18 NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE COUNTIES WILL MAKEDECBION Highway Commissioner Sad ler Talks on State and Construction "The State Highway Department will follow the preference of the various County Commissioners as to the roads on which construction will first be done. The department has received many requests for State aid construction and we are arrang ing our course in such cases," said Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler today in conference with a delegation of Indiana countians. To a committee from Juniata the Com missioner said that tho State is go ing to construct the best highway system possible. "We will not build crooked roads where it is going to be possible to construct straight ones and It is almost always possible to build straight ones" was his observation. To people from Port Royal who asked Immediate building of five thousand feet between that place and the William Penn Highway. The commissioner told the commit tee the strip could not be inserted In the primary road system and that the county commissioners should take it up. He remarked that peo ple who had voted against the bond issue on the theory that roads could not be built to outlast the bonds would find out their mistake. Jun iata was one. The Port Royal delegation con sisted of Ex-Senator William Hertz ler, J. B. Parsons, S. G. Beaver and C. C. Johnsoii. The delegation told the commissioner that the hotel in that place had been bought for a community enterprise. Banking Commissioner John S. Eisher, Henry Frantz. J. A. Pearce and J. Freas Jones, of Rossiter, told Mr. Sadler that the county commis sioners- had agreed to co-operate with all supervisors in improve ments. The delegation asked the State to build a stretch near Cloe, but the commissioner said he re gretted that the State could not do it and suggested that county com missioners take up the project. The section is not a primary road. The commissioner informed a delegation from Sunbury that the State would build an eighteen foot street in Sunbury as a part of the State svstem traversing Front street in that town. The borough will pave three blocks to connect with the almost two miles of State road. Senator W. C. McConnell, Burgess <\ W. Clement. W. W. Fisher, F. A. Witmer, William Dunlcelberger, Rev. E. Roth and J. S. McCombs. Off Comes Corn In One Piece *'Gets-It" Leaves Toe As Smooth As the Palm of Your Hand There's only one corn remedy in the world that peels corns and cal luses off like a banama peel, and that's "Gets-It." For walkers and l't - drop* of "Geta'lt" on. and amllel standers. for shoppers and dancers, there s immediate relief from corn pains, and a quick finish for any <-orn or callus. "Gets-It" is applied in two or thre,, seconds. There's no work, no fussy plasters, no wrap ping of toes. "Gets-It" dries in a second or two. That's all. As easy to use as signing your name. The corn loosens from the true flesh and you peel it right off with your fin gers while you wonder at the sight and smile. That's why "Gets-It" is the biggest selling corn-remedy in the world today. Be corn-fre* at last. "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Harrisburg and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Clarke Med. Store, H. C. Kennedy, G. A. Gorgas, Kellers' Drug Store, Frank K. Kitzmiller, C. M. Forney, Golden Seal Drug Co. Drive the Liquor Habit from Your Home Can Be Done Secretly NEW YORK—Physicians and drug gists unhesitatingly recommend Tes ciim powders for the liquor habit in any form. They quickly destroy the craving and make whiskey and other alcoholic beverages repugnant. Drug slsts will tell you Teseum is selling better than any other remedy for the liquor habit. There is a reason for this. It is because it gives better satisfaction. One physician says: "I can stand in the door of my home and throw a stone into a neighbor's yard to whom I gave Tescum powders for drunkenness, and he was com pletely cured. Have also cured a large number of other patients." A druggist reports: "Tescum is having an enormous aale. It gives excellent satisfaction." A lady recently wrote: "I have used Tescum on my husband secretly and he has not taken a drink In thre a months." Another lady says: "I only wish I had known of Tescum before." Here Is another who has tried It: "After taking two boxes of Teacum I did not crave liquor." An other writes: "I don't think it's ex pensive at all. Just think .of the thousands of dollars he has spent for whiskey. The few dollars I spent for Tescum has been worth thousands." Here Is an extract from another let ter: "I sent a box of Tescum to my friend. Mrs. C. M., for her to try on her husband. Hope she will be as suc cessful as I have been, for it's won derful. I will never tell my ftusband what cured him." And so on it goes, one enthusiastic report after another. If you have a relative or friend who drinks, just try it for a few weeks and note the marvelous change. They will soon complain that drink does not taste the same, and in a short time they will stop altogether and never know the reason why. Note A leading druggist, when shown the above article, said: "Yes Tescum Is a very remarkable remedy for the drink habit. It Is harmless, wonderfully effectlv. and is having an enormous sale. I advise everyone who wishes to destroy the liquor hab it to give It a trial." You take no risk with Tescum. as It is sold in this city under a steel-bound monev re fund guarantee by all druggists, in cluding J. Nelson Clark. THURSDAY "EVENING. 11 11 (ifiMTll TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1919. TEACHERS BACK WOODRUFF BILL The Measure For Salaries Will Take About $5,- 500,000 Representatives of the school teachers of the State, who are here working for higher salaries, have de cided to abandon the Weaver bill, providing for a 15 per cent increase and requiring an annual appropria tion of $10,000,000 from the State. Their energies will he placed behind the Woodruff measure, which it is estimated would cost the Common wealth between $4,000,000 and $5,- 000,000 a year. This decision became known after a conference participated in by Miss Lucy W. Glass, of Jeannette; Miss Elizabeth S. Baker, of Harrisburg, and Miss Grace Swan and John H. Adams, of Pittsburgh. They are looking after the interests of the va rious teachers organizations of the State. It has been apparent to most people since tho Legislature conven ed that the Weaver bill, appropriat ing $20,000,000 for the two years, could not hope for the approval of the Governor, even if the votes could be found to pass it. Governor William C. Sproul made it plain in his inaugural address that he did not favor this legislation, principally because it would take too large a portion of the revenue. He said that while he favored relief all along the line, he thought the first duty of the State is to the underpaid pri mary and rural teacher. A number of bills have been in troduced to provide an increase in minimum salaries, but the most ac ceptable one to the confcrrees is the Woodruff measure. Plans are being made to have it reported from the House Education Committee next week and get a majority of the mem bers of the House behind it. Statis ticians are now at work to determine just how much the proposed act would cost the State annually. It is estimated to be between $4,000,- 000 and $5,000,000 a year. Effort will be made to get the support of the Sproul administration. It is at least practically certain that this bill will be taken as the basis for what ever is to be done by the Legislature. The members are all anxious to help the teachers in some way and will rally to whatever bill it will be pos sible for the State to finance. The Woodruff bill is an amend ment to section 1210 of the School Code which now fixes the minimum salary of every public school teacher as follows: Provisional certificate holders, $4 5 a month; professional or normal school certificate holders, $53 a month and holders of perma nent certificates or final normal school diplomas, $6O a month. The following are the amendments proposed by the Woodruff bill fix ing the minimum salaries of all teachers, and is designated Clause 1 of the bill: Holders of provisional certificates, $6O a school month: holders of pro fessional or normal school certifi cates, $75 a month; holders of State normal school diplomas, county or State permanet certificates or col lege provisional certificates, $B5 a month. The State would pay 40 per cent of the salaries of all teachers, prin cipals and supervisors, whose sala ries would be increased over the sal alries for the school years of 1918 and 1919 by the provisions of Clause 1. Each teacher, principal and super visor, who heretofore received a sal ary of less than $lOO a month, but whose salaries are not increased by Clause 1, would receive an increase of 25 per cent to be paid by the State. In addition to the minimum salary provided in Clause 1 and in addi tion to the 40 per cent to be paid by the State, whose salaries do not ex ceed the minimum of Clause 1. the State would pay to each teacher of a rural school, holding a certificate higher than a provision certificate, $lO a month. The teachers, princi pals and supervisors receiving the 25 per cent increase would not share in the $lO monthly increase. The term "rural"' school is defined to mean one, two or three-room school, "none of which being a high school sit uated in the open country, or any one, two or threeroom school, not being a high school situated in the small centers of population." The decision of the Superintendent of Public Instruction as to whether a school is "rural" is final. The following increases in the salaries of teachers, principals and supervisors, based on salaries paid during the school years of 1918 and 1919, are proposed: Those receiv ing $lOO and not more than $l5O a month, 25 per cent: more than $l5O and not more than $2OO a month, 15 per cent, and those receiving more than $2OO a month. 10 per cent. It is understood the bill is to be amend ed in committee to fix the increase of all teachers, principals and super visors receiving more than $l5O a month at 15 per cent. In all In creases provided for, for teachers, principals and supervisors receiving $lOO a month or more, the State would pay one-half of the increase and the balance would be paid by the school district. In case the school district reduces sal aries in 1919 and 1920 below that paid for 1918 and 1919, the State would not pay Its share of the in crease proposed by this bill. Noth ing in the legislation is to be con strued to Interfere with or discon tinue any salary' schedule now in force In any school district, so long as such schedule would meet the re quirements of the Woodruff bill, nor to prevent the adoption of any salary schedule in conformity with its pro visions. Details For Close of Draft March 31 Official notice that the work of all draft boards in Pennsylvania is to be completed and the organizations officially discontinued on March 31 has been issued from State draft headquarters. Major W. G. Murdock, the chief draft officer, has sent word that allotment of funds for pay of personnel and operation and main tenance will be stopped at that time and urges that all members of boards give close attention to the closing of the work and that all records be finished, boxed and crated. The last call for histories of the draft has also been issued. After close of business on March 31 boards are not to take any action in respect to any draft deserters, who will hereafter be dealt with as are deserters from camps. State draft headquarters will con tinue until further orders. MERCANTILE TAX REPEALER UP Lively Hearing Held, But Bill May Not Be Passed Declare Some Legislators The Home bill to repeal the mer cantile license tax was debated for three hours yesterday afterfioon be fore the House Ways and Means Committee and efforts made to reach a compromise on a measure after some legislators had declared that the bill would have a hard time pass ing this session. The measure has appeared biennially and has been strenuously advocated, but every time tho amount of the revenue the law produces has resulted in the act being kept on the books. The big delegation of business men who ap peared yesterday, however, feel that their trip to Capitol Hill was not in vain. Representative Hugh A. Dawson, of Lackawanna, chairman of the committee, said today that he fa vors, in the event the law remains on the statute books, returning a portion of the mercantile tax, all of which now goes to the State, to the cities, boroughs and townships, the amount to be an agreed upon per centage of the actual mercantile taxes colected in each municipal di vision. "Personally I am in favor of send ing back to the towns in which the merchants have their business places and where they pay their taxes a Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Friday Specials Speak to Shoppers in Terms of Money-Saving No Friday Specials Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or Phone Orders Filled >' ~ v r f Friday Specials In Colored Dress Friday Specials In Carpet Section Bleached Pillow Cases and Sheets Goods 9x12 extra heavy Axminster rugs. $50.00 value. Spe- 35c 45x36 bleached pillow cases. Special Friday only, c , 0 . „ , , cial Friday only $45.00 250 c 7 enc h serge: 4_ inches wide, plenty of navy. 11.3x12 extra heavy Axminster rugs. $62.00 value. Spe- Bleached pillow cases; 45x36 inches. Special Friday fecial Friday only, yard 950 cial Friday only $55.00 only 230 $1.25 costume serge; 36 inches wide; all wool; five 9x12 tapestry Brussels rugs. $30.00 value. Special Fri- Bleached pillow cases; 42x36 inches. Special Friday shades. Special Friday only, yard 980 day only $25.00 only 230 $2.25 French serge; 42 inches wide, ten shades. Spe- 8.3x10.6 tapestry Brussels rugs. $27.50 value. Special Bleached sheets, 72x90 inches, seam in center. Special cial Friday only, yard $1.89 Friday only $23.75 Friday only $1.17 $2.50 Santoy; 42 inches wide all new shades Special " -6x9 ta P e stry Brussels rugs. $20.00 value. Special Unbleached muslin; 38 inches wide. Special Friday Friday only, vard ' $1.95 Friday only _. $17.75 only, yard 190 <ci . . .' , , * 6x9 tapestry Brussels rugs. $15.00 value. Special Fri- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. So.ou costume serge; 50 inches wide, shade nav-v. Spe- & v c .„ - cial Friday only, vard .' $2.69 d * } A • • • ••;••• I > *-n- ~, t. . , ~ „ . . V 4.6x/.6 tapestry Brussels rugs. $10.50 value. Special plaids, 54 inches wide. Special Friday only, yard, Friday only $8.50 f $1.50 mixed suitings; 40 inches wide. Special, Friday only ™ gs :. ?l . 2oo .y. alue ;.. Sp ! oa !.SfiSis I Hosiery Values For Friday °" ,y ' yard r..™; street' ' '*** * l<W ° *• hose, seamless, black aud -p x v L' s " •••"• ••• •••* • slight imperfections. Special Fridav only 250 — ' New process hnoleum - 7 c value. Special Friday only, | len - s and 50 fiber silk halfhose, seamless, slight ' 1 ntbW s.air .reads, 9xlB. 25c value. Black Dress Goods Reduced "rxil."sp^FH-fayoniyire Ics r ® p S ia | Frid K °," ly ,V"i i • v'f 9 7 x- 1 q a o„ . c i ■ic •! i a., 1 ! Boys 39c heavy black cotton hose, seamless; sizes 7to 52.00 silk poplin; 40 inches wide. Special Friday onfc ' d,v... Pom.™* St." .2' mod n™. 10 ' Special Friday only 90* } ara $1.69 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. $1.50 storm serge; all wool; 36 inches wide. Special Fri- ; J L day only, yard $l.OO , $2.2r French serge; 42 inches wide. Special Fridav O'll O * 1 T7I tti • i - vard Sllk Specials For Friday Good Waist Offerings For Friday Linings Reduced messali " c; 33 inch " wide - Spccial Cotton waists in voile m>d batiste, tucked or with ci';n r "22 V . " trimmings of lace or embroidery, convertible or lace 82c silk and cotton Habuti; 36 inches wide, ten shades. . $l.O Lou.s.ne shirtings, all silk; 36 inches wide. Spe- trimmed collars. Regular $1.50 to $1.95 values. Special Special Friday only, yard .690 cial Friday only, yard •. 980 Fridav onlv . T 950 fancv <;atindc- ,• i a c $2.2. wash satin; in ivorv white; 36 inches wide. Spe- 7 y '' o.c tanc\ satines, 60 inches Wide, good patterns. Spe- • i u • . , „_i„ , J V"* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, cial Fridav only, vard 65* da> °" ly ' >ard $1,57 v ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. DiVeS ' P ° mer ° y & St6Wartl StreCt Fl °° r - I 777^ —77—^ — >l ~ "] Women's Vests and Union Suits Men's Canvas Gloves and Overalls Mattresses, Springs and Beds— 50c and 65c cotton ribbed vests; low neck; short *_l sleeves; counter-soiled. Special Friday only 250 15c canvas gloves, Special Fridav onlv 10* $1.25 and $1.50 white cotton ribbed union suits, medium agedln Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. ' a ' a' '• i* a i'nr , \\o\en \vire bed springs, 4-X4- size only •••••••• TXqQU-iy4"c! — J F'oster's ideal white enamel cribs $8.95 J. 11l dill I/O 01111 Lo f ■ White enamel beds, 3x6 size $7.50 Infants' 50c white wool and cotton shirts, (wrapper >| Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. style) , s i zeS Ito 6. Special Friday only 250 Cotton Dress Goods Speciallv v J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Priced ' ! T ; 1 39c wash suiting, neat stripes for youths' suits and Friday ItemS In Linen Section TiVirlQV rompers. Special Friday only, yard 290 19c grey toweling, blue border. Special Friday only, Baby FIIIOWS ICeCIUCeCI FOl F 1 lQay 35c ginghams, nea, s ty lc, Special Friday only, on|y ; Bab >' pi "- a ailk SpKial lnd , PUin . S .". ldeS :, rx lab,e damask - SpW Friday F ""' 49c ginghams ,32 inches wide, fancy plaids and plain , t , mr ... . . ' 7 : shades. Special Friday onlv vard . 35* ?30 ° and ?3,5 ° hnen fin,sh na P kins - Special Friday r, , ,x . . .. J _ v only, dozen $2.50. ciaiTnday oniy, c yard'!.. g ?" es . an .. stn . pes .'. FridayTniy'v^d flaxon and batiste remnants ' Sweaters Attractively Priced For 69c silk tussah, one-half Sllk, self color figures. Special $2.50 longcloth; 36 inches. 10 yards. Special Friday . FriHaV Friday only, yard 55i? only f P $ 2 .00 L 1 LUa J 59c poplin; 36 inches wide, grey, blue and helio. Special 19c all white huck towels. Special FYiday only, each, Bovs' $1.50 oxford coat sweaters, roll collar, sizes 26 to Friday only, yard - 34. Special Friday only $1.15 50c silk stripe voile, colored grounds, neat silk stripes. c r 'bbed Turkish towels, extra heavy. Special Friday Men's $1.95 oxford coat sweaters; sizes 36 to 46. Spe- Special Friday only, yard only, each 390 cial Friday only . ..$1.35 $l.lO silk poplin; 36 inches wide, one-half silk, full line Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor, Rear. Children's $1.50 to $2.95 alb wool sweaters; sizes 3 to of shades. Special Friday only, yd. ' 950 L 5 years, counter soiled. Special Friday only 590 35c silk muslin, one half silk, good shades. Special Fri- - BoyS ' and girls ' 500 knit tOqUCS - Spcdal F " day day only, yd 2 ~ d,v... P.„, ror . s ,„„ Pl 0„. Women's Shoe Offerings For ( ' Friday , —. Chiffon Cloth Priced For Friday 1 bu "° n . and ,a " sly . ,e aS Children's Button Shoes Reduced ... . . , , , , . sso ° P atent coltsk,n shoes, button and lace styles, with $2.00 brown kid skin button shoes, hand-turn leather $1.33 cninon cloth in pastel and staple shades. Special black cloth tops, made on long vamp lasts, with welted soles.with wedge heels; sizes 4to 7. Special Friday only, Friday only 980 an d Louis leather heels. Special Friday only $3.95 '51.69 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. portion of the mercantile tax. Many cities, boroughs and townships, par ticularly in wet localities, are going to be hard pressed for funds. They should have a portion of the tax all of which now finds its way to the State Treasury," Mr. Dawson said. He voted to repeal the mercantile tax law in 19X5. Serious consideration, it is un derstood, is to be given to a sugges tion at yesterday's hearing, made by Senator Albert Davis, of Lacka wanna, a merchant, that If the Legis lature decides to retain the revenue raiser now contributed by the mer chants and wholesalers of the State, the present law should bo amended so as to call for the levying of the tax on the earnings of the merchant rather than on the gross business done during the preceding year. "The present system is wrong. Base the tax on one's earnings not on the total amount of business done. You know there are many fellows, who forget to pay their bills. Why tax merchants for this delinquency?" Senator Davis asked the committee. Several representatives of the mer chants expressed surprise when in formed that many of those, who must pay a mercantile tax, have been In the habit of dodging their real tax by returning a nominal amount of business done. "If some merchants have failed to pay their just taxes in other years it has been due in a great measure to the laxity of the officials," A. L. Kramer, representing the Commer cial Association of Scranton, told tho committee. He added that there is little likelihood of a repetition with the stringent rules now being en forced by tax levying authorities. Mr. Kramer incidentally took pos session to dispute statement made by Representative J. R. Home, of Cambria, sponsor for the repealer to the effect that the newspapers of the State were opposed to the re pealer because of a selfish spirit and a desire to continue to publish the mercantile appraisement. William Karrell, president of the Retail Merchants' Association of Scranton, had a happy comeback when Representative James A. Wal ker, of Philadelphia, a member of the committee, reminded the mer chants that while there Is no mer cantile tax in New York yet they levy a big tax once the merchant dies. "Heaven knows that If you keep on taxing the merchants of Pennsylvania, you will have nothing to tax when they die," Mr. Farrell responded quickly. "Don't the merchants have their tax in mind when they are fixing their overhead charges?" Mr. Wal ker asked. "No sir. And during the war the prices were fixed by the Government. I know of no three violations of that order," Mr. Farrell answered. There is to be another hearing on the repealer next Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Men from Harrisburg. Lan caster, Lebanon, York and Johns town. joined with the Scranton men in asking that tho law be repealed. They were a unit In declaring that singling out the merchant for this tax. is unfair and unjust. They con tend that it Is nothing more or less than class legislation, something not permitted tinder the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Chairman Dawson indicated dur ing the progress of the hearing that the administration is planning to have the naming of the mercan tile appraisers and all work connec ted with the appraisement taken out of the hands of the county officials. It would mean the appointment of appraisers by the Auditor General instead of the County Commission ers. Discussing his bill, at 4 adminis- tratlon measure, calling for a 60-50 Bplit of the personal tax between tho County and the State, Mr. Dawson declared that it is Intended that the collection of this tax, like the mer cantile tax, should be made by State employes appointed by the Auditor General. Debs in Farewell Public Speech Upholds Russian Bolshevik Rule By Associated, Press Cleveland, Ohio, March 13. In ! what may be his farewell public ad ' drees before he begins serving a ten | years' sentence Imposed by the Fed eral court here on a charge of vio lating the espionage act, Eugene V. Debs. Socialist leader, last night up held the Bolshevist rule in Russia and referred to Lenine and Trotzky : as the "foremost statesmen of the age." Debs said the judges of tho United I States Supreme Court were "be i gowed, bewhiskered, bepowered old fossils, who have never decided anything." Referring to the prison term that he faces, he reiterated his opposition to the law that he violated while the war was in progress. Announcement was mado of a meeting to be held here March 23 to protest against the imprisonment of Debs and to organize to obtain the freedom of all political and in dustrial prisoners. McCurdy Bill Not to Reach the House A negative report on the McCurdy bill to reduce the license fee of deal ers in oleomargarine will be made I next week by a special committee I of the House Judiciary Special Com ' mittee. The subcommittee met and decided to negative the bill and will probably make its report to the House Monday night. Representa.- tive Samuel McCurdy, Blair County, sponsor of the bill, announces he will carry the fight to the floor of the House in an effort to put the bill on the calendar. A reduction In the license fee of retail 0100 dealers from $lOO to $lO and of restaurants and hotels from SGO to $5 Is provided In the bill. State granges are opposing the measure because they believe it would Injure the dairy business. "The bill was Introduced," Repre sentative McCurdy explained, "for the benefU of people living in sparsely settled districts where there is not sufficient business to warrant a dealer taking out a license. The bulk of our milk now days is sent into the cities, and is not converted into butter." Members of the special subcom mittee which considered the bill say I that the State would lose a revenue of $500,000 If the license fee on oleo were reduced. Korean Independence Movement Spreading liy Associated. Press Poking, March 13. —The indepen dence movement in Korea is becom ing more widespread, according to reports from private sources In that country. Trouble was anticipated on the occasion of the funeral of Prince Yt, and the Japanese called in gendarmerie from outlying sta tions. Forestalling this, the Ko rean national leaders arranged the Independence Day demonstrations two days earlier, thus catching the Japanese unprepared. Kventually the situation was re- I stored, but not before thousands had | been arrested. [ The Korean independence mani- I festo calls upon the people to rise and make a peaceful demonstratit of their independence, but under i circumstances to use force. Coal Prices May Adv&nc Latest reports from the mines are not only to the effect that the usual Sum mer reductions jure not likelv to prevail but that an additional increase is prob able to cover certain ad vances in the cost of min ing. There is one thing, however, that is not giving any concern, and that is the outlook as to the supply of coal. There is plenty of fuel available and it is a duty to buy the coal you need now. Remember the hardships and discomforts of last Winter! H. M. KELLEY & C( 1 N. 3rd St. 10th and State St
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers