6 FATHER TO MEET SON AT RALLY HELDINY.M.C.A. Program Ready For Enter tainment Scheduled For Saturday Evening The first big Father and Son event of the week will be held at the Central Y. M. C. A. Saturday even ing when a Father and Son' Play Festival will be staged for the bene fit of all the sons and dads in the city and its vicinity. All plans for the evening's enter tainment have been completed by the committee In charge. A recep tion to fathers and the boys will be held at 7.45 o'clock. At 8.30 the men and boys will go to the Y gymnasium where a series of con tests will b§ staged with fathers pitted against sons. For instance there will be a goat race, a cracker-eating contest, a bot tle balance episode and what not. Following the hour of play in the gym. an informal musical program r blowers T t or All Occasions = Floral Decorations Wedding Flowers Party Flowers Funeral Flowers 3heßerryhill . LOCUST ST. AT SECOND 1 - v For the Month of FEBRUARY We Shall Offer SPECIAL PRICES On Congoleum and Wool Fibre Rugs J Congoleum Rugs, 9x12 ft., regular SIB.OO, now .$14.50 Wool Fibre Rugs, 9x12 ft., regular $19.00, now $15.00 All our goods reduced in pro portion during February only. Joseph Fornwald 1321 North Sixth St. BELL 4838 v DIAL 3114 SAY DID YOU Ever have a pair of white kid gloves cleaned Here? If not, we clean the first short pair Free if vou bring them to us. VALET Should Be Your Valet 404 NORTH SECOND STREET Where Cleaning' Is an Art Let Her Valentine Gift Be a Box of ffigpp J| Sheetz's Old-time Home-made {^) flf Mart Ha Washington Candy fIR "Sweet as the Scent of Roses, y _ ) Pure as tlie Spotless Snow." . The Sweet Shop IT) Fourth and Walnut Sts. ******** Coffee More Than Half The Meal Coffee is literally the gauge of the meal, for how often is a well balanced delicious meal ruined when the coffee is served. And vice versa—the coffee saves the meal many,- many times. Hasn't it been your experience to judge the meal by the final impression—the coffee? Such a problem never confronts the housewife who serves GOLDEN ROAST BLEND This blend is virtually built, because there is no element of guess-work. It is scientifically blended and roasted to always give you that rich mellowness which you want. In air-tight sealed pack ages at all grocers R. H. Lyon IMPORTER HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, j will be held to bo followed by light refreshments. Plans are also about complete for tho Sunday aftornoon mooting to bo hold In Fahnestock hull at 8.30 o'clock. Professor C. C. Kills, of Juniata College, will speak on the partnership that should oxlst betweon and their hoys. Mu , sic for tho meeting wl'l bo furnlshod • by tho Technical High school or | chestra. '. ~ . J The wind-up event will be the an j nual Father and Son banquet In I Chestnut Street Auditorium. What | will bo doing thoro? Sh! Junior Red Cross Drive Is Opened in City Schools Thu Junior Rod Cross, of tho Har risburg Chapter, oper.odm drive for membership yesterday, with tho aim of "Every school child n Rrd Cross member." Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert Is chairman of tho drive. Mrs. Goorge E. Tripp has been named 'ns vlco chalrman. and Mrs. KugWio Is>e Htyser us assistant. Tho arlvo will continue until February 22. It Is'planned that every echool.room , in every school building of tho Har rlsburg district shall bo registered as 100 per cent, strong in the Red Cross membership. Incidentally, ' Junior Red Cross memberships are twenty five cents each. It has been requested by nfflclnla In charge of the campaign that as soon as schools are 100 per cent, they ro pe rt this fact to the local Red Cross. I calling 4884 on the Dell phone. Dr. Charles C. Ellis to Speak at the Y. M.\C. A. I Dr. Charles C. Ellis, of Juniata Col | lege, will be the speaker at tho Sun ] day afternoon meeting for men on tho coming Sunday nt tho Central Y. M. C. A. The meeting will take a slight ly different turn from the usual 1..M. iC. A. men's meeting. It will l>o ' adapted to fit in with tho "Father ; and Son Week" plans. The subject i of the address by Dr. Kills Is to be "Fatherhood and Sonshlp." Men who " heard him when he spoke before tho association meeting last season, are looking forward to hearing him again. Fathers are especially Invited to bring their sons or other men's ; sons with them to this meeting. Music i will bo furnished by the Technical I High school orchestra. The program j will begin, as usual, at 8:30 o'clock. PIE SOCIAL AT LEMOY.YE j Lemoyne, Pa., Feb. 13.—A pie sq ! rial will be he'd to-morrow after i noon and evening by the Ladies' | Bible Class of the Trinity Lutheran j Church, of this place. READ THIS THIS IS ORDINARY news paper print an<r should be read I | without any trouble during the day or night. If you find any | difficulty in reading this print, | either you need glasses or your glasses need changing. Good Glasses fitted as low . ' A eyes free. No drops used. y jf RUBIN & RUBIN ! I Registered Eyesight Specialists 320 Market Street "Over the Hub'' Hell Phone 42G-J Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings See l a to See Better Established in llarrisburg 11 years I. ' INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS DINNER DANCE . OF ROTARY CLUB | Exhibition Dunce by Children j and President Lincoln Tells of His Former Visit Tlcre The annual ladles' night of the Rotary Club Was merrily celebrat ed In the I'enn-1 farrls last evening with a dinner-dance In the bull room. An elaborate menu was served at round tables seating seven guests each and during the dinner the Municipal Orchestra played anil thero was singing by overyone led by "Kid" Davis and some of the Ro tarlnns. After dinner the lights Vent out and suddenly the guests saw Abra ham Lincoln In the flush evidently Just stepped down frpm his port trait hunging over the platform. John T. Olmsted excellently Imper sonating tho martyred President mado a brief address telling of his last visit to this city Just before his Inaugural. Miss Virglnfn Hhaur danced the sailor's hornpipe to tho delight of the guests and lutor In the even ing gave tho "Danse de Petal," which was enthusiastically encored. The Misses Margaret llughos and Margaret Assolyn guvo much pleas ure by their beuutlt'ul steps and pos ing in the dance "Dawn." Mrs. Ar thur Herman played for the spe cial dancing. Cards and dancing completed the evening's poyed by over two hundred peo"ple. The entertainment committee in cludes Norris S. Longaker, chair man; C. Floyd Hopkins, David W. Cotterell, Frank F. Davenport and A. W. Myers. Among tho Guests Among the guests were noticed! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Ashmer M. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bogar, Mr. and Mrs. Ixjuis M. Brlcker, Mrs. Phoebe Knowles and Miss Margaret Deegan, of Seattle, Wush; Miss Elva Myers, George Myers, Mrs. Haywood M. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ca hill, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Con sylman, Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cot terell, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Crowell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Shaar, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Diener, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Doohne, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph AV. Xiowdell, Mr. and Mrs. Errol B. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Enders, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Essick, Miss Essick, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Fickes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles' M. Forney. Mr. and Mrs. William H. German, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hamme, Mr. and Mrs. John Heathcote, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 11. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont R. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jobe, Air. and Airs. John W. Jacobs, Dr. and Mrs. H. AI. Kirk patrlck, Mr. and Airs. Fred S. Lack, Aliss Dorothy Dowdell, Paul A. Kun kcl, Miss Lydia Kunkel, Aliss Fisher, the Aliases Gertrude and Cassandra Alusser, Air. and Airs. 11. Al. Butler, Air. and Airs. Elmer E. Lawton, Air. and Airs. X. S. Longaker, Cap tain and Alr&, George F. Lumb, Arr. and Airs. R, H. Lyon, Air. and Airs. William Rufus AlcCord. Air. ond Airs. James P. MeCullough, Air. and Airs. J. F.Alaclary, Air. and Airs. F. H. Alarsh, Air. and Mrs. W. C. Aliller, Mr. and Airs. A. W. Aloul, Frank B. Alusser. Air. and Airs. John S. Alusser, A. W. Alyers, Mr. and Airs. L. W. Alelius, Aliss Martha Law ton, Air. and Airs. John H. Xixon, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Olmsted, Air. and Airs. John C. Orr. William AI. Robinson, Miss* Elizabeth Knox, Airs. Edson J. Hockenbury, Air. and Airs. J. W. Roslion, Arr. and Airs. Edward F. Rowe, Dr. and Airs. Samuel Z. Shope, Aliss Snyder, Mr. and Airs. C. Linford Scott, Mr. und yrs. Frank C. Sites, Air. 'and Airs. Rudolph K. Spicer, Robert F. Spicer, Mr. and Airs. J. Frank Saussaman, Mr. and Airs. Charles J. Stevens, Dr. and Airs. Harvey A. Stine, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wiggins. Air. and Mrs. Jo seph P. Yuengel, Frederick Kam merer, Charles W 8011. Howard C. Fry, Eli N. Hershey, Dr. C. E. L. Kecne, Daniel D. Hammelbaugh and Edwin F. Weaver. • Hebrew Laches' Aid Elects Officers For Year At the regular monthly meeting of the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society, held Tuesday evening at Kesher Israel Synagogue, the following of ficers were elected: President, Mrs. David Cooper; vice-president. Mrs. M. Herbert: treasurer, Mrs. L. Co hen. and secretary, Mrs. Eli Gold stein. The board of directors. In cludes the following: Mrs. E. Skolnik, Airs. J. Rappoport. Airs. A. Tsaacman, Mrs. Veaner, Airs. AI. Brenner. Mrs. R. Alacus, Airs. D. Aaronson, Mrs. L. Scliampan, Mrs. L. W. Kay, Airs. AL Gross. Airs. Bar ron and Airs. D. Gaionzik. An interesting report of the past year's work was given by the sec retary. • STYLISH FRAMES AND MOUNTINGS * Of course when you come here the first matter to bo considered is your eyes. I make a care ful, scientific examination and study them thoroughly. After I have determined for a certainty the exact lenses required I study your features so I can recom mend a stylish mounting or frame that will be becoming. The right kind of glasses have a lot to do with your good looks and I take particular pains to have them •right. Permanently located at ' 12 N. MARKET SQUARE Second Floor Rarrisbuho telegraph! DAUGHTERS 1812 HOLD A SESSION Lecture, Music und Stories of Russiu Plenso Today; New Regent Presides MRB. SAMUEL, Z. SHOPE . "Kussia —Promise or Menace," was the subject of Dr. John H. Wood ruff's lecture this afternoon before the Keystone Chapter United States Daughters of 1812, and many friends' gathered In the Civic Club. Dr. Woodruff, who is professor of English tn Susquehanna University, said in part: "Russia is standing out ns the political riddle of the age. It pre sents many curious phases. From having recently been the land of obsolute monarchy in the complet cst sense, it has taken on the most radical form of popular government. Its swinging from one extreme to the other, the strain on stability has been most severe, violent plunderer and wholesale murderers, having marked the path toward democracy. •"At the present moment all is un certainty. In many quarters the worst element of Bolsheviltism seem ed to sway, in dangerous fashion, the ignorant and unstable masses, cut loose from the ancient moorings of absolute authority. The world is eagerly awaiting the outcome and madly hoping that the Red Terror may exliaust itself while the fin a/ adjustment is taking place. "The possibilites of a mighty na tion arc on the side of Russia. The Bear of the North is trying conclu sions with popular government. It remains to be seen whether his nimbleness is equal to the occasion. While the situation is perplexing and while conditions are chaotic, and the suspense of the nation in tense, it is in harmony with the movement of world events, to say that when the fires of revolution and terrorism shall have burned themselves out, from their ashes a new Phoenix will arise. The path of the world is beholding, not a menace, but a promise." Adopt Belgian Orphan The new regent, Mrs. Samuel Z. Shope, presided for the first time and received a warm welcome from the audience. Patriotic songs were sung In unison and Miss Mary Buttorff. soprano of Grace church choir, ad mirably presented the solo Russian song, "Hopak," by Monssorgsky, and Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood told in pleasing style Heo Tolstoi's folk tale, a Fire and It Will Not Be Quenched." Mrs. James B. Mersereau, chair man of the executive committee, re ported that the committee recom mended that the Chapter takes care of a French orphan and a motion was made and passed to that effect. Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones gave current events as usual and after the meeting refreshments were served: Trinity Guild Plans an Informal Dance At a recent meeting of Trinity Guild of St. Stephen's P. E. church, final arrangements were made for the dance to be held Friday evening in the parish house, North Front street. The committees in charge of the dance includes: Music, Mrs. John (J. Jessup and Mrs. F. Herbert Snow; decorations, Mrs. Farley Gannett and Mrs. Snow; supper. Miss Anna Henderson, Airs. Albert E. Foosc, Mrs. Warehain Baldwin and Mrs. Adele S. Baldwin, chairman; Mrs. Philip T. Meredith, favors, and Mrs. John M. Mahon, Jr., tickets. Dance at "Y"Hut at Middletown Depot The girls employed at headquar ters aviation general supply depot, Middletown, will give a dance at the "Y" hut to-morrow evening. The ClOth Squadron orchestra will play for the dancing. The committee in charge of the dance includes Mrs. A 1 Cooper, Mrs. William J. Tate, Mrs. Humphrey J. Roberts, Mrs. Eckinger, Miss Dorothy Campbell, Miss Mary Campbell, Miss Hilllan Campbell, Miss Jean Allen, Mtss Anna I-uft, Miss Margaret H. Hughes, Miss Florence Scholl, Miss Hazel Taylor, Mifs M. Ardcll Floyd. MISS lIOHKK APPOINTED AID Miss Elizabeth Bolicr, 4001 North Second street, has been appointed a reconstruction aid in occupational therapy, and will leave within two weeks to assume her duties at Fort Riley, Kan. Miss Katherine Kelly, of 1900 North Second street, and Miss Ba bra Clark, of Dauphin, will return from -'Goucher College to-morrow for a short visit at their homes. Miss Gertrude Schytt, of 12 North Fifteenth street, is home after a stay in Atlantic City. Miss Mary Cressniap, of South Thirteenth street, has returned home after visiting relatives near Reading. . Miss Margaret Cover, of 1924 Bcrryhill street, is home after visit ing Air. and Mrs. Donald B. Smith, in Waynq Junction. ( GIVE COTILLION IN CIVIC CLUB Mr, find Mrs. John C. Orf'Are Hosts nt One of Prettiest Events of tho Winter With gay Valentine appointments and most Unique favors tho cotil lion given In the Clvlo Club by Mr, and Mrs. John C, Orr Thursday .eve ning Was one of tho prettiest par ties of Iho winter. Tho t'pdegrove Orchestra played and two young colored men sung, making tho music most efToctlve. In ono of tho figures men were masked and the women choso their partnors "In the dark," Among tho beautiful favors vvoro bright hued balloons on runes and bags of hearts on walking sticks. All through tho evening there were surprises and supper time brought many more In Valentine effects. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Redsecker Brinser, Mr. and Mrs. Houls F. Haehnlen, Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Brinser, 'Mrs. Victor Bixler, of Johnsonburg: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pennock, Mips Anna Car roll, Mr. and\Mrs. Albert H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Shanr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles linrtnett, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Anson I'. Dare, Mir.s Mary Y. Mc- Heynoldb, Mrs. William P. Starkcy, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Seel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bass. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Alden and many others. . Plans Surprise Party in Honor of Husband Mrs. J. P. Hallman, of 165 North Fifteenth street, arranged a surprise party Tuesday evening for her hus band in celebration of his birthday. Many friends extended good wishes on the arrival of Mr. Hallman and later games, music and refreshments were enjoyed. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shirk, Mr. Mrs. Frank Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. James Bernheisel, Mr. and Mrs. William Hess, Air. and Mrs. Harry Searfauss, Mr.,and Mrs. Bur ton Carl, Mr. ami Mrs. Ernest Ed wards, ,Hevi Hallman, Mrs. Rebecca ltunklo. Mrs. William Hantz, Miss Sara MeGruu, Stanley Runkle, Mar garet Edwards, Frances Bcnner, Royal Hallman, Salvage Committee Wants Donations The salvage committee of the Red Cross is most'anxious for fur ther donations of old newspapers, magazine?, rags, tinfoil, rubber and metal. Call up Red Crdss head quarters, phone 4884, and give your address distinctly und the collector will call for your articles. Or you can drop a post card to -the chair man. Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, 105 Hocust street. Do not forget the sal vage committee in the houseclean ing days which will soon bo here. household should have some thing to contribute. Dr. Allison to Talk Before Civic Club "File February meeting of the Civic Club will be held at the clubhouse Monday afternoon at 3.30, the edu cational and municipal departments meeting at 2.4 5. Dr. Elizabeth Alli son. sent out by the United States government to speak on social hy giene, will give a brief talk, and this subject is considered so important that members of the club may hnve the guest privilege on Monday af ternoon in order that as many as possible may hear Dr. Allison. Gen- I eral current events will be given by Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones and there will be some important reports. Miss Dubbs in Recital at Dickinson College The first of a series of musieales in chapel hall of Dlckinnon College was held yesterday with Miss Katharine Dubbs, of this eity, in recital. These musieales are arranged by the Y M C. A. secretary, and to be attended not only by the students, but the townsfolk as well. Everyone express ed mucli pleasure in the program so v ell sung, for Miss Dubbs was in ex cellent voice. Miss Dubbs. with William Bretz at the piano, sang in delightful manner two groujis of songs, Including: "Mv I.addie," W. A. Fair; "Danny Boy'" ' Weatherly, and the "Hittle Irish Girl" Hohr. "The Hnddie In Khaki," Novei lo, and "Bon Jour Mabelle," Behrend concluded with the stirring war song' "The American Come," by Fay Foster! Mrs. Feight Entertains at Luncheon to Nine Mrs. Alfred Feight. of New Cum berland. gave an informal luncheon followed by cards, at her home in compliment to Mrs. Victor Bixler of Johnsonburg, who Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brinser. of Steelton. The table appointments were of pink with masses of primroses In the center piece. The guests were: Mrs. Bixler. Mrs. Brinser. Mrs. Samuel F. Dunkle Mrs. C. O. Shaar, Mrs. Oscar Wicker sham. Mrs. William Martz, Mrs. David Siriouse and Mrs. Edward Doehne. Capt. and Mrs. Seibert Recent Guests tiere Captain and Mrs. Raymond Sei bert wore recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. It. Rhine, of 1504 Market street. Captain Seibert, a former Harrisburger and graduate of the Central High school, was engaged in practice In Trenton, N. J., before en tering the service. While overseas he was in the heavy fightinfTttt Ver dun and on the Argonne-Meuse front. He returned a short time ; ago and is now on a month's leave of absence after which be will bo stationed at Hakewood. N. J. 1 Miss ' Kartbryn Brnrkenrl'ttge, of 231 North Besond street, will he home from Goucher College over tho weekend. Miss Mildred Bheesley, who Is a student at Peabody Institute, will be home to-morrow to spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bheesley, of Paxtang. Miss Mabel Bofflngton. of North Second street. Is home after a visit with relutives in Ohio. Miss Helen Hoffman, of 210 Hamilton street, is home from Goucher College, Baltimore, Md., for a few days". Mayor William G. Murdock left for Washington, D. C., to-day on al i business trip. Birthday Party For Mrs. John W. Finton Mrs; John T<"; I'jnton was given a birthday party at her homei 1632 North Sixth streeti Tuesday evening by the members of her Sunday school class of the Fifth Street M; E. church.- Those present werei Mrs. William irenstermacher, Mrs. Harry Kreps, Mrs. William Chand ler, Mrs, W, MeComad, Mrs, Anna Manley, Mrs, 0.. Wi Mlppensteel. Mrs. John Spltler, Mrs, H. Morris, Mrs. Jane Machlan, Mrs, Fanny Mots, Melvin Meta, Mrs, Georgp Heed, Mrs. C, A. Ithlne, Miss Cather ine Brown, Mrs, J. 11, I.igWner, Mrs. D, A, Ilaas, Mrs, Mary llowers, Mrs. 11. 11, A 1 otter, Mrs, It, £, Sterrlngor, i Mrs. E, Htees, Mrs, J, Pennell, Mrs. H. J. Foltzenberger, Mrs. J, H, Bhoaff, Mrs. E. J, Sobor, Mrs, J, W, Page, Mrs. H. E, Smith, Mrs. Fred Glosser, Mrs, Hichurd butt, Mrs, F, Oomp orllng und Mr, and Mrs. J, W, Fin ton, • / Sauerkraut Supper For K. K. K. Girls . G. O. Hchermerhorn, manager of the Krqfige store, entertained the K. K. K. girls at, a a&uerkraut sup per In the new club room Just ovor the store. Those present were: Goldie Douglas. Clara Wallowor, H. 8. Drown, J. it. Haldeman, P. W. Qulgley, D. 8. Cronin and Mr. and Mrs. George O, Schermorhorn and daughter, Jennie; Misses Ituth Webster, Mary Nebingcr, Carrie Merkle, Grace Oulp, Almeda Brick ley, Elsie Tress, Edith Zimmerman, Sara itau, Pearl Fowler. E.ete Ham bert, Margaret Klmmel, Grace Kell er, Mary Conrad, Hilda Dateman, Onata Shope, Paulino Drlnton, Esther Cummings, Reba Garonztck, Anna Reitzel, Mildred Martin, Maude Bhoop and Katherine Mc- Haughlin. 3-DAY BIBLE CONFERENCE At the Christian and Missionary Alliance, 1309 Walnut street, be ginning Friday evening and closing bunday evening. February 16. there will be a three-day Hiblo conference. There will be no afternoon services. Miss Dora H. Cain, formerly with Dr. Henry Stough. evangelist, will be the teacher. Miss Cain comes to us very highly recommended by the following well-known Bible teachers of the county: The' Rev. Hen. G. Broughton. D. D.; the Rev. H. G. Cosnell, of the Moody Bible Institute, and others of reputation. Miss Cain is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute. The lectures are intensely practical, enthusiastic, efficient and will appeal to all in terested In Christian life and work. HOSTESS TO CHUB Miss Mary Alma Allin. of 921 Green street, entertained the C. A. O. Society at her home last evening. A social evening was spent and im portant business transacted. Re freshments were served to' the fol- Helen Heary, Miss Gertrude Weston, Miss Margaret Landis, Evelyn Speak man, Miss Ruth Bcatty, Miss Beatrice Bacon, Miss Caroline Hahn. Miss Helen Wall. Miss I-illta.il Bpeakman. CHUB MEETS TOXIGHT Miss Mary Hong, of New Cumber land, will entertain the following girls at her home this evening: Miss Ruth Gorkes, Miss Ruth Peeler, Miss Katharine Miller, Miss Martha Wall, Miss Mary Hart. Miss Helen Wall and Mrs. Thomas. Miss Dorothy A. Steen, 217 Wood bine street, a graduate kindergartner, | has opened a kindergarten, at 220 Woodbine street. Cloyd R. Burris, 610 Granite street, has returned from a week's visit with H. H. Hove, of Philadel phia. Corporal Chester M. Hong, 1714 Susquehanna street, has received his discharge from the service and has returned to his home. Mr. Hong will resume his work with the Ken dall Optical Company. Miss Margaret Kerr, of NewvlUe, spent Tuesday with Miss Mary Alma Allin, of 921 Green street. ~^2£tork [An announcement under this heading must be accompanied by name to assure accuracy.] Lieutenant and Mrs. "William Meredith Wood, of Baltimore, Ma., announce the birth of a son, William Meredith Wood, Jr., this morning at the home of Mrs. Wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Etter, 209 Pine street. Mrs. Wood was Miss Catharine Etter. Mr. and Mrs. Levi S. Blosser, 1606 Susqtfehanna street, announce the birth of a son, Claude Wellington Blosser, at the Polyclinic Hospital, Tuesday, February 11, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Redman, 1625 Derry street, announce the birth of a son, George Anderson Redman, Jr., Friday, February 7, 1919. Mrs. Redman was Miss Ethel Mumma, before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Bryan, 446 South Thirteenth street, announce the birth of a son, Elmer F. Bryan, Jr., January 20. , Holsum Bread has met the demand for such a long time it's a mighty hard matter to do without it. HOLSUM BREAD has that satisfying flavor and is so easily digested—it v is best for little children, grown-ups and peo ple well advanced in years. It's the same old story—-HOLSUM BREAD has the right quali ty and is always the same. Sold At All Grocers Made by SCHMIDT'S BAKERY 13th and Walnut Sts. February 13,*i9i9; Mrs. Detweiler's Guests Enjoy Cards and Tea Mrs. Meade D: Detweller was hostess yesterday afternoon at ft small lea given at her residence, El North Front street, In honor of her daughter,- Mrs. Lewis 8: Linde muth, of New York, Bridge and ft tea were enjoyed by tho following guestsi Mrs. Richard McKay ( Mrs. George Comstock, Mrs. Paul G, Smith, Mrs, Carl Lempcke, Mrs, John Magoun, Samuel W, Fleming, Jr., jtllss Mary Creighton, Mrs. Edward J, Stackpole, Jr., Mrs, Henry M, Gross, Miss Emily Bailey, fbntei Mrs, Walter Jlruce Caldwell, Mrs. John C, Herman, Mrs. J, Holtor Detweiler, The priso-wlnners wcro Mr*. jfaul G, Smith and Mrs. Hof fcr Dgtweiler, TARUB CLUB SUPPER The Tarus Club of St. Puul's P. E. church, will hold a supper in the gymnasium of the church from 5.30 to 8.30 o'clock this evening. Fol lowing tho supper a dunce will be held with an orchestra composed of members of the club playing. NEW SUPERINTENDENT NAMED ClianilHTsbrirg, i'a., Feb. 13. Because Miss E. Brechblel hadi ex pressed her intention of relinquish ing the duties of superintendent of the Chnmbersburg Hospital at tho expiration of her term on April 1, the hoard of directors of . that In stitution have chosen as her suc cessor Miss Mary H. Forrest, of Chambersburg. Miss Brechblel re tires because of 111-health. Miss Forrest has been secretary of the Public Safety Committee of Frank lin county and prior to that was em ployed In the office of the Chuin hersburg Trust Conrpuny. The resig nations of two members of the board of directors, C. Price Specr and T. M. Hood, were accepted by the board but no one was chosen to succeed them. WILL RELEASE LAND Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. 13. The government has notified John M. Warner, owner of some of tho land on which Camp Colt was located, that immediate release would bo granted of enough of the land for building of the new hospital Which Mr. and Mrs. Warner will present to the town. This clears the way for work lo go ahead on he building and as soon as weaher conditions permit work will be started. ELECTS BOARD MEMBER Cliambcrsbtirg, Pa., Feb. 13.—At the midwinter meeting of the board of trustees of Wilson College, J. It. Ituthrauft, a local attorney, was elected a member of the board. The board increased the salary of G. 11. Bartle, business manager of the col lege. from $2,400 to $3,000. HORSE STRUCK MY AUTO Chambersburg. Pa., Feb. 13.—A belonging to William Grove of near Greenvillage. this county, had to be killed after it had been str.uck by an automobile and had Its "legs broken. Tho automobile and the buggy were both badly damaged but the occupants escaped Injury. Winterdale Dances 15 North Market Square - Nesbit's Orchestra and Mr. wValter Evans, tenor soloist, of Sunbury, Saturday evening, March 13th, admission, 50 and I 75 cents. sr. nri cps xsq otsw, 3j*i "-^^^KiliiSPJlfi|®r[l|nii|iy^^^3p^|^H^^Ulml^^^^l^:rr r '!:iift^i>lH ¥ Give Candy \ Ijp You will find here at Sweetland the largest sppl Kt' assortment of Candy and Valentine Satin Boxes J||s ■ft, shown in the city. \i|ll ■R? Silk Hearts filled with Chocolates or Bon lpv Bons at various prices. j^jg ife SPECIAL THIS WEEK fM jljjj; Black Walnut Sweethearts, ..hi?!. 4JU| 33£ Per Box Al 'SweetlandJp JiKs(ra Confectionery 321 Market JgSjg FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Ohamberslmrg, Feb; 13.- Thi formation of a farm loan ftssoeia- - tion in Franklin eounty "Will be Con sidered tit it meeting id be held for l that purpsoe in the ftrbltratlorn rootri of the courthouse here on feature day morning: A representative o£ the Fetkeral Land Bank of Baltl more will be present and address the meeting, MONEY FOR CHURCH FUND Ilallttm, Pa., Feb: 13, — hun tired and nine dollars Was cou tributed tQward the church Indebt edness fund at the annual rally day* services on Sunday at Bethany Unlt ed Brethren Church, Tho Itev, Dr A. B, Statton, presiding elder,of tha Pennsylvania United Brethren .Con ference, occupied tho pulpit morn ing and evening, FUNERAL FLOWERS SPECIAL) Beautiful Spray, $3.00 Keeney's Flower Shops MM N. .10 sr. IS7 M. FIIONT ST. I , llurrlnhuru StcHn U33PH5 1 - v° Walnut ST. TWO GOOD BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY Men's $2 one-buckle Arctics, $149 About 40 pail's Misses', Growing Girls', and Women's Shoes that ■ .i —nsold up to Si; \ I ©-• I Jon sole for to \ I morrow .only \' \t I $1.98 \\ Itt. ilrokon lots; U Odd sizes. fef^Trucksi | Continuous Service 1 and Long Run Economy |Lct Is (iho Von Full Details J ; The Over-land Harrisknrg Co ||2l2-21-l North Second Street-i
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