Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Pago GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS MONTFORD f TIRES The Tires that give real satis faction and carry our guarantee of 3,500 MILES. COMPARE THE PRICES , 20x3 @ $14.00 each' 30x3% © $16.50 each 31x4 ® $25.00 each 32x4 © $26.00 each 33x4 © $27.50 each 24x4 © $28.50 each 80x4% @ $42.00 each KEYSTONE SALES CO.. 108 MARKET ST. I SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by an expert. Road Jobs a ipeclalty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 2 7 North Cameron street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town, Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 805 North Third street. H VCI.ES AND BICYCLES (CYCLE REPAIRING " BY AN EXPERT .41.1. WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. MAGNETOS All Xypes; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Elshmaun, Dixey, Splltdorf, Mea, Remy "fend different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. Schiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. PUBLIC NOTICE WANTED To know the where abouts of Annie Ingle, formerly Annie Calhoun. She can learn something to her advantage by writing G. 11. Mtdford, Clovis, N. M. PRIVATE SALE PRIVATE SALE THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 14, 15. Wallet Davis Co. concert piano, music cabinet, one parlor, two bed room suites, large mirror ball rack, tables, chairs, office or den swivel chair, clocks, refrigerator, twenty inch lawn mower, carpet rugs, door and window screens, etc. No dealers. 1934 GREEN STREET. LEGAL NOTICES MY wife, Blanche M. Adams, having left my bed and board without just cause. I hereby notify all persons not lo harbor nor trust her on my account, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her. (Signed) R. A. ADAMS. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, HARRISBHRG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS vhil re ceived by the Superintendent otrPublic Grounds and Buildings, at his office in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa., until 2 o'clock P. M., Tuesday, March 11. 1919, for furnishing ail labor and materials to build bridge over the North Branch of the Susquehanna River at Falls, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared by Paxson and Morgan, of Wilkes-Barre Pa., Consulting Engineers, for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FALLS BRIDGE" on -.outside cover. GEORGE A. SIIRETNER. Superintendent. L W MITCHELL Secretary. In re estate of Layton Leroy Howard, deceased. PUBLIC SALE BY order of Ohphans' Court, of No. 1013 fccuth Twenty-first Street, Har risburg, Pa, 40 feet front, 113 feet deep to an alley, frame house with improvements, and large stable In the rear See petition and order of Court. Sale on Saturday, March 22, 1:30 P. M.! in front of the Court House, Harris burg. For particulars address JANE G. HOWARD, Administratrix, No. 12 South Sixteentli Street Or I. P. BOWMAN, Attorney. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Gertrude F Mil ler, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin Coun ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Har risburg, Fa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those havlnc claims will present them for settle ment to JEROME R. MILLER, _ „ _ Executor. Or No. 2024 Green Street I. P. BOWMAN, • c ' Attorney. 1919 TRIENNIAL -ASSESSMENT APPEAL NOTICE THE Dauphin County Board of Re vision and Appeal gives notice that the appeals of coal lands and im provements thereon or connected therewith, for the 1919 Triennial As sessment of Dauphin County, will be held at the County Commissioners' office. Court House, Dauphin County Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Thurs day, April 3, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M and to continue until all appeals have been heard. • HENRY M. STINE. O. C. ('UMBLER, H. C. WELLS, County Board of Revision Attest: J. S. FARVER, Clerk. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on Ihe Estate of John 11. MaUernas, "late of the Borough of Mlllersburg, County of Dauphin. State of Pennsylvania, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the City of lfarrtsburg. Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to inrtke i immediate payment, and those having! elaints will present itheni for settle ment. COMMONWEALTH TRUST rOM PANY, Executor, ' 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 7 —: ; Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 413, June term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii John C. Hoffman vs Sarah Florence Hoffman. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Sarah Flor ence Hoffman, are therefore directed to appear in tho court at Harrisburg Pa., oil tho third Monday of March A D. 1919, lo answer tho complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. ✓ . ,•- . * • ■*.-> 1 ■■ j \ TUESDAY EVENING, HAHRISBURO UMtfW TELEGRAPH MARCH 11, 1919. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF DAU PHIN COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE is hereby given thut the undersigned, Administrators of the Estate of PIERCE RI4TTEW, Deceas ed, have presented their petition to the above-mentioned Court, which pe tition is r.ow on lilo in the Offico of the Clerk of Add Court, praying for an Order to sell at private sale under the provisions of tho Fiduciaries Aet| of 1917, P. J.. 417. for the purpose of paying the debts ot the said decedent, tho following described real estate: To JOHN W. SHKAFFKR, Harris burg, Pa., .for the sum of Two Thou sand ($2,000) Dollars, the following described property designated in said petition as Tract No.< 7: NO. 2223 LOGAN STREET TRACT NO. 7. All that piece or par ) eei of land situate in the Tenth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., bound ed and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Logan street two hundred and seventeen (217) feet north of Wood bine street; thenje in an easterly di rection and through the center of the partition wall between the house hereon erected and the house adjoin ing on the south, ninety (9b) feet and one (1) inch to a sixteen (16) feet wide alley; thence in a northerly di-I laction along snid alley fourteen (14) lei t to a point: thence in a westerly direction through the center of the partition wall of the house hereon erected and the house adjoining on the north, ninety (9U) feet and one { 1 ) inch to Logan street; and thence I in a southerly direction fourteen (14) I feet to the place of beginning. Hav ing thereon erected a two-and-one holf-stcry brick dwelling house num bered 2223 IDG AN STREET. _ For Title see Deed Book V, Vol. 16, l uge 418. To MARSHALL FiCKLIN, Harris burg, Pa„ for the total sum of Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars, the follow ing described property designated in said petition as Tracts Nos. 4, S and 9, the offer being apportioned as fol lows: Eight Hundred ($800) Dollars for No. 1220 Currant street, being Tract No. 4; One Thousand t$l,ooo) Dollars for No. 1320 William street, being Tract No. 8, and Twelve Hun dred ($1,200) Dollars for No. 1322 Wil liam street, being Tract No. 9. NO. 1220 CURRANT STREET TRACT NO. 4. ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City c,t Harrisburg, l'a.. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast cor nel' of property No. 1222 Currant street, which is the property of Ben jumin I'ruHs; thence along: said line westwardiy about sixty-five (65) feet, more or less, to a private three feet alley: thence southwardly along said private alley fourteen (14) feet three (3) inches, more or less, to a line fence; thence eastwardly along said line fence about sixty-five (65) feet, more or less, lo Currant street; thence northwardly along Currant street fourteen (14) feet three (3) inches the place of beginning. Having there on erected the building known us No. 122" CURRANT STREET. For Title see Deed Book 4, \ 01. 16, J 69. NOS 1320 AND 1322 WILLIAM STREET TOGETHER DESCRIBED AS FOL TRACTS NOS. 8 AND 9. ALL that certain lot or piece of land situate in the City of Harrisburg. Pa., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west ern line of William street, thirty (30) f eot, more or less, northwardly from the 'northwest corner of Say lord and William streets, at line of property, now or late, of Herman Einzig: thence westwardiy along said line sixty (CO) feet to a point; thence northwardly parallel with William street thirty (30) feet to line of prop erty now or late, ot' Charles Huat, Sr " thence eastwardly along said line sixtv (601 feet to William street; dunce southwardly along tho western line of William street thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected two frame dwelling houses Nos. 1320 and 1322 WILLIAM V-;, 1 ,: Title see Deed Book V, Vol. 16, Page AND THAT the said Court has fixed Monday, March 24, 1919, at 10:00 A M at tho Court House at Harris burg' Pa., as the time and place for hearing and consideration of said pe tition, when and where all parties in terested may appear and Object to said private sale on account of the in sufficiency of the prices offered for ihe several tracts, t>r upon any legal or equitable grounds. C. VERNON RETTEW and CLARENCE S. SHENK, Administrators of the Estate of Pierce Rettew, Deceased. GEORGE ROSS HULL, Attorney. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVA NIA'. * NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Theresa M. lliggins, Deceased, has presented his Petition to the above-mentioned Coairt, which I'etition is now.on file in the Otfice of the Clerk If said Court, praying for an order to sell at Private Sale, under the provisions of the Fiduciaries Act of 1917, P. L. 447, to Maud Josephine Strock, of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., for the sum or Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars, the following described real estate: All that certain lot or piece of land siluate in the Fifth Ward, of tho City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on tlie west ern side of Green street fifty-eight (58) feet one (1) inch, more or less, north of the northwestern corner of Greer, and Herr streets, which point is the center of the partition wail be tween tho houses known as and num bered 1104 and 1106 Green street; thence westwardiy parallel with the northern line of Herr street and through the center of said partition wall fifty-two (52) feet to a point on the eastern line of a four (1) feet wide private alley; thence northward ly at right angles with Herr street along the eastern side of said private alley nineteen (19) feet two (2> Inches to a point on tho lino running through the center- of the partition wall between house numbered 1106 Green street and house numbered 1108 Green street; thence eastwardly along said line and through the center of said last-mentioned partition wall fifty-two (52) feet to a point on the western line of Green street; thence southwardly along the western line of Green street nineteen (19) feet two (2) inches, more or less, to the place of beginning, Having thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house numbered 1106 Green street, etc., etc. For title see Deed Book "P." Vol 16, Page 565, etc. AND the said Court has fixed Mon day, March 24, 1919, at 10:00 A. M„ at tho Court House at Harrisburg, p lt an the time and place for hearing and consideration of snid Petition, when and where all parties interested may appear and object to said Private Sale on account of the insufficiency of the price offered for the same, or upon any legal oj equitable grounds. WEO O. GATNOR, Executor of the Estate of Theresa M lliggins. Deceased. GEORGE ROSS HULL Attorney. THE CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY', Chambersburg, Pa. February 21, 1919 Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Stockholders of The' Cumberland Vulley Railroad Company will be held on Wednesday, the 26tli [day of March, 1919, at 11:3 a o'clock lA. M.. In the. office of the Company Fourth and Chestnut streets, Harris- ' burg, Pa., at which meeting the fol lowing subjects will be submitted lor adoption or rejection: I.—The rescinding of an agreement dated December 2g 1917 b o _ tween The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company and the Cumberland Valley and Mar tinsburg Railroad Company pro Vidlng for the consolidation and merger of the said Companies 2. —Tho cancellation, termination and surrender of an Indenture of lease of the Cumberland Va'llev and Martlnaburg Railroad Com pany to The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company, dated Janu ary 1, 1890. r "" 3.—Tile Requisition by The Pennsyl vania Railroad Company of the franchises, corporate property rights and credits of The Cum' berland Valley Railroad Com pany. W. L RITCHEY, Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES Pennsylvania State Highway De partment, Harrisburg Pa. Sealed pro posals will t>e received at said office until JO A. M.. March 20, 1919, when hids wilt be publicly opened and scheduled and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of the following pave ments: 27.520 lineal feet of Reinforc ed Concrete in Adams Co.; 8,984 feet lof Bituminous Concrete in Berks Co.; 1,842 feet of Vitrified Block in Clarion Co.; 12,636 feet of Bituminous Concrete , in Clinton Co.; 8,420 feet of Vitrified Block in Columbia Co.; 5,745 feet of I Bituminous ConcreJ.e and Vitrified) Block in Delaware Co.: 4,566 feet of Vitrified Block in Klk Co.; 49,959 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Erie Co., 20,112 feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Block in Fayette Co.; 24,259 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Oroone Co.; 5,600 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Lancaster Co.; 4,906 feci of Reinforced Concrete in Lawrence Co.; 85,035 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Lehigh Co.; 23.510 feet of Reinforc ed Concrete in Monroe Co.; 7,824 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Tioga Co., and 26,862 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Warren Co. Bidding blanks and specifications may be . obtained free and plans upon payment of $2.50 per set upon application to State High way Department. Harrisburg, Pa. No refund for plans returned. They can nlso be seen at office of the State j Highway Department, Harrisburg; ICOI Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, and 904 Hartje Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lewis S. Sadler, State Highway Commissioner. in the Matter of the Kstatc of J. Fred Arlman. late of Susquehanna Town ship, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased. NOTICE To All Parties in Interest in the Es tate Aforesaid: VOU are hereby notified that the ap praisers appointed on the 23d day of December, 1918, by the Orphans' Court, of Dauphin County, Pa., to appraise snd set apart out of the estate of said ■I. Fred Artman to S. Alva Artman, surlviving spouse, real or personal es tate to the value of Five Thousand Dollars under and by virtue of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, do report that they have appraised and set apart all of the es tate of said J. Fred Artman unto the said Alva Artman, which report is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court aforesaid, and will be presented to said Court for ab solute confirmation on March 25, 1919, at lu o'clock A. M., and ull heirs or persons interested in said estate are hereby required to appear on said day and show cause why said appraise ment and setting aside should not be absolutely confirmed by the Court if same is objected to. If you fail there of, the same will be confirmed abso lutely. I. P. BOWMAN, Attorney for the Estate of J. Fred Artman. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Bureau of Water and Light. SEALED BIDS will be received at the Office of Superintendent of Public Safety, Boom 10, Court House, to 11 o'clock A. M„ March 17, for laying water pipes in Vaughn Street, from Sixth Street to Fourth Street, in Fourth Street, from Vaughn Street to Lewis Street, and in Lewis Street, from Fourth Street to Front Street! Plans may be seen and specifications obtained at the above Office. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. SAMUEL F. HASSLER. Superintendent. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Benjamin F. Meclc, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment and these having .claims will present them for settlement to EDNA M. MECIC, Administratrix, 1509 Penn Street, Harrisburg, Fa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Janko Katie Inte of Steclton, Dauphin County, Pa ' deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to snid Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment, to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY, Steelton, Pa., Or to Administrator. H. L. DRESS, Attorney, Steelton, Pa. Estate of Clyde B. Cunningham, de- LETTKRS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indeot ed to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay, to J. E. B. CUNNINGHAM, Administrator, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Adnjollja Ljubicie (Mraovicj, late of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them lor settlement, to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Steelton, Pa., Or to Administrator. H. L. DRESS, Attorney, Steelton. Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Robert B. Majteer, late of Harrisburg, Pa., Dau phin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Harrisburg, 900 North Third street, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those huving claims will present them for settle mClU' J. FRANK PALMER, Or to Administrator. JOHN E. PATTERSON, Attorney-at-Law. NOTICE —Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Oscar G. Johnson lute of 515 Calder street, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted ,to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate Payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. MARGARET M. JOHNSON, 515 Calder Street, Executrix. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In tho Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 294, January term, 1919. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Rose G. Cox vs. Ber nard Cox. The subpoena and alias subpoena in tho above-stated case have been returned "non est invent us." You, Bernard Cox, are therefore directed to appear in tho court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to answer tho complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 88, Jauuary term, 1919. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii George K. Beam vs. Elizabeth M. Beam. The subpoena and alios subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Elizabeth M. Beam, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. I). 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., !• eb. 18,\J91. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 188. Septem ber term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Mue H. Stober vs. Charles I. Stober. The subpoena and aIiRS subpoena in the above-stated stated case have been re'urned "non est inventus." You, Charles 1. Stober are therefore directed- to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pu„ on the third Monday of March. A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein tiled W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. Feb. 18. 1919. liEGAIi NOTICES Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, as: In the Court of Common Pleas of I Dauphin County, Pa., No, 190, Sep-, tenil>er term. 1918. Libel lb divorce—! a vinculo matrimonii Marvin Ottls Harner vs. Margaret Acfella Harner. The subpoena and aliaa subpoena In the above-stated case have been re turned "non est Inventus." Tou, Mar garet Adella Harner, are therefore di rected to appear in the court at Har risburg. Pa., on the third Monday of March A. D. 1919. to airswer the com plaint therein filed. -W. W. CAIDWELU Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation hi Divorce Dauphin County, as: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 676, Septem ber term, 1918. Lfbel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii William H. Gray vs. Annie Gray. The subpoena and alias subi*>ena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Annie Gray, are there fore directed to appear In the court at Harrisburg, Pa„ on the third Mon day of March, A. D. 1919, to answer .ue complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWEU* sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. . | Proclamation in Divorce Dapphin County, ss: ' In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 559, June ternS. 1918. Libel in divorce —a vin culo matrimonii Mary C. Ilowlett vs. George It. l-lowlott. The subpoena and alias subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "non Bst in ventus." You, George R. Ilowlett, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: • In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 418, Septem ber term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Jesse Hawkins vs. Blanche M. Hawkins. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stat ed case have been returned "non est Inventus." You. Blanche M. Haw kins. are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, l'a., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919. to answer the complaint there in filed. _ W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg, (Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin Coifnty, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa., No. 140, Septem ber term, 1918. I,ibel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Sallie M. Matter vs. liomer O. Mattdr. The subpoena and alias subpoena' in the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Homer O. Matter, are therefore directed to appear In the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: I In the Court of Common Pleair-of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 608, Sep tember term. 1918. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Emma Black vs. James Black. Tlffc subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est invent us" You. James Black, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa„ on the third Monday of March, A. D. -1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 205, June Term, 1918. Libel in divorce —a vin culo matrimonii Pkulina Semczysczyn vn Frank Semczysczyn. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Frank Sem czysczyn, are therefore directed to appear in court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint there in filed. _ W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas, of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 412, Sep tember term, 1918. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Pansey Swarez vs. Eugene Swarez. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stat ed case huve been returned "non est inventus." You, Eugene Swarez, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1918, to an swer the complaint therein (lied. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 'B, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 806, January term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Kathleen Croft vs. Howard Croft. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est invent us" You, Howard Croft, aro there fore directed to uppcar in the court at Harrisburg, Pa, on the third Mon day of March, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint, therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pieas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 189, Septem ber term, 1918. Libel in divorce—h vinculo matrimonii Peter Roknic vs. Milka Roknic. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Miika Roknic, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Pioclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of • Dauphin County, Pa., No. 431, Sep tember term, 1918. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Laura B. Haines i vs. John T. Haines. The subpoena and • alias Hiibpoena in the above-stated ' case have been returned "non est in i ventus." You, John T. Haines, are therefore directed to appear in the ■ court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third ■ Mondav of March. A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court if Common Pleas of ' Dauphin County.Pa., No. 430, Septeni • her term. 1918. Libel in divorce —a • vinculo matrimonii Daisy Mills vs. I Ralph Mills. The subpoena and alias I subpoena in the above-stated case ■ have been returned "non est invent > us." You, Ralph Mills, are therefore I directed to appear in the court nt I Harrisburg. Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. IX 1919, to answer thd complaint therein filed. AV. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of ■ Dauphin County. Pa., No. 419, Septem i ber term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vln • vinculo matrimonii Margaret -M. Ar- I no id vs. Anthony Arnold. The sub- I poena and alias subpoena in the i above-stated case have been returned "lion est inventus." You, Anthony Ar nold, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa„ on the third Monday of.March, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. AV. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa.. Feb. 18, 1919. MARKETS I NEW YORK STOCKS ' Chandler Brothers and Cqmpany members of New YoYlt and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; "34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: * Open Close Allis Chalmers 35 % 357, Amer. Beet Sugar 74% 74% American Can 48 48 " Amer. Car and Fndry Co. 9314 93% Amer. Loco 67% 67% Amer. Smelting 70% 70% American Sugar 11974 119', Anaconda 62 62% Atchison 93% 93% Baldwin Locomotive 8774 87 74 Baltimore and Ohio 48% 49 Bethlehem Steel, B 70% 70% Central Leather 67% 67% Chesapeake and Ohio .... 59 69 Chicago, R, I. and Pacific 25% 25% Chino Con. Copper 34 % 35 Col. Fuel and Iron 41% 41% Corn Products 4874 48% Crficible Steel 66% 67 Distilling Securities 62% 62% I Erie 17 % 17%' General Motors 158% 160% Goodrich, B. F 68 68% Great North. Pfd 94% 94% Great North. Ore, subs.. 42% 43 Inspiration Copper 47% 47% Int. Paper 47 -47' Kennecott 31% 3l~' Kansas City Southern .. 20% 20% Lackawanna Steel 70% 71 Lehigh Valley 55% 5i?% Mex. Petroleum 187',4 189% Miami Copper 24 23% Midvale Steel 46% 49% N. Y. Central 76 76 % N. Y'., N. H. and H 32% 33 Northern Pacific 94% 94^ Penna. it. R. .T. 45 45 Railway Steel Spg 77% 77% Ray (Jon. Copper 20 20 Reading 84% 8 5% Republic Iron and Steel.. 83% 83% Southern Pacific 102% 103% Southern Ry 29% 29 % U. S. I. Alcohol 11874 119 U. S. Rubber 81% 82 74 U. S. Steel ' 95 96 % PHILADELPHIA •'RODI'CE Pliiiadelpliin, March 11. Wheat No. i, out l, icu, t- -v. Nu. 2, rtu. i, N)>. 3. soft, $2.? 4. Corn The market is firm; No. 2, ytilow. as to grade and location. $1.4001.45. Oats The market Is steady; No. 2, white. 70% ®7lc; No. 3. white 69®7 oc. 1 Butter The market is firm; western. creamery. extras firsts 60c, nearby prints, fancy, 6G@6Sc. Refilled Sugars Marker steady; powdered, 8.45 c; extra line granulat ed. 9c. , _ 1 Eggs Market steady; Pennsylva nia and other nearby firsts, free cases, $12.15 per case; do., current receipts, free cases,.* $12.00 per case; western, extra, firsts, free cases, $12.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $12.00 per Case; fancy, selected, packed. 48®50c per dozen. Cheese The market is firm; New York and Wisconsin, toil milk, new, 31®32c; do., old, 34®36'%e. Live Poultry—Firm; fowls higher; fowls 37c; spring chick ons. larger sizes, 37©a0c; lOWIS. not leghorns, 32®360; white leghorns, 34©3 7c; young, softmeuted roosters, 32®33c; old roosters,26®27c; staggy. young roosters. 29®31e; epilug chickens, not leghorns, 30(i(i32c white leghorns. 2903 C"*; broil ing chickens. 1% lo 2 pounds. 35® 40c; larger. 35© 40c; roast ing chickens, 30(0i36c; ducks, PtKin, 42®45c; do., old, 30@33c; In dian Runners, 40©41 c; spring trucks, Long Island. 34©36 c; turkeys, 241it36c. geese, nearby, 30c; do., western 30c. LEGAL NOTICES •NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Paul M. Handley, late of tho Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate are re questetl to make payment, and those having clainjs will present them lor settlement, to ANNA HANDLEY, Executrix, Or to Steelton, Pa. 11. L DRESS, Attorney, Steelton, Pa. ANNUAL MEETING To the Stockholders of tho Chestnut Street' Market Company: • NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the stockholders of this Company will bo hold at tho Office of the Treasurer, No. 211 Locust Street, Harrisburg, Pa., on Thursday Evening, April 10. 1919, at 7:30 o'clock, for the transaction of such business as may come before said meeting. !n- I eluding the election of a Board o? Directors for the ensuing year. HENRY M. STINE, Secretary and Treasurer. AholiitelyHoPaln~^^ My MM Mrhil apylt aaeea. iaaMh© M •xeyma- a. xj Im4 at* aMatalu, aako ydr aatraaUac aad all aa*al A 7 ■ ill I it AAV ayan daily 8.80 I - X - X •"•* Maaday, Wd* —*-* X awaday aid latarday, till nC. tiu raon ns-a. X X • UIT tiimii ot vatmkmts / 120 Maiket SL J (Ovn At Hah) • HARRISBURG, PA. It dldat hart a hit THIS "Buy a Home" movement is in its broadest sense worthy of the support of everyone in terested in the future of his country. Unless we go forward we must re cede. There is no possibility of a town or community remaining in a state of arrested development. It will either grow or decay. You can own a home; no man is so .poor and none so rich as not to find profit in home ownership. United Ice & Coal Company Lumber Department Forster and Cowden Streets Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice, to fancy, 46©4Hc, do., western, choice to fancy, 45®46c; turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good. 40 ©42 c; turkeys, common, 30®36c; old turkeys 40®42c; capons, seven to eight pounds, 44®4&c; do., smaller sizes. 40® 43c; fowls, fresn killed, choice, to fancy. 34® 37 c;. do., smaller sizes, 28©32 c: roosters, 27c; Viestern roasting chickens. 27®37c; western broiling chickens. 42©44 c; ducks, western, 28©40 c; Pekln ducks, 38®40c; old ducks, 30®32c; Indian Runners. 36@37e; spring ducks. Long Island. 30©40 c: geese. 26©30 c, Potatoes The market is lower; | New Jersey, No. 1, 75® 85c per basKci, 00., No. 2, 50©6uc per , OUSkcL. ll'O-lb. UuKS, No. 1. s„'.ovn/ I 3.00 extra quality; <io„ No. 2. sl.iuy 12.25: Pennsylvania. No. 1 100 lbs. I $1.90® 2.00; do., per 100 lbs., fancy,] Its,Jn 4* " ' d clbt'J , V. A, Iv < I It.- *2 ••. <!.. No loy it. I $1.3501.76; western, per 100 lbs., $1.75 1 ©1.90; New York state, per 100 lbs.. $1.75© 1.90; Maine, per 100 lbs., sl.Bo© ] 120; Pclkuiu alio AlUljiUiiu, pet lu, i bag. l)c©sl.iu; Michigan, per 101 ] lbs.. $1.56©1 70; Florida, per barrel, ! 12.60® 2.90; Florida. per bushel. I hamper, 75®86c; Florldu. per 150-Ib. ! 1 uses $1.66®3.00, North Carolina, per 1 ' uairel. $1.50©4.00: South Carolina, per j 1 barrel, $1.50©4.00; Norfolk, per bar* . ' rel. $3.25; Eastern Shore. per j barrel, $2.00® 2.76; fancy, Macungie. ! No. 1, per barrel, $2.90®3.10; do.. No. j 2 per barrel. $1.26© 160. 1 Tallow —Tho market is dull; prime' 'city, in tierces. B%c; prime city, spec- ] lal loose , 9c; prime country, 7%J;i dark, do., 6%@70; edible, in tierces, 12® 12% c. ' Flour —The market is firm; winter ! iiruignt, western, iiu.2s® per ] larrel; do., near'.y. $9.60© 10 00 oer barrel; Kansas straight, $10.65®11.00 j per barrel; do., short patents, $10.90 ©11.20 per barrel; spring, short pat ients, $ll. lOtnll. 30 per barrel; do., : spring patents, 'slo.Bs© 11.00; per barrel; spring, firsts,- clear, $9.40© 9.90 per barrel. Hay - Market higher; timothy. No. I. large and small bales; $30.00®) 30.50 per ton; No. 2, do., $28.00®29.00 I per ton; No. 3, do., $25.00®26.00 per ton. Clove Light mixed, $28.00© 29.00 per ton; No. 1. $27.00®27.50 per ton: No. 2, do., $25.00©26.00 per ton. Bran Dull: soft winter, in 100- Ib. sacks, $44.00045.00 per ton; sf ring, do., $ 13.00® 44.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, March 11. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 29,000; market extremely active, mostly 50c to 40c higher than yester day's average. Built of sales, $19.00© 19.30; butchers, $19.16@19.35; light, $18.75® 19.25: packing, $ 18.00 © 19.10; throwouts, $17.25© 1 8.00; pigs, good to choice. $17.00® 18.25. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; good and choice beef steeffs and butcher cattle strong to 25c higher; others steady; calves slow and steady; stoekers and feeders strong. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $16.50©20.00: com mon and medium, $10.50® 16.50; butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7.00 ©15.50; tanners and cutters, $5.50® 7.00; stoekers and feeders, good, choice and prime, $11.00@15.00: in ferior. common and medium, $8.25© 11.00; veal calves, good to choice, $17.25® 17.75. Sheep Receipts, 1 1,000; market steady to higher; lambs, choice and IT V WANTED An energetic man of . sterling integrity to give part or all of his time to the interests of a large corporation manufactur ing a farm necessity of practically unlimited de mand. Have you sufficient faith in yourself to grasp a great opportunity? Ad i dress for interview, Box ' 263, Pittsburgh, Pa. V .! mmotrt SYAMftf Ull SEALS & STENCILS U( W MF6JY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ IV tl 130 LOCUSTS! HBG.PA. it H. M. HOFFMANN Professional Funeral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly j Attended To. Phone 801 l 4101, or Call at 310 N. SECOND ST. pi imp, $1 9.6o(ft> 19.75: medium and good, $18.25 50; mills, sir..2sft() 17,00; ewes, cholcii and primp, $13.75014.00; medium and good, $1 1.00@13.76; -julls, $.00&0.00. CHICAGO HO Mill OF TftlDK Chirnßo, March IX.—Board ol Trade closing"; Corn—May, 1.36i; July, 1.31U Oats—May, 63*,; July, 63. License No. G-35305 r Specials for Wednesday, March 12, 1919 MORNING SPECIALS UNTIL NOON Pure Lard, 2 lbs 55c Smoked Skinned Hams, lb 30c Pork Chops, lb 31c Lamb Chops, lb 20c Shoulder Roast Lamb, lb. 20c B. B. or Lincoln Butterine, 2 lbs. .. 53c Sliced Halibut Steaks, lb. 24c Sea Trout, Sea Bass, lb 15c ALL DAY SPECIALS Beef Steaks, any kind, lb 28c Round Shoulder or Rump Beef, lb. 24c Rib or Chuck Roast Beef, lb 22c Pot Roast Fleshy Boiling Beef, lb. 20c Stewing Lamb, lb 15c Pork Neck Ribs, .', Brains ...] Pork Feet 10c Kidneys .jlOc Snouts ~ J Ears J 5 lbs. Sauer Kraut 25c 5 lbs. Sliced Liver ... 25c Liver Pudding, lb. 20c Calf Liver, lb 35c MARKETS in Piprv-Rll PKINTrPAIi CITIFS OF 14 STATKA MAIN OFFICE, ~ PACKING PLANT, CHICAGO, 114* PEORIA, ILL, 1919 Income Tax Blanks are here for your use. Information and assistance free of charge. This It the Last Week for Filing Allison Hill Trust Co. Thirteenth and Market Streets Expert Assistance on Income Tax Returns G. J. Swope Adjuster of Federal Taxes (Formerly connected with the Internal fr j Revenue Department for five years) J/ / whose services have been retained by a number "bf Harrisburg business firms and individuals, has opened an office in this city and is prepared to offer intelligent assistance to corporations, firms and individuals in making up their income tax returns. A thorough knowledge of all the provisions of the new law, and the practices of the department insures to bis clients all the benefits and privileges provided for in the act, many of which are un familiar to the layman. Not of least importance is the 45-day extension of time which may be obtained by proper pro cedure for such firms and individuals as may re quire it. For consultation, make appointment by calling G. J. Swope Dell Teleplione Dltt , Telephone 2*l 43,2 > y , < . A partial list of clients to tvhom those interested are respectfully referred: Bowman & Co., F. P. Ray, Blough Mfg. Co., >r, " t '®* Co ' ) G. W. Reily, D av id E. Tracy. Donaldson Paper Co. Wm. Donaldson. The Telegraph Printing Co. 15 1 Berk—May, 45.00; July, 42.05. Ui 4 Ijird—May, 27.12; July, 28.47. nibs—May, 24.77: July, 23.62. CHARGED WITH IIOOTEFXiGI V<* 1 1 ,©e Frank Moore, Charged wilm ■ furnishing liquor-to soldiers, was wrJ rested last evening hy Patrolsnefla Schaffner and Murnane. • 1
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