10 AMERICANS AND SCOTCH REPULSE THE BOLSHEVIKI Put Down Second Night At tack in Week, De clares Report Archangel, Feb. 3.—While they have succeeded in capturing the Shenkursk and Taresevo sectors, the Bolshevik! are still unable to make any Impression on the American and allied lines on the Dvina sector near Tulgas. For the second time within a week a night attack by the enemy Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels regu- i lar without pain or griping, relieve sick headache and that bloated feel ing after eating, purify the blood and clear the complexion, l.nrge box, L'liotilth to liiMt a month. 30c. LMTKI) >IKIMCINK CO., I'hllntlelphlo, I'a. CAMPHOROLt AT ONCE RELIEVES US Easily Loosens Congestion and Drives out that Cold in the Head, Throat or Chest If you have a sore, tight chest, cold in the head or a raw, sore throat, get a jar of CAMPHOROLE from the nearest drug store, and watch how it will loosen up that cough, cold and congestion in chest. Do not treat your colds lightly; this is pneumonia season. The remarkable suc cess of CAMPHOROLE is entirely due to j Wintergreen, Menthol and Camphor, pre pared in a synthetic way to give results. Physicians recommend CAMPHOROLE for Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Crcup,Whoop ing Cough, Tonsilitis. Pleurisy, Neural gia, Asthma. Stiff Neck. Useful in Bron cho-Pneumonia. At all druggists. Manufactured in Atlantic City. N. J. f "" Richard F. Einstein j has resumed .active management of the Einstein Agency j Insurance and Bonds ; 1 SPOONER BUILDING ! 9 N. Market Square I tell l'lione 3715 > 11 THIS WEEK'S Book Bargains (Watch Our Ail. Every Monday) j' i A choice lot of hook* In acta, 1 j nvcniKf coat per set, 93. (Mir price j! j *1 per a*t. \eld uood hooka toil ] your library nt low coat. I I (ioorgr Eliot, 3 vol a. r $1 ( Alex. lMiikUia, 3 vola 91 ' i lllilcr IfliiKßfiril, 3 vola 91 (has. Illckcns. 3 vol* 91 ' 1.. T. Mcado, 5 vola 91 Macnulcy*a Eon la ml, 3 \ola 91 E. I*. Hoc, 3 vola 91 i Ecitniitiore Cooper, 3 >ola .'.91 | Walter Scott, 3 vola 91 , It ml yard Kipling, 3 xola 91 \ W. >l. Thackeray, 3 vola 91 Mary .1. Holmes, 3 vola 91 ! Mrs. Southuorth, 5 xola 91 i! ! Marie Corelll, 3 vola .91 • Edna I.Mill. 3 vols 91; Conun Doyle* 3 vola. 91. Harold .llitcgrnih, 3 vola 91 lllatory Kith ( cntury, 3 vola. ..91 llall Ciilne, 5 vola 91 Many other acta nt equally low pricca. fiver 30,000 hooka In atoek on al- ; moat every subject at 5c up. A lot of choice 91 to 91*30 Inteat j Action at -3c, 3 for 91* Open evenlnva. Hooka bowtlit. Hell phone 357-J. Aurand's Book Store 925 N. Third St. * ! ! GREAT OLD REMEDY FOR SKIN DISEASES 3. S. S. Clears Skin of Erup tions, Drives Poisons From the System Get it fixed in your mind that skin > ruptions,, Scrofula, Eczema, burn .ig, itching skin, and all skin dis .ises are due entirely to Impure and nfeeted blood. If the trouble was n the outside of the skin, by slm ly washing and keeping it clean ■ ou could obtain relief—not \.sven intinents, lotions, nnd salves would •e necessary. Agree with us in this belief, and your trouble can be re eved—you can be entirely restored it health. S. S. S. is a purely vege ible treatment that you can secure rom your own druggist—it Is a ulood tonic that will purify your dood and cause a most decided i Troubled Five Years With Nervous Indigestion I "I was troubled with nervous in ' digestion for five or six years. I tried almost everything and made I two or three trips to the city of I Nashville and had specialists treat nie; but I found that nothing did me any good until I tried Bliss Native i Herbs. I was so I could not" eat or ] sleep, but since using your medicine II have had no further trouble and enjoy good health. "IV. T. CUItTISS. | "Alexandria, Tenn." | There is nothing more distressing i than indigestion. The food --ail ; j;.rave for most cauaesyouitho great - MONDAY EVENING. BOtitranma tlfSSftj teuxskamc FEBRUARY 3,1919. there was repulsed by the Americans and the Scotch. The latest attack occurred early | Friday. The Bolshevik! stormed the | upper Tulgas, but met with severe j resistance from the American patrol, who. however, withdrew, giving their I artillery a clean sweep of the village. I The Americans killed twenty of the Bolsheviki and wounded twenty and also took seven prisoners. Tlie allied 1 patrols on the Taresevo sector moved ' southward twelve miles without en- [ countering the enemy. The indications are that the 80l- I shevikl are not following the Amerl- I cans on their line of retreat here. | but are moving in the direction of; the Dvina in an effort to cut off the| Dvina and Vaga forces at Pointenne. north of the junction point of the two rivers. Glass Denies Rumor That Fifth Liberty Loan Is Not Needed Washington, Feb. 3. Secretary Glass issued a statement last night denouncing as false a rumor reaching the treasury to the affect that a fifth Liberty Loan woulci be unnecessary I because a mistake In calculation had been made by officials and that from $15,000,000,0000 to $17,000,000,000 had been returned .to the treasury. John Todd Walsh, County Commissioner of Luzerne, Dies Wilkes-Hnrre, Pa. Feb. 3. John Todd Walsh, a county commissioner of Luzerne county, and a prominent citizen and business man of Nan'.i coke, died yesterday. Mr. Walsh was 47 years of age. Death was due to heart failure. /. For Burning Eczema I' ay Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is j wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or $l.OO for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly Stops itching, and heals skin also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo i 3 a clean, dependable and inexpensive, antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effec tive and satisfying. O The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. Fight to Win! The Nation demands strong men—strong women and robust i children. Wisdom suggests that every proper means of safeguard ing the vital forces and building up of resistance, be utilized. EMULSION i affords definite help to those who "fighting to win" against the inroads of weakness. ! Scoff's, abundant in tonic- CM | nutrient properties, builds up Wlf the body by Nature's methods. J\ If/ j Scott & Bownc, Bloomfield, N.J. TR-14 I "For Nervousness, and as Blood Tonic, Tonall Is Excellent," Says An thony Diamond. "I was very nervous and besides i I needed a tonic for my blood," says ; Anthony Diamond of 223 Queen j St., Annvjlle, Pa. ■ "I was rundown and felt tired from the effects of the "flu" and j reading about Tonall, how a great I many people had been benefited by | taking this medicine, I concluded j to give it a trial, and am happy to | state that it made me have a good, i appetite, and toned up my blood I and stomach la most excellent I shape." ! This testimonial was "given Jan uary 24, 1919. Tonall is sold at Gorgas' Drug Store, Harrisburg; Mershey's at Hershey, and Martz's at Steelton. a S CORNS m W W W BUNIONS CALLUSES GORGAS DRUG STORES I Chas. H.Mauk I UKUBHTAKEH 1743 I Private Anibuluuca ttth St. \ / abatement of your trouble, and finally make you entirely well. Fifty years ago S. S. S. was discovered and given to suffering mankind. During this period It has proven Us remarkable curative properties as a blood purifier and tonic, and has re lieved thousands of cases of disease caused by poor or Impure blood, and chronic or inherited blood diseases. You can be relieved, but you must take S. S. S. Take it if only pim ples appear, for they denote bad blood, and may be followed by the sufferings from torturing skin erup tions. Therefore be sure. Don't take chances, don't use lotions. Get S. S. S. from your druggist. If yours Is a special case, write for expert medical advice. Address Medical Director, 438 Swift Laboratory. At lanta, Ga. • est agony. Your disposition be l comes so disagreeable that your ! friends shirti you. You can avoid all r this pain and anxiety by the regular t use of Bliss Native Herb Tablets. • They aid digestion, sweeten the > stomach, act gently on the bowels ■ and promote a general condition of ■ good health. One tablet at night I will make the next day bright. A box contains 200 tablets. Price tl Note the money baok guar antee on every box. Be sure i.tt\ to get the genuine. Book x*v C for trHdu mark on each tab i let. Sold by leading druggists • lotfd agents evsrywhsre. SB ( | | "Big Yellow Hound" Is What Jack Kearns Calls Fred Fulton Wurra-wurra! Unkind words are 1 1 passing oyer Fulton's story that >, lie was hired t fight Dempsey on ij the understanding that ".lack" was ! to toy with lilm; to kid the public, I and grßb oft a big bunch of coin. Dempsey's manager, "Jack" Kearns, | who recently announced from Har risburg that "Willard had refused I $lOO,OOO for a fight with prodigy. | kicks Webster around the diamond as follows: I "There is not a word of truth in what that big yellow hound says •about Colli!*! fixing it with Dentp sey for un 'exhibition' match. It may be possible that Collins had to tell Fulton something of the sort In order to get his 'ferocious lighter into the ring, but so far us Dempsey or myself Is concerned there was not a syllable uttered as to a fake bout. "Dempsey's consistent record or quick knockouts is proof that lie fights on his merits, while Fulton s record is full of queer affairs, hul ton tried to leave the ring three times during Ills bout with Carl Morris at Canton, Ohio, and his seconds had to drag him hack in order to prevent him being dis qualified. "This lying statement by Fulton was cooked up by a new manager of the plasterer in order to boost his depreciated slock in the Bast. No one who sav the bout at Har rison will believe that there was anv 'exhibition' work on the part of Dempsey. It is true that Ful ton was 'crossed,' but it was a right cross to the jaw. "Can Stop Fulton Any Day" "If Fulton thinks he can boat Dempsev I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll agree to another match before July 4, the date mentioned as the occasion on which Willard will defend his title for the first time in a championship battle. "Dempsey can stop Fulton any day in the week, and -if Fred doesn't think he can he should step right up and he will get the chance. "I don't know whether or not Dempsey will meet "Billy" Miske In a twenty-rourfd bout in New Orleans. We have named our | terms to Promoter Dominiek Tor* j torieh. If he doesn't meet them there will be no match. 'Jack' would surely stop Miske in a twent-rouftd bout. "But don't you think for a mo ment that Fulton will take on Miske if Dempsev doesn't. Fulton is afraid of Xfiske and doesn't want another meeting with him." Camp Hill Strong Girls Win Again Camp Hill "Big Five" defeated the Royal Fire Company by a score of 34 to 13, and the High school girls defeated Oberlin High school girls by a score of 26 to 10. Miss Fry, who was thought to be out of the game for about two weeks on ac count of physical disability, was able to play arid starred for the Camp Hill girls, having made 18 points out ofj the 26. The line-ups were as follows: BIG FIVE ROYAL FIRE CO. Higley, f. Schiekley, f. Armstrong, f. Elkins, f. Fry, c. Dunkel, c. Sutten, g. Armstrong, g. Kurtz, g. Strine, g. Field goals. Higley, 4; Armstrong, 3: Fry, 5; Elkins, 1. Foul goals, Sut ten, 8; Armstrong, 2; Schiekley 11. Referee Bowman. CAMP HILL OBERLIN H. S. Fry, f. Houck, f. Patterson, f. Papenfus, f. (R. Nailor) Bishop, c. Denison, c. Beinhaver, g. (Kemp) Bolan, g. Smith, g. (Wolfe) Bishop, g. (E. Nailor) Field goals, Fry, 4; Denison. 3; Smith, 1; Houck. 1. Foul goals, Fry, 10; Houck, 7. Referee, Nell. JUDGE RUPPEL DIES By .Associated Press Somerset, Pa„ Feb. 3. Judge William H. Ruppel, of Somerset county, died at his home here Sat urday night after a long illness. His term would have expired in I 1922. Judge Ruppel was- a Demo crat and personally a temperance advocate. On the bench hei ad ministered .the liquor license law with severe restrictions. Fresh Fruit Desserts—2c Jiffy-Jell desserts, rich and fruity, cost but' 2 cents per serving. Each package contains a vial of fruit essence, made from condensed fruit juice. Add boiling water, then ' this flavor, and you have a fresh-fruit dainty. Compare Jiffy-Jell with the old-style quick gela tine desserts. You will find it five times better, yet it costs no more. Millions now enjoy it. Jtffy;M 10 Flavor*, at Your Groetr'i 2 Package* for 2S Cent* All mmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmi I DILL'S Cough Syrup Combining the best ingredienu, its soothing remedial properties will act quickly in cases of Coughs, Colds Grippe, Catarrh ' Have it on the medicine shelf, ready for { the silments of the rerpiratory organs that ) come on (o suddenly at this season. Very pleasant for children to take because of its j inviting aroma and taste. Take according to directions that come with each bottle. You'll find it at your druggist's or dealer in medicine. Made by The Dill Co., Norrittown, Pn. Also manufacturers of those reliable Dill's Liver Pills Dill's Balm of Life Dill's Worm Syrup Dill's Kidney Pills Ask your Druggist or Dealer in Medicine. MAJESTIC Hi/jh Class Vaudeville "Bobby" heath's Revue; Fremont Benton and Company in a comedy sketch entitled, • Vandkerchief Number 15;" Cooper and Kieardo in a song and patter skit; two otiier acts. Beginning next Monday—Pear White in the opening instalment of "The Lightning Haider." ORPHEUM To-night—"The Very Idea." To-morrow night and Wednesday, matinee and night—"Oh, Lady!i lAdy!" Thursday, night only, February 6 The Moose Minstrels. Friday night and Saturday, matinee and night. February 7 and S—Vic- j tor Herbert's light opera, "Sweet hearts." Coming. Monday Walter Shaffer, Aviator. COLONIAL. Tr.-day and to-morrow Tom Moore in "Go West, YoungTßan." • Wednesday and Thursday Alice Brady in "In the Hollow of Her Hand." ' REGENT To-day to-morrow and Wednesday—• Maurice Tourneur's colossal fea ture, "Sporting l.ife," and a Ben nett comedy, "The Village Chest nut." Thursday. and Friday Pauline Frederick in "Out of the Shadow," and a Sennett comedy, "Her First Mistake." Saturday Dorothy Dalton in "Hard Boiled." VICTORIA To-day and entire week—"Mickey," the $500,000 Mack Sennett screen masterpiece. It would seem a difficult, not to say a perilous, task to construct a farce with a baby as the central "The topic, yet this is what has Very- lias been accomplished by Idea" William Le Baron in "The Very Idea." which is to be the attraction at the Orpheunt to night. The subject Is a very Important one and those who have given much thought are inclined to be pronounc ed in their views. Moreover, there is constant danger of overstepping 'on ventionaltties and thus giving offense to the sensitive, but the author has been very guarded and amusing as well, and judging from the amount play it meets with popular approval of laughter that is said to greet the wherever presented. The productions of the New York Princess Theater have for many sea sons been one of the most "Oh, enjoyable features of our i,uu.v! theatrical season. F. Ray i.ady!" Comstock, who directs the Princess Theater, im ncunccs that he has arranged lor "Oh, I-ady! Lady!" the fifth New York Princess Theater musical production, to be presented here at the Orpheum to-morrow night and Wednesday. The book and lyrics are by Guy Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse and the music by Jerome Kern, the trio of writers who were responsible for the par ticularly successrul musical comedies, "Very Good, Eddie," and "Oh, Boy!" both of yyhich were Princess Theater productions. "Oh, Lady! Tady!" is one of those Intimate musical comedy shows tliut have given the Princess Theater a unique reputation. It tells the story of the adventures of a young artist, whose stuuio is in Greenwich village, and in the second act the present New York Latin Quarter is seen for the first time on the stage. Among tlie. musical numbers in "Oh, Lady! Lady!" are: "I'm to Be Married To-day," "Not Yet," "Do It Now," "Our Little Nest," "Little Ships Gome Sailing Home," "Oh, Lady! Lidy!" "leu Found Me and I Found You," "Moon, Waiting Around the Cor ner," "The Sun Starts to' Shine Again," "Before I Met You," "Greenwich Vil lage," "A Picture I Went to See," "It's a Hard, Hard World For a Man." Of all the light operas of the past decade, and there have been many— some really meritorl "Swcetheart*'' ous and others turned out over night it is safe to say that nir one has achiev ed the artistic, and equally financial success that has Victor Herbert's masterpiece of melody, "Sweethearts." Mr. Herbert's repertoir of composi tion compares favorabl ywith that of our other favorite composers, biu of all his great successes, including "Serenade." "The Fortune Teller," "The Singing Girl," "Eileen," "Al geria," "The Only Girl," etc., none have cnjgjmpassod the remarkable triumph that "Sweethearts" has. it's claim to the superlative in the list of truly great light opera compositions met with the approval and unstinted praise of every newspaper of every city it visited, as well as the unat tached but learned musical sages. It's tour this season is to cover a large and virgin territory that has nev.fr been included in the itinerary of this charming musical attraction, including a few return engagements, and it will be seen here at the or pheum next Friday and Saturday. "Bobby" Heath and his populai Song Revue, is the big feature of the Ma jestic bill the early half of At the this week. Theatergoers Majestic are sure to be given a fine treat, for Mr. Heath always has a repertoire of the latest song hits of the season, all of which aie sung in delightful fashion. Other acta on the bill are: Dick Knowles, tn a clever comedy offering; Wren and' Fitch, variety entertainers; Pierlot and Scofield, in a novelty comedy turn, and the Flying Mitchells, in a sensational aerial offering. Several weeks prior to the release of "Mickey," featuring Mabel Nor . maud, Miss Normand "Mickey" at was arrested and lined the "Victoria $2 by Judge Houser for violating traffic regula tions, In trying to learn the detail of running an automobile while she used the FnglisH side of the thorough fare. Spurning the opportunity for further publicity, Miss Normand was sparing of her remarks to the- re porters to this very limited extent: "1 was so scared 1 didn't know what to' do." Tills from the woman who does the breathlessly venture some "stunts" during the progress of "Mickey," to be shown at the Victoria Theater all this week, created a prob lem, to wit: How did Miss Normand keep her lace straight on conveying her terror at driving an automobile at snail's pace while being "chaui ieured" into the mysteries of motor driving? Lucky thing she was ei-| rested before the opening of "Mickey," or thosp reporters would have nipped the sarcasm. "Mickey" p!-inly defips and illus trates the word "thrill" as applied to mrftion picture,s, as she swings along from cliff to cliff in a mountain range of recklessnessness. In "Mickey" there is said to be everything hnagiii- i able that might be conceived by the most inventivee producer, past or present, to pnt "thrills" into 'films audi project "punches" upon the screen. | "Mickey" proves herself the feminine and artistically concentrated essence of a Chaplin-Fairbanks combination of humor and agility. And it's mighty real, taking a dangerous fall off a racing horse; or hanging from the top or a building while the brave hero is forced to postpone temporarariiy rescuing her. Scared? Not a bit of it, Mabel says. That's all In her day's work. U. S. Mission to Probe Conditions in Germany Arrives in Berlin Rrrlln, Feb. 3. The- unofficial American mission to Investigate po litical. social and economic conditions In Uerniany for the American peace deelgation arrived i Berlin Friday.. It is hKi!c.d by CgPfktn Walter U. Gherardi, former American Naval at tache ft Berlin Members of the mls f| —: : : — Zwish! Wilmerding Five \ Crush Gordon Ford's 1 Team Before Multitude j Chestnut street auditorium was jammed to the gunwales Satur day night to welcome Harry Rote who made good by superior team play along with Ike McCord, though neither of them could prevent the swift Wilmerding j live from winning out, 47r26. It j may have been the absence of I "Horse" Haggerty which upset 1 the Independent's harmony, but J they sure skipped second in this ! game, being unable to break l through the visitor's stonewall i guard. Nevertheless, the show was most exciting and Manager Gor don Ford is to be congratulated on his securing the very highest class of talent to stage here. The performance of the Steel brothers who did the bulk of the scoring I was alone worth the price of ad i mission and the fans at any rate saw a battle de luxe. The casual ties: HARRISBURG WILMERDING i McCord, f. Roy Steel, f. Rote, f. .Adams, f. SoYirbier, c. Dolin, c. G. Ford, g. Campbell, g. Berdes, g. Koss Steel, g. Field goals, McCord, 1; Rote, 2: G. Ford, 1; Gerdes, -3; Roy Steel, 4: Adams, 4; Dolin, 3; Campbell, , Ross Steel, 3. Fouls, McCord, 12, Adams, 7. Referee, White. Ensign Donald McFarland Home From the Navy BBMHIt WSBS 1— ijgH ; Ensign Donald S. McFarland is in Harrisburg, having been discharged from the Naval Reserves, and is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George G. McFarland, 100 Hamil ton street. Ensign McFarland was a graduate of Cornell University; just finished his four-year course when the country went to, war. He started as a gunner's third mate, and succeeded in earning a commission in the Navy. While his HZ"-* JOY TO SORE, Tip FEEI Use "Tiz" for aching, burning, puffed-up feet and corns or callouses. Good-bye, sore' feet, burning feet, swollen feet, tender feet tired feet. Good-bye, corns, callouses, bun ions and raw spots. No more shoe tightness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "Tiz" is magical, acts right off. "Tiz" draws out all the poisonous exuda tions which puff up the feet. Use "Tiz" and wear smaller shoes. Use "Tiz" and forget your foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 25-ceut box of "Tiz" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A-year's foot comfort guaranteed or money re funded. Weak, Run Down Woman Tells How Yinol Made Her Strong So. Kaukauna, Wis. "I was weak, all run down, tired all the time, and had Asthma so I could hardly keep around and ilo my housework. After everything else had failed to help me, Yinol built me up and made me well and strong."—Mrs. Jay Parker. The reason Vinol was so success ful in Mrs. Parker's case, is be cause it contains the necessary ele ments to create an appetite, aid digestion, make pure blood and cre ate strength. It is the beef and cod liver peptones —' iron and glycerophosphates in Vinol that does it you will not be disap pointed if you try it. George A. Gorgas, Druggist; Ken nedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market St.; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad Sts.;. Kitzmlller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derry St.; J. Nelson Clark, and druggists everywhere. P. S. For pimples.and blotches try Saxol Salve. Money back if it fails. 1 ACLEARCQMPioFj RuddyCheeks—SparklingEyes : —Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Weil-Known I . . . Ohio Physician ii I Dr.F. M. Edwards for 17years treated scores of women for liver and bowel ail ments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color, j These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, | 1 dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head l aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out i of sorts, Inactive bowels, you take one of •. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for 1 * a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets—the successful substitute for calomel—now sea trips only consisted of going to coastwise cruises, ho was prepared to go across the pond when tnj armistice was signed. Menacher Will Visit Johnstown This Week Johnstown. Pa., Feb. 3. Major: General Charles Thomas Menoher, who went overseas as commander of the Forty-second, or Rainbow Divi sion. was promoted to command of a corps in the field, and brought back tu become director of air service, will I will be the guest of Johnstown, his! home city, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Governor Wil-i liam C. Sproul and Adjutant General I Frank D. Beary, of Pennsylvania, will | be present. The War Department had ordered three airplanes here from Boiling Field, Washington. General | Menoher will be the guest of honor' at a dinner by the Johnstown Cham- I ber of Commerce, Thursday, and at COLONIAL? Tom Moore in | Go West Young Man Love, romance and adven ture combined in gripping photoplay. ~ WED., THURS. Alice Brady "In The Hollow of Her Hand" How would you feel to- I ward the woman who killed ; your husband. MAJESTIC THEATER j BOBBY HEATH AND HIS 5 SONG GIRLS Important Notice At the urgent request of many I patrons, the Majestic Theater | management has decided to RE SERVE A FEW OF THE FRONT ROWS on the orchestra floor. Beginning with the matinee per formance of MONDAY, FEBRU ARY 10, these seats will be re served for each performance (SATURDAY EVENINGS EX CEPTED). Tickets will be placed on sale three days in advance. The price of reserved seats will be 50 cents for evening perform ances and 30 cents for the mati nee. k Tickets sold for tlie evening performance will be for tlie FIRST or SECOND SHOW DIS TINCTIVELY. Tickets sold for the first evening show will be for that performance. only and- SEATS MUST BE VACATED WHEN THE FIRST EVENING SHOW IS OVER. Beginning on the sanie date, February 10—the first evening performance will begin at 7,10 and the second evening perform ance at 9.lo—instead of 7.15 and 9, as at present. This arrangement covers hut a few of the front rows and is made for the convenience of theater goers who desire to purchase their tickets in advance. THE BALANCE OF THE THEATER WILL BE SOLD AT PRESENT, without reservation. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS NO LAYAWAYS First Reserved Seat Tickets Go on sale Thursday, February 6, for the performances of Monday, February 10, when The Island ol Dreams will be presented by the FADS AND FANCIES MUSICAL COMEDY CO. and a new serial picture will be started, featuring PEARL WHITE - Moose Minstrels Orpheum Theater j FEBRUARY 6 ONE NIGHT ONLY TICKETS, 250, 50c, 75c, $1 Postponed From Jan. 23. | n^r l ;ORPHEUM TO-MORROW? Feb. 4 Wednesday ji ► COMSTOCK" ► I f /A ™ e P,|rT " NEW 1 YORK 1 PRINCESS THEATRE I%( JB / i ► I II I MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS \* , < L ////I Ihi ; ; I BOOK .rvd UYTPIC® bjx TM Yi 7 ' rr V \ \\V' -1 ISI F 6UV M |F) KFCRJ JA\L ■: : (J_ IH '2 : : " SEATS —NIGHTS, ORCHESTRA, $2.00, $1.50, $l.OO. BALCONY, $l, 75c.' I GALLERY, 50c. Wednesday Matinee—Best Seats, $l.OO. < luncheons of the Rotary Club Thurs day and the Kiwanis Club, Friday. He will address four meetings of school children and several mass meetings. Service men wilt escort him In a pa rade Wednesday. 'ENGAGEMENT I EXTRAORDINARY | MICKEY ! A I.lj THIS WEEK At The Victoria ADMISSION lAc rml 25c and War Tux j V— /I f REGENT THEATER! TODAY TOMORROW WEDNESDAY MAURICE TOURNEUR ' Presents His Massive New Production SPORTING LIFE Produced by the man who made "The Whip" A colossal picturization of the stupendous Drury Lane melodrama success the greatest melodrama of all ages. All Star Cast including CONSTANCE BINNEY, most beautiful actress on. the screen. Thrills Romance Pathos Humor A special musical program will be presented. ADDED ATTRACTION Latest MACK SENNETT COMEDY, "The Village Chestnut." No Advance in Prices: Admission, 10 and 20 cents and War Tax [ORPHEUMj > QUE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, FEB. 10. 'l9l I FIRST PUBLIC APPEARANCE OF I {WALTER SHAFFER; The Dauphin County boy who spent his own money Csl a minute—to learn to fly, and after joining the French ( # aviation forces, kept Harrisburgers interested in his excit- J ing career through his "Dear Mother" letters in a decidedly 1 C interesting talk entitled I j "Over the Heads of the Huns" { / Don't Fail to Hear Shaffer's Wonderful Story of His Battles I 9 and of Other Exciting Events Including His Exper ! ( iences in a German Prison 1 |A Mile Above the Crowds! 9 RESERVED SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY —Orches \ tra Floor, 75c and $1.00; Balcony, 50 and 75c; Gallery, unreserved, 25c I jORPHEUM THE FUNNIKST PJ/AY IN YEAIIS SEATS— 25c, 50c, 75c, $l.OO. A Few at $1.50 PHYSICIAN RECOVERS Lykens, Pa., Feb. 3.—Dr. W. Gordon Smith, who has been 111 with influenflza is again able to be about. {/ " > Regent Theater Today, Tomorrow, Wedneadnf Maurice Tourneur rrrnenta "SPORTING LIFE" BEKKKTT COMEDY. "The Village I liestnut,*' Tliurmlay, Friday. PAULINE FREDERICK In j "OUT OF THE SHADOW" SEN.YETT COJIUDY, "Her First Mintakc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers