7 CLASSMEB" AJ> WJ IKE COLOMJS WILL HELP F OFTST FIB J JDeatbs \\ll,l>M\\ On March 7. 1919. Au gustus IVildnian, used 611 >' tar3 u. Private funeral on Tuesday after noon, nt I o'clock, from his late residence, 9206 North Third street. Interment Mast llurrisburg Cemc tery. The remains can be viewed i n Tuesday, from 11 A. M. to 3 I . M. SMUKII On March 7, 1919. Jucob Snvder, aged 73 years. „ funeral on Monday afternoon, at „ o'clock, from the residence of his son J. B. Snyder, 2219 North Sec ond street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Interment Pax tang Cemetery. SHOOP Adeline 11. Shoop. wife of \mos Shoop, died Friday, at bMi A. M., at her home, near FenbrooK, aged 77 years. Funeral services on Mondai, at i >e o'clock, from her late residence, tlie '!ev. Mr. Henry ot'liciating. Inter ment Shoop's Church Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS FRIES —Mrs. I.aura V. Fries and family, 322 Swatara street, btcelton, desire to thank their friends and neighbors tor the kindness and syrn pathy shown them during their i" J i sau bereavement in the death of their son an ft brother, lloss V ries, also - j the beautiful floral tributes. LOST AND FOUND HOST Package, containing three books of street car tickets and mer chandise. I-ady who picked up same by mistake will please return to Toilet Goods Oepartment. llowman tfc Co. . i l/JsT lVliite bull dog, With brown spots. License No. _3il. Gen erous reward if returned to -109 Norm Fifth INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. , .knSllsh. | Bookkeeping, Pen ma lis hP.A ri thnic tie. 'feaoVrb" business cocuege. 121 Market St. Chas. R. BecKle.c. HELP WANTED —MALE " "SALESMEN WANTED" LOCAL BRANCH OF TIIE FIRESTONE TIRE & RUB BER COMPANY REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF ONE OR TWO GOOD MEN WHO HAVE HAD SELLING EX PERIENCE. APPLY BY LETTER, STAT -ING QUALIFICATIONS. WANTED AT 32,000 TO $6,000 A YEAR Wcuunl&nts, Bookkeepers Ledger Clerks, Cashiers, General Office Employes. capable applicants are wanted to take up training at once, without in t.-i l erencc with tlieir present duties. ;.,i important positions with the large viuellcan industries, railroads, busl • .-s corporations and the L. s. IGov . iiunent. Big salaries now arc being otf red to men and women trained in HIGHER ACCOUNTING Our organization, the largest and Pi st equipped of its kind, has been c.i lori upon to train men and women lor executive positions. Cost and General Accountants to facilitate industrial expansion, figure inils accurately an<l calculate r cueral Income and Excess Protit Taxes. Auditors Cost Accountants Junior Accountants Senior Accountants Certified Public Accountants. We make available to you the di re, t personal guidance of tiie largest staff of legal and business experts, including Certified Public Account ants ant! members of the American Institute of Accountants, ever organ ized for training men and women. A KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEPING IS UNNECESSARY. We train you from the ground up. Hundreds of men whom we have help ed to bigger paying positions report si'larv increases from 100 to 400 per cent, more than they formerly earn ed. Ir. writing for particulars state age. present occupation, and, if pos sible, your telephone number. All communications strictly 'confidential. Address H„ 6585, Care of Telegraph. JIEX IS and over, desiring Gov ernment Clerkships. Railway Mail. Post office, Customs. Internal Reve nue, Census, War Risk, SIOO month, write for free particulars of examina tions. Ravmond Terry (former civil Servlci Examiner), Continental Build ing, .Washington. PLUMBERS WANTED— Open shop. 7 or hour. Apply C. S. Thompson, 2929 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience unnecessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 603, St. Igmls. WRITE PHOTOPLAYS *2s-$:iOO paid anyone foi suitable ideas. Ex pel ienci unnecessary; complete out line Free. Write Producers' League, 248. St. I^ouls. 1 FOR SALE 1920 Market St. Three-story brick and stucco house, containing 9 ■ rooms, bath and pantry, hardwood finish. Mod ern throughout. Electric light. Steum heat. Lot 70x110 ft. 15 ft. rear drlv e alley. At a fair figure. Miller Brothers & Co. Real Estate Insurance Surety Uonds l.oeust anil Court Streets Member, libs. Ren) Eatute Hoard M SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED j Salesman to sell food products to grocery trade for n reliable, i well-known, established concern. 1 tlrod prospects for right man. ■ | Full particulars regarding work, i salnry, etc., must accompany ap '' plication. Address G.. 71.14, ', fare of Telegraph. ! WANTED Met: tuilors for Altern -1 ; tien Department. Appiy at once. I Kaufmans Lndcraelling Stores. ; —• WANTED Two tlrat-claaa solici tors. Straight salary. Apply Harris burg News Agency, Monday morning. S o'clock. Ask for Mr. Kosenbergcr. 1 WANTED—Men wishing positions Firemen, Urakcinen. Electric Motor ! men, Colored Train Porters, Pennsyl i vania, Ohio and New York roads. No experience necessary. slou-$l5O Per ; montli. (Juick promotion S2UO-S3OU 1 per montli positions. Name position i wanted. Inter ltailway Dept. 174.1, lu j diunupolis, lnd. ; RAILWAY MAIL CLERK exumina ! tlon coming soon. Men 111 to 4U pre ' paro for it and other government "exams" under our expert, former Government Examiner. Thousands of men and women. 16 to 6b. needed in Reconstruction Period ahead. Write to-day for free booklet "MC." Pat terson Civil Service School, Rochester. N. Y. | RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMI NATIONS March 15. Men and women. | Particulars free. American Civil Ser ! vice School. Washington, D. C. WANTED Young man, between I ages of 15 and IS. who is open for a good, permanent position. Address S., !7133, care of Telegraph. : WANTED Experienced. single man to work on farm, lmiuire Elmer j Wagner, oloverly Heights. Scven jtecnth and Sycamore streets. ' WANTED —An experienced sales i man in Dry Goods Department. A good position tor the right man. )V. ' W. Mast ei Son. Coatesville, Pn. MEN WANTED For detective work. Write J. Ganor. Danville, 111. lIE Ll* \V ANTE D— FEMAI Ju j WANTED WOMEN TAILORS l for Alteration Department for j M iimt n's coats, skirts and dresses. Permanent positions and good | pay. Apply at once. ! KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORES. 1 WANTED I Good silk loom finishers. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Street. ' WANTED Girl for office work. Must understand typewriting. Apply J. ,-clioolnich, Room 31, Spooner lllug.. 0 I North Market Square. WANTED— Experienced seamstress for ladies' tailoring. Apply 1313 | Green street. J:C,.110 TO SIOO.OO PER MONTH for | all or spare time to represent us in advertising and distributing our ex quisite line of toilet preparations. Work fascinating and simple. No cx i perienco necessary. Answer quickly. Duchess laboratories. Dept. S3, Mili j iVeapolis, Minnesota. — _—___________ I GIRL WANTED —To work in store. 1 Salary. SIO.OO per week. Give age and roll rente. Aadress K., 7404, care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED 5 bright, capable wom en u. tiavel, demonstrate and sell <to alcrs. *35.0u to $50.00 per week. Railroad lare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 730. Gmaha, Nebr. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY I Knit urgently needed socks for us ou ; Auto Knitters. Experience unneces i sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. ; Department 140. Auto Knitter Co., 821 Jclierson street. Buffalo, N. Y'. WANTED Experienced weavers, also learners. Apply 1 k Mill, Second land North streets. WANTED Night dishwasher. ; Good wages. Apply Alva Restaurant, : 10 South Fourth street. WANTED —Girls to work on sow i ing machines. Apply Belgrade Knit j ting Mill, Twelfth and Bridge streets, : New Cumberland, Pa. WANTED Buttonhole maker to work buttonholes by hand. Bring i sample Shearer Co., 304 Market street. WANTED Women Singers. I Dancers, Musical Artists. Piano ! Player, girls for chorus, musical show. 'Good amateurs consider. Send photo , graph. State age. height, weight. I Steudy engagement. Good salary. I Marshall and Valuee, Ideal Entei tain ! ers. care of Liberty Theater, Waynn ■ boro, la. • WANTED A colored girl for ' general housework. Must be a good | cook. Apply between 5 and 8 in the ; evening. Mrs. Herman P. Miller, 2117 i North Thiid street. WANTED Reliable girl for gen oral housework and to help take care of child. Must furnish good refer ences. Apply 221 Enieialu street. WANTED Middle-aged woman I for genet al housework. Small family. No washing. References. Inquire li'Ul Bridge street. New Cumberland, Pa. WANTED Reliable, middle-aged, white woman, | for general housework, in family of ! three adults. Good wages and plcas i ant home. Address i 1-luX 7041. CARE OF TELEGRAPH. • HELP WANTED—MaIe uutl Female WANTED Artist to retouch i photographs and make wash draw ings of furniture. Federal Equipment II 'o., < a rlisle, Pa. I HUNDREDS permanent U. S. Gov ernment positions now open to men women, 18 or over. $1,0(10-91, W0 year. Work in your home section. No layoffs. Short hours. Pleasant work. Common education sufficient. List po sitions free. Write immediately. I'lunklin Institute. Dept. 413-N, Ho chester. X. Y. PIANIST, OR PIANO TEACHER WANTED Work in your own home or studio: all or part time. Address t'hristensen School, Room 2, 20 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. HUNDREDS U. S. Government Per manent Positions now open to men, 16 or over; women, 18 or over. SOO to j $125 month. Many In your home sec tion. Short hours. Common educa tion sufficient. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 413-L, Rochester. N. Y. MEN l6 or over; women, 18 or over. Get U. S. Government Perma nent Peace Positions. SI,OOO-$1,600 year. No layoffs. Short hours. Puld vacations. Common education suffici ent. Write Immediately for free list positions now easily obtainable. Franklin Institute Dept. 414-M, Ro chester, N. Y. | SALESMEN WANTED 1 SALESMEN l3O per cent, proilt, selling excellent specialty proposition It.) business and professional men. Full time or side line. Crowther A- Fuhr, 12063 North Slillman street, l'hiladel 'phia, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED j SIDK LISK Top notch specialty; responsible house: pays commissions | promptly; write to-day; sample andl sales talks free; no delays. Krickson ■ .Son Co., DPS Alotse, lowa. | TEST is the convlncinK argument j as to the sulc of our protected ar ticle. Most essential necessity. I.argo. territories to salesmen able to handle crews, Definite co-operation. If you cannot sell this specialty you will fall selling life preservers on a sinking ship. Write now. Jerome Laadt, Pres., 8 Mouth Dearborn street, Chi-, eago. 111. ■ j SALESMEN New Carburetor for ford Cars. Simple, not a moving part, installed in thirty minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage und start in zero weather without 1 henting or printing. 18-day KItKH trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1.400 In 6 months: Salt Isike City man made ♦ 1,-fC.Oe In one week. Write U. &J. | Carburetor Co.. 505 \V. Jackson Blvd., i Chicago. ARMY and NAVY Joke Books Sell faster than anything on the mar ket. 80 pages. Brim full funny jokes. Sample, 25r. $12.50 hundred. The American Novelty Co.. "Every- j thing in Novelties," Aaheville, N. C. i WE want un ex-County or City Of-; ficlal a Bank Employe n School ; Principal a man of this type in i short, a ntan of integrity and large | acquaintance in Harrisburg to repre- j st nt a financial house handling obly i highest grade securities. A man pos- 1 sessing these qualities is assured sue-| cess and permanent, satisfactory com-' pcnsctlon. Your communication will I be treated as confidential, if you so j desire. Address It., 40S finance Bldg., Philadelphia. DISCHARGED AItMY AND NAVY! MEN AND SALESMEN The heroic | and magnificent deeds "Over There" | told In simple words and vivid pic-1 lures. Every family in America, whatever its means, will buy and pre- j serve for generations. Our oroginall History of the "WORLD'S WAlt" I down-to-date the largest and best illustrated book ever sold for the money. Sells at sight act quick. National Manufacturers' Syndicate,; Hartford Bldg.. Chicago, 111. SALESMEN Now selling . miy ; auto or truck accessory direct to owner and who is persevering and am-| bitious. to sell device for $lO, com mission $5: easy selling, guaranteed to pay for itself in casli insurance saving. Address Fetters. Lincoln ! Bldg.. Philadelphia. "AMERICA'S WAR FOR HUMAN ITY" Complete History World's j War, COO pages, with nearly 100 mag nificent pictures. Retails $2.00, costs \ you SI,OO. Sonic agents making over I $20.00 per day. Sell the book the people i want. Orders tilled promptly. Credit! if desired. Freight paid. Also "LIFE I OF ROOSEVELT." same terms. Both 1 outfits free to workers. Geo. G. Clows! Co.. Philadelphia. Pa., or Chicago, 111. ! Address nearest office. SALESMAN WANTED Prominent Harrisburg Corporation | wants man to sell in this city an ar ticle required in every home. Firm ami j goods well known. Give full particulars, former ex-I rerience, age, qualifications, salary I expected, etc. Address C.. 6542, Care of Harrisburg Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED .".00 PER CENT. PROFIT Agenis ! clearing hundreds weekly. New Wash- ! ing Compound. Wonderful seller. Big i repeater. Nature's .Mightiest Cleanser, i Send for proof. Free sample. Mitchell, | B. 1... 1514 East Sixty-first street, Chi- | Dago. AGENTS Soldiers, Sailors, Alen, j Women, make big nloney selling ouri new. up-to-date photo medallions. ' Quick sales. Big profits. Free catalog und samples. Cruver Co., Jackson ind Campbell, Chicago. AGENTS —— Big Pay and Free Au- ] lomobile, introducing wonderful new ! gasoline saver, punetureproof, five- | year spark plugs and other ceo- j nomical auto necessities. Outfit free.! L. Ballwey, 632, Station F, Louisville,! K >'. AGENTS Chateau Thierry Great- ! e.-.t War Picture. Sample FREE. 501 others. Russell's War History best! published. Convex portraits. Frames. ; Pillow Tops. Low prices '■— credit terms prompt shipments. People's) Portrait, Station D, Chicago. FIBER BROOMS Outwear 5 corn! brooms. Guranteed one year. Agents wanted. Sample, $1.25, postpaid. Key stone Fiber Broom Co., 618 Duquesne Way 07. Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS Quick seller. Big J profits. California ltosebeads. New stuff. Tremendous demand. Coining j money for hustlers. Catalog t'reej Mission Bead Co., 1427 Irola, Los An geles, Calif. "NEGRO SOLDIERS IN WAR" Book contains many pictures of col ored troops. Everybody buys. Agents making $25 day. Big hit. Send 25c lor outfit to publishers. Jenkins Pub-! lishing Co., Washington, D. C. AGENTS WANTED By manufac turer to bundle high-grade, Alade-to- MtasurS Raincoats. Liberal commis sion in advance. No delivery or col let ting. Liberty P.aincoal Co., Day ion, Ohio. HELP STOP FUTURE WARS $20.00 dally distributing intense Pic tures of Peace 6O subjects. Coun try wild for them. Free supply and lisp'ay ease. Also Important portrait ■atalog. Be nulek. Consolidated Portrait Co., 1033 IV. Adams street I'll i eago. TASTE HOT-CUP—The new nour ishing fnmllv drink and represent us in your neighborhood. Earn big money easily. Repeat orders continually. Not sold in stores. 1 tot-Cup is con centrated and instantly prepared Send ten cents for enough for large family, end full particulars, telling how to start. House & Sons. Estab lished IS9O, 56 St. Paul street, Buffalo N. T. LA RG K MAN UFA CTLItER wants' representatives to sell shirts, under wear. hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad way, New York City. SITUATION'S WANTED—MALE WANTED Alan wishes position as butcher or chauffeur: can furnish reference. Apply 740 Mouth Second street, Mteelton. WANTED Position as fireman or stationary engineer; can furnish good references. Call, or address, 1443 Vernon street. WANTED Man wants position as night watchman or driving team; can give best references or bond. Apply 4007 Dial phone. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe W/-NTED Young woman wishes position as housekeeper In refined small family; wages, $7 per week. Addres.t Box P, 7509, care of Tele grnph. WANTED An experienced steno grapher desires work for afternoons only Special work can be taken home. Address Box T, 7406, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman wishes to keep house for a widower; young man preferred. Address N., 6421, care of Teli graph. WANTED Day's work of anv kind by colored woman inquire 1407 Currant avenue. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I ll DON'T TRY TO BE YOUR OWN CLERK in this new era of business • Up) j 'IP development. It is poor policy. That 0^); 111 part of your work which can be safely Pj) j [delegated tc/ others must be —'if you ! are to do the big things. Use the class- py! ihed—and get in touch with capable P| people who are open for engagements. |L) I j SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe : WANTED Woman wishes pos ition as cook; can furnish good ref j erence. Address N.. 7508, care of ! Telegmph. i I WANTED Woman wishes place las housekeeper for a widower, or | would like to have place on farm for herself and son. Inquire at 326'.i South Second street, Steelton. Ask for I Mrs. Mary Evans. ! WANTED Middle-aged woman I desires position as housekeeper; ref | erences given. Address Box A. 7402. ; care of Telegraph. I WANTED Middle-aged woman [desires position assisting undertaker; lean furnish reference. Address Box U. 7313, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Respectable country | woman wishes position keeping house I lor widower; well experienced in I house work; best of reference. Ad- I dress Box K, 6924. care of Telegraph. i WANTED Young woman wishes [position as secretary, stenographer or typist; good executive; ten years' business experience; can travel. Ad j dress Box T, 7306, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED— Male and Female WANTED Work on farm by man 1 and weman. Call Enola Post Oftice. | Thomas Pomeroy. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms and | kitchenette, suitable for light house keeping. all conveniences. Call Bell | phono 2188W, Sunday morning. i NO. 1 SOUTH FRONT ST.. STEEL- I TON. PA. Three unfurnished front | rooms for rent. Bell phone 218 Y. i UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING i ROOMS Single or communicating, ; kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. | Strictly private. laundry, phone and 1 bathroom privileges. Inquire 429 I Broad street. Daily inspection in- I vited. i FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping; use [of bath and phone. Inquire 2123 j Moore street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished I rooms, suitable for jlight housekeep- I ing. Inquire 1124 North Sixth street. j FOR RENT Barge, unfurnished [livingroom; suitable for suite of rooms; modern conveniences. Inquire [276 llriggs street. FOR RENT Earge, comfortable, | furnished room, bath, all conveni ences; adapted for gentlemen. Inquire | SOD North Second street. | FOR RENT Two or three fur -1 nislied second floor rooms, for light ! housekeeping; electric lights: well I heated; reliable party, rent reason able. Inquire 1727 North Sixth street. i SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR Furnished front rooms, with conveni ences, gentlemen only, in private fam ! ily. Address R„ 8210, care of Teie ! graph. i FOR RENT Large, well-furnish [ed rooms. Inquire 113 Locust street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 12.50 per week and up; warm rooms, 1 running hot and cold water; light j housekeeping and private bath. Wil ' son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 'COLONIAL APARTMENTS, MECiIAN ICSBURG [ From April 1. Centrally located. [Main street, near depot, on trolley. 4 | or 6 rooms, with bath, front nnid aide porches, hot water heat. Rent rea ! sonable. Inquire 429 Broad street. [9:30 to 11 A. M., or Happle & Swartz. I Mechatiicsburg. ; FOR RENT —Four rooms, kitchen ette and bath, $52.50; five rooms, | kitchenette and bath, $55. No ciui :dren. Apply at location, 1700 North Second street. HOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED Gentle men. Apply 1317 Swatara street. WANTED—BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED Room and board by re fined, young man. In private family. Address Box L, 7504, care of Tele graph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POSSESSION SOON. Reduced S3OO. No. 630 Muench street, is as tine a constructed dwelling as you will find in West End, and is a RARE BAR GAIN; 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, handsome slate sink and slate base around new kitchen range. About SI,OOO cash needed. Rental in come $25.00. No. 125 Hamilton can be bought for a little less than $3500. A handsome home in a fine residential section. In fine shape. Owner is sacrificing on account of leaving city No. 602 North Seventeenth street, is in the Hill's exclusive residential section. A little north of "Hale street. Price is right. No. 1630 North Sixth, is a fine in vestment. Storeroom and apartment. Rental income S6O. Price SSOOO. Va cant soon. No. 1331 North Second street. A I 3-story brick property in line shape, ! around the $2500 marjt. BACKENSTOSS BROS. Rtißs Building Member Hbg. Real Estate Board. FOR SALE 2513 N. Sixth St., 3-story brick. 514-10 Emerald St.. 3-story brick. , PROGRESS 10 lots, 225x135 ft. Bargain to qulcl; purchaser. H. M. BIRD. Union Trust Bldg. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance a B rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply P. Dorauz, 1226 North Sixth street REAL ESTATE 1-OK SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Vacant 2-story brick, all improve ments. porch front, drive ajley, easy | terms, on ltill; lu minutes' walk to station. Vacant. 9 rooms, porch front, side yard, bay windows, room for garage, steam heat, electricity and gas. Vacant. 10 rooms, porches, steam heat, electricity und gas, hardwood tloors, side and back yurd, at New Cumberland. Possession April 1, 2-story brick, corner, room for garage, front porcn. all improvements. Possession April 1, single 3-story frame, corner, steam heat, electricity and gas, front porch, garage in rear. 3-story brick. Market St M.oOO 3-story brick. Market St 5,300 3-story brick. Crescent St 3,800 3-story brick. Swatara St 3,400 3-story brick, ltegina St 3,500 3-story brick, Berryhill St 3.000 j 3-story brick. Walnut St 3,000, 3-story brick. S. Eighteenth St.. 4,300 3-story brick, State St 4.400 3-story brick, Sixth St 4,600 3-story brick, Green St 5,000 ] 3-story brick, Briggs St 4,5001 2-story brick, S. Eiftecnth St... 2,800 2-story brick, Kensington St... 2,500 ] 2-story brick, Catherine St 2,700 | 2-story brick, Disbrow St 2,300' 2-story brick, Crescent St 2,600 214-story brick, Summit St 2,500 2 is-story brick, Ross St 2,500 2%-story bungalow, Schuylkill St 2,500 215-story frame, West Fairview 1,200 Several line suburban homes, in one car fare, steam heat, electric lights. 14 to 1-acre land, all improvements, practically new homes. Several small Farms from 3 tj 3li! acres, near city. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Ureen Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. { IF TT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDER LIN". POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN ON ! ANY OF TIIE FOLLOWING i PROPERTIES ON OR ABOUT I APRIL 1. PICK OUT YOUR HOME NOW AND DON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING AURIL 1. WICONISCO ST.. 623 to 631 Five houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements, front porch, driveway in rear, newly painted and; fixed up in first-class shape; It Willi pay you to look at these houses be-: fcrc buying. MAIIANTOXGO ST., 016 and 620 —i Three houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements;] i right price to quick buyer. , j SIXTH ST.. 2631-2633 Three- j story brick, eight rooms and bath, i gas and electric lights, front porch, l | all improvements; only two left. I SCHUYLKILL ST.. 618 to 628 Six i houses, 3-story, buff brick fronts, all 'modern improvements; these are ex !ceptionally nice looking homes; you can't make, a mistake if you select one of these homes. SIXTEENTH ST., S., 5 42—Two-story I brick, six rooms and bath, all im- I provements, front porch, cement cel- I lar. nice rear entrance; a very nice neighborhood; the last one of twenty. DERBY ST. AND TWENTY-SEV ENTH Three-story brick, will be completed about April 1; hardwood j llorrs, steam heat, gas and electric light, cemented collar, everything ! that is nice in a home. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE Properties DO NOT APPEAL TO YOU. COME IN AND SELECT YOUR LOT, PICK OUT THE STYLE HOUSE YOU WANT AND WE WILL BUILD IT FOR YOU WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY; BALANCE SAME AS RENT. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Rcorn 1, Security Trust Bldg., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. FOR SALE ! 821 North Sixth street 3-story brick dwelling house lO rooms bath hot and cold water fur- I nace largo closets parlor, 30 ft. jin depth diningroom, 18 ft. Second land third iloors front rooms arc about 16x19 ft. length of house. 64 ft. Can be seen by uppointment. M. A. FOUGHT, 272 North St. I FOR SALE 1 2052 Susquehanna, a brick, 8 rooms, bath, hot air. gas, porches, $2,800. I Possession April 1. | 2207 Logan, brick. S rooms, bath, hot air, gas. porches, $2,500. Posses | sion April 1. 1). A. CALEY, 707 Kunkel. Bell 589. FOR SALE Six-rooin-and-attic franu house, water and gas. Rents for SB.OO per month. Will tiring SIO.OO. Price, $900.00 cash to quick buyer. Inquire 212 Crescent street. FOR SALE Five-rooin-and-attic frame house, water in house. Rents for SB.OO per month. Will bring $9,00. Price, SBIIO.OO cash to quick buyer. Inquire 212 Crescent street. FOR SALE . CAMP HILL 254-story brick dwell ing, 8 rooms and bath, liot air heat nice, large front porch, facing south' or. lot 50x150 feet. Chlckenhouse and garage In rear. A number of truit trees in tearing. Adjoining lot same size. Logan street. Just west of Bow man avenue. Inquire on premises, or phone 3180-R Bell. A. E. STRODE. FOR SALE Berry hill St., No. 14 lj —B-rcom brick house, with all im provements. Drive alley in rear ■Pi ice. $3,300. Easy terms. j. y' Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE 3-stor.v brick house, on IIIIP 8 rooms, porch, steam heat, side entrance; immediate possession. , Call Dial phone 5081 REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E HOMES FOR SALE I/ERItY ST, 3-story brick, front porch, one of pair; S3OO cash or Lib- J erty Bonds, balance S3O per month. i • KELKEK ST. —3-story brick, im- I provenients: this is a very substan- ' tial house; it is now vacant and ac- I tually for sale SIXTH ST. 2200 block, 3-storv ' brick, front porch, steam heat, rear drive alley; good reason for selling; special price for few days. | SECOND ST. —Some home for the ! money, room for garuge too. ! TENTH WARD—Several ideal cor ner properties; also a line corner , property on Hill north of Stute street. [ | EMERALD ST. Fine home he- i j ttveen Second and Green streets. i MAC'LAY AND FOURTH— Pair of' ; cottage style houses, steam heat | good car service CAMP HILL, good residence and [ store property, in heart of town. RAYSORVILLE HEIGHTS a fine ' j suburban home, Moderute price. j Several good Investment properties. ' HOUGH. BRIGHTBILL A KLINE ! Both Phones 307 Kunkel Bldg. j FOR SALE N. Eighteenth St. No I 718 Very desirable brick and stucco I house, with steam heat and electric light. Price. $4,500. J. E. Gipple 1251' Market street. ' J - ol j S4OOO WILL BUY a single house ! with all Improvements, on Bowman : avenue. Camp Hill. SIOOO in cashl Balance can remain in mortgage in i quire .1. K. Klpp. ° ° e ' ln " | VACANT, possession at once—North! Sixth street, 3-story brick, all im provements. steam heat, electric and' gas. front porches, bay windows side yard, 8 rooms, room for garage, "c JJ Corder. 1722 Green street. Beii 560-j' Rents collected. ' Brisbane street, line suburban, 7-room brick house. Steain beat, electric and I gas. front and rear porches, lot 30x I 120, rear drive. Can be occupied at I once. Call Bell 12M. v a nl I FOR SALE Walnut St.. No. 1"06! —9-roonf brick house, with all mod-i ern improvements. Jn good repair Price, $2,800. Easy terms. J. K. Gipple i 1251 Market street. FOR SALE N. Fifteenth St.. No 181 B-room brick and framo house'| all improvements, including steain, heat. Drive alley in rear. Easy terms. Price, $3,000. J. E. Oipple, 1251 Mar-1 j ket street. FOR SALE 5-roomed, I 'A -story bungalow; all conveniences; big gar jden; corner property; garage; laundry in cellar. Dial. Mechanicsburg, 153 W. I FOR SALE Property on Green I street. All conveniences. Good chance for colored family. Apply M. ' 7804, care of Telegraph. j FOR SALE lmmediate posses- 1 | slon, line property, corner Deny and 1 I Kelso streets. Paxtang. Hardwood! floors, steam heat, gas and electricity, i Garage in rear. Inquire J. K. Kipp. j FOR SALE A modern, three-story | apartment house, in desirable location ; uptown. Good investment. Owner; leaving city. Address S., 6611, care j of Telegraph. I FOR SALE 52,250 will buy a - , room brick house, with all modern int- I provements. Good location. J. K. j Gipple, 1251 Market street. • FOR SALE Three 3-story frame I houses, eight rooms, paved street, I $2,100 each. Two brick semi-bunga ] lows. 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantry, I porches. $3,150 each. Two bricks, all ! improvements, $5,100 both. All close I in. Bell Phone 1334 J. ' TWO-STOtt* BRICK HOUSE All' improvements; in city; front porch;! 'bay window; nice yard to drive alley; • sluo down, balance as rent. Liberty ) Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER i 1722 Green Street. Bell 560-J. :! —. I FOR SALE Paxtang, Pa., 3616 ■I FOK SAr. E —On easy teruis, zou I I ti 2018 Susquehanna street. Possea -11 sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz, I 1225 Nortn Sixth. v I®" t FOR. SALE 9-room briclc house, [ near Boas on Sixteenth street. Call Bell phone 2912. SWATARA ST., 1522 For sale, three-story briek, eight rooms and bath, all other improvement*; side en trance; price very reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Briek construction; • all modern improvements, including [steam heat; price, $3,400. Bell Really Co., Betgner Building. PARK ST.. 1832 For sale. 3-story brick, all modern improvements; lot. ' 17x410 to drive alley. Bell Bealty Co., Bergner Building. NINETEENTH ST., N., 28 Single ■brick dwelling for sale; fourteen • i rooms and bath, gas. electric light, • | steam heat; lot, 78x82. Bell Realty I! Co., Bergner Building. -I 1 j FORSTKII ST., 1927-1929 53,000 will purchase two frame houses, brick 'ami frame construction, gas, electric [light. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bttild . ing. PENIIItuOK 52,500 will purchase a Penbrool; house witli seven rooms; lot. 30x200, with garage nnd chlcken ' house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ' | Building. I PBNN ST., 2316 Vacant house for 'jsale; brick construction, six rooms "land bath, strum heat, gas and electric ! light concrete front porch, side en trance. Price. $3,400. Easy terms. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT *. . —■ I MILLER BROTHERS & CO., Locust and Court Sts. FOR RENT < ! f No. 2054 Swatara St.. 3-story brick, c 7 rooms and bath. Rents for s2o per -1 in No. h 2ooG N. Third St. 3-story brlclt, 13 rooms and bath. Rents for slou . per month. No. 1118 N. Thitd St. Rents for S3B per month, j No 615 Boas St. Rents for $25 per t month. ! SUMMER COTTAGES AT PERDIX r Alabama Cottage Wohelo Cottage— Philadelphia Cottage. I MISCELLANEOUS Store Room No. 1737 N. Third ' St. 20x60 ft. Rents for $45 per month. Stable —No. 231 Blackberry Avenue. FOR RENT Corner store and ' house, also garage. Suitable for any ! business. Apply 67 Conestoga street, Steelton, Pa. t MARCH 8, 1919. | KEAL ESTATE l'Olt KENT i BEAUTIFUL CUUNTHY HOMI3- ! "HILLCREST"—FOR RENT I Largo. country house, one block Ifiom trolley, 11 Improvements. Hot and cokl water, steam heat, gas, elee ! trie light, tun parlor, extensive i grounds, tennis court, parage. Terms : reasonable. Immediate possession. I Call Bell phone 3139R-1, or address | Baron Restecki, P. O. Box 94, New I Cumberland. Pa. Ileal Estate For Rent—Suburban MODERN SUBURBAN HUME at! Camp Hill f° r rent; 2 &-story. rooms and bath, oak doors, open llreplade. full-size screens. shades, storm sashes; all conveniences; furnished or ; unfumihed; by April 1 or sooner. Ad dress Box E. t'iilS. enre of Telegraph. j UFA I l .hTATii—I-or Sale or Kent j HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth ' and Curtln Streets; possession of ' some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 91 North Sec ! ond. Bell phone 307 J. kfal ESTATE, WANTED I WANTED, TO RENT lty returned naval aviator, a house in desirable locality, with modern improvements j preferred, city or suburban. Posses sion wanted April 15 or sooner. Ad jures* lU. 7405, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED ] Wo have some ready purchasers for '! Improved Real Estate. Let us know j what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh Street. | WANTED, TO RENT One single garage, located near Fourth and ! I'effer streets. Call 1176J Bell phone, jl). A. Lehman. WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnihsed | nouses, apartments and rooms. What 1 do you have to offer? Address Mil ] ler Brothers &. Company, Locust and I uou-t streets. j | READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY, > WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFERt i ! BELL AND DIAL PHONES. ] CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. ' I Offices and Storerooms for Kent j FOR RENT | Second and third doors over | Claster's Jewelry Store, now occupied by ICellberg's Studio. I Has been occupied as a photo ,l graphic studio for over ten I years. Apply j CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE, j 302 Market Street. MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER 1002 North Third Street i ——— — ———— j 250 HAMILTON STREET—Suitable | for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar I store. Chas. Adler, lUU2 N. Third St. I FOR RENT Largo storeroom and | house combined .in Lewisberry, York county. Pa. Apply at Post Office, Lewisberry. FARMS SMALL FARMS ON EASY TERMS % -acre, a good house $2,400.00 . 1-acre, a good house $550.00 , 2',b acres, good building $2,700.00 48 acres; plenty hay and straw $2,750.00 25 acres, 10 miles from Har risl.urg $2,400.00 ' 105 acres, near city $5,500.00 30 aeies, near citv $6,000.00 107 CHESTNUT ST. j WANTED To hear from owner •of good furm for sale. C. C. Shepar.l, : Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE COMING BACK THREE OR FOUR TIMES, SAY THAT j j LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL is so satisfactory that no other I COAL j J gives the same SATISFACTION. . I Order 1,000 lbs. to-day, $4.70, 1 1 Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY. ;j NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. j! SUBURBAN DELIVERY. CIGARS From Factory at sl. ] $1.25 to $1.50 per box of 50, postpaid, -lor trial box of each for $3.25. W. F. ' j sncfl, Red Lion, Pa. . I TOBACCO Gauldcn's famous Ten- I nessee Natural Leaf; rich, pure, mel viow; satisfaction guaranteed. Two sj pounds, $1; live pounds, $2.50. Sample, 1110 c. Gaulden Tobacco Co., Mill Blilg., .; Dukedom, Tenn. j FOR SALE Oak bedroom suite, -large gus range, 2 porch swings tone 01 very large), 50 ft. garden hose, sev il eral pedestals, electric heater, wall e | machine for exercising. Call 21 HI - North Second street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M -j FOR SALE Willow-top go-cart, e In good condition, new tires, at rea •, I sonable price. Inquire 619 Schuylkill . i street. 1 I FOR SALE One No. 8 Prizel -1 Range, with waterfront, in good eon i jditlon. Call 917 Green street. J! FOR SALE Antique mahogany ! desk, sideboard. upholstered sofa, l rocking chair, bookcase, sewing ma ' I chine, typewriter table. bedroom suite, serving table. Inquire 405 South ! Thirteenth street before March 12. i FOR SALE Two carloads of wal ! nut logs. J. C. Kipp. Mlllerstown, "IPirry ccunty. Pa. FOR SALE Natural reed baby carriage, in excellent condition; alst white wicker bassinette. on wirt wheels. Call 1319 Derry street. Bell phone 967 M. Second Floor Apurt y, | mint. I STIKFF BABY GRAND PIANO FOR '•'SALE ln perfect condition. Or wil u i exchange for automobile of equal „ value. Address Box 387, Lemoyne 8 Pa. - FOR SALE Delivery wagon ant sleigh, boxes, barrels, baskets, crates puper cartons, waste paper, burial: bags, etc. B. B. Drum, 1801 North Sixth. FOR SALE Wood for kindling for range or furnace, pine or oak, ! slobs or billets. Pleased customers In [all parts of city. Bell phono 1055 M. d i - '•I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED - EXCHANGED. d GEO. P. TILLOTSON, y 206 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE L, ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. l-'Olt -SAT, 10—MISCELLANFPUS FOR SALE One F. & P. Gaa Plant, 11 lights, for sale cheap. In good condition. Fine thing for busi ness that lias no electric connection* D. H. Martin, Ellzabethtown, Pa. BLAISDKLL LATHE 20 in. X 12 ft. Lodge & Shipley Quick Change 14 In. x 6 ft. Mundy Hoist 6 ',4x10 in. Trav eling Derrick, 3 H. P. Gasoline En gine. 1 It. P. A. C. & D. C. Motors. 'A 11. P. A. C. Motors, also will buy gi oii Metal Working Machinery and Electric Motors, Generators, Battery Charging Sets. etc. F. R. Laverty. 1857 Bell Phono. FOR SALE One five-piece ma liogutiy finish. plush parlor suite. $25.00, one hand-made American wal nut haircloth parlor suite, price, $50.00; one small gas heater, $2.50; ona lot of inverted gas tixtures, 75c each; one gas parlor lamp, $3.50; onu marble-top table, SIO.OO. 1930 Green ' street. City. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! I The Store across from Y. W. C. A. | offers you the Biggest und Best Bar j gains In Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats. Mackinaw Coats. Underwear. Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous lor Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE l5O-egg Prairie Statu i Incubator, reasonable. Also Silver Laced Wyandotte Eggs, SI.OO per set ting of 15 Eggs, (.'ail, or write, Cal vin Leitzcl, 1316 Howard street. City* MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morrl* Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS 1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for , 1 Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at | tention. Newmark A Cown 168 Hronrt ! street. Dial phone 1256. Bell 470511. i WANTED, TO BUY A 42 or 44 size full dress suit. Give price, etc. Address P. O. Box 41, Harrisburg. i WANTED, TO BUY A modern, ! up-to-date, used typewriter. Address [Box T, 7213. earc of Telegraph. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call I Bell 10711!. or drop a postal to Max Ismeltz. 1016 Market street. Will call, i city ••) country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID tor all ' kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call I Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son, { 824-832 North Seventh street. L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and ' Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, .übber and ' metal and old machines. Send postal 'or cull 3221W Bell and Dial 6225, j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING Experienced parkcrs of Fur niture, China and Bric-a-brac. A. 11. SHENK 1906 North Sixth St. Bell Phone 399 W. NEW-HYDRATE!) ORANGE JUICE ' j At last! A drink made from real, fresh oranges. Delicious! Big profits, j Limited capital will lease patented | machine und secure process. Summer j is l i ming—country going dry—don't delay . No agents. Fairfield Mfg. Co., 1116 Saneom street, Philadelphia, Pa. j J,* ; WE iiiaiUi>tfbturo a carburetor for Ford car*' which is guaranteed to | give dQ*ri>le the mileage over any j jothe- darburetur ever constructed, re igaid'css of name, make or price. Money refunded if fifteen-day '[FREE trial does not prove it. En- Jtirely new principle simple, plain tube not a moving part. Guaran i tec.) to start in zero weather without ' I heating or priming. Tremendous <ic- Imanil. Thousands now in use in Chi | j cago territory. i Reliable, energetic, man, who can 'jg.iaiantOe sales and carry stock of . SSOO to s2.ooii. depending on demand, Mean secure exclusive territory and will J easily net SIO,OOO tliis year. No special ; | experience necessary. Jl Will also furnish carburetors for other cars in about sixty days. | FRANK A. PR WAN, 509 W. Jackson j. | Blvd., Chicago, 111, * I FOR SALE Soda fountain, two cans, hose, gaze, in excellent condi tion. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 67 Conestoga street, Steelton, * Pa. FOR SALE Grocery, doing a profitable business city 12.000 popula tion, Central Pennsylvania. Excellent j opportunity. Low price to quick buyer. Write at once for particulars. Address Box R. 7041, care of Tele | graph. ! FOR SALE Established drug sti.ie, near Harrisburg. Modern and I well stocked. Good soda fountain. Good investment, and a bargain, ij 1 health, reason lor selling. Apply Box 11 76U5, care of Telegraph office. BUSINESS I'EIISONALS S U'ETY-RAZOR BLADES RE- SHARPENED Single edge—2sc per dozen. Double edge—3sc per dozen. I METROPOLITAN HOTEL ANNEX -I on THIRD AND CUMBERLAND . STREETS BARBER SHOP, I, ' All Work Guaranteed. 'i OXY-ACETYLKNE WELDING -1 Any utctal welded. Work guaran - teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. - Capital City Welding Co., 1538 Logan 0 | street. Bell 4396 J. :;i FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES— Bought and sold. S. Gold, 1014 Mar - i get. Bell 4085 J. e 1 QNININE —Look out for that grippe - f feeling, likely to catch you thla H changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE .;! PHOSPHO-QUININE Will stave It Oflt I. llf taken In time. Gross Drug Store. -119 Market street. - ~ CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDEß—Es l'ttmates. Jobbing. First-class work. 1 n w Hummer, 1423 Liberty street. - j Bell 4420. ' I A. LANE I New and second-hand furniture - ! bought and sold. Highest Prlces paid. y I 1022 Market street. Bell 4.30-J. - INVENTORS FINANCED Patents n Automobiles. Motorcycles Bought, h old Exchanged. Cash or commission,, II simon Horst. Eiugli sto wn. Pa. 7 UPHOLSTERING —Of the best 1 kind. Work guaranteed. We call and 'deliver 308 Broad street Dia i phon „ - 4826. Bell phone 4iouß. y SHARPENED —) U single edge. 26c doz.; double edge. 860 II doz ; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED—And china - packed for shipping. Also repairing, n J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. !! DI AMONDS bought for cash—P. H. Caplar. Co. 206 Market street. MONEY TO LOAN d '• WE LEND MONEY In compliance u with Act of June 17. 1915, to indivldu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ~ ments to suit borrower's convenience. * positively iowest rates In city. b PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. " 132 Walnut Street. Additional Classified Ads c | on Opposite Pago
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers