12 Bl'RIEl) FUTEEX MINUTES How he was buried for fifteen minutes when a shell threw earth over him, is told by Benjamin F. Moyer, of Palmyra, who served in Fiance with the . Seventh Infantry. He pave special praise to u rifle with which his unit was equipped, a French weapon which was a cross between a rifle and a machine pun, capable of shooting 130 shots a min ute. GREAT EXCITEMENT OVER NU VIM DAY Gorgas* Drug Store Besieg ed by Impatient Suffer ers Who Inquired For Nu Vim in Advance of Demons tra tion Date For the benefit of those who are aifcxiously and impatiently awaiting the coming ot "Miss Nu Vim" to Geo. A. Gorgas' drug store, we are] authorized to say this: No one will be supplied with Nu Vim until the date set for the open ing demonstration. That date is Monday, February 24. This may seem a hardship to some who are suffering with painful stomach and bowels and disorders of liver and blood —but it is only fair to those who are awaiting patiently for the day to arrive. You have not long to wait—only three days more before the demon stration opens. Be patient, everyone will have a chancft to meet "Miss Nu Vim" per sonally and hear from her own lips the remarkable stories of the great benefit she has seen Nu Vim bring to all who have depended upon it. The report is current that many physicians who have had little suc cess with mineral iron tonics are also anxious to see these demonstra tions of Nu Vim Iron Weed Tonic, which is all vegetable. 25cVJ For Colds, Grip snd Influenza Call at Geo. A. Gorgas' 3 Stores for a box ot King's Antiseptic Catarrh Cream. It opens up the head and allows free breathing. Wonderful results—Kills germs—iiealj sore membranes. Slf Iran ' V JmlrT Run Down writes: "Is it possible 1 to find a medicine which by its tonic or nutritive powers will bring the glow of health and ambition back to i a man who has everything in the world but health and happiness? I am dull, forgetful, despondent, weak, trembling, short of breath and suffer ! more or less with pain In opine and back of head." Answer: Your condition indicates the need of a strong, harmless tonic nutritive to restore nerve equili- i brium, which in turn fortifies and strengthens the organs cf nutrition, . thus vitalizing the blood and promot- | ing new cell and tissue to cake care of the waste forces. Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets, packed in sealed tubes with full directions, are recom mended in all such cases. Mrs. F. writes: "My husband is ' surely afflicted with some kidney disease. He has become weak and suffers with headache and pains in his back and groins. Pains are like i rheumatism. His ankles swell and his feet seem to be tired all the time. Pome days he has chills and no ap petite. Please prescribe." Answer: The symptoms indicate derangement of kidneys and should not Vie neglected. 1 would advise Balwort Tablets, a compound well suited to such cases. Obtain in seal ed tubes with directions for home use. Otello writes: "My hair is comb ing out, my scalp itches and dandruff is much annoying, and I want some thing to cure these conditions.' Answer: For hair and scalp troubles I have never found anything to equal the beneficial results of a thorough treatment of Plain Yello.w Minyol It is cooling, cleansing end invigorating, and thousands now use it regularly as a hair and scalp tonic. DON'T ENDURE RHEUMATIC PAIN! HERE'S QUICK RELIEF FOR YOU Stop the pain! Give me relief! I That's what you want when you're j hurt. That's what you get with | Sloan's Liniment. It not only j "kills pain," but does it quickly, I without delay. If you're tormented by Rhcuma- ; tism. Neuralgia, Sprains, Lruisos, Backache, and body or nerve pain —just seo how quickly a little Sloan's ! Liniment gives relief. The very I Hist applioation rests apd comforts. I I,* -. Jt '.■ - yu- "•*. '• ')>•*'" Sloan'sia Die World's lulif unimenr THURSDAY EVENING. IRON DIVISION SAILING DATE ABOUTAPRILIS Artillery I'nits of Old Penn sylvania Guards Prepar ing For Trip Home New York, Feb. 20.—Unless some anticipated occurrence should inter vene, the 28th Division, Pennsylva nia's former National Guard, will be ready to depart flor the United States about April 15. This statement was made l>y Captain Augustine S. Jane way, of Phoenixville. when he re turned yesterday on the French liner Touraine. When Captain Janeway was at Le Mans, near Paris, on February 8, he asserted the artillery of the Iron Di vision had already arrived and was going through the removing process preparatory to starting for the em barkation port. The infantry was then expected to arrive any day, as other units were rapidly leaving to make room for the Pennsylvania doughboys. Captain Janeway returned with fifty other officers, who with the ex ception of a few cbmprtsed the gen eral staff of the Second Army Corps. BOOKS FOR LIBRARY Enola. Pa., Feb. 20.—School di rectors of East Pennsboro township, at their meeting presented the following books for use in the High school library: "Actual Government," Hart: "Fa miliar Quotations," Bartlett: "Ro man Political Institutions," Abbott; "Society in Rome Under the Caes ars," Inge: "Instruction to the Study of Economics." Bullock: "History of the United States," Eggleston; "His tory of Music," Unterstciner: "Li brary of Work and Play," (eleven volumes'. Ereny; "Child Should Know- Library," Ctcn -volumes), and Ridjalt's "Lfbrary of Literature," twenty-five volumes. This total of 53 volumes, making a large addition to the library. i Stop I this! At first signs of a cold or grip take Lane's Cold&GripTablets Don't wait. Delay often leads to pneumonia. Results are jnralee4. At your druggists. VDOCTORIS tyjPr. Zew/slßa/co3 I The questions answered below are I general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply in any case of similar na ture. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., Oollege-Elwood streets, Day ! ton, Ohio, enclosing self-addressed i stamped envelope for reply. Full , name and address must be given, but | only initials or fictitious names will I be used in my answers. The prescrip tions can be filled at an"y well-stocked drug store Any druggist can order of wholesaler. • Grace writes: "Two years ago I | used your great prescription for kid- I ney trouble, and it wholly overcome the trouble. I want medicine now ! for constipation and impure blood, j for I am a sight with pimples that make big, lumpy sores." Answer: I would advise the taking I of Three-Grain Sulplierb Tablets (not sulphur) for several months to purify the system. Mother writes: "Can a sufferer i from bronchial trouble bo relieved? ! Doctors do not seem to help me, what I would you suggest? ; Answer: To relieve chronic cold, ; sore throat, bronchitis, I would advise the use of Concentrated Essence Mentho-Laxene. Purchase this at any drug store in 2Vfc-oz. packages snd | mix according to directions given on | bottle and you will very shortly be relieved of all bronchial trouble. This will not only relieve, but will cor rect. and is very pleasant to take. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker | has been giving free advice and pre | scriptions to millions of people ' —through the press columns, and doubtless has helped in relieving 111- j ness and distress more than any I single individual in the world's his- I lory. Thousands have written him : expressions of gratitude and confi ! dence similar to the following: Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir:—l am ; glad I was recommended to your pre ; scription for medicine. I was pretty I well run down nervous and loss of ambition; felt tired all the time; ! could not sleep, loss of appetite, felt I weak and trembled from weakness. I I find Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets ! are helping me very much. I was I writing to my sister about my run ! down condition and siie advised me to | take yobr prescription of medicine, : for she was as bad as I was and the j Cadomene built her nerves up and , I also restored her health. I am mere I than thankful, etc. Yours truly, L j GEORGE SCHILLO, ■ | 6206 Pear Ave., . I Cleveland, Ohio. i Seems to reach right down to the I seat of the trouble, warming and j easing the nerves and tissues. You ! can almost feel the inflammation, i swelling or stiffness subside, as the ! pain grows less and less. You don't even have to wait to rub in Sloan's Liniment. It pene j trates, and its clear, clean liquid ' can be poured right on the skin 'without staining. Get a generou sizo bottle from your druggist to- I day. 30c, 00c und J1.20. fkMusegfMßTrsffi MAJESTIC I High ('lays Vuudcville "Little Miss Manhattan, a Broadway musical revue. ORPHEUM To-night, only The Messrs. Shu- E, er \. °(*f r "The Dancer," with Martha Hedman. I- riday night and Saturday, matinee and night, February 21 and 22 Naughty! Naughty!" oJv. n 'Kht only, February 24 trs York Syncopated Orches- I iM-sday, night only, February 25 The Celebrated Italian Lyric So preno, bignorina Eufemia Gianntni and Her Concert Company. COLONIAL j To-day, to-morrow and Saturday ' x.,? t i nldine Farrar in "Shadows." R. I an 4L. Tuesday Blanche Bates in The Border Legion." REGENT To-day Dorothy Gish in "Battling and a. Sennett comedy, Cupid s Day Off." ' ' r . lda .y and Saturday Wallace Reld in Too Many Millions." VICTORIA ■ To-day—"The Common Cause." | Martha Hedman. who is featured | "j Lee Shubert and J. J. Shubert in I ii„ .. ... Edward Locke's com- How Martha edy-drama, "The Hedman Made Dancer." which will iter start be the attraction at . ~ the Orpheum to night has the most interesting story waS L™ ? r early staKe career . She i n J 1 country village in t'.Tfh* and she lived very simple up if' From mV* IS. when she left school. Confided "T J° St i childhood." she actress lon S e d to be an savlne when my chance eame of ?ffm t 1 wa nted to do with my !i ,e ; I declared that I wanted to go found thf e i' u I Parents, when they i t made up my mind a nf res ° lvei ! that 1 must have ouahfv wen Preparing myself thor- Wa e,| . ' , P .u! vln *. whether there tnkLl y an >thing in me and of wnrt .V, ptopcr position when I did tn .L oug the training, so I went to see Mrs. August Strindberg 'lt is would nn s y av° l °Sb Ma n tha anything.' she u listens all over —r when new? 1 to'tell quired. We had to learn several anguages as well, for Swedish von £??w. i- not unlike Russian." When '."low, !!," *" Wallace Reid, in his newest pic ture, Too Many Millions," which is ... .. to be shown at the Wallace Held Regent Theater -to ot itegent morrow and Satur . , day, plays the part of a book agent, who suddenly in herits $40,000,000, and when he is be coming familiar with the joys of plu tocracy, suddenly loses it again. Dorothy Gish, in her first Para mount picture. "Battling Jane," is be ing shown to-day for the last time. A 'unny Bennett comedy, "Cupid's Day Oft, will also be shown. An encagemcnt, said to be out cf the ordinary and wholly different from any that Harris- New \ork bur* has ever had be- Syncopnted fore, is announced for Orchestra the Orpheum next Mon day evening-, when the New York Syncopated Orchestra of fifty negro artists, musicians and singers will appear. The organiza tion comprises talented musicians and vocalists, and is conducted by Will IF POSLAM CAN HELP YOUR SKIN -DO LET IT If Poslam holds any comfort, any satisfaction for you in being the means to relieve and eradicate ecze ma or any stubborn skin trouble, let it bring you these benefits at once. They will seem ever so welcome if you have suffered long. There is no risk; Poslam cannot harm; its work is known to be highly successful. ! Soothes, stops itching, brings quick improvement. A little does much because It is highly concentrated. (Clears red, inflamed complexions overnight. Sold everywhere. For fi*ee sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. •Urge your skin to become clearer, brighter, healthier by use of Poslam Soap, medicated vgith Poslam. NONEEDTOFEAR INFLUENZA NOW Advises Keeping Forkola Handy—the Discovery of n Clever New York Chemist. The danger from Influenza is by no means over, and the public are still warned to be on their guard. Infection proved only possible by entrance through note and mouth of vicious Influenza nefms. Famous Forkola applied to mucous membranes of nose and , throat not only wards off Influenza, but also re lieves severe catarrhal conditions, soothing the inflamed membranes and permitting the easy . expulsion of germ-infected phlegm. IMPORTANT Your druggist or H. C. Kennedy can supply you. In some districts the demand has been so heavy that there is a temporary shortage. The public are advised to Insist on Forkola. as all wholesalers are supplied and your druggist, If he is sold out, can get it for you on short notice. vLdllfei / t "'' ■ *i'' \ HAHHiSBtIRG TEUEGRJLPH "Naughty, Naughty" Girls With the New Musical Comedy of the Same Name Coming to the Orpheum Friday and Saturday Wj \:'t'', P . /SPHSJI* Si* "Naughty! Naughty!" coining to the Orpheum, is said to be simply an innocent diversion, sparkling with pretty girls and made entrancing by iti jingling ditties. There are thirty people in the cast, among whom is Harry Bulger. "Youth" is the motto adopted by Messrs. Greeley and Middletor. in all of their productions. Marlon Cook, negro composer. They have just returned from their ap pearances in London, where their ori ginal programs proved one hit of the theatrical season. It will be remem bered bv many that this organization was. last season, one of the big fea tures of Ziegfeld's "Famous Midnight Frolics." in New York, and later the sensation of "The Cocoanut Grove," atop the Centuary Theater there. "Little Miss Manhattan" is the title of a Broadway musical revue to be presented at the Majestic At the the lattel- half of this week. Mnjcatlc This is a tabloid presented by a company of twenty people; is elaborately staged and cos tumed, and contains some good com edy and catchy musical numbers. A big feature of the show is the chorus of Broadway beauties, who wear some striking costumes. Another episode of "The Lure of the Circus" is an wdded attraction on the program. To-day, to-morrow and Saturday, Geraldine Farrar will be seen in "Shadows." This is an Geraldine extremely well-presented Farrar at photoplay, which tells' Colonial the conventional story of an Alaskan dance hall girl, fighting her way back to de cency. This picture makes one feel the strain put upon the girl who de spises her existence there, and is try ing to get away from it. The story is one of love and passion, in which this popular star wears some very gorgeous gowns and hats. Monday and Tuesday, Blanche Bates will be seen in "The Border Legion." Music lovers of Harrisburg will be afforded opportunity on Tuesday evening, February 25. at She Has a the concert to be given Golden at the Orpheum Theater, Voice to hear the celebrated lyric soprano, Eufemia Giannini, and her concert company on well known artists. • Eufemia Giannini was born in Philadelphia twenty-one years ago, which makes her an American by birth. She comes of a very .mutical family. Her father, Signor F. A. Giannini, who will assist her at the concert, is a well noted tenor through out the United States. Her mother, Signora Antonietta Briglia Giannini, is a violinist and singer, and the first lessons in music were given to Eu femia by her. She was sent to Italy to complete her studies in singing, and after four years she made her debut in the opera. "La Boheme," as "Mimi," and sang the leading roles of many operas in the most important theaters of Italy with a great suc cess. During the war she did much patriotic work for the Allies, singing for the soldiers at the fronts and in the hospitals. With her wonderful voice raised more than $50,000 for Liberty loans. A unique scfieme of decoration la worked out at the Victoria immedi ately over the main "The Common entrance, within the Cmuae" at lobhy, where decora the Victoria tors have created a scene in miniature of a tank in action. A model of one of fhe machines of death which drove back the Huns is to be seen in the ar rangement. The decorative scheme is in connec tion with "The Common Cause." whicli finishes a four days' run at the Victoria to-day. To-morrow Virginia Pearson is the attraction in a William Fox picture of society life in the metropolis. This film is called "The Love Auction."'and treats the problems of to-day in so ciety. Houdlnl will also be on the bill in the ninth chapter of "The Mas ter Mystery." I TO PUT PIECE OF PEG BONE IN WOUNDED ARM Wounded at Chateau-Thierry on July 20, Private Wilbur Gruver, o' Enola, who served with Company D, One Hundred and Fifty-first Machine Gun Battalion, Is soon to have a portion of his shin bone removed and grafted lntc the arm at the elbow joint, at the hospital at Rahway, N. J., where he is now undergoing treatment. This will tje one of th-s most remarkable instance of plactic' surgery employed by army physicians. ST. PAUL'S UAFTIST CHURCH TO ENTERTAIN MINISTER Final preparations are being made for the sixth anniversary celebration of the pastorate of the Rev. E. Lu ther Cunningham, at St. Paul's Bap tist Church. The celebration will be held to-night in the church edi fice. Prominent speakers will be present and refreshments will be served. PPAN Y. M. C. A. DRIVE Chambemburg, Feb. 20. J. B. Car ruthers. Philadelphia state secretary Y. M. C. A. met the general committee here last night and helped lay plans for the campaign to raise 1200,00'> for a soldiers' and sailors' memorial Y. M. C. A. building already nearly half the sun) is promised. H. J. Schmidt, field secretary will come here to head the drive. PARENT-TEACHERS* MEETING Camp Hill, Feb. 20.—The Parent- Teachers' Association will meet on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the high school assembly room. R. L. Myers, president, presiding. Officers for the new year will be elected, LEADING CRITICS ACCLAIM THE NEW YORK SYNCOPATED ORCHESTRA Wonderful Musical Organization, the Only One of the Kind in the World, Comes Here Next Monday —Will Marion Cook the Director The most unique of American musi cal organizations is coming to Har risburg. This troupe is Will Marion Cook's New York Syncopated Orches tra. It is an orchestra which features rag-time, although capable of play ing the most difticult classics. South ern airs, modern syncopation, those airs which bring memories, cause whistling, stir the feet to these taps 'which mean that music is touching the right spot, in fact all the. musical sensations which bring delight, will be dispensed when this unusual or chestra appears at the Orpheuin Thea ter Monday evening. Fifty colored musicians and singers, directed by one of the greatest negro composers and conductors, will be here. "Buddy" Gilmore, greatest of all trap drum mers. the "jazz purveyor" of the or chestra which supported Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle and other noted artists, is in the company and the orchestra has been praised by some of the really great musical critics of the United States and England. The Chicago Evening Post, through its musical critic, Karleton Hackett, said: "The New York Syncopated Orches tra is out to show how the music of the negro should be played and sung, and it does it. The players have tho syncopated rhythms in their bones and they make them sound like an expression of the instinctive elasticity of their spirits, a something genuine which grew with their growth and is a part of them. There is a buoyant. Jtealthy joviality about their music Hhat is simply Infectious. "They even give some specimens of what is known as 'jazz' with the jolity in it, but the vulgarity left out. You smile good-naturedly because it is amusing, and you have none of the feeling that you have been dealing with something unclean. "Will Marion Cook, who directs the organization, is a,tip-top muslcia#, who has had strength of character to keep all his racial instincts untouch ed by the white man's knowledge of the technique of music. He has learn ed this technique and applied it to bringing out with the sure touch of the skilled workman the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of his race. The way in which they responded to him was joyous to watch as well as to hear. This wds their own music, and their hearts wore in it, while they had been taught by Mr. Cook how to make- it effective. There was the spontaneous joy in the doing which ccmes when men have learned to do well the things they love to do. "Then, the singers have that soft, mellow quality which appears to be the birthright of the negro. They did some soft singing of which any choral organization would have been proud ORPHEUM TO-NIGHT AT B.ISORPHEUM^^FEB^4j THE MESSRS. SHUBERT OFFER Engagement Out of the Ordinary ™l A p The Musical Sensation That Swept New York I J and London Off Their Feet BY EDWARD LOCKE With NEW YORK SYNCOPATED I aHedman ORCHESTRA OF 50 I SEATS, 50# to $2.00. WILL MARION COOK T^ I 0~w"v -w-v WW W-. wT-W W TOMODDOU; THE GREATEST ASSEMBLAGE OF TALENTED ARTISTS I if. P H |V. I I IVI i VOCALISTS AND MUSICIANS OF THE COLORED ITM SATURDAY race ever brought together nlvtVnee SATURDAY 25c and 50c PRICES, 50#, 75#, SI.OO, $1.50. I The Latest Musical Sensation . „„ I ORPHEUM 3SS£ FEB. 251 XR VKTOKY JWsermJD (Y /(A __ JT AMutkal Melahto SIGNOR F. A. GIANNINI, Noted Tenor, Presents SIGNORINA I Swpkiiw wmiTiireamANa'\t^^^^GlßLS-f\)N-MUSIC ENFEMIA I -l as GIANNINI I Laughter, Music, Singing, Dancing and Real lyric soprano Live Chorus Girls Predominate New Star of the Grand Operatic Singing Pfirac Nicrlifc Orchestra, SI.OO. AND HER CONCERT COMPANY I IlCco lilgllld 8a1.,75#, 50#; Gal., 25#. oftcHESTRA, $2.00, $1.50, sloo. SEATS NOW SELLING. PRICEj GALLERY, 75c ' 50c " '■. 1 I and they did not do it as a technical stunt, but because it expressed just the sentiment that they bad in mind. You probably will not believe this, and it does- not make the slightest difference whether or not you do, but they had a trombone player with a beautiful tone, and when he played he played the melody of Way Down Upon the Suwance River." while the men sang the accompaniment, it was just for the tone of it as lovely as anything I ever had heard. You think the combination banal?. Well, you should have heard them do it and you would have learned better." Harrisburg Man to Bring His Play Here Friday Milton T. Middleton, owner and producer of "Naughty, Naughty," will celebrate his lifty-fourth birth day by bringing his new musical comedy to the Orpheum theater Fri day night. Mr. Middleton is a Har risburg man and for several years sold newspapers on tho streets of this city. He claims the honor of selling the first copy of the. Inde pendent which was later absorbed by the Harrisburg Telegraph. He left Harrisburg thirty-flve years ago. NEW 7~ HEATING SYSTEMS DESIGNED OLD HEATING SYSTEMS CORRECTED MORE HEAT. LESS FUEL. NO NOISE. Rob't Ross Jones CONSULTING ENGINEER Harrisburg, Penna. FEBRUARY 20, 1919. Americanization Class to Give Entertainment Members of the Americanization class at the Central High School will enjoy an entertainment to be given this evening In the school auditor ium, the second one to be given slince the school opened only a few months ago. Three nights a week men ard women of many varied nationalities gather at this school to study and learn the English language and Am erican customs. The pupils range in age from fifteen to sixty years, fath ers, mothers and children attending many of whom will take an active part in the program tonight. The program will include "Amer ica" by the members: "Marseillaise" in Yiddish by the Woman's Club; se lections from Russian operas, by Davi/1 Freedmun; solos by Miss Lil lian Wilenski and Isaac Cown, son of one of the members of the moth ers' club; and Miss Lois Booker, one of the teachers, who will sing a He brew song as a surprise; reading, "Barbara Krlrchie," Benjamin Shell; violin solos, Carl Styles; history of life of Washington, by A. B. Walize, one of the instructors. TO BETTER CATTLE HERDS Twelve farmers have been en listed by H. G. Nissley, Dauphin county farm agent, in the Cow Test ing Association which he is form ing in the county. A cow testing association is form ed'by a group of about twenty-four to twenty-six farmers, interested in economic milk production, who band together and hire a "cow tester." This man assumes the official posi tion of tester, and it is his duty to visit each member about once a month for the purpose of weighing and testing the milk, and the food fed to each cow in the herd. The tester will thus determine how near the farmer is feeding a ration that should net the most economic re- If Your Stomach Is Out of Order Take Bi-nesia If you don't, feel just right after eating—if you have that full, bloated, uncomfortable feeling the chances are 100 to 1, that three Bi-nesia tab lets will relieve the pain, discom fort and distress in less than five minutes. It's guaranteed to do this or it costs you nothing. Just de posit 50 cents for a package of Bi nesia with Geo. A. Gorgas or any other reliable druggist in whom you have confidence and give it a thor ough test. Eat too fast, too much, too late at night, food that's too rich, or do anything else that usually up sets your stomach; then take 3 or 4 Bi-nesia tablets. If you aren't de lighted and astonished with the re sult, the test will cost you nothing— you can have your money back for the asking. Always ask for Bi-nesia, the little tablet that's guaranteed to bring comfort and relief to dyspep tics and stomach sufferers every where. VICTORIA TODAY ONLY—Finn I Showing: of "The Common Cause" The Motion Picture Wonderful Marks An Epoch In the Art With An All-star Cast Tomorrow nnd Saturday VIRGINIA PEARSON In "THE LOVE AUCTION" Also HOI 1)1 NI In "THE MASTER MYSTERY" Next Week—Evelyn N'esblt Thaw Coming "Salome," Starring Tbedu Hurra Admission 10c and 30c ami War Tax k _ rnioiviai startin s T ° da y VJ KJ MJ KJ JTtL MJ For Three Days SHADOWS GERALDINE FARRAR The third Goldwyn picture in which this star has appeared. A gripping story of the Alaskan dance halls and gold fields which culminates when the girl happily married has to choose between having her past exposed, or having her hus band invest in an operation which she knows is worthless. How she extricates herself is told in the film. ALSO A ROARING COMEDY turn. If necessary, the tester mak< suggestions regarding the changir of the rations. IQHit-OREN Should not be "dosed** outside" treatment-"- H fIIVJ NEW PRICES—3Oc, 60c, $1.20 MAJESTIC A Lively Musical Comedy Number Little Miss Manhattan Pretty Girls in Pretty Costumes 3 Other High Class Keith Attractions. First Evening Show 7.10 Second Evening Show 9.10 Regent Theater Final Showing Dorothy Gish in her powerful play ''Battling Jane" SENNETT COMEDY "Cupid's Day OH" FRIDAY'—SATURDAY Wallace Reid in his breezy new play, "Too Many Millions" An adaption of Porter Bmerion Brounr'jt fniuoun novel. "Someone nnd Somebody" SENNETT COMEDY Benefit Dance Ry Emplnyeea of Boiraan & Co. Assisted by Knlghta of Colum bus nnd Hnrrlaburg Operatic Society. For Children's Industrial Home Day Nursery Sylvan Height's Orphanage Tables for thoae desiring to play card* Mimic by Two Orchestras i The llanjo nnd Snxo nnd Updegrove's CHESTNUT STREET AUDITORIUM MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1010 TICKETS, 00c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers