2 EXVS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS jJfITER TRAVELS THREES MONTHS Sister's Christmas Gift Mailed in Texas Follows Soldier All Over the Country ('•lnmbla. Pa.. March 10.—A letter nailed at Ranger, Texas. December S, 191S, by his aister. containing a Bum of money intended as a Christ maa gift, was received by Emerson W. Kane, in Colombia, yesterday, af ter having traveled all over the country for three months. Mr. Kane was a sergeant in the Two Hundred and Eighth Aero Squadron of the United States Army, and was sta tioned at Brindley Field. I* 1., when the letter was mailed. On the 19th of December, Sergeant Kane was dis charged from the service and came to Columbia. Later he accepted a .position at Harrisburg. but retained his temporary residence here. The I letter reached Brindley Fie' alter he had left and from the.-' it was sent to nearly every air service sta tion in the country, going as far as California. In the meantime Mr. Kane s sister had written about the letter and stated that she was tracing it from her office. He did the same from his : post office, and after three months of shifting from one place to the other, the letter came to Columbia and was delivered to him yesterday. It was so much marked np that his address was scarcely discernible, but j when he opened it the money was. there, and he at once notified his I sister that her Christmas gift had J been received. Memorial Service Held For Private Hartman, Who Gave Life For Comrade For sacrificing his life to save a J comrade. Private Allen Stewart Hart-j man was eulogized in special mem orial services held in Second Reform-) ed church last night. Letters were | read from his comrades in ranks and j high tribute was given him for his' splendid bravery. Private Hartman j was the son of the Rev. and Mrs. J. j Stewart Hartman, the former being! at one time pastor of the Second Re- j formed church. The Rev. Alfred) Nevin Sayres, pastor, was in charge; of the services. Private Hartman fell mortally) wounded, in action October 14, of: last year at Nantillois. France. He died the same day at Bethincourt. He lies in the American cemetery at that place which is by tlie Meuse. His captain writes that "Private! Alien Stewart Hartman was wounded) by a shell fragment at Xantillois, October 14. 1918. He was helping to) carry a wounded man to a lirst aid station when a shell burst and wounded Allen, a bugler, and the man who was wounded before. Priv ate Hartman was a cool hand under fire and I might say that he had been hit on the bridge of the no3e by a small fragment a few minutes before he volunteered to help carry back a wounded man. He was so badly hurt that he was left at Beth incourt." Private Hartman went out with the first unit of drafted men. thirty five in number, April 30, 19IS. He arrived in Camp Lee, Petersburg, Vo., May 1. He was placed in head quarters company, 314 th Field Artil lery. and celebrated his 23th birth day May 17. by receiving his over seas equipment. Private Hartman was a member of Second Reformed church. Phoenix Lodge No. 59, and the Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias. Stale Capitol Lodge No. 70. and Daupliin Encampment No. 10, I. O. O. F. While at camp he was elected a member of Salem Lodge No. IJ6, F. and A. M., but his regiments prompt sailing for France, gave him no op portunity to receive his Masonic de grees. PLANING MILL CLOSED • liiimber*burg, Pa., March 10. Work at the Hollinger Planing Mill here came to a stop on Saturday, when the engineer at the plant was ordered to "draw fire." The finishing department of the plant will remain open a few days yet. giving employ ment to several men. but after that the entire plant, with the exception of the lumber yard operated in con nection with tlie mill will be closed. RUIZ GOES TO LONDON Mexico City, March 10.—Establish ment of closer diplomatic relations with England by Mexico is sedn in the appointment of Rafael Ruiz as second secretary of the Mexican le gation at London. § 1 I 1 j rr\c*jiih|u4l, j you can \BgS&w say about Post i toasties over common com flakes A G%sp SubstantialFbod MONDAY EVENING, Cumberland Valley News WAR SERVICE WORK PLANNED j Flags to Be Marked and Re turning Soldiers Will Reg ister Their Records Cliaiiiberslwrg, Pa., March 10.— i Plans forx future undertakings in | Chambersburg were discussed by the i local committee of the War Camp Community Service at a meeting yes terday afternoon, when the Rev. Jo seph L. Garvin, a representative from headquarters of the War Camp Community Service, was present and offered suggestions. Among the things to be undertaken are: Public exercises for the demobilization of service flags, community sings, reg istration of discharged soldiers, two enlistments each week at the local soldiers' canteen and a recreational institute. Representatives from the factories, shops, churches, lodges and other organizations of town will be invited to attend the next meet ing of the committed on Sunday af ternoon, March 23, to plan for the service flag demobilization exercises and the recreational institute. At the service for service flag de mobilization every factory, office, shop, church and lodge of town will be invited to bring their service flags to the service and place a silver bar over the star of each soldier who has already been discharged. This ser vice will have an appropriate pro gram and addresses. Once a month after that the ser vice flags will be taken down and silver bars placed for those who re turned from service during the month. The registration of dis charged soldiers will be conducted by the committee with a booth in Memorial Square. Every discharged soldier will be asked as register, giv ing his name, period of service, or ganization and information concern ing his membership in churches and lodges, etc., and his employment. Af ter this registration each soldier registered will be sent a personal invitation to make the soldiers' can teen his clubhouse and with the in vitation will he sent a card entitl ing the soldier to admission to the canteen at any time. Soldier Surprises Folks by Coming Into Housej Mex-lianiesburg, Pa.. March 10. — After almost one year's absence, do ing duty for the United States on the battlefields of France. Howard S. Bittinger surprised his home folks when he walked in the house on Fri day evening. Trained at Camp Han cock, he went overseas as a mem ber of the famous 2Sth Division, 112 th Infantry. While in action he was gassed and after being taken to the hospital was blind from the effects for twelve days. His sight gradually returned but his eyes wers bandaged for three months. He re turned to America with a casualty company and was mustered out of the service at Camp Dix. N. J. Pri vate Bittinger is a son of Jacob S. Bittinger, South Market street. Play For Benefit of the Christian Endeavor Society Mcolionicsburg, Pa., March 10.— "When the Boys Come Home" was the subject of a two-scene playlet which was presented by members of the Christian Endeavor Societv of the Church of God on Friday even ing, under the direction of Mrs. Wil [bur Forney, assisted by Miss Ree Zug. Miss Manilva Zug and Miss Nell | Myers. Prior to the presentation ! of the play. Miss Helen Bcntz sang j "A Rose In No Man's Land." Those who took part in the play I were; Wilbur Forney, Lloyd Baker, : Miss Florence Bentz, Miss Jessie Hol linger. Mervin Keller, Jack Seal. Miss Rose Bowman. Miss Catherine Bentz, Milton Wolf and Miss Martha Ander son. The parts were well taken and tlie play was a great success. A so cial hour followed. CALLED FOR JURA" DUTY Chambersburg. Pa.. March 10. Franklin county citizens have been summoned for jury duty with the United States court at Scranton. Two of them S. Z Hewbecker, of Williams son and A. B. Zerger. of Antrim town ship, will serve as grandjurors, leav ing here on March 17. The other two, .John P. Young, of Marion and W. L. Thompson, of Fayettville, will go the following week to serve as traverse i jurors. POPLAR TREES CAUSE TROUBLE Long, Heavy Roots Damage Chambersburg Sewers; May j Prohibit Planting Thereof Chambrrsburß, Pa., March 10. —, While borough council procrastinates , in taking action against the planting j within the borough limits of any | trees of the North Carolina poplar i family, the borough sewer depart- ] 1 ment continues to experience much i trouble with the roots of such trees ' entering and clogging the sewer I pipes of the system. Recently in one street a root from , one of the poplar trees ran across : a street, entered a lateral sewer pipe and was about to creep into the main ' sewer when borough workmen dis- j covered and removed it. Complaints received from residents j of another street led Borough Man- ) ager of tilities J. Hase Mowcry, who | has recommended the adoption of an i ordinance prohibiting the planting of 1 poplar trees, to make an investiga- | tion in that street, and he discovered j that the trouble there was poplar! roots. The sewer in the street was opened at three places, and at each opening masses of roots were re moved from the sewer. The largest of these masses required a horse to extricate it. When it was found by borough I workmen, they experienced difficulty in removing it and finally had to secur e a horse, which they hitched to the roots. The horse, too, had difficulty in pulling the tangled mass out of the sewer. This bunch of roots j n easured forty-two feet in length.) and was of the thickness of a man's leg. MRS. CATHERINE WILSON DIES Mecluuiicsbursr. Pa., March 10.— Mrs. Catherine Hamme Wilson, wife of William Wilson, died on Satur day night at the home of her! daughter, Mrs. W. R. Porter, 12 i East Cover street. She was aged 80 j years and death wus due to diseases ' incident to old age. Mrs. Wilson j was born at York and moved here j about one years ago, from near Bow- j mandsdale. She is survived by her ! husband, two daughters and one son. \ as follows: Mrs. W. R. Porter and j Mrs. Alice Zimmerman, of Mechan- ; icsburg, and Edwin Wilson, of Camp ; llili. i No funeral arrangements are made at this time. SUCCESSFUL CHURCH YEAR Meclumicsburg, Pa.. March 10. — '• With the close o? this conference , year, the local Methodist Episcopal j Church, the Rev. J. Ellis Bell, pas- i tor, has realized the most successful j year in the history of the church, i From a financial standpoint, the ; church has gone "over the top," $961 ; in excess of last year. The amount raised by the church expenses, or for the local church was $1,810; for missionary and benevolent purposes, $1,649. In ad dition to this, the Sunday- school, besides contributing to the above missionary fund, gave something over SIOO for current expenses; the Epworth League, SSO and the La dies' Aid Society, S3O, making in all a total of $3,639. It 4NDSOME RED CROSS QUILT Waynesboro. Pa., March 10. A large quilt the work of the Junior! Red Cross and women of the Church of the Brethren, is on display in the ; window of one of the local stores. ! and Is attracting considerable atten tion. In the center of the quilt is a large red cross with a white back ground: radiating from the center are fifty-two patches, each one eight inches square: -in each patch are twenty names, each letter in each | name embroidered in red—all hand work: around the entire quilt is a [ blue border four inches wide; each name represents ten cents—the I amount given by the man or woman ! whose name appears in red thread. WAYNE ACADEMY SOLD Waynesboro, Pa., March 10.— The I recent sale of what used to be known as the Wayne Academy in South Waynesboro, before that section was taken into the borough by the last extension of the boundary lines, was ratified by the board. The purchaser was Harry R. Smith nad the price paid was $1,700. OCCUPYING NEW BUILDING Waynesboro, Pa.. March 10.— The ■ Landis Machine Company's official ! staff has moved into the new office building completed by the com pany. The building is of concrete, brick and steel and fireproof. It is 52x132 feet, three stories high and a model office building in every way. MARRIED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Chambersburg, Pa., March 10. j Seventy guests were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Miller at their home near here in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. A dinner was served and after dinner a program of music, toasts and reci tations was rendered. Many valu able silver gifts were received by the bost and hostess. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR HOME Chambersburg;, Pa., March 10. Maurice Ritchey. who was attached to the French army as an athletic director, has arrived at his home here after a year's service in France. His duties were to instruct the French men in the Athletic games as they are played in America. The French men, Ritchey says, caught on to everything except baseball. FAREWELL SURPRISE Wayneabere. Pa,. March 10.—Mrs. C. W. Brookens, wife of Bookkeeper C. W. Brookens, of the Emerson-Brant ingham Company, was given a sur prise party by a half-hundred of her friends as a farewell. Mr. Brookens has been assigned to the Harrisburg office of the company and will short ly move to th e capitol city. APPEAL FOR CONTRIBUTION'S Chambersburg. Pa.. March 10.—The Rev. J. W. Yohe, secretary and pas tor for the interdenominational board which has charge of Protestant work at the White Pine tuberculosis san atorium at Mont Alto, near here, has Issued an appeal to the public for contributions to sustain the work at tbe sanatorium. FORMER LEGISLATOR ILL Chambersburg, Pa., March 10. John WithergpOon, a prominent Franklin county resident and a former mem ber of the State Legislature, is crlti ically ill at his home at New Frank lin, near here, with pneumonia. RXBIUSBURO (MM* TELEGRXPH Suburban Notes I'ORK HAVEN Thomas Green, of Camp Hill, was a recent guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green. Sr. Miss Margie Reeser returned from York, where she spent several days I with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strievig. of I York: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Ea shied, of Lemoyne: Ervin Strievig. of Philadelphia, came here on Friday to attend the funeral of William Strievig. The entertainment given in St. Paul's Hall on Saturday night, under the auspices of Class No. 7, of St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday School, taught by Emanuel Shepp, proved a success, the hall being filled. A group photograph of |h e pupils of the York Haven schools was taken on Friday afternoon by a York pho tographer. The individual schools also were photographed. Miss Ruth Walton;-- captain of the local Girl Scouts has presented the organization with a library of sev enty-five volumes. HOIST WOI.F Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts left! on Friday for Harrlsburg, where they i will make their home. The Mount Wolf band has procured 1 Cold Springs park for a band carni- j val to be held on Memiorial day. The chicken and waffle supper served in the K. G. E. Hall on Satur day night by th e Mount Wolf Eagle Fire Company, was a success. The committee in charge was composed of Harvey Rohrbaugh and Harry Living ston. Mrs. Charles Hummer and son Charles,' Jr.. end Mrs. Charles Bren neman and . daughter Anna, were called to the bedside of the former's J grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Holler, j at Dover. Friday. Robbers were frustrated in a re- j cent attempt to enter the home of j Michael Holler. When about to en- t ter the house, after cutting a pane ; of glass from the window, a milk , bottle dropped to the floor, frighten- j ing the burglars. Mrs. A. H. Diehl and daughter Sar- j ah, wer e recent visitors to York. HI MMEI.STOAVN Mrs. Edgar Reed, of Philadelphia. ! is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I Isaac Nissley. -•Edgar Shuey. of LingelstOwn, who j recently returned from France, spent j the weekend among friends in town. \ The following were entertained at j the home of Mrs. Annie Hemperly, j yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. John Lau- j dermileh and son Cassel. Mr. and | Mrs. Isaac Biever, Mr. and Mrs. Per- i rival Spancake and Mr. and Mrs. Bie-j ver Laudermilch, all of Palmyra, and ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hemperly, of town. Mrs. Frank Keller left yesterday ( for Philadelphia, where she will j spend the week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzu Philips. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Demrny, of, Carlisle, spent the weekend with j Mrs. Demmy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ' Edward Deimler. Yeager Shoemaker, of Bloomsburg. i spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.! and Mrs. William Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holsberg, of; Harrisburg. spent yesterday in town. Miss Lillie Deimler, R. X., of Al toona. is spending some time with her parents. William Rigor, of Chester, spent yesterday at the home of Mr. John H. Greenawalt. Sergeant Borer, of Annvllle, called on friends here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fox spent the weekend at Lancaster, the guest cf their daughter, Mrs. Victor Dip pel. Miss Emma Witmyer. of Annville. spent the weekend with the Misses I Kilmer. ANNVILLE Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gollant en tertained a number of friends at dinner on Sunday in honor of their thirty-seventh wedding anniversary and also the return from France of their son. Leroy Gollant and his first wedding anniversary. The guests were as follows: Mrs. Anna Carpenter, Miss Allie Carpenter, Mr. Harvey Carpenter, Mrs. Edwin White, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mrs. Cavanaugh and son. Joseph: Mr. and Mrs. William Gollam and daughters, Marion and Ruth, all of Lebanon: Mrs. Mae Sholley and daughters, Dorothy and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmuck and children, Sydney, Pauline and Made* line, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gollam, ali of Annville, and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gollam (and daughter, Margaret Luciie, of Lebanon. Prof, and Mrs. S. O. Grimm and sons, Henry and Robert, spent Sun ; day at Middletown where they were the guests of M. H. Bachman and family. Miss Mary Brightbill, of Philadel phia, a trained nurse, has returned to her home after a severe attack of influenza. Miss Brightbill ex pects to remain home for some time. Miss Merle Saylor spent several da.s at Lebanon. Miss Helen Smith, of Coatesville, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Coyle recently. Prof. S. H. Derickson and son, George, were recent visitors at Har risbu-g. Chaplain Paul D. Witman visited friends at. Pottsville. Miss Edith Lehman visited friends at Baltimore, Md., recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Coover are spending several weeks at Atlantic City. Charles Christeson, Jr., of Pine grcve, visited his parents, Mr. and s're. Charles Christeson, of this place, recently. A community service was held in the college chapel on Friday even ing. The speakers of the evening ■were: Chaplain Paul D. Witman and Captain Harry Barnhart. Benefit Performance to / Be Given For Reception To raise funds for the receptions to be given Harrisburg soldiers on their return from France, a bene fit performance will be held in the near future, it was announced to day by H. W. Long, chairman of the general committee on arrangements, the Home Folks Victory Association of the World War. A meeting will be held Thursday 'vening in the armory when this pliM> will be gone into detail. Among the features on the pro gram for the reception is a chicken and waffle dinner to be given In the Chestnut Street Auditorium. Lieutenant Ira X. Kellberg. who was wounded in action and has re turned to Harrisburg, stated yester day that the'-e will be many new faces In the "Old Eighth" Regiment when it comes home, and there will be many faces missing. TO CERE A COM) IN ONE DAY Take LAXXTIVE BROMO QUI NINE (Tablets). It stops the cough and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 80c. WEST SHORE NEWS DANCE WORSE THAN LIQUOR Evangelist at Lemoyne Re vival Also Claims Girls Start Down From Dance Hall Lemoyne, Pa., March 10. —The Le moyne Church of Christ is conduct ing a revival which is attracting large crowds and gives promise of becom ing the greatest meeting in the his tory of the church. It is being held under the "auspices of the Mingca Evangelistic Company, which con ducted a like campaign in Lemoyne tlve years ago and resulted in the present church building. William John Mingcs is the chief! evangelist of the party and is ue-! companted by five talented singers] and personal workeis. Three services were held yesterday and a number of converts were made. The afternqpn service was for wom en only and a largo crowd listened while the evangelist told them of their'faults. He struck hard at the dance and said that Eva Booth, Francis E. Willard and Clara Barton had declared that 85 per cent, of the fallen girls with whom they had talked had testified with their own lips that they had tfieir start down-] ward on the ballroom floor. He also! condemned the community dance and I told of the testimony of a soldier in I one of his recent meetings, who said! that in his opinion the community] dance was doing moie harm to thei soldier than drink and asked the! Christian mothers to be careful how] they support it. "Men are what their mothers make them," he declared. | "Many of our gamblers are born so. i because their mothers were gamblers 1 before them." In shattering the double'standard, he stated that there were ten fallen men to every falleh woman and that if a line was to be drawn by society I against the woman who lives in sin ] that line must also be drawn against [ the man. Xo services will be held to-night, I but to-morrow night his subject will j be "Knockers." Mrs. Minges and Mr. Jarman will both sing. . Gl'IlJ) ENTERTAIN'MENT New Cumberland, Pa., March 10. -r-A large audience was present at . Trinity I'nited Brethren Church last ' night when fifty young women, members of the Otterbein Guild, I gave an entertainment. The prin- j cipal parts were: "Greenland's Icy ; Mountains," twenty-six young ladies ' in costume took part in this exer- i cise. "America" was also represent- ! ed by ladies ir. costume, which was - ; very effective. A choir, composed of ! young girls, members of the Guild, j sang. They wore appropriate cos- | tumes. An address was given by ! Miss Florence Urlch on "Missionary j Work." A solo was rendered by Miss j Helen Lechthaler and the church | choir gave several anthems. AH) SOCIETY SOCIAL Enola, Pa., March 10.—The Ladies' I Aid Society of the Methodist Episco pal church will hold an apron social in the church on Tuesday evening, March 18. The committee in charge Mrs. Charles H. Milter, Mrs. Samuel W. Kreider and Mrs. Howard It. Wagner are arranging a very in teresting program. BIRTHDAY DINNER Enola. Pa., March 10.—Mr. and Mrs. William L. Troup, of Altoona avenue, entertained the following guests at their home at a birthday dinner in honor of their daughter, Florence's tenth birthday. Mrs. Ira Brinser, of Highspire; Miss Bowman, of Lemoyne; Paul Aller, Miss Sara Troup, Miss Katharine Wynn. and Miss Agnes Smith, were present. RAILROAD VICTIM BCRIED Enola. Pa., March 10.—Burial was made in the Zion Evangelical Luth eran cemetery here this afternoon of the body of Samuel B. Donache, who was killed in the railroad wreck on the Trenton cutoff last Thursday. MEMORIAL SERVICES HELI) Enola, Pa., March 10.—Memorial services were conducted for the late Clyde Campbell at his home in South Enola this afternoon. He was killed at Heaton Station last Thursday. BOYS WIN PRIZES New Cumberland, Pa., March 10.— Martin Purple drew the prize for se curing the most donations at the Boys' Brigade festival recently held. The prize consisted of a military flashlight. Samuel Fisler drew the prize in points for selling the most tickets. CONCERT AT MARSH RCN New Cumberland, Pa., March 10.— The band will go to the army re serve depot this evening where they will give a concert. BOX SOCIAL AT COVE Marysville, Pa., March 10. —A box social will be held by the Cove Union Church on Friday evening at the church. Mrs. J. A. Plank, of Cove, is in charge of the arrange ments. 100 NEW MEMBERS Marysville, Pa., March 10.—The membership of the Bethany United Evangelical Church was increased to 196 during the past year, the I Rev. C. D. Pewterbaugh, pastor, an j nounced before leaving fdr the ses sions of the conference at- Baltimore. ' An addition is being planned for the building in order to relieve over crowded conditions. Millionaires Don't Buy Pearls Most of them buy synthetic pcails which cost one-quarter the price, but which even experts can't detect from the genuine. Same with butter. Thousands of housewives today buy Benefit Brand "Sweet' Nut" Margarine because it has the same delicious flavor, the same golden color when served and the same nutritive and ' energy values as the finest creamery butter. But Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut" Margarine costs only 94c a lb. while butter costs from 50c to 60c a lb. This new table luxury is made from the creamy white meat of ripe cocoanuts, churned with pasteurized milk it contains no "oleo" or ani mal fats whatever we positively guarantee that. Try a pound of Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut" Margarine I nobody can tell it from butter. ! Sold only at 331 Market St.. up l | flight, Harrlsburg. the Tamsui Tea C'o.'s yellow front store. where Benefit Brand Teas, Coffees and Grocery Specialties are retailed at wholesale prices. Look for our store in your town. Shiremanstowti Young Folks on Strawride Slilrciiianstown, Pa.. Murch 10.— A merry party of young folks enjoy ed a strawride to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Rider, at Sporting Hill, on Thursday evening. After spending a pleasant evening with games, music and duneing, refresh ments were served to: Mr. and Mrs. George K. Eshleman and son, Kcn-v netli, Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bomberger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rider, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rider, jfr. and Mrs. Tolbert Rider, Miss Rhoda Beamer, Miss Ruth Zim merman, Miss Myrtle Baum, Miss Belle Patterson, Miss Ruth Slium berger. Miss Mary Deckman, Miss Rachel Baum, Miss Esther Shaull, Miss Maude Shaull. Miss Cora Nauss, Miss Nellie Stone. -Miss Dorothy Stone, Miss Eletha Shearer, Miss Esther Rider, Miss Mabel Rider, Miss Catharine Zeigler, Clarence Zinuuer j man. Chester Beamer, Russell Sheaffer, Cecil Baum, William Baum, [Sr., William Baum, Jr., Clyde Adams, Guy Rupp, Clarence Shaull, George Nauss. Robert Rhodes, Thom as Baseliore. James Coble, Samuel Speidel. Richard Rider, Daniel Mov er, Clair Smyser, William Zeigler. Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Miss Wilson, of Marcus Hook. Pa., is visiting friends at New Cumber land. Miss Mary Crabil, of Dillsburg, spent tlie weekend with Miss Eliza beth Gardner, in Fifth street, New Cumberland. Miss Marjory Mclvor, of New ; Cumberland, spent several days at | Newville. ' Mrs. Beaverson. of New Cumber land, is visiting friends at Middle town. Herman Wilder . of the United States Army; stationed at New York, spent a short furlough witli his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilder. Sr.. in Bridge street. New Cumber land. Mrs. Howard Oren. of Elverson. I spent Sunday with friends at New ! Cumberland. Miss Edith Nevin, of Washington, : D. C„ spent the weekend with her ' father, James Nevin, of Marysville. Hobart Gosnell. of Harrisburg, vis i ited friends at Marysville on Sun i day. C. A. B. Clouser, of Marysville, is ) in attendance at the annual sessions .of the conference of the United 1 Evangelical Church, at Baltimore. W. L. Rider has returned to his I home at Marysville after visiting , his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. i Rider, of New Buffalo. Miss Emma Roberts, of Marysville, i is the guest of her cousin. Mrs. ! Gilbert Hosier, at Chester. Miss Helen Shade, of Duncannon, ! visited with Mrs. Ralph N. Henchi j at Marysville. | Mrs. J. Shumaker, of New Buffalo, ! is the guest of relatives at Mays | ville. j Miss Mary Smith has returned to I her home at Marysville after spend- I ing a day with relatives at Newport. 28-30-32 North Third Street I 1 The Tailormade Suit For Women HP HE Charm of simplicity marks ;=|J -C the fashionable suit —and noth ing so emphasizes it as does the 31 * And yet, when one looks for the I /'MI jjV unusual in the tailormade the njitu g'Jik-ral inclination is to go to the seat of authority, for thus are all the true Mf A diversity of opinions has result rsf ed in the Blouse Suit, tlie straiglit \ll ($ Ifr^lita line, semi-fitting effect and the VJ Strictly Tailored Suit; but has in W ; I no wise offset the desire and demand a or s^m P^ e graceful silhou \ A VA ettes of the tailormade vouge. \ I*l %$f ' The Schle-isner Tailormade ful v v fills the mission of attire for the fash- AWll 111 ionable woman, at the same time /I'll flini meeting the standard set for gar- 1 ' |||^ ments of service and intrinsic worth. || mm Wool Serge Suits if? I % Wool Tricotine Suits \%W > ( - x ~J Poiret Twill Suits yju Silk Duvetgn Suits I Y.-' $35 to $125 I WE t mf I Many A etc Arrivals In Fashionable Interpretations in Blouses, Silk Underwear and Silk Hosier >* Are Very Attractively Priced Sj TALENTED CREATIONS irf MILLINERY fsu # nag for Spring Wear Invitingly Displayed for Immediate Selection IK h PWlilllWff' ■■■■■ MARCH 10. 1919, MiddMown Methodists Ask For Return of Their Pastor The Rev. James Cunningham, pas tor of the Methodist Church. will leave on Wednesday for Philadelphia, where he will attend the annual East Pennsylvania conference of the Methodist churches. Tlie congrega tion has asked for liis return. He has been stationed in town for the past three years. The Wednesday evening prayer meeting service will be in charge of Mr. H. R. Brinser. The Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of tlio church will hold an open meeting of the society at the home of Mrs. O. M. Swartz. North Spring street, on Thursday evening. , The Missionary Society of the St. J Peters' Lutheran Church will meet in the Pariah Home on Tuesday evening. Tlie Ushers' Association of the St. Peters' Lutheran Church, has con tracted for a concert by the Gettys | burg Glee Club and Orchestra soine i time in May. j The Wincroft Stove Works has re celve'd r large order from Watti'r ; man Company, of New York, for a number of parts to gas stoves. The moulding department is down for j several days owing to changing the floors on a new style of stoves. Mrs. Annie Hawk, who was knock ed down by an automobile at the Ann street crossing on Friday night and removed to iter home in Royal ton, is somewhat improved. Upon tlie examination of Ifr. C. 13. Bowers it was found that, no hones were broken, but was bruised about the body. A meeting of the members of the Union 1-loso Company was held yes terday afternoon and after some dis cussion it was decided to reorganize tlie old Union Drill Team, and who will attend the convention of the firemen to be held at Keyser West Virginia. July 3, 4. B. John Hippie, who spent the week end in town returned to his home at Lancaster. Sergeant Gerland Steck. of Camp Custer, Michigun, is spending a fif teen-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Steck, Race street. The school board and borough council will meet in regular session this evening. James Seltzer, of Pottstown, is spending several days in town. Mrs. A. K. Wallace, has returned home from a week's visit to her son, William Wallace, Pliiladelpria. Tlie reconstruction service offering in the St. Peter's Lutheran Church for the distressed Lutherans in the war zone, uncounted to $263.89. W. W. McCreary, sold his two lots in East Einaus street, to W. H. Lan dis, and has purchased the building at Union and Brown streets from Walter Furneisen. The price was SB,OOO. The Middletown Car Company will start Monday morning, March 17 on the eight-hour shift The day men will start at 8 a. m. and work till 5 p. m. the evening shift, at 12 m. till 6 a. m. During the month of February the Middletown Car Company made a shipment of 900 cars to France. Mr. George Keener and Joseph Raile, two men employed at the local car plant will leave shortly for France, where 2,500 cars will be reconstructed. George Dasher, who has been or ganist at the Presbyterian church for a number of year, has resigned his position as organist and accepted the position as organist of tlio First United Brethren Church. Miss Theo Laverty will be the successor to Mr. Dasher. Blind For Seven Years, Farmer Regains Sight Ivewistown, Pa., March 10.—After being blind for seven years, John Kreider, a farmer of Krataervtlle. Snyder county, near here, awoke several mornings ago and gazing to wards a window was surprised that he was able again to see. While cutting wood at his home about seven years ago, he was struck in one eye with a chip, which pene trated the eye. He went to a hos pital in Philadelphia and had the eye removed, and but a short time afterwards ho was unable to see with the other eye, going stone blind in it. Mr. Kreider was almost over whelmed with joy when he looked out of the window and saw the lields and hill and the familiar fur niture of the room. The news spread and .<oon the house was crowded with people who came to congratu late Mr. Kreider and talk about his wonderful recovery. Mr. Kreider ex pects to get down to active work on the latm again after seven years in darkness. j KXPKItIIONCK SOCIATJ Marysvlle, Pa., March 10.—The ! I .allies' Mite Society of the Trintty Reformed Church is preparing for the annual experience social whicli will bq held next Monday evening. Hot water, \ i KZ bt Sure Relief RELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Salad Jell Lime Jiffy-Jell is fla vored with lime-fruit es sence in a vial. It makes a tart, green salad jell. Jiffy-Jell desserts are flavored with fruit-juice essences, highly con ' densed, sealed in glass. Each dessert tastes like j a fresh-fruit dainty and it is. You will change fromi old-style gelatine dainties when you once try Jiffy- Jell. Millions have changed already. Order from your groceit | now -t tO Flaoore, at Yoar Gmcir't 2 Packages for 25 Cento 1H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers