SHOOTING THE MOVIES IS AMERICA'S NEWEST SPORT; AIR ATHLETES ON THE KING-ROW Public Doffs the Lid To Flying Sportsmen Great Banquet at Waldorf Tonight For Rinkenbacker While Harrisburg Prepares to Welcome * Walter Shaffer A!r aportsmcn are coming to their own. The daring cloud busters com ing back from the front are bqjng plunked Into the king row. with spot light accompaniments. Tonight all New York is going to fete Capt. E. V. Rickenbacker, leading American "ace'" at the Waldorf, the banquet being given by the American Auto mobile Association, and the guests will include prominent figures In the automobila world. Secretary of War Baker, Major-General W. L.*Konly, of the Department of Military Aeronau tics, prominent statesmen and other people of note. Representative Clif ford Ireland, of Illinois, a member of the A. A. A. Contest Board and a friend of Captain Klckenbacker, will be a toastmaster. The dinner will be the biggest social event of show we<||<. To assist In making It such, Automobile Deal ers' Association cancel'ed Its own banquet, which was for the iame date and will co-operate in the contest board's banquet. The same Is true of the Motor Club, which had planned a banquet for "Bick" and whose invitation he had accepted; ikewise other organizatkms desir ous of entertaining this "Ace of Aces" who has ftventy-slx Boche danes to his credit. Co-operating or-1 ionizations include the National Au-1 tomoblle Chamber of Commerce, Mo tor and Accessory Manufacturers As sociation, Automobile Club of Amer ca and Aircraft Manufacturers As loclation. A reception committee was appoint ed to meet Capt. Rickenbacker upon lis arrival from France, It included ■llmer Thompson,secretary of the Au omobile Club of America; Charles Irown, president of the New York dealers Association; C. H. Larson, ihairman of the New York Show 'ommittee; William. Allen of the New fork Motor Club, and Fred Wagner, who has charge of the tickets and leating. Tickets arc JlO. Rickenbacker was Captain of the Ninety-fourth Aero Pursuit Squadron. The day the armistice was signed his lutflt was transferred from the First Vrmy to the Third Army. It vras he only squadron in the American Mr Service to accompany the Army if Occupation. This distinction was tlvcn it as a reward fo its unusually rood work for eight mbnths on the vestern front. This unit shot down dxty-nine enemy planes, including he first and the last Boche brought lown by Americans. Of this number 'apt. Rickenbacker accounted (offic- The Pence Time Quality of King Oscar Cigars will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has I been forgotten. , L ~ John C. Herman & Co. 7c-worth a. Makers ( % Main Coal Office . Forster and Cowden Streets„ TLJERE are located our executive offices. Here are kept our final books of ac count. An Elliott-Fisher Bookkeeping Machine keeps your records correctly. Letters are dictated to "The Dictaphone" and written on an Underwood. Three Burroughs, Add ing Machines' are constantly in use. Other appliances consist of Addressograph Ma chine, Multigraph, etc., etc. An up-to-date business requires modern equipment in every department. Coal bills may be paid at any of our branch offices, located at 15th & Chest nut Sts., 7th & Reily Sts., 6th near Ham ilton St., 7th & Woodbine Sts. United Ice and Co&l Co. Main Office I-'orster A Cowden Sts. Also R'teelton, Pa. / , • \ hHliiiT I fe.... . MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBTTRG TELEGRXPH FEBRUARY 3, 1919. ial) for twenty-six German airmen. Capt. Rickenbacker plans to return to the automobile racing game this season. He undoubtedly will be the most picturesque figure on the track in 1919. Ho enlisted early in 1917. For a time after reaching France he served as chauffeur to Gen. Pershing, but later procured a transfer to the avi ation service. After completing his CQurse of Instruction in April, 1919, he won the of "Ace" in one month by bringing down five German airplanes. Other victories followed in quick succession. His exploits were recognized by Ihe highest military authorities and he holds the Distinguished Service Cross with four oak leaves, equivalent to five citations; the French Cro.x de Guerre, and the decoration of the Le gion of Honor. In 1916, his last racing year, "Rick" ranked third to Resta and Aitken in the A. A. championship ratings. It is said that Rickenbacker r.tay drive an English "Sunbeam." Harrisburg is right in the push, with a great ovation next Monday night at the Orpheum for our local premier, Walter Shaffer, who though not an "ace" promises to be one of the most rarflous of the American cloud climbers. Tickets will be on sale this Wednesday, and today the pro moters were assurd that all Dauphin town will tun out to greet the daring native son, whose narrative waj printed exclusively in the Harrisburg Telegraph. Shaffer went abroad even before the New York "ace" and fought with the French from whom keen to see the start of air transpor he received -the Croix de Guerre and half a dozen other medals. He is tation in Harrisburg and will give some valuable suggestions in his ad dress next Monday night. Another Russian Opposes Meeting With Bolsheviks London, Feb. 3. Nicholas Tschai kovslty, president ot the provisional government of North Russia, who is in London on his way to Paris in con nection with the peace conference, in an interview fully endorsed the view already given by Lieutenant-General F.upene KarlovFtch Miller, minister of foreign affairs of the same govern ment, that it would be impossible to meet the Bolshevik! at Prinkipo (one of the Princes' Islands). He declared that Bolshevikl rule stood for tyranny and terrorism, atrocities and the 1 abolition of all discipline. SNOODLES By Hungerford ( LOOKY WHAT ME OLE FRfEND . L i\ L "U/HEW i "A V MAJOft COLLI*/S SENT , - ( ttOVMDE *PO I ) ' vW \ FROM THE BATTCE-FftON . / \ I >. J \ —' / the it VSbosiE S TV B6 Z9MSF 1 What Ho! Markmen Are Shooting Now at Movies Have you shot the movies! Well, where do you live, anyway"! This is the newest and friskiest sport ever, and Harrisburg will be having a gallery very shortly, if plans mature. Folks like Tom Marshall and Pete Carney who want to see the whole world handling a gun are howling with triumph. And down at the Bu Pont Powder works all you see is thousands banging away at moving picture targets everything from a mosquito to a zebra. You may im agine you are big game hunting or nipping sparrows on Allison's Hill. The DuPont Magazine writes that motion-picture shooting-galleries have been installed at most of tho large outdoor resorts, and that soon there will hardly be a town or city of any sizff that will not boast one or more of these places of enter tainment. We read: "This new sport is superior to real hunting in at least two respects— there are always plenty of targets at which to shoot and there is no closed season—you can shoot at the pictures all the year round. Here is the way it is done. "A picture is flashed on a screen which consists of three large rolls of paper, one dirrectly back of the other. These rolls pass from one real to another. One travels from right to right to left of the room; one from left to right, and one from top to bottom. Each reel travels at a different rate of speed. Back of this screen is a chamber filled with bright red light. You take your gun in hand and pick out the moving figure or object which you AROUND THE BASES V. Grant Forrer has sent out em phatic invitations for every member of the Harrisburg track athletic com mittee to be present to-night in the office of tho Park Commission, 401 Calder street, for the purpose of se lecting dates and make arrangements for the annual high school and gram mar school meets which are a fea ture here each year.' Mr. Forrer pre dicts this will be a banner year, re viving sports to prewar basis. The Tarsus Gymnastic Association has decided to put a baseball team in the field for the first time, and has chosen Frank "Eggie" Fetrow, vete ran' Allison Hill Leaguer, to handle DICKINSON WINS Playing her first basketball in \ eight years, Dickinson won from Gettysburg at Carlisle on Saturday night, 29-22, with Minker and Lem isch starring. Captain Mervine cag ed soven field goals and the whole team played well so that an elaborate program is now arranged for more battles. Lineup: Gettysburg. Dickinson. Mundorff, f. Suender, f. I Shaulis, f. Mervine, f. Widman, c. Brock, c. Ziegler, g. Minker, g. Gingerich, g. Lemisch, g. Field goals—Mervine, 7; Davis, 3; I Windman, 6; Miller, 2; Mundorf, Shaulis. Substitutions Davis for j Brock, Cohen for Suender, and Shaulis, Buckley for Ziegler." Ref eree, Ilall, Dickinson College. PARDONS SHIPYARD PLAYERS The National Commission yester day set a precedent which will give full pardon to all ball players sus pended by major league clubs for joining shipyard and steel league teams. It declared that Ray Cald well, formerly of the Yankees, and Douglass Baird, formerly of the St Louis Cardinals, are in good stand ing. Both players have been traded since the signing of the armistice, Caldwell now beipg the property of the Boston Red Sox and Baird of the Philadelphia Nationals. The commission finds that Cald well left the New York team to find essential employment and says that Baird's plea for reinstatement had the indorsement of the president of the St. Louis National League club. CAN WE EAT ONIONS ? Advertisement in tlio Crookston, (Minn.) Times says: "Wanted —A club of ten young college students, to room and board. None accepted who chew, smoke or swear In the house. Must be in by. 10 p. m., un less some special occasion, or dis missed. 816 North Broadway, J. Etta Hesley-Best. BASEBALL IN EUROPE Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the Chicago White Sox, believes that baseball will become so popular abroad as a result of so many games being played by our soldiers that the near future will see world contests between English, French, Canadian and American teams each fall. "To my mind there will be an in ternational series each fall," said Comiskey. "Both American and Canadian soldiers have done their part in introducing the national game and the British are begin ning to think cricket a slow pas time Frenchmen have evinced a ! desire to learn the sport, and the ! Italian in the .Aslago has not been ! averse to playing. Japan has al 'wa\H possessed on abundance of i material. A Japanese in naturally desire to hit. Tou aim, you fire. The> bullet passes through the screen and stripes an iron wall in the rear. "The impact of the bullet instan taneously causes an electromagnetic mechanism to break the current, thus stopping the movement of the screens and holding the picture shot, in view long enough to permit the! red light to gleam through the per-J forations in the screen made by the; bullet. Immediately the mechanism i starts the screens on their inter- j rupted journey, the action of the film! is resumed and you are -ready for, another shot. "As each paper screen is travel ing at a different rate of speed and j all in different directions, confusion as to the location of the hit is pre vented because there is small likeli hood of the bullet-holes in the three screens ever becoming superimposed a second time. The jagged holes in the paper .become smoothed out as they travel over the reels, and the picture always appears on an even surface. "The monotony of ordinary shoot ing-gallery practise is removed in 'movie' shooting, as the action changes constantly. The figures and objects move naturally instead of automatically. The films can be changed at wilt, so there is always something new on which the shooter can try his skill. There is no style of target practice more beneficial in improving the skill of the beginner or the mediocre marksman. His faults become plainly apparent and opportunity is given for their cor rection." agile, and thinks quickly, which are two good bail-playing essentials. When we encircled the globe with the Giants four years ago we met our toughest opposition in Jarpan and Australia." A college manager approached a prominent baseball man the other day and told him: "Next spring I want you to look over a kid that is now a sophomore and is the best looking second baseman I have seen in college ranks in years. Noth ing ever gets by him." "If he's that good I better not look at him," said the professional baseball man. "My advice to a man with a college education is to for get baseball as a business. The re turns are not what they are crack ed up to be." Good night for Jake Daubert, pre mier first baseman, next to Hal Chase. He was dropped by Brook lyn yesterday and sent to Cincin nati in exchange for Shortstop Larry liopf and Outfielder Tommy Griffith. With the exception of a brief try out with the Cleveland Americans in 1908 Daubert spent his entire ma jor league career in Brooklyn. He first played with the Dodgers In 1910. Jake hit over .300 in six of his eight years in Brooklyn, and in 1913 ahd 1914' he led the National League at bat. In 1913 a committee of sports writers voted Daubert an au tomobile for being the most Valu able player in the National League. PEXX STATE BEATS LEHIGH Wolfe won a great game for State at Bethlehem on Saturday, 26-23. He made a total of 22 points. Straub fell down in cag ing fouls, setting his team back af ter it had a lead of 9-8. Lineup: Penn State. Lehigh. Mullen, f. Savaria, f. Ritz, f. Donovan, f. Wolfe, c. Stewart, c. Killinger, g. Frain, g. McMillan, g. Straub, g. Field goals—Folfs, 6; Killinger, McMillian, Savaria. Donovan, 4; Stewart. Straub, 2. Foul goals— i Wolfe, 10 out of 20; Straub, 7 out of 16. Substitutions —Friedman for Ritz. Referee, Tom Thorp. Time, 20 minute halves. FOXES AND WEASELS KILLED main, Pa., Feb. 3.—David Lee Linard, son of Samuel Linard, of andy Hill district* brought the skins of three gray foxes he killed during the winter to the office of Reuben H. Kell, notary public, at B!air\ to receive the bounty of $2 each. Ralph B. Kell, trapped a skunk and a weasel the past week, and Roy N. Johnson a weasel. Church League Holds Three Matches Tonight The schedule for to-night in the newly-formed Church Lea gue includes: Tarsus vs. Metho dist Club, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church: Camp Curtin vs. Y. M. C. A. on latter's floor; Hlck-A- Thrift vs. Salem Reformed on Boyd Memorial floor. This or ganization made a hit from the start and is a very important ac tivity in Harrisburg. St. Mary's and Salem are well in the lead at present, the latter having a : bunch of stars of experience, | while St. Mary's includes some ! Tech and Independent Veterans. COACH TO SHAKE . UP TECH TEAM Athletes Must Show Better or "Doc" Miller Will Wield Big Stick and Rap Some One Down at Atlantic City high school Ihe coach surprised six of the Varsity basketball squad by "firing" them from the team because the players t persisted in playing on teams in ad dition to the high school five. The players at once relented when they saw that the Coach iqeant business, and signified there intention of play ing with no other team except the Shore high school. But the coach has not as yet made up his mind as to when the players will be reinstated. According to repofts regarding the Tech quintet, several players continue to be active with other teams other than Tech. While the teams in ques tion are undoubtedly amateur, play ing on more than one team is not I conduceive of the best results. One ! quintet will play one kind of game I while anotheg aggregation will USQ l another system. So that when a young i player tries to fit into several com binations, the two twenty-minute per iods are ended before the player has time to adapt himself. , Another report has it that one or more of the players are not keeping training in the way they should. Another possible reason why Tech i lost out by a single point. Just suffi ■ •'• I IiWfTW j§: : MM IBs w&s - HI ■■ - WMfe the desk after lunch l^-VCl^lm Remember the delicious baked potato you /j| IM/BH had? How much flavor there was • all JMMMB brought out by the cooking. Now —as you TOAsr */Mlm light it notice the same thing in your LUCKY STRIKE WSSSMM u oh% RE & £%■ * ts Like the potato, the delicious IyQ | % wKr flavor is brought out by "cooking "the .tobacco. Its toasted cient "pep" to have landed another single field goal would have meant victory. Kohlman is to be congratu lated on his.splendid foul shooting, and the fact that he failed to score the goal that would have tied the score should be forgotten. Tallying seventeen out of twenty-five fouls on a strange floor is quite a record. Es pecially when it is considered that Quinn made but eighteen out thirty four on his home floor. Being beaten by one point is just as much against Tech in the final score as losing by a large tally, it is defeat. If Reading can manage to win at Lebanon by just a single point, the Berks county boys are go ing to win the pennant. It is not likely thßt any team in the icague, Tech included, can defeat Reading cn her own floor. No team is so good that, it cannot be beaten, and the sooner the Maroon five realizes that the better for the team. Tech has never had a better or mere conscientious coach than "Doc" Mil ler, to whom it may be a hard, blow to see the team lose by a point If reports are true Mr. Mlllpr is justi fied using the same tactics, as were employed at Atlantic City. No game is harder to win away from home than a basketball match. A visit ing team must be seventy-five per cent, better that particular night to land a victory. Yet to lose a game because of Indifference on the part of several players, is a bird blow to the coach, especially who nthat one point defeat may mean to lose the pennant. York at Steelton will be the only league contest played this week. Rending will continue to hold the Red and Black will not play any hard top rung for some time to come as the contests that it is likely to lose, for several weeks to come. With Gordon Ford Umpiring P.R.R. Boys Play First Basketball Tonight The Pennsylvania Railroad Ap prentices who represent the Motive Power of the Philadelphia Division in basketball will play their first home game in the Motive Power athletic room. Seventh and Boyd streets to-night. For their oppon ennts they have secured the strong- Motive Power team of Altoona in place of the Lebanon Y. M. C. A. who Cancelled their game with Harrisburg, the local team being too strong, having defeated J,ebanon on their floor in the early part of the season. Beckley's College Girls Wallop Hummelstown Beckley's Business College Girls' basketball team on Friday night held down the crack Hummelstown girls' team at Hummelstown to the score of 14 to 5. Beckley's College showed a marked Improvement in Firday Night's game. BECKLEY'S COLLEGE. Bks. Fls.Total Emanuel, F. 0 1 1 Wood, F 0 0 0 (Conners), F. 0 0 0 The lineup includes; Merle Gerdes of the Independents, who featured on the Altoona. team last season, will play forward; Jlmmie Gough, of the Independenta In a guard position; Joe Fellows, stor on the Motive Power team laat sea son in the pivot position; F. DlfTen derfer, the other forward, and C. Diffendevfer, guard. Gordon Ford, manager and guard of the Independents, will referee. Dancing will follow with "Suds" , Sourbeers Orchestra. Graeff, C 0 4 4 Landls, G 0 0 0 Simonton, G 0 0 0 (Beck), G 0 0 0 Totals 0 5 5 HUMMELSTOWN GIRLS Hershey, V, F. .y 1 0 2 Hershey, M., F. \ 0 0 0 Stuckey, C., C ...1 10 32 Sweigert, G. 1.. v 0 0 0 Gerber, G 0 0 0 otals ...3 10 }4 Score—l 4 to S. Referee, Zimmer -1 man, of Hummelstown. Timekeepers I Beckley and W%!fe. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers