Additional Classified Ads •n Opposite Page MOXKY XO XOAX MONEY * If you are pressed for rbady cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRL AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES md other necessities. If you are sub ect to tax and without funds and >nnk credit, our money service may merest von. Cost reasonable. Pay ncnts arranged to suit your Income. "O-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST MENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. MUSICAL FOR SALE —■ Saxophone and rcwaiian guitar, in good condition. July used a few months. Call Bell liione 2932 R. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. SANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru nents promptly and carefully repair ■d. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and srefully repaired by an expert only iYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls >f music, for sale; slightly used; must ■e sold at once; cheap to a quick >uyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 •.'orth Sixth street. HOUSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE Two good horses, icighing about I.UuO pounds. Would naki- excellent farm horses. Reason or selling, have purchased trucks. Ufo three wagons and two sets of i.arness, in good condition. Apply to lanager Kingan Provision Co.. 421 louth Second street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local and long listance a specialty. We move fur liture and pianos everywhere, auy vhere, at any time. Robert Aboif, 601 North Fourth. Bell phone ITIsJ. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long 11st a nee. Furnitute and piano moving i specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 91? Japital street. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Anything, anv vhere. Furniture moving. E. S. Os iioii. 717 South Nineteenth street. Bell 61)1 VV. HICKS lxical and long-distance muling and storage. 424 Keily. Both hones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE lAULING Furniture moving, 'rompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 'alder street. Both phones. Bell 636-J. Dial 2653. FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck, tpply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell ibone 2455 R. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped or furniture, freight and piano mov es. No distance too far. Careful river. Rain and dustproof body. J. 3. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin tungst. manager, Hershey. Pa. Bell ihone 16R6. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local nd long distance. F. J. Marter, Bell 9-J, Steelton. AUTO HAULING Loqal and long I'.stance. Furniture a spe lalty. Rates reasonable. liromDt ervieo. Call Bell 623-J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST 3XPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns vlth auto trucks. Only experienced ind careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. ir Dial 2265. \LL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. STORAGE j STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house old goods, merchandise. Private ootns at reasonable rates. Also haul ng of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Soth phones. Expert Assistance on Income Tax Returns G. J. Swope Adjuster of Federal Taxes (Formerly connected with the Internal Revenue Department for five years; whose services have been retained by a number of Harrisburg business firms and individuals, has opened an office in this city and is prepared to offer intelligent assistance to corporations, firms and individuals in making up their income tax returns. A thorough knowledge of all the provisions of tjie new law, and the practices of the department insures to his clients all the benefits and privileges provided for in the act, many of which are un familiar to the layman. Xot of least importance is the 45-day extension 11 of time which may be obtained by proper pro cedure for such firms and individuals as may re quire it. For consultation, make appointment by calling G. J. Swope BeH Telephone 1)Ia , Telephone A partial list of clients to uhom those interested I are respectfully referred: Bowman & Co., F. P. Ray, Blough Mfg. Co (Formerly' state Printing Co.) II ' Kdward Bailey, ly, David E. Tracy. Donaldson Paper Co. Wm. Donaldson. The Telegraph' Printing Co. ■ -Wt v - • ; ■:; ' SATURDAY EVENING, Storage STORAGE—In brick building, rear 40$ Market. Household goods in clean, prlvnte rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diencr, 408 Market street. STORAGE rrivate rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. 83 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-tlreproof ware bouse. llarrisburg Storage Co., 437- wr> South Second street. WMKRE TO DINK AI.VA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OE SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and 1 julie:; in separate dining rooms. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1313 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 3133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalrner, 611 North Second Street. BELL 253. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. Cleaners and Dyer* IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1405V4 North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES TOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS IV, and 2-ton Garfords. chassis only or equipped with • express or dump bodies. 114-IV4-2K and 214-ton Bethlehems, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons In cluding Buleks. Overl&nds and Vims. THE OVER LAND-IIARRISBURO CO„ Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW why the Rayfleld is the best car buretor for any car. and how it will save you money, drive around to-morrow and we will tell you all about it. FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 North Seventh St. General Auto Repair Shop. FOR SALE Hollier S-cylinder touring car. Good as new. If inter ested. inquire H. >l. Hartz, Palmyra, Pa. FOR SALE - 1918 Ford Sedan, practically a new oar, with demount able rims. The oar is furnished with one extra tire and rim. Apply 25ul North Sixth street. CAR FOR SALE Must be sold at once. First $125. New tires. In A 1 condition. Can be seen at Federal Garage. AUTOMOBILE WANTED Will exchange improved or unimproved city property for late model touring cat. Must be in first-class condition. Full description in first letter. Ad dress 8., 7507. care of Telegraph. WANTED All kinds of used auto tlrea. We pay highest cash prices No Junk. H. Esterbrook. #l2 Nonb Third street. Dial 4980. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— Covered body; 1,000 tbs. capacity a bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. FOR SALE Two 1917 Ford Tour- Ing, one 1910 Ford Roadster, one 1916 ii-passenger Oldsmobile, one 1915 -tudebaker. Highest cash prices paid for used cars. East End Garage. Mr. ilumyr. Bell 315.1. FOR SALE FOR SALE ■ — Ford Truck, Buick Touring Car. 1917; 1917 Velie; also 391S Oakland Touring Car. Rex Gar age & Supply Co.. 1917 North Third street. 1918 MODEL 85-4—5-passenger Big Four Overland Touring Oar. in very line condition. For sale cheap. Ap ply Hagerling Motor Car Co., East End Mulberry Street Bridge. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT. WE ARE STILL CONTINUING OUR . "SPRING SALE." Our assortment Is growing more limited each day. We would advise you to not soon. Place your order NOW! A small deposit will hold your car for April delivery. Dodge Touring, reflnlshed. A splendid car. Maxwell Touring. over hauled and in good condition. National 12-cyllnder sport touring roadster. Seats live comfortably. A powerful car that looks and runs liko new. Overland 5-pnssenger, light six. Thoroughly overhauled and reflnlshed a beautiful Brewster green. , Several others for the early buyer. All are attractively priced. I Time Payments Can be Ar- I ranged. ' Open Evening Until Nine. THE OVERLAND-lIARRISBURG CO., 212-14 North Second Street Both Phonos. 1917 FORD ROADSTER ln first class condition. Price, $330.00. Call 18-16 Chestnut. FEDERAL GARAGE Automobile P.epairing. No job too small. Let us do your work. Ford Specialty. Both Phonos. FEDERAL GARAGE, Court and Cranberry Streets. FOR SALE 1919 Seven-passenger Reo, completely equipped. Run only 700 miles. Owner having died, car offered at reasonable price. Address Box L, 6019. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Overland Model 79, 5-passenger touring car, in good run ning condition. A bargain, $285. In- ' quire Beaver's Garage. 032 North , street MICHIGAN 40 Touring Car, in ex cellent shape. Will be sold at a bar gain. This car is electrically equip ped. 191b Buick Roadster, in AI h shape; cunnot be told from now. 1910 Ford Touring Car, extra tire. $340 Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co.. 22-26 Not th Cameron street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND PJJOASURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford ' ton trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck, 2-ton Republic truck. 4-passenger -Miieneli Club roadster, 7-passenger Ilaynes touring car. international Harvester Company of America. Truck Depart ment. 619 Walnut street. FOR SALE I Ford Touring. Good running order. Motor overhauled. Good rubber. Bar gain. Will demonstrate. M. P. BROWN. Rell IGI7R. FOR SALE Two Republic Trucks •—one-ton and lV^-ton —$1,000 takes them both. Address Box 85, Camp Hill. Pa- FOR SALE One 1915 brand-new 7-passenger Peerless Car. Will accept Liberty Bends as full or part payment. Bell Phone 14—steelton. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me befote sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking, A Sclvtfftnan, 22, 34, North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE 1917 Reo 5-passenger. Apply Sible's Garage, 301 Cumber land street. City. 1917 FORD CARS Touring $385.00. Harloy-Davidson Twin, with side car, $250.00. Get acquainted with me. Save money on any used machine wanted Simon Horst. Linglestown. Pa. wfc DO GENERAL REPAIRING EXPERT MECHANICS M BRENNER & SONS MOTOR CAR CO- Third and Hamilton FOR SALE Ford Touring Car speedometer, bumper and good tires' 1 City Garage, River and Strawberry. ' AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five ahd seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure • tali hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. WM. PEN'N GARAGE 1 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day und night. Bell 4664. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO —' —All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron street. N'OTICIC IX)DGE NOTICE All Patriarch of Dmiphln Encamp ment. No. 10, I. O. O. F„ are requested to meet at the Encampment Hall, 304 North Second street, on Sunday even- ' ing, March 9. 1919. at 7 o'clock sharp I to proceed to Sepond Reformed Church corner Broad and Green streets, to altend Memorial Services lor our late Patriarch, A, S. llartinan HARRJSBURG ClfsS&l TEI.EGRXPH G Alt AGES ACCESSORIES A.\t> REIAIRS DREADNAUGHT 8.000-MILE TIRES 80x3 Ribbed Tread 13.58 30x3 H " 17.10 r.2xS*-i " " 20 63 ?J X 4 " "28 Sol T. * 26.83 ?? X J I " 27.60 ?- X * " 38.43 H iJ 4 - 38.82 3bx4li 40.32 30x3 Vacuum Tread 15.53 22x3 la •• 22.43 .. 28.61 32x4 29.14 88x8 : " 30.60 " " 31.88 h*lu. - 4245 ebr.4l4 4 ' 44.07 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 N. Third St. Dial 4990. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by an expert. Road Jobs a I specialty. Charges reasonable. Both! Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North 1 Cameron street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders. I lamps, etc. Best service in town, liar- I risburg Auto Radiator Works. 805 1 North Third street. MOTOHCVCI.ES AND BICYCLES J BICYCLE REPAIRING ' BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK. GUARANTEED. DORY SIIANER, i WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Elshmann. Dlxey. j Splltdorf. ilea. Remy and different makes of coils, cagburetora, etc. A , scbiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron; stieet. Bell 3633. PUBLIC SALE U. S. ARMY GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 31. CARLISLE, PA On Saturday, March 15, 10:0U A. M.. 1919, Public Auction at the U. S. Army Hospital, Farm No. 1. One six-pas-1 tanger llerdic. good condition. Onet l.andaulct, iubbcr-tired, nearly new,' flrsl-class. One new canopy-topped; surrey. One used canopy-topped, rub ber-tired surrey. Two three-seated.' swell-body. pleasure sleighs, good l condition. One new rubber-tired.! cli seii, two-passenger Depot Wagon. Several new single buggy, and J spring-wagon running-gears. Other' incomplete parts of vehicles. Terms; cash. JAMES S. GRIFFENi Supt. of Farms, j PUBLIC NOTICE WANTED To know the where abouts of Annie Ingle, formerly Annie Calhoun. She can learn something I to her advantage by writing G. 11. Medford, Clovis, N. M. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING I BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS. AND BUILDINGS, STATE CAPITOL' BUILDING, 11ARRISBURG, PA SEALED PROPOSALS will be re-' ceived by the Superintendent of Public' Grounds and Buildings, at his office in the Capitol Building, llarrisburg, i Fa., until 2 o'clock P. Yl., Tuesday. March 11, 1919, for furnishing all labor 1 and materials to build bridge over the North Branch of the Susquehanna; River at Falls. Wyoming County,' Pennsylvania, as indicated tully in the plans and specifications prepared by J Paxson and Morgan, of Wilkes-Harre ' Pa.. Consulting Engineers, for the; Board of Commissioners of Public I Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Pians, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective! bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build-i tugs, Capitol Building, Harrlsburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "PRO- i POSAL FALLS BRIDGE" on outside cover. GEORGE A. SIIREINER, I Superintendent. L. W MITCHELL Secretary. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an tpplicalion will be made to the Gov ■i nor of Pennsylvania, March 18, 1919, inder the Act of Assembly entitled I ! 'An Act to provide for the incorpora tion and regulation of certain cor porations," approved April 29, 1874,!' md the supplements thereto, for the 1 .-barter of an Intended corporation, to ; ■c called the Victoria Realty Com- 1 • any, the character and object of . •vhich is the purchase, holding, leas ng, and selling of real estate, and ! for these purposes to have, possess,! ind enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said Act of Assembly'] ond the supplements thereto. FOX & GEYER, j Solicitors. J I** - *® | £** Announcement of Our | Annual Spring Drive I "We're NOT Real Estate Salemanship of Merit "We're OUT | Selling OUT" r Selling" I Mr. Property Owner | 77 I Look at That Here Is a Record of Achievement Record of Achievement This Spring's Listing and Sales p. 1331 X. Second 1613 Chestnut (sold) Life *1 List your property with a firm * 326 WooUb,,le (sold) 1128 Wallace P e 1813 X. Fifth 633 Emerald (sold) U , ! that will produce results. *2140 X. Firth (sold) 2014-16 Kensington £? , , 2204 X. Fifth 235 Hamilton (sold) tornado x , 2117 Grecn (sold) 125 Terrace Accident g. 4.1-- .. „ 2142 X. Sixth 87 Pisbrow (sold) Burglary We make the sale, arrange the 1519 Vernon (sold) 602 se VCnteenth Liability mortgage, p rC p are t h e deed, offer 030 Mueneh 227 S. Xlncteenth (sold) Llve otock - _ 425 Hamilton (sohl) 957 S. Twenty-first Automobile expert advice, and assist in the ess cm P *2lll Greenwood (9 oid) Plate Glass trancfAr at , 1630 Green (sold) 3210-21 N. Sixth Steam Boiler transfer at no extra charge above 1818 Swatara , 230e Jcffcrson (aold) Workmen's our commission. . , c ~ Compensation 801,1 Uds week. Harrisburg BACKENSTOSS BROS. Automobiles Real Estate . * _ „ Board REAL ESTATE REBUILDING 'INSURANCE AcclldaXn LEGAL NOTICES THE FircST, SECOND. THIRD a FOURTH, SEVENTH, EIGHTH, NINTH. TENTH. THIRTEEN!! AND FOURTEENTH WARDS OF THE CITY OF HARRISKURG. The owners of unregistered prop erties In the First. Second. Third Fourth, Seventh, Eighth. Ninth' Tenth. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards, of the City of Harrisburg, m accordance with tiie terms of a cer tain -part of the Act of Assembly, ap proved 27th June. 1913; I'amphlet Raws of 1913, page 668, and Ordinance No. 11. File of C'ty Council, Session of 1918-1919, are hereby notilied to furnish within thirty clays front the Third day of March. 1919, to the City Engineer, at his office, descriptions of their respective properties, upon blanks to be furnished by the City and at the same time to present their conveyance to bo stamped by the said engineer, without charge, as evidence of the registry thereof. Any person or persons neglecting or retusing to comply with tho provisions of this • section for a period of thirty days ut ter public notico of tho requirements I thereof Shall be liable to appenalty of tivo dollars, to be recovered with ccsts of suit in the name and for I the use of the City, as penalties for | the violation of City Ordinances are recoverable. Blanks may be obtain ed at the office of the City Engineer Room 216, Commonwealth Trust Com ! puny Building, 222 Market street, llar i risburg, Penua. i M. B. |Crt*,VDEN, i City Engineer. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Let- I ters of Administration on the Estate I of Franklin H. Blake, late of the City I of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn i sylvania. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in idebted to said Estate ate requested to | make payment. and those having claims or demands will make known I the same without deluy to J NO. W. BLAKE, Administrator. 224 Soutli Fourth Street, j Or Sunbury, Pa, I JAMES G. IIATZ. Attorney, Calder Building, Harrisburg. Pa. i NOTICE | LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION 'on the Estate of Paul B. Steckley. late I jof Harrisburg. Pa., deceased, having! "been granted to the undersigned re-i siding at No. 2021 Green street. Har j risburg, Pa., all persons indebted to | said Estate will please make payment at once, and those having claims will i please present them to WILLIAM W. STECKLEY. ; Or Administrator j I. P. BOWMAN*. r ' Attorney. | . PUBLIC SALE t There will be offered for public sale I j in front of the Court House at Har risburg. Pa., on Tuesday, March 11 I I 1919, at 2 o'clock P. M.. all that cer-'l tain tract of land located at Hum-i melstown. Pa., being on the southeast corner of Hanovet and Poplar avenue I fronting (130) one hundred and thirtv | feet on Hanover street and extending' .back along Poplar avenue (170) one! hundred and seventy feet to Syndi- 1 cate alley, having thereon erected a I 1 two-story shoe factory and basement ; i together with machinery therein be-' iing, and known as the W. L. Pikel ' shoe Factory. * iKe I j J. W. DESCHANT. j Secretary. ; WICKF.RSHAM & METZGER, j Attorneys, t Bergner Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY I Bureau of Water and Light 'I ! SEALED BIDS will be received at the Office of Superintendent of Publiol Safety, Room 10, Court House, to 11 o'clock A. M., March 17, for laying' water pipes in Vaughn Street, from' Sixth Street to Fourth Street in I Fourth Street, from Vaughn Street to! Lewis Street, and in Lewis Street ' from Fourth Street to Front Street' Plans may be seen and specifications obtained at the above office. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. SAMUEL F. HASSLER Superintendent. NOTICE is hereby given that the following accounts have been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Dau- 1 phin County. Pa., and will be con-! firmed by said Court on the 20th dav of March, 1919, unless cause be shown to the contrary. Second account of Charles A Ambler, Insurance Commissioner, and as such statutory liquidator of the affairs *of the Modern Protective As sociation. First and final account of Common wealth Trust Company, guardian of Augustus Shaffer, a weak-minded per-' son (now deceased). First and final account of Common wealth Trust Company, guardian of Patrick Gilnaugh, a weak-minded per son (now deceased). CHARLES E. PASS, Prothonotary. • i m^RWE¥S NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Squaie, Harrisburg; 236 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34- Pine street. New York furnish tile follo.wlng quotations; Open Clos Allis Chalmers 35 34% Amer Beet Sugar 75 % 74% American Can 49 LA 48% Am Car and Foun Co .. 92'j 92 s * Amer Loco 67% 68 % Amor Smelting 69% 70 American Sugar 119% 119 Anaconda 61 (A 62 Atchison 92 "A 92 7A Baldwin Locomotive ... 84 88 % Baltimore and Ohio .... 47% 48',A Bethlehem Steel B 67% 69Tb Butte Copper 19% 19% California Petroleum . 27% 27% Canadian Pacific 162(A 162(A Central Leather 68% 68% j Chesapeake and Ohio .. 58 "A 58' A ( Chicago It I and Pac.... 24 7 A 24% ' Chino Con Copper 34% 34 LA ! Col Fuel and Iron 40% 41 Corn Products 7. 48 48% Crucible Steel 64 65 (A Distilling Securities .... 61 61 Erie 17% 17% General Motors 156 157% Goodrich BE..' 69 69 Great Northern pfd .... 93% 94 Great Northern Ore subs 39% 40' A Inspiration Copper 47% 47%' Int Paper 48 48 j Merc War Ctfs pfd 25% 25 % Mex Petroleum 83% 83% ' Miami Copper 23 3 I Mldvale Steel 437 46% New York Central 75% 75% N Y N H and H 32 34 Norfolk and Western .. 104 '4 104% Northern Pacific 93% 93% Pittsburgh Coal 48% 4S Pennsylvania Railroad . 44% 441;. Railway Steel Spg 76% 76% Ray Con Copper Reading 84% 84% Republic Iron and Steel. 79% 80% Southern Pacific 102% 103% Southern Ry 29? 29% Studcbaker 59% 61 % j Union Pacific 130% 130't IT S I Alcohol 120% 120% U S Rubber ~... 82% S3 11 s Steel 95 % 96% Utah Copper 70% 72K. Virginia-Carolina Chein. 56% 55% Westinghouse Mfg 45% 45.". 1 I I'm I, 4DP.1.1M1 I \ ••IIODUCK By Associated Press. I _ Philadelphia, March S. Wheat II No. i. ooli. ku, ts uo. iNu. 2. rou. . i. No. 3. .soft, $2.24. i Corn The market Is dull; No. ' aa t0 "d location, { $1.31 ©1.40. I Oata —The market is steady, 1 | No. 2, white, 69®69$ac; No. 3, white 1 l til 14 fc life. | Butler The market is steady; 4 western, creamery. oxtran, loots , 60c; nearby prints, fancy, 56®5Sc. ' J j Kenned riugars Aim hot steady; ' I ' powdered, 8.40 c; extra line granuiat- I j ed, 9c. j i I Kggs Market lower; Pennsvlva- ' , nia and other nearby firsts, free I I cases, 312.45 per case; do., current! ' ! receipts, free cases, $12.30 per case; i I | western, extra, firsts, free cases, I I $12.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases,!" i $12.U7>2 per case: fancy, selected. 1 j packed. 49@51c per dozen. " Cheese The market is firm 1 ! New lurk and Wisconsin, tull nfllk I I new, 51c; do., old. 34@36>/ic. | ] Live Poultry The market is firm;! J I fowls, 36®37c; spring chick- I j ens, larger sizes, 37®4ue; lowls ' I not leghorns, 32®36c; white ' I j leghorns, <i4®37c; young, coftmeuted 1 i roosters, 32®33c; old roosters,26@27c- j staggy. young roosters, 29®3i0-' f Spiiug chickens, not leghorns. 3uw32c' j white leghorns. 29®3Cc; Broil- I ing chickens, IV4 to 2 pounds \ 50 Suae: larger, 50®55c; roast- 1 ing chickens, Su®36ck ducks I Pekin. 40®42c; do,, old, 30®33c' in-i J dlan ltuniiers, 40®41c; spring ducks | Long Island. 34®3Uc; turkeys, 34®ltj u <' ' geese, nearby, 30c; do., western 30c ' Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys I spring, choice, to fancy. 46@4So' i do., western, choice to fancy, 4a<unt"' i turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good 40 ® 43c; turkeys, common, 30®35c- 'old turkeys 40®42e; capons, seven to I eight pounds, 44@45c; do., smaller sizes. 40®43c; fowls, fresh killed choice, to fancy, 36',i®37c; do' , smaller sizes, 28®36c; roosters, 27c western roasting chickens, 27®37c' I western broiling chickens. 42fu)44e' ducks, western. 3S®4oc; Pekin ducks' 38®40c; old ducks, 30®32c; Indian ' Runners. 36@3ic; spring ducks. Lone Island. 30®40c; geese. 2®3oc. Potatoes The market Is flrnv New Jersey. No. 1, 75®900 , per basket; do.. No. 2, Co®6oe per ' basket; 'Jo.. 100-lb. bags. No. 1, $2 600 S.OO extra quality; do.. No. 2. $1 50® <lj£ r ' MARCH 8, 1919. 2.25; Pennsylvania. No. 1 100 tba, [ $2.10@-.30; do., pre 100 lbs., fancy, j New Jersey, No. l. ioo lbs. r.O: do.. No. 2. 100 lbs. , 81.2.7® 1.75; western, per 100 lbs.. 11.85 ! 4*2.10; New York state, per 100 lbs 82-0002.20; Maine, per 100 lbs., 81.80(0) 1.80; Uciuwuia and Maryland, par 100 bos. 0c®81.10; Michigan. per 10) lbs.. 81.50 & 1 TO; Florida, per barrel. t:.G0®2.0; Florida. par busbal. hamper. 764J 1 86e; Florida, per 150-tb, bags. 81.504*3.00; North Carolina, per barrel, 81.5u®4.00; South Carolina, per burrol. 81.50®4.00; Norfolk, per bar rel, 80.25; Eastern Shore, par barrel. 82.0002.76; fancy. Macungie. T JTJYJT-VJ* -▼ .▼.T_T_T_T_T : Desirable Office For Rent i ►. f I • CALDER BUILDING r S ► IS Market Square. , 1 r H :| No End to Paying Rent But there is an end to paying 1 for a Home, ! | and security, ease and conjfort in that Home ! j for- the rest of your life. And it is not hard to get a Home by our fair and easy Monthly Payment plan, usually but little more than rent. You share in profits and , I | so get a low interest rate. We charge no com- > mission, there are no renewals and the expense is small. If you had realized how easy it is to pay for a Home you would have owned one long j ago. Come and ask us or get our booklet — "How to Get a Home." Pennsylvania's Largest Savings and I Loan Association Twenty-second Year; Resources $4,365,000.00 108 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. State Capital Sayings & Loan Association | 1919—City Tax-1919 j I Notice is hereby given that the City I I Tax for 1919 is now due and payable at I | the office of the City Treasurer, Room > £ 14, Courthouse. An abatement of one J C per cent. (1%) will be allowed if same is J C paid before May 1, 1919. J j C. E. WEBER, | CITY TREASURER ( No. 1. per barrel. 52.uri03.10: do.. No. t ner barrel. t1.2501.50. Tallow—The market is dull: prime city, in tlercea, B%c; prime city, epec lal. looae. BV4o prime country, 7*e; dark, do.. 7©7V4c; edible, In tlercea, 12V4 013 c. • Bran Dull ena weak; aoft per ton; aprlng, In 100-lb aacka, $43.00 <944.00 per ton. 5111 Mr6JYHkB.STKNGU.NWS ■|V 11 130 LOCUSTSr. HBQ.RA. 11 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers