2 More Than 700 to Attend Reception to Legislature More tliah 700 acceptances have been received for the Chamber of j Commerce reception to "° 1 Hproul and his cabinet and the state le-islators in the Penn-Harrla hotel , to-morrow night. Charles 61 • rhalmmn of the commiUee in charge of the reception, has prom j Ised some novel entertainment fea jtures, and the affair promises to he .successful in every way. . . The event is scheduled to start promptly at 8.30.. Ueutenant Gov- ] ernor licidleman. as a resident of Harrlsburg. will welcome f 'o\crnoi Sproul and his cabinet and the leg islators. Mr. Sproul will make the answering address, hollowing that an informal get-together will take place when every one will he made i acquainted with guests and hosts. ; This will he followed by a buffet I luncheon, and then the elaborate en- I tertainment will be staged. Miller Is Certain o{ Confirmation Now Aucordtn to w hat has been learned about the legistation halls today the confirmation of Nathan It. Puller as commissioner of fisheries is pretty well assured. The liblnlnu- , tion will he reported out by the Senate Committee in charge this eve ning or tomorrow and it is not ex pected that there will be much oppo sition to him. Governor Sproul Is due here this evening from Philadelphia, but no anhonucement of atiy further up- . pointmeuts has been made. SUPERINTENDENT 11 EKE | X. \\\ Smith, of Altoona, general | superintendent of the Pennsylvania! railroad lines east of Pittsburgh, was | a visitor In Harrlsburg yesterday. j A Tonic and Health Builder Remove that warning cough or cold I with Culcerbs (the calcium tablet). I 'J'hey give strength to combat illness. | &<io boxes at druggists or from i TICK MAN LABORATORY, Phlladel-I phia, manufacturers of Eckman's I Alterative. Treat that | Lumbago quickly I 'l'ske it si the outset. Oo to your near -1 est druggia' or tlealer in medicine and get a | bottle ur I DILL'S ; Balm of Life! ■ (For Internal or External Use) I | A marvelous liniment for rheumatism, I I neuralgia, lumbago, swellings or all sorts, I, I sprains, .oranen. L T s internally tor indi- I A gestion and internal pa-ns. Full direction? I with bottle. c Prepared bv The Dill Co., Norristown, ■ Pa. Also manufacturers ol those tried, I reliable Dill's Liver Pills I Dill's Cough Syrup I Dill's Worm Syrup Dill's Kidney Pills Ask vour druggist or dealer In medicine, ' The kind mother atwayt kept jt w jr & y jr | ONE HEATER TO TEND V ) NO RADIATOR TO FREEZE FRESH AIR CONSTANTLY $ ( SMALL AMOUNT OF FUEL j* | ONE-PIPE - FURNACE | | A FEW GOOD POINTS J L ASSURES the comfort of warm air in every corner of the house, R not merely in overheated zones around the stove or radiators. ■a SAVES time, dirt and fuel by having ONE heater, and that in a] P the basement. GIVES extra comfort and beauty through the Ml house by doing away with ugly and cumbersome stoves, radia- wj P tors and pipes. AIDS good health through fresh air constantly gj| in motion, purified by a water bath after each circulation. AFFORDS no chance for freezing and bursting radiators and M • their pipe connection with attendant discomfort and expense. NOT NECESSARY to close rooms to keep the house warm. . And you get full value from your fuel. No such roundabout method A as first heating pipes which in turn heat water or steam, which in turn ™ . again heat pipes which finally heat the air in the rooms. All air is* fi ■ heated directly and BO at a fraction of the cost of other methods of * 5, heating. \ • L Writo without —— LowcostoflnsUUi- j delay for a de- tioa, minimum fuel %| | scriptire folder tell- STlffjElPil FRY eipcnse, minimum La* you how time, VAsTy#?' §3B ' attention required, M k money, health and -*. a rstt 4 IrAi and maximum con- J , comfort are Bayed Ti yenience, comfort H by installing a One- ' f and aeryica mark i J | Pipe Bengal Warm- Aa , Ono-Pipo Bengal M Air Furnace. „ Warm AirTunueea, b COOL CELLAR ' jjfSwl INSTALL—CUT k Far Vejetablee ONS HotE ™ J ! j I J AMERICA'S BEST * \ No Red Tape, Here Is Our Guarantee \ B We will install a One Pipe Bengal Furnace and allow you to operate it during zero weather, before we ask you g to pay us one cent. If the furnace does not heat your " home perfectly we will take it out and there will be no - ft • expense to you. . ' :(W.H. Snook, 332 Kelker St. J MONDAY EVENING, . J Lieut. .Joseph H. Martin Is Home From France _ ' '' • ■' J LIEUT. J. H. MARTIN Lieutenant Joseph H. Martin, of I the Three Hundred and Sixty eighth Regiment, which arrived in this country Saturday aboard the transport Harrlsburg, is spending a few days with friends in thfs city. Lieutenant Martin, who married a daughter of Joseph I'opel, of the post ofiice force, shortly before leav- I ing for France, is well-known in I Harrlsburg. He made an excellent I record in France, his regiment ltav j ing seen much active*service. 1 Herbst and Meek Well Known Here | New." of the deaths of ex-Senators j ; K. M. Herbst, of Berks, and P. Gray j Meek, of Centre, wus received with i . regreat the Capitol as both were! I active figures in the Democratic I party in the days when it was a I power in ttie state ami wielded wide I influence. | Senator Herbst sat for Berks coun ty in the sessions from 1901 to 1915, having been taken ill in the latter ; session. He was one of the Demo cratic leaders and a close friend of j the late Senator J. K. P. Hall. Senator Meek was one of the tall timbers of the Democracy and Ills ; allegiance never wavered. He came to Harrisburg as a member of the ! House In the late sixties nadserved i four terms, returning to Belle foil to i where he" became a leader. Under | President Cleveland, who was one of ! his close friends, lie was made eol- I lector of the port of Philadelphia', | and was then a member of the State | i Senate in 1893 and 1895. For years] , he was tho secretary and rpainstay of the Democratic State Committee, j holding that office until the .reorgan- | ; ization faction got control. After that he would have none of the new j leaders and retiring to Bellefonte. j ; edited his paper with his old time j I skill and vigor. CARDS AND ItAMI.MI | The Holy Name Society of St. I Mary's Catholic Church will hold J their annual card party and promt | nande in Winterdale Hall Wednes j day evening, February 26. Thrt-e I will be cards and dancing with a I splendid orchestra. A number of | prizes will be given. The affair is for the benefit of the church. Electric Companies Are Complained Of Complaint that the Bucks County Electric Company, cut off the service from the store of Alexander J. Strgi thle in Newtown because lie secured current from a small plant in a build ing was filed with the Public "kerviee Commission today. Thpe Grieb Shoe Company, of Annville, complained that the Annville and Palmyra Elec tric Light Company, made unfair regulations regarding service In its plant. Commissioners Samuel M. Clement, Jr., and S. R. Shelby as sumed duties today atuk sat during the argument. . The briefs in the complains against the • Harrisburg Railways Company, will lie filed this week. Delegations from Crawford. Ve nango, Armstrong and Washington counties were before Highway Com missioner Sadler today regarding state road projects ami discussed the primary roads for those districts. Tomorrow delegations from Luzerne, Delaware, Montgomery. Indian*. Bea ver and Chester counties will be knt The Depart men of Agricuture was closed at noon today as a .mark of resjp'ect to Dr. N. B. Cfltchfleld, sec reary of agriculture for a dozen years, who was hurled today. Adjutant General Beary is in Phll i adelphia today in conference with the adjutant generSls of New York, Missouri anil other states relative to National Guard and other legislation. Courthouse Notes Constable Appointee! Thomas j Warlow was appointed constable foe j the East ward, Williamstown, by the ! court to succeed John Evans, re | signed. Inspector Named The court j named G. L. Fisher minority in i pector of elections for the Fifth pre- I oinct, Swatara township, to succeed i Hie late John Deimler. Guardian Appointed George IT. I J offers, an uncle of Mary Elizabeth j Curtis, minor daughter of the late j Rov. E„ E. Curtis, who was pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church until his death, was appointed guardian for the girl. Deputy Recover* —Deputy Re corder C. M. Munima lias recovered trom a severe cold which confined j him to his home in Steelton for | some time. 1-le resumed liis duties i to-day. Name Guardian The Union Trust canipany was named as guardian of I the six minor children of the late i Edwin O. Osman, tiiis city. Will Contest Divorce—Counsel for j Pearl Edelblute. who will contest thfe j divorce action started by her hus ! band. David ti. Edelblute. secured j a rule against him to show why lie ! should npt pay her counsel fees., Tn i the petition she denies charges made | by her husband. Naturalisation Court— A special ! session of naturalization court will ! lie held to-morrow morning 'when ; soldiers and sai'ors who have ap j nliqd for citizenship rights will be ; i heard. 14,000 Silk Workers Return to Their Looms Petersen, X. J,. Feb, 17.*—-Fourteen thousand of the silk workers whq went on strike here early this month in an attempt to enforce at forty seven hour week returned to their looms today. Ten thousand dyes called their strike off last week and only about 3.000 workers are now idle. These it was expected would report at the mills tomorrow. SENATOR PROPOSES CURB ON PREAD OF BOLSHEVISM By Associated Press Washington, Feb, 17.—Another] measure designed to. check radical : agitation was introduced to-day by j Senator Jones, of Washington. Iti would punish persons who urge re- j sistance to law or changes in the form of government with five years; imprisonment at hard labor, or a fine } of E>,ooo. Aliens convicted under the i law would he deported after serving! their sentences. * THREE CONFESS HOHIIF.RI Reading. Pa., Feb. 17. Through confessions by three men now in jail, made public today the authofttles here have cleared up two crimes committed in the past six days by members of a northern Berks gang of highwaymen. They were the hold-up and robbery last Tuesday night on the Heading-Allentown road of E. 11. Morningstar and A. Q. Veil, i Philadelphia motorists. Wert Brown, 1 Raymond Epting, Herbert Schaeffer, j Percy Snyder and Paul Keller have been plaeed under arrest. The au thorities have statements from three of the menr I 11.11 TENDERS THANKS The Trinity GtiHd of St. Stephen's church to-day tendered its thanks to Dives. Ponieroy niucl Stewart. Bowman and company. Jpines George, of the Victoria theater. Schell Rutherford, the Berryhill-Nursery,, the Donaldson Paper .Company and others who eo oerated in making the benefit dance in the Parish House last Friday so sicccssful. The firms were thanked in communications isued by Mrs. Far- ' ley Gannett, president and Mrs. Karl' Kaltwaser, secretary of the guild. S(M I VI, DEMOCR ATS WIN l.ondon. Feb. 17. — The elections Sunday in German-Austria were "fav orable to the Social Democrats, ac cording to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Vienna. The elections were held without disorder. The So cial Democrats, the dispatch adds, elected all their leaders in Vienna. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF STATE HOLD CONVENTION Wllliniuaport, Pa., Feb 17.—The sixth annuel state convention of the Pennsylvania council of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Join ers of America, opened at the Park Hotel here this morning with over 125 delegates from all sections of the state iu attendance. INVENTOR AND SCIENTIST DIES t Philadelphia, Feb.' 17.—Louis Ed- \ ward Levy, Inventor and scientist, died suddenly on the street here to day. He was in the engraving in dustry. and was the inventor of a process of photo-chemical engraving, whereby newspapers were enabled to print half-tone pictures direct from the stereotype plates. THREE VESSELS BRING TROOPS By Associated Press New York. Feb. 17.—'The steam ship Rotterdam arrived here fronv Brest to-duy with 2,736 troops in cluding thirteen French enlisted j men. The steamship Dante Alle- i ghierl arrived with 1.588 troops The ! Sixgola brought forty-seven casual ' officers and men, nineteen of whom ! wej-e sick or wounded. # i DISCUSS GOOD ROADS Delegates from seventeen counties , of nprtheustern Pennsylvania met i in the Chamber of Commerce offl- ! cea at 4 o'clock this afternoon, to discuss good roads measures. The meeting was arranged by the litUlo tun Chamber al Commarflft HAimiSßtmG TEtEGILAPH NEWS NOTES FROM NATION'S CAPITAL J I By Aisoci*t4i Prtsi ! Washington.—Vice-Admiral Henry I T. Wilson, who has been 111 with : pneumonia at Brest, is convalescent. The Navy Department xt-as notified to-day that he would return to tlie | United States on the battleship Nowj Mexico, to sail soon. Washington. Conciliators in the, Now York building trades strike, j Henry J. Sherrington, of Boston, and j Walter D. Davidgc, of Washington, | conferred to-day with Secretary Wll- | son at the Department of Rubor. Washington. Dr. R. 1,. Ruuisden, assistant surgeon general of t lie j Public llcaltli Service, appeared to-j day before the House Agriculture j Committee to urge passage of the, bill providing.for the co-operation of the Federal (lovcrnmcnt with the; states in promoting improved health ! conditions in rural districts. Many Hear Noted Speaker Address People's Forum I Standing room was at a premium ! at the People's Forum yesterday afternoon at which Henry Dtncoln | Johnson, formerly recorder •of deeds j under tlio Taft administration at .- Washington, spoke. Mr. Johnson's I wide experience as a lawyer and as [ a leader of his race in politics gave i I him a fund of information that ho ! imparted to his audience, lie spoke in eloquent terms of the part the colored people played in the war and told of them forty-five per cent, of the population of Ueorgo seveny ! five per cent, of them were con scripted. He also said that up in ; Pennsylvania it takes anywhere ) from 40,000 to tIO.OOO voters to elect 1 a Congressman, but in Georgia a I Con;<rossman is often elected by ] fiOO to 000 voters, which is due to ' disfranchisement. Dr. (Tampton, the president of the Forum, is highly pleased at the j large audiences that are brought out | -by tlie high class of speakers, the 1 average attendance £or the past j month being 928. To Appeal to State For Building of Better Roads The county commissioners and of- j fieials from Dower I'axton township) will probably appeal to the State' Highway Department soon to begin j work on the stretch of roadway | from Paxtonia to Ringlestown, about) two miles In length. The commis-1 sioners consented to aid in the pay ment of the cost of this work as| the first big improvement in tho.j county if the slate will start the! project now. j ife Father Time and Mother Nature lOC ill fi P si |ji Nature is a kind Mother, but she i insists on her rules being obeyed. No way has been found that surpasses patient ageing of Ip tobacco —in Nature's Way—the way VELVET is pre- mjmti H§ pared —two years in wooden hogsheads. Nature's method M-ijBBBpMBjBbM f|§ pi is slow and expensive, but it's right. ■ : /3f SSj to BREAK one of Nature'* Laws 4 You Can taste the good of this tWO 8 sss} ° an'a thousand Lawyere can't years'ageing in one minute •if you'll ; -I'M -^ ;V IS "you don" °Z. . just fill up your pipe with Velvet. M ■s&j uay, no amount of argyfyin § ■- V PS HI will make it mild - m„ ( .„ I - • and fragrant J Aaanac, St. Louia, Mo., for hie 1919 M |S Almmmmc. H. wilt ..nrf ft fW££. J? Program Ready For the Presentation of Honors to Bishop J. H. Darlington Keff SSHBbiw BbPSBBP^ i F.DOUARD DE BIREY Final arrangements are being made to-du.v for the conferring to morrow in the hall of the House oi Representatives the degree of olficci of the French Region of Honor or Bishop James Henry Darlington, ,oi the Harrisburg Diocese, Protestant | Episcopal church, Speeches will bt made by Edouard de Billy, Frcncl deputy high commissioner in tlu United States, Governor Sprotll, Rieu tenant-Governor Bcidleman ant Speaker Spangler. This city "has been selected for tht I presentation by reason of the fact ; that Dauphin county was named foi ; the son of France, and the event comes on the anniversary of tilt visif of Rafuyette to the city. Tin I degree of officer was recently con ferred upon several other Americans TO COXKF.It ON SARAKV Miss Rucy Glass, president of tin ; State Teachers' League; Miss Eliza ; lieth Baker, of the legislative coil). 1 mittcc 'of llie Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association, and a rcpre ' scntative of the teachers in Phila delphia will confer to-morrow even ing with Prof. W. It. Zimmerman or the proposed teachers' salary In- I crease which is to be provided for bj legislative enactment. SB v < wi s iij xx oxi x \ Xfiv X ink, Feb. 17.—A prayer nook clasped in one hand, tho body of a woman apparently fifty-five years old was washed ashore at Bell Harbor, ltockaway, yesterday. It was found by Patrolman Hunt, of the Rookaway Beach station. The body ex-idently had been In the water for two or three days. Dauphin County Farmers Won Seventeen Prizes i Dauphin county farmers won sev- ; j enteen prizes with their exhibits at ' ! the State Department of Agriculture | Farm Products Show in the Enter-'i i son-Brantinghum building. George 1 10. Anderson, of Penbrook, won four Iscpurate prizes, one of them being | the grand championship for the best exhibit of a dozen In-Own eggs. Other j prizes xvon by him were first and j third prizes for one dozen brown | eggs, and second prize fur txvo heads | of cabbage. Otheir prizes xvon were us fol lows: A. E. Stoner, Penbrook, first prize I for u dozen white eggs; S. XV. Bright | bill, Harrisburg, It. D. 4, third and fourth prize for one dozen white ! eggs; 11. C. Gurbcr, Colonial Acres, ! Progress, first prize for xvinter {squash; A. E. Btoncr, Pcnljrook, sec ond prize, 10 specimens of beets; ! K. B. Mitchell, llarrlsburg R. D. 3, i first and second prizes for say beans; | J. A. WiHier, Gratz, first prize, best | plate of King apples, second prize, | plate of summer rambo apples; see ! ond prize, best t>lale belleflowcr apples; 11. <'. Ghrbcr. Progress, sec -1 ond prize for celery; William Paul, MUlersbVu-g, P.. D. 2, first and see ! ond prizes for white onions. i ~~' ' | ph\ / iNDICESTfONj) I^l6 Bell-ANS ■j Hot water tcrr SJJH Sure Relief RELL-ANS -i OmawFQR INDIGESTIO N WHY COUGH AND ;! COUGH AND COUGH Dr. New Discovery ! t removes the danger of neglect • : Coughing until the parched throat . growp painful should not bo per mitted. It should be relieved before . it gains headway with a dose of Dr. .! King's New Discovery. .' The same with a cold or bron .l fhial attack. Millions have used j this well-knoxvn remedy for half a century regularly without thought . of change. I Sold by druggists since ISG9. An ! all-important adjunct to any family ) medicine cabinet. - ! The Burden of Constipation I is lifted, comfortably but positively, ! when you treat your bowels with j Dr. King's New Rife Pills. The | liver gets busy, digestion improves, ' the sickly, sallow skin is freed | from bile. Get a bottle today— , start the day right. FEBRUARY 17, .1919 BI.OCKHOI'SK TOPPI.ES OVER Riiltllebnru;, Pa., Feb. 17.—The fa mous old blockhouse, near Kreamer, toppled over last Summer and is now 28-30-32 North Third Street Special Spring Sale ' . • 'S 1 omorrow ."S 4 A Limited Number of A i_ f® Go If lex Suits f J rOl£J- EX - at I j- $0Q.50 Sui& Vw ;WW kSkirts mf Value, $39.50 ifcjstyfiffi For Women and Misses p RACTICAL suits for general wear espe cially for walking, motoring and business. Smart models with box pleats and patent leather belts, patch pockets and notch collars. The "Golflex' label denotes the genuine. , Heather, navy, .beaver, poilu, tan, gray and cocoa. • • : -zi\ B "* "" "" "" 1 1 Mil I | New Spring "Gage" Sailors : ; Vahie ExnaonJinarji yHE new roll double brim in lisere || p straw. Purple, dust, taupe, cherry | ... red and brown. [•;] going Into decay. The fort was Iran In 1770 by early settlers In tho Midi dlecreelc valley against Indian njn risings.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers