Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Pago AUTOMOBILES ONE Hudson Touring Car. a real a;.'gain. ONE Jackson. 4-cylinder, overhead ~.vo touring car; with new Elsnian uigneto and coil and new Weber oar uretcr; at a bargain. INQUIRE C. A. FAIR. CARRIAGE ANT> Ai TO WORKS. 113t MI'LBKIIHY ST.. HAKRISBUUG, FA. WE DO Gi".NI'.KAL REPAIRING EXPERT MECHANICS [ BRENNER & SONS. MOTOR CAR CO.. Third and Ilamlltou ACTUS FOR KIRK CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. RET.!. DTAT. 4914 " _ I ; OK SALI7 1917 Reo 5-passenger. I • . Sible's Oarage. 301 Cumber-, nd street. City. OLD ACTUS .ted: used, wrecked or oldtimers. • ,niv condition. See me before sac-; ill? elsewhere. Chelsea Auto! re king. A Schiffman. 33. 24. 26, orth Cameron street. Bell 3633. iil7 FORD CARS Touring,' V , 00. ! 1 a-• v-Pavidson Twin, with side-i - 5230.00. acquainted with me. Save: in y on any used machine wanted. I i", Horst. l.inglestown. Ta. "" WM. I'KNN GARAGE ! 4-R Mueneh street. Limousines for i ••••ral aiul halls: careful; vers: open day and night. Bell ! fi _l KEYSTONE AC TO TOP CO —J All sorts of auto top and cushion 1 erk done by exports; also repair , rk. Reasonable rates. 72-7S South l imeron street. FOR SALE 191S Ford Sedan, actically a new car. with demount-j rims ar •.* f irnished with i extra tir- at.d rim. Apply 2301) . :h .-ixth street. 1 — I WANTED Ail Kinds of used auto i r.-s. We pa> highest cash prices. , iur.k. H. Ksterbrook. 012 North ir'd street. Dial 4950. I "OR SALE Two 1917 Ford Tour- i one 1916 Kjrd Roadster, one 1916: • .issenger Oldsmobile. one 1913 kcr. Highest .ash prices paid nd !ai age. v c ... rear of Thirteenth and Wal . streets. Bell 315 J. VK SALE 1916 Model Oldsmo- Kght Touring. 4 tires practically 2 extra tires; newly paintd: in I |,i condition; a bargain. K. W. is! far M llersburg. Fa. FEDERAL GARAGE ; Automobile Repairing. f No Job too small. Let us do your work. ? Ford Specialty. Both Phones. FEDERAL GARAGE, Court and Cranberry Streets. MICHIGAN 41 Touring Car. in ex-; ■nt shape. Will be sold at a baf-I This car is electrically eqtfip-| V R) IS Buick Roadster, In A 1 v cannot be told from new. 1916. ,'rd Touring Car. extra tire, 5340 i- sea Auto Wrecking Co.. 22-26 j i;ameion street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND .EA'SURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford! 1 trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-ton i public truck. 4-passenger Mitcneilf ub roadster, 7-passenger Haynes uring car. International Harvester inpany of America. Truck Depart r:t. ! 9 Walnut street. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS IEADNAUGHT 5.000-MILE TIRES i 30x3 Ribbed Tread $13.88 5-jcSH " " IT.IO : : .2X3 i] " " 2d.63 " i-S'if? 32X 4 26.82 2 4x4 = ; 1$ 3\4 U " " 36x4 Va " " 40.33 - y : Vacuum Tread 15.53 '• *• 13.68 ; S2'xi-3 " " ■ ■lx4 " " I : 2x6 " " 29 - l v 4 " " 30.60 14x4 " M 31.98 M " 42.45 26M* - " "-07 DAYTON CYCLE CO. 912 N. Third St. Dial 4990. SFNBUINE GARAGE Auto re- ! iring by an expert. Road Jobs a i • ••Ratty. Charges reasonable. Botn; lones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North) nitron street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re ircd tv specialists. Also fenders, • nps. it". Best service in town. Har : | ito Radiator Works. 8051 rtr. Third street. v MONTFORD TIRES riie Tires that give real satis faction and carry our guarantee of 3.500 MILES. ! COMPARE THE PRICES 30x3 0 614.00 each 30x3 84 0 $16.50 each •x 4 0 825.00 each j *2x4 0 $26.00 each 33x4 0 $27.50 each 34x4 <9 $28.50 each 36x484 & $42.00 each KEYSTONE SALES CO., 108 MARKET ST. lOTOKCVCUP6 AND BICVCLNB iH~ SUE _ REATj MOTORCYCLE ! BARGAINS I >h' 1917 liarley-Davidson, with. )n ' "l: 1 7 Indian, with sidecar. >n 1916 Indian, with sidecar. UK- used Delivery Van. >ne single-cylinder Excelsior. j 111 above machines aie in first-class , idition, and will be sold xerv cheap, 'all hi 1 227 North Sixth street. t 1 1917 HA P. LEY-DAVIDSON Motor- ' :!e and side car, electric equipped. ■ Sal". Call at 217 North Frontj eet. Steelton, Pa. J | BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED, g, DORY SHANKit, WITH ANDREW REDMOND $507 NORTH THIRD ST. i THURSDAY EVENING. HXRJRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1919. I NEW FREIGHT TARIFF I Dockets covering propped changes in rates, rules and regula tions in the handling of freight traf flv in the territory of the Philadel phia district freight committee, have been announced. Additional dock ets will be issued weekly. 1 MOTORCYCI.ES AND BICYCLES \ MAQNKTOS All types; 4 and 6 i Bosch high tension. EUhuiann. pix>, . Splitdorf. Mca. Reiny and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc, A. SchltTman. 22-24-26 North Cuuierou street. Bail 3633. I * ! PUBLIC NOTICE WANTED To know the where abouts of Auuie ingle, formerly Annie Calhoun. She can learn something to her advantage by writing G. 11. Medford. Clovis, N. M. PRIVATE SALE PRIVATE SALE (THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. MARCH 13. 14. 15. Hallet Davis Co. concert piano, ■ music cabinet, one parlor, two bed room suites. large mirror hail racK, tables, chairs, office or den swivel l chair, clocks, refrigerator. twenty- Inch iuxvn mower, carpet rugs, door | and window screens, etc. ) No dealers. 1934 GREEN STREET. LEGAL NOTICES 1 PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIGH WAY DEPARTMENT. llarrisburs. Sealed proposals will be received at sid office until 10:00 A. M. April 3. !:pl9. when bids will be publicly open led and scheduled and contract award led as scon thereafter us possible for ■ {furnishing and furnishing and apply ijing bituminous material to be used in the maintenance work yf the de partment. Bidding blanks, speciflca 11icr.s and full particulars on applica tion to Lexvis S. Sadler, State High ly ;iy Commissioner. iTTHi TRIENNIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL NOTICE j THE Dauphin County Board of lie vision and Appeal gives notice that j the appeals of coal lands ur.d im iprovements thereon or counected therewith, for the 1919 Triennial As sessment of Dauphin County, will be 'held at llie County Commissioners' I office. Court House. Dauphin County, llarrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Thurs day, April 3. 1919. at 10 o lock A. M . 'and to continue until all appeals have been heard. HENRY M. STINK. C. C. CUMBLER, H. C. WELLS, County Board of Revision. I Attest: ' J. S. FARVKR. Clerk. NOTICE I The following ordinance was read jin place in the City Council at its (meeting lmld Tuesday morning, Fet>- jruaty 15, 1919, and is published as jfenuired by Article 5, Section 3, l i.cise 1 of the Act of Assembly ap-| ! pro'. <■ d J line 27. 1 913 : AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the paving of Brensinger Alley 'from Emerald Street to Cur tni Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section l. Be it ordained by the Co incit of the City of Harrisburg. and lit is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That Brensinger Alley, from Emerald Street to Cuitin Street, ue tnd the same is hereby authorized to 1 bo pastel xx'ith sheet asphalt on a ton le base, the eost and expense there , t to be assessed according to the foot 'front rule. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvement herein authorized shall be taken and done, end the cost and expense there f shall be paid for and the assess ment levied on the abutting proper t es shall be collected as provided by . ordinance No. 19. Session of 1914"- .1915, and Ordinance No. 24,.Session of 1914-1915. R. ROSS SEAMAN, Clerk of City Council. ■ Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg, j Pa., February 26, 1919. CHARTER NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gover ; nor <>!' the State of Pennsylvania on i Monday. April 7, 1919. under the An (of Assembly of th- Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania entitled "An A t to pro vidi lur the incorporation and regu lation of certain corporations," ap t roxed April 29. 1874. and tiie supple. 1 n,enis thereto, for the charter 0: an :i: tended corporation to be called "WHISTLE BOTTLING COMPANY UK ! II ARRJSBI'KG. PA., the character and object of wlilcii is the manufacturing, buying bottling, selling and distribut ing all kinds ot non-iutoxb ating bev erages made iroin fruit juices, sugar ! and ingredients used for that pur pose, and for these purposes to hair, i possess and enjoy all the rights, bene- 1 (fits, and privileges of the said Act of .s.-emblv and its supplements. HORACE A, BKOELBACM, Solicitor, j THE FIRST. SECOND. THIRD. • FOURTH. SEVENTH. EIGHTH NINTH. TENTH. THIRTEEN!! AND FOURTEENTH WARDS OF THE 1 i'ITY OE HARRISBURG. ' The owners of unregistered prop-) I erties in the First, Second. Third, Fourth. Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, I 'Tenth, Thirteenta and Fourteenth! Wards, of the City of Harrisourg. ml accordance with the terms cf a cer tain part of the Act of Assembly, ap- ' proved 27th June, 1913; Pamphlet! Laws of 1913, page 50s. and Ordinance! !N'o. 11, File of City Council, Session; lof 1918-1919, are hereby notified to furnish within thirty ouys from the 1 (Third day of March, 1919, to tie City Engineer, a: h.s office, descriptions ot| I their respective properties, upon I blanks to be furnisned b> the city t land at the same time to present their | conveyance to ue stamped by the s a :u engineer, without charge, as evidence) iof the registry thereof. Any person I 1 or persons neglecting or reiusmg to; i comply with the provisions of this ' settion for a period of thirty days af | tcr public notice of the requirements thereof shall be liahie to appenuUy of five dollars, to he recovered with ,cvsts ot suit in the name and fur i the use of the City, as penalties for the violation of City Ordinances are recoverable. Blanks may be obtain ed at the ofTice of the City Engineer, Room 316, Commonwealth Trust Com pany Building. 222 Market street, Har : risburg, Pemn. M. B. ICOWDEN. | City Engineer. i ESTATE OF J. FRANK BRISCOE. I deceased. letters of Administru ■ tion on the above Estate having been) (granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to the said Estate are i requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same w itliout delay to 1 FRANCES J. HALL, Esq., 1600 North Front Street, Harrisburg, p a SPENCER GILBERT NAUMAN, Attorney. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Let- ! ters of Administration c. t. a., having been granted to the undersigned, up on the Estate of Augustus Shaffer 1 late of Susquehanna Township, Dau phin County, deceased, ail persons in. 1 1 debted to said Estate will make Pay-! I ment at once; and all persons having' claims against the same will present' I the same to i COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM-' i PAN Y, Harrisburg. p a I ; FREDERICK M. OTT, Attorney. 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. ! ADMINISTRATION NOTICE ! ters of Administration on the Estates I of Maurice F. Bowman and Mary A i Bowman, late of Susquehanna Town ! ship, Dauphin County, deceased, hav ing heen granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said Estates I are hereby notified to make payment at once; and all persons having claims 1 against said Estate to present the i same to MICHAEL E. HOUSER. Harrisburg. R. F. D.. No. 2 FREDERICK M. OTT, Attorney. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa. t ARCHDUKE'S MURDER WAS AUSTRIAN PLOT j Spiritual Adviser of Assassinated Duchess Says That Count Tisza Was Responsible For Act Responsible For War j Be/ .\ssociatcd Press 'j Borne, March 13.—Charges that . 11lie assassination of Archduke Fran ! vis Ferdinand and his wife, the I Duchess of llohenberg, at Sarajevo, (on June 28, 1914, was the result of a deliberate plot led by the late Count Tisza, former Hungarian pre mier, are made in a pamphlet writ ten by a priest who was the spiritual adviser of the Duchess of llohen berg, according to a Vienna dispatch to the Frankfort Gazette. The pamphlet, entitled "The Sarajevo Murder and Count Tisza's Responsi bility for the "World War," is said to have made a profound impression in Austria. "It is declared that Francis Ferdi nand repeatedly refused to go to Sarajex'o and it was only an appeal I . || I NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, j members of New York and Philadel- | phia Stock Kchanges—3 North Mar- j ltet Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut ! street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, j New York furnish the "following j quotations: Open Noon Allis Chalmers 35' 35'.s Amer. Beet Sugar 73 73 American Can 47 48 V Am. Car and Fndry C 0... 93 > s 92 a* Amer. Smelting 69 7 , 69'* American Sugar 119 119 Anaconda 62 61 Atchison 93' 92 W Baldwin Locomotive ... 89 89 > Baltimore and Ohio 49H 49H Bethlehem Steel*B 66'-. 64% Butte Copper 18' 19 Cal. Petroleum 27'- 27 Central Leather 67'* 70 > Chesapeake and Ohio ... 59 59'3 Col. Fuel and Iron 41 > 3 41>, Corn Products 50 , 52 Distilling Securities .... 62 U 62 L Erie 171 a l"t* General Motors 160 ;i * 161 > 3 Goodrich. B. F 6S 68 Great Northern. Tfd 94 94 Great North. Ore. subs ... 44 44 U Hide and Leather 19 18 T s Inspiration Copper 47 H 47 s a Kennecott SO'j 30 Kansas City Southern ... 20 14 20 i l.ackawanna Steel 70 70 ; Lehigh Valley 55 7 55" | Maxwell Motors '.. 37 37 j Merc. War Ctfs -251* 25 s * : Merc. AVar Ctfs, Pfd. ...67\ 108 L Mex. Petroleum IS7 189 Miami Copper 23! 23 | Midvale Steel 45 16 H N. A". Central 76 > 76Vs N. Y.. N. H. and H 32 32 Northern Pacific 94 93j Penna. R. R 44 4* 44% I Reading 84 H 84 S I Republic Iron and Steel.. S3 83 s * j Southern Ry !9S 29' i ' Studebaker 64 U 85'4 1 Union Pacific 129\ 130 ' U. S. 1. Alcohol ..12sU 133 v; ' 17. 8. Rubber SIS S3Va ; U. S. Steel 96 s 97 >4 ' Utah Copper 72H 72 Virginia-Car. Chem 57U 57 AVestinghouse Mfg 46 : s 46 S j AVillys-Overland 27"s 26S ; PHII.AI9EI.VHI A PRODUCE Rp Associated Press Philadelphia. March 13. Wheat —• N . 1, soft. red. $2.20; No. 2. red. $2.24;| No. 3, soft. red. $2.24. Corn The market is steady:; 2. yellow, as to grade and location. 1 Cats The market is stead.x . No. 2, white, lltfj'll'ec; No. 3, white, 1 69 -- r 'L 70c. Butter The market is higher: western, creamery, extras, firsts, ) 62e: nearby prints, fahcy, 683700. j Refined Sugars - Market steady, powdered. 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed. 9c. Eggs Market steady; Pennsylva- 1 nia and other nearby firsts. free • cases. $12.15 per case; do., current 1 receipts, free eases,. $12.00 per case;; western, extra, firsts, free cases,! 1 $12.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, , (iL.oO per case; fancy, selected, p . K d. 49350 c per dozen. I The market is firm;! j new, higher; New York and AA'isvon- I sin. milk, new, 32 , ,-3i!3c; old. do., 34 g 36'*c. i Live Poultry Market steady;! fowls, 371 i 38c: spring chick ens, larger sues, 374J-40C; lowis, , ! not leghorns, 32g'36c; white! ! leghorns, •"Hq lc; young, rofimeated 1 I rcosiels. 32&33 c: old roosters,26g 27c;' ! staggy. young roosters, 29g>310;! ; spiing chickens, not loghoius. 50iu.32v. ! i white leghorns. _ 29030 c; broil- . ling chickens. to 2 Pounds., ! 3." '3"4OC; larger. 35040 c; roast-! 1 ing chickens, 30036 c; ducks. ) | I'. kin. 42 ® 45c; do., old, 2ug33c; In dian Kturners, 40041 c; spring ducks. L -ng island. 34030 c; turkeys. 24036 c, 1 geese, nearby, 30c; do., western 20c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys. I spring, choice, to fancy, 46048 c.' I do., western, choice to fancy, 45046 >tuikeys. fresh killed, fair to good, 4u |(i4;;c: turkeys, common, 30035 c; old I turkeys 40® 42c: capons, seven 10 1 I eight pounds. 44045 c; do., smaller; I sizes. 40043 c; fowls. fresn killed ! | choice, to fancy, 34®37c; d 0.,; smaller sizes. 28® 32c; roosters, 27c;! western roasting chickens,-27037c;' western broiling chickens, 42®44c; ; ducks, western. 3S®4oc; Peltln ducks 38040 c; old ducks, 30 0 32c; Indian Runners. 36037 c; spring ducks. Long Island. :;Oo4Oc. geese, 26030 c. Potatoes The market is firm;) New Jersey, No. 1, 65®6Sc| per basKet; do., ixu. 2. 50® sue per: Basket. 90, Ho-ib. oags. No. 1. jr.iu® 3.1.0 extra quality; do.. No. 2. $1.50® ' I 2.25: Pennsylvania. No. 1 100 lbs I $1.50@2.00; do., per 100 lbs., fancy Jei'Sey, ,iu. 1. lU( ' ilb.-. t'M'®2.s'>; do.. No 2. 10(1 lb- j 2301.7 - western, per 100 lbs.. $1.75 0 1.90; New York state, per 100 lbs. $1.7501.90; Maine, per 100 lbs.. sl.Bo®' 1 I.SU; Dciawui e anu la.i > laud, poi I bag. 9uc®si.lo; Michigan, per lOJ - ! lbs.. $1X601.70; Florida, per Barrel $2,6002.90; Florida, per hushsi. hamper. io>Bsc; Florida, per 160-lb bag-. $i.50®3.00. North Carolina, per ' 1 barrel. $1.50®4.00; South Carolina, p ef barrel, $1.5004.00; Norfolk, per bar. rel. $3.25; Eastern Bliore. per ' barrel. $2.0002.76; fancy, Macungie, 1 tx'o. 1. per barrel, $2.0o03.10; do.. No. ! I 2 per barrel. $1.2501.60. Tallow —The market is dull; prime, !city, in tierces. Sifcc; prime city, spec ial' loose, 9c; prime country, 7He; 'dark. do.. 6is®7c; edible, in tierces, 1 ,12 0 12 lie. „ i ' Flour —The market Is firm; winter; I ilralgtil. Western. Jiu.25010.50 perl larrei; do., near'.y. $9,600 lo.oe per barrel. Kansas straight. $10.63®11.00 ! | per barrel; do., short patents, $10.901 ; 0 11.20 per barrel; spring, short pat ients. $11.10011.30 per barrel; do., J sluing patents. $10.83011.00; peri Ibairel; spring, firsts, clear, $9.40© 1 9.90 per barrel. I ; |i a y The market is firm; timothy, |No 1, large anil small bales. $30.09® I 30 30 per ton; No. 2, do.. $28.00029.00 per ton; No. 3. do.. $25.000 26.00 per ton. Clove Light mixed. $28.00© I 25.00 per ton; No. 1, $27.0"0 27.50 per) ton; No. 2. do.. $25.00026.00 per ton. 1 Urar. Dull: soft winter, in 100- Ib. sacks, $44.00045.00 per ton;! siring, do.. $43.00044.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Cblrnao. March 13. <u. t(. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 26.000: market uneven, mostly 23<; j lower than yesterday's average: early ■ sales off less. Bulk of sales. $19.20© I 1 to his courage that induced him to . | make the trip, j "The most elementary precautions > I were omitted," is is stated by the priest. "He was simply led Into a ; trap prepared by the Court at Vl ] enna by the Hungarian aristocracy. ! headed by Count Tisza." The general idea.of the pampiet was that Magyar Magnaset, with the I consent of the Vienna court, wished j to get rid of the archduke, who was ! much disliked, and obtained venge j ance for the murder at the expense !of the .Tugo-Slavs, who would be | made helpless. It is pointed out ! that no "proper" inquiry was ever : made into the tragedy and that no j one xvas made responsible for the j fact that precautionary measures ' were not take® IS. 60: butcher*. *19.40® 19. 50: light. *18.85® 19.60; packing. *18.25 @ 19.35; throwouis. *17.25® 18.00; pigs, good to choice. *17.00® 18.25. Cattle Receipt*. 9.000; beef steers and she stock. 15c to 25c I higher; calves, bulls and feeders i steady to strong. Beef cattle, good, I choice, and prime. *18.75® 20.25; coni j men and medium. *10.85® 16.75: ' butchers' stock, cows and heifers. !*.'.25® 15.75: canners and cutters. *B.OO i #7.2.*; stockers and feedrs. good. I choice and prime. *11.25® 15.25: in | ferior. common and medium. *8.25® 111.25; veni oal*es. good and choice, ! *17.50® 18.00. Sheep Recepits. 14.000: market opened steady to strong: best lambs held higher. latmbs. choice and prime, *10.75® 19.90; medium and I good. *18.50® 19.75: culls. *15.25® j 17.00; ewes, choice and prime. *13.85® i]4.J5; medium and good, *11.25® 13.85: | culls. *6.00® 9.00. CHICAGO BOA HI) OF TKADK Chicago. March 13.—Board of Trade ! closing: Corn —May, 1.36': July, 1.31 H. Oats—May. 62: July, Si's. Cork—May, 55.00; July, 42.05. ' Igtrd—May. 27.12: July, 26 47. Ribs—May. 24.77: July, 23.52. Wildman Will Probated; Estate Goes to Family The will of Augustus Wildman. prominent contractor and former I councilman and representative In t'ne State legislature from the cltv, was filed today with Register Ed. 11. Fisher. Letters testatmentary were issued to Victoria Wildman. Augustus Wildman, Jr. and the Dauphin De posit Trust Company as executors. No ; estimate of the estate could be fur ; nished. All of it is bequeathed to his wife and children. Wills of th P following were filed ! and letters testamentary issued to ! executors: Sarah Dodd, Ist of Wieo nisco township, to Thomas and Rich- | ard Dodd: Charles J. Snyder, 'at? of; J Millersburg, to Sarah E. Snyder; ' ! Charles W. Coleman, late of Lykens. , [ to Bertha May Coleman; Joseph lAW j ley. late of Lykens to Rose I.awley: i the Rev. Embury Price Brown, late j |of Millersburg, to Emily Vernen i Brown. Letter of administration were is- i .sued in the following estates: Alice' M. Martin, late of Middletown, to Aaron C. Martin; Benjamin Shadle, ; late of Washington township, to Clay- 1 S ton Shadle, and Charles O. Barry, late |of Williamstown, to Elizabeth S. j , Barry. OLIVET CHURCH CALLS MINISTER [Continued from ldr>t I'age.] | pastor since September 1, when the : Rev. Alfred Taxis, who had served 1 the congregation for two years, gave t up the pulpit to engage in war work. Front that time until December 31 ! the Rev. James McClure. evangelist. | i had been preaching to the -Hill : flock. j 1 Several candidates have been j heard since the Rev. Mr. McClure relinquished the charge, hut the call- , j ing of a shepherd was delayed un til about two weeks ago. when the session, upon authority of the con gregation, sent an invitation to the Rev. Mr. Bower. The Washington , ■minister is close to forty years old i and has been in the ministry for : j seventeen years. He is a graduate of both Prince- . t ton University and Seminary and ,is moderator of the Washington i presbytery. He is said to have been 1 very successful in his pastoral work ( Jln the national capital. He will ' I bring his wife and two children to ! Harrisburg with hiin on his visit to ] the Olivet congregation. Jurors Drawn to Serve at Civil Court April 14 Sixty jurors to serve at the civil court session during the week of • April 14 were drawn today at the ' office of SheViff W. W. Caldwell. In j the following list jurors reside in the : city unless other address is given: George W. Yingst, Derry town- ] | ship; John Bergner, Lower Paxton. ; township; Christian R. Landis, Roy alton; Harry T. Y'oder, Gratz: George ■P. Hoffer, Hummelstown: William I Snyder, South Hanover township; : Caivin Engle, Lykens township John ) Fackler, South Hanover township; A. B. Dunkle, Steelton; George Kint er. Dauphin; David Lingle, East ; Hanover township: Edward Bow i man, Millersburg; Samuel L. Dean ! er, Susquehanna township; William !J. Anderson; William 11. Etter; Howard B. Bowman, Millersburg; ' George Unger, Lower Paxton town ship; Frank S. Garber; Fred Fish er. Steelton: Richard Dodd, Wico • nisco township; C. Amnion Gruber, I Conewago township: Lindsay Mc ; Cleaf, Sr.; J. L. Weirich, Steelton: Samuel S. Bachman, Conewago ; township; Robert Strunk, Hummels ' town; Samuel E. McElhoes; Oliver : H. Houek, Penbrook: Frank Dapp. ] Penbrook; Robert Hutchinson; I. S. Conrad. Derry township; David ! Riachert. Penbrook: Wellington Uh -1 ler. Lykens; William Morrison, j Wiconisco township; James _ An ! Drews: Elmer C. Enders, Wayne i township; John H. Souilliard, Steel (ton: D. Elmer Good. Londonderry i township; Jacob A. Nisley. Steelton; I Henry W. Rutter, Halifax township; I John A. Hetrick. Sr.. East Hanover j township; Levi B. Ream: Howard ! L. Kintz, Steelton; Charles A. Pletz, j West Hanover township; Charles ! Zimmerman. Williams township; ! Curtis Schwaim. Washington town ship; George 11. Seohrist; Charles M. Brown, Lykens township: John ■ Lingle; R. R. Kline; John Deimler. Middletown: Boyd S. Miller. Berrys ■ burg; Harry Wright; G. A. Gahrett; i Lewis E. Ritter: Harry B. Tomlin- I sonffi Ed. A. Falter; William Miller, Derry township; Harvey Koon?, iLvkens; E. Edward Enders. Jack ' son township; Frank A. Gemper j ling. ! Use McNeil s Cold Tablets. Adv. (GERMANY STOOD BY AUSTRIA IN WARLIKE MOOD (Cipher Dispatches Reveal At titude of Hun Rulers Prior to Rattle Hy A ssociated Press I'aris, March 13.—Two dispatches sent in cipher by Count A'on Szogy eny-Marich, Austrian ambaasudor at j Berlin before the war. to the Austro | Hungarian foreign ministry, show iing that Germany was backing Aus tria in her warlike attitude toward .Serbia, have been made public by ,M. R. A'esnitch. Serbian minister to France. As printed in the Journal (lies Debuts, tlie message read: j "Rei'lin. July 25. 1914: It is gen erally supposed here that a negative reply from Serbia will be followed on cur part by an immediate decla ration of war and military opera tions. Any adjournment of military operations would be considered here as A'ery dangerous on "account of in tervention by other powers. AA'e are counselled with the greatest insis tence to pass immediately to action and thus put the world in face of an accomplished fact." The second dispatch, marked "strictly secret," says: "Berlin. March 27. 1914: The sec retary of stale has just declared to me positively, but under the seal of most strict secrecy, that very soon eventual propositions of mediation from England will be brought to the knowledge of your excellency. The German government assures me in j tlie most convincing manner that it in 110 way identifies itself with these I propositions, that it is absolutely 'against their being taken into con sideration and that it will only trans l mit them to us to give effect to the j English request." Minister A'esnitch then quotes the (message sent on July 30, 1914. front (Sir Edward Grey, the British foreign [minister, to Ambassador Goshen, at I Berlin, offering, if the crisis passed, ;to take the initiative in an arrange | ment satisfactory to Germany. The 1 minister says that neither Sir Ed |ward Grey, Foreign Minister Sazo- Inoff. of Russia, nor Premier Vivian!, of France, then knew positively that Germany wanted war. The minister concludes; "If any one is incredulous, let him ; meditate upon the foregoing docu ' meats." Dr. W. W. Orr, Evangelist, to Speak at Y. M. C. A. Dr. VV. AA r . Orr, evangelist, will ad dress the men's mass meeting in Fahnestock Hall Sunday afternoon. His subject will be "Tee Devil s De tective." Harry P. Armstrong, the singing evangelist, will sing. A number of enrollments have al ready been made for the special series of Lenten talks to be given every Friday evening beginning to morrow evening, by Dr. George Ed ward Reed. Supper will precede the meetings. Dr. Reed will talk on "A Young Man's Difficulties in Matters of Religion." PLAN LOAN DRIVE A meeting at which details of the coming Victory Loan drive were ocn sidered, was held at Philadelphia yesterday and was attended by a number of Harrisburgers. Included were Floyd Hopkins, who will serve as chairman of the speakers bureau of the ten-county districts, surround ing this city: M. H. James, xvho xvill serve as publicity chairman, and Henderson Gilbert, who will act as chairman of the speakcis' bureau in the Harrisburg district. BRIDGE CONTRACT AWARDED Denburger & Co.. of Bethlehem, have been awarded the contract for [the new State bridge at Falls. Wy oming county, at $185,000. There were nine bids submitted. Last year when bids were'asked one firm only bid and at a figure far above*the award made to-day. TO HOLD BOYS' SOCIAL The weekly moving picture social of the Boyds department of the Cen tral Y. M. ('. A. will be held to night. it was announced to-day by A. H. Dinsniore, boys work secretary. Special pictures will be shown. / \ WANTED An energetic man of sterling integrity to give part or all of his time to the interests of a large corporation manufactur ing a farm necessity of practically unlimited de mand. Have you sufficient faith in yourself to grasp a great opportunity? Ad dress for interview, Box 263, Pittsburgh, Pa. s — l * 1 Investment Suggestions We ha\'e prepared a cir cular listing - 92 attractive bond offerings, including .17 Municipals 14 Railroads Ik Public Utilities •" Industrials 8 Foreign 10 Short Term The rate, maturity, price I and yield of these bonds are indicated, as AVCII as their tax-exempt features. Many of the bonds are legal investments for Sav ings Banks and Trust Funds. Send for complimentary copy of this circular. No. R M-42. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities lIS N. 4th St., Philadelphia New York, Chicago, Boston. Baltimore. Buffalo. Scranton LEE I. LAURENSTEIN Representative 2206 N. 3rd St.. Harrisburg Phone 4776-R SOVIETS SHELL RAILWAY I>OSTS OF ALLIED FOE' Do No Damage After Bom- J barding Positions For Two Hours By AtsocialiJ Press. Archauxel. March IS. — The 80l- j sherik forces began new tactics Tues- | day night, carrying out a night bom- I bardment for the first tim e of the 1 allied positions on the railway front, j The enemy shelled these positions] from eleven o'clock Until one in the! morning, without doing any damage. Quet prevails on the Vaga and other sectors. , The Allied A'aga column yesterday | withdrew north from Yistaka to . I new position. Headquarters an- ■ nonuces that the withdrawal was] completely successful. the allied j troops bringing out most of their war | material and destroying the remalnd- ! or. and completely levelling the ruins of the village, which the Bolshevik 1 artillery partly wrecked. lull an Vasi Front Since the evacuation of Vistavaka, 1 there has heen another lull in the] Bolshevik offensive on the Vaga front, j Detailed reports of Sunday's in- I fantry engagement, in which the) British, Americans and Russians re- j How Arc Your Eyes? T once more offer the public of HARRISBURG and vicinity a won derful opportunity to get high grade glasses at remarkably low prices. Will bo- in my Harrisburg office daily until Saturday. March 29th. 1 I offer you a guaranteed pair of glasses of perfect vision gold tilled 1 glasses, first quality spherical lenses, including my scientific eye j examination, for as low as $2.00 Complete Special ground lenses and shell j goods at extra special low prices, j invisible bifocals, two pairs in one. j no lines, no cement, last for years. ! Real Satisfaction comes only when GENUINE SER- j VICE is rendered. The pleasure you experience in wearing glasses that are just right is WONDER FUL. Don't neglect your eyes: let us examine them, fit you xvith glasses, and make you see JUST RIGHT.' Come at once, save money, and at the same time receive the bene- j fit of our high grade service. I Office Hours: l> A. M, to 9 I. M. H. OSCAR ULRICH Philadelphia Eyesight Specialist HARRISBURG OFFICE Spooner Hulldlng, Second I'loor 1 9 N. MARKET SR.. Take levator V - J fIIIBBER STAMQfI JII SEALS A STENCILS U% T ( RIFF MFCJYHM.STENCILWORKS ■ I 130 LOCUST ST. HB&PA. | lIA3 K STATEMENT BANK STATEMENT REPORT OR THE CONDITION OR THE FIRST NATION AI, BANK, at Harrisburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on March 4, 1010. RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $1,097,957 01 2. Overdrafts, unsecured 9.12 S. IJ, S. Imnila (other lliau Liberty Honda, but Including L'. 9. certlflenlon of indebtedness I : a U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) .. $100,000.00 b U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure t'. S. deposits (par value), 60,000.00 y 1 <0.000.00 11. Liberty I.oan Bands: a Liberty Loan Bonds, 31(4. 6, and 4% per cent, unpledged $61,400.00 b Liberty Loan Bonds, 314, 4, atid 414 Pr cent, pledged to secure IT. s. deposits 150,000.00 c Liberty l.oan Bonds, 3 14, 4, and 4U per cent, pledged to secure postal savings deposits... 5.000.00 • 216,400.0n 7. Uonda, securities, ele. (other than U. S): a Bonds tother than U. S. bonds) pledged to , secure I'. S. deposits . $336,742.75 b Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 27.900.00 e Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks i owned unpledged 569,240.43 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S 933,883.1$ 8. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Hank stock 12,153.96 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) 16,500.00 11. Furniture and fixtures 6,137.93 13. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 103,495.92 15. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks.. 362,513.78 lo! Net amounts due front hanks, bankers, and trust companies other than included in Items 13 or 15 1,985.56 17. Exchanges for clearing house 30,600.00 Total of Items 13, 16 and 17 $395,099.34 19. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of report ing bank and other cash items 30,554.72 20. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. d. Treasurer 6,00J0.00 21. Interest earned but not collected approximate—on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due 3,444.49 22 War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned, 1,062.93 23. Other assets. If any 80,054.43 TOTAL LIABILITIES 24. Capital stock paid In $100.000.0< 25. Surplus fund 450,000.00 26. a Undivided profits $06,1 28.63 b J.ess current expenses, interest, and taxes paid, 8,622.43 53,106.20 27. Interest and discount collected or credited, in advance of maturity and not earned (approximate) 1,962.61 28. Amount reserved for taxes accrued 11,570.97 29. Amount reserved fbr all interest accrued 2,418.12 3o! Circulating notes outstanding 92,800.00 32. Net amounts due to National banks 5,533.34 33. Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies (other than Included in Item 22) 137.851.80 34. Certified checks outstanding 6,026.78 3u! Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding 2,731.50 Total of Items 32, 33, 34 and 35 .$152,143.42 Demand deposits (other thaa bank deposit*) subject lo Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): 36. Individual deposits subject to check 1,265,320.17 40. Dividends unpaid 457.50 Total of demand deposits (other than bank de posits) subject to Reserve, Items 36 and 40. $1,265,777.67 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): 42. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed).. 167.943.61 4L Postal savings deposits 18.958 84 45. Other time'deposits 318,909.07 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 42, 44 and 45 $505,811.52 46 United States deposits (other than postal savings): a War loan deposit account. $380,000.00 c Other United States deposits, including deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 35,163.02 • 415,163.02 56 Liabilities other than those above stated 13,0u4.50 TOTAI .$3,063,753.03 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. COUNTY OP DAUPHIN, ss: I, E. J. Glaneey. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. J. Q LANCE r. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March. 1919. C. A. FORNWALD, [Notarial Seal! Notary Public. M.v commission will expire Marc h 9. 1923. Correct —Attest: lSigned) W.M. P. STARKEY, I Signed > SPENCER ( GILBERT, (Signed) WILLIAM JENNINGS, i Director*. ; pulsed the enemy, Indicate that the i Bolshevik losses were about 400 ! killed. The allied losses were very I small. 1 One of the allied airplanes Monday scored a direct hit with a bomb on an enemy column on the march up the road near the village of Kerche- The Secret of ! Satisfactory Eyeglasses The secret of fitting eyeglasses that give perfect satisfaction is a thorough scientific examination of the eyes, by a skillful and ex | perienced optometrist. 1 am very careful in making examinations, and use the same instruments ami the same methods used by the most prominent specialists in the profession. 12 N. Market Assart Second Floor Front . ' What (iorgim Makea, taoricn* <sii]rnnteei Gorgas CREME LILAS Keeps the Skin Soft and Smooth In Rough Weather A Fragrant, Non-Greasy TOILET CREAM It is almost immediately ab sorbed by tho'skin and can be freely used without Injury to gloves or clothing. Delightfully, soothing and i healing in all cases of chaps, : roughness and irritation of the ' skin, 25c I —— Gorgas Drug Stores 16 N. Third St. Penn-Harris Hotel Penna. Station. H. M. HOFFMANN Professional Funeral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Phone llell 4161, or Call at 810 N. SECOND ST. ■ / 17 NEW HEATING SYSTEMS DESIGNEE OLD HEATING . SYSTEMS CORRECTED MORE HEAT. LESS FUEL. NO NOISE. Rob't Ross Jones CONSUL/TING KNGmXR Harrisburg, Penna. f I S. RIFKIN CLOTHING, SHOES ANl> FURNITURE HOtIGHT AM) SOI.U | HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID* 407 Broad Street Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone H.TTO-.I I want men to introduce from, house to house a high grade line of per-j fumes, cosmetics, flavr oring extracts, spices, toilet soap, etc. Steady; work. Big profits. No, experience necessary. Cake of soap and full particulars mailed free to any address. Lacas-. sian Co., Dept. 221, St. Louis, Mo. a BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF" CONDITION OF THE HARKISBI;K NATIONAL BANK AT Harrisburg in the State of Pennsyl vania. at the close of business on March A. 1919. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, In cluding rediscounts . . 1996,904 94 Overdrafts, unsecured . . 6 88 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 206,000 0.0 U. S. bonds and certi ficates of indebtedness pledged to secure U. 8. deposits (par value)... 36,000 00 (V. S. bonds and certifi cates of indebtedness loaned 11,000 00 IT. S. bonds and certifi cates of indebtedness owned and unpledged. 24,000 00 Liberty I.oan Bonds, 3',4. 4. and 4(4 per cent., unpledged ... 600,640 40 Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to se cure postal savings de posits 16,000 00 Securities other than U. 5. bonds (not Including stocks! owned unpledg ed 401,471 96 Collateral Trust and oth er notes of corporations issued for not less than ONE TEAR nor more than THREE TEARS' time 1,990 00 Stocks, other than Fed eral Reserve Bank stock 2,876 00 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (60 per cent of subscription) 19,600 00 Equity in banking house, 44,000 00 Real "estate owned other than banking house... 11,103 40 Lawful reserve with Fed eral Reserve Bank .. . 112,489 47 Cash in vault and net amounts due from na tional banks .. 449,497 86 Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies other than included in Items 14 or 15 19,716 Ift Exchanges for clearing house 37,814 29 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 20,701 11 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer... 1C.300 00 Interest earned but not collected —approximate —on Notes and Bille Receivable not past due 7,881 94 Total 32,899,742 44 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ... 9300,000 00 Surplus fund 360,000 00 Undl v i d - ed profits .. 3177,828 04 Less current expenses, In terest and taxes paid.. 14,323 11 163,604 93 Interest and discount col lected or credited. In advance of maturity and not earned (ap proximate) .. 4,409 46 Circulating notes out standing 194,300 00 Net amounts due to na tional banks 8,663 74 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust com panies (other than in cluded In Item 32) ... 27,072 88 Certified checks out standing 708 o Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding .... 3,3(1 (3 Individual deposits sub ject to check 1,476,6(6 94 Dividends unpaid JOI Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 829,663 77 Postal savings deposits.. 20,718 80 Other United States de posits, Including depos its of tT. S. disbursing officers 21,496 96 Total ..92.899.742 44 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. s: 1, H A. Rutherford, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. " H. A. RUTHERFORD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me ,l,is 13th day of March. 1919. CLINTON M. HKHSHET, (Notarial Seat] Notary Public. My commission expires January 23. 1923. Forrect- —At teat: A. S. McCREATH. HOPS A. HICKOK. EDWARD BAILET. Director*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers