Store Closes Regularly Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six BELL loot—ansa UNITED lIABRISBI lIU, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, irio. FOUNDED isti Only Four More Days Of The B B B Sale Hf Domestic Specials | Corset Special 36-inch outing flannel in light patterns. Good, soft and || Corsets of fine flesh coutil. The popular elastic top. Good fleecy. B. B. B. Sale, 25c yard. | J strong hose supporters. B. B. B. Special, $1.50. shaker flannel. 27 inches wide. Good heavy |j (fly 1 Pink brocade cors . ets Elastic top. B. B. B. Special, $2.00. Feather tick, 31 inches wide. Narrow blue and white $ \ Jmß [PI A dnndc QnPPlolc striped. Feather and dust proof. B. B. B. Sale, 42j4c yard. >S ! .jjj jL _ _ L •tt- weight Will make good auto or camp blanket. B. B. H ' 4 1 I * ' || cotton in pink, blue, brown and green. BOWMAN's —Second Floor. H I\J j SUjKI \j j ]M _ Children's made up stamped dresses in pink and blue Rug Reductions For ft |1 If l\ M W | and Bozart rugs in all Z new spring patterns- | _ f%TJ\ jT " | NotjonS Specially Priced 6x9 ft., $B.OO 9x9 ft., $lO.OO 8.3x10.6 ft., $ll.OO # # U| Wooi Tapestry Rugs all seamless in beautiful floral fjyj Still More New ana Charming ffl For Spring Sewing all-over and conventional patterns, 9x12 ft., $20.00. m • BOWMAN's —Fourth Floor. |D |jr| Odds and ends of silk thread. -B. B. B. Sale, 2c. , HI Electro snap fasteners; black and white. B. B. B. Sale, Basement Offers Many by -M -Mi g-2 wH -M /-v /-j I—- iff snap fasteners; black only. B. B. B. Sale, 2F<C. | • " ypj JL JL lj 111. JI, ® j Inco snap fasteners; black only. B. B. B. Sale, 2j4c. VllllPC Thai- A VP* TTnilCllCll If l ' SSI Samson toilet pins; 400 count to package. B. B. B. Sate, * <xlLlCs A 111L laIC v4ll LI 3LI £4.1 yy TO j \ eil pins, white, blue and assorted colors. B. B. B. Sale, 7c. I|l 111 ! Daisy crochet needles. B. B. B. Sale, each, 3c. Roll lop Bread Box, white Japanned, fancy lettered; B. B. lif J here are 110 dull phases to the frock fashions here. As the season advances and new modes de- |ll j Steel knitting needles. B. B. B. Sale, package of 4, 15c. 8. Sale, $l.lO. m ve l°P these sections are the constant center of interest. For here the new is found always in its most HI I Lingerie tape in white, pink and blue. 3to 10 yards to bolt; Market Baskets well made and fancy trimmed in colors; M appealing interpretation. "HI So bolt. [i. B. B. Sale, 30c, 30c and 7oc. 2| |r| Initials to mark linens and handkerchiefs. B. B. B. Sale, Bowl brush made for avatory use; B. B B.Sa e, 39c. , W Among the new frocks, lot of 50 all wool serge and Jersey dresses in tan. black, plum and navy. B each - Bathrooni rmrror, plate glass, 10x14 with oak fiame, B. B. j hese are beautifully braid, button and embroidery trimmed. Sizes 16 to 42; $22.50 and $25 00 IK Donny Brook thread. B. B. B. Sale, 4c spool. { 3. Sale, $1.49. ' m ' . ffi Home button thread; black. B. B. B. Sale, 4c spoof- Clothes litfe; fine grade waterproof line that will not kink; i W • CP Belting B R P, Sale 5<- vnrH It B B $lOO • ! ffi BOWMANS— Third Floor. • ® ! netting, n. o. n. sale, 3c jarcl Perfection Butter Maimer. Makes two pounds of butter from j g .. „ W j I; .,tredeau in yards to bolt. B. B. B. Sale, 10c bolt, Broom made of selected corn. 4 sewed; B. B. B. Sale, 50c. Ladies' Stockings 17c ' Wf' Men's Nightshirts $1.19 I WnlvlAn't T Ttn Coftec flasks made of glass inserted in tin jacket, enabling 'wv a__ \\ OlllCll S vJ rouito heat cofiee on stove without breaking the glass. B. B. A good medium weight lisle stocking, (seconds), but better > An extraordinary lot of men's cotton nightshirts, nicely J 4 ,m ' a c * ' c * . # t some firsts; a shapely sfocking white and brown. j made. Cut full si/*e. These nightshirts are of exceptional Grand clean up on ladies/ pants This* garment is of Preserving kettle; 8 qt. capacity made of high grade and | A limited quantity. B, B. B. Sale, 17c, or 3 for quality, being mostly of heavy muslin. A few of the lighter white, cotton ribbed. Medium weight, fleecy lined. B. icavy gauge aluminum. B. B. B. Sale, $1.49. , < BOWMAN S— Main Floor. fabrics. These nightshirts could not be replaced for the price B. B. Sale, 69c. Suit case; 24-inch. Enanlclcd black with good lock and r—we arc selling them at today; B. B. B. Sale, $1.19. , • . BowM\N's-Main Floor •atches; B. B. B. Sale, $5.25. ———_________T • 1 \ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 1 ' B O^MAN'S—Basement. UheiTllSe aild ApTO!! 1 _ Ladies' Union Suits $1.29 Specials 400 Pair Silk Gloves Silks And Dress Goods Here is a clean cut garment, built on lines of per- Envelope chemise in flesh and white. Lace and em- I I I Special 29c Pair Offer Surprising Values lection A cotton ribbed, close fitting garment with light broidery trimmed. B. B. B. Sale, 69c. , ileece lining. Long sleeve and ankle length. B. B. B. Jhe dress goods space Sale, $1.29. ' White aprons mide of lawn with embroidery and lace White, black and pink. 2-clasp and 16 button. is equivalent to the en- ft _ BOW'M YN S— Main Floor i trimmipgs; B. B. B. Sale, 39c and 69c. Not everv size in every color but every size in lot. tire length of the store, cL. Q 1 ! ~ BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. tha " tloub,c the P rice - B * B - B - Salc therefore among the I U 4 K V 17 BOWMAN'^— Main Floor. carfks un- 1 f' Hard 1 o Equal 1 hese Table Damask and Cloths _.. . :K? d ,a^. car S \3t-" I Values In Draperies ' Children's Department I "■Mi L | j semi-annual event. Lr- m'"' 64-inches wide, 65c yard. r\ . _ * * Silks —36 and 32 inch • A " opportunity that j 72-inches wide, 87c yard. vJIICrS G/ppOFtUnitlCS sport silks such as Khaki j^mmk nL'T.djL'L.tpcr All-linen Damask. Silver bleach; 70 inches wide; B.' B. . " ' heavy \Vh"fe Jmr, '• ( ! iaps ; wiU not be able B. Sale, $1.59 yard. tOr EcOHOMI)/ Durtflg ThlS Sale and tan grounds with to use them as well as Union linen tablecloths; Patterns. B. B. B. Sale— ! , ~~~——~ multi color figures and IC/IWmH* l "°364ich n s o crimandMar- Size 72x72, $4.25 each. Boys' knitted hockey caps. Khaki and brown, blue and 8.. B. B. sale, quisettc with fancy bord- Size 72x90, $5.25 each. red, Wfi yard. B ' B ' B ' halC ' 32C R D^ k Hemmed and read >' k ' r B - . wa sh ' s jts.' "white aHd colored. Russian blouse, * o ' o / cd *' B * ALull size striped wors- '' a °' ' middy and sai'or styies. Sizes 2to 8 years. Slightly soiled. ' Jepc'de chine in best colors; B. B. B. Sale, $1.29 %.i ; | I \ W ) ted couch covers; B. B. BOWMAN S— Second Floor. B. B. B. Sale, $2.30. yard r ! ' 11 f | \ | B. Sale, $2.19. Children s wool Jersey leggins. Sizes 2to 8 years. Rose, 40-inch printed crepe de chine. The season's latest origina \V| j\l tjf Dotted swiss for cur- Copenhagen, hip length, .$2.00. , t j on> B. B. B. Sale. $2.50 yard. I . tains; sipall and Hrgc / Children's all wool Jersey sweater coats.. Khaki, rose, Cop- Wash Goods 40-inch printed voiles in an immense assort dots; B. B. B. Sale, 23c / enhagen, green, sage? heather and brown. Large and small mcnt of the daintiest colorings; light and dark figures and T . . . >' ard '~ , „ / \ collar. Belt and Pockets'. Sizes 3to 12 years, $3.50. stripes, and checks; B. B. B. Sale, 45c and 55c yard. ■ u marqmsette curtains wUh embroidered corners. Some Children's white dresses. Sizes 2to 6 years. Lawn, batiste 32-inch foreign and American ginghams. • Over 100 of the e ace rimmings. . . .a w e, s_. 8 pair,. • 1 V 4 aiK j organdie; lace and embroidery trimmed and hand em- latest and most select colorings in stripes, checks and.plaids; BOWMANS— Fourth Floor I fly IF 'I \ \ ••/ hroidered in pink and blue. Slightly soiled. B. B. B. Sale $1.50. B. B. B. Sale, 59c yard. — Vf ah J/\ ) & BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 36 and 32-inch silk mixed crepes; plain and striped in lig^l A.*R J F | 0 (1 1/ /*/ ) / f&l ai, d dark grounds; B. B. B. Sale, 55c yard* W nnnertll I OtT Sfrcin //)y 1 ~ " 32-inch Ulster linen finish suiting in the three best color- VyUiIUCA lUi LU P Otrap Wnmpn 'c QtW Tan, rose and over-seas blue; B. B. B. Sale, 39c yard. _ V UIIICII DUUL Olllv Wool Goods 40-inch plaid skirtings in the latest color- Plircp For Onlv TT T • I O - " i,,gs - Lar se effects; B. B. B. Sale, $1.69 yard. -* LI luL x U1 vyilJkV \\) x s VV/ 01cf"C Qn H 1 * Tn xs • 48 and 54-inch French twill serge. Good color range; navy — dllU OWCaiCIS Stockings SVC 13.1T and black; B. B. B. Sale, $2.50 yard. Made of Indian goaf leather, with crcpc, pin and morocco . , 36 " inch colored serges and batiste Light and dark colors; I™; At B. B. B. Prices iSSTiS; Sclfchcckeda " d^ ind nicely lined with plain colors to match the leather. lo p anc j jj s j e £ oot BOWMAN's— Main Floor. . so % wi'nud I 'jars eadf coLr b,ack ' white and gray - But ~ot big • juamity ot .: I SNHf . Towelinp- 'Touonwaistswici dainty'tucktags and pleatings; also AB ' B ' B ' Clcan - Up " rldka " y reduCed price o( 59c ' ' Plaitjllg, VenjSC Bands J'. yW j ace trimmed. Smart collars and cuffs. B. B. B. Sale, BOWMAN S— Main Floor. r A Bleached twilled toweling. Quality Pansy. B. B. B. Sale, ' Very special line of crepe georgette in flesh and white. T\yf STT* .O* Ribbons Specially Priced 1/..C yard l-.mbroidcry and lace trimmed, also beaded trimming. IVlen S UniOn oUItS 51.29 ..;n"rf crash. Bleached with re d border; 18 inches . High and low neck. Large and small collars, and a few ISO yards net plaiting; 2 inches wide Colors arc cream, .' - ac ' L > ar c ~ ar eSS ' ..' 3C ' * Men's cotton union suits. Fleece lined, heavy weight. white, black. A big bargain; B. B. B. Sale, 15c yard. \\ lute absorbent toweling. Boott nTills product. B. B. B. A small line of extra size georgette crepe waists for A good warm garment. Complete range of sizes. A '4OO yards Venise bands. 5 to 9 inches wide, "suitable for -ale. 20c yard. large women. Lacc trimming and tucks. Flat collars. well made garment decidedly reduced for B. B. B. Sale camisoles; B. B. B. Sale, 48c yard. I '"on linen toweling. Rncellcnt quality. B. B. B. Sale, B " B ' B ' Sak ' **>■ to $1.29. . 0 yards fancy ribbons, warp print, plaids, stripes, etc., „g,„r„.K,o BOWMAN'S-Third Floor. BOWMAN's-Main Floor. 4yi inches to 5>4 inches wide, B. B. B. Sale, 25c yardd ' . 4 .- ——————BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. % %. ' mm " \ .1 • ' w* ... . ...g ..... a.. MONDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 17, 1919. 3
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