16 FIVE CASES ON ARGUMENT LIST Will Be Hrard Monday! to Draw 4 Juries Tomorrow For Criminal Sessions . Five eases have V n and Supply Com p-iny \;\ T ,urgan Mutual Fire In counlj, motion for new trial; Percy HELPED NEIGHBORS WIG RIGHT ROAD Mrs. L. Kapp. 5107 "Warren street, Philadelphia, whose husband is with the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company, believes in helping others when she can. "I was so nervous at night I couldn't sleep. Sometimes ■ I wouldn't give two cents for my life. I couldn't eat: gas got up taround my heart and the distress , was most disturbing. My sister took Tanlac, and friends on Fifty ,second street spoke well of it. My hery first trial of Tanlac was grati fying, and I am getting better with , every dose. I have so much faith , in it 1 told a number of my neigh- ( "bors in Warren street about it." The Genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac fis now sold here at the Gorgas Drug Store. ! / Paul's Shoe Sale All Button Shoes for wo- : men at one-half price. Be ; wise, take advantage of this j opportunity. Most of our high grade shoes reduced. Save a dollar or more. PA lII'S FOR r fIUL d BARGAINS IX FIXE FOOTWEAR 11N. Fourth St. >v fDandYLine lB|| Saturday Specials \ Women's Regular $6.00 Black | Women's Grey Race, with Louis Vici Shoes, with military heels. j heels in all grey kid or cloth Saturday Spe- top. Saturday Spe- $5*95 Misses' Black Button, Gun Metal j Children's Tan ScufTers, in button and Patent Leather, with dull i and lace; also a tan side all or cloth top. Size 11 >,2 to 2. 1 leather shoe in medium Hi-Cut Saturday Sped 1 QC model. Size B>4 to <JO OC cial ii. Saturday Special DANDYLINE SHOE STORE 202 MARKET STREET Shoes made by Devinc & Y angel Shoe Mrg. Co., Hbg. ——mmmmsm Grocery News From S. S. Pomeroy M arket Square and Pomeroy's Daily Market 2nd and Reily Streets Tender Sweet Peas 18 £ Tender Sweet Corn 18<* Large Can Spinach 20£ Fould's Macaroni Fancy Pared Peaches, lb 25£ Economy Coffee, lb 30£ Blue Valley Butter 54£ Francy Prunes, lb 18£ , Gallon Snyder's Catsup $1.75 Trocco Oleo, lb ; 34^1 Uncle Jerry Pancake Flour, 2 for 25^ Clicquot Ginger Ale, bottle 15^ Wilburs' Dutch Cocoa, large can 29£ White Lily Soap and Export Borax, 4 for 25^ VISIT OUR FRESH MEAT AND DELICATESSEN ' DEPARTMENTS Y "EVtMN^v Balrd vs. Sarah Sachs, rule, to open judgment: Sheet Metal and Supply t'ompany Vs-. tiohls BegelfetS motion fbr jhilgment for tvant of a sufficient affidavit defeusei Cumberland Valley %ls!ephonel Company vs. E. Sender-,. bertierarli exceptions', Ber nard Schmidt V. B. F-. Sheeslei'i mo tion for judgment for want of suffi cient affidavit of defense-. 'l\l I>rn\v duties—Grand and petit jurors to servo at the March session of criminal court March IT, will ho drawn to-morrow morning at # o'clock a tthe office of Sheriff J W, W. Caldwell. LONG-TIME LOANS ARE SUGGESTED [Qpnttnucd from First l*afps] ly borne by the Housing Corporation, he added. Portable house* were bought and erected often In lea* than three weeks. Decide* these method*, nine ty-eight housing project* were un der way during the last six monthß of the war, and 76,000 families were being housed. In November 1918, having a "hunch" that the armistice would be signed, all but twenty-three of the ninety-eight projects were eliminated, and those twenty-three were greatly curtailed. Thirty mil lion dollars of the J100.000.000 ap propriation not having been needed. It will be turned back to the treasury department. Ltkor Problem. "The most serious problem in the country today is the laborer," he J continued. "especially the "<56,000 niistly foreigners . who wander from place to place, making trouble. It Is one problem to stabilise this class, and make citlsens of them, because they're the fellows who are rasing hell, and unfortnuately our Housing Corporation has been unable to do anything for them." "It is an appalling fact that less people proportionately in the United States own houses than in any other civilized country," he continued. Private capital Is the cause of the lack of individually owned houses, he declared. He is opposed to the Government's building houses, as It fosters "house leeches." It is for that reason that he favor the estab lishment of the fund to provide money to laborers at reasonable rates of in terest, and there-by encourage home making. The luncheon was held In conjunc tion with the joint conference of the | Pennsylvania Housing and Town Planning Association and the Penn sylvania Confcrneoe on Social Wel fare. Alderman Shaner Gives Supper at West End More than three hundred members, guests, committeemen and politicians attended the supper given by the West Knd Kepubllcan Club last evening at the club's home in honor of Alderman John H. Shaner, of the Seventh Ward, a candidat for mayor. , The rooms were beautifully deco rated in lted. White and Blue electrical effects. Mannlx's Banjo Orchestra, The Moose Quartette and seceral singers from the local theatres furnished the entertainment. Arthur Simms acted as toastmaster. Many of the guests made speaches during the supper and Alderman Shan er responded with a brief talk. Among the guests were committee men from virtually every precinct in the city. A. special feature was the singing of a song to be used in the coming campaign. Tar P<e|COUGHS,COLDS, Iff! - SORE WSj* JL THROAT, vcJE good old VWWB \TSf RELIABLE . jaj MEDICINE DO'S AND DON'TS Satisfaction The flr.t thing to do: n-Jv ™*Vf Stop that Cough vnil TPV ITt Before it Atop* You. YUU IKY ** 7 Don't Dare Delay • 60 Doses 30c Get Juniper Tar today. At All Druggists Think of some Do's and Don'ts about Juniper Tar. If you Bend u* ten along with a Juniper Ttr Wrapper we will rend you a present. THE J. H. WHITEHURBT CO., ■•ltlmofe, Md. The League of Nations Plan [Continued from First Page.] agree there aha'll be fail and frank Interchange pf information as to their inilllai-y and haval programs-. . . Article U A permanent Commission shall be constituted, to advise the league bn the execution of the provisions of Article VIII and oil military and naval questions generally) Article * .. "The high contracting parties shall undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the ter ritorial Integrity and existing politi cal Independence of all states mem bers of the league, lit- case of any such aggression of In case of any threat or danger of such aggression the executive council ahajl advise Upon the Ineans by which the obll j gation shall bo fullMed) Article XI | "Any war or threat of war, wheth er Immediately affecting any of the high contracting parties of not,, in hereby declared a matter of concern to the league, and the high contract i lug parties reserve the right to take any action that may be deemed wl*e and effectual to safeguard the peace of nation*, , . , , _ . "It is hereby also declared and agreed to be the friendly right of elch of the high contracting Parties I to draw the attention of the body of delegates or of the executive coun cil lo any circumstances affecting international Intercourse which threatens to disturb International peace or the good understanding be tween nations upon which peace de pends. Article XII "Tho high contracting parties agrea that should disputes arise between them which cannot be adjusted by tho ordinary processes of diplomacy, they will in no case resort to war without previously submitting the questions and matters involved either to arbl- I tration or to enquiry by the executive council and until three months after the award by the arbitrators or a recommendation by the executive council"; and that they will not even then resort to war as against a mem ber of the league which complies with the ward of the arbitrators or the recommendation of the executive council. . "In any case under this article, the award of the arbitrators shall be made within a reasonable time, and the recommendation of the executive council shall be made within six months after the submission of the dispute. Article XIII "The high contracting parties agree that whenever any dispute or diffi culty shall arise between them which they recognize to be suitable for sub mission to arbitration and which can not be satisfactorily settled by dip lomacy. they will submit the whole matter to arbitration. For this pur pose the court of arbitration to which the case is referred shall be the court agreed on by the parties or stipulated in any convention existing between them. The high contracting parties agree that they will carry out in full good faith any reward that may be rendered. In the event of any fail- j ure to carry out the award, the exe- ; cutive council shall propose what steps can best be taken to give cf- j feet thereto. Article XIV "The executive council shall for mulate plans for the establishment of a permanent court of international justice and this court shall, when es tablished, be competent to hear and determine any matter which the par ties recognized as suitable for sub mission to it for arbitration under the foregoing article. Article XV . "If there should arise between states members of the league any dispute likely to lead to rupture, which Is not submitted to arbitration as above, the high contracting parties agree that they will refer the matter to the executive council; either party to the dispute may give notice of the existence of the dis pute to the secretary-general, who will make all necessary arrangements for u full investigation and consideration thereof. Fro those purposes the parties i agree to communicate to the secre tary-general. as promptly as possible, statements of their case with all the relevant facts and papers, and the exe cutive council may forthwith direct fhe publication thereof. Where the efforts of the council lead to the settlement of the dispute, a statement shall he published indicating the nature of the dispute and the terms of settlement, together with such explanations as may be appropriate. It the dispute has not been settled a report by the council shall be published, setting forth with all necessary facts and explanations the recommendation which the council think just and proper for the settle ment of the dispute. If the report is unanimously agreed to by the mem bers of the council other than the par ties to the dispute, the high contract ing parties agree that they will not go to war with any party which com plies with the recommendations and that, if any party shall refuse so to comply, the council shall propose meas ures necessary to give effect to the recommendations. If no such unani mous report can be made, it shall be the duty of the majority and the privi lege of the minority to issue statements indicating what they believe to be the facts and containing the reasons which they consider to be just and proper. "The executive council may in any case . under this article refer the dis pute to the body of delegates. The dispute shall be so referred at the re quest of either party to the dispute, provided that such request must be made within fourteen days after the. submission of the dispute. In a case referred to the body of delegates all the provisions of this article and of Article XII relating to the action and powers of the executive council shall apply to the action and powers of the body of delegates. Article XVI "Should any of the high contract ing parties break or disregard its covenants under Article XII, it shall thereby ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of war against all the other members of the league, which hereby undertakes immedi ately to subject it to the severance cf all trade or financial relations, the prohibition of all intercourse be tween their nationals and the na tionals of the covenant-breaking state, and the prevention of all finan cial, commercial, or personal inter- I course between the nationals of the covenant-breaking state and the na tionals of any other state, whether a member of the league or not. "It shall be the duty of the exec utive council in such case to recom mend what effective military or naval force the members of the league shall severally contribute to the arrrted forces to be used to protect the cove nants of the league. "The high contracting parties agree, further, that they will mutu ally support one another In the finan cial and economic measures which may be taken under this article, in order to minimize the loss and incon venience resulting from the above measures, and that they will mutual ly) support one another in resisting When Tongue Is Coated Drink Celery King Take It yourself and give It to the children for it's a purely vegetable laxative tea that acts promptly on the bowels and never causes the least distress. It putr you right over night and when you catch cold and become feverish jtf>u mustn't fall to drink a cupful hot be-'ore going to bed. For sick headache, biliousness, •dizziness, disordered stomach and sluggish liver there Is nothing that will do the work so well. Every druggist has It. A generous pack age costs only a few cents. feomiSBTTRG ilfeßSil *rrrr vt it* A ntf any special measures aimed at one bf their hllmoer bs- the covenant breaking state, and that they will afford passage through their terri tory to the forces of any of the high contracting parties who are co-oper ating to protect the covenants of the league-. Article XVII '"ln the event of disputes between one state member of the league and another state which Is not a mem ber of the league, br between states not members of the league ( the high contracting parties agree that the ftate or states not members of the eaarue shall be Invited to aceept the fbltgatlons of membership lit the eague for the purpose of such dispute Upon such conditions as the executive collncll may deem just, and upon acceptance of any such invita tion, the above pfovlalons shall be applied with such modifications as may be deemed necessary by the league, "Upon such invitation being given the executive council shall Imme diately Institute an Inquiry Into the circumstances and merits of the dis pute and recommend such action as may seem best and most effectual in the circumstances, "In the event of a power so Invited re fusing to accept the obligations of mem bership In tiro league for the purpose of such dispute, and taking any action against a state member of the league which In the case of a state member of the league would constitute a breach of Article XII, the provisions of Article XVI shall bo applicable as against the state taking such action. "If both parties to the dispute when so Invited refuse to accept the obliga tions of membership In the league for the purpose of such dispute, the execu tive council may take such action and make such recommendations as will prevent hostilities and will result In the settlement of the dispute. Article XVIII "The Mgh contracting parties agree that the league shall be entrusted with general supervision of the trade in arms and ammunition with the countries in which the oontrol of this traffic Is neces sary in the common interest. Article XIX 'To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the states which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peo ples not yet able to stand by them selves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilization and that se curities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in the constitution of the league. "The best method of giving prac tical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peqples should he en trusted to advanced nations who by rea son of their resources, their experience, or their geographical position, can best undertake this responsibility, and this tutelage should be exercised by them as mandatories on behalf of the league. "The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the de velopment of the people, the geograph ical situation of the territory, its econ omic conditions and other similar cir cumstances. "Certain communities, formerly be longing to the Turkish empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recogniged sub ject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a mandatory power until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal con sideration in the selection of the man datory power. "Other peoples, especially those of Central Africa, are at such a stage that the mandatory must lie responsi ble for the administration of the terri tory subject to conditions which will guarantee freedom of conscience or religion, subject only to the mainten ance of public order and morals, the prohibition of abuses such as the slave trade, the arms traffic and the liquor traffic, and the prevention of the es tablishment of fortifications or mili tary and naval purposes and the de [ fense of territory, and will also secure eguitf opportunities for the trade and ; commerce of other members of the lea gue. 'There are territories, such as south west of Africa and certain of the South Pacific isles, which, owing to the sparse ness of their population, or their small size, or their remoteness from the cen ters of civilization, or their geographi cal continuity to the mandatory state, and other circumstances, can be best administered under the laws of the mandatory state as integral portions thereof, subject to the safeguards above mentioned in the interests of the indigen ous population. "In every case of mandate the man datory state shall render to the league an annual report In reference to the territory committed to its charge. "The degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the mandatory state shall if not previously agreed upon by the high contracting j parties in each case be explicitely de fined by the executive council in a spe cial act or charter. "The high contracting parties further agreed to establish at the seat of the league a mandatory commission to re ceive and examine the annual reports of the mandatory powers and to assist the league in ensuing the observance of the terms of all mandates. Article XX "The high contracting parties will endeavor to secure and maintain fair and humane conditions of labor for men. women and children both in tiieir own countries and in all countries to which their commercial and industrial relations extend ; and to that end agree to establish as a part of the organiz i ation of the league of a permanent | bureau of labor. Article XXI "The high contracting parties agree that provision shall be made through the instrumentality of the league to se cure and maintain freedom of transit and equitable treatment for the com merce of all states members of the league, having in mind, among other things, special arrangements with re- I gard to the necessities of the regions devasted during the war of 1914-1918 Article XXII "The high contracting parties agree to place under the control of the league all international bureaus already es tablished by general treaties if the parties to such treaties consent. Fur thermore. they agree that all such international bureaus to be constituted in the future shall be placed under control of the leauge. Article XXIII "The high contracting parties agree that every treaty or international en gagement entered into hereafter by any state member of the league, shall be forthwith registered with the secretary general and as soon as possible publish ed by him, and that no such treaty of international engagement shall be bind ing until so registered. Article XXIV "It shall be the right of the body of delegates from time to time to advise the reconsideration by states members of the league, of treaties which have become inapplicable, and of interna tional conditions of which the continu ance may endanger the peace of the world Article XXV "The high contracting parties sev erally agree that the present coven ant is accepted as obrogattng all ob ligations inter se which are incon sistent with the terms thereof, and solemnly engage that they will not hereafter enter into any engagements inconsistent with the terms thereof. In case any of the powers signatory hereto or subsequently admitted to the league shall, before coming a party tb this covenant, having under taken any obligations which are in consistent with the terms of this covenant. It shall be the duty of such power to taken Immediate steps to procure Its release from such obli gations 1 Article XXVI "Amendments to this covenant will take effect When ratified by the states whose representatives compose the executive 'council and by three fourths of the states whose repre sentatives compose the body of del egates." NEWPORT ROAD GETS INVOLVED Legal Questions Bob Up When the Cut Off Proposition Is Discussed Today The question was raised to-day by Highway Commissioner Sadler whether the state could take over a road route not improved in discuss ing the request of a delegation of people from Dauphin and Perry counties for a new link which would shorten the road between Harris burg and Newport by twelve miles. The delegation, composed of prom inent ■ residents asked that r new link be built between Amity Hall and Newport on the William Penn highway, which would do away with the route embracing Liverpool and Millerstown which Is traveled by many persons touring across tho state. Tho link was added by 1917 •legislation. Commissioner Sadler said that he would refer tho ques tion to tho Attorney General as part of the route was damaged In the 1889 flood and virtually abandoned. Now the Perry county people Intend to improve it as a county road and wish It to be como a part of tho slate system. Arrangements were made to-day for a general discussion of tho state road butldlng program in Allegheny. Butler and other western counties by tho Governor, Highway Commis sioner and Interested officials. Coun ty Commissioners Humbert, Alle gheny, and Moore, Butler, asked that a ten-mllo strip between But ler and Mercer and a twelve-mile astrlp bottween Pittsburgh and But ler be Improved. Mr. Gumbqrt strip between Pittsburgh and But county in construction. Commis sioners Gates and Cumbertson, of Venango, asked that tho construc tion bo made first to Oil City and then to Franklin when It reaches Cranberry. Requests were made for improved roads to connect Frank lin with the Polk institution. Thirteen Properties Are Purchased From the Moffitt ; Estate by Warren Van Dyke A deed filed at the recorder's office late yesterday afternoon from the Moffitt estate to Warre nR. Van- Dyke involves one of the largest real estate transfers of the year. Thir teen properties were conveyed on Susquehanna and Fourth streets, at a consideration of $l, although the revenue, stamps indicated that the purchase price was in the neighbor hood of $40,000. Samuel A. Greene negotiated the deal. It is under stood that Mr. VanDyke proposes to convert all of these properties into two and three family apartments, for occupancy by April 1. One of Two Lost Men Found by Relatives Daniel Barr, 256 Crescent street, who wandered from his home yes terday, has been found and returned to his relatives, it was learned to day. Caspar Shaffner, 330 Reily street, who also is reportde to be feebleminded, and who has not been located by the policed Deaths and Funerals MARY ELIZABETH 111 WIN Mary Elizabeth Irwin, aged 7 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles irwin, 1113 State street, died last evening at H o'clock at. the home of her parents, from pneumonia. She was ill two weeks. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery. WILLIAM H. YOCTM _ Funeral services for William H. Yoeum, aged 54 years, who died at his late home, 1721 Green street after an illness of three weeks, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, pastotr of the Fifth Street Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Loc omotive Engineers, No. 459, AVoodmen of the Work, K. of P., No. 59, and American Mechanics, No. 3. The sur vivors are Clara M., his wife; Walter E„ a son; Mrs. J. C. Todd, a daughter; Mrs. Lizzie A'ocum, his mother, and three sisters, Mrs. William Patrick, Mrs. Annie Clay and Mrs. Mary E Bitner. BUNCO MAN OX SCHEDULE The clever bunco man who announced in yesterday's paper as expected to arrNfe here and play a game where by ho fleeces store keepers of twenty dollars by offering a number of ones in exchange for a twenty dollar bill, which we then puts in his pockets while ap parently sealing it in an envelope, and then leaves the envelope with the store keeper while he returns to his boss to get an additional one dollar bill, the clerk discovers he . only gave 19 one dollar bills for the $2O, arrived on time last evening, and at 7 o'clock announecd his arrival by playing his game on Mrs. Galbrath, a clerk in' AA'eaver's con fectionary* store at 7 o'clock, and get ting away with it. She evidently did not see the papers which announced his expected arrival. Palice suppose he saw his game already hearalded in last evening's paper, and made his escape after going into Weaver's. VICTORY LOAN TO FIND CITY READY [Continued from First Page.] prevent the selling of the bonds. He said the terms likely will be so rea sonable that everyone will recog nize the saneness of thg investment, and buy bonds. It is likely the issue will mature in not more than five years, he said. There is a probability that the bonds will be issued in two forms. For the benefit of the small buyer, the interest will be at a comparatively high rate and the bonds will be subject to taxation. For the small bond buyer this would be the best investment. For large purchasers, he Baid, tliere likely will be an is sue free from taxation, but bearing a lower rate of interest. The super tax on very large amounts In bonds would make the purchase of the bonds bearing the higher interest, but subject to taxation, less profit able for heavy investors. The new Secretary of the Treas ury, said Mr. McCormlck, has asked Congress to make concessions to the purchasers of bonds in the previous Liberty Loans, so that they will not suffer by a higher rate of interest being paid on the new bonds. VALENTINE DANCE Big dance program to-night after Tech-AVashington McKlnley High I basketball game. Game 30c. Dancing 25c. Chestnut street hall. ALL ROOMS OF NEW HOTEL READY [Continued from First Page.] seeing the important Job; His workmen were saddened to-day to hear that he had died of Influenza and would never be able to see the materialization of his plans in the leunge rooms This magnificent apartment was the scene of expert handling to-day. with a dozen of Mr. Phillips men rehangtng the huge window drapery, which weigh sev eral tons. The high, broad windows were being draped with silk box tapestry, all conforming to the Adam style of architecture. The Chamber of Commerce held its luncheon In the lounge room to day, and this organization will stage the most elaborate meeting yet re corded at the hotel .on Tuesday night next, when It banquets Gov ernor Sproul and all state legislators. Next day, Wednesday, will seo the lounge open to tho public, ltcopculng Next Wednesday "Patrons of the Penn-Harrls have been compelled to submit to some discomfort," observed Manager Wig gins, "but they had small knowl edge of what the company was go ing through. The lobby of the ho tel had to be used for dining tables and the only regular dining room was the grill. With the reopening of the lounge on next Wednesday, all this will be changed and the 'coffee room' will, of course, be a great hit." So strenuous is the demands for rooms and for banquets, dinners and conferences that every token points to an enlargement of this splendid hotel, which is making good in ev ery activity with the space at hand. The weekly pay for employes for the last seven days amounted to $773. "Surpasses all expectation," was the brief comment of George Ilarry to-day. "The sale of newspapers, periodicals and tine quality cigars is beyond anything I ever saw in Harrisburg." Manager Wiggins was somewhat amused by a suggestion mailed him to instal a Chinese chow house. 'The Penn-Harrls would make itself even more famous." said this corre spondent, "if it would put in a high class Oriental dining room, where you could get the best of chop suey.'* 'POLICE CASES ARE RIGIDLY PROBED [Continued from First Page.] vestigated every scrap of evidence in my possession." This is unquestionably true. It was expected that the hearing would develop some of the charges that Magnelli made against other members of the force, to the effect that the police department is gen erally rotten and that many other officers were guilty of worse offenses than those with which he is charg ed.'but_ nothing of that kind came out. Nobody raised the question. Mayor Keister having previously said he did not intend to pay any attention to the Magnelli allega tions. Solicitor Fox said to-day the Mag nelli charges did not involve an in vestigation of the whole force and j that as city solicitor his only duty | in the matter and the extent to which he was empowered to go in the case was to show upon the evi dence presented, that the Mayor's charges were well founded. In city circles it is not believed that councilmcn are very anxious to go deeply into the affairs of the department. They profess to be lieve that Magnelli cannot substan tiate his charges, and fall back upon the old formula that "no specific charges having been filed with us," there is nothing on which to base an investigation. Magnelli, also, has become strangely silent and hadn't a word to say at the hearing yes terday concerning tho affidavits with which he was so free when he was first dismissed by the Mayor. Neith er he nor his counsel attempted to introduce his counter-charges into the hearing and since they did not figure in the evidence laid before the city solicitor they were not brought up. Nevertheless there is a widespread belief that things are not as they should be in the police department and the Mayor's friends say he could strengthen himself greatly in the opinion of the public if he would order a complete investigation of the reports and rumors that have gained such wide currency, if for no other reason than that he owes it to well-behaved officers of the force to clear their skirts of blame. COLD ON CHEST AND SORE THROAT ENDED OVERNIGHT You Get Action With Mustarincv— it Drives Out Pain In Half the Time It Takes Other Rem edies—lt's tlo Quickest Pain Killer on Eurtli Stops coughing almost instantly; ends sore throat and chest colds over night. Nothing like it for neuralgia, lumbago, neuritis and to speedily drive away rheumatic pains and re duce swollen Joints. Mustarine is the original non-blist ering prescription that takes the place but is 10 times as efficient as Grand mother's old-fashioned mustard plas ter. Use it for sprains, strains, bruises, epre muscles, stiff neck, swellings, sore, painful or frosted feet and chilblains. Be sure it's Begy's Mustarine in the yellow box. II GET AFTER THAT COLD RIGHT NOW Got right after it with a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery She never let a cough or cold or case of grippe go until It grew dan gerous. She Just nipped It when she began to sniffle or cough before it developed seriously. Men, women and children of every age have used this preparation for fifty years as a prompt reliever. All ages are using it today because of its positive results. Generous size bottles sold every where. Constipation Corrected Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight mean clear bowels, a clear head, clear thinking, a day well begun In the morning, good digestion, clear; Ing skin. Mild in action, but sure and comfortable. At drug stores I everywhere. J ' FEBRUARY 14, 1919. ' GRADE CROSSING CASH AVAILABLE Decision May Have Bearing L'pon the Dcrry Township Propositions, Too The Public Service Commission was to-day Informed by Deputy I General Hargest that If "the com mlssien enters into a specific con-! tract for payment out of the appro priation for $200,000 for elimina tion of grade crossings and provldps that the work shall not be begun during tlio war or at n date prior to June 1, 1919, so much of said appropriation as Is necessary to carry out said contract will not lapse, but will be available after the two fiscal years have expired." In an opinion to Governor Sproul rela tive to extradition proceeding's it is held that Pennsylvania having ad hered to the rules of practice gov erning extradition proceedings out lined at an interstate conference some years ago, it is better that there should be uniformity of prac tice. In the case under discussion requisition from Massachusetts for a man charged with "begetting with child" is advised to be refused. Governor Sproul to-<ln.v announced appointment of Francis J. Kooser, a former judge of Somerset, to fill the vacancy on the Somerset county bench. In a statement issued from the governor's office it is said: "In speaking of the appointment Gov ernor Sproul let it be known that he had no desire to enter into any fac tional alignment there. There was a great divergence of opinion ap parently between the various poli tical elements in the county and among the members of the bar as to the succession and as Judge Itup pel had been ill for several months the business of the court hus been much delayed and there is a great accumulation of matter awaiting at tention. Rather than await an agreement between the different fac tions the governor decided that the commonwealth's business was para mount and should be cared for and as Judge Kooser has had ten years experience as a judge and could as sume his duties at once, his ap pointment was promptly settled upon. The pepole of the county will now have abundant time to nominate and elect a judge who will be satis factory to them. It is understood Judge Kooser will not be a candi date at the election next fail." Adjutant General Henry wnt to Washington to-day to discus smilitia affairs and the reorganization of the National Guard of Pennsylvania with War Department officials. Mili tary training will also be taken up. In nil probability the capital park legislation will provide for an amendment to the public buildings and grounds act that the deputy su perintendent shall be an engineer and be in charge of the construction of new buildings, bridges and capitol park improvements. This proposition will be taken up here next week. Auditor tienoral Charles A. Sny der Intends not only to urge his pro posed minimum salary increase plan as the solution of the problem of more pay for teachers, but to em phasize what he considers need for changes in the high and grammar school plans. The position of Mr. Snyder, who has been a student of teachers salary acts holds that under present conditions a poor man's son has a hard time becoming a pro fessional man and that unless a change is made there will be no rural physicians in the next decade. DIES or PNEUMONIA Isaac a farmer aged 28, who was admitted to the Harrisburg Hos pital at 2 o'clock yesterday, died at 8 o'clock last evening of pneumonia. He lived near Dauphin. 1 I ftjLXfc REFUTATION AND THE FRIENDSHIP OF MILLIONS OF WOMEN. /# *X "HOLD-TICHT* HAIR NETS ARE MADE OP THE FINEST REAL ftiX f T> HUMAN HAIR. ALL SHADES. X 2TO*/S<£ EVERY -HOLD-TICHT' HAIR NET GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ORDER AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE IF THEY WM 'TI OR OR AY 23 ♦EAC H CANNOT SUPPLY YOU. WRITE US. STATE COLOR AND CAP o FRINGE SHAPE SH^ HAIRNETS[ | A Sale of Shoes ||j For Women -|j 1| Who Demand the Very Best •••'( | /-WTE a num- HT~~7 I |||W V § ber of pairs of \ V\ / IHJx ill shoes 'he: H 1 ||j ||ip: final wind-up of the . !j ff l.||| broken lots from our !•! | [lip: recent clearance sale H . :|| —are marked at very jh I ||jx attractive prices in 'n SB /[•/ \ :J| order to close them \l Jrj JT \ 11l^ 1 ' IE out quickly. The If JW fj S J S 111 shoes are high class ! y Xv\/ I'll. IE and right up to the ■mW/ /_])( :|j xll minute in style. The lII* ||j[j values are excep- xll tional. Your size in Jjfjjj one of these lots will be a real "find." xj| x|||| Lot I.—Women's Shoes at $3.95 l'i|| ||||X Black Glased Kidskln Laced Boots with .jllll welted and stitched soles. Medium and high heels. Ir.V rhllll Plain toes or with tips. ™||j xf||] Lot 2.—Women's Shoes at $4.50 IX Dark Brown Laced Boots, straight or wing tips. * XjjlJ t Jill Goodyear welt soles. Low heels. A serviceable ||||''' X|||| school shoe for growing girls. Illl|j| || Lot 3.—Women's Shoes at $5.50 ||||X Havana Brown Kidskin, Nut Brown Calfskin, X[ ['IJIHI and finest Black Glazed Kidskln Laced Boots. Hig*h ' ||||X X cut Goodyear welt soles. Good run of sizes and 111 l I*l widths. * xjjlj xflfl None C. O. D,. None on Approval. Illljlj ||-: Sizes Readjusted Where Necessary. •"i"*.; 41 llliiiii | C. B. RODNEY I !|j 34 N. Third Street fe ||||| Opposite Penn-Harris . jj||J = i'i i'l S= i'l K i'i i'i =. i'iW NW is 53: X I.X RETURNS TO CAMP Serjeant John Yostadt, who spentr ft week's furlough at his home, re turned to Camp Humphries, last evonlng. This rashmaq become serious. Some people are inclined to neglect a slight rash. They consider it a mere trifle and expect it to disappear next day. On the contrary this delay per mits the rash often times to become more malignant in nature, and conse quently more difficult to overcome and heal. Save yourself hours of torture. On the first indication of soreness to the touch, an itchy and inflamed skin, spotty, with a tendency to become swollen and painful—apply Resiuol the famous healing ointment prepared es pecially for the treatment of such ailment* For Colds, Grip and Influenza Take "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets" \ Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature (o- JfcSfrfrzr&r | on the box. 30c. 1 OUR NEW GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP In .VON Open For BuNlnrHN M. J. AUNGST. Front Street, Knlinut, Fa. FRED BAUER BARBER will be located in the future at Corner Conestoga & Main Sts., Steclton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers