8 McBOIiLAX NO LONGER HEAD OF MACS GARAGE, IXC. 'in a recent announcement, Harry] XT. Cohen, a member of the firm of Mac's Oarage, Inc., 117 South Third street, makes known the fact that A. O. McMillan, the former presi dent and general manager, is no longer connected with the business. Some months ago this firm open-1 id the large building on South, Third street and operated' a garage nd repairing station for Fords un der the name of Mac's Garage. Mr. t I PREMIER cars with any reason able treatment grow better with age. There are Premiers today with twenty thousand miles to their credit that run as smOothly and quietly as they did the day they left the factory. The secret of Premier's longevity is its bridge girder, eight-inch frame and sturdy, conscientious workmanship and fine material. Pre mier owners are Premier's best salesmen. Ask for a demonstration. HAGERLING MOTOR CAR COMPANY Distributors East End Mulberry St. Bridge, Harrlsburg. l*a. Bell 13041 Dial 41001 AGENTS WANTED IX Sullivan, Lycoming, Columbia, Northumberland, I nlon. Snyder, Mifflin, Juniata. Frnnklln, Cumber land. Adams, York, l.ebanon, Montour. Lancaster, Fulton, Perry and Dauphin Counties. Tire Repairing That Increases Life of Tire and Cuts Down Your Tire Bills We make a specialty of high class Automobile Tire Repairing and Vulcanizing. Modern equipment and expert mechanics guar antee first class, satisfactory service. A trial order is solicited. When you need Tires we can supply you with the best in plain or non-skid type. We have your size. BLACK'S GARAGE 205 S. Seventeenth St. Bell 655 Dial 4196 Kgh Parts~Used--Cars EXCHANGED . GET A TERES AND Trß P s OUR PRlCES^^^^^k Anything for an Auto A. SCHIFFMAN, 22-28 N. CAMERON ST. DISTRIBUTOR Third and Cumberland Bell 1555 W SATURDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILE NEWS TIMELY LOCAL FEATURES OF INTEREST TO AUTOIST3 BY ALFRED P. DA VIES, AUTO EDITOR. McMillan was Elected president and i general manager w hen they incor porated some time later. Harry M. I Cohen was elected treasurer and John Cohen secretary. Their bnsi ness grew with jumps and bounds until they were forced to stop#dor age and confine their efforts to repairing- exclusively. Since that time they have been : appointed distributors for the Trux- I tyn Unit and Anchor tops and are j doing an extensive business in used i cars, as well as the' Ford work. This same business with the possi ble addition of a touring car agency will be continued under the management of Harry and John Cohen. At the present time the re construction of the management is in the course of reconstruction, and the new business policy will be an nounced at an early date. Clyde Myton, secretary of the Motor Club, is in receipt of a letter from a Lewistown man who is a member of the local club relative to an experience he had recently in Philadelphia. Going to the lat ter city some time ago in his ma chine, he stored it over night in a garage from which it was stolen. The machine was recovered three days later, but had been stripped of everything it contained. The garage man being responsible for the car. puf up a kick when it came to settling. The Letvistown man went to the Philadelphia Motor Club, showed his membership card in the local club and asked assist ance. The Philadelphia club Im mediaetly got on the job. secured a lawyer, and gave every assistance possible that meant the clearing up of the case. This assistance is ten dered every member of a motor club by practically every club all over the country. In writing to Mr. Myton of this fact, the Lewis town man laid special emphasis on the fact that in this one instance alone he was saved a great deal more than the cost of a year's mem bership in the local club beside be ing relieved of a gkeat deal of worry and trouble. i HERE'S A SPLENDID TIP READ IT OVER CAREFLT-I/ST. There are a few of us In this city who aro aware of the fact that only a few miies distant Is located a large army recuperating hospital. The exact location is the old Carlisle In dian School. Know where that is. Yes? Well here's what Clyde My ton has to say about It. Over in the old Indian School at Carlisle there are quite a few sol diers who are so badly wounded that they are confined to their beds: there are others who are confined to the Immediate vicinity, but there is also a largo number that are able to get out for an airifflg oc casionally. These fellows a™ from overy part of the country. The dik •majority of them do not have one friend in this part of the universe and little money with which they might be able to get around and enjoy a little of the pleasure that t the most of us enjoy. There are a large number of mo torist who go out for a spin quite often with empty seats, or they pick tip a neighbor or two and take along. That is fine but stop and think how much one or two of those soldief boys would appreciate a little ride. You might tpossibly be going to Gettysburg or Chambers burg or around by the way of i ork. Wouldn't it be just fine to pick up a couple of boys and take them along. Or some Sunday afternoon you may have a couple of hours of spare time on your hands that you don't know what to do with. Wouldn't you be fully repaid if you should run over to Carlisle and get a load of soldier boys and take them for an hour's ride. If when Auto Painting By a Phtlndelptaln Expei* Xow Loontfd at Ward'* Garage C. P. SNYDER, ElfhtMnlk and CkntnuJ Sta. IlarrUhuCK, !'■ We carry a Complete Stock of Everything For The Automobile Tires—Accessories— Gasoline P. H. KEBOCH 111 Market Street Successor to Retail Dept. Front Market Motor Supply Co, SPRING Will Soon Be Here BRING YOUR Battery to us and let us put it in first class shape for the coming season. West Shore Auto Repair Shop and Battery Service Station Automobile FJectrleal Work a Specialty Auto Repairing Second St. and Fulton Ave. WORM LIO YSRURG Arthur L. Miller, ' I PROPRIETOR HatRRisBURo ifiM* TKLUXJKAPH \ getting: out their faces radiated the pleasure they feel in knowing that some one in this neck of the woods thought enough of' them to go out of their way a little to give them some much needed fresh air? And you can just bet that is the way they would feel about it. It is up to the motorist of this community to show these boys that they have appreciated what has been accomplished "Over There.'' Possibly you may have a boy of your own who is enjoying the same thing while recuperating in a French Hospital. But even if you haven't, don't you think it would be an admirable thing if these boys when they go to their homes would have reason to remember, the hos pitality of Central Pennsylvania for a long time to come. Harrisburg has always been "Johnny on the pot" in such matters and I know that when this fact is brought to their attention every oie will re spond willingly. The Harrisburg Telegraph "Went Over the Top" last Saturday In the volumn of automobile advertising carried In any single Issue of any Harrisburg newspaper for more than a year without any exception. This is a good criterion of the won derful season that is ahead in the automobile business. There is more enthusiasm, both from the dealers! and the public's standpoint, this February than there has ever been before. The manufacturer, the dealer, and the prospective pur chaser are' breathing easier now than they have since the war began, and every indication points to the ( fact that John Smith will surely I get the car he wants when he wants it. WILL WE iun: GOOD ROADS SOME DAY- LOOK AT THIS. Over half a billion dollars, to be exact, $562,000,000 —will be ex in the next three years through the partnership between the National Government and the forty-eight states created by the Federal aid road act—lf, as is expected, the Senate $209,000,000 amendment to the road act is concurred in by the House of Representatives. Chair man Bankhead of the Senate post office and post roads committee, predicts the House conferees will agree with the Senate conferees. Pennsylvania's share of this huge budget will be $12,632,849.94, and this added to the $50,000,000 road loan that Just recently was passed by the voters of the state, means that little old Pennsylvania is as sured of the finest roads in the country. Pennsylvania is to re ceive the third largest amount as scheduled. New York and Texas ! alone receiving larger amounts. CAR LOAD OF CROW-ELK HARTS RECEIVED YESTERDAY. Monn Bros., the local distribu tors for Crow-Elkhart cars, received a car load of Crow-Elkhart, Six yesterday. These cars had been pre viously ordered and will be deliver ed immediately to their owners. These are the first six cylinder I Crow-Elkharta to come to Harris burg and hafe been creating con siderable attention. Alonn Bros recently were appoint ed distributors for Sanford trucks and have said three in the three weeks that they have had them. Sandford trucks are well known and are sure to become popular In this territory. A table showing the growth of the automobile industry in the past ten years has recently been complied by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. The automobile in dustry now stands as the ' third largest industry in this country. 1918 was a disastrous year from standpoint of output owing to the war, but 1919 gives every promise to "go over the top" of any previous year. Following is the increase as recorded: 1909 121,861 cars 1911 . 185,000 cars 1912,.. 348,000 cars 1913, ? cars 1914 543,000 cars 1915, 818,000 cars 1916,.........u .... . 1.485,617 cars 1917 1,718,000 cars 1918............... 974,606 cars 1919,.. ? cars CHESTER TAYLOR & CO. MOVES TO 17th AND DERRY On Monday morning Chester Tay- 1 lor & Company will open their new modern fireproof structure at Sev enteenth and Derry street. Some time ago they started a general re pair shop in the Camp Curtain Gar age at Seventh and Camp street, but their business grew to such a.r\ ex tent that they had to secure new quarters. They built the new build ing they will now occupy. General Automobile repairing, electrical work and general machine work will be continued the same as at the old stand. The following list of distances may come in handy some time when you wish to know the distance to certain towns. These distances are by road. From Harrisburg Town. Miles. Annvilie 21 Carlisle 19 Chambersburg 52 Columbia. 29 Dillsburg 17 Dauphin 8 Green Village 4 4 Gettysburg 38 Greencastle, 60 Hagerstown ..... . 70 Highspire 6 Hummelstown, ' 9% Lebanon, .......... 28 Lancaster - 36 Marysville 9 '4 Middletown, 10 Mechanicaburg 8 New Cumberland, ..... ..... 3 % Oberlin, 614 Rockville 5 Shippensburg 41 Steelton, 4 West Fairview 3% Williams Grove 15 York. 28 STUDEBAKER AGENCY MOVES TO THIRD AND REILY STREETS M. L. Mumma, tbe local distribu tor for Studebaker touring cars and Brockway trucks, announces that he has rented the large storeroom In the new Evangelical publishing building at Third and Relly streets, and will open his salesrooms there in tbe near future. These rooms are right on Third street and will make a very desirable salesroom. Thursday evening, February 20, a grand opening with music will in augurate these new rooms. Every- I one is Invited. [ F. At Wolflugton. * rapAeentatlyc of the Philadelphia branch of the Velie Motor Car Company, was a visitor yesterday at the Rex garage. While here he took up the matter of Velio deliveries. Two carload are expected to-day, and two more will Rettberg Brothers 428-450 X. Front St. Steelton Authorized Ford Sales and Service Station Auto Repairing, Battery Re charging. United States and Goodrich Tires. Mobiloils, Texaco Motor Oils, Agency Gould Stor age Battery. BELL PHONE TfeP 1 I/! jQ V Buick Cars are being built M pTt I again in great fsSEaSSES-J Buick Cars are guaranteed for one year—few motor cars are guaranteed over ninety days. Buick is the pioneer builder of valve-in-head motor cars. Built in Six-Cylinder Open and Closed Models. . Model H-6-44 $1495 Model H-6-47 $2195 .Model H-6-45 $1495 Model H-6-49 $1785 Model H-6-46 $1985 , Model ALL PRICES F. O. B. FACTORY Place Your Orders Now Local Distributor frn D 7rru 25 South River St. ULU. O. £ Bell 681-J Dial 4916 CHANDLER SIX Famous For Its Marvelous-Motor Two Beautiful Cars for Every Season MORE and more people are selecting against cold and rain and snow. With the new style sedans and coupes as the windows lowered, by automatic their family cars. And in this field the adjustment, they are just as open to Chandler offers two most attractive ' the sunshine and the soft air as is any models, each moderately priced. , type of car.' Once it waa necessary to pay eiorbl- The Chandler sedan and coupe are of tant prices for closed cars. Now you can handsome desl 9n, beautifully cushioned get the handsome and luxurious Chand- and upholstered, and lustrous in finish, ler sedan and coupe for relatively little They are Bturdily built to resißt the more than open cars. StreSS and Btrain ° f roUgh roadways " Each is mounted on the one famous These two newest Chandler models Chandler chassis which, through six offer the very acme of comfort in all sea- years of honest production, has earned sons. With their heavy plate glass win- its place in the very front rank for dows closed they give snug protection mechanical excellence. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, 51795 Four-Passenger Roadster, SI 795 Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 875 Convertible Sedan, 52495 Convertible Coupe, 52395 Limousine, 53099 AM prtc€S f. o. b. Cleveland . _ Andrew Redmond DISTRIBUTOR 21U 4619 Third and Reily Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. CHANDLER MOTORfCAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHiO be on the way in the next two "•weeks. flrflL 1,., 4 Giant Trucks in Stock Hardware, Woodenware, Tin ware, Trays, Washing Ma chines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Farming Implements, Garden Tools, Oils; Wholesale and Retail. Chestnut Street Hardware and Motor Truck Co. 209-211 Chestnut Street Harrisburg, Pa. FEBRUARY 15, 1919. J The Anniversary j APPERSON THE EIGHT WITH ECONOMY EIGHTY LESS BEAUTY PARTS SERVICE FOUR—FIVE—SEVEN PASSENGER MODELS I KEYSTONE SAIES CO. 108 MARKET ST. DISTRIBUTORS . A Battery Service That Spells Satisfaction Right now 1.4 the time (lint you should look to yotrr batteries perhaps they give "seemingly" good service, but they may not be I tirst-class condition. May leave yon stuck out on the rood. Brin It to us for inspection and repair, by an expert. It win pay you. Prompt, Efficient and Satisfactory Service FREDERICK C. SIEBER USL Storage Batteries Sales and Service Statio 130-150 PaxtOn Street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers