. Both phones. FOR SALE —Garage: great invest ment; one of the best locutions in the city, and a business thoroughfare: ] ground to build a garage 100x250 ft., j corner location: just the thing for a | greut money earner now: will re- j quire about $3,000 to partially erect i building; balance can easily be ur- ! ranged; just the opportunity of your: life. For information apply A. I', j Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. Both phones. FOR SALE Corner business prop- i" erty, in uptown section, at a very j reasonable figure. Now occupied as j grocery. A. W. Swengel, 2131 North 1 Second street. 801 l 2757.1. SNAP j Send $1.50 for a box of 50 cigars. Free smokers. S. ('. Kltng. Bitters | villc, I'n. BUSINESS PERSONALS HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND FINISHED. OLD FLOORS CLEANED. Consult the man wlio knows how. G. M. SLOUGH. Bell phone 1859 W. ! NOTICE TO I'll E PUBLIC j ' For your general repair work In j roofing, spouting and range work, see j Emory s. Yeatls. successor to J. A. Kiinkle, corner of Herman and Ross-| j nioyne street, Ltuuoync, Pa. He lifts; in full line of Stoves and Ranges at ul J very low price. It will pay you to I ! gei his prices on Roofing and Spout-! j ing. Cull Bell 3132 M. After April lj j his store will be open dally from 7i 'A. M. to 6 P. M. Open Saturday Even- ! | ings. j I QUININE —Look out for that grippe) .feeling, likely to ;atch you this: chargeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE) j PUOSPIIO-QUININE will stave it oti I if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. I ; 119 Market street . i DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. 11. | CAPLAN CO., 2(16 Market street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture, bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. I : , j INVENTORS FINANCED Patents. . Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought,! >■ Exchanged. Cash or commission. Slm'dh .Horst. Linglestown. Pa. V- j IIPIK q> "ERING Of the best kind. Work'v guaranteed. We call anil deliver. 308 Vi>C oad _ street. Dial phomj ; BJ6. p.i ll phoim* j M YCHINK SHOPt Specialty / light machine, models, experimental 'mill, factory repairing, odd pabuT? ,^ r I autos made. Variety Machine and iiAc air Shop, 1704 Fulton street, llarijs- : burg. Pa. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING \ny metal welded. Work gua'nn- , teed. Carbon removed by oxjgeti. i Capital City Welding Co.. 2538 Ligun j street. Bell 439GJ. j RAZOR BLADES SHARPEMGD— j Singlfe edge, 25c doz.; double edfe, Hoc ' lo razors, 25c. Gorgas Drugstore. FURNITURE CRATED—Am china j racked for shipping. Also repairing. • ,1 A. Bishop. 1736 Logan stree - . CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Es-j limates. Jobbing. First-clan work. | 'n W. Hummer, 1423 Liberiy street. ! Bell 4420. I - MUSICAL i I'OR SALE Edison Diamond Disc' i Phonograph, with 20 records. All in j ig id condition. Can be bought very :i. asonalile. Apply 2407 .Main street, ji'inbrcol;, Pa. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls! of music, for sale: slightly used; must j be sold at once; cheap to a quick : : buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 I ' North Sixth street j. —; ! FOR SALE Arnold upright piano, i 'in good condition. Must soil at once. ; Apply 1936 Green street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and Inrclully repaired by an expert only | CYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS, j BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru i merits promptly and carefully repair led. OYLER'S. 14 Soutii Fourth street. MONEY 'it) LOAN . MONEY If you are pressed for ready " rash to meet any emergency, j call to see tis. We lend money ; in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. I ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG. I THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. j IJCKNSED AND BONDED BY STATE ' MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES j 'and other necessities. If you are sub- 1 ject to tax and without funds and i i bank credit, our money service may! 1 interest you. Cost reasonable. Pay- I Mnents airanged to suit your income, j CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST-! MENT CO. r 204 Chestnut St. j WE LEND MONEY in compliance 1 I with Act of June 17. 1915, to individti- ! I als in need of ready cash; small loans! a specialty, business confidential nay- l ments to suit borrower's convenience : positivcy lowest rates in city ' ' j PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO 132 Walnut Street! j HAULING AND MOVING ;* AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. I- urniture and piano movie a specialty. Blue Lino Transfer Q 1 ; j Capital street. Both phones. ' ! 11ICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily bo 'e phones. ' II AND ,. DONG-DISTANCE I HAI LING burniture moving | Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. t.56 Dm 1*3683. B ° lh Phones ' Be " iTeAx X HAULING—FuIIy equipped ' n'L ll "v, tU sT', fr " ißht and P'ano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body J E. Oiubbers Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 15R6. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, • or Dial 2265. FOR HIRE—Two-ton auto truck. I , Apply 11(18 South Ninth street. Bell,! phone 2455 R. ALL KINDS OF HAULING ' AND- MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. ! BELL8 ELL PHONE 623 W. lAL PHONE 3518. <1 HAULING AM) MOVING AUTO HAUI.ING Local and lonl distance. Furniture moving a speß ciulty. Hates reasonable. Prompt serl vici. Call 801 l G23-J. 1 STOIt.tGK J STORAGE a Ciiiloud Storage at How r:nte. THE IUGHSPIRI3 DISTILLER'S CO., LTD., ■ Highspire, Ta. aj Phones: Bell: Steelton 169 V. Dial: Steelton 9139. STi'ltAGE —119 Broad street, hout'B bold goods, merchandise. PrivdH > rooms at reasonable rates. Also liaH ' ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & , lioth phones. V j STCItAGE Private rooms ffl 1 household goods in fireproof war! house. {3 per month and up. l,owl storage inter in non-fireproof war-1 house. llarrisbuig Storage Co.. 4J7* I*l South Serond street. : STOHAGE—In brick building, nea"l ■IOS Market. Household goods in clears I private roofis. Heasonable rates. Pi j a. Diener. .08 Market street. ■ WAEKE TO DINK ALVA HOTEL. AND RESTAUKAN' THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. | STOUFTER'S RESTAURANT—Horn l cooking lerved to Businessmen an i Ladies in separate dining rooms. | I'OU.TKV AND SVT'l'I.IluS FOR SALE White Leghorn Egs for baching. Tom Barron strai $1.25 pir setting of fifteen. Call Be ! phone .'447 J. UNDERTAKERS ; SAMUEL S. FACKLER, "1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. I BELL 1056. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, I Filters! Director and EmbalmeA. 511 North Second Street. BCLL j!52. DIAL 2145.V TEMI-TERY LOT'S FPU SAJUK 1 I 'ROSPECT HILL CEMETERY -1 ! Bduttfc.lly situated on Market strcel I eift cf Twenty-sixth, and on the I pftli and east faces the new park vay. The prices of lots are moder ,.e. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. Cleaners and Dyers WHY buy new clothing, when clean your old ones as good as in Now is the time for spring clcanl Goodman's. 13ut>V4 North Sixth. B (Phones. Cull and Deliver. AUTOMOBILES . USED CAR DEPARTMENT I Several cars recently trad ed in have been added to our slock. The early buyer can make a splendid selection lrom those "Pedigreed" cars. Oldsmobile roadster. Origi nal paint in fine condition. Two cord tires. Hen .".-passenger touring. Refinished, tires good, me chanically good condition. Crow Elkhart 5-passenger touring. Electric lights and M starter. Good value at $350. W Maxwell touring, new top with glass windows in rear I curtain. New leather up- 1 liolstery. and runs like H now. J Saxon Six touring. Almost B new. A splendid car at a rea | sonable price. Overland Country Club, in splendid condition. All tires good. Now being revarnished: will l.e sold before leaving the I paint shop. Place a deposit. . upon it and hold for demon- V t tration. Y| Time Payments Can be Arrange! Open Evenings Until Nine, j h THE I /( I OVERLAND-HAUItISHURG COj \ j 212-14 N. Second St. Both Phones,' | YOU CAN BUY A fl REBUILT TRUCK I ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY ■ PAYMENTS | 1% and 2-ton chassis only or equipped with j j express or dump bodies. l!4-lV4-2% and Bethlehem, with or without 1 bodies. | Light delivery wagons. In cluding Bulcks. overland* and Vims. TIIE OVERLAND-HARIUSBURG CO. Open Evenings. ! 212-214 North Second St. Both Phonr j : FOR SALE Seven-passenger Packard Twin j "Six," 1917 model. Good as new. I Traveled only 5,000 miles. Address E, 7062, Care of Telegraph. RAYFIELD CARBURETOR will cut your' gasoline bill front 15 to 30 per cent., maybe more. Drive around to-mor row and see the RAYFIELD EXPERT. Agency at FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 North Seventh StreeL WANTED —Small touring car in good running order; state price. Ad ; dress 1412 North Third street. TRUCK FOR SALE I .dirge sized 5-ton truck, with Dump bodv for sale. Big bargain to quick huv'or. For particulars call at tbc Sunshine Oarage, 97 North Cameron street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page —. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers