14 | Every Day YOuH Find Classified Ads Hat Should lave ¥©ir Penpal Attcatian X^aJM3X3^JJI&Jg3K3I^ 2>eatl)B IIYKIIHAIIT Died, March 10. J 5 ".?!; Lawrence Karl Everhart, used -, Funeral services on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, from his late residence. 616 Woodbine street. Burial ut Mechanicsburg. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. HOOVF.II On March 9. 1919. John W. Hoover, nt Lancaster, Fa., abon Funeraf on Thursday Afternoon, at j 2 o'clock, from the Boas Street t. H. Church, interment Fast llartis burg Cemetery. The. relatives 'V, j friends are invited to ""end With out further notice. iho r . can b. viewed Wednesday evenins. from 7 to 9 o'clock, at Hoover and , Son Funeral Parlors. | KINGI'ORT On March 8. 1919, Mil" ; liam H. KingporC at his la 'e rjsl , dence. 502 Woodbine street, abed t. | years. . _ ! Funeral on Wednesday morning, at, 10 o'clock, from Stone Church, state ( Road, back of Enola. The relatives and friends are invited to _ att<enl without further no 11 ce. •Th ere ma n can be viewed Tuesday evening at tho residence from 7 to .* ocluiK. EVEHHAIIT On March 10 - 1!l1 Lawrence Earl Everhart, aged Funeral on Thursday mornlm It o'clock, frotn his late res <t t.t6 Woodbine street. The rem and friends are invited to a• •without further notice. Intel Mechanicsburg Cemetery. I ItIiIVTOV Mrs. Anna Olewine Rein ton. wife of J. Burton Rrintiin dl. d her "hoim"on Sifort street, 1r o gr'cs" ' Funera" Services Wednesday, after "enct- "the liei'." Mr!" Miller official- , ing. 'Burial Shoop's Church cetne lei y. I.OST AM) FOUND "io'T -- Udy'B Locket, between North street and' 1132 Markct sirec. containing baby hair and Photograptu Very precious to owner. Whetal e . ward if returned to lis. Market, street. ! INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION Gr /|!fh •Shorthand. Typewriting, h n =' , :l^'; Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Aril OPFV etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ; ALL YEAR. Enter my time. Ken _ ' BECK BUSINESS j 121 Market St. Cbas. R. Beckley. 11 la I, P WANTED —MALE STENOGRAPHER Experienced stenographer, familiar with genet al to (ice work. Good opportunity for man who can quality.'Apply by leUcr. -n 111.- age. experience, salary expect ! d.' . tc. American Radiator Company. , i til North Second street. WANTED, AT ONCE Two experi enced popcrhangers. Piece-work, i .vppiy 131 T North Fiftli. j WANTED Young man sixteen or seventeen years old to do clerical work. Chance for advancement. Ap-I ply by letter to Box T, 7412. care of. Telegraph. ' \\" WTKU A good man, between •28 ami 38. for outside work. Bond tiid reference required. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. . W W'TKD lieliable baker, at • iieo. Apply J- K. l'reymeyer. Lliza .. lln own. Pa _________ WANTED Man to work on farm ycai around jpb. Apply R. B._ Hricker, Dauphin, Pa., or Bell phone oR-1.. WANTED An experienced insur ance man to represent an old Llh E. and ACCIDENT Company. One capable of taking charge of debit and ..flice. Address "Manager," 409 Mar ket street. Harrisburg. Pa. MEN Opportunity offered to learn salesmanship without interference with present position. Good positions ..pen for ambitious men. Address Box P. 6628, care of Telegraph. W ANTED First-class auto rne , i rnic for tlrst-class garage in go.od, country tovyn. Good wages to light partv ' References required. Address Box *!., 7409. care of Telegraph. WANTED Men for counter work. Experienced preferred. Apply Rustic Dairy Bunch, 5-7 South Tiiird street. WANTED - Experienced clothing salesman. Apply at once. A. J. Lehr man. 37 <4011411 Front street. Steelton. BOOK-KF.EJ'KR —Single young man, "2 to 26 years old. to be trained in Branch Qfflqe Accounting by Corpora ion operating Branch Houses. Must be well l ecommended and start at Moderate Salary. Reply in own hand writing Address Box U 6626, care i.f Telegraph. WANTED Men tailors for Altera tion Department. Apply at once. Kaufmans 1 ndcrselling Stores. W ANTED Young man, between ages of 15 and 19. who is open for a good, permanent position. Address S.. 7183. care of Telegraph. MEN 18 and over, desiring Gov ernment Clerkships, Railway Mail. Post Oftice. Customs, Internal Reve nue, Census, War Risk, 5100 month, write for free particulars of examina tions. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), Continental Build ing. Washington. PKFMBERS WANTED —Open shop. 75c hour. Apply C. S. Thompson, 2929 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Hi:I.P WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Reliable, middle-aged, white woman, for general housework. In family of three adults. Good wages and pleas ant home. Address BOX Z. 7041. CARE OF TEBEGRAPH. WANTED —Experienced seamstress for ladies' tailoring. Apply 1213 Green street. AVANTED Bady stenographer. Thoroughly competent in stenographic work, spelling and punctuating, also accurate at figures. Reply in personal handwriting, stating age, experience, if any, and wages desired. Address Pox T, 7411. care of Telegraph. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us on Auto Knitters. Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. Department 146. Auto Knitter Co.. 881 Jefferson street. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework. Small family. No washing. References. Inquire 1005 Bridge street. New Cumberland, Pa. / 1 FOR SALE 1920 Market St Three-story brick and atucco house, containing 9 rooma, bath and pantry, hardwood finish. Mod ern throughout. Electric light. Steam heat. Dot 70x110 ft. 15 ft rear drlv® alley. At a fair figure. Miller Brothers & Co. Real Eatate laaaraaea Sarety Baada laeart and C.art Streets Member. Hbg. Real Kalate Hoard - r A TUESDAY EVENING. • HAItRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 11, 1919. ' HELP WANTED —FEMAIJS t WANTED WOMEN TAILORS for Alteration Department for women's coats, skirts and dresses. Permanent positions and good pay. Apply at once. KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORES. WANTED I Broad silk loom fixers. Apply HARRISBURG SIIJC MILL. Second and North Street. j WANTED A good, strong, white woman for day's work. One who thor i oughly understands cleaning. Refer j ences required. Apply ISQ4 State I street. | WANTED Experienced weavers, also learners. Apply Silk Mill, Second ! and North streets. I WANTED Experienced chiam ;>i q. Apply Plaza Hotel. - ED Girl for general house -iiiull family. Very good pay. .23 North Third street, or Bell ■ die 1903. iiil. WANTED —To work in store. , M er week. Give age and i.e. .ess K.. 7404, care of .LUPIL. WANTED Buttonhole maker to work buttonholes by hand. Bring I sample Shearer Co., 204 Market J street HELP WANTED —Male and Female i WANTED Artist to retouch | photographs and make wash draw ings of furniture. Federal Equipment j j Co., Carlisle, Pa. | SALESMEN W ANTED I | . WE want an ex-County or City Of- I fielal a Bank Employe a School Principal a man of this type in short, a man of integrity and largo j acquaintance in Harrisburg to repre -1 sent a financial house handling only , J highest grade securities. A man pos sessing these qualities is assured suc -1 cess and permanent, satisfactory com i nonaction. Your communication will !be treated as confidential, if you so ! desire. Address 1!., 408 Finance Bldg, i Philadelphia. j SITUATIONS W ANTED—MALE j WANTED Man wants general! housework, dishwasher, waiter; can! I drive car. Apply 151 Ridge street,) I steelton. WANTED • Colored man wants' i position as porter; good city ret-1 ' erenec. Call, or address, 638 Briggs i : street. . : : 1 j WANTED Young man, 21, wishes! (position at anything; high school! i education: willing, reliable. Address) >S. P., 311 Walnut street. WANTED Position us Garage! Mechanic, by a man experienced in ' (these lines. Fred Bryan, 446 South I I Thirteenth street. City, | WANTED Man wishes position! as butcher or chauffeur; can furnish! reference. Apply 740 South Second ! street, Steelton. SITUATION'S WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Position as steno-j grapher by young woman, who has iwo years' experience in general of-1 tier work. Address A. care of 'Telegraph. t i WANTED Fancy washing and' i ironing to do at home. Inquire 316) | Harris street, or Dial phone 6028. i WOMAN wants day's work. House- j j cleaning, etc. Call Dial 5839. : i WANTED Young woman wishes i position as housekeeper in refined, Ismail lamily; wages, 57 per week, i | Address Box P. 7509, care of Tele-j | graph. j II WANTED —An experienced steno-! ; I grapher desires work for afternoons) ,! only Special work can be taken i home. Address. Box T, 7406, care of ; Telegraph. , | . ROOMS I OK RENT | ' BARGE, furnished room, Suitable! for two women: steam and electric : - light. Address Box U 7413. care of • J Telegraph. i FOR RENT - Two furnished rooms, ",for light housekeeping; all conveui r; ences, with gas range; centrally lo "icated in business section. Address Box ■ 11* 7414. care of Telegraph. • j FOR T'.BNT Elegantly ftirnish i! Ed rooms, with private family; no light housekeeping; references. Bell F phono 624, Dial 4957. - j FOR RENT Two nicely fumisli -!ed rooms, for light housekeeping. Ap- I ply 26 South Eighteenth street. • J FOR RENT Two unfurnished • rooms, for light housekeeping; all I conveniences. Inquire 631 Harris • l street. i I 1 j FOR RENT Three unfurnished • rooms for light housekeeping, with iictined family; two people preferred; "•no children. 1616 North street. FOR RENT Two furnished, sec ond Iloor rooms for light liousckcep ■ ing. Adults only. All conveniences, j Inquire 923 North Second street. NO. 1 SOUTH FRONT ST.. STEEL TON, PA. Three unfurnished front • rooms for rent. Bell phone 218 Y. ' FOR RENT Barge, well-furnish ed rooms. Inquire 113 Bocust street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, -i 12.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light i, housekeeping and private hath. Wtl f son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. APARTMENTS FOR RENT • FOR RENT 132 Walnut street. J two rear apartments, two rooms and hath, electric lights and steam heat. Possession April B Apply Common -7 wealth Trust Company. J WANTED TO RENT } I 1 WILL pay $2O to the person that j will rent me a house with modern im provements. 11111 preferred. Apply „ 1560 Vernon street. n ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . - ______ 1 CAMP HILL 214-story brick dwell ing. 8 rooms and bath, hot air heat ~ nice, large front porch, facing south' " or. lot 50x150 feet. Chlckenhouse and '• garage in rear. A number of fruit ? trees in tearing. Adjoining lot same *• size. Logan street. Just west of Bow man avenue. Inquire on premises, or phone 3180-R Bell. V A. E. STRODE. FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna stredt. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Dorans, 1225 North Sixth. _ FOR SALE 3-story brick house or. Hill; 8 rooms, porch, steam heat' side entrance; Immediate possession! Call Dial phone 5081. FOR RALE 111 Boas street, 3- story brick dwelling, with porch front, 8 rooms and bath, electric light and gas. Good location. Inquire 107 Boas street. 1640-1642 MARKET STREET Brick 8 rooms and bath, all im provements, drive alley in rear. Pos session April 1. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. , | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! C. U. CORDER, REAL ESTATE, RENTS, ETC. BUILDING LOTS AT BELLEVUK for sale or exchange on city property. Fine location. These lots are extra large and an ideal spot to build a line home on. „ j Several fine suburban homes with I' to 1 acre land. These homes are . I cottage style, with all improvements.) j fruit, etc. Terms easy. at I I'axtnng. Penbrook, progress, New ! Cumberland, (.'amp Hill, Oyster's • Point, Washington Heights and Enola. | Vacant, on Hill, 2-story brick, all improvements, front and rear porches, ; ouilt four years. 6 rooms and bath, side entrance, nice yard to drive alley. Ten minutes' walk to station. 5500 down, balance as rent. Will take Ford cat as first payment. Vacant April 1, 2-story brick, ail improvements, 6 rooms and bath, porches, on Hill (corner); built 5 years. 5500 down, balance as rent. Will take Ford ear as first payment.; Vacant April 1, 2-story brick, on Hill. 5100 down, balance as rent. 7 rooms and bath. Vacant April 1, on Hill, Market street. 3-story brick, 9 rooms and both, all improvements, electric and gas, fron,t porch. Good repair. Terms right. 1 Several fine 3-story brick houses on Hill. Room for garage, drive al ley. porches, steain heat, electric and gas. Several 3-story brick houses up town. Steam heat, front porch, side entrance. Small amount down. Vacant Livery Stable at New Cum j beriand. Fine location for garage. I Small amount down. Will take auto. j lu-ruom frame house at New Cum berland. Steam heat, electric and gas, porches. Will take car in exchange. 2'4-story frame, on Hill (single), coiner house, slate roof, furnace, open stairs, 6 rooms and attic; room for gaiage. 5500 down. Pay as rent. Will consider Auto or I.iberty Bonds on any of the above properties ipentloned. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. i I Rents Collected. Loans, etc. POSSESSION SOON. Reduced $3OO. ! NOl 630 Muench street, is as line a constructed dwelling as you will find i in West End, and is a RARE BAR- • ;GAIN; 3-story brick, 8 rooms and I 1 bath, handsome slate sink and slate | base around new kitchen range. 1 About 51.000 cash needed. Rental in- ! j come 525.00. No. 425 Hamilton can be bought for i | a little less than 53500. A handsome ! > home in a fine residential section, in line shape. Owner is sacrificing on ] 1 account of leaving city I No. 602 North Seventeenth street, j I is in the Hill's exclusive residential j ! section. A little north of State j | street. Price is right. I No. 1630 North Sixth, Is a fine In- j vestment. Storeroom and apartmenl. 1 | Rental income 560. Price 55000. Va- j j cant soon. No. 1331 North Second street. A I 3-story brick property in line shape, 1 • around the 52500 mark. BACKENSTOSS BROS. Russ Building J Member Hbg. Real Estate Board, j FOR SALE ! 2513 N. Sixth St.. 3-story brick. • 517-16 Emerald St.. 3-story brick. PROGRESS 10 lots. 225x135 ft. Bargain to quick ! purchaser. H. M. BIRD. ,' Union Trust Bldg. FOR SALE 12052 Susquehanna, a brick, 8 rooms, .(bath, hot air, gas, porches, 52,800.1 I Possession April 1. j 2207 Ixigan, brick. S rooms, bath. ' ! ! hot air, gas, porches. 52.500. Posses-' ;! sion April 1. ' I D. A. OAT.EY, 707 Kunkel. BeU 589. • i ; FOR SALE A modern, three-story i apartment house, in desirable location ' | uptown. Good investment. Owner leaving city. Address S., 6611, care (! of Telegraph. j FOR SALE House on North Fif teenth street, 9 robms, all improve ment. gas and electric combination fixtures, front porch. 23 ft. front by! 91 ft. Price, 53,500. No. 1633 1 p Market street. ! I 54000 WILL BUY a single house, ! i' with all improvements,, on Bowman' avenue. Camp Hill. 51000 in cash I I Balance can remain in mortgage. ln ' I quire J. K. Klpp. ; FOR SALE Paxtang, Pa.. 3616 Brisbane street, fine suburban, 7-room 1 brick house. Steam heat, electric and • gas. front and rear porches, lot, 30x I ■ 120. rear drive. Can be occupied nt! •! once. Call Bell 12M. F | ■ ! BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty 1! Bond first payment required, balance las rent. W© have houses in every ■ part of the city and suburbs. Apply - A. p. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Five-room-and-attic • frame house, water in house. Rents . for 58.00 per month. Will bring t 59 00. Price. 5800.00 cash to quick • buyer. Inquire 212 Crescent street. ■ 1837 FULTON STREET S rooms and bath, is vacant and can bethought . on easy terms. Price, $1,750. H. G. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street. 1 SWATARA ST.. 1522 For sale, i three-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all other improvements; side en - trance; price very reasonable. BeIV Realty Co., Bergner Building. , SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Brick construction; „ all modern improvements, including steam heat; price, $3,400. Bell Realty . Co.. Beigner Building. PARK ST.. 1832 For sale, 3-story ' brlrk, all modern improvements; lot, 17x110 to drive alley. Bell Realty Co., - Bergner Building. ! NINETEENTH ST., N., 28 Single 1 brick dwelling for sale; fourteen t rooms and bath, gas, electric light, 2 steam heat; lot, 78x82. Bell Realty - Co., Bergner Building. r FORSTER ST., 1927-1929 $3,000 will purchase two frame houses, brick - and frame construction, gas. electric ) light. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Butld - infß PENBROOK $2,500 will purchase 1 a Penbrook house with seven rooms; 1, lot. 30x200, with garage and ehlckeh ., house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner 1. Building. PENN ST., 2316 Vacant house for - sale; lirlck construction, six rooms :, and bath, steam heat, gas and electric d light, concrete front porch, side en -7 trance. Price, $3,400. Easy terms. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Sixteentd and Boas - streets brick houße. 9 rooms and bath - all modern improvements, nice yard, h drive alley. Fine location. Call Bell phone 2912. rTHE LOGICAL BUYEk FOR S i YOUR PROPERTY is thtf man to ||j whom it would be worth most be- KsJ j cause of its location and character, lie j^j; 1 KYtj is the man who is more eager to buy it ppS j 'raw —when he'finds out about it—than ' pga Hw you are to sell it. Yes there IS * Is?! j H| SUCH A MAN. He is not always |y j jjjj easy to find, but he is worth finding. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT'S REAL ESTATE,-' SEE SANDER LIN. POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ON OR ABOUT APRIL 1. PICK OUT YOUR HOME NOW AND DON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING AURIL 1. WICONISCO ST.. 623 to 631 Five houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements, front porch, driveway in rear, newly painted and 1 fixed up in first-class shape; it will ! pay you to look at these houses be fore buying. MAIIANTONGO ST.. 616 and 620 Three houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements; right price to quick buyer. SIXTH ST., 2631-2633 Three story brick, eight rooms and bath, I gas and electric lights, front porch, jail improvements; only two left. i SCHUYLKILL ST.. 618 to 62S Six houses. 3-story, buff brick fronts, all modern improvements; these are ex ceptionally nice looking homes; you can't make a mistake if you select one of these homes. SIXTEENTH ST., S., 542—Two-story ! brick, six rooms and bath, all im iprovements, front porch, cement cel lar. nice rear entrance; a very nice 'neighborhood; the last one of twenty. i DERRY ST. AND TWENTY-SEV : p;xTH Three-story brick, will be 'completed about April 1; hardwood I floors, steam heat, gas and electric ! light, cemented cellar, everything j that is nice in a home. IF ANY OF TIIE ABOVE Properties DO NOT APPEAL TO ! YOU, COME IN AND SELECT I YOUR LOT. PICK OUT THE i STYLE HOUSE YOU WANT AND ' AVE WILL BUILD IT FOR YOU WITH A SMALT. AMOUNT OF ! MONEY; BALANCE SAME AS I RENT. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Rcont 1, Security Trust Bldg., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. j BELL 1300. DIAL 3573. I ' ~™ ~~ i FOR SALE On Walnut street, I'amp Hill. 2 , j-stor.v frame dwelling, 7 rooms and bath, lot, 70x200, 25 bear -1 ing fruit trees. Possession can be had j on very short notice. , I For Sale One acre of ground im ] proved by a new 6-room bungalow, j now vacant, located close to Rock jville car line. This plot is elegantly • located, is close to the city and of (fered at the attractive price of j 52,600.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. ! FOP. SALE Six-room-and-attic ' frame house, water and gas. Rents ! for 55.00 per month. Will bring 1 $lO.OO. Price. $OOO.OO casli to quick i buver. Inquire 212 Crescent street. I ' FOR SALE Berryhlll St., No. 1415 —B-room brick house, with all im ' provements. Drive alley in rear. I Price. $3,300. Easy terms. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Three 3-story frame houses, eight rooms, paved street, $2,100 each. Two brick seml-bunga .lows, 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantry, porches, $3,100 each. Two bricks, aili improvements, $5,100 both. . Also in dustrial plant, fine water power. Bell j 1334 J. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MILLER BROTHERS & CO., Locust and Court Sts. FOR RENT ! No. 203 N. Third St. 3-story brick,; 13 rooms and bath. Rents for $lOO 1 j per month. MISCELLANEOUS Stable —No. 231 Blackberry Avenue. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME— "HII.LCREST" —FOR RENT Large, country house, one block fiom trolley, all Improvements. Hot! and cold water, steam heat, gas, elec ! trie light, sun parlor, extensive ! grounds, tennis court, garage. Terms reafloi-fible. Immediate possession. ' Call Bell phono 3139R-1, or address Baron Bestecki, P. O. Box 94, New , Cumberland. Pa. OWNER will rent to small family, without children, furnished home on ■ North Second street. Eight largo rooms. In good repair and well fur i nished. Prefer reserve top iloor. two I rooms, for storage personal goods. Rent sixty or fifty dollars per month. Address 0., 6827. care of Telegraph , Office. ; FOR RENT No. 327 Ni Hanover ; street; brick, eight rooms, steain ' heat, cooking range, gas, elfictric light, new paper, all modern improve • ments, side and rear yard. $27.50 per ' month. Mrs. E. A. Parker, 315 North . Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. FOR RENT 5-roomed house and • suihmer kitchen, suitable for colored s people. Kent. $12.00 per month. in i quire A. Barisch, 730 South Fourth . street. Steelton. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED, TO RENT By returned • naval aviator, a house in desirable . locality, with modern Improvements preferred, city or suburban. Posscs . gion wanted April 15 or sooner. Ad . dress H.. 7405, care of Telegraph. j REAL ESTATE WANTED We have some ready purchasers for . Improved Real Estate. Let ua know . what you ha>Tß to offer. ! 8 LINCOLN REALTY CO. ; 1129 North Seventh Street. WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appii i cations at this time, for furnlhsed bouses, apartments and rooms. What ' do you have to otter? Address Ull i ler Brothers A Company, Locust aad | Court straaU. , ' \ REAL ESTATE WANTED READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY. - WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. WANTED, TO RENT One single garage, located near Fourth and Hefl'er streets. Call 1176J Bell phdne. D. A. Lehman. Oflices and storerooms For Rent FOR RENT Second and third floors over Claster's Jewelry Store, now occupied by ICellberg's Studio. Has been occupied as a photo graphic studio for over tea years. Apply CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE, j 302 Market Street. | j MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store, 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER 1002 North Third Street 260 HAMILTON STREET—Suitable for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar ■ store. Chas. Ad ler, IUU2 N. Third St. ! FOR RENT Large storeroom and! house combined .in Lewlsberry. York! county. Pa. Apply at Post Office, Lewlsberry. FARMS FARMS, SMALL AND LARGE, ON i EASY TERMS | 1 acre, five-room house, with cellar, $750.00. j 1 acre, 8-room house, 1 car fare,! $1,500.00. 10 acres, "-room house, good buildings! - and fine land, $2,100.00. 15 acres, 9-room house, good buildings and fine land, $1,600.00. 16 acres, 8-room house, good buildings and fine land, $2,000.00. 30 and 53 acres, near city. 18 acres, hay and straw, $2,750.00. 75 acres, 15 acres timber, $3,000.00. 105 acres. best cultivated ground, $4,400.00. Call at 107 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE COMING BACK THREE OR FOUR TIMES, j SAY THAT LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL is so satisfactory that no other COAL gives the same SATISFACTION. Order 1,000 lbs. to-day, $4.70. Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY. NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. FOR SALE 1 diningroom suite (Early English Mission). 1 three-burner oil stove. L small refrigerator. 2 parlor stands. Several good chairs. 1 bureau. 1 washstand. Call 2323 N*. Fourth St., City. i — I j TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ; 1 CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. I BOTH PHONES. — , BARGAINS! BARGAINS! I The Store across from Y. W. C. A. ! I offers you the Biggest and Best Bar- I I gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- I coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fain ous for Low Prices. Give us a trlaL OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. $3 North Fourth Street. FOR BALE Dark oak, hand-carv ed china closet and buffet to match;, i also diningroom table and chairs. In quire 107 Boas street. FOR SALE A parlor suite, re frigerator, organ; also a few other household goods. Apply 2306 Jeffer son. FOR SALE Sewing machines three very good used Drop-head ma chines. Cheap. Call 1308 Vernon street. City. TWO fine Blenheim Spaniel Puppies left; 8 weeks old; pedigreed. Male, $25.00; female, $20.00. 312 Hummel street. FOR SALE A Revelation oil burning china firing kiln, including stock; also a double folding-bed. Roth In good condition. .Can be seen any evening, 7 to 9 o'clock, at 2122 Green street. FOR SALE Rufus Red Belgian Hares. Fine stock. Heavyweight type. Excellent color and condition. Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich, 417 South Seventeenth street.. 3 EIGHT-FOOT FLOOR SHOW CASES FOR SALE. Apply SUPT., BOWMAN & CO. , FOR SALE Reversible reed baby carriage. In good condition. Call evenir.gr after 5 o'clock, at 110 South street. FOR SALE —One roll-top typewrit • ing desk, solid quartered oak. will sell at a great bargain. Apply Q. w. Ream. 1312 Susquehanna street. CIGARS From Factory at $1 $1.25 to $1.50 per box of 50, postpaid or trial box of each for $3.26. W. F.I SaeU, Red Lion, Pa. '<)R SALE—MISCELLANEODS I FOR SALIC Oak bedroom suite, I ! largo Bs range, 2 porch swings (onoj' very lurge), 50 ft, garden hose, sev-j ■ I oral pedestals, >,'• c trie heater, wall ■ machine for ex.., ■ i.slng. Call 2116 1 North Third street ■. A. M. to 4 P. M. | gTIEFF BABY -t.It AMI PIANO FOB SALE In perfeet ronditlon. Or will' exchange for automobile of equal value. Address Box 387. Lemoyne i Pa. | I FOR SALE Delivery wagon and I sleigh, boxes, barrels, baskets, crates 'paper curtons, waste paper, bir-ian- I bags. etc. B. B. Drum, lsul North i I Sixth. 1 FOR SALE Wood for kindling ! 1 for range or furnace, pine or oak ' I slabs or billets. Pleased customers ni l | all parts of city. Bell phone 1U55A1. ! ) MORRIS SAYS save money buying | ! new and second-hand furniture here. ' I High prices paid for furniture. Alorrls ! I Sehtnertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 K j A COAL DIGGING OUTFIT Used two months, consisting of a six-inch i Morris suction pump, direct connected (engine, 40 ft. cleaning trough, pushor Iboat and four flats. Good as new. Price, $3,500.00. Melvin G. Fahrlnger, 800 North Fourth street, Sunbury, Pa. | WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS j HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID for ! Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- I tentlon. Newmark At Cowu | street. Dial phono 42SG. Bell 4705 U. WANTED Small house dog. State prico I and particulars. Address BOX E 66211, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. WANTED 2 gas ranges, 2 bath' tubs, 2 washstands, 2 water closets, ! 2 one-way laundry tubs. Address Box ; L, 7410, care of Telegraph. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold Highest cash pi ices paid. Call Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max i Smoltz 1016 Market street. Will call i city or country. Li COHEN & COMPANY, York aud i I Ath avenues. Highest prices paid for I I rags, paper, iron, barrets, . übber uml ; metal and old machines. Stud postui ; j or call 3221W Bell aud Dial 6225. j HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all; i kinds of empty barrels und junk. Call | ; Bell phone 4276. B. Abrams & Son, . ( 824-832 North Seventh street BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j PACKING Experienced packers of Fur niture, China and Bric-a-brac. j A. H. SIIEXK 1906 Nortli Sixtli St. Bell Phono 399 W. CAPABLE BUSINESS MAN has $5OO I to invest with services. Correspond-' enee invited. Address Box T, 6622, care of Telegraph. 1 WILL BUY' stationery, cigar, pool, j soda, confectionery or small office i business. All particulars first letter.; INo agents. Address Box L, 6621, care I of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSON Al2s OXY'-ACETYLENE WELDING —' Any metal welded. Work gnaran- j teed. Carbon removed by oxygen.! Capital City Welding Co., 1538 Logan ; street. Bell 4396 J. FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES— | I Bought and sold. S. Gold, IUI4 Mar- I j ket. Bell 4085 J. I ONININE —Look out lor that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this I changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE i PHOSPHO-QULNTNE will stave it ofT I llf taken in time. Cross Drug Store, j ■| IX9 Market street. i j CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Rs- ! 1 tlmates, Jobbing. First-class work. I j h W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street! | Bell 4420. | A. LANE New and second-hand furniture, bought and sold. Highest prices paid. j 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. ( INVENTORS 'FINANCED Patents! Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought, j wold Exchanged. Cash or commission. I Simon liorst, LingKstown. Pq. UPHOLSTERING Of the best! 'kind Work guaranteed. We call and i deliver 398 Broad street. Dial phone' 1. 1826. Bell phono 470SR. j j" RAZOR BIjADES SHARPENED - j Single edge. 2i-c do/..; double edge, 35c; | dost; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store, j | FURNITURE CRATED—And china, nacked for shipping. Also repairing. , ; J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street ! ' DIAMONDS bought for cash —P. H. i | Caplar. Co.. 906 Market street. | FINANCIAL 1 ——■— I Put Your Earnings in HIGH GRADE Storks or Bonds, information on j c;\fp and sound INVESTMENTS VAFIR, BRAI N & GKNTZLER CO., I Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh. I'a. Milwaukee —Chicago—Buffalo. MONEY TO LOAN i we BEND MONEY In compliance | Act of June 17. 1915, to indivtdu ' als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively owest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 192 Walnut Street. MONEY If vou are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, 1 ROOM 206 BEItGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. I LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. i MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES 'land other necessities. If you are sub- Meet to tax and without funds and II bank credit, our money service muy I Interest you. Cost reasonable. Pay ments arranged to suit your Income. i CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST - t MENT CO., , 204 Chestnut St. MUSICAL SALE Upright piano. Cheap for cash. Must sell on account of moving. Address Box L, 7408, care of Telegraph. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. 1 BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru -1 menta promptly and carefully repair ed, OVLKR'S. 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and I certfully repaired by an expert only ■ OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls - of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a qutck buyer. Spangler Music House, 2X12 North Sixth street. a ItiWi I ROOFING' AND SPOUTING | I YOUR HOOK WILL UK KIOHT AND | | WATKKTIOHT, IK PAINTED BY I [ AUCTIONKHU IIITK. UKI.L IS7SJ. HAULING ANI> MOVING ! aUTO HAULING Lucal or lons I i distance. Furnltuie and piano moving ] a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. | j AUTO HAULING Anything, any-; i w here. Furniture moving. 15. S. Os- i man, 717 South Nineteenth street. Bel! | i 1591 W. I KICKS Local and long-distance! i hauling and storage. 421 Kelly. Both I | phones. i \ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCK i i HAULING Furniture moving.: 'prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 656! ICalder street. Both phoues. Bell! j 3636-J. Dial 3683. I I KOK HlltE — Two-ton uuto truck ! Apply 110; South Ninth street Bell j phone 2455 R. ! HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped I for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distanco too far. Careful ' driver. Hain and dustproof body. J I E Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin ' Aungst. manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell i phone 15146. i ; : AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local l land long distance. F. J. Matter, Belli I 39-J, Steeßon. j AUTO HAULING Local and long : distance. Furniture moving a tpe j rialtv Rates reasonable. Prompt | gervlee. Call Beii 623-J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST I EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby (.Owns with auto trucks. Only experienced 'and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. | or Dial 2265. i ALL KINDS OF HAULING! AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELICER ST. j BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. ; ——_ i STORAGE i STORAGE —419 Broad street, house-: i hold goods, merchandise. Private | I rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- i ling of ail kinds. D. Cooper & Co.! I Both phones. j I STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean. ! private rooms. Reasonable rates, p. ! G. Dicner, 408 Market street. I STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in tireproof vvare- I house. $3 per month and up. Lower i storage rates in non-tireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- ir> South Second street. i WHERE TO DINE | ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. ! : - | STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home • J cooking served to Businessmen and ' j Ladies in separate dining rooms. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. PACK LE R~ FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. ! BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, ' Funeral' Director and Kmbalraer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. ; CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE I PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street : east of Twenty-sixth, and on the I north' and east faces the new parlt ' way. The prices of lots are moder j ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. j CLEANERS AND DYERS I IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. I 1 Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best i place in town. Call and deliver. Goodman's, l-iHB4 North Sixth. Both! ; Phone*. AUTOMOBILE"" ■ OVERLAND "SPRING SALEV OF USED CARS. Although our stock has been rapidly depleted, we have recently traded in scv- I oral additional cars. They have been put in good me chufilcal condition and some I have been repainted. | All are offered at prices that will move them quickly. Bnick Roadster, all tires, lop and upholstery good. Very : fair mechanical condition. A serviceable car. Sale Price $295. \ Overland 5-passenger Tour • Ing. overhauled and relinlshed ] like new. Complete with elec ! trie lights and starter. Sale Price $195. I / , Ciaw-Elkhart 5-passenger Toning. Tires good. In very fair condition. Sale Price . $350. Maxwell Touring, late model 5-passcnfjer. Special top with glass windows in rear curtain. A splendid value. Willys-Knight. 5-passenger | Touring. Special first grade Pantasote top with glass, win- - down In rear curtain. This ear is mechanically line. Is re linlshed and looks like new. Almost new Cord tires all nreund. We cannot recom mend it too highly. ACT NOW. Place your order witli a small deposit and we will hold yopr car for April delivery, if you wish. Convenient Time Payments. | Open Evenings Until Nine. THE OVKRLAND-H AI tItTSBU RO CO.. 212-214 North Second Street; Both Phones. r FOR SALE I FOR SALE Ford Truck, Bulck Touring Car. 1917; 1917 Velle: also ■ 1918 Oakland Touring Car. Rex Gar , age & Supply Co.. 1917 North Third ■ street. FOR SALE Overland 1918 Coun ■ try Club, wire wheels and extras, II $750. A real bargain. Run 2,700 ' miles. Don't miss this. Ray Dear dortr. Camp Hill Garage. i FOR SALE Cadillac Touring Car : body, in ilrat-class condition. Must : be sold at once. Very reasonable. Ap- I ply Philadelphia Auto Co., 1826 Wood avenue. AUTOMOBILES j U YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS 184 and 2-ton Garford*. chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. / I>4-IH-2'A and 2 84-ton Bethleheins, with or without : bodies. Light delivery wagons. In cluding Buleks. Overland! and Vims. I THE OVERLAND-HARRTSBURO C Open Evenings, 1 212-214 North Second St. Both Pbon WE DO GENERAL REPAIRING EXPERT MECHANICS M BRENNER & SONS MOTOR C. CO.. Third ai;d Hamilton AUTOS FOR HIRE) CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure et all hours. I BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. 1 OLD AUTOS i Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtime lln any condition. See me before si I nliclng elsewhere. Chelsea Ai Wrecking. A Schiftman. 22, 24, North Cameron street. Bell 3633. ! 1917 FORD CARS Tour! $385.00. ! Harley-Davidson Twin, with sl< car. $250.00. Get acquainted with me. Si ! money on any used machine want I Simon llorat, l.lngiestuwn. Pa. WM. PENN GARAGE I 304-6 Muench street. Limousines 1 funeral parties and balls; care | drivers; open day and night B 4664. KEYfcTONE AUTO TOP CO —All sorts of auto top and cush work done by experts; also rep work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 Sot Cameron street. FOR SALE 1918 Ford Sed I practically a new car, with demou able rims. The car is furnished w olio extra tiro and rim. Apply 2 INorth Sixth street i WANTED All Kinds of used at ; tires. Wo pay highest cash prt< INo Junk. H. Esterbrook. 812 No j Third street. Dial 4930. i CAR FOR SALE Must be sold I once. First $125. New tires. In j condition. Can be seen at Fede ; Garage. i i FOR SALE Two 1917 Ford To ing. one 1916 Ford Roadster, one 1 5-passenger Oldsmobile, one l Studebaker. Highest cash prices p for used cars. Hast End Garage, 1 Humor.. Bell 315 J. | IF YOU WANT TO KNOW \ why the Rayfleld is the best car burglar' for any car, and how 1 save you money, drive arouni Mo-norrow and we will tell yoi all about it I-'EDERICK'S GARAGE, 1 1807-09 North Seventh St. General Auto Repair Shop. FOR SALE —• 1916 Model Oidsn I bile Eight Touring; 4 tires practica new; 2 extra tires; newly painted; line condition; bargain. K. I liushcar, Millf ln rg, Pa. i FOR SALE Ilollicr 8-cylinc Inuring car. Good as new. If int I ested, inquire H. M. llartz, Palmy Pa. ONE Hudson Touring Car. a r bargain. ONE Jackson. 4-cylindcr, overhi valve touring car; with new Eism i magneto and coil and new Weber c j burctor; at a bargain. INQUIRE C. A. FAIR, ; CARRIAGE AND AUTO WORKS 1139 MULBERRY ST., HARRISBURG. PA. FEDERAL GARAGE Automobile Repairing. No Job too small. Let us do your work. Ford Specialty. Both Phones. FEDERAL GARAGE, Court and Cranberry Streets. i FOR SALE 1919 Seven-passeni I Reo completely equipped. Run oi 1700 miles. Owner having died, ( offered at reasonable price. Addr Eox L, 6619, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Overland Model 5-cassenger touring car. In good rt ntng condition. A bargain. $285. ] quire Beaver's Garage, 632 Noi street. MICHIGAN 40 Touring Car, In < cellent shape. Will be sold at abi vain. This ear is electrically equ Sed 1918 Buick Roadster. in -babe: cannot be told from new. 1! Ford Touring Car, extra tire, $3 Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co„ 22 Noith Cameron street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS A! PLEASURE CARS FOR SALE—F t ton trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-1 Republic truck. 4-passenger Mltcn Club roadster, 7-passenger Hayt touring car. International Harves Companj of America, Truck Depa mcnt. 619 Walnut street. FOR SALE 1917 Reo 6-passeng Apply Sible's Garage, 301 Cumbi land street. City. | GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIR? DKEADNAUGHT 6.000-MILE TIR 30x3 Ribbed Tread 913.81 Z Z JJ-ll 32x3 Vs „ „ 20.6; 21x4 „ „ 22x4 " - 22x4 m - 21?' 24x4 " !J- 4 85x4 84 r. Z ?5-? : 26x4 84 4 0.5: 20x3 Vacuum Tread 16.5: 30x384 Z Z If-* 1 32 X 3 84 " Z 22.4; 21x4 Z Z 2f* 82x4 - " *5-1; i 22x4 Z - !?•!' ' 34X4 " " ai-8: I 36x484 Z 42 ' 4 ! j 36x 484 44 ° DAYTON CYCLE CO., * 912 N. Tblrd St. Dial 4990 ) r Additional Classified Adi on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers