THE STORE THAT CLOSES . .jTVU V THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX ■ f ELb 1001—2330 UNITED HARRI9BPHU, TWKSDAY, MARCH IN. 1010. FOUNDED IST* SMART TAILORED SUITS Before Easter Sale Of In The Newest BLACK SILKS I # Sltfyi fillC Vt\ Stvlme *' USt ie sew * n £ season when needles are busiest preparing - garments for spring and summer wear -• . * ~ O j comes this annual sale of Black Silks. Black, in silk especially, is such a staple that it is always in demand. ! But at these prices it is advisable to make selections from this excellent assortment. . These handsome suits comprise our I ~ _ . .i„- . jj... . i 40-inch Crepe dc Clunc; $1.69 yd. ' 40-inch Radium; $2.20 yd. I 35-inch Paillette dc Soie; $1.69 yd. most recent addition to our regular 40-inch heavy weight Crepe dc Chine; | 40-inch Satin Subline; $2.9j5_ yd. ! 35-inch C. T. Bonnet Pure Dye Satins; lines for Spring Wear. The first im- >' d - * at ! n Bershing; $2.7 d yd. [ $2.45, $2.95 yd. • ii , r.i . 40-inch Meteor Crepe; $2.50 yd. 36-inch Moire Antique; slBo yd 35-inch Satin America• $3 25 yd. A pression you Will get of them as they , n • , ... CJO - , 36-inch Satin Duchess; $1.83, $2.23 vd. . T • J - w\ K -F- f • 1-k 40-inch sdk Henrietta; $3.23 yd. 35-inch Satin Phalanx; $2.35 vd. ' 3a-inch Louisine; sl.Bo yd. come Wlthm range ot your Vision is the 40-inch trench stripe Grenadine; $2.50 35-inch Chiffon taffeta; $1.39 yd. | 35-inch Satin twill; $1.85 and $2.00 yd. - Jr absence of everything which borders ' 35-inch Chiffon taffeta; $1.59, $1.85 yd. ! 35-inch Satin de Lux; $2.35 yd. \y "y '" i i i i . r c -ii 40-inch Chiffon taffeta; $1.89 and $2.35 35-inch Peau dc Soie; $1.69, $1.89, $2.00 I 35-inch Polaris self stripe; $2.35 yd. (i JI iy on the elaborate; nothing fussy or mlly vd. y d. 36-inch Navy, blue Satin de Chine; 1; '' r'/f\ is evident on them anywhere. Sim- 40-inch Faille I'raiKaisc; $3.95 yd. 35-inch Salt Water Satin; $1.89 yd. , $1.69 yd. \ i sjjp) yv - , , i m 40-mch Satin Radiant; $2.33 vd. 36-inch Messaline; $1.39 yd. 36-inch White and Mesh W ash Satin; W J mm '\\, /\. \ plicity is the keynote they strike from 40-inch Pussy Willow; $3.25 yd. J 35-inch Peau de Cygne; $1.69, $1.89 yd. | $1.59 yd. /A 3 Jl JN collar to hem ; lt embodies the trico- bowman s-mud Floor. \ \ \ I I tines, gabardines, poiret twills, pencil __ ' . ___ . ■ - \V frl ' T. C A / stripe serges and men's wear serges - I 1 ijnll |l ' more ornately designed can GaEDEN J J tHR m/ I f# we know if your tastes dictate to you I | j surely manifest great pleasure in choos- At the March Sale of Housewares Wwft \/dm V rom t^ie man y styles we offer you I ®p or choice. Some of these suit coats Many of these items you do not need now but will later when tho prices will not be as low as they | /jtv T7 mSSoBI just cover the hips while others are are in the March Sale, especially Garden Goods. I / /-I—* l° n g' The skirts have the long straight Hedge shears with 8-inch Garden wheelbarrows, Potato hooks, 75c. Wizard lanterns, $l.OO. d V- with tailored pockets and belts. j sa, s , 25c. tree goards , 7f , J. -I ■ Jl 1 Misses, chic snappy suits are also ISJS SSTkKS; £ "f. 90c. gra ss hoo ks , White Mountain apple • found bnre in abundance ! Carborundum steels, 50c. Garden rakes, 23c. Hercules tack claws, 10c. parers, c. • tOUnCX nerC ln aDunaance - 14 . inch butchcr steeb> . Lawn edger. 50c. Peerless can openers, 18c. $l.OO. Garden Hoes, 40c. Transplanting trowels, sc. 4 $29.50, $35.00, $39.50, $45.00, $49.50, $59.50, $65.00 $75.00 and Up : &\ Fish Globes or ti in At \ BOWMAN'S Third Floor. A lot of nice dear OatetV KaZOFS. IUC crystal Fish Globes. sZ i,f % # __ 2-gallon size, SLOO. We have secured a lot of the celebrated "Mark Cross" safety liy Suggestions From Furniture Department sizc - s2 °°- s* z m exce ' ent co °" rfWX: Always an interesting place for those who take pride in tlicfr home. Spring season is practically here and some will want Leads, 15c. Refrigerators. Others will want Fireless Cookers. And then, there are the little ones whose eyes will sparkle and little "Catch 'Em Alive Mouse Traps," 10c. r chubby hands will gesticulate in gleeful anticipation of a ride in the open, after the first ride in one of the comfortable and . BOWMAN'S— Basement. Metal clothes line posts easy riding baby carriages we sell. And scores of other interesting and attractive odd pieces and suites of*furniture are here, | with ground sockets, 75c. many of them specially priced. J . fins Attractive gg .. Buy Your Refrigerator Now T 1 TH T *. L iJ On the Bowman fsmm, ■ ' Kug V alues 1 hat invite Colonial 1| Club Plan j■ ■ _ . Poster Bed ft —zdnfl Ito I Earlv Selections Balance Lonvenient Payments. - * JL V W' v A AC In the Twin size $l9 75 £ "" rTS Three high grade lines'to select K. Xfp Finished Antique Mahog- s Belding Stone Line Century— H There is scarcely a minute of the day, but what one or more persons are to be seen on the T ourth l'loor any. Very attractive. © Seegcr Siphon. ■ fiiii JSt' enrtino- nver the dozens of niles of rich rugs. Some people take the same care and pleasure in looking over Turned posts and cross rail. A large assortment ot patterns -1 HiiilMl' sorting over tne QOnb oi pu ui nwi ug i i 1 1 o and sizes now on display. ■ and selecting beautiful rugs that they do in an art gaLeiy in admning a woik of ait. -\nd rugs are works of Demonstration and Sale Of i \WWm art - onc p dlones u '> a ;is no onc " iece of art ca "- Ad .t ,he P ri >• h.v i vr, Have it paid for when the hot j ijjf j n artistic rugs. Fireless Cookers Bodv Brussels Fiber Rugs Wool Tapestry S ±Z - | Mattress and Boxsprings etpatterns; |^urniU|re^ 1 1 1 ,ti U,> ' 6x9 ft, $13.5°. mBSBm S ~ Silk I M , p Bozart Rugs $17.50. Floss mattress, $25.00. gigISmUIBIBIBtIBBiagyMIB I 2.3x9 ft., $lO.OO. . $9.00. Neenah Rugs Made of heavy Kraft fiber. s^K^T TtmCnt (aS 2 3xD t $2OOO Alike on both sides. Borders Water proof and sunproof: □filHi SOLD ) 'o^'THF rr T T R /A f f 1 TV 2.3X1d ft., $20.00. 7.6x9 ft.? $27.50. on ends only: 27x54 inches, $1.50. 7 plan- CLLB Overstuffed Davenport Mottled Axminster 6.9x12 ft., $40.00. I 27x54 inches, $1.75. j 36x72 inches, $2.50. Lr * _ 8.3x10.6 fL, $2/. 50, $02.00, 36x72 inches, $3.00. 4.6x7.6 ft., $5.00. tlt" 0 4. t 9 /a inches, $1.65. $37.50, $40.00. 4.v7 ft- SSOO 6x9 ft.. $7.50. Our New Spring Line 0£ . . And Arm Chair 36x63 inches S 'sf7s° $4? xl 2 ft " s29 6x9 ft: ' s 9 "' oo '' Bxlo ft " sllo °- , 4.6x12 ft., $l2 50. ■ 11.3x12 ft., $47.50, $52.50. 6x12 ft., $12.50. 9x9 ft., $11.50. QqK*t I cinH _ . 6xl2ft. $20.00. 12x13.6 ft., $60.00. Bxioft.,sls.oo. 9x12 ft., $13.50. jjaDy aiiu | 6<>Xl2 H ' 3xls ft " ?55 '°°' 9x12 ft " ?l6 ' so ' 9x15 ft " sl7 ' so ' Are Now Displayed I Linen and Filet Scarfs qj te TA. KT Some very attractive designs * White linen scarfs with Filet centers, in round, "'T 72T*\J7 A T T an "nU"°whi enamel, edges; 17 and and ova.- Vl XA I J( )N Old Ivory, Turquoise Blue, j Special offering in a high grade Overstuffed Davenport. 18 inches wide, $l.OO. to $9 50 mC ICS # • Coral, Pink and Natural. Upholstered In good grade of Tapestrv, spring seat and back H,,,.,, Q rf s lare T ' 10 It's a revelation in beautiful tones and produced by one jssss e r ~ .SeSr^r a.„ „.... ' . terns to select from, 59c. Filet scarfs, 36 inches to \ ocalion Records sold here. fifth l'loor For Fine Furniture. m 7c m BOWMAN'S—Second Floor DO incnes, SZ./3 to $3.00. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. TUESDAY EVENING. HAJWISBTJRG TELEGRAPH MARCH 18. 1919. 3
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