14 UJTHERANS HOLD BIG VICTORY MEETING ; METHODIST DRIVE IS ON\ PLAN FOR SPECIAL RALLIES DURING YEAR - 'Many Get-Together Meetings Will Be Held in tlut Next Twelve Months Cumberland County Christian En deavorers are planning for a num ber of special events Which will be held during the new year. Since the reorganization of the Carlisle C. E. union under the capable leader ship of W. H. Ilubley, district sec retary of Cumberland county, a num ber of rallies havo been held and much interest manifested by the various societies. Arrangements are being made to hold several big meetings in two or three districts of the county when prominent plat form orators will ho invited to de liver addresses. Mr. Hubley has been a projnioeitt member of the First Presbyterian Church and so ciety for a number of years. He is teacher of the Mapes organized Bible class in the Sunday school. He also served as president of the Christian Endeavor Society for two years, during which time many profitable meetings were held at the hospital, county home, jail, old folks' home, out-door and other special occasions. C. E. Notes Arrangements are being made for several big contesting Christian En deavor rallies to be held next week in various districts of the llarris hurg C. E. union. Many societies will observe C. E. Week with spe cial programs on Sunday evening and then send delegations to the district rallies to be held during the • week. Endeavor presidents are rvrged to announce that each society should attend at least one of the i-allies. Prizes will be given to the societies sending the largest per cent, of the membership to any of the rallies. The First Church of God society. New Cumberland, is stirring with new interest in the great movement. Christian Endeavor Day will be ob served on Sunday evening. M. A. ijoff. a prominent Endeavover of Cumberland county, will have charge of the service. The Junior Endeavor choir will render special music for DR. BECHT AT MARKET SQUARE Noted Educator, Who Has Just Returned, Will Speak on His Experiences Very shortly after the signing of the armistice, Dr. J. George Beclit sailed as one of a party of investi gators. He went to France, and vis ited almost all the great historic points of the recent world war on the western front. Dr. Becht is a ■trained observer. He saw things un der the most favorable conditions. Tomorrow night he is going to speak to the audience at Market Square Presbyterian Church on his travels. He will tell them of the battlefields he visited: of the American soldier, the British Tomniic, the French Poilu. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Dr. George Edward Ilawes will re sume his series of sermons tomorrow morning. The congregation made its largest single contribution to the cause of temperance last Sunday. It is the largest given by any one congregation in this entire district. It totaled $585. But tomorrow the pastor will speak on another great subject which is strikingly empha sized by recent conditions. TO OBSERVE C. E. DAY IN SOUTH EX OLA CHIIICH Christian Endeavor Day will be observed by the Society of the Beal avenue. South Enola Church of God on next Sunday at 7 p. m. Professor J. E. Sprenkle, of New Cumberland, will deliver the special address. The preaching service will he suspended in order to make the entire evening an Endeavor move ment. In addition. Rev. C. D. Rish el will speak on "Praying for Find lay College.'" This Is the day des ignated by the board as the day of prayer for the college. J c ~—^ Lutheran Victory and Merger Meeting Chestnut Street Auditorium (OVERFLOW MEETING IX V ZIOX LUTHERAN CHURCH) Sunday, Feb. 2nd. 7:30 P. M. £??f 0 s P OP „ EN SPEAKERS: F. H. Knubel. D.D., President United Lutheran Church, and Dr. J. A. W. Haas, D.D., LL.D., Presi dent Muhlenberg College. MUSIC: Congregational singing led by massed Lutheran Choirs of Harrisburg and vicinity. A Cordial Welcome To All t _> "Our Choices" Subject of Address by ,i PROF. FRANCIS H. GREEN • Dean of Department of English, West Chester State Normal School Auspices Y. M. C. A.—Fahnestock Hall 11 Second and Locust Streets SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 3.30 P. M. Musical Program by Quartet of Zion Lutheran Church, Mrs. E. J. Decevee, Soprano: Miss Nellie J. Bennett, Contralto- Mr Augustus Shanta, Tenor; Mr. Robert Smith, Baritone. Organ Recital at 8:15 P. M. by Mr. "Wm. E. Bretz, Organist Zion Lutheran Church. All Men Invited SATURDAY EVENING, •v.. W. H. HUBLEY the occasion. The new officers for : the ensuing term are as follows: j President. E. P. Conley; vice presl j dent. F. £j. Bair: secretary, Mrs. X. |R. Bair: assistant secretary. Miss ! Laura Straub: treasurer, Wm. Koh i ler: pianist. Miss A'crna Bair; as ; sistant pianist, E. B. Epley. Christian Endeavor Day will be I observed by thousands of societies I to-morrow evening:. The general ! topic for study will be "The Best , Things in Christian Endeavor." Dur ' iug the entire week lfiany societies will have special programs cele ; brating the thirty-eighth anniver ; sary of the Christian Endeavor so ciety. John R. Clements, the well-known Christian Endeavor poet of New York State, has added two more to the long lists of his patriotic songs, —"Hats Off to the Flag." and "Com ing Home." The popular composer, Charles H. Gabriel, has written mu sic for the songs. ACTIVITIES AT | STEVENSCHURCH Dr. Smuckcr to Speak on "Things Beyond the Grave" Tomorrow ; Tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock iin the Stevens Memorial Methodist j Episcopal Church. Thirteenth and I Vernon streets. Dr. Clayton Albert j Smucker is scheduled to speak on ; "The Drama of Contrasted Des j tinies." or "The Gulf that Man Can- I not Cross." His address is to be a j study of theings beyond the grave. In the morning at 11.15 o'clock, the Methodist Centenary program for fifth Sunday will have the right of way. More good reading matter is to be given away to al Ithe people who attend this service. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the Sun day School is to assemble for special study and work. Al. K. Thomas will be in charge of the gathering. The i young folks are urged to attend the 1 meting for young people in the eve ! ning at 6.30. All the official mem j bers of the Stevens Memorial Church i have been invited and urged to be I present at a large gathering of the i congregation Wednesday evening, I at 7.30 o'cloc. Bishop to Visit Harris A. M. E. Zion Church Bishop J. S. Caldwell will visit Harris A. M. E. Zion Church Sun day and will preach at 3 o'clock. Bishop Caldwell is a strong gaspel preacher and a sweet singer. The pastor. Rev. R. L. Briscoe, and con gregation extends to the public a I cordial welcome. METHODIST DRIVE IN FULL SWING Dr. Robert Bagnell Will Speak on Important Subjects Sunday Dr. Robert Bagnell. pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, State street near Third, will preach a sermon on Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock, on an especially important subject, and one that vitally con cerns every Christian in America. The topic for this sermon will be "The Test of Christianity in Amer ica." Protestant Christianity has never before been iu a place of sucli responsibility and opportunity tn America as to-day, and the question is. will it measure up to its respon sibility. In tlre morning at 10.J59 o'clock, | the Grace church pns'or wil> prenclr I a sermon on the topic, "The I Achievement of a l.ife," and will | take up in this sermon, the discus-1 sion of life work problems. The great Centenary movement in the Methodist Episcopal Church is on in full swing, and there is no more important feature than bring ing before the youth o fMcthodism.t their oppot ...hl**os for life servic* for the KlngJ I'u m both th-j lu,ms and foreign mission fields In connection with the Centenary' movement, a special meeting will be ' held at the home of two cf the I members of Grace Church On) Monday Mrs. Wm. P. Starker. Frpntj and Kelker streets, will the members of Grace church in Jreri district, and their fri'ends at o'clock. The fi.st half hour will Wo! spent in sociability and song, r.ndj Dr. Bagncli will give a half hc-ur's talk on a Centenary topic. This meeting will be of gieat interest and' helpfulness to ilioso present. A s-im-' liar meeting will bo hold at the 1 home of Mrs. J. Jtoracj McFarlan 1.1 Bellevuo Park, on Wednesday afler nooii. at 3 o'clock. These meetings will be duplicated j a. I o\ er the city in the homes of the j various Grace Methodist ladies, and! it is anticipated that they will be I \ery helpful in the forward move ment of the church. This is but one I of the many plans that Grace church i is working out in doing its bit in tbe| Centenary movement, and the pastor; and official men of the church, arc more than delighted with the splon-j did progress that their Centenary) plans have made to date, and they see big achievement ahead for Grace Methodist Church. Music in the Churches Derry Street United Brethren- Morning. prelude, "Nocturne," Mil ler; anthem. "I Am Alpha and Omega. Sir J. Stainer; offertorv, t hanson Triste." Tsehaikowskv; postlude, "Grand Chorus." Guilmant. Evening, prelude, "Curfew," Hors man; anthem, "Father Keep Us in Thy Care," Sullivan Hodges: offer tory, "Melody in F." Rockwell: post- ; lude, "Gloria" (from 12th Mass), 1 Mozart. I Reformed Salem —Morning. So nata in D Minor, Volckmar, (a) "Allegro Moderato," (b) "Andante"; anthem, "Christian the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee," Shelley; duet. "I Will Magnify Thee, O God," Mos entlial. Mrs. O. W. Elvers and Mrs William R. Helsley; "Finale," (So nata in D Minor), Volckmar. Keen ing, "Meditation." Sturges; anthem, "Nearer, My God to Thee," Liebe- Schilling. Bethlehem Lutheran Morning, prelude, "Prelude," Ducoudrav; an them, "Fierce Was the Wild Billow'." Noble; duet, "The l,ord is My Shep herd," Decevee, Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh, soprano, Mrs. Hugh L. Hertzler, contralto; offertory, "Med itation," Lucas; postlude, "March," I.oret. No evening service at church; ser vice with other Lutheran Churches of city at Chestnut Street Auditor ium. Mrs. William K. Bumlwuigh, directress; J. Stewart Black, organ ist. Market Square Presbyterian - Morning, prelude, "Andante and Morning Song," Merkel; anthem, "God's Hand," Old Dutch Folk Song; offertory. "Pastorale," Bach; post lude, "Grand Chorus in A Major," Guilmant. Evening, prelude, "Sec ond Legende." Bonnet: anthem, "O Lord of Life," Field; offertory, "Can tigue d'Amour," Strang; postlude, "Finale," Noble. Hion Lutheran—Morning, 10.30. "Prelude in A," Hollens; soprano solo, "Give Ear to My Prayer, O God." Berwald, Mrs. K. J. Decevee; offertory, "Larghetto front Clarinet Quintet," Mozart; anthem, "We March to Victory," Hosrner; "Festal Postlude in K Minor," Hagg. Even ing, 7.30, "Festal Prelude in A," Boslet; offertory, "Pastorale," Rheinberger; anthem, "O Come, Let Us Sing." Decevee; postlude, "Chant Triumphal." Gaul. Mrs. E. J. De cevee, chorister; William Bretz, or ganist. St. Stephen's Episcopal—ll, Com munion Service in E Flat, Wood ward; anthem, "They That Wait Upon the Lord." Matthews. 7.30, Magnificat, Matthews; Nunc Dimit tis, Barnb.v; anthem. "O Ye That Lovo the Lord,'' Coleridge-Taylor. Alfred C. Kuschwa, organist and choirmaster. Pine Street Presbyterian—Morn ing, prelude, "Familiar Hymns"; offertory, "Moment Religieux," Friml-Macfarlane; postlude, "Chor al," harmonized by J. S. Bach. Evening, prelude, "Legende," Friml- Macfarlane; anthem, "O Lord, Re member Me," Charles P. Scott; of fertory, "Pastorale," Vincent; an them, "Saviour When the Night In volves the Sky," Shelley; postlude, "Fantasia in E Minor," Stamier. MISCELLANEOUS. The Christian and Missionary Al liance. —The Rev. W. H. Worrall. Sunday school, 9.30; preaching, 10.30, subject, "What Doest Thou Here?" Special service Sunday after noon at 3.15. Subject, "The Lovely Christ." -Preaching at 7.30. First Church of Christ, Scientist.— "Love," morning at 11 and evening at 7.30. Sunday school, 11; testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8. Free read ing room, Kunkel building, 11.30 to 5 daily. Gospel Hall—lo.3o, "Breaking of Bread:" 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30, Evangelist S. C. Keller, of Camp Hill,' will speak on "The Coming of the Lord —Who for? When? How? GUILD TO MEET The World-Wide Guild of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Winifred E. Jones, 2251 Jef ferson street. Six members of the Guild will give messages from six mission fields. The book being studied by these young women is "Baßtists in World Service," HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH TO CELEBRATE 12TH BIRTHDAY Members of Iniinanucl Pi'cs byterian S. S. to Commem orate Their Anniversary On Sabbath morning at the usual school hour, 11.15, the members and friends of the Imn-.anuel Presbyte rian Sabbath School will celebrate their twelfth anniversary. The school WAR WEEKLY Cut Out ami Mall to Your Soldier WAR WEEKLY HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Vol. 0. No. 23. HARRISBURG, PA., JAN. 23-31. Our A'ank Edition. And He Has the Nerve to Complain NEWS OF WEEK BOILED DOWN FOR OUR BUSY SOLDIERS Saturday, January 25. I "Get the prohibition habit," say local ! local hotel managers, on passage of j federal dry amendment to constitution. I j County pays $4,187 bills for 43 boys j in Huntingdon reformatory as upkeep j for three months. , Dan Johnson arret charged with! j being party to aiurder ( f Wolfe I.acob, j Steelton private banker; police searcli ; for two others. j County watches federal investigation | I into coal lands in Schuylkill county j with view of applying lessons here. ! A $40,000 blaze in Tyrone causes j I many to flee in night clothes. 1 Postmaster Edward Jacobs, of Man- I Chester, tenders resignation. I Boy Scouts of county plan to honor j Theodore Roosevelt's memory, j Mrs. I.ouis Blumberg loses eyesight j when chip of wood she was cutting j lor kindling strikes bet in the eye. I Frank Eisenacker, Tower City, killed I in Brookside Colliery, i "Drys" decide not to light licenses this year, preferring to let the saloons j go "dry" by the new law. Paul E. Fleisher, Newport, dies of J pneumonia, day he lands in New York on army transport. .T. H. Earhart, Conewago, is drawn ! under train and has feet crushed when j his coat is caught in passenger coach, j i ! Monday, January 27. Forty-five deer are liberated in State game reserve in upper Dauphin county, j Daughters of the American RevOlu- j lion open annual conference here. Municipal pesthouse is condemned by noted physician appearing before local businessmen, city and county officials. Retail prices of butter and eggs com ing down first time in many months. \ Machinists of state organize State- ■ wide union here. Nineteen of the 23 cows owned by j Paul Morelock, of near Gettysburg, die when he soaked them with "louse kil- ! ler" instead of spraying them as di rected. Clarence Collins and Charles Roi necker, Gettysburg, confessed slayers : of George Bushman, whose body they ; brought to Harrisburg in an automo bile are placed on trial. Captain James McKibben, 306 th Ma- 1 chine Gun Battalion, and Private Harol ] P. Rumberger, Company B, 316 th In- j fantry, are officially cited by war de- j partment for bravery under fire. Rev. J. M. Mohler, Mechanicsburg, dies of paralytic stroke. Two Chambersburg fire department j drivers are discharged following squab- j ble in fire department. Funeral services are held for Ensign i Leroy Smucker, who died in English j hospital. Tuesday, January 28. Charges of graft, blackmail and gross inefficiency are made against police department by Patrolman Theodore Magnelli, who with Patrolman Edward I Schmehl, Is discharged by Mayor Keister for accepting a 30-cent reward for recovering a horse. Mrs. Cornelius DeSage declares in court that her husband deserted her 21 times in five years. "Dry" amendment will be passed fa vorably by the Pennsylvania House next Tuesday, leaders predict. Mr. and Mrs. James Yeater cele brate their golden wedding anniversary. Sergeant Edward S. Knight, Millers town, after five years service in the U. S. Army, la reported killed In France. Organization of all honorably dis charged soldiers in one great body is proposed. Two Holidaysburg constables are re moved from office, one being sentenced to seven months in jail and a third constable of Juniata getting five years In the penitentiary for a statutory crime. Docal Y. M. C. A. opens campaign for increased membership. City and county officials confere on plans for the building of a new con tagious disease hospital. was started In a dwelling house. February 3. 1907 with a mere hand ful of people and has grown to be a vigorous and up to-dato organi zation with a membership of ap proximately four hundred. At the ai nivevsacv hour, H. L. Karl will addr:.-ss the school. MISSIONARY TO SPEAK The Rev. J. Frank Bucher, of Mil ton, for the past fourteen years a missionary and teacher in China, will deliver an address in the Sec ond Reformed Church on Sunday evening, February 16. He is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and of the Eastern Theologi cal Seminary of the Reformed Church, of Lancaster. Wednesday, January 22. Special registration day set aside so that unregistered voters may cast bal- I lot in special election to fill Lieutenant Governor Beidleman's place in State j Senate. j County may reduce tax rate from five to four mills. 1 Governor Sproul urges immediate work in improving state highways. • Every hotel in county applies for li cense renewals despite probability that i country will be "bone dry" after July 1. ! Mayor Keister says so many charges have been made against the police de partment that .he has no, time to in vestigate them. Jacob H. Bommer. Carlisle, dies of pneumonia shortly after arrival home from front where !• was wounded and gassed but survived the best the enemy had. Judge of Franklin county courts sur prises two auto drivers by adding jail sentences to fines for reckless driving. George Bell and Harold Wadswortli, ; Tech High boys, are reported wounded j in the last days of the war. . Warm weather which has marked nearly entire winter will remain a while longer, weather bureau forecasts. ! State War Board decides not to have ! Ex-Governor Brumbaugh write Penn t sylvania's part in the war. William Jennings Bryan addresses big audience in Chestnut Street hall on prohibition. Thursday, January 30 I Sport fans are pleased by announce- I ment that Jack Dempsey is to meet | Jess Willard for heavyweight cham pionship. I Sergeant Walter Shaffer, long an j in the French Army arrives j home and is greeted by liis many ! friends. Plans announced to reorganize the Pennsylvania Nayonal Guard when the now famous Keystone division arrives home. It is proposed to reorganize the old units under the familiar names j which made history in the great war. E. 7.. Gross, candidate for, Mayor ; Keister's job, critieises police depart | ment for alleged carelessness. Plowing, almost unprecedented at j this time, is going on in dry fields while i farmers are planting onions and peas ! because of the unusually mild winter, j John J. Kelly, Pennsy engineer, saves j train by applying brakes and sticking ! to liis post when derrick hangs over tracks, but may lose life with fractured | skull. ; Telephone rate increase ordered by J Federal government is enjoined by Dau [ phin county court at instance of the j Publice Service Commission. I George Dawson. Tyrone, writes liome ' that he has married a French girl while | serving with the U. S. Army. He will I bring his bride homo. Friday, January 31. Leo Cameron. 15, learns In court for first time that J. D. Cameron is his uncle and not his father, his parents having died when he was a baby. Dauphin county's breweries worked overtime all of 1918 In anticipation of the long "dry" spell. Horse burns when fire destroys stable owned by Harry Umberger. Sunday school beads from central Pennsylvania open conference here. Struck in the eye with a stone, Del bert Deane loses sight of one eye. Prices of foodstuffs will remain high for another year, say city's wholesale grocers. Piece work Is surplanted by straight wage scale in Pennsylvania railroad shops. Conrad Seeger, old carpet merchant, dies Ip trolley car. Great throng attends Charity Ball In the new Penn-Harrls. August F. Blacksmith completes his 56th year with the Harrisburg Tele graph. William L. Gorgas, former city com missioner, former president of the com mon council, former acting mayor, and one time grand master of Pennsylvania Masons, dies after short illness. Church Directory CHURCH OP (ioir Pleasant View—Rev. George W. Harper, Pastor. Sunday school at 9.45; preaching at 10.4 5, "The Knowledge oT God and Ghrlst"; prbuching at 7.30, evangelistic ser vices, .Progress—Sunday school at 9.30; preaching at 10.30. Linglestovvn—Sunday school at 9.30; revival service at 7, which will continue each evening during the week. Green Street—Rev. If. S. Hershey, Pastor. 10.30, "Christ the Living Bread";- 7.30, Observance o( the Ordinances; 3, Sunday school. Highspire Rev. Jay Forncrook, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Pure Religion"; and at 7.30, "Feet Wash ing an Ordinance," followed by quarterly ordinance meeting; Sun day school, 1.45. Fourth Street-—Rev. William N. Yates, pastor, will* preach at 10.30, "What Jesus Would Do for llar risburg," and at 7.30, "What Jesus Will Do for the World"; Sunday school, 1.40. Nngle Street —Rev. Klmer E. ; Kautlman, pastor,. will premch at 10.30, "The Palm Trees and the' Cedars of Lebanon," and at 7.30, "The Fool and His Sentence"; Sun day school at 1.30. Penbrook —Rev. S. N. Good, pas tor, will preach at 10.30, "Blessings in Grace," and at 7.30, "Balaam's Great Mistake"; Sunday school at 9.30. Maclay Street—Rev. Dr. Wm. S. Ifouck, pastor, will preach at 11, "Lamps and Oil," and at 7.30, "The Ordinances will be observed; Sun day school at 9.45. BAPTIST • St. Paul —Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham, pastor. 10.30, Ordinance of Believers' Baptism will be ob served; 7.30, Communion. The mem bers will be in charge of the day's service. Sunday school at 12.30. Market Street —Rev. W. S. Dun lap, pastor, will preach at 11.30, "The Ordinance of the Lord's Sup per," and at 7.30, "The Compassion ate Christ": Sunday school at 11.30. Tabernacle —Rev. Millard Osmore Peirce, pastor. 11, Communion and reception of new members; 7.30, "Taking Time"; Sunday school at 9,4 5. First—Rev. William J. Loekliart, pastor. 10.30. Pauls Speeches to "Gentiles" in the Acts of the Apos tles—second in scries in Studies in Acts. Communion service. 11.45. Bible school; 7.30, "The Atonement of Christ in Relation to Penalty or Punishment," UNITED EVANGELICAL. . Park Street. —Sunday School, at 9.30; subject at 10.45, "The Master's Call;" subject 7.30, "The Call of God Ignored." Harris Street. —Rev. A. G. Flcxcr, pastor. Sunday School, 9.30; church service,*lo.3o, "Eternal Rest;" revi val service, 7.30; amusements. Ilarrisburg Mission — W. E. Pot tinger, pastor. The assistant pastor, Rev. W. S. Harris, will' preach at 11. Sunday School at 10. Penbrook Church —'The Habit of Godliness," and "Everyday Living; morning and evening by the pastor, W. E. Pottieger. METHODIST. Camp Hill—Rev. Joseph E. Bren neman, pastor, will preach at 11 and at 7.30; Sunday School, 9.43. St. Paul's —Rev. William Moses, pastor, will preach at 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday Schpol. 1.43. Marysvilre Church Rev. S. B. Bidlack, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Faith of God," and at 7.30 Warren Van Dyke, of Harrisburg, will speak on "Methodist Union." i Epworth—Rev. J. D. W. Devore, pastor, will preach at 11, "The House of God the Gate of Heaven." and at 7.30, "Goodness and Severity or God." Camp Gurtin John H. Martin, paster, will preach at 10.30, "Stew-, ardship of Substance." and at 7.30 on the same subject; Sunday School, Baughman Memorial, New Cum berland — Rev. V. T. Rue. pastor. Worship and sermon at 10.30 and j 7.30. Morning, "The Promise to Us and Our Children;" evening, "A Man | Without a Country;" Sunday School, 9.30; Epworth League, G. 30, Ridge Avenue— Morning, "Christ's Presence Our Security," evening. "The Reward of Single Vision," by Rev. 11. R. Bender; Sunday School at 10. Fifth Street Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, minister. "A World Pro gram," 10.30; "The Liberty of Sin," 7.30; Sunday School, 2. Dauphin—Sermon, "The Relation Between the Church and the Home," by Rev. G. F. Hess, assistant pastor; Sunday School, 2. A. jr. E. Wesley 'frnion—Rev. Stephen A. McNeill, pastor, will pi each at 10.4 5, "Tilings Which Cannot Be Shaken," and at 7.43 , "A Wise Builder;" Sun day School, 1; Prof. Kelly Miller wlil speak at the People's Forum at Bethel —Rev. IT. 11. Cooper, pas tor, will preach . 10.30, "The Bread of Life," and 7.30, "What Will You do With JCSUH " Holy Communion at both services: Sunday School 1. Harris —Rev. R. L. Briscoe, pastor, will preach" at 10.30 and at 7.43; Sunday School, 1.30. LIVIIERAX Christ Rev. Thomas Reisch, pastor. 10.30, "A Study in Rela tionship;" 7.30, service in Chestnut street Auditorium . Trinity, Camp Hill—Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Christ Stilling the Tempest," and at 7.30; Sunday School, 9.30'. Memorial Lutheran— Rev. L. C. Manges, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "An Apostolic Admonition, Concern ing Debts. Zion —Rev. S. Winfleld Herman, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The| Name of God." and at 7.30, "Great Victory and Merger Meeting; Sun day School, 1.45. Holy Communion Rev. John Henry Miller, pastor, will preafch at 10. "The Saviour Asleep in the Ship." and at 7.30, Mount Mlzpah; Sunday School, 9.30. Calvary—Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor, will preach at 11, "Christ on the Stormy Sea," and at 7.30, "Mor dical Persuades Esther to Plead for Her People:" Sunday School at 10. Bethlehem Bradley Markwood, pastor. 10.30, "The Hidden Sup port of Life." • Messiah —Rev. Henry W. A. Han son. pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Methods of the Master;" no evening service: Sunday School, 2. St. Matthew's—Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor. Preaching services at 11, "Immortality and Life"; Sunday School, at 9.45. EPISCOPAL. ' St. Paul's —Services 8 and 11 and 8 p. m. Rev. George I. of Lancaster, will officiate. St Augustine's—Kev. Willougli- j FEBRUARY 1, 1919. by M. Parchment, rector. Morning service and sermon at 11; evening service and sermon at 8. St. Stephen'^— Rev. Rollln Alger Sawyer, rector. S, Holy Commun ion; 10, Sunday School; 11. Holy Communion and sermon on "Chris tianity nnd War," by the ltev. Gil bert S. B. Darlington; 7.30, evening prayer and address. REFORMED. St. John's —Rev. A. R. King, llum melstown, will preach at 11; Sunday School, 10. Salem—Rev. Alfred N. Saycrs, will preach at 11; the pastor. Rev. Ellis N. Kremer will preach at 7.30; Sunday School, 9.45. Socond—Rev. Alfred Sayres, pas tor, will preach at 1; 7.30. "Through Love to Freedom:" Sunday School, 1.45; Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, of Salem Reformed, will preach at the 10.30 service. PRESBYTERIAN Covenant Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Great American Sin," and at 7.30, "Many Infallible Pioofs (Illustrat ed);" Sunday School, 2. Bethany—Rev. John M. AA'arden. pastor, will preach at 7.30; Sunday School, 9 . Pine Street Presbyterian Rev. Lewis s. Mudge, pastor, will preach at 10.30; Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, "Finding Jesus;" and at 7.30, "Addition by Subtraction." Division Street—Rev. 11. H. Bald win, 7.45, "Our Opportunities." I Jnimanuel—Rev. H. Everett Hall nian, pastor. Morning worship 10- Sabbath School, 11.45, the twelfth anniversary of (ho Sunday School will be celebrated, 11. J,. Kaul will address the school;. evening service, Westminster Rev. IT. Everett Hallman, moderator. Church sor tiees at 10.30 au<l 7.30; preaching 1 J !! jfir Third and Pine Streets | 111 # Sunday, February 2, 1919 | |j|, Prcaclicr, KLV, L. S. MUDGE, D. 1).. Pastor | l|l The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper f|| I lie Presence of All \t Communing ■ \ : J $ ' £? Klscwlicrc Is Cordially Invited \ $ || 7:30 P.M. 11 |i| "Adding By Subtracting" ||| a Message Meant For Young People Hut Interesting i i 'P. '§|f|f to All People 3 ! £ lp!L.* Vl '. 0 i A ''* i °l' || I ■ — >. I * "The Church With the Chimes" Lutheran Celebration THIRTY Lutheran Churches will jointly cele brate two glorious occasions tomorrow at 8 P. M., "The Victory of Our Army" and "The Merger of Four Bodies of Lutheran Churches." Identical programs will be given in Chestnut Street Hall and in Zion Lutheran Church. The principal addresses will be made by Rev. F. IT. Knubel, D.D., New York, first president of United Lutheran Church, and Rev. J. A. \V. lfaas, ]). L)., LL.D., president of Muhlenberg College. Singing will be led by the massed choirs of all par ticipating churches. "The Name of God" will be Dr. Herman's Theme for Sunday Morning Zion Lutheran Church South Fourth Street, llclow Mnrkrt S. W. Herman, I). 1)., Pastor. "Zion's Doors Open Every Day" I : i ?St. Stephen's Church? i REV. ROLTAN ALGER SAWYER, Rector. 5 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1919. i BA.M. Holy Communion. 5 V 10 A. M. Sunday School. • 11 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. Gilbert j '1 S. B. Darlington on "Christianity and the JVar." JL t 7.30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Address. 5 <?■ V *^ enCe Violation —° f the— Liquor Laws ' t THE NO license jpSmmm' i LEAGUE OF DAUPHIN \ N prosecute the the viu— J evidence will warrant it. by Rev. Charles O. Jordan, Lawrence county; Sunday school. 1.45. Olivet—Morning and evening by Rev. Stanley A". Beigen, secretary of Y. M. C. A. at Mlddletown avia tion Camp; Sunday School, 2 C. E. rally, 6.30. Market f^uare —Rev. George Ed ward liawes, pastor; Rev. Howard Itodgers, assistant pastor. Morning worship at 11. "Some Recent Wit nesses to Christ's Atonement;" eve ning service at 7.30, address by Dr. J. lJeorge Bceht, subject, "In the Wake of the World War." Paxton—-Rev. Harry B. King, pas tor, will preach at 11 and at 7.30; Sunday School at 10. UNITED BRETHREN Trinity, New Cumberland—The Rev. A. R. Ayres. 10.30, "The Value |of Time;" 7. reminiscences, by the Re\'. J. R. Hutchison; Sunday school, 9.30. St. Paul's War m ley sbu rg.—The Rev. A, B. Mower. 10.45, "Everlast ing Song;" 7.30, "Best Things Last;" Sunday school, 9.30. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A.' Ly ter. 10.30, "The A'ision of the Burn ing Bush, Moses Call to Service;" 7.30, "Acceptance of Grace Man's Best Acknowledgment tp God;" Sun day school, 2. State—The Rev. H. F. Rhoad. 10.45, "More Fruit;" 7.30, "The Mis sion of Christ;" Sunday school, 9.30. Otterbcin—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 10.30, "His Name;" 7.30, "Prayer Avails." Sunday school, 2. Sixth —The Rev. J. Owen Jones. 10.30, "Hearers and Doers;" 7.30, I low AVo Are Made Strong;" Sun day school, 1.4 5. 1 St ~T he Rev ' Datigherty. 1.u.30, lleed of the Gospel;" 7.30, "The Glorified Cross;" Sunday school, 1.45. M ASS MEETING At. the Men's Mass Meeting In Grace United Evangelical Church Leinoyne, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. B. 11. Nicbel, D. D„ will speak. Special music by male chorus under the direction of Prof R. AV. Sawyer.
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